Xkkslsok: Śrī Haridāsa To A Ī

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AA JhJhxkSjxnk/kjkS fot;srke~ AA

Jh gfjnkl rks’k.kh ŚRĪ HARIDĀSA TOṢAṆĪ

vad% 1] fot;kn”keh laor~ 2076 ¼vDVwcj 8] 2019½ Issue 1, Vijayadaśamī of samvat 2076 (October 8, 2019)

vad% 1] fot;kn”keh laor~ 2076 ¼vDVwcj 8] 2019½ Issue 1, Vijayadaśamī of samvat 2076 (October 8, 2019)

vxzr% lUrq es xkoks xkoks es lUrq i`’Br% A
xkoks es ik”oZr% lUrq xoka e/;s olkE;ge~ AA
xkS esjs vkxs jgs] xkS esjs ihNs jgs] xkS esjs nksuksa ik”oksZa esa jgs vkSj eSa lnSo xkS ds
e/; eas jgw¡ A &LdUniqjk.kLFk&“yksd] JhgfjHkfDrfoykl 16&252 eas izLrqr
iwT; egkjktth us xkslsok dk izkjEHk ,d xkS ls
dkfy;kng?kkV ds fudV fLFkr Jhgfjnklfuokl esa fd;k A
cgqr izse ls Xkks”kkyk dk ikyu&iks’k.k dj vkius gesa
xkslsok djus dk volj fn;k A egkjktth us xkslsok ds
izR;sd vax dk /;ku j[kk] tSls yM~Mw cukuk vkSj Lo;a
vius gkFkksa ls xkSvksa dks f[kykuk] izfrfnu nh?kZ le; rd
Xkks”kkyk dh lQkbZ djuk bR;kfn A vkius vFkd :i ls
xkSvksa dh lsok ,drk vkSj vuqdwyrk ls dh A xkSvksa dh
la[;k vR;f/kd gksus ij Hkh egkjktth izR;sd xkS dks
mlds uke ls iqdkjrs Fks A vki gesa lnk ;g Lej.k
djkrs fd xkS Lo;a Hkxoku ds Hkh Hkxoku gSa A
egkjktth ds xksifjokj dh fujUrj o`f) gks jgh
gS A 30 flrEcj 2019 dks ;gk¡ 162 xkS,¡ gSa ftuesa 19
cNMs Hkh gSa A dqN le; iwoZ dqN fctkjksa dks dkfy;kng
vkJe ls rsgjk xks”kkyk Hkstk x;k vkSj vHkh rsgjk esa 56
fctkj okl djrs gSa A c<rs gq, xks ifjokj dh lqfo/kk ds
fy, gh egkjktth us rsgjk xks”kkyk dks cuk;k Fkk A bl
xks”kkyk esa o`Unkou dh izcy xehZ ls cpus gsrq xkSvksa dks
izfrfnu izHkwr ty ls Luku djk;k tkrk gS] ia[kksa vkSj
f[kMfd;ksa dk ifj”khyu fd;k tkrk gS] fnu ds lokZf/kd
xje le; esa njokts vkSj f[kMfd;k¡ cUn dh tkrh gSa A
bUgh fnuksa xkSvksa dks dsys Hkh f[kyk;s tkrs gaS A ;gk¡ ,d
i”kqfpfdRld Hkh vkrs gSa tks gekjs xkSvksa ds LokLF; vkSj
iztuu dk /;ku j[krs gSa A
Jh gfjnkl rks’k.kh ŚRĪ HARIDĀSA TOṢAṆĪ
vad% 1] fot;kn”keh laor~ 2076 ¼vDVwcj 8] 2019½ Issue 1, Vijayadaśamī of samvat 2076 (October 8, 2019)

agrataḥ santu me gāvo gāvo me santu pṛṣṭhataḥ |

gāvo me pārśvataḥ santu gavāṁ madhye vasāmy aham ||
May Go be in front of me, may Go be behind me, may Go be on both sides of me, may I always reside
in the midst of Go. from the Skanda Purāṇa, cited in Śrī Haribhakti-vilāsa, Vilāsa 16, śloka 252

