Rahshid Mehmood 5 PDF
Rahshid Mehmood 5 PDF
Rahshid Mehmood 5 PDF
1.12.8. Persistent pyrexia of unknown origin (PUO) ........................................... 16 Diagnosis of PUO .................................................................................. 16
1.13.9. Drug which causing fever ......................................................................... 17
1.13. Mechanism of Drug’s Induced Fever ................................................................. 17
1.15. Hyperpyrexia....................................................................................................... 18
1.15.1 Causes of hyperpyrexia ............................................................................. 18
1.16. Difference between Hyperpyrexia and Hyperthermia ........................................ 18
1.17. Pathophysiology of Fever ................................................................................... 19
Http//www.google.com/ inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis researchgate.net/
download images.jpeg/files/C disk....................................................................... 20
1.18. Measurement of fever ......................................................................................... 23
1.18.1. Axilla ........................................................................................................ 23
1.18.2. Skin ........................................................................................................... 23
1.18.4. Rectal temperature .................................................................................... 23
1.19. Antipyretics ......................................................................................................... 24
1.19.1. Mechanism of Action of Antipyretics ...................................................... 24
1.19.2. Antipyretic therapy ................................................................................... 24 Aspirin ............................................................................................... 24 Paracetamol ........................................................................................ 25 Neproxin ............................................................................................ 25 Indomethacin ..................................................................................... 25 Anti-pyrine ......................................................................................... 25 Salicylamide ....................................................................................... 25 Steriods .............................................................................................. 25
1.19.3 Physical treatment ..................................................................................... 26 Alcohol sponging ............................................................................... 26 Terpid sponging ................................................................................. 27 Cold sponging .................................................................................... 27 Bed rest .............................................................................................. 27 Total body cooling ............................................................................. 27
1.20. Introduction of plants................................................................................ 28
1.20.1. Cyperus pertenuis ................................................................................... 28
1.20.2. Delphinium zelil........................................................................................ 29
1.21. Literature Review................................................................................................ 30
1.22. Aims and Objectives ........................................................................................... 36
2.1. Experimental Animals .......................................................................................... 38
2.2. Drugs and Chemicals ............................................................................................ 38
2.3. Equipment’s .......................................................................................................... 38
2.4. Collection of Plants ............................................................................................... 38
2.5. Extracts Preparation .............................................................................................. 38
2.6. Phytochemical Screening ...................................................................................... 39
2.6.1. Solubility test .............................................................................................. 39
2.6.2. Test for Tannin ........................................................................................... 39
2.6.3. Tests for Alkaloids ..................................................................................... 39 Hager’s test .......................................................................................... 39 Wagnar’s test ....................................................................................... 39 Dragondroff test ................................................................................... 40 Mayer’s test .......................................................................................... 40
2.6.4. Test for saponin .......................................................................................... 40
2.6.5. Steroids test ................................................................................................ 40
2.6.6. Test for Cardiac glycosides ........................................................................ 40
2.6.7. Test for carbohydrates ................................................................................ 41 Molish test............................................................................................ 41
2.6.8. Test for amino acid ..................................................................................... 41 Ninhydrin test ...................................................................................... 41
2.6.9. Test for proteins .......................................................................................... 41 Biuretic test .......................................................................................... 41
2.6.10. Test for terpenes and sterols ..................................................................... 41 Libermaan burchard test .................................................................... 41
2.6.11. Total phenolic contents............................................................................. 41
2.6.12. Total flavonoid contents ........................................................................... 42
2.6.13. Assay of free redical scavenging activity by DPPH method .................... 42
2.7. Antipyretic Activity .............................................................................................. 43
2.7.1. Brewer’s yeast induced method.................................................................. 43
2.8. Analgesic Activity ................................................................................................ 43
2.8.1. Hot plate Assay........................................................................................... 44
2.8.2. Acetic induced writhing method ................................................................ 45
2.9. Acute Toxicity Study (LD50%) ............................................................................ 46
2.10. Statistical Assay .................................................................................................. 46
3.1. Percentage Yield of Plant Extract ......................................................................... 47
3.2. Qualitative phyto-chemical Assay ........................................................................ 48
3.3. Total flavonoids Content....................................................................................... 50
3.4. DPPH free Redical Scavenging Activity .............................................................. 52
3.5 Antipyretic Activity Determination ....................................................................... 54
3.4. Results of effect of Cyperus pertenius ethanolic extract (C.p) on Brewer’s
yeast induced hyperpyrexia in rats ................................................................... 54
3.6. Analgesic Activity Determination ........................................................................ 57
3.6.1. Hot Plate method ........................................................................................ 57
3.6.2. Acetic induced writhing method ................................................................ 61
3.7. Acute Toxicity Test............................................................................................... 63
4.1 Percentage of Yield of plant extract Delphiniun zelil………………………………………….65
List of Tables
List of Figures
Cyperus pertinius and Delphinium zelil both plants were frequently used in folk
medicine as a part of many medicinal preparations, including those which were used
to relieve pain and antipyretic, which grows abundantly at northern areas. Aim of the
present study was to validate the traditionally claims about both plants and also
effectiveness in pain and antipyretic by using hot plate analgesia, Acetic acid induced
writhing and Breawer‖s yeast induced method. In this study there is also the
comparison of two indigenous plants and their role in diseases. Special significant has
been put on treatment of disease with herbal products. Special emphasis has been put
on the pharmacological part and their activities in animals with underlying
mechanism. The experiment part of the study included extraction, phytochemical test
and evaluations, pharmacological evaluation encompasses antioxidant, analgesic,
antipyretic activities and acute toxicity study.
Antipyretic activity was determined by using the Brewer´s yeast induced method.
After oral administration there was 60.6% of decrease in rectal temperature after the
4th hour by the Cyperus pertenius at dose of 400mg/kg and 55.8% at the dose of
400mg/kg of Delphinium zelil when compared with control group
Analgesic activity was determined by using hot plate and acetic acid induced writhing
methods. Hot plate method produced maximum latency rate of 65 seconds at 150
minutes with the dose of 400mg/kg of Cyperus pertenius and 67.8 seconds at 150
minutes at the dose of 400mg/kg dose of Delphinium zelil. Acetic acid induced
writhing method produced 68.1% pain protection within 15-20 minutes at dose of
400mg/kg of Cyperus pertenius and 64.8% pain protection within 15-20 minutes at
dose of 400mg/kg of Delphinium zelil.
Acute toxicity (LD 50%) study was also done to checked the animal behavior changes
with maximum dose of 5000mg/kg and there was not seen any behavioral changes
with both plants extract at the maximum doses which showed that it is safe up to the
maximum dose of 5G This study indicates the presence of antipyretic activity possibly
mediated through the inhibition of prostaglandin pathway and analgesic activity
possibly regulated through central and peripheral pathways. Antioxident activity assay
were performed and results produced were most likely due to presence of flavonoids
in the crude extract. This strengthen the results of the study and may be one of the
probable reason behind the effect of Cyperus pertinius and Delphinium zelil. The
presence of flavonoids, like baicalin and quencetin and alkaloids like boldine led to
the analgesic and antipyretic effect of cyperus pertenius and Delphinium zelil as
indicated by phytochemical analysis. Since the study was aimed to validate the
traditional uses and evaluation for the presence of antipyretic and analgesic activities.
So assumption were made about the proposed mechanisms on the basis of
resemblance of the results with the control
1. Pain
The pain is the physical feeling which is caused by any disease, injury or
something that hurts the body. It may cause sadness mentally or emotionally.
Something that may cause trouble or make you feel irritate or angry.
Pain is the distressing felling which is often caused by damaging stimuli such
as burning of finger, putting alcohol on a cut etc (Naro, Leo, et al., 2015).
Pain may alarm the person to withdraw from damaging condition, to protect a
damaged body part while it is healed and to avoid the same condition in future. (A. V.
Holden & W. Winlow, 1984) Most of the pain resolves once the harmful stimuli is
removed and body is healed up, but it may contineous to exit without being affected
by removal of stimulus and appearent healing of body. some time it may arise in
absence of any detectable disease or stimuli (Kreitler & Beltrutti, 2007).
