Legal Research For First Quiz
Legal Research For First Quiz
Legal Research For First Quiz
Philippine legal literature - rich, considering the number of Nation - indicates a relation of birth/origin and implies a common
statues promulgated and jurisprudence decided, and the race, characterized by a community of language and customs
annotations, commentaries, and treaties written
- rapidly growing * nation = racial/ethnic concept; state = legal/juristic concept
- availability is a problem in conducting accurate and effective
legal research
- a) lack of complete compilation of statues and jurisprudence, b) Elements of State
lack of printed law finders, c) slow printed publication - people, territory, government, sovereignty (PeTer GoSo)
- answer: electronic sources
1) People - inhabitants of the State
INTRODUCTION * requisite for Statehood: adequate number for self-sufficiency and
- archipelago of 7, 641 islands with a land area of 301, 780 sq. km. defense; of both sexes for perpetuity
- surrounded by Pacific Ocean (East), South China Sea (North and 2) Territory - fixed proportion of the surface of the earth inhabited
West), Celebes Sea (South) by the people of the State
- 1935, baselines were defined - "Regime of Islands" The National Territory: “The national territory comprises the
- define the archipelagic baselines of the Philippines Philippine archipelago, with all the islands and waters embraced
therein, and all other territories over which the Philippines has
The Constitution - body of rules and maxims in accordance with sovereignty or jurisdiction, consisting of its terrestrial, fluvial and
which the powers of sovereignty are habitually exercised aerial domains, including its territorial sea, the seabed, the
subsoil, the insular shelves, and other submarine areas. The waters
Purpose of the Constitution - to prescribe the permanent around, between, and connecting the archipelago, regardless of
framework of a system of government, to assign to the several their breadth and dimensions, form part of the internal waters of
departments their respective powers and duties, and to establish the Philippines.”
certain first principles on which the government is founded * Components: Terrestrial, Fluvial and Maritime, Aerial domains
Constitutions of the PH: 1899 Malolos Constitution, 1935 Question: Why is it important to know our national territory?
Constitution, 1943 Constitution (During Japanese Occupation), It is important to define as precisely as possible our national
1973 Constitution, 1986 Freedom Constitution, 1987 Constitution territory for the purpose of making known to the world the areas
over which we assert title or ownership to avoid future conflicts
Filipino - national language with other nations. As a sovereign state, the Philippines can
- Filipino and English - official languages for purposes of promulgate and enforce laws within our country. Every other
communication and instruction power is excluded from exercising dominion or jurisdiction
- optional use of Filipino in court proceedings (allowed by without the consent of the Philippines.
Supreme Court Administrative Circular No. 16-2010)
- "in appropriate cases as may be determined by the Archipelagic Doctrine: “The waters around, between and
Presiding Judge and without objection of the parties, connecting the islands of the archipelago, regardless of their
the above-mentioned courts may use Filipino in the breadth and dimensions, form part of the internal waters of the
hearing and resolution of motions, or in the conduct of Philippines.”
mediation, pre-trial conference, trial, and in any other - an archipelago, which consists of a number of islands separated
court proceedings. Existing translations of laws and by bodies of water, should be treated as ONE integral unit
rules may be used freely, and technical terms in English
or Latin need not be translated literally into Filipino" Straight Baseline Method - imaginary straight lines are drawn
- Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE) joining the outermost points of outermost islands of the
- primary medium of instruction for teaching and archipelago, enclosing an area the ratio of which should not be
learning in the kindergarten level more than 9:1 (water to land); provided that the drawing of
- Section 5 provides that the Department of Education baselines shall not depart, to any appreciable extent, from the
must include in its teaching strategies the "child’s understanding of general configuration of the archipelago. The waters within the
English, which is the official language" baselines shall be considered internal waters; while the breadth of
the territorial sea shall then be measured from the baselines
Separation of Church and State - inviolable
(absolute/unbreakable) accdg. to the Constitution (Art. 2, Sec. 6) 3) Government - agency or instrumentality through which the will
- secular state: 1) absence of institutional religious control of of the State is formulated, expressed and realized
legislative and judicial processes 2) neutrality toward religions and a) constituent - mandatory for the Government to
non-establishment of an official religion or atheism perform because they constitute the very bonds of society
- host to a variety of faiths with constitutional guarantees on the e.g. maintenance of peace and order, regulation of property and
freedom of religion property rights, the administration of justice, etc.
