1. Car A and B are traveling in the same direction 𝑉 = 𝑡 3 − 10.5𝑡 2 + 30𝑡 + 20 miles per hour where
at the same speed of 70 kph on a level road. Car t = number of hours past noon. What is the
A is 150 m ahead of B. Car A decelerates at the fastest speed of the traffic between 1:00 P.M.
rate of 2 m/s2. From this instant up to the time B and 6:00 P.M. in mph?
overtakes A, How far has B traveled? a. 32.5 mph c. 25.3 mph
a. 238.14 m c. 148.23 m b. 64 mph d. 46 mph
b. 314.28 m d. 423.81 m
9. The radius of the moon is 1080 miles. The
2. A highway curve having a radius of 400 ft. is gravitational acceleration at the moon’s surface
banked so that will be no lateral pressure on the is 0.165 times the gravitational acceleration at
car’s wheel at a speed of 48 kph. What is the the earth’s surface. What is the velocity of
angle of elevation of the embankment? Use g = escape from the moon in miles per sec.?
9.81 m/s2. a. 4.17 mile/sec. c. 1.47 mile/sec
a. 4.85° c. 5.84° b. 7.14 mile/sec. d. 3.24 miles/sec.
b. 6.78° d. 8.45°
10. From a speed of 75 kph, a car decelerates at the
3. A pulley that is rotating at 36 rev/sec. is rate of 500 m/min2, along a straight path. How far
decelerated at 12 rad/sec2 until it stops. How in meters will it travel in 45 sec?
many complete revolutions does it make within a. 875.967 m c. 578.963 m
this period? b. 682.854 m d. 796.875 m
a. 393 rev c. 339 rev
b. 285 rev d. 412 rev 11. A ball is thrown from a tower 30 m high above
the ground with a velocity of 300 m/sec directed
4. Cars A and B are traveling in the same direction at 20° from the horizontal. How long will the ball
at the same speed of 20 kph along a level road hit the ground?
with Car A 150 m ahead of Car B. Car A a. 12.2 sec c. 18.5 sec.
decelerates at 2 m/sec2. From this instant up to b. 28.3 sec. d. 21.2 sec.
the time B overtakes A, how far has A traveled.
a. 58.03 m c. 68.75 m 12. A train upon passing a point A at a speed of 72
b. 74.28 m d. 88.08 m kph accelerates at 0.75 m/s2 for one minute
along a straight path then decelerates at 1.0
5. A projectile is fired with a muzzle velocity of 300 m/s2. How far in km. from point A will it be 2
m/s from a gun aimed upward at an angle of 20° minutes after passing point A.
with the horizontal, from the top of a building 30 a. 6502 m c. 5390 m
m high on a level ground. With what velocity will b. 3256 m d. 4650 m
it hit the ground in m/s.
a. 450.20 m/s c. 540.30 m/s 13. A projectile leaves at a velocity of 50 m/s at an
b. 300.98 m/s d. 645.78 m/s angle of 30° with the horizontal. Find the
maximum height that it could reach?
6. From a speed of 20 mph a train accelerates the a. 16.54 c. 31.86
rate of 0.395 m/s2. How many seconds will it take b. 25.63 d. 46.35
the train to travel one km. during the
acceleration? 14. A train starting at initial velocity of 30 kph travels
a. 21.5 sec. c. 34.6 sec a distance of 21 km in 18 minutes. Determine the
b. 52.1 sec. d. 45.8 sec. acceleration of the train at this instant?
a. 0.0132 m/s2 c. 0.0206 m/s2
7. A stone is thrown upward at an angle of 30° with b. 0.0531 m/s2 d. 0.9231 m/s2
the horizontal. It lands 60 m measured
horizontally and 2 m below measured vertically 15. A turbine started from rest to 180 rpm in 6 min.
from its point of release. Determine the initial at a constant acceleration. Find the number of
velocity of the stone in m/s. revolutions that it makes within the elapse time.
a. 53.25 m/s c. 34.84 m/s a. 540 rev c. 360 rev
b. 25.35 m/s d. 41.25 m/s b. 620 rev d. 240 rev
20. A driver traveling at 50 mph is 80 m from a wall 27. A car moves at an initial velocity of 3600m/s and
ahead. If the driver applies the brakes decelerates at 450m/min/sec. Find the distance
immediately (perception time is 2 seconds) and traveled by the car until it reaches a velocity of
begins showing the vehicle at 10 m/sec2 3000m/s.