Pain is the most common physician consultation in most countries and it is major
symptom in medical conditions which can interfere the quality of life and internal
functioning of body (Milton, 2013).
In 1994 the international Association for study of pain (IASP) classify the pain
on specific characteristics such as Region of body involved (Abdomen, upper limbs,
lower limbs) Dysfuntion of any system such as ( Nervous system, Gestro-intestinal
tract), Duration and pattern of occurance, Intensity and onset time, Causes (Treede et
al., 2008).
However clifford and J.woolf classify pain into three other classes
Inflammatory pain
Pathological pain which is caused by any disease (Woolf, 2010).
Pain is usually temporary and last for only until the harmful agent is removed
or underlying damaging, pathological condition is recovered. But in some painful
condition such as Rheumatoid arthritis, cancer and iodiopathic pain may be prolong
for years. The pain which recovered quickly is called acute pain and pain which is
long lasting is called as chronic pain. The variation between acute and chronic
depends upon duration of time period. The two commonly used markers are
The pain which remain for more than 3 month is said to be chronic pain (Lindenbaum
& Milia, 2012).
Acute pain
Chronic pain
Chronic pain can be a major problem for some people and it effect the daily
life and quality of life. The chronic pain may be caused by change in nociception,
injury, or disease and may result from current or past damage to peripheral nervous
system. The duration of chronic pain is long which is more than 3 months to years. It
is pain like cancer pain or rheumatoid pain. It is managed by strong pain relief e.g
opioids, morphine like drugs (Calvino & Grilo, 2006).
1.3.1. Nociceptive
Thermal stimuli
Mechanical stimuli
Some nociceptive response to more than one of them are said to be poly-
modal.Nociceptive pain may also be divided into
Super-facial somatic pain is initiated by activation of norciceptor in the skin and other
super-facial tissues. It is defined and clearly located pain like minor wound or minor
burn (Main & Spanswick, 2000).
Http//google.com./basic types of pain pain science.com/download images.jpeg/files/C
Fig 1.1: Types of pain
1.3.2. Neuropathic
The pain which is feels due to damaging of nervous system by any disease or
pathological change (Majumder & Farquhar-Smith, 2007).
Phantom pain is pain which is felt when loss of any body part or no more
signals is received from brain. Some time it is said to be phantom pain. Pain felt by
chopped legs and arm (Kooijman et al., 2000).
1.3.5. Breakthrough pain
Breakthrough pain is short term acute that comes on instantly and is not
reduced by regular patient pain management. It is common in cancer patients who
often have background of pain which is treated by medication. The features of
breakthrough pain in the cancer pain may differ from person to person according to
causes. Management of this pain is by opioids or fentanyl (Haugen et al., 2010).
Pain that comes as the result of an activity such as movement of arthritis joint.
The pain may affect the person physiologically and psychologically. The
patient who have acute or chronic pain may experience impairment in attention,
working memory, mental flexibity, problem solving and information processing -
speed. Acute or chronic pain increase depression or anxiety, fear and anger in the
person (Hart et al., 2003).
Duration of pain
There are 4 steps which are involved how our body process pain
(a) Transduction
(b) Transmission
(c) Perception
(d) Modulation
(A) Transduction
Norciceptor received pain signal message from skin, bones, deep tissue, and
viscera. These message signals are actually chemicals that become in an action
(B) Transmission
This message is than transmitted via peripheral nervous system to spinal cord
and then to the dorsal horn where they are transfer to the thalamus and store in and
sent to cerebral cortex. From here message actually hurts.
(C) Perception
The cerebral cortex recognized where the pain is actually from or rather is
going to be felt. It can create measureable references for pain so that it has an
intensity, quality and location. Because of the pain which can be feel by many
dimensions which can be associated with emotional, feeling of anxiety, fear or
(D) Modulation
Pain can also include facilitation and inhibition. Body action against the
message is to prevent, decrease, minimize the pain message (Gatchel, 1996).
Http//www.google.com./pain pathway pain genes journal.plos.org/download
images.jpeg/files/C disk
In the figure there is the matrix of pain which showed how the pain is start and feel by the
Management of pain
Poor quality of pain treatment is throughout the surgical wards, intensive care
unit, accident, emergency department and general-wards have been seen in world-
wide. This neglection is extended to all ages from neonate to adult. The international
Association for the pain study (IASP) support that relief from pain is human right and
it should be treated as a disease and should not forget due to which may produce
many problems in future.
The world health organization (WHO) has mentions a pain ladder for treating
the pain. There are 3steps which are involved for selection of drugs in management of
When we treated moderate to severe pain it depend on type of pain which may
be acute or chronic. On the basis of type of pain can result in different medication
being prescribed. Some medication may work good in acute pain and other in chronic.
Acute pain medication is rapid in onset like post-operative pain or trauma injury
immediate relief of pain medicine is used but in chronic long lasting continue
medication is used in cancer therapy (Fishman, 2012).
The figure showed the mechanism of action of pain relievers which block the COX-
1and COX-2 by acting on the cyclooxygenase enzyme
Http//www.google.com/ pharmacologic management of chronic pain
synape.koreamed.org/ download images.jpeg/files/C disk
This figure show that how the medication cover the pain from mild to severe pain
Self -reporting is most reliable way to measure pain. But it is very difficult to
assess the severity pain in children and for this different type of methods are used like
Oucher Scale, pointing to schematics of faces showing different pain levels or locate
the pain on body parts.
Http//www.google.com/ horizontal pain measurement scale pain assessment
shutterstock.com/ download images.jpeg/files/C disk
1.8. Fever
’Fever is defined as having the temperature above the normal range due to an
increase in body’s temperature set-point or less than ≥38.1°C temperature. It is also
called pyrexia or febrile response’’ (Herzog & Coyne, 1993).
There is no single upper limit for normal temperature with source using the
range from 37.5-38.3°C (Axelrod & Diringer, 2008).This increase in body
temperature produce muscle contraction and causes the feeling of cold. The result in
more heat production and effort to converse heat. When the body temperature return
to normal, person feel hot and sweating may produce (Diringer MN,. May 2008).
Fever do not commonly higher than 41-42°C (Mahadevan & Garmel, 2012). It
may be cause of many medical conditions which may not be serious or serious
problems, which included viral, bacterial, fungal infections which causes common
cold, urinary tract infection, malaria and meningitis. Non-infectious causes of causing
fever are deep vein thrombosis, vacuities, or side effect of many medication
(Mahadevan & Garmel, 2012).
About 75%of adult may have fever who are seriously ill and about 30% of
children developing fever when treating other medical problems (Sullivan & Farrar,
It is some time useful mechanism when treating diseases fever may not
increase (Mohammed & Ahmed, 2012).
time of day
surrounding temperature
activity of person.
Increase in temperature is not always fever e.g rise of body temperature during
exercise is not fever as set-point is normal. On other hand a normal temperature may
be fever, if it is unusually higher for person e.g weak elderly people have decrease
ability to produce enough body heat so normal temperature may represent clinically as
fever (Rolo, 2009).
1.10.1. Hypothermia
1.10.3. Fever
1.10.4. Hyperthermia
1.10.5. Hyperpyrexia
When the body temperature is above the 40°C or greater than 104°F is said to
be hyper-pyrexia (Trautner et al., 2006).
Table 1.1: Difference between fever and hyperthermia
Fever Hyperthermia
Temperature above the normal range due to Increase in temperature over the
raise in body’s set-point set-point
Contration in muscle may cause in production Too much heat is produce
of heat
It may be central regulation No
Heat is lost by sweating. No loss of heat
Different antipyretic drugs are used for Only physical measure
There are two types of main causes of fever and on which diagnosis of fever is
Different conditions effect to infection e.g neonate, young infants, sickle cell
anemia, IV catheters
Alteration of fever chills and fever high up-to 40°C
Viral fever may be short duration
Infection specific diseases are pneumonia, tonsilitis. If fever is without any
causes then laboratory test may conforms the diagnosis.