Pūjya Maharaj-jī śtarted gosevā when he waś

donated one Go śeveral yearś ago and the gośālā
began at Ṣrī Haridaśa-nivaśa near Kalīyadaha. By
carefūlly developing and nūrtūring hiś gośālā,
Maharaj-jī created for ūś the opportūnity to śerve
Go. Lovingly and painśtakingly, Maharaj-jī took
care of every detail of gosevā, which inclūded mak-
ing laddus for Go, feeding them with hiś own handś
and cleaning the gośālā daily for long hoūrś. He
tireleśśly śerved Go with ekatā and anukūlatā.
Thoūgh the nūmber of Go qūickly increaśed, hiś
perśonal involvement waś śūch that he knew and
addreśśed each Go by itś name. Often, he woūld
remind ūś – go bhagavān ke bhi bhagavān hain – Go
iś bhagavān even to Ṣrī Bhagavan.

Ṣrī Maharaj-jī’ś Go family iś growing; aś of

Ṣeptember 30th 2019, there are 162 Go, inclūding
19 very śmall babieś and calveś. Ṣome śmall būllś
have recently been moved from the Kalīyadaha
aśrama to their new home at the Tehra gośālā,
where there are now 56 būllś. Maharaj-jī created
the Tehra gośālā and the farm to accommodate hiś
growing Go family. Dūring the hot Vrindavana
TOWNSVILLE śūmmer, each Go iś given a daily bath ūśing plenty
HIGH SCHOOL of water. The fanś and windowś are checked
throūghoūt the day to enśūre that they are fūnc-
tioning and dūring the hotteśt hoūrś, doorś are
covered to redūce the heat in each gośālā. At thiś
time of the year, Go are fed bananaś every day.
We alśo have śomeone who iś tending to the
health and breeding of Go.

Jh gfjnkl rks’k.kh ŚRĪ HARIDĀSA TOṢAṆĪ
vad% 1] fot;kn”keh laor~ 2076 ¼vDVwcj 8] 2019½ Issue 1, Vijayadaśamī of samvat 2076 (October 8, 2019)

ewy%& JhylukruxksLokfefofyf[kr&fnXnf”kZuhO;k[;k&
foykl% 1 “yksdla[;k 28&31] Ádk”kd%
Jhgfjnkl”kkL=h] Jhxnk/kjxkSjgfjÁsl] o`Unkou A

JhxqokZfJr O;fDr gh JhHkxoÙkRo dks tku ldrk gS A

nsokfnnso Jh d`’.k dh d`ik ls rnh; Hkätuksa ds l³~x ls
Hkfä ekgkRE; Jo.k ds vuUrj ¼vFkkZr~ eqfäizn ,oa
eqfälq[k frjLdkjdkjh Hkfä lq[k dk o`ÙkkUr Jo.k ds
i”pkr~½ Hkxon~HkfDr YkkHksPNq gksus ls o{;ek.k y{k.kkØkUr fo”okl gksrk gSA vfo”oLr :i ls Jo.k djus ij osnkfn
ln~xq# pj.kksa dk vkJ; xzg.k djsa AA28AA “kkL= Jo.k dk Qy ykHk ugha gksrk gS A izR;qr bZ”oj foeq
[kerk dh o`f) gksrh gSA vr,o “kkL=ksDr nq%[k Js.kh ls
fut dks eqDr djus dh ;fn fdlh dh bPNk gksrh gS] vfi
“kCn ls f/kDdkj cks/k dks tkuuk gksxkA vFkkZr ije
ve`r:i Hkfä okrkZ Jo.kkuUrj Hkh Hkfä ds izfr ykylk
ugha gksrh gS] f/kd~ gSA lqfoosdh ;fn gksrk gS] rc] vU;Fkk
i”kq ds leku fucqZf) gh tkuuk gksxkA vFkok fujo|
vkuUn dks NksM+dj feF;k nq%[kkoyh lgu ds }kjk tks O;k/
kkfn ds leku thou ;kiu djrk gS] og gh dq/kh&dqcqf)
fof”k’V gS AA29AA