- religion has a great influence in the legal system b) ministrant - those intended to promote the welfare,
- to delineate the boundaries between the two institutions and avoid progress and prosperity of the people, and which are merely
encroachments by one against the other because of a optional for Government to perform; advance the general interests
misunderstanding of the limits of their respective exclusive of society
jurisdictions e.g. public charity, regulation of trade and industry
- State is prohibited from interfering in purely
ecclesiastical affairs; the Church is likewise barred from meddling
in purely secular matters
Doctrine of Parens Patriae - "parent of the people"; the - after the Battle of Manila Bay when Spain ceded the Philippines
Government may act as guardian of the rights of people who may to the United States upon the signing of the Treaty of Paris on
be disadvantaged or suffering from some disability or misfortune December 10, 1898
- military government was organized
De Jure and De Facto Government - military governor was the chief executive exercising executive,
De jure - has rightful title but no power/control; one established by legislative and judicial functions
the authority of the legitimate sovereign - Jones law - provided the establishment of a bicameral legislative
body on October 16, 1916, composed of the Senate and the House
De facto - government of fact, exercises power/control but w/o of Representatives
legal title; one established in defiance of the legitimate sovereign - organic laws that governed the Philippines during this period
were: President McKinley’s Instruction to the Second Philippine
4) Sovereignty - the supreme and uncontrollable power inherent in Commission on April 7, 1900; Spooner Amendment of 1901;
a State by which that State is governed Philippine Bill of 1902; Jones Law of 1916 and the Tydings
- permanent, exclusive, comprehensive, indivisible, inalienable, McDuffie Law of May 1, 1934
and imprescriptible - Manuel L. Quezon and Sergio Osmeña were elected as
President and Vice-President (1935)
Crimes Committed on high seas
* Philippine aircraft/vessel should be registered in the Philippine 4) Japanese period (1941-1944)
Bureau of Customs - Clark Field, an American military airbase in Pampanga, was
* The Philippine court has no jurisdiction over the crime of theft bombed on December 8, 1941
committed on the high seas on board a vessel not - Jose P. Laurel as its President, Jose Yulo was the Chief Justice of
registered/licensed in the Philippines (U.S. v. Fowlerm 1 Phil. the Supreme Court
614). - Supreme Court decisions during this period were recognized and
* Foreign merchant ship = extension of one's territory. An are found in the Philippine Reports, the official publication for
offense committed on the high seas on board a foreign merchant Supreme Court decisions
vessel is not triable by our courts.
* Offenses committed on board a foreign merchant vessel while on 5) Republic period (1946-1972)
Philippine waters is TRIABLE before our court. - July 4, 1946 was the inauguration of Philippine independence
- republic: a government by the people and sovereignty resides in
Government Structure the entire people as a body politic
Constitution - fundamental law of the land; supreme - birth of the 3 branches of the gov't: Executive power rests in the
- present political structure of the Philippines was defined by the President, legislative power in two Houses of Congress and
1987 Constitution, duly ratified in a plebiscite held on February 2, judicial power in the Supreme Court and inferior courts
1987 and proclaimed ratified on February 11, 1987
- 1987 Consti. provides that the Philippines is a democratic and 6) Martial Law Period (1972-1986)
republican state where sovereignty resides in the people and all - Philippine Congress was abolished when Martial Law was
government authority emanates from them declared on September 21, 1972
- Executive and legislative powers were merged and the Chief
The government structure differs as one goes through the history of Executive was the Prime Minister who was elected by majority of
the Philippines, which may be categorized as follows: a) Pre- all members of the National Assembly (Parliament)
Spanish; b). Spanish period; c). American period; d). Japanese - the powers of the President and the Prime Minister were merged
period; e). Republic; and f). Martial Law Period into the incumbent President Ferdinand E. Marcos
- Amendment No. 6 authorized President Marcos to continue
1) Pre-Spanish (before 1521) exercising legislative powers until Martial law is in effect
- Barangays or independent communities: unit of government - snap election (1985) - National Movement for Free Elections, or
structures before colonized NAMFREL, results showed that Corazon Aquino led by over a
- datu: head of the barangay (cabeza de barangay) million votes; Batasang Pambansa declared that Ferdinand E.