(deceleration), find the distance from the a. 462 km c. 356 km
stopping point to the well. b. 186 km d. 264 km
a. 9.58 m c. 8.89 m
b. 6.65 m d. 10.28 m 28. A car driver approaches a hazard and traveled a
distance of 61m during the perception-reaction
21. A highway curve has a super elevation of 7°. time of 2.8 second. What was the car’s speed of
Find the radius of the curve so that there will be approach in mph?
no lateral pressure between the tires and the a. 49 mph c. 40 mph
roadway at a speed of 40 mph? b. 35 mph d. 55 mph
a. 671.35 m c. 265.71 m
b. 435.65 m d. 539.28 m 29. A projectile is fired with a muzzle velocity of
300m/s from a gun aimed upward at an angle of
22. A prismatic bar weighing 25 kg is rotated 20° with the horizontal, from the top of a building
horizontally about one of its ends at a speed of 30m high above a level ground. When will it hit
2.5 rad/sec. Compute the length of the prismatic the ground?
bar when it makes an angle of 45° with the a. 10.75 sec. c. 10.46 sec
vertical. b. 17.24 sec d. 21.2 sec.
a. 2.56 m c. 4.67 m
b. 1.86 m d. 3.33 m 30. An object is projected vertically upward. If the
distance traveled by the object can be expressed
23. The initial angular speed of a rotating flywheel is as ℎ = 100𝑡 − 16.1𝑡 2 where “h” is in meters and
40 rad/sec. If accelerates at an angular “t” is the time is seconds, what is the velocity of
acceleration of 10 rad/sec2. What will be its final the object after 2 seconds?
angular speed after 70 revolutions? a. 65.3 m/sec c. 45.9m/sec
a. 77.54 rad/sec c. 68.32 rad/sec b. 35.6 m/sec d. 28.5 m/sec
b. 54.77 rad/sec d. 49.45 rad/sec
31. The acceleration of the particle is given by 𝑎 = 38. A horizontal platform with a radius of 2.5m,
2 + 12𝑡 in m/s2 where t is the time in minutes. If rotates about its center at a constant angular
the velocity of this particle is 11 m/s after speed of 10 rad/min. Find the normal
1minute, find the velocity after 2 minutes. acceleration in m/s2 of a point at the edge of the
a. 15 m/s c. 25 m/s platform.
b. 28 m/s d. 31 m/s a. 0.025 m/s2 c. 0.069 m/s2
b. 0.405 m/ 2 d. 0.308 m/s2
32. A block having a weight of 200N is placed at a
distance 2.5m from the center of a horizontal flat 39. A horizontal force of 250N pushes a flat
form of 4m radius. If the platform is rotated at 15 bottomed 600N block on a horizontal surface
rpm, what is the minimum coefficient of friction from rest to a velocity of 22 m/s after traveling
between the block and platform to prevent 120 m. What is the coefficient of friction between
sliding? the block and the surface?
a. 0.30 c. 0.45 a. 0.25 c. 0.30
b. 0.63 d. 0.50 b. 0.35 d. 0.21
33. A driver traveling at 50 mph sees a wall at a 40. A 15 kg block is pushes by an upward force P =
certain distance ahead. The driver applies the 40N making an angle of 50° with the horizontal
brakes immediately (perception time is 3 surface. What is the coefficient of friction
seconds) and begins slowing the vehicle at 6 between the horizontal surface and the block,
m.sec2 (decelerating). If the distance from the when the block impends to slides?
stopping point to the wall is 12m, how far was a. 0.22 c. 0.25
the car from the wall upon perception? b. 0.18 d. 0.30
a. 94.54 m c. 120.74 m
b. 174.20 m d. 108.74 m 41. A 1.2 tons car moving with a velocity of 30 kph
bumps the rear of a 1.8 ton car moving in the
34. A railway curve having a radius of 420m has a same direction with a velocity of 20 kph. The
distance between their rails of 1.5m and the bumpers get locked during the collision.