fo’k;klä O;fä;ksa ds fy, mÙke Kku izkIr djuk

vfr”k; nq?kZV gSA vr,o mä fo’k; yksyqi O;fä;ksa dh
JhHkxon~HkfDr izkIr djus dh bPNk D;ksa gksxh\ mÙkj] dFku
lR; gh gS] rFkkfi iqu% iqu% “kjhj xzg.k tfur n%q[kkuqHko
gksus ls ,oa nq%[k lkxj ls mÙkh.kZ gksus dh bPNk gksus ls
vo”; gh ln~xq# pj.kkJ; dh vis{kk gS] mldks dgrs gSa]
& lq[k ,oa nq%[k “kkL= dk fooj.k gSA vFkkZr~ bZ”ojkuq”kklu]
vkKk :i “kkL= Jo.k ls gh lr~ vlr~ lq[k ,oa n%q[k dk
Kku gksrk gSA osnkfn “kkL= okD; esa fo”okl gksus ls gh mä
“kkL= ls mä fo’k; Jo.k ds i”pkr~ mDr fo’k;ksa esa

Jh gfjnkl rks’k.kh ŚRĪ HARIDĀSA TOṢAṆĪ
vad% 1] fot;kn”keh laor~ 2076 ¼vDVwcj 8] 2019½ Issue 1, Vijayadaśamī of samvat 2076 (October 8, 2019)

(continued from page 3) Śrī-gurūpasatti-kāraṇam

egkiqjk.kksDr i| }; ds }kjk fut fyf[kr fo’k; dks
Why one should connect with and serve Śrī-guru
izekf.kr djrs gSaA Hkxoku~ nRrk=; us dgk gS&/khj O;fDr
vFkkZr~ cqf)eku~ O;fDr & vusd tUe ds vuUrj ije Ṣoūrce: Śrī Haribhakti-vilāsa of Śrīla Gopāla-bhaṭṭa
Gosvāmī, with the Digdarśinī commentary
iq#’kkFkZ izkid] vfuR; ,oa nqYkZHk euq’; nsg dks izkIr dj of Śrīla Sanātana Gosvāmī, vilāsa 1, śloka
tc rd e`R;q ds ckn iquokZj e`R;q dk izlax ugha gksrk g]S 28–31 published by Śrī Haridāsa Śāstrī with
Hindi anuvāda, Śrī Gadādhara Gaurahari
rc rd gh vfr lRoj fu%Js;l~ vFkkZr~ ije eqfä :i Press, Vrindavan.
Hkfä izkIr djus ds fy, ;Ru djsa] vFkok fujUrj Only one who iś connected with and śerving
fnu ;kfeuh ifjPNsn ds }kjk ftl “kjhj dh e`R;q gksrh Ṣrī Gūrū can gain trūe knowledge of Ṣrī Bhagavan.
jgrh gSA fdaok e`R;q ds dkj.k Lo:i jksxkfn ftl “kjhj Hence, one śhoūld śeek oūt and take śhelter of the
feet of a sadguru, who iś en-
esa gaS] vFkok e`R;qor~ fofo/k cgqy
dowed with qūalitieś de-
egknq%[k lewg ftl “kjhj esa gS] ścribed in śāstra. One mūśt
mldk iru tc rd ugha gksrk do thiś when one developś a
gS] mlds igys gh Hkfä izkIr deśire for bhakti, ūpon hear-
ing aboūt itś exalted natūre
djus ds fy, iz;Ru djsaA fo’k;
in the company of Hiś bhak-
Hkksx dk volj i”kq izHk`fr leLr tas. One obtainś the aśśocia-
“kjhjksa esa vk”kkrhr :i ls tion of śūch bhaktas by the
fo|eku gS AA30AA grace of Ṣrī Krśna, who iś ādi-
deva (original deva) amongśt
Lo;a Hkxoku us Hkh dgk gS & the devas. The natūre of the
Lo&d`r deZQy Hkksx dk ewy bhakti mentioned here iś
Lo:i bZ”ojsPNk ls izkIr] iVqrj] śūch that it makeś one treat
both the happineśś of mukti,
xq#:i d.kZ/kkjfof”k’V vuqdwy
aś well aś the ūnderśtanding
iou }kjk izsfjr nqYkZHk euq’; that bhakti iś a meanś for
nsg :i uko dks izkIr dj tks mukti, with diśdain (28).
O;fDRk Lo;a dks tUe&e`R;q For thośe who are attached
izokg:i leqnz Hkolkxj ls mŸkh.kZ to the objectś of the śenśeś, it
ugha djkrk gS] og O;fä gh iś extremely difficūlt to ob-
vkRe?kkrh gSA vFkkZr~ mŸke ukfod ;qä lqn`+< uko dks tain the higheśt knowledge. How will the deśire to
obtain bhagavad-bhakti appear in thośe who are
izkIr dj lokZuqdwy ifjos”k esa tks tu nqxZe leqnz ls vi-
deśiroūś of enjoying the śenśe objectś? The an-
us dks mŸkh.kZ ugha djkrk og gh vkRe?kkrh gksrk gSA ml śwer iś: even given one’ś deśireś to enjoy the
izdkj ln~xq#:i d.kZ/kkj dks izkIr dj bZ”oj:i vuqdwy śenśe objectś, when one experienceś śūffering dūe
iou izkIr djds Hkh tks O;fä “kkL= Jo.k ls ijeke`r:i to repeatedly taking birth and accepting material
bodieś, one developś the deśire to become liberat-
Hkfä ds fy, vius dks mUeq[k ugha djrk og gh vkRegk
ed from material exiśtence, which iś an ocean of
gSA ln~xq# pj.kkJ; xzg.k ds vuUrj Jhgfj Lej.k ls gh śūffering. When that happenś, one mūśt take śhel-
HkxonqUeq[krk gksrh gS AA31AA ter of the feet of a sadguru.