2. Noninfectious causes of fever are drugs, allergy, malignancies, immunization and
periodic fever
1.12. Types of Fever
The method of changing of temperature from time to time may hint for good
In the continuous fever temperature of body remain above the normal range
throughout day and does not alter more than 1°C within 24 hours e.g lobar
pneumonia, typhoid, urinary tract infection. Typhoid fever may show a specific
changes in body temperature with slow stepwise increase and a high level.
The increase in temperature is for some time and return back to normal after
certain period of time e.g. malaria, pyrexia etc.
Temperature always above the normal range for whole day. Changes in
temperature is more than 1°C in a day e.g infective endocarditis.
1.12.7. Febrile neutropenia
In this fever the immune system is not properly functioning due to lack of
neutrophil and by this bacterial infection may spread more rapidly. This is usually
medically urgent attention e.g fever in chemotherapy (Fauci, 2008).
In this fever there is no localized signs and symptom with minimum duration
of 3 weeks. It can be evaluated and attack quickly in children other than in an elder.
Laboratory investigation is done on the basis of children health and level of
investigation is dependent on history like
Exposed to infection
Exposed to animals
Ingestion of raw milk
For the diagnosis of PUO early test like chest x-rays, C.B.C, urine test is
performed. If the examination failed for diagnosis then additional investigation and
infrequently invasive techniques will be done for proper diagnosis. The PUO is better
observed in children due to quickly occurrence of infection other than in adult (El-
Radhi et al., 2009).
Causes Reasons
Localized Sinusitis Standard sinus radiogragh is not performed
Endocarditis May have cardiac defect previously
Occult abscess No clinical signs
Systemic Viral Fever is major sign of is disease
T.B Tuberlin test is negative
Kawasaki Unknown reason fever present
1.13.9. Drug which causing fever
Drug fever may occur after start of drugs therapy and patient do not have any
serious side effects. Body temperature may return normal at adequate level like
cytotoxic or other drugs that cause hyperpyrexia may cause to increase in body
Some drugs when taken act as antigen and produce IL-1 which make antigen
anti-bodies complex with leukocytes and cause fever. Penicillin is good
Cytotoxic drugs and some antibiotic which are derived from microorganism
and contaminated with endotoxin may causes to increase body temperature.
Some drugs have direct pyrogenic effect on hypothalamic center like cocaine
Some drugs can also increase in body temperature by increasing the heat
production such as atropine
Interferon are used for treatment of hepatitis B and C which are endogenous
pyrogen and causes fever (Treede et al., 2008).
Causes of hyperthermia
Decrease in sweating
Increase in body temperature
Hyperthermia is also related with fever
Fever Hyperthermia
Common Relatively rare
Feeling cold Feeling hot
Temperature is usually 38-41°C Fever may exceed up-to 42°C
Antipyretic drugs is used for treatment Only physically measurement
1.15. Hyperpyrexia
Intracranial hemorrhage
Kawasaki syndrome
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
Serotonin syndrome
Infections are most common cause of fever however as the body temperature
increases other cause become more common. Infections which are associated with
hyperpyrexia are measles, retroviral infections (McGugan, 2001).
hyperthermia failure of thermoregulatory mechanism and body temperature rises
above the set point due to external sources (Fauci, 2008).
The pyrogen is a substance that cause fever in body. These may be either
internal (Endogenous) or external (Exogenous).
(A) Endogenous
Interleukin 1 (IL 1)
Interleukin 6 (IL 6)
1. Interkeukin1 (IL1)
These cytokines are present inactive form and converted into active form by
enzymatically before release in circulation. These are stored in secreting cells of
cytoplasm and major site of removal is kidney. These are in three forms in which two
act as agonist like ILα and Ilβ and one as antagonist IL ra acts on hypothalamus to
increase in body temperature. It also plays an important role in activation of T and B
The cytokines which are released from macrophages and monocytes are tumor
necrosis factor. These are also endogenous pyrogen which directly act on
hypothalamus and initiate fever. TNF has significant role in different biological
function with sharing of IL1 like increase in cytotoxic effects and phagocytic effect,
increase in defense mechanism against infections.
3. Interleukin6 (IL 6)
(B) Exogenous
Most of the mechanism which are involved in exogenous pyrogen are through
the initiation of IL-1 which is released due to macrophages and monocytes which
leads to initiate fever. Other mechanisms which are involved are following
The cell wall is made up of peptidoglycan and this peptidoglycan may act as
pyrogen in body
Gram negative produce some type of endotoxin which disturb the set-point in
hypothalamus .Endotoxin is heat stable factor.
Fungi increase body temperature and disturb set-point when these are present
in blood circulation. Fungi is exogenous pyrogen that may be live are dead fungus
subcutaneous tissues. These are responsible for IL-1 production and ultimate initiation
of fever. These cells play a major role in defense system, phagocytosis, T
lymphocytes, activation and destruction of tumor cells. The main products of this
system are IL-1 and TNF.
i) Thermoregulation
i. Heat production
At rest, different organ like heart, liver, brain, viscera, muscles, pancreas and
adrenal gland supply heat to cellular level in the form of adenosine
triphosphate (ATPs)
Brown fat in scapula and neck area produces heat in newborn and infants
Adults and older children save heat by veso-constriction and produce heat by
shivering in response to cold .The flow of heat is through blood circulation
which is regulated by CNS. In cold environment, when outside temperature is
decreased the flow of blood supply to skin is low which cause in preservation
of heat. And in hot environment core temperature is increased blood flow
toward skin is fast which cause s to loss of heat through skin by sweating (El-
Radhi et al., 2009).
3% of heat is lost by conduction. It is more common when a person is lying on
hot surface than on standing position due to increase in surface area.
1.18.1. Axilla
1.18.2. Skin
The thermometer used for this method is simple, plastic, disposible encased
with liquid crystal and placed on forehead. Change in color of substance occur if
increase in temperature. This method is most convenient, safe, easy to use, give rapid
result and home usage.
1.18.3. Sublingual
rectum. Lubricant jelly should be applied on tip of thermometer before insertion.
Time of notification not more than three minutes (El-Radhi et al., 2009).
1.19. Antipyretics Aspirin
24 Paracetamol
It Inhibit the prostaglandin synthesis with half-life of 2 hours. Over dose may
cause liver damage, liver cirrhosis and liver necrosis. Some common side effects are
GI disturbance, Gastritis and hepatitis etc. Neproxin
It is NSAIDs with long half-life of 14 hours. Twice is taken for best effect. It
is suitable in cancer patients. Indomethacin Anti-pyrine
It is drug which was used as antipyretic in all over the world but now it is
restricted due to toxicity specially a-granulocytosis. Salicylamide Steriods
Steriods are also used as antipyretic. In patient who receiving long term
steriods treatment do not reduce fever in responsive to infections. This is due to
decrease in interleukin1production by macrophages and inhibition of prostaglandin
Table 1.4: Drugs which decrease body temperature
Different physical methods are applied to lower the body temperature which
are following.
This method reduces the fever very quickly. Use spirit or ethyl alcohol in
water for it with carefully and is superior to torpid sponging. Avoid direct inhalation
which may cause asthma or hypo-glycemia.(Chandra & Bhatnagar, 2002; El-Radhi
et al., 2009)
Used only for short term treatment which may cause the production heat to
achieve hypothalamic set-point and not lower the body temperature. This method
causes un comfort and shivering (Chandra & Bhatnagar, 2002).
Different methods are used to cool the total body surface by cool blankets, ice
packs, air conditioner and taking shaver which decrease in body temperature
(Chandra & Bhatnagar, 2002).
1.20. Introduction of plants
This plant belonging to family cypereceae and genus have more than 5500
species. Cyperus pertenuis is traditionaly used with others as an antipyretic and
Followings are the major constituents in it. Fats, Sugar, Gum, Carbohydrates,
Essential oil, Starch, Fiber and alkoloids.
Common name Asbarg(a sbar)larkspur.