- governs using native rules, customary and unwritten Marcos and Arturo M. Tolentino won over Corazon C . Aquino
- 2 Codes: 1) Maragtas Code issued by Datu Sumakwel of Panay and Salvador H. Laurel as President and Vice-President,
Island and 2) Code of Kalantiao issued by Datu Kalantiano in 1433 respectively
- existence is questioned; trial by ordeal was practiced - led to the People Power revolution, which ousted
President Marcos on February 25, 1986
2) Spanish period (1521-1898)
- Magellan discovered the Philippines when he landed on Mactan 7) Republic Revival (1986-present)
Island (Cebu) on March 16, 1521 - revived after the [bloodless] revolution popularly known as
- chief legislator: governor-general who exercises legislative People Power or the EDSA Revolution
functions by promulgating executive decrees, edicts or ordinances - Corazon C. Aquino and Salvador H. Laurel took their oath of
with the force of law office (Feb 25, 1986)
- Royal Audiencia (Spanish Supreme Court): exercised legislative - PH once again became a Republic by virtue of the 1987
functions in the form of autos accordados Constitution
- Philippine Republic: when General Emilio Aguinaldo proclaimed - 1987 Consti. provides for the accountability of public officers; all
the Philippine Independence in Kawit, Cavite on June 12, 1898 public officers and employees may be removed from office as
- Malolos Congress (Assembly of the Representatives) - provided by law
revolutionary in nature, convened on Sept. 15, 1898
- Malolos Constitution - first Philippine Consti. 3 BRANCHES OF THE GOVERNMENT
- a Republic, although with de facto authority, was in force until 1) Executive Department - carries out and enforces laws
the start of the American Sovereignty when the Treaty of Paris was - President, Vice President, the Cabinet, executive departments,
signed on December 10, 1898 independent agencies, and other boards, commissions, and
3) American period (1898-1946)
Key roles of the executive branch include: - culpable violation of the Constitution, treason, bribery, graft and
President – leads the country; head of state, leader of the national corruption, other high crimes, betrayal of public trust
government; Commander in Chief of all armed forces of the
Philippines Receipt of Complaint
- serves a six-year term and cannot be re-elected - a verified impeachment complaint should be filed with the Office
Vice President – supports the President of the Secretary General of the House; it would be immediately
- if the President is unable to serve, the Vice President referred to the Speaker
becomes President
- serves a six-year term. From House to Senate
The Cabinet – advisors to the President; include the Vice - at least 1/3 of the votes of House members will be needed for it to
President and the heads of executive departments be endorsed to the Senate
- nominated by the President and must be confirmed by - Senate will try and decide all cases of impeachment
the Commission of Appointments Judicial Department - interprets the meaning of laws, applies
laws to individual cases, and decides if laws violate the
Legislative Department - authorized to make laws, alter, and Constitution
repeal them through the power vested in the Philippine Congress - judicial power shall be vested in one Supreme Court and in such
- divided into the Senate and the House of lower courts as may be established by law
Supreme Court of the Philippines
a) Senate – composed of 24 Senators who shall be elected at large - barangay chiefs exercised judicial authority prior to the arrival of
by the qualified voters Spaniards
- not more than 6 years; led by the Senate President, Pro - Miguel Lopez de Legaspi, 1st governor general of the PH;
Tempore, Majority Leader and the Minority Leader judicial powers were vested upon him
- 40 permanent committees and 24 oversight - Royal Audiencia composed of a president, four oidores (justices)
committees and a fiscal
- exercised both administrative and judicial functions
b) House of Representatives – composed of not more than 250 - became Audencia Territorial de Manila with two
members, unless otherwise fixed by law, who shall be elected from branches, civil and criminal
legislative districts apportioned among the provinces, cities, and - Filipinization of the Supreme Court started only
the Metropolitan Manila area in accordance with the number of during the Commonwealth, 1935
their respective inhabitants, and on the basis of a uniform and - SC is composed of a Chief Justice (Lucas Bersamin) and 14
progressive ratio Associate Justices who shall serve until the age of 70
- 3 years term - Court may sit En Banc or in its three (3) divisions composed of 5
- party-list system of registered national, regional, and members each; a vacancy must be filled up by the President within
sectoral parties or organizations 90 days of occurrence from the list submitted by the Judicial and
Bar Council
Party-list representatives - 20% of the total number of - nomination is already vetted by the Judicial and Bar Council, a
representatives including those under the party list constitutionally-created body which recommends appointments