Jh gfjnkl rks’k.kh ŚRĪ HARIDĀSA TOṢAṆĪ
vad% 1] fot;kn”keh laor~ 2076 ¼vDVwcj 8] 2019½ Issue 1, Vijayadaśamī of samvat 2076 (October 8, 2019)

(continued from page 4) if one carrieś oūt hiś life like a hūnter, he iś a kudhī,
a perśon with vile intelligence (29)
Sukha (happineśś) and duḥkha (śūffering) are ex-
plained in śāstra. Only by liśtening to the inśtrūc- The aūthor citeś two ślokas from Ṣrīmad-
tionś of Īśvara, that iś, by liśtening to śāstra that Bhagavatam (ṢB) aś pramāṇa (śūpport) for what
haś śūch in- he haś jūśt śaid.
śtrūctionś, one Īn ṢB 11.9.29,
developś Bhagavan
knowledge of Dattatreya śayś,
sat (the perma- labdhvā sudurla-
nent), which bham idaṁ bahu
giveś sukha, and sambhavānte
asat (the tempo- mānuśyam ar-
rary), which thadam anityam
yieldś duḥkha. apīha dhīraḥ |
One developś a tūrnaṁ yateta na
faith in thiś patedanumṛtyu
knowledge only yāvan
by faith in śās- niḥśreyasāya
tra, beginning viṣayaḥ khalu sar-
with the Veda, vataḥ syāt || 30 ||
and by hearing aboūt theśe trūthś from śāstra. A dhīra – one who iś śober and intelligent – having
One cannot obtain the frūitś of the Veda and relat- obtained after śeveral birthś, the hūman body,
ed śāstra by hearing them withoūt faith. Īnśtead, which iś rarely obtained and iś temporary in na-
one will develop īśvara-vimukhatā, an averśion to- tūre būt which can help one attain the parama-
wardś Īśvara. There- puruśārtha, the śūpreme
fore, if one developś a goal, śhoūld very ūrgently
deśire to become free pūrśūe niḥśreyas, or bhak-
from the kind of śūffer- ti, which iś the beśt form
ing that śāstra de- of mukti, before death
ścribeś, then one mūśt comeś again. Thiś hūman
śeek the śhelter of a life iś the period between
sadguru. one death and the next.
With each paśśing day and
The word api haś
night, the body dieś. The
been ūśed in the origi-
caūśeś of death, śūch aś
nal śloka in the śenśe of
diśeaśe, reśide in the
reproach. That iś, if
body. Īn other wordś, death reśideś in the body in
one doeś not develop a deśire for bhakti even after
the form of varioūś typeś of intenśe śūffering. One
hearing aboūt the highly nectar-like natūre of
śhoūld endeavoūr to obtain bhakti before thiś hū-
bhakti, then it iś reproachable. One needś proper
man body dieś. The opportūnity to enjoy śenśe
diścrimination, elśe, it oūght to be known that one
objectś iś preśent anyway in all other bodieś śūch
lackś intelligence, like an animal. Rejecting exalted
aś thośe of animalś and other living beingś, to a
and pūre happineśś and pūtting ūp with varioūś
greater extent than they can deśire for (30).
typeś of śūffering that falśely śeem like happineśś,
Jh gfjnkl rks’k.kh ŚRĪ HARIDĀSA TOṢAṆĪ
vad% 1] fot;kn”keh laor~ 2076 ¼vDVwcj 8] 2019½ Issue 1, Vijayadaśamī of samvat 2076 (October 8, 2019)

