Xkkslsok: Śrī Haridāsa To A Ī
Xkkslsok: Śrī Haridāsa To A Ī
Xkkslsok: Śrī Haridāsa To A Ī
vad% 1] fot;kn”keh laor~ 2076 ¼vDVwcj 8] 2019½ Issue 1, Vijayadaśamī of samvat 2076 (October 8, 2019)
vxzr% lUrq es xkoks xkoks es lUrq i`’Br% A
xkoks es ik”oZr% lUrq xoka e/;s olkE;ge~ AA
xkS esjs vkxs jgs] xkS esjs ihNs jgs] xkS esjs nksuksa ik”oksZa esa jgs vkSj eSa lnSo xkS ds
e/; eas jgw¡ A &LdUniqjk.kLFk&“yksd] JhgfjHkfDrfoykl 16&252 eas izLrqr
iwT; egkjktth us xkslsok dk izkjEHk ,d xkS ls
dkfy;kng?kkV ds fudV fLFkr Jhgfjnklfuokl esa fd;k A
cgqr izse ls Xkks”kkyk dk ikyu&iks’k.k dj vkius gesa
xkslsok djus dk volj fn;k A egkjktth us xkslsok ds
izR;sd vax dk /;ku j[kk] tSls yM~Mw cukuk vkSj Lo;a
vius gkFkksa ls xkSvksa dks f[kykuk] izfrfnu nh?kZ le; rd
Xkks”kkyk dh lQkbZ djuk bR;kfn A vkius vFkd :i ls
xkSvksa dh lsok ,drk vkSj vuqdwyrk ls dh A xkSvksa dh
la[;k vR;f/kd gksus ij Hkh egkjktth izR;sd xkS dks
mlds uke ls iqdkjrs Fks A vki gesa lnk ;g Lej.k
djkrs fd xkS Lo;a Hkxoku ds Hkh Hkxoku gSa A
egkjktth ds xksifjokj dh fujUrj o`f) gks jgh
gS A 30 flrEcj 2019 dks ;gk¡ 162 xkS,¡ gSa ftuesa 19
cNMs Hkh gSa A dqN le; iwoZ dqN fctkjksa dks dkfy;kng
vkJe ls rsgjk xks”kkyk Hkstk x;k vkSj vHkh rsgjk esa 56
fctkj okl djrs gSa A c<rs gq, xks ifjokj dh lqfo/kk ds
fy, gh egkjktth us rsgjk xks”kkyk dks cuk;k Fkk A bl
xks”kkyk esa o`Unkou dh izcy xehZ ls cpus gsrq xkSvksa dks
izfrfnu izHkwr ty ls Luku djk;k tkrk gS] ia[kksa vkSj
f[kMfd;ksa dk ifj”khyu fd;k tkrk gS] fnu ds lokZf/kd
xje le; esa njokts vkSj f[kMfd;k¡ cUn dh tkrh gSa A
bUgh fnuksa xkSvksa dks dsys Hkh f[kyk;s tkrs gaS A ;gk¡ ,d
i”kqfpfdRld Hkh vkrs gSa tks gekjs xkSvksa ds LokLF; vkSj
iztuu dk /;ku j[krs gSa A
Jh gfjnkl rks’k.kh ŚRĪ HARIDĀSA TOṢAṆĪ
vad% 1] fot;kn”keh laor~ 2076 ¼vDVwcj 8] 2019½ Issue 1, Vijayadaśamī of samvat 2076 (October 8, 2019)
Jh gfjnkl rks’k.kh ŚRĪ HARIDĀSA TOṢAṆĪ
vad% 1] fot;kn”keh laor~ 2076 ¼vDVwcj 8] 2019½ Issue 1, Vijayadaśamī of samvat 2076 (October 8, 2019)
ewy%& JhylukruxksLokfefofyf[kr&fnXnf”kZuhO;k[;k&
foykl% 1 “yksdla[;k 28&31] Ádk”kd%
Jhgfjnkl”kkL=h] Jhxnk/kjxkSjgfjÁsl] o`Unkou A
Jh gfjnkl rks’k.kh ŚRĪ HARIDĀSA TOṢAṆĪ
vad% 1] fot;kn”keh laor~ 2076 ¼vDVwcj 8] 2019½ Issue 1, Vijayadaśamī of samvat 2076 (October 8, 2019)
Jh gfjnkl rks’k.kh ŚRĪ HARIDĀSA TOṢAṆĪ
vad% 1] fot;kn”keh laor~ 2076 ¼vDVwcj 8] 2019½ Issue 1, Vijayadaśamī of samvat 2076 (October 8, 2019)