- secures at least 2 percent of the total votes in the party-list race is within the judiciary
entitled to at least 1 slot - power to review even the political decisions of the executive and
- party-list group can only get as many as 3 seats the legislature and to declare their acts invalid for lack or excess of
- COMELEC with then rank the groups according to the number of jurisdiction because tainted with grave abuse of discretion
votes received and allocate party-list seats proportionately - to settle actual controversies involving rights which are legally
according to the percentage of votes obtained by each group demandable and enforceable
- by selection or election from the labor, peasant, urban poor,
indigenous cultural communities, women, youth, and such other Internal Rules of the Supreme Court - govern the internal
sectors as may be provided by law, except the religious sector operations of the Court and as a guide to the exercise of its judicial
- aims to increase the representation, particularly of "marginalized and administrative functions
and underrepresented" sectors and enhance transparency and - cases may be heard on oral arguments upon defined issues
accountability, leading to more efficient government - procedure is as follows: “The petitioner shall argue first, followed
by the respondent and the amicus curiae ("friend of the court", one
Speaker of the House: Alan Peter Cayetano that is not a party to a particular lawsuit but is allowed to offer
Deputy Speaker for Luzon, Deputy Speaker for Visayas, Deputy information, expertise, or insight that has bearing on the issues in
Speaker for Mindanao the case), if any. Rebuttal of oral arguments may be allowed by the
Majority Floor Leader: Ferdinand Martin G. Romualdez Chief Justice or the Chairperson. If any, the Court may invite
Minority Floor Leader: Bienvinido M. Abante Jr. amicus curiae."
- adopted and promulgated for the protection and enforcement of
IMPEACHMENT PROCESS constitutional rights, pleadings and practice and procedure in all
- the President, Vice President, members of the Supreme Court, courts, and the admission in the practice of law
members of constitutional commissions, and the Ombudsman may - passed 2 important Resolutions in line with extrajudicial killing
be removed from office via impeachment and disappearances:
- only 1 complaint can be filed against an impeachable official per 1) Rule on the Writ of Amparo
year – if an impeachment complaint does not prosper, a 2nd - remedy available to any person whose right to life,
complaint cannot be filed within the same year liberty and security is violated or threatened with violation by an
- any Filipino citizen may also file a complaint, which should be unlawful act or omission of a public official or employee, or of a
endorsed by a House member; any member of the House of private individual or entity
Representatives can initiate a verified impeachment complaint - provides the victims the protection they need and the
promise of vindication of their rights (e.g. temporary protection
Grounds for Impeachment: order, witness protection order)
- broader; if there’s a threat, you can file immediately
2) Rule on the Writ of Habeas Data - reviews decisions and final orders of all Regional Trial Courts,
- remedy available to any person whose right to privacy decisions, and resolutions in administrative cases of the
in life, liberty or security is violated or threatened by an unlawful Ombudsman, the DOJ, and other agencies exercising quasi-judicial
act or omission of a public official or employee, or any private functions, including the Office of the President
individual or entity engaged in the gathering, collecting or storing - exercises original jurisdiction on the issuance of writs of
of data or information regarding the person, family, home and mandamus, prohibition, injunction, certiorari, habeas corpus and
correspondence of the aggrieved party all other writs whether or not in aid of its appellate jurisdiction
3) Writ of Kalikasan - resolution on Rules of
Procedure for Environmental Cases 2) Sandiganbayan
- the State shall protect and advance the rights of people - also called Anti-Graft Court; created to maintain integrity,
to a healthy environment honesty and efficiency in the bureaucracy and weed out misfits and
- you can file at Green Courts (RTCs) undesirables in government service Constitution
Question: Can you file against DPWH and DENR for cutting - composed of 1 Presiding Justice and 14 Associate Justices still in
trees for their road widening project? five Divisions of 3 Justices each
Yes since it threatens the environment. - has jurisdiction over criminal and civil cases involving graft and
corrupt practices and other offenses committed by public officers
1) Judicial and Bar Council (JBC) and employees, including those in government-owned or
- principal function: to screen prospective appointees to any government-controlled corporations
judicial post
- composed of the Chief Justice as ex-officio Chairman, the 3) Court of Tax Appeals
Secretary of Justice and representatives of Congress as ex-officio - 1 Presiding Justice, 8 Associate Justices in 3 Divisions