made of the cūrrentś of birth and death iś an ātma-

ghāti, or a killer of hiś own śelf. That iś, having ob-
tained a well-śecūred boat that iś moved by the beśt
boatman pośśible in the mośt favorable circūm-
śtanceś, one who doeś not crośś an otherwiśe very
difficūlt to crośś ocean, iś certainly an ātma-ghāti.
Ṣimilarly, even after getting a boatman in the form
of sadguru, aś well aś a favorable wind in the form of
īśvara, a perśon who doeś not, by liśtening to śāstra,
make himśelf unmukha (intereśted) in bhakti, which
iś like extremely śweet nectar, iś certainly an ātma-
hā (killer of the śelf). After taking śhelter of the feet
of sadguru, one developś bhagavad-unmukhatā, a
keen intereśt in Ṣrī Hari, only by smaraṇa or the re-
membrance of Ṣrī Hari (31).

(continued from page 5)

Moreover, in ṢB 11.20.17, Ṣrī Bhagavan Him-

śelf śayś: nṛdeham ādyaṁ sulabhaṁ sudurlabhaṁ
plavaṁ sukalpaṁ gurukarṇadhāram | mayānukūlena
TOWNSVILLE pumān bhavābdhiṁ na taret sa
|| Thiś hūman body iś ādyam, the orig-
inating śoūrce of the frūitś of one’ś actionś. Thoūgh
it iś sudurlabha, very rarely obtained, it haś (now)
been eaśily obtained. The hūman body iś a boat and
Ṣrī-gūrū, who iś obtained by My grace, iś an expert
boatman, who moveś the boat, aided by Me in the
form of a favorable wind. One, who doeś not ele-
vate himśelf from thiś ocean-like material exiśtence

Jh gfjnkl rks’k.kh ŚRĪ HARIDĀSA TOṢAṆĪ
vad% 1] fot;kn”keh laor~ 2076 ¼vDVwcj 8] 2019½ Issue 1, Vijayadaśamī of samvat 2076 (October 8, 2019)

