Speech 1
Speech 1
Speech 1
Applied Acoustics
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Article history: The importance of the information in the direct sound to human perception of spatial sound sources is an
Received 31 July 2018 ongoing research topic. The classification between direct sound and diffuse or reverberant sound forms
Received in revised form 11 October 2018 the basis of numerous studies in the field of spatial audio. In particular, parametric spatial audio repre-
Accepted 6 December 2018
sentation methods use this classification and employ signal processing in order to enhance the audio
quality at reproduction. However, current literature does not provide information concerning the impact
of ideal direct sound representation on externalization, in the context of Ambisonics. This paper aims to
assess the importance of the spatial information in the direct sound in the externalization of a sound field
when using binaural reproduction. This is done in the spherical harmonics (SH) domain, where an ideal
direct sound representation within an otherwise Ambisonics signal is simulated, and its perceived exter-
nalization is evaluated in a formal listening test. This investigation leads to the conclusion that external-
ization of a first order Ambisonics signal may be significantly improved by enhancing the direct sound
component, up to a level similar to a third order Ambisonics signal.
Ó 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction metric spatial sound formats have emerged [6–8]. These methods
usually employ a B-format Ambisonics microphone and enhance
Spatial audio is attracting increasing attention in research and the spatial audio quality by using signal processing that is based
industry, for applications of virtual reality, music, telecommunica- on the attributes of human spatial hearing. One such attribute is
tion and more. Spatial audio recording and reproduction methods the classification between direct sound and diffuse sound, forming
have been developed to deliver a 3D sound experience. This is the basis for Directional Audio Coding (DirAC) [6,9], an established
achieved with the playback of sound via a loudspeaker array or parametric spatial sound representation. In DirAC, the signal is
by using a set of headphones, via binaural reproduction. divided into two streams, one corresponding to the directional part
A popular format of spatial audio is Ambisonics [1,2]. This is a and the other to the diffuse part. This is done by the estimation of
linear non-parametric representation based on sound field decom- two main parameters for each time–frequency bin: the direction-
position into spherical harmonics (SH) of the first order. Ambison- of-arrival (DOA) and the diffuseness. In the reproduction stage,
ics can encode either simulated sound fields, or measured sound the direct sound stream is reproduced as a plane-wave arriving
fields using recording systems such as the SoundField microphone. from the estimated DOA, while the diffuse sound stream is ren-
Using a suitable decoder, the Ambisonics signals can be played dered using plane waves propagating in a wide range of directions
back using loudspeaker arrays or headphones. Due to the linear after decorrelation. The perceptually based non-linear processing
processing, Ambisonics does not introduce non-linear distortion, of methods such as DirAC were found to be preferable over
but has the limitation of low spatial resolution due to the inherent Ambisonics [10,11] and even over HOA with limited order [12],
first SH order [3,4]. Higher order Ambisonics (HOA) [5], aims to showing the potential benefit of appropriate manipulation of the
achieve a more physically accurate reconstruction of the sound direct and diffuse parts of the sound field.
field, with higher spatial resolution than Ambisonics. This, in turn, In addition to DirAC, developed for spatial coding, other studies
requires recording with a larger number of microphones, imposing investigated the importance of the direct and reverberant parts of a
practical constraints on the recording system. sound field for spatial hearing. These have shown that the acoustic
With the aim of employing simple recording systems yet information in the direct sound dominates over that found in a
achieving high quality at reproduction, perceptually driven para- single or in multiple reflections [13–15]. Moreover, more recent
studies employing binaural reproduction based on binaural room
impulse responses (BRIRs), reveal that this dominance has a
E-mail addresses: eranmil@post.bgu.ac.il (E. Miller), br@bgu.ac.il (B. Rafaely).
0003-682X/Ó 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
E. Miller, B. Rafaely / Applied Acoustics 148 (2019) 40–45 41
perceptual impact on a variety of attributes, such as localization, the pressure at a listener’s left and right ears can be formulated
source width and timbre, for example [16–18]. Concerning exter- as an integration over a sphere [22]:
nalization in particular, which is the focus of this work, in [19] it Z 2p Z p
was shown that as long as the direct part of the BRIR is kept pl;r ðkÞ ¼ aðk; h; /Þh ðk; h; /Þ sin hdhd/; ð1Þ
unchanged, the level of externalization is barely affected by spec- 0 0
tral smoothing of the reverberant part of the BRIR. In [20], replac- where aðk; h; /Þ is the complex amplitude density of a plane-wave of
ing the reverberant part of BRIRs with a monaural response did not wavenumber k, with ðh; /Þ denoting the plane wave arrival direc-
affect the externalization in some cases, e.g. lateral sound sources, l;r
tion. h ðk; h; /Þ are the complex amplitudes of the head related
as long as the direct part was kept unchanged. While these exper-
transfer functions (HRTFs), representing the frequency response at
iments investigated the effect of the direct sound in a controlled
the ear canals at wavenumber k due to a far-field sound source pro-
manner by manipulating BRIRs, and even tested externalization,
ducing a plane wave arriving from direction ðh; /Þ. The superscripts
they did not investigate the importance of the direct sound in
l; r represent the left and right ears, respectively.
the context of spatial audio coding, and, in particular, in the l;r
context of Ambisonics. aðk; h; /Þand h ðk; h; /Þ can be represented as a weighted sum of
Although previous studies with Ambisonics and SH representa- SH, defining their inverse spherical Fourier transform (ISFT) [23]:
tions manipulated the direct sound in the time-frequency domain X
Na X
(e.g. DirAC, SASC [8]), they also included manipulations of the dif- aðk; h; /Þ ¼ anm ðkÞY m
n ðh; /Þ; ð2Þ
fuse part. Therefore, conclusions regarding the explicit importance n¼0 m¼n
mixed-order signal is then compared to a reference signal, ren- and degree n 6 m 6 n, and ðÞ denotes the complex conjugate.
dered with high-order Ambisonics of order 30, and another high- Substituting Eqs. (2) and (3) into Eq. (1), using the approach
order Ambisonics signal of order 3. The latter was chosen as an developed by Rafaely and Avni [30], the sound pressure function
intermediate representation. First, to be consistent with previous at the left and right ears can be calculated using the SH represen-
studies [12], second, because it represents the output of practical tation of the sound field and the HRTFs:
arrays such as the Eigenmike [21], and third, because it was per- X
minðN a ;N h Þ X
ceptually similar to the mixed-order signal when evaluated in a pl;r ðkÞ ¼ ~nm ðkÞ hl;r
a nm ðkÞ; ð4Þ
preliminary informal listening test. The hypothesis of this research n¼0 m¼n
was that a high-order SH representation of the direct sound will
~nm ðkÞ is the SFT of aðk; h; /Þ , defined as:
where a
significantly enhance the externalization of an otherwise Ambison-