members, a representative of the Integrated Bar, a professor of law, - serves as an appellate court to review tax cases (Commissioner of
a retired member of the Supreme Court and a representative of the Internal Revenue, Commissioner of Customs, Secretary of
private sector as members Finance, Secretary of Trade and Industry, Secretary of Agriculture)
- conducts live public interviews and has set guidelines for vacancy - its jurisdiction has been expanded where it now enjoys the same
in the Chief Justice, Associate Justices of the Supreme Court and level as the Court of Appeals
Appellate Courts
2) Office of the Court Administrator (OCA)
- principal function: supervision and administration of the lower 1) Regional Trial Courts
courts throughout the Philippines and all their personnel - highest trial court; second level courts divided into 13 judicial
- reports and recommends to the Supreme Court all actions that regions: National Capital Region (Metro Manila) and the 12
affect the lower court management regions of the country, which are divided into several branches
- headed by the Court Administrator, three (3) Deputy Court - Supreme Court issues resolutions designating specific branches
Administrators and three (3) Assistant Court Administrators of the Regional Trial Courts as special courts for heinous crimes,
dangerous drugs cases, commercial courts and intellectual property
3) Philippine Judicial Academy (PHILJA) rights violations
- training school for justices, judge, court personnel, lawyers and
aspirants to judicial posts 2) Metropolitan Trial Courts - municipal trial courts in towns
- important mission on judicial education it to provide and cities in the Metropolitan Manila area
opportunities to develop judicial competence, instill sound values, 3) Municipal Trial Courts - covers 1 municipality
and form constructive attitudes in its continuing pursuit of judicial 4) Municipal Circuit Trial Court - covers two or more
excellence municipalities
- no appointee to the Bench may commence the discharge his
adjudicative function without completing the prescribed course in - making the courts readily accessible to the people of the different
the Philippine Judicial Academy parts of the region and making the attendance of litigants and
witnesses as inexpensive as possible
4) Philippine Mediation Center (PMC) - empowered to hear and decide petitions for a writ of habeas
- in line with the objectives of the Action Program for Judicial corpus or applications for bail in criminal cases in the province or
Reforms (APJR) to decongest court dockets, among others, the city in the absence of the Regional Trial Court Judges
Court prescribed guidelines in institutionalizing and implementing
the mediation program in the Philippines MUSLIM COURTS
- mediation: intervention in a dispute in order to resolve it; Shari'a Courts - Code of Muslim Personal Laws; like our RTCs
arbitration - judges should possess all the qualifications of a Regional Trial
Court Judge and should also be learned in Islamic law and
5) Mandatory Continuing Legal Education Office (MCLE) jurisprudence
- implement the rules on MCLE for members of the Integrated Bar - primarily pertain to family rights and duties as well as contractual
of the Philippines relations of Filipino Muslims in the Mindanao
- to ensure that throughout the career of the members of - decisions are not final; Supreme Court shall continue to exercise
the Integrated Bar of the Philippines, “they keep abreast with law original and appellate jurisdiction over certain issues as provided
and jurisprudence, maintain the ethics of the profession and by the Constitution
enhance the standards of the practice of law" - appointment of judges, qualifications, tenure, and compensation
- members of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines who are not are subject to the provisions of the Muslim Code
exempt from the MCLE must complete 36 hours of continuing
legal education every 3 years Quasi-Courts or Quasi-Judicial Agencies
- administrative agencies, more properly belonging to the
LOWER COLLEGIATE COURTS Executive Department, but are empowered by the Constitution or
1) Court of Appeals statutes to hear and decide certain classes or categories of cases
- 1 Presiding Judge, 68 Associate Justices, all appointed by the
Other Judicial Procedures: president of the pambayang pederasyon ng mga sangguniang
* Katarungang Pambarangay - a system of amicably settling kabataan)
disputes at the barangay level - municipality conversion to city - law/act should be passed in the
- rules and procedures were provided by this decree and the Local Congress by virtue of the provisions of the Local Government
Government Code Code and the Consti
- aims to promote the speedy administration of justice by easing
the congestion of court dockets * barangay - smallest local government unit which is created,
- Court does not take cognizance of cases filed if they are not filed divided, merged, abolished or its boundary altered by law or by an
first with the Katarungang Pambarangay ordinance of the sangguniang panlalawigan or sangguniang
panlunsod, subject to the approval of majority votes casts in a
* Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) System - serves to plebiscite conducted by the Comelec
promote the speedy and impartial administration of justice and
unclog the court dockets The Philippines is divided into the following local government
Aside from the three co-equal branches, the other offices in
government are the government financial institutions and Region I (ILOCOS REGION)
government-owned and controlled corporations. Region II (CAGAYAN VALLEY)
1) Civil Service Commission - promote morale, efficiency, Region V (BICOL REGION)
integrity, responsiveness, progressiveness, and courtesy in the Region VI (WESTERN VISAYAS)
Civil Service Region VII (CENTRAL VISAYAS)
2) Commission on Elections - manage to maintain its authority Region VIII (EASTERN VISAYAS)
and independence in the conduct of elections Region IX (ZAMBOANGA PENINSULA)
- exercises administrative, quasi-judicial and judicial powers Region X (NORTHERN MINDANAO)
3) Commission on Audit - examine, audit and settle all accounts Region XI (DAVAO REGION)
pertaining to the revenue and receipts of and expenditures or uses Region XII (SOCCSKSARGEN)
of funds and property owned or held in trust by or pertaining to the Region XIII (CARAGA) - Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur,
Surigao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Surigao, Dinagat Islands
Question: If Senator A proposes to abolish PNP, is that possible? Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindano (ARMM) - Tawi-tawi,
Yes, make a law to repeal the said law. Sulu, Lanao del Sur, Maguindanao
Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR)
Is it all right to abolish COA? National Capital Region (NCR) - Makati, Las Pinas, Caloocan,
Since it’s a constitutional commission, it’s empowered by the Quezon City, San Juan, Taguig, Mandaluyong, Pasay
Constitution. Thus, we must uphold the supremacy of the
Constitution and retain the commission. However, you can abolish * ARMM - has its own Legislative, Executive, and Administration
that ONLY if there’s a new constitution. of Justice (Judicial) department of government
* Impeachment: The President, Vice President, members of the II) Classification by Source
Supreme Court, Constitutional Commission and the Ombudsman 1) Primary Sources - published by the issuing agency
may be removed from office by impeachment for conviction of itself or the official repository, the Official Gazette
violations of the Constitution, treason, bribery, graft and - Philippine Reports is up-to-date and almost complete
corruption, other high crimes or betrayal of public trust. The from 1901
House of Representatives has the exclusive power to initiate while 2) Secondary Sources - unofficial sources and
the Senate has the sole power to try and decide impeachments generally referred to as those commercially or
cases. All other public officials and employees may be removed institutionally published in print or online
by law. - advent of the new information technology, electronic
or digitized sources are popular sources and effective
LEGAL SYSTEM sources of legal information for the following reasons:
Nature of the Philippine Legal System - may be considered as a a) no complete and updated legal
unique legal system because it is a blend of civil law (Roman), information available;
common law (Anglo-American), Muslim (Islamic) law and b) the search engines utilizing the electronic
indigenous law or digitized method facilitate research, and
c) no complete and update manually
2 Main Sources of Law published search tools for statute and case
1) Statutes or statutory law - written enactment of the will of the law
legislative branch of the government rendered authentic by certain * established policy is that in case of conflict between the printed
prescribed forms or solemnities are more also known as enactment and electronic sources, the printed version coming from the issuing
of congress government agency prevails
- 2 types: Constitution and legislative enactments. In the
Philippines, statutory law includes constitutions, treaties, statutes Legal research for statute law in the Philippines benefited
proper or legislative enactments, municipal charters, municipal remarkably from the use of the latest technology due to two major
legislation, court rules, administrative rules and orders, legislative problems:
rules and presidential issuance. a) no complete and updated published or printed search
tools or law finders for statute law and
2) Jurisprudence or Case Law - cases decided/written opinion by b) no complete compilation of statute law from 1901-
courts and by persons performing judicial functions present were available
- also included are all rulings in administrative and legislative
tribunals such as decisions made by the Presidential Electoral * In finding the law, our ultimate goal is to locate mandatory
Tribunals primary authorities, which have bearing on the legal problem at
* Muslim Law - primary sources of Shariah are Quran, Sunnaqh, hand. If these authorities are scarce or nonexistent, our next
Ijma and Qiyas alternative is to find any relevant persuasive mandatory authority.