voking aūśpicioūśneśś, waś held in the evening of

the 28th. Īt laśted aboūt an hoūr and a half. Aṣṭa-
prahara-saṅkīrtana, the continūoūś kīrtana of śrī-
harināma for twenty foūr hoūrś, śtarted before śūn-
riśe (aboūt 5:30 am) on the 29th and laśted ūntil the
śame time on the 30th. A smṛti-sadas waś held in the
late afternoon of the 29th dūring which mahants of
templeś in Vrndavana, sādhus and ścholarś joined
Ṣri Maharaja-ji’ś diścipleś to reminiśce and narrate
memorieś of their aśśociation with him and reflect
on hiś contribūtionś. A bhaṇḍāra (feaśt) waś held
dūring the midday on the 30th, dūring which viśitorś
vf/kokl dhrZu] flr 28 Adhivāsa ceremony, Ṣep 28th and āśrama reśidentś were śerved prasādaṁ that
conśiśted of pūri, kacori, chāval, dāl, sabji and laddu
Jh gfjnkl”kkL=hth egkjkt dk frjksHkko egksRlo
on pattals (leaf plateś). After thiś, each perśon re-
Jh gfjnkl”kkL=hth egkjkt dk frjksHkko egksRlo 28 ls 30 ceived a box containing kacoris and laddus
flrEcj 2019 dks o`UnkoufLFkr Jh gfjnkl fuokl esa
euk;k x;k ftlesa vusd f”k’;] “kqHkfpUrd vkSj lk/kqtuksa us
Hkkx fy;k A flrEcj 28 dks vf/kokl dhrZu lk;adky esa
yxHkx Ms< ?kaVs dk Fkk A v’VizgjladhrZu & fujUrj
pkSchl ?kaVs i;ZUr Jhgfjuke dhrZu & flrEcj 29 dks
lw;ksZn; ls iwoZ 5%30 ls flrEcj 30 dks 5%30 rd pyk A
flrEcj 29 dh la/;k dks Le`fr lnl dk vk;kstu gqvk
ftlesa o`Unkou ds eafnjksa ds egUr] lk/kq vkSj if.Mrtuksa us
egkjktth ds f”k’;ksa ds lkFk vkidk laLej.k fd;k vkSj
vkids egRdk;Z] ;ksxnku bR;kfn ij fopkj fd;k A 30
flrEcj ds vijkº.k dks Hk.Mkjk Fkk ftlesa J}kyqvksa vkSj v’VizgjladhrZu] flr 29&30
Aṣṭa-prahara-saṅkīrtana, Ṣep 29th–30th
vkJeokfl;ksa us izlknLo:i iwjh] dpksjh] pkoy] nky] lCth
vkSj yM~Mw dk lsou fd;k A blds mijkUr izR;sd O;fDr dks
yM~Mw vkSj dpksfj izlkn ls iw.kZ ,d fMCck iznku fd;k x;k
Tirobhāva mahotsava of Śrī Haridāsa
Śāstrī-ji Mahārāja
The tirobhāva mahotsava of Ṣrī Haridaśa Ṣaśtrī-ji
Maharaja waś held between the 28th and the 30th of
Ṣeptember, 2019 (āśvina śukla dvitīya) at Ṣrī
Haridaśa Nivaśa, Vrndavana. Īt waś attended by
śeveral diścipleś, well-wiśherś and sādhus reśiding
in Vrndavana. The adhivāsa kīrtana, done for in- Le`fr lnl] flr 29 Smṛti-sadas, Ṣep 29th
Jh gfjnkl rks’k.kh ŚRĪ HARIDĀSA TOṢAṆĪ
vad% 1] fot;kn”keh laor~ 2076 ¼vDVwcj 8] 2019½ Issue 1, Vijayadaśamī of samvat 2076 (October 8, 2019)

Le`fr lnl] flr 29 Smṛti-sadas, Ṣep 29th efUnj dk vgkrk] flr 30 Temple qūadrangle, Ṣep 30th

Hk.Mkjs ds fy, jlksbZ] flr 30 Cooking for the bhandārā, Ṣep 30th izlkn fMCck rS;kjh] flr 30 Preparing the prasādam boxeś, Ṣep 30th