outer rail is 15 cm higher than the inner rail. Find Determine the velocity of the cars immediately
the maximum speed that a train could move after impact.
along this curve so that there will be no lateral a. 15 kph c. 24 kph
pressure on the wheels and the rails. b. 18 kph d. 30 kph
a. 70.73 kph c. 73.70 kph
b. 77.30 kph d. 37.70 kph 42. A steel ball is projected upward from a level
ground at an angle of 30° with the horizontal with
35. A particle moves along a path whose parametric a velocity of 300 m/s. When will it fall back to the
equations are 𝑥 = 𝑡 3 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑦 = 2𝑡 2 What is the ground in seconds?
acceleration when t = 3 sec. a. 58.30 sec c. 35.30 sec
a. 14.84 m/s c. 10.45 m/s b. 30.58 sec d. 43.56 sec
b. 24.35 m/s d. 18.44 m/s
Situation A
36. A body starting from point E is given a uniformly It is estimated that between the hours of noon and
acceleration from zero at E to 1.8 m/s2 at F in 4 7:00 P.M. the speed of a highway traffic flowing past
sec. The initial velocity at E is 3 m/s. Find the the intersection of EDSA and Ortigas Avenue is
distance traveled at the end of 4 seconds. approximately 𝑆 = 𝑡 3 − 9𝑡 2 + 15𝑡 + 45 where “t” is
a. 12.5 m c. 14.9 m the number of hours past noon.
b. 15.4 m d. 16.8 m
43. At what time between noon and 7:00 P.M. is the
37. A car weighing 1000 kg runs at 60 kph around traffic moving the fastest?
an unbanked circular curve with a radius of a. 2:00 P.M. c. 1: 00 P.M.
100m. What force of friction on the tires should b. 3:00 P.M. d. 4:00 P.M.
be to prevent the car from sliding?
a. 2778 c. 2145 44. At what time between noon and 7:00 P.M. is the
b. 1872 d. 3014 traffic moving the slowest?
a. 6:00 P.M. c. 6:30 P.M.
b. 5:00 P.M. d. 4:30 P.M.
45. What is the lowest speed it is moving at this 53. Find the vertical component of the final velocity
time? when it hits the ground?
a. 10 kph c. 30 kph a. 115 m/s c. 134 m/s
b. 20 kph d. 40 kph b. 176 m/s d. 189 m/s
46. The super elevation of a highway curve is 6°. At 54. A ball is drop from a height of 2.6 m. The
what maximum speed can a car ran on it such coefficient of restitution is 0.6, at what height will
that there is no lateral pressure on the wheels. the ball bounce back?
The radius of the curve is 150m. a. 0.658 m c. 0.450 m
a. 18.23 mph c. 24.05 mph b. 0.750 m d. 0.936 m
b. 15.02 mph d. 27.81 mph
55. A projectile is fired with a muzzle velocity of 300
47. Determine the angular speed of a wheel after 3 m/s from a gun aimed at an angle of 30° with the
seconds. If it decelerates at – 12 rad/sec2 horizontal. What is the time it falls back to the
starting from an angular speed of 100 rad/sec. ground from the moment it reaches the highest
Answer in rad/sec. point?
a. 64 rad/sec c. 54 rad/sec a. 0.15 min c. 0.35 min
b. 74 rad /sec d. 44 rad/sec b. 0.25 min d. 0.45 min
48. A ferriswheel has a radius of 10m. Its center is 56. From the speed of 85 kph, a car decelerates at
12m above the ground. When a passenger is the rate of 10 m/min/sec along a straight road.
17m above the ground he is moving vertically at Determine the distance traveled at the end of 30
the rate of 1.81 m/s. What is the speed of seconds?
rotation of the wheel in rpm? a. 633.15 m c. 536.13 m
a. 1 rpm c. 3 rpm b. 365.13 m d. 734.33 m
b. 2 rpm d. 4 rpm
Situation C
49. A car starting from rest accelerates uniformly Object A which weighs 10 kg and moving to the right
from zero at B to 3 m/s2 for 5 seconds at C, then at a speed of 10 m/s collided object B which weighs
decelerates uniformly at 2 m/s2 and stop at D. 5 kg and moving to the left at 5 m/s.