If our search is still negative, the next alternative might be
CLASSIFICATION OF LEGAL SOURCES secondary authorities. There are however instances where the
secondary authorities, more particularly the commentaries made by
I. Classification by Authority experts of the field, take precedence over the persuasive mandatory
1) Primary Authority - only authority that is binding authorities. With the availability of both, using both sources is
on the courts highly recommended.
- legislature promulgates statutes, namely: Act,
Commonwealth Act, Republic Act, and Batas III) Classification by Character
Pambansa - nature of the subject treated in books. This classification
- Executive promulgates presidential issuances categorizes books as: a) Statute Law Books, b) Case Law Books or
(Presidential Decrees, Executive Orders, Memorandum Law Reports, c) a combination of both and d) “Law Finders”
Circular, Administrative Orders, Proclamations, etc.),
rules and regulations through its various departments, 1) Law Finders - indexes, citators, encyclopedias, legal
bureaus and agencies dictionaries, thesauri or digests
- Judiciary promulgates judicial doctrines embodied in - no up-to-date Law Finders in the PH
decisions - effective and accurate legal research using this rule: ALWAYS
a) Mandatory primary authority - law START FROM THE LATEST; exception to this is when the
created by the jurisdiction in which the law research has defined or has provided a SPECIFIC period
operates like the Philippines - 4 Ws, 1H; Things, Actions, Relief, Sought, Persons, Places
b) Persuasive mandatory authority - law
created by other jurisdictions but which have PHILIPPINE LEGAL RESEARCH
persuasive value to our courts e.g., Spanish 1) Research of Statute law - statute laws are the rules and
and American laws and jurisprudence. These regulations promulgated by competent authorities; enactments of
sources as used specially when there are no legislative bodies (national or local) or they may be rules and
Philippine authorities available or when the regulations of administrative (departments or bureau) or judicial
Philippine statute or jurisprudence under agencies
interpretation is based on either the Spanish - does not end with consulting the law itself; it extends to the intent
or American law of each provision or even the words used in the law
a) Constitution - commentaries or interpretations on the
2) Secondary Authority - commentaries or books, treatise, constitution, decisions of the Supreme Court and other courts,
writings, journal articles that explain, discuss or comment on textbooks or treaties, periodical articles of the different
primary authorities Constitution are available
- opinions of the Department of Justice, Securities and Exchange b) Treaties and other International Agreements - treaty is an
Commission or circulars of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas agreement or a contract between two (bilateral) or more
(multilateral) nations or sovereigns, entered into by agents a) Issuing Agency
appointed (generally the Secretary of Foreign Affairs or b) Year it was promulgated
ambassadors) for the purpose and duly sanctioned by supreme - when 1987 Administrative Code was promulgated, all gov't
powers of the respective countries agencies were mandated to file 3 certified copies of their orders,
- in the PH, a treaty or international agreement shall not be valid rules, and regulations w/ the UP Law Center's Office of National
and effective unless concurred in by at least 2/3 of all members of Administative Register w/c in turn is required to publish called
the Senate National Administrative Register
- President may enter into international treaties or agreements as - must also keep an up-to-date codification of all rules
the national welfare and interest may require, and may contract and thus published and remaining in effect together with a complete
guarantee foreign loans on behalf of the Republic, subject to such index and appropriate tables
limitations as may be provided by law
- official text of treaties is published in the Official Gazette, RESEARCH OF CASE LAW
Department of Foreign Affairs Treaty Series (DFATS), United * Case Law or Judicial decisions - official interpretations or
Nations Treaty Series (UNTS ) or the University of the Philippines manifestation of law made by persons and agencies of the
Law Center's Philippine Treaty Series ( PTS) government performing judicial and quasi-judicial functions
For statutes, research on law can be done while the law is pending
(Bills search) and the records of the laws passed or the records
from the time a law is filed, deliberated, until the law is passed.
For Court decisions, from the time a case is filed and the Case No.
is placed, all records are confidential and may be accessed only by
the Justices/Judges, Clerks of Courts, and specific court
For records of decided cases, weitten request has to be made to the
respective courts where the case was decided. Records of the
decisions of the SC are found in the 1) Judicial Records Office, 2)
National Archives (1946 to 1983), and 3) Court of origin for those
to be executed.