Habitat northern Iran high attitude mountain and Afghanistan
Parts used roots/stems/flowers
Kingdom Plantae
Family Ranunculaceae
Order Ranunculales
Genus Delphinium
Specie zelil
The constituents that give the protection against free redical are flavonoids
alkolods and phenol etc. The name delphinium came from greek word ―Delpi‖ which
mean dolphin due to resembling of their flowers shape to dolphin. Delphinium genera
are divided into Annual dephinium species and Perennial delphinium species
(Ramezani & Zarif Ketabi, 2003).
Euruca sativa plant of family Brassicaceae had been studied for its analgesic
and antipyretic activity. The leaves of this plant were used and methanolic extract
were made in 1:1.The ME extract of doses 125mg/kg and 250mg/kg were
administered. Diclofenac sodium (9mg/kg PO) was administered as reference. MEES
reduced the acetic induced writhing by 32% and 46%at 125mg/kg and 250mg/kg
when compared with diclofenac sodium (9mg/kg p/o) which induced 57%.HOT plate
and tail flicking test showed more positive response at (250mg/kg p/o) when
compared with standard (Al-Enazi et al., 2014).
The ethanolic root extract of C. zambesicus was evaluated for analgesic and
Antipyretic effect in mice. The pain was induced by the 1% acetic acid and
2.5%formalin induced paw licking. The pyrexia was induced by the brewer’s yeast.
The animals were grouped into six groups with six animals in each. First group
received only (0.9% Nacl).Second received normal standard ASA (100mg/kg). The
third, fourth, fifth, and six received doses of (21-81 mg/kg) extracts. There was
decreased in abdominal writhing and paw licking which showed decreased in central
pain. The extract doses showed the decreased in rectal temperature when compared
with standard due to prostaglandin synthesis (Okokon,Nwafor 2009).
The methanolic extract of Diclipter averticillata stems with the leaves was
investigated for Analgesic and Antipyretic effect on the animal models. The extract
shown significantly decrease in acetic induced numbers of writhing at all the doses as
the dose dependent pattern when it was compared with standard (paracetamol
150mg/kg). The extract was also efficient on yeast induced hyperpyrexia in rats
(Saleem, Ahmad, Ahmad, Hussain, Bukhari, et al., 2015).
The aqueous extract Adasoniya digitala was evaluated for analgesic and
antipyretic effect on the animal models. The extract showed markly decreased in the
number of paw licking and number of abdominal writhing in mice at the doses of
(400-800mg/kg). The extract showed significantly decreased in rectal temperature
which was induced by the brewer’s yeast at the dose of (800mg/kg) (Ramadan et al.,
Analgesic effect of plant terphosia purpurea was studied .The ethanolic extract of
plant was made which was used for investigation the activity. Four groups of mice 6
in each were used by using hotplate and acetic acid induced writhing method. Group
one normal control received (0.9%Nacl p/o) group two positive control received
diclofenac sodium (25mg/kg p/o) group three ,fourth received (200mg/kg and
400mg/kg p/o) .The TPEE at doses (400mg/kg p/o)significantly reduced the thermal
and chemical induced in mice when compared with standard (Hajare et al., 2000).
(Garg & Khosa, 2008) investigate the antipyretic effect of Aqueous extract of
Cynodon dactylon (poaceae) on rats by brewer’s yeast induced pyrexia. Five groups
were made with six rats in each group. The first group served as normal, second
served as standard received paracetamol (100mg/kg). Third, fourth and fifth received
plant extract with different doses of (200,400,600mg/kg).The maximum effect was
seen in 600mg/kg dose when compared with positive control by inhibiting the pyrexia
induced mediators.
and increased the response time of hotplate. The extract also exhibited as antipyretic
at the doses of 100-200mg/kg when compared with standard (indomethacin).The
extract may had some flavonoids and alkaloids which showed the analgesic and
antipyretic effects (Hajare et al., 2000).
The ethanolic extract of seeds of Daucus carota was investigated for analgesic
activity on the Albino mice by using acetic acid induced writhing and hotplate
methods. Different doses of 100,200 and 400mg/kg were used. Maximum effect was
seen at the dose of 400mg/kg by increasing the response time and decreasing the
writhing in mice (Vasudevan et al., 2006).
Antipyretic effect was carried out to determine the effect of methanolic extract
of Abutilon mauritianum of family Malvaceae by using the brewer’s yeast and
lipopolysaccharide (.3microgram/kg) induce pyrexia methods in Albino rats.
Ethanolic extract at the doses of 150mg/kg and 300mg/kg were used. Maximum effect
was seen at the dose of 600mg/kg which reduced the rectal temperature induced by
brewer’s yeast. The temperature may be down due to presence of tannin, flavonoids
and alkaloids in the extract which inhibition of prostaglandin (Akapa et al., 2014).
The aqeoues extracts of Nigella sative was studied on mice and rats for
analgesic and antipyretic activity. Different groups were made to check the analgesic
activity on Albino mice with different doses. It was seen that there was significant
increase in hot plate reaction time. The suspension of N sativa decreased the pyrexia
and rectal temperature in rats which was induced by brewer’s yeast when compared
with standard (Al-Ghamdi, 2001).
The roots extract of plant Clitoria ternatea shows the analgesic and antipyretic
effect. The methanolic extract reduced the vascular per-ability induced by the acetic
acid in rats. There was markely reduced the number of writhing at 400mg/kg dose.
The extract also exhibited a significant decreased of pyrexia when induced by the
Brewer’s yeast in rats which showed the prostaglandin inhibition in rats (Devi et al.,
2003; M Gupta et al., 2005).
This study was carryout on Ocimuna sanctumto investigate the analgesic and
antipyretic effect. The methanolic extract and aqueous suspension was used. Both the
methanolic extract and aqueous suspension showed the analgesic effect in mice by
using the hotplate and tail flicking methods. The result showed the increased in tail
flicking reaction time. The suspension reduced the typhoid paratyphoid A/B vaccine
induced pyrexia which was weaker than standard (300mg/kg sodium salicylaye)
(Godhwani et al., 1987).
significantly increased in hotplate reaction time and decreased in writhing response
which was dose dependent. The pyrexia was induced in rats by brewer’s yeast method
and there was decreased in rectal temperature when methanolic extract was given to
rats and when it was compared with standard (Begum et al., 2010).
The plant Garcinia hanburyi was assessed for antipyretic and analgesic effect.
The ethylene acetate extract was used on the experimental animal models. There was
decreased in acetic acid induced writhing response and increased in the hotplate time
response. Moreover the extract showed the excellent antipyretic effect when tested in
yeast induced hyperthermia in rats, when it was compared with standard. The
analgesic and antipyretic was caused due to prostaglandin synthesis (Panthong et al.,
The ethanolic root extract of C. Zambesicus was evaluated for analgesic and
antipyretic effect in mice. The pain was induced by the 1% acetic acid and 2.5%
formalin induced paw licking. The pyrexia was induced by the brewer’s yeast. The
animals were grouped into six groups with six animals in each. First group received
only (0.9% Nacl).Second received normal standard ASA (100mg/kg). The third,
fourth, fifth, and six received doses of (21-81 mg/kg) extract. There was decreased in
abdominal writhing and paw licking which showed decreased in central pain. The
extract doses showed the decreased in rectal temperature when compared with
standard due to prostaglandin synthesis (Okokon & Nwafor, 2010).
The methanolic extract of Dicliptera verticillata stems with the leaves was
investigated for Analgesic and Antipyretic effect on the animal models. The extract
shown significantly decreased in acetic induced numbers of writhing at all the doses
as the dose dependent pattern when it was compared with standard (paracetamol
150mg/kg). The extract was also efficient on yeast induced hyperpyrexia in rats
(Lamien et al., 2006).
To analyze the antipyretic activity of these plants by using the Brewer´s yeast
induced method
2.1. Experimental Animals
Albino rats of both sex weighing about 150-250g were used. The animals were
purchased from university of Lahore (defense road campus) Lahore. All the animals
were kept in animal house of Riphah international university Lahore with the standard
condition and standard diet and water. All the animals must be kept at 25°C± 2°C
with humidity of 45%-55% in the alternate of dark and light cycle. All the animals
must be free to access of food and water throughout the study (Saleem, Ahmad,
Ahmad, Hussain, & Bukhari, 2015).