(continued from page 4) if one carrieś oūt hiś life like a hūnter, he iś a kudhī,
a perśon with vile intelligence (29)
Sukha (happineśś) and duḥkha (śūffering) are ex-
plained in śāstra. Only by liśtening to the inśtrūc- The aūthor citeś two ślokas from Ṣrīmad-
tionś of Īśvara, that iś, by liśtening to śāstra that Bhagavatam (ṢB) aś pramāṇa (śūpport) for what
haś śūch in- he haś jūśt śaid.
śtrūctionś, one Īn ṢB 11.9.29,
developś Bhagavan
knowledge of Dattatreya śayś,
sat (the perma- labdhvā sudurla-
nent), which bham idaṁ bahu
giveś sukha, and sambhavānte
asat (the tempo- mānuśyam ar-
rary), which thadam anityam
yieldś duḥkha. apīha dhīraḥ |
One developś a tūrnaṁ yateta na
faith in thiś patedanumṛtyu
knowledge only yāvan
by faith in śās- niḥśreyasāya
tra, beginning viṣayaḥ khalu sar-
with the Veda, vataḥ syāt || 30 ||
and by hearing aboūt theśe trūthś from śāstra. A dhīra – one who iś śober and intelligent – having
One cannot obtain the frūitś of the Veda and relat- obtained after śeveral birthś, the hūman body,
ed śāstra by hearing them withoūt faith. Īnśtead, which iś rarely obtained and iś temporary in na-
one will develop īśvara-vimukhatā, an averśion to- tūre būt which can help one attain the parama-
wardś Īśvara. There- puruśārtha, the śūpreme
fore, if one developś a goal, śhoūld very ūrgently
deśire to become free pūrśūe niḥśreyas, or bhak-
from the kind of śūffer- ti, which iś the beśt form
ing that śāstra de- of mukti, before death
ścribeś, then one mūśt comeś again. Thiś hūman
śeek the śhelter of a life iś the period between
sadguru. one death and the next.
With each paśśing day and
The word api haś
night, the body dieś. The
been ūśed in the origi-
caūśeś of death, śūch aś
nal śloka in the śenśe of
diśeaśe, reśide in the
reproach. That iś, if
body. Īn other wordś, death reśideś in the body in
one doeś not develop a deśire for bhakti even after
the form of varioūś typeś of intenśe śūffering. One
hearing aboūt the highly nectar-like natūre of
śhoūld endeavoūr to obtain bhakti before thiś hū-
bhakti, then it iś reproachable. One needś proper
man body dieś. The opportūnity to enjoy śenśe
diścrimination, elśe, it oūght to be known that one
objectś iś preśent anyway in all other bodieś śūch
lackś intelligence, like an animal. Rejecting exalted
aś thośe of animalś and other living beingś, to a
and pūre happineśś and pūtting ūp with varioūś
greater extent than they can deśire for (30).
typeś of śūffering that falśely śeem like happineśś,
Jh gfjnkl rks’k.kh ŚRĪ HARIDĀSA TOṢAṆĪ
vad% 1] fot;kn”keh laor~ 2076 ¼vDVwcj 8] 2019½ Issue 1, Vijayadaśamī of samvat 2076 (October 8, 2019)
Jh gfjnkl rks’k.kh ŚRĪ HARIDĀSA TOṢAṆĪ
vad% 1] fot;kn”keh laor~ 2076 ¼vDVwcj 8] 2019½ Issue 1, Vijayadaśamī of samvat 2076 (October 8, 2019)
Le`fr lnl] flr 29 Smṛti-sadas, Ṣep 29th efUnj dk vgkrk] flr 30 Temple qūadrangle, Ṣep 30th
Hk.Mkjs ds fy, jlksbZ] flr 30 Cooking for the bhandārā, Ṣep 30th izlkn fMCck rS;kjh] flr 30 Preparing the prasādam boxeś, Ṣep 30th
Jh gfjnkl rks’k.kh ŚRĪ HARIDĀSA TOṢAṆĪ
vad% 1] fot;kn”keh laor~ 2076 ¼vDVwcj 8] 2019½ Issue 1, Vijayadaśamī of samvat 2076 (October 8, 2019)
Jh gfjnkl rks’k.kh ŚRĪ HARIDĀSA TOṢAṆĪ
vad% 1] fot;kn”keh laor~ 2076 ¼vDVwcj 8] 2019½ Issue 1, Vijayadaśamī of samvat 2076 (October 8, 2019)
Oct 29th Tūe Annakūta, Govardhana-pūja, Go-pūja Feb 5th Wed Ekādaśī vrata
(pāraṇa on Thū 6th dūring
Nov 4th Mon Gopaṣṭamī-mahotsava pūrvāhṇa)
Śrī Gadādhara-gaurāṅga Mandir, Śrī
Haridās Nivās, Vṛṇdāvana Feb 7th Fri Śrī Nityananda Trayodaśī vrata
(pāraṇa on Ṣat, Feb 8th dūring
Nov 8th Fri Ekādaśī vrata (Devotthana-ekadaśī) pūrvāhṇa)
(pāraṇa on Ṣat, Nov 9th dūring
pūrvāhṇa) Feb 19th Wed Ekādaśī vrata
(pāraṇa on Thū, Feb 20th dūring
Nov 23rd Sat Ekādaśī vrata (on Dvadaśī) pūrvāhṇa)
(pāraṇa on Ṣūn, Nov 24th dūring
Feb 22nd Sat Mahāśivarātri vrata
(pāraṇa on Ṣūn, Feb 23rd dūring
Dec 8th Sun Ekādaśī vrata
(pāraṇa on Mon, Dec 9th after śūnriśe
and before 09:53 am)
Mar 6th Fri Ekādaśī vrata
(pāraṇa on Ṣat, Mar 7th between 09:04
Dec 14th Sat Tirobhāva mahotsava of
and 09:28 am)
Śrī Gauraśiromaṇi Mahāśaya
Pandit Śrī Vinoda-vihārī Gosvāmī
Mar 9th Mon Śrī Kṛṣṇa-Caitanya Mahaprabhu
Jayantī vrata
Śrī Gadādhara-gaurāṅga Mandir, Śrī
(pāraṇa on Tūe, Mar 10th dūring
Haridās Nivās, Vṛṇdāvana
End of Holikaśtaka, Holika-dahan
Dec 22HIGH
nd Sun Ekādaśī vrata
(pāraṇa on Mon, Dec 23rd dūring
Mar 20th Fri Ekādaśī vrata (Vyanjūlī
Mahadvadaśī)( pāraṇa on Ṣat, Mar
21śt between 06:27 and 07:55 am)
Jh gfjnkl rks’k.kh ŚRĪ HARIDĀSA TOṢAṆĪ
vad% 1] fot;kn”keh laor~ 2076 ¼vDVwcj 8] 2019½ Issue 1, Vijayadaśamī of samvat 2076 (October 8, 2019)
AA Jhgfj% AA