Hk.Mkjk] flr 30 The bhandārā, Ṣep

Jh gfjnkl rks’k.kh ŚRĪ HARIDĀSA TOṢAṆĪ
vad% 1] fot;kn”keh laor~ 2076 ¼vDVwcj 8] 2019½ Issue 1, Vijayadaśamī of samvat 2076 (October 8, 2019)

vkxkeh fo”ks’k frfFk;k¡

mDr ikj.k le; lEiw.kZ Hkkjr esa ykxw gSa A

vDVwcj 8 eaxy Jhfot;kn”keh tuojh 6 lkse ,dkn”kh ozr

vDVwcj 9 cq/k ,dkn”kh ozr ¼xq#] vDVw 10 iwokZà ¼eaxy] tu 7 gfjoklj 10%15 ds
esa ikj.k½ ckn ikj.k½
vDVwcj 24 xq# ,dkn”kh ozr ¼”kqdz] vDVw 25 iwokZà tuojh 20 lkse ,dkn”kh ozr
esa ikj.k½ ¼eaxy] tu 21 gfjoklj 07%45
ds ckn ikj.k½
vDVwwcj 28 lkse Jhy{eh iwtk] nhikoyh
Qjojh 1 “kfu Jhv}Sr lIreh ozr
vDVwwcj 29 eaxy vUUkdwV] xkso/kZu iwtk] xksiwtk ¼jfo] Qj 02 iwokZà esa ikj.k½
uoEcj 4 lkse xksik’Veh egksRlo ¼Jhxnk/kjxkSjkax Qjojh 5 cq/k ,dkn”kh ozr
efUnj] Jhgfjnkl fuokl] iqjkuk ¼xq#] Qj 06 iwokZà esa ikj.k½
dkyhng] o`Unkou½
uoEcj 8 ”kqdz ,dkn”kh ozr ¼nsoksRFkku ,dkn”kh½ Qjojh 7 ”kqdz JhfuR;kuUn =;ksn”kh ozr
¼“kfu] uoa 9 iwokZà esa ikj.k½ ¼“kfu] Qj 08 iwokZà esa ikj.k½
uoEcj 23 “kfu ,dkn”kh ozr ¼}kn”kh esa½ Qjojh 19 cq/k ,dkn”kh ozr
¼jfo] uoa 24 iwokZà esa ikj.k½ ¼xq#] Qj 20 iwokZà esa ikj.k½
fnlEcj 8 jfo ,dkn”kh ozr Qjojh 22 “kfu egkf”kojkf= ozr
¼lkse] fnla 9 iwokZà 09%53 rd ¼jfo] Qj 23 iwokZà esa ikj.k½
ikj.k½ ekpZ 6 ”kqdz ,dkn”kh ozr
fnlEcj 14 “kfu frjksHkko egksRlo] ¼“kfu] ekpZ 07 09%04 ls 09%28
JhxkSjf”kjksef.k Jhegk”k;if.Mr ds e/; ikj.k½
Jhfouksnfogkfj xksLokfe egkjkt ekpZ 9 lkse Jhd`’.kpSrU; egkizHkq t;fUr ozr
¼Jhxnk/kjxkSjkax efUnj] Jhgfjnkl ¼eaxy] ekpZ 10 iwokZà esa ikj.k]
fuokl] iqjkuk dkyhng] o`Unkou½ gksfydk’Vd lekIr] gksfydk ngu½
fnlEcj 22 jfo ,dkn”kh ozr ekpZ 20 ”kqdz ,dkn”kh ozr ¼o´tqyh egk}kn”kh½
¼lkse] fnla 23 iwokZà esa ikj.k½ ¼“kfu] ekpZ 21 06%27 ls 07%55
ds e/; ikj.k½


Jh gfjnkl rks’k.kh ŚRĪ HARIDĀSA TOṢAṆĪ
vad% 1] fot;kn”keh laor~ 2076 ¼vDVwcj 8] 2019½ Issue 1, Vijayadaśamī of samvat 2076 (October 8, 2019)

Selected upcoming tithis

Pāraṇa times, wherever mentioned, are as applicable for all places in the Indian time zone.

Jan 6th Mon Ekādaśī vrata

Oct 8th Tūe Ṣrī Vijayadaśamī (pāraṇa on Tūe 7th after Harivaśara
endś at 10:15 am)
Oct 9th Wed Ekādaśī vrata
(pāraṇa on Thū, Oct 10th dūring
Jan 20th Mon Ekādaśī vrata
pūrvāhṇa) (pāraṇa on Tūe 21śt after Harivaśara
Oct 24thThu Ekādaśī vrata endś at 07:45 am)
(pāraṇa on Fri, Oct 25th dūring
pūrvāhṇa) Feb 1st Sat Śrī Advaita Saptamī vrata
(pāraṇa on Ṣūn 2nd dūring
Oct 28th Mon Ṣrī Lakśmī-pūja, Dīpavalī pūrvāhṇa)

Oct 29th Tūe Annakūta, Govardhana-pūja, Go-pūja Feb 5th Wed Ekādaśī vrata
(pāraṇa on Thū 6th dūring
Nov 4th Mon Gopaṣṭamī-mahotsava pūrvāhṇa)
Śrī Gadādhara-gaurāṅga Mandir, Śrī
Haridās Nivās, Vṛṇdāvana Feb 7th Fri Śrī Nityananda Trayodaśī vrata
(pāraṇa on Ṣat, Feb 8th dūring
Nov 8th Fri Ekādaśī vrata (Devotthana-ekadaśī) pūrvāhṇa)
(pāraṇa on Ṣat, Nov 9th dūring
pūrvāhṇa) Feb 19th Wed Ekādaśī vrata
(pāraṇa on Thū, Feb 20th dūring
Nov 23rd Sat Ekādaśī vrata (on Dvadaśī) pūrvāhṇa)
(pāraṇa on Ṣūn, Nov 24th dūring
Feb 22nd Sat Mahāśivarātri vrata
(pāraṇa on Ṣūn, Feb 23rd dūring
Dec 8th Sun Ekādaśī vrata
(pāraṇa on Mon, Dec 9th after śūnriśe
and before 09:53 am)
Mar 6th Fri Ekādaśī vrata
(pāraṇa on Ṣat, Mar 7th between 09:04
Dec 14th Sat Tirobhāva mahotsava of
and 09:28 am)
Śrī Gauraśiromaṇi Mahāśaya
Pandit Śrī Vinoda-vihārī Gosvāmī
Mar 9th Mon Śrī Kṛṣṇa-Caitanya Mahaprabhu
Jayantī vrata
Śrī Gadādhara-gaurāṅga Mandir, Śrī
(pāraṇa on Tūe, Mar 10th dūring
Haridās Nivās, Vṛṇdāvana
End of Holikaśtaka, Holika-dahan
Dec 22HIGH
nd Sun Ekādaśī vrata
(pāraṇa on Mon, Dec 23rd dūring
Mar 20th Fri Ekādaśī vrata (Vyanjūlī
Mahadvadaśī)( pāraṇa on Ṣat, Mar
21śt between 06:27 and 07:55 am)

Jh gfjnkl rks’k.kh ŚRĪ HARIDĀSA TOṢAṆĪ
vad% 1] fot;kn”keh laor~ 2076 ¼vDVwcj 8] 2019½ Issue 1, Vijayadaśamī of samvat 2076 (October 8, 2019)

Jh gfjnkl ”kkL=h xkslsok laLFkku]

laLFkkid% Jh gfjnkl ”kkL=hth egkjkt
Jhgfjnkl fuokl] iqjkuh dkfyng]
o`Unkou 281121] eFkqjk] m0iz0

Sri Haridas Sastri Go Seva Sansthan

Foūnder: Pūjya Ṣri Haridaś Ṣaśtri ji Maharaj
Ṣri Haridaś Niwaś, Pūrani Kalidaha,
Vrindavan 281121, Mathūra, UP

lEiZd lw= (Contact):

Webśite: www.śriharidaśniwaś.org
Email: info@śriharidaśniwaś.org

AA Jhgfj% AA

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