2.3. Equipment’s
The two plants named as Cyperus pertanius and Delphinium zelil were
purchased from local market of Lahore and these plants were identified from the
botany department of Punjab University Lahore, Lahore campus.
The Cyperus pertenius and Delphinium zelil 250g each were grinded by using
the mechanical grinder in to coarse powder form. Then these powder were stored into
an air tight container separately and kept at cool and dry place. The powder sample
was taken into round flask beaker of (1L) and these were soaked into 70% aqueous
Ethanolic solvent for 15 days with occasionally shaking and stirring. Then filter the
whole mixture through muslin cloth and wattmann no 1filter paper. Filtrate were left
for 7 days for complete evaporation and dryness in the oven at the 37°C.After 7 days
a brownish solid and semi-solid were obtained and weighed to found the %age yield.
Chemical tests were performed on aqueous and Ethanolic extract by using the
standard procedures to see the constituents present.
Dried powder samples of 0.5g was boiled in 20ml of water in each test tube.
Then a few drops of 0.1%ferric chloride were added in each, blackish blue or
brownish green color appears which showed the presence of tannin (Saleem et al.,
The aliquot of 5ml was mixed with few drops of hager’s reagent (standard
aqueous solution of picric acid). Appearance of yellow precipitates indicates the
presence of alkaloids.
Aliquot of 5ml was mixed with few drops of wagnar’s reagents. Appearance
of reddish brown precipitate showed the presence of alkaloids.
39 Dragondroff test
About 1g of powder samples was mixed and boiled in 10ml of water in each
test tube at water bath and filtered.5ml of each filtrate were mixed with 5ml of D/W
and shaken very well for persistent froth. Then this frothing was mixed with 5 drops
of olive oil in each. Formation of emulsion showed the presence of saponin (Edeoga
et al., 2005).
Ethanolic of 5ml extract of each plant was mixed with 2ml of chloroform and
concentrated sulphuric acid was added in each extract along the wall of the test tubes
.A red color appear at the bottom of the test tubes which indicates the presence of
steroids. Another test was performed for conformation.5ml of extract of each plant
was taken in test tubes and added 2ml of chloroform in each test tube and added few
drops of H2so4 and few drops of acetic acid along the wall of test tubes. Formation of
greenish color conform the presence of steroids.
(keller-killani test)
Each extract of 5ml was taken in test tubes and few drops of Fecl3 was added
and mixed very well. Then a few drops of glacial acetic acid and concentrated H 2so4
along the wall of the test tubes very carefully. Radish brown coloration at the junction
of the layer indicates the presence of glycosides (Parekh & Chanda, 2007).
2.6.7. Test for carbohydrates
Ethanolic extract of 2ml each was taken in test tube and 2ml of molish reagent
was added in each test tube. Then mixed on the vortex mixer for few minute and
added concentrated H2so4 along of the test tubes drop wise. Voilet ring was made at
the inter phase which showed the presence of carbohydrates.
A mixture of 5ml suspension of each was boiled after adding 2ml of 0.2%
ninhydrin solution in each. Formation of violet appearance indicates the presence of
amino acid (Saleem et al., 2014).
5ml of ethanolic extract of each were treated with 1% strong base (sodium or
potassium hydroxide) and added a few drops of copper sulphates in each test tube
.Formation of purple color in solution indicates the presence of proteins.
A mixture of 5ml of each extract was taken in the test tube, and mixed with
3ml of chloroform and dried. Then 2ml of concentrated H2so4 was added and heated
for 2-3 minutes. A grayish solution was formed which showed the presence of
terpenes (Yadav & Agarwala, 2011).
was used as standard. The results was found and expressed as the gallic acid
equivalent (mg/g of extracted compound) by using the standard curve. Total phenolic
contents of both plants extract were determined by using the above procedure and
sample solution of ethanolic extracts were made separately (Saleem et al., 2014).
2.7. Antipyretic Activity
After the 18 hours of injection of brewer’s yeast the rectal temperature was
noted carefully in each animal and different doses of treatment was given one by one
to all the groups. The rectal temperature was measured at regular intervals of 0, 30
minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours, and 4 hours. The temperature of standard control
was compared with all treated groups.
The analgesic activity was measured in 12 hours fasted albino rat of either
sex weighing of (150–180 g) each group contain five animals by Acetic acid-induced
writhing (Koster et al., 1959) and hotplate method (Saleem, Ahmad, Ahmad, Hussain,
& Bukhari, 2015; Taranalli et al., 2008).
After the 30 minutes of treatment the animals were place on the hot plate
gently and latency time was measured with out of jumping and licking of hands and
paws of animal .A cut off time of 90 seconds applied on all the animals for prevention
of tissue damage. Latency time of each group was measured at regular intervals at 0
minutes, 30 minutes, 60 minutes, 90 minutes and 120 minutes. Then latency time of
control group was compared with treated groups
2.8.2. Acetic induced writhing method
Then after the 30 minutes of treatment, animals were administered 1ml of the
1%acetic acid intra-peritoneally, at the rate of 1ml/100g. After the five minutes no of
contraction which are actually writhes were notes at the regular interval of time 0-5,
5-10,10-15,15-20 minutes. The percentage of analgesic was calculated by the
following formula given
2.9. Acute Toxicity Study (LD50%)
Data were analyzed by excel sheet and graph pad prism. All the results were
expressed as a mean ± SEM. Statistical analysis was represented find out variance by
using TWO WAY ANOVA followed by mean P-value <0.05 and P <0.001 were
considered as statistical significant.
3.1. Percentage Yield of Plant Extract
The %age yield calculated was 3.16%. The extract was packed into air tight
container and was stored in the refrigerator at 8°C
Ethanolic extract of Cyperus pertenius was soluble in ethanol, DMSO, C.M.C and
chloroform when dissolved in 1:1(w/v), and slightly soluble in ethyl acetate. It was
insoluble in water and normal saline
Water 1:1 -
Soluble = +++
Partial soluble = ++
Insoluble = -
3.2. Qualitative phyto-chemical Assay
Phenols FC method +
3. 1 Total phenolic content
Gallic acid was used as standard. Data were expressed as mean ± SEM (1mg/ml
concentration was used to find out total phenolic content)
Y = 0 .6 6 6 1 X + 0 .4 2 2 0
R = 0 .9 2 1
A b s o rb a n c e a t 7 6 0 n m 2 .0
1 .5
1 .0
0 .5
0 .0
0 .0 0 .5 1 .0 1 .5
C o n c e n tr a t io n (m g /m l)
Total phenolic content were measured by standard curve of regression line and
gallic acid equivalents (µg/ml) percentage was 42.1%
Table 3.4: Total Flavonoids content of Cyperus pertenius
Rutin was used as standard. Data were expressed as mean ± SEM (1mg/ml
concentration to find out total flavonoids content)
Y = 0 .3 2 8 0 X + 0 .0 3 2 4 3
0 .6 R 2 = 0 .9 8 7 6
A b s o rb a n c e a t 4 2 0 n m
0 .4
0 .2
0 .0
0 .0 0 .5 1 .0 1 .5
r u tin c o n c e n tr a tio n (m g /m l)
Value of R square obtained from linear regression curve with 95% confidence limit
was 0.9876.
