Mid-Year Review and Assessment of Individual Performance Commitment For Teacher I-Iii
Mid-Year Review and Assessment of Individual Performance Commitment For Teacher I-Iii
Mid-Year Review and Assessment of Individual Performance Commitment For Teacher I-Iii
Performance Indicators
Mid-Year Review Remarks
MFOs KRAs Objectives Timeline Weight Performance Actual Performance Mid-Year Review Remarks (Rater)
Target Q1 MOVs Presented Q2 MOVs Presented
Basic Education 1. Content 1. Applied knowledge of
Services Knowledge and content within and across
Pedagogy curriculum teaching areas. Quarterly 7.5% 7
3. Applied a range of
teaching strategies to
develop critical and creative
thinking, as well as other Quarterly 7.5% 7
higher order thinking skills.
5. Managed learner
behavior constructively by
applying positive and non-
violent discipline to ensure Quarterly 7.5% 7
6. Used differentiated,
developmentally appropriate
learning experiences to
address learners’ gender,
needs, strengths, interests Quarterly 7.5% 7
and experiences.
8. Participated in collegial
discussions that use teacher
and learner feedback to Quarterly 7.5% 1
enrich teaching practice.
9. Selected, developed,
organized and used
appropriate teaching and
Quarterly 7.5% 7
learning resources,
including ICT, to address
learning goals.