Compute the time the car has traveled from B to
D? 57. If the coefficient of restitution, e = 0, find the
a. 3.75 sec. c. 8.75 sec. velocity of A after impact.
b. 5.78 sec. d. 7.35 sec. a. 3 m/s c. 5 m/s
b. 4 m/s d. 6 m/s
50. An object is moving so that its speed after “t”
minutes is (3 + 2𝑡 + 6𝑡 2 ) m/min. If travels 10m in 58. If the coefficient of restitution, e = 0.8, find the
the first minute. How far does it travel in the first velocity of A after impact?
2 minutes? a. 4 m/s c. 2 m/s
a. 20 m c. 25 m b. 3 m/s d. 1 m/s
b. 35 m d. 30 m
59. If the coefficient of restitution, e = 1, find the
Situation B velocity of A after impact?
An object is fired 200 m/s at 60° with the horizontal a. 1 m/s c. 2 m/s
from a tower 50m high. Wind velocity is 5 m/s to the b. 3 m/s d. 0 m/s
Situation D
51. Find the time required to reach the maximum The expression below are the components of the
height? acceleration from t = 0 to t = 10 seconds.
a. 16.53 sec. c. 17.66 sec 𝑎𝑥 = 0.8𝑡 𝑎𝑦 = 2 − 0.3𝑡 𝑎𝑧 = 5
b. 15.25 sec d. 18.50 sec.
60. Find the total distance traveled, S after t = 10sec.
52. Find the maximum height? a. 259.12 m c. 250.00 m
a. 2591 m c. 1529 m b. 50 m d. 287.71 m
b. 3015 m d. 983.50 m
61. Find the velocity, V at t = 10 sec.
a. 50 m/s c. 5 m/s
b. 40 m/s d. 64.23 m/s
62. Find the resultant acceleration when t = 10 71. Find the acceleration of the ball at a depth of
seconds? 50ft.
a. 9.49 m/s2 c. 5.86 m/s2 a. – 0.0015 m/s2 c. – 0.0018 m/s2
b. 6.57 m/s 2 d. 8.76 m/s2 b. – 0.0025 m/s 2 d. – 0.0035 m/s2
Situation E Situation H
A block having a mass of 50kg is subjected to a Object A approaches object B which is stationary.
horizontal force applied 0.50m above the horizontal Velocity of object A is 𝑉 = 25𝑖 + 4𝑗 − 5𝑘 in m/s. Mass
surface causing it to have an acceleration of 1 m/s2. of A = 10kg, and that of B = 4 kg. After impact, the
If the coefficient of friction between the block and the two objects sticks together.
horizontal surface is 0.40
72. Compute the x – component of the velocity after
63. Find the horizontal force? impact?
a. 460.20 N c. 246.20 N a. 18.71i c. 86.17i
b. 320.20 N d. 156.20 N b. 17.86i d. 16.78i
64. Find the distance traveled after 10 seconds, if it 73. Compute the y – component of the velocity after
has an initial velocity of 5 m/s? impact?
a. 100 m c. 120 m a. 2.86j c. 8.62j
b. 140 m d. 160 m b. 6.28i d. 3.68j
65. Find the velocity after 5 seconds? 74. Compute the z – component of the velocity after
a. 5 m/s c. 15 m/s impact?
b. 10 m/s d. 20 m/s a. – 3.57k c. – 5.37k
b. – 7.35k d. – 4.50k
Situation F
Find the work done in moving a particle in a force 75. Two objects files towards each other. When the
field given by: distance between them is 1.2 km their velocities
𝐹 = 3𝑦𝑖 + 2𝑥𝑗 + 4𝑧𝑘 and acceleration are as follows: VA = 40 m/s,
From ( 0, 0, 0 ) to ( 1, 1, 1 ) along the following path. VB = 15 m/s, aA = - 0.5 m/s2, aB = 1.36 m/s2. A
third object left object A and moves towards
66. The line segment 𝑟 = 𝑡𝑖 + 𝑡𝑗 + 𝑡𝑘 where object B with a velocity of 50 m/s. Upon reaching
0<𝑡<1 B it then files back to A and so on until A and B
a. 9/2 c. 7/2 meets. What is the total distance traverse by the
b. 5/2 d. 11/2 third object?