Y = 0.3280X+0.03243
ascorbic acid that showed percentage inhibition 85.0 ± 0.169, 87.3 ± 1.02, 89.0 ±
0.541, 93.2 ± 1.16, 94.4 ± 0.06 and 95.2 ± 0.718
Data was expressed as mean ± SEM. *P<0.05 was considered as significant when
compared with standard to ethanolic extract.
p e rc e n t in h ib itio n o f ra d ic a l s c a v a n g in g a c tiv ity
a s c o r b ic a c id ( % )
E th a n o lic e x t r a c t o f C . p e r te n iu s ( % )
r u t i n c o n c e n t r a t i o n ( g /m l)
3.5 Antipyretic Activity Determination
Experimental studies showed that pyrexia level in the normal control was 38.63° ±
0.135, 38.66 ± 0.129, 38.6 ± 0.122, 38.55 ± 0.115, 38.55 ± 0.124 at 0, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and
4th hour. While in the positive control (standard paracetamol) pyrexia was
38.45±0.064, 38.06 ± 0.015, 37.83 ± 0.025, 37.60 ± 0.037,37.50 ± 0.05 at 0, 1st ,2nd
,3rd and 4th hour. The result of Cp.E at 100mg/kg dose was before pyrexia 36.81 ±
0.094 and at 0 hour 38.57 ± 0.055,1st hour 38.41 ± 0.046, 2nd hour 38.30 ± 0.053, 3rd
hour 38.20 ± 0.04, 4th hour 38.12 ± 0.043.The results of 200mg/kg dose were before
pyrexia 36.96 ± 0.08 and at 0 hour 38.40 ± 0.06, 1st hour 38.14 ± 0.07, 2nd hour 38.0 ±
0.68, 3rd hour 37.87 ± 0.073, 4th hour 37.68 ± 0.068.The antipyretic effect of Cp.E at
400mg/kg dose was before pyrexia 36.95 ± 0.18 and after pyrexia at 0 hour 38.46 ±
0.076,1st hour 38.14 ± 0.04,2nd hour 37.97 ± 0.06, 3rd hour 37.77 ± 0.056 and 4th hour
37.53 ± 0.043.Brewer’s induced pyrexia in rats. There was remarkable reduction in
pyrexia in standard control group. It also represented that Cp.E reduced the pyrexia at
different doses. The percentage decrease in pyrexia was calculated by the formula
B = temp at 0 hr
C = temp at n hr
Table 3.6: Effect of different doses of Cyperus pertenius ethanolic extract on
brewer’s Yeast Induced Hyperpyrexia in Rats
Normal control 37.06 ± 0.02 38.63 ± 0.135 38.66 ± 0.129 38.6 ± 0.12 38.56 ± 0.115 38.55 ± 0.0108
Positive 36.82 ± 0.143 38.45 ± 0.064 38.06 ± 0.015* 37.83 ± 0.025* 37.6 ± 0.037*** 37.48 ± 0.05***
28.2% 44.9% 61.6% 68.8%
Cp100mg/kg 36.8 ± 0.094 38.57 ± 0.055 38.41 ± 0.046ns 38.3 ± 0.053ns 38.2 ± 0.039* 38.12 ± 0.043*
Cp200mg/kg 36.96 ± 0.08 38.4 ± 0.06 38.14 ± 0.069* 38.0 ± 0.068* 37.87 ± 37.68 ±
** **
0.073 0.068
18.7% 30.3% 37.2%
Cp400mg/kg 36.95 ± 0.184 38.45 ± 0.08 38.14 ± 0.04* 37.97 ± 37.77 ± 37.53 ±
** ** ***
0.058 0.056 0.042
21.1% 32.2% 45.0% 60.6%
Results are expressed as mean ± SEM (n=5), analysed by two ways ANOVA.
P values are considered non-significant (ns) as P significant (*),
P<0.01 more significant (**), P<0.001 highly significant (***) when compared with
normal control group when compared with standard group
3 9 .0
C p 40 0m g/kg
3 8 .5 C p 20 0m g/kg
C p 10 0m g/kg
te m p e ra tu re ( C )
3 7 .0
3 6 .5
3 6 .0
r p
tim e (h r)
3.6. Analgesic Activity Determination
Hot Plate method was used to determine the analgesic activity. Paracetamol
400mg/kg was used as standard or positive control and it give the maximum latency
time when it was compared with normal control and were statistically significant
result whereas different doses of100mg/kg, 200mg/kg and 400mg/kg ethanolic extract
of C.p showed the dose dependent effect when compared with standard. The results
were statistically highly significant (***) when different doses of plant extract were
compared with normal control group. Dose 100mg/kg produced the maximum latency
time of 45.7 seconds at 150 minutes.200mg/kg of dose showed the maximum latency
time of 59.6 second at 150 minutes. Dose of 400mg/kg produced the maximum
latency time of 65.4 seconds at 150 minutes. Whereas PCM 400mg/kg showed the
maximum latency time of 89.9 second at 150 minutes. The results of Cp.E were
compared with normal control group found to be highly significant.
Table 3.7: Effect of different doses of Ethanolic extract of Cyperus pertenius and
paracetamol by using hot plate method in Rats
Normal control 13.7 ± 0.57 14.95 ± 0.74 16.1 ± 1.14 15.02 ± 0.68 15.45 ± 1.06 18.17 ± 1.62
Positive 14.5 ± 1.04* 31.9 ± 1.89* 45.5 ± 2.15** 58.07 ± 2.48** 74.9 ± 3.01*** 89.9 ± 1.28***
Cp100mg/kg 15.27± 1.43ns 22.7 ± 1.30ns 28.5 ± 0.54* 34.7 ± 2.52* 41.4 ± 2.4* 45.7 ± 2.01*
Cp 200mg/kg 15.5 ± 1.16 28.6 ± 1.18* 38.07 ± 1.7* 45.25 ± 1.5** 53.8 ± 1.62** 59.6 ± 1.63***
Cp400mg/kg 14.6 ± 0.992 28.7 ± 0.82* 37.6 ± 1.97** 45.02 ± 2.12*** 54.9 ± 1.93*** 65.4 ± 2.01***
Results are expressed as mean ±SEM (n=5), analysed by two ways ANOVA. P values
are considered non-significant (ns) as P significant (*), P<0.01
more significant (**), P<0.01 highly significant (***) when compared with normal
control group
80 n o rm a l s ta n d a rd
c o n tro l s ta h d a rd
C p 1 0 0 m g /k g
c p 2 0 0 m g /k g
L a te n c y tim e
c p 4 0 0 m g /k g
(s )
tim e (m in )
Table 3.8: Decrease in latency time of Cp.E
3.6.2. Acetic induced writhing method
Acetic induced writhing method was used to determine the analgesic activity.
It was used to measure the pain by peripheral mechanism. Diclofenac sodium was
used as standard control. When positive control group was compared with standard
control group the results were highly significant Diclofenac sodium showed the
maximum induction of pain at 15-20 minutes against chemically induced pain.
Different doses of Ethanolic extract of Cp i.e.100mg/kg, 200mg/kg, 400mg/kg
displayed 48.8%, 59% and 68% of pain protection within 15-20 minutes respectively.
There was significant reduction in writhing in the whole treated groups when these
were compared with the standard group which showed the highly significant.
Table 3 .9. Effect of different doses of Ethanolic extract of Cyperus pertenius and
diclofenac sodium on acetic induced writhing in rats
Results are expressed as mean ± SEM (n=5), analysed by two ways ANOVA.
P values are considered non-significant (ns) as P significant (*),
P<0.01 more significant (**), P<0.001 highly significant (***) when compared with
normal control group
n o rm a l c o n tro l c o n tro l s ta n d a rd
C p 1 0 0 m g /k g C p 2 0 0 m g /k g
40 C p 4 0 0 m g /k g
N o . o f w r it h n in g s
tim e (m in )
3.7. Acute Toxicity Test
Acute oral toxicity was analysed in rat which showed that Cp extract up to
5000mg /kg body weight did not show any sign of behavioral and neurological
toxicity in the rats. There was no relative difference in the body weights of control
and treated rats. Aqueous ethanolic extract of plant was used in acute toxicity study
and there was no lethality up to the dose of 5000mg/kg which showed the safety of
the extract.
Table 3.10: Acute toxicity test of Cyperus pertenius on behavioral and
neurological changes in rats
There was no behavioral changes seen in the study start from dose of 300mg/kg up to
5000mg/kg from time start 30 minutes to 24hr and up to 7 days.
