Sample Ipcrf-Development Plan 2021 - 2022 - MT

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NOTE: This sheet shall be accomplished during: i) Phase I: Performance Planning and Commitment, based on the results of e-SAT; and ii)
Phase II: Performance Monitoring and Coaching, based on the agreements on the Performance Monitoring and Coaching Form and Mid-year
Review Form; and iii) Phase III: Performance Rewarding and Development Planning, based on the actual results of IPCRF.

Action Plan
Strengths Development Needs (Recommended Developmental Intervention) Timeline
Learning Objectives Intervention
A. Functional Competencies (RPMS-PPST Objectives from Part II of e-SAT)
KRA 1: OBJECTIVE 1 KRA 1: OBJECTIVE 2 To evaluate with 1. Manage the process of Year Round School Head
Modelled effective Evaluated with colleagues, the evaluation of strategies that Teachers
applications of content colleagues the effectiveness of promote literacy and numeracy
knowledge within and effectiveness of teaching teaching strategies 2. Conduct post-conferences in
across curriculum strategies that promote that promote learner the monthly classroom
teaching areas learner achievement in achievement in supervision
literacy and numeracy literacy and numeracy 3. Conduct FGD with colleagues
after the monthly supervision
of classes and do mentoring
and coaching session
KRA 1: OBJECTIVE 3 KRA 2: OBJECTIVE 7 To share successful 1. Conduct monthly supervision Year Round School Head
(PPST Indicator 1.6.3) Worked with colleagues strategies with of classes Teachers
Modelled and to share successful colleagues that 2. Conduct FGD with colleagues
supported colleagues in strategies that sustain sustain supportive after the monthly supervision
the proficient use of supportive learning learning environments of classes and do mentoring
Mother Tongue, Filipino environments that that nurture and and coaching session
and English to improve nurture and inspire inspire learners to
teaching and learning, learners to participate, participate, cooperate
as well as to develop cooperate and and collaborate in
learners’ pride of their collaborate in continued continued learning
language, heritage, and learning
KRA 1: OBJECTIVE 4 KRA 2: OBJECTIVE 8 To utilize strategies 1. Conduct monthly supervision Year Round School Head
(PPST Indicator 1.7.3) Modelled successful that promote learning of classes Teachers
Displayed a wide range strategies and environments that 2. Conduct FGD with colleagues Students
of effective verbal and supported colleagues in effectively motivate after the monthly supervision
non-verbal classroom promoting learning learners to work of classes and do mentoring
communication environments that productively by and coaching session
strategies to support effectively motivate assuming
learner understanding, learners to work responsibility for their
participation, productively by own learning
engagement and assuming responsibility
achievement for their own learning

KRA 2: OBJECTIVE 5 KRA 3: OBJECTIVE 12 To analyze and utilize 1. Attend LAC session on Year Round School Head
Exhibited effective Worked collaboratively with colleagues the utilizing assessment data to Teachers
strategies that ensure with colleagues to assessment data to improve teaching practice Students
safe and secure analyze and utilize modify practices and 2. Conduct RRE activities with
learning environments assessment data to programs to further proper documentation
to enhance learning modify practices and support learner
through the consistent programs to further progress and
implementation of support learner progress achievement
policies, guidelines and and achievement
KRA 2: OBJECTIVE 6 KRA 4: OBJECTIVE 14 To conduct activities Conduct and attend LAC Year Round School Head
Exhibited effective Discussed with relevant to laws and session specifying learning Teachers
practices to foster colleagues teaching and regulations specified practices that are aligned with
learning environments learning practices that in the Code of Ethics the Code of Ethics for
that promote fairness, apply existing codes, for Professional Professional Teachers
respect, and care to laws and regulations Teachers
encourage learning that apply to the
teaching profession, and
the responsibilities
specified in the Code of
Ethics for Professional
B. Core Behavioral Competencies (from Part III of e-SAT)
Professionalism and Self-Management To improve Core 1. Coaching and Mentoring Year Round MOOE
Ethics Teamwork Behavioral 2. SLAC School Head
Results-Focus Service Orientation Competencies 3. INSET and Capability Teachers
Innovation Building


Ratee Rater Approving Authority

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