a. 509 m c. 769 m
67. The curve 𝑟 = 𝑡𝑖 + 𝑡 2 𝑗 + 𝑡 4 𝑘 from (0, 0, 0) to b. 950 m d. 825 m
(1, 1, 1).
a. 11/2 c. 13/ 2 76. A man fires a target with a bullet’s velocity of 900
b. 15/2 d. 9/2 m/s. After 2.5 seconds, he hears the sound of
the bullet that strikes the target. Assuming sound
68. The line segment from (0, 0, 0) to (1, 1, 1) then has a constant velocity of 350 m/s, how far is the
from (1, 1, 0) to (1, 1, 1) target from the man?
a. 9/2 c. 13/2 a. 900 m c. 630 m
b. 11/2 d. 15/2 b. 785 m d. 550 m
Situation G Situation I
A steel ball is released from rest at the water surface Two trains are running in the same direction on two
and has a downward acceleration 𝑎 = 0.9𝑔 − 𝐶𝑉 parallel tracks. The trains are 85m and 65m
where g = 9.81 m/s2 and the constant C = 3.02 s-1 respectively and running at 120 kph and 240 kph. If
the trail end of the first train is 210m ahead of the
69. Find the velocity of the ball after 0.25 minutes. front end of the second train.
a. 2.924 m/s c. 3.125 m/s
b. 2.512 m/2 d. 3.012 m/s 77. Determine the time required for the front end of
the second train to reach the tail end of the first
70. Find the depth the ball has traveled after 0.25 train?
minutes? a. 4.5 sec c. 5.5 sec.
a. 48.92 m c. 92.48 m b. 7.9 sec. d. 6.3 sec.
b. 42.29 m d. 84.29 m
78. Determine the total distance traveled by the 86. Find how long the journey takes if the speed is
second train from the initial position when it has 1 ½ that of the original?
complete overtaken the first train? a. 1 hour c. 4.33 hours
a. 550 m c. 720 m b. 2.167 hour d. 3.45 hours
b. 650 m d. 800 m
87. Find how long the journey takes if the speed is ¾
79. Determine the distance traveled by the first train of the original?
from the initial position until both ends of the two a. 1 hour c. 4.33 hours
trains abreast each other? b. 2.167 hours d. 3.45 hours
a. 720 m c. 346 m
b. 295 m d. 550 m 88. Find how long the journey takes if the speed is
3.25 times the original?
Situation J a. 1 hour c. 4.33 hours
A particle moves in a horizontal line according to 𝑆 = b. 2.167 hours d. 3.45 hours
𝑡 4 − 6𝑡 3 + 12𝑡 2 − 10𝑡 + 3
82. Find the time when the speed is decreasing? 89. How many meters have the first train traveled
a. 𝑡 < 1 c. 𝑡 < 2 when the front end of the second train caught up
b. 𝑡 < 3 d. 𝑡 < 4 with its tail end?
a. 800 m c. 1000 m
Situation K b. 900 m d. 1200 m
Two trains are running in the same direction on two
parallel tracks. The trains are 100m and 120m 90. How many meters have the second train traveled
respectively and running at 100kph and 250 kph. If when the front end caught up with the tail end of
the trail end of the first train is 800m ahead of the the first train?
front end of the second train. a. 1000 m c. 3000 m
b. 1500 m d. 3500 m
83. Determine the time required for the front end of
the second train to reach the tail end of the first 91. How many seconds would have elapsed from
train? initial position when the second train has
a. 12.90 sec. c. 19.20 sec. completely and clearly overtake the first train?
b. 14.38 sec d. 15.86 sec a. 68.4 sec c. 84.6 sec
b. 58.6 sec d. 46.8 sec
84. Determine the total time traveled by the second
train from the initial position when it has
completely overtaken the first train?
a. 44.28 sec. c. 48.24 sec
b. 24.48 sec d. 28.44 sec
Situation L
It takes 3 hours and 15 minutes to fly from city A to
city B at constant speed.