Results are expressed as mean ± SEM (n=5), analysed by two ways ANOVA. P
values are considered non-significant (ns) as P significant (*),
P<0.01 more significant (**), P<0.001 highly significant (***) when compared with
normal control group
4.1. Percentage yield of plant extract of Dilphnium zelil
The percentage yield of dried plant extract was calculated as follow:
Weight of finely divided plant powder (whole) = 500g
Weight of concentrated Cyperus pertenius ethanolic extract = 12.7g
%age yield of Ethanolic extract = 12.7g/1000gx100 = 1.27% (w/w)
12.7/500x100 = 2.54% in 250g
Water 1:1 ++
Soluble = +++
Partial soluble = ++
Insoluble = -
Table 4. 2. Phytochemical results of D. zelil extract
Phenols FC method +
+ (ve) Detected
_ (-ve) Not detected
Table 4.3: Estimation of total phenolic contents of D.zelil
Data were expressed as mean ± SEM (mg/ml) concentration was used to find the total
phenolic contents
Y = 0 .6 6 6 1 X + 0 .4 2 2 0
R = 0 .9 1
1 .5
A b s o rb a n c e a t 7 6 0 n m
1 .0
0 .5
0 .0
0 .0 0 .5 1 .0 1 .5
C o n c e n tr a t io n (m g /m l)
Y= 0.6661*X+0.4220
Total phenolic content were measured by standard curve of regression line and
gallic acid equivalents (µg/ml).percentage was 45.2%
Table 4.4: Estimation of total Flavonoids contents of D. zelil
Data were expressed as mean ± SEM (mg/ml) concentration was used to find the total
Y = 0 .3 2 8 0 X + 0 .0 3 2 4 3
0 .6 2
R = 0 .9 8
A b s o rb a n c e a t 7 6 0 n m
0 .4
0 .2
0 .0
0 .0 0 .5 1 .0 1 .5
C o n c e n tr a tio n (m g /m l)
Value of R square obtained from linear regression curve with 95% confidence limit
was 0.9876.
Y = 0.3280X+0.03243
extract of D zelil. Antioxident activity of plant was increased as concentration of
extract was increased and was compared to standard rutin that showed percentage
inhibition 71.73 ± 0.327, 74.40 ± 0.252, 75.26 ± 0.088, 76.47 ± 0.176, 78.0 ± 0.576,
and 81.20 ± 0.058
R u tin ( % )
C o n c e n tr a t io n (m g /m l)
4.5. Results and Effects of Delphinium zelil ethanolic extract (D.z) on Brewer’s
yeast induced hyperpyrexia in rats.
Experimental studies showed that pyrexia level in the normal control was 38.42 ±
0.05,38.38 ± 0.05,38.35 ± 0.042, 38.31 ± 0.06, 38.29 ± 0.05, at 0,1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th
hour. While in the positive control (standard paracetamol) pyrexia was 38.42 ± 0.130,
37.87 ± 0.107, 37.71 ± 0.086, 37.5 ± 0.072, 37.40 ± 0.065, at 0 , 1st , 2nd , 3rd and 4th
hour. The result of Dz.E at 100mg/kg dose was before pyrexia 37.0 ± 0.057 and at 0
hr 38.40 ± 0.05, 1st hr 38.18 ± 0.056, 2nd hr 38.08 ± 0.064,3rd hr 37.93 ± 0.07, 4th hr
37.85 ± 0.065.The results of 200mg/kg were before pyrexia 37.1 ± 0.48 and at 0 hr
38.18 ± 0.01,1st hr 38.05 ± 0.09, 2nd hr 37.91 ± 0.093, 3rd hr 37.78 ± 0.102, 4th hr
37.65 ± 0.112.The antipyretic effect of Dz.E at 400mg/kg dose was before pyrexia
36.9 ± 0.20 and after pyrexia at 0 hr 38.45 ± 0.037, 1st hr 38.18 ± 0.054, 2nd hr 38.02 ±
0.03, 3rd hr 37.86 ± 0.04 and 4th hr 37.74 ± 0.07 Brewer’s induced pyrexia in rats.
There was remarkable reduction in pyrexia in standard control group. It also
represented that Dz.E reduced the pyrexia at different doses. The percentage decrease
in pyrexia was calculated by the formula
Table 4.6. Effect of different doses of Delphinium zelil ethanolic extract on
brewer’s Yeast Induced Hyperpyrexia
Normal control 36.93 ± 0.114 38.42 ± 0.05 38.38 ± 0.05 38.35 ± 0.042 38.31 ± 0.06 38.29 ± 0.05
** ** **
Positive 36.62 ± 0.224 38.17 ± 0.13 37.87 ± 0.101 37.71 ± 0.86 37.5 ± 0.07 37.4 ± 0.07***
19.4% 29.6% 43.2% 48.0%
Dz100mg/kg 37.0 ± 0.057 38.40 ± 0.04 38.18 ± 0.056ns 38.08 ± 0.064ns 37.93 ± 0.07* 37.85 ± 0.08*
15.7% 22.8% 33.5% 39.2%
Dz200mg/kg 37.1 ± 0.481 38.18 ± 0.01 38.08 ± 0.083ns 37.91 ± 0.093* 37.78 ± 0.093* 37.62 ± 0.115**
12% 25% 37.0% 42.3%
Dz400mg/kg 36.9 ± 0.202 38.45 ± 0.03 38.18 ± 0.054* 38.02 ± 0.028** 37.86 ± 37.67 ± 0.088***
17.4% 27.7%
0.034** 42.8%
Results are expressed as mean ± SEM (n=5), analysed by two ways ANOVA. P
values are considered non-significant (ns) as P significant (*),
P<0.01 more significant (**), P<0.001 highly significant (***) when compared with
normal control group
3 9 .0
D z 4 0 0 m g /k g
D z 2 0 0 m g /k g
D z 1 0 0 m g /k g
3 8 .5 s ta n d a rd c o n tro l
n o rm a l c o n tro l
te m p e ra tu re ( C )
3 8 .0
3 7 .5
3 7 .0
3 6 .5
tim e (h r)
Fig 4.4. Graph of Effect of different doses of Ethanolic extract of D.zelil on rectal
temperature by Brewer’s yeast method
4.6. Analgesic Activity Determination
Hot Plate method was used to determine the analgesic activity. Paracetamol
400mg/kg was used as standard or positive control and it give the maximum latency
time when it was compared with normal control and were statistically significant
result whereas different doses of100mg/kg, 200mg/kg and 400mg/kg ethanolic extract
of D.Z showed the dose dependent effect when compared with standard. The results
were statistically highly significant when different doses of plant extract were
compared with normal control group. Dose 100mg/kg produced the maximum latency
time of 53.5 ± 1.01 seconds at 150 minutes. 200mg/kg of dose showed the maximum
latency time of 63.02 ± 1.231 second at150 minutes. Dose of 400mg/kg produced the
maximum latency time of 67.8 ± 1.61 seconds at 150 minutes. Whereas PCM
400mg/kg showed the maximum latency time of 89.9 second at 150 minutes. The
results of Dz.E were compared with normal control group found to be highly
Table 4. 7. Effect of different doses of Ethanolic extract of Delphinium zelil and
paracetamol on Latency time on Hotplate method in Rats
Groups Before drug After drug administration
Normal control 15.06 ± 1.41 15.43 ± 1.14 16.8 ± 1.2 13.9 ± 0.58 16.63 ± 17.05 ± 0.71
Positive control(PCM 14.57 ± 1.94* 23.8 ± 1.71* 37.95 ± 53.67 ± 68.2 ± 82.2 ±
400mg/kg) 1.50** 2.05*** 2.81*** 4.05***
Dz 100mg/kg 15.27 ± 1.63ns 23.0 ± 1.39ns 31.9 ± 2.74* 42.7 ± 49.4 ± 53.5 ± 1.01**
1.32* 0.722**
Dz 200mg/kg 16.7 ± 1.61* 25.6 ± 1.35* 37.22 ± 46.82 ± 55.02 ± 63.02 ±
** ** ** ***
1.07 1.5 0.98 1.231
* ** **
Dz 400mg/kg 16.9 ± 1.97 27.7 ± 1.98 36.3 ± 1.45 45.22 ± 54.2 ± 67.8 ±
** *** ***
1.18 0.98 1.61
Results are expressed as mean ± SEM (n=5), analysed by TWO WAYS ANOVA. P
values are considered non-significant (ns) as P significant (*),
P<0.01 more significant (**), P<0.01 highly significant (***) when compared with
normal control group
100 n o rm a l s ta n d a rd
s ta n d a rd c o n tro l
D z 1 0 0 m g /k g
80 D z 2 0 0 m g /k g
D z 4 0 0 m g /k g
L a te n c y tim e
(s )
tim e (m in )
Fig 4.5. Graph of effect of different doses of ethanolic extract of Delphinium zelil
and paracetamol on Latency time on Hot plate method in Rats
Table 4.8: Decrease in latency time of Dz.E
Groups Response time (Sec)
Before drug After drug administration
0 time
Normal control 15.1 ± 1.41 30 min 15.43 ± 1.14
60 min 16.8 ± 1.27
90 min 13.9 ± 0.6
120 min 16.63 ± 1.53
150 min 17.1 ± 0.71
Standard control 14.6 ± 1.9 30 min 23.8 ± 1.71
60 min 37.95 ± 1.5
90 min 53.7 ± 2.05
120 min 68.02 ± 2.81
150 min 82.1 ± 4.05
Dz 100mg/kg 15.27 ± 1.65 30 min 23.0 ± 1.39
60 min 31.9 ± 2.79
90 min 42.8 ± 1.32
120 min 49.9 ± 0.722
150 min 53.5 ± 1.01
Dz200mg/kg 16.7 ± 1.61 30 min 25.7 ± 1.35
60 min 37.2 ± 1.05
90 min 46.82 ± 1.53
120 min 55 ± 0.983
150 min 63 ± 1.21
Dz400mg/kg 16.9 ± 1.97 30 min 27.7 ± 1.98
60 min 36.3 ± 1.45
90 min 45.02 ± 1.18
Results are expressed as mean ± SEM (n=5), analysed by two ways ANOVA. P
values are considered non-significant (ns) as P significant (*),
P<0.01 more significant (**), P<0.01 highly significant (***) when compared with
normal control group
4.6.2. Acetic induced writhing method
Acetic induced writhing method was used to determine the analgesic activity.
