The document discusses the mistreatment and killing of animals as being against religious principles. It references a passage from the Srimad Bhagavatam that states Kali was given places to dwell where there were four types of irreligious activities: gambling, intoxication, illicit sex, and slaughter of animals. Commenting on this, it is explained that harming living entities leads to all irreligious acts. The mistreatment of animals for economic gain is not beneficial. Dharma ensures the welfare and upliftment of all living beings.
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The document discusses the mistreatment and killing of animals as being against religious principles. It references a passage from the Srimad Bhagavatam that states Kali was given places to dwell where there were four types of irreligious activities: gambling, intoxication, illicit sex, and slaughter of animals. Commenting on this, it is explained that harming living entities leads to all irreligious acts. The mistreatment of animals for economic gain is not beneficial. Dharma ensures the welfare and upliftment of all living beings.
The document discusses the mistreatment and killing of animals as being against religious principles. It references a passage from the Srimad Bhagavatam that states Kali was given places to dwell where there were four types of irreligious activities: gambling, intoxication, illicit sex, and slaughter of animals. Commenting on this, it is explained that harming living entities leads to all irreligious acts. The mistreatment of animals for economic gain is not beneficial. Dharma ensures the welfare and upliftment of all living beings.
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The document discusses the mistreatment and killing of animals as being against religious principles. It references a passage from the Srimad Bhagavatam that states Kali was given places to dwell where there were four types of irreligious activities: gambling, intoxication, illicit sex, and slaughter of animals. Commenting on this, it is explained that harming living entities leads to all irreligious acts. The mistreatment of animals for economic gain is not beneficial. Dharma ensures the welfare and upliftment of all living beings.
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la matanza y crueldad hacia los animales es de la irreligin
en el dialogo entre Maharja Parikshit y kali, este ultimo
ruega por lugares en los cuales pueda habitar,: abhyarthitas tad tasmai sthnni kalaye dadau | dyta pna striya sn yatrdharma catur-vidha || (S.Bhag 1.17.38) Sta said: He then gave to Kali who had made the request places where there were four types of irreligion: gambling, wine, unmarried women and slaughter of animals.
Vishvanatha ch takura comenta a esterespecto: Dytam is clearly gambling. Pnam means drinking wine and other things. Striya means unmarried women. Sn is killing other living entities. With the appearance of gambling comes untruth, the loss of truthfulness. With the appearance of drinking comes intoxication and loss of mercy. With illicit women comes illicit sex and impurity. With violence to living entities comes all adharmas. Those who commit violence to living entities have no austerity, cleanliness or mercy. Truthful speaking does not exist in them at all.
El comentario es claro aquellos que comenten vilolencia a los demas seres cometen todos los adharmas. Este commentaryo hace eco a un verso del mahabharata
El comentario es claro aquellos que comenten vilolencia a los demas seres cometen todos los adharmas. Este commentaryo hace eco a un verso del mahabharata
en bsqueda de desarrollo econmico (artha) y riqueza fcil muchas personas estn dispuestas a cometer actos crueles hacia los dems seres, estos actos no son beneficiosos ni para la persona que lo comete ni para los dems como se quiere obtener fortuna atraves de estos horribles actos
Si de dharma se desprende fortuna y desarrollo eco no va a ser muy bueno el futuro de india , en busqueda de la riqueza facil estan dispuestos a comenter actos que no son beneficiosos
Rishi Jaimini, the author of Purva Mimamsa and Uthara Mimamsa, explains Dharma as: Sa hi nisreyasena pumshamsamyunaktiti pra-tijaneemahe tadabhidhiyate chodanalakshno ariho dharmaha[10] Dharma is that which is indicated by the Vedas as conducive to the highest good.
Dharma is that which sustains and ensures progress and welfare of all in this world and eternal Bliss in the other world. Dharma is promulgated in the form of commands. (positive and negative vidhi and nishedha).
It is most difficult to define Dharma. Dharma has been explained to be that which helps the upliftment of living beings. Therefore, that which ensures the welfare of living beings is surely Dharma. The learned rishis have declared that that which sustains is Dharma.
Los actos prohividos (nisheda) no conllevan a ningun beneficio sino que generan sufrimiento,
ukadeva said: Because of the faith of the doer arising from the three guas, different varieties of destinations for action appear. All these destinations appear for all people in proportion to the guas. For the performer of forbidden acts of adharma, as with the performer of dharma, there are varieties of results for actions according to differences in faith of the performer. The destinations for performing acts out of desire caused by beginningless ignorance are merely transformations of those desires, with thousands of varieties. Among these destinations I shall describe in the detail the various hells.
(S,Bhag 5.26.2,3) idUSL3N0JQ36Y20131212 El punto central es
antes que nada debemos entender que Go es una creacin especial de bhagavan para la proteccin y el sustento de todos los seres ya que Go es una forma de Bhagavan,
The highest bhakti is defined as continuous service or emotions directed towards Ka, His expansion forms or others related to Him, with a pleasing attitude towards Ka. It should be devoid of desires other than the desire to please the Lord, and unobstructed by impersonal jna, the materialistic rituals of karma or other unfavorable acts.
One must fondly scratch the body of the Go and remove the insects that infect it. One must offer food to Go and circumambulate Go. Go being pleased, Lord Gopala is pleased to
atra aga-lakaam ritvntarneka-bheda kevalam eva v | eka karmtra vidvadbhir eka bhakty-agam ucyate ||1.2.73||
Krisna disfruta de la compania de go o go es su asociado intimo 10.47.49
saric-chaila-vanodde gvo venu-rav ime sakarsana-sahyena krsnencarith prabho SYNONYMS
sarit rivers; aila hills; vana-uddeh and areas of the forest; gvah cows; venu-ravh flute sounds; ime all these; sakarsana Lord Balarma; sahyena whose companion; krsnena by Krsna; carith utilized; prabho O master (Uddhava). TRANSLATION
Dear Uddhava Prabhu, when Krsna was here in the company of Sakarsana, He enjoyed all these rivers, hills, forests, cows and flute sounds. Govinda personalmente proteje a Go 10.43.26-27
gvah sa-pl etena dvgneh parimocith kliyo damitah sarpa indra ca vimadah krtah saptham eka-hastena dhrto 'dri-pravaro 'mun varsa-vtanibhya ca paritrtam ca gokulam SYNONYMS
gvah the cows; sa together with; plh their tenders; etena by Him; dva-agneh from the forest fire; parimocith saved; kliyah Kliya; damitah subdued; sarpah the serpent; indrah Indra; ca and; vimadah prideless; krtah made; sapta-aham for seven days; eka- hastena with one hand; dhrtah held; adri of mountains; pravarah the most eminent; amun by Him; varsa from rain; vta wind; aanibhyah and hail; ca also; paritrtam delivered; ca and; gokulam the residents of Gokula. TRANSLATION
He saved the cows and the cowherds from a forest fire and subdued the serpent Kliya. He removed Lord Indra's false pride by holding up the best of mountains with one hand for an entire week, thus protecting the inhabitants of Gokula from rain, wind and hail.
iti thus; go of the cows; go-kula and of the community of cowherds; patim the master; govindam Lord Krsna; abhisicya bathing; sah he, Indra; anujtah given permission; yayau went; akrah King Indra; vrtah surrounded; deva-dibhih by the demigods and others; divam to heaven. TRANSLATION
After he had ceremonially bathed Lord Govinda, who is the master of the cows and the cowherd comm
La no diferencia entre Go y Sri krishna, go es una formade bhagavan Adems es muy querida por sri hari devi bhag oracin
Si Go es tanto nuestro ista como el querido de nuestro ishta por que no dar completo apoyo a su protenccion y no mirar a otro lado, de que sirven pujas, japa,dhyana en sri govinda si su muy querida madre esta siendo torturada y su supuesto devoto mira para otro lado
sta uvca abhyarthitas tad tasmai sthnni kalaye dadau | dyta pna striya sn yatrdharma catur-vidha || (S.Bhag 1.17.38)
Sta said: He then gave to Kali who had made the request places where there were four types of irreligion: gambling, wine, unmarried women and slaughter of animals.
Vishvanatha ch takura comenta a esterespecto Dytam is clearly gambling. Pnam means drinking wine and other things. Striya means unmarried women. Sn is killing other living entities. With the appearance of gambling comes untruth, the loss of truthfulness. With the appearance of drinking comes intoxication 1 and loss of mercy. With illicit women comes illicit sex and impurity. With violence to living entities comes all adharmas. Those who commit violence to living entities have no austerity, cleanliness or mercy. Truthful speaking does not exist in them at all.
El comentario es claro aquellos que comenten vilolencia a los demas seres cometen todos los adharmas. Este commentaryo hace eco a un verso del mahabharata
En kali yuga los goviernos estan dedicados a la matanza de animales y la violencia en general
str-bla-go-dvija-ghn ca para-dra-dhandrth uditsta-mita-pry alpa-sattvlpakyusah asamskrth kriy-hn rajas tamasvrth
prajs te bhaksayisyanti mlecch rjanya-rpinah SYNONYMS
str of women; bla children; go cows; dvija and brhmanas; ghnh the murderers; ca and; para of other men; dra the wives; dhana and money; drth showing interest in; udita-asta-mita switching their moods from elated to depressed and then to moderate; pryh for the most part; alpa-sattva having little strength; alpaka- yusah and short life spans; asamskrth not purified by Vedic rituals; kriy-hnh devoid of regulative principles; rajas by the mode of passion; tamas and by the mode of ignorance; vrth covered over; prajh the citizens; te they; bhaksayisyanti will virtually devour; mlecchh outcastes; rjanya-rpinah appearing as kings. TRANSLATION
These barbarians in the guise of kings will devour the citizenry, murdering innocent women, children, cows and brhmanas and coveting the wives and property of other men. They will be erratic in their moods, have little strength of character and be very short-lived. Indeed, not purified by any Vedic rituals and lacking in the practice of regulative principles, they will be completely covered by the modes of passion and ignorance.
Ahora emtendiendo que el Dharma supremo es la no vilencia
Generalmente la gente no les gusta las reglas o instucciones pero dharma en forma de vidhis no son reglas caprichosas sino que son hita upadesha son para nuestro beneficio personal y general
Si dharma es no vilencia adharma es viloencia Si se erradica esta violencia
tvam nah paramakam daivam tvam na indro jagat-pate bhavya bhava go-vipra devnm ye ca sdhavah SYNONYMS
tvam You; nah our; paramakam supreme; daivam worshipable Deity; tvam You; nah our; indrah Lord Indra; jagat-pate O master of the universe; bhavya for the welfare; bhava please be; go of the cows; vipra the brhmanas; devnm and the demigods; ye who; ca and; sdhavah saintly persons. TRANSLATION
You are our worshipable Deity. Therefore, O Lord of the universe, for the benefit of the cows, the brhmanas, the demigods and all other saintly persons, please become our Indra.