It was used to measure the pain by peripheral mechanism. Diclofenac sodium was
used as standard control. When positive control group was compared with standard
control group the results are maximum. Diclofenac sodium showed the maximum
induction of pain 74% at 10-15 minutes against chemically induced pain. Differents
doses of Ethanolic extract of Dz i.e.100mg/kg, 200mg/kg, 400mg/kg given the
maximum induction of pain 54.8%, 63.2% and 64.5% at 15-20 minutes respectively.
There was significant reduction in writhing in the whole treated groups when these
were compared with the standard group which showed the highly significant
Table 4.9: Effect of different doses of Ethanolic extract of Delphinium zelil and
diclofenac sodium on acetic induced writhing in rats
Results are expressed as mean ± SEM (n=5), analysed by two ways ANOVA. P
values are considered non-significant (ns) as P significant (*),
P<0.01 more significant (**), p<0.01 highly significant (***) when compared with
normal control group
n o rm a l sta n d a rd
c o n tro l sta n d a rd D z 2 0 0 m g /kg
D z 1 0 0 m g /kg D z 4 0 0 m g /kg
N o . o f w r it h n in g s
tim e (m in )
Fig 4.6. Graph of Effect of different doses of Ethanolic extract of Delphinium zelil
and diclofenac sodium on acetic induced writhing in rats
4.7. Acute Toxicity Test
Acute oral toxicity was analysed in rat which showed that Dz extract up to
5000mg /kg body weight did not show any sign of behavioral and neurological
toxicity in the rats. There was no relative difference in the body weights of control
and treated rats. Aqueous ethanolic extract of plant was used in acute toxicity study
and there was no lethality up to the dose of 5000mg/kg which showed the safety of
the extract.
Table 4. 10. Acute toxicity test of Delphinium zelil on behavioral and neurological
changes in rats
There was no behavioral changes seen in the study start from dose of 300mg/kg up to
5000mg/kg from time start 30 minutes to 24hr and up to 7 days.
Results are expressed as mean ± SEM (n=5), analysed by two ways ANOVA.
P values are considered non-significant (ns) as P significant (*),
P<0.01 more significant (**), P<0.01 highly significant (***) when compared with
normal control group
5.1. Discussion
The pain is the physical condition which may be due to any disease, injury and
trauma, which may cause irritation and sadness mentally or emotionally in body. It
may also be due to physical stress on body. (Naro, Calabrò, et al., 2015) Pain is just a
symptom which may arise from any destruction in body cells and alarming the person
to withdraw from damaging conditions, to protect a damaged part of body while
healed and to avoid the same condition in future (A. Holden & W. Winlow, 1984).
Pain is usually for short time and is only until the harmful agent is removed or
pathological condition is recovered. But some time pain is for long time. Therefore
pain is divided into two type acute or chronic pain. The pain which is from simple
damaging of body cells and recovered within from few days to month is called acute
pain, and for it simple medication are used to treat it like NSAIDs . The pain which
remained for long time from months to years is called chronic pain. Chronic pain is
recovered with strong pain killer, opioids and morphine like substances. Pain in
cancer or rheumatoid arthiritis is good examples (Calvino & Grilo, 2006).
Most of the pain is recovered with NSAIDs, opioids or morphine like drugs
but these substances produced severe adverse effects like peptic ulceration,
hepatotoxicity, skin rashes etc. Therefore natural products have been used for
alternative to these drugs which may suppress the pain with less adverse effects.
IL-I causes fever within 10 minutes when produced and on reaching to hypothalamus
(Chandra & Kumar Bhatnagar, 2002). PGE2 prostaglandin is produced when these
cytokines acts on brain blood vessels. Fever is autonomic, behavioral and endocrine
response which is control by hypothalamus in brain (Kunnaja et al., 2014).
rutin) were used. Highest value of scavenging was seen at the dose of 640µglmg and
Cyperus pertenius showed 89% when compared with standard ascorbic acid and
Delphinium zelil shown 73% at the same dose when compared with standard rutin.
The analgesic activity was investigated against the thermally and chemically
induced pain stimuli to evaluate the central and peripheral pain inhibiting pathways by
the extracts of Cyperus pertenius and Delphinium zelil. Hot plate and acetic induced
writhing tests were used to be seen the analgesic activity of extracts. Hot plate method
was used to seen the central analgesic effect of extracts and acetic induced writhing
method was used to display peripheral analgesic effect of the extracts. Extracts
exhibited dose dependent analgesic activity in the hotplate and acetic induced
writhing methods. In the pain histamines, bradykinins and prostaglandins are
produced. The plant extracts inhibit the prostaglandins and histamine synthesis and
release due to presence of alkaloids, boldine, flavonoids like baicalin,quercetin etc
(Kim et al., 2004). The results of analgesic activity of Cyperus pertenius and
Delphinium zelil were remarkable same as that of diclofenac sodium which was used
as standard in the current experiment. The extracts produced analgesic effect in dose
dependent manner, as dose was increased there was more reduction of pain. At dose
of 400mhlkg there was more reduction in pain but not efficient like standard
diclofenac sodium drug. This indicated that the effect might be due to inhibition of
prostaglandins and histamines. It may inhibit the COX-I and COX-II enzymes.
Diclofenac sodium was used as standard due to its analgesic effect and causes
reduction in pain.
5.2. Conclusions and Recommendations
Analgesic activity was also assessed by hotplate method and acetic induced
writhing method and result produced are near to the result of NSAIDs (non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory) drugs like diclofenac sodium in the dose dependent manner. The
experimental evidence suggests that extracts reduce the pain. This is due to inhibition
of cyclooxygenase enzyme and certain metabolites like bradykinin, histamine and
prostaglandin which cause pain in body. So it is concluded from the previous
experimental study that plants Cyperus pertunius and Delphinium zelil has significant
analgesic and antipyretic effects. Although this study was preliminary steps toward
screening of these plants extract, which proves the way for further attention and
research to identifying the active compounds which are responsible for
pharmacological activities. Further studies could be undertaken to elucidate the exact
mechanism by which these plants extract exert their analgesic and antipyretic effects.
Moreover the phytochemical and pharmacological exploration is required to see the
other activities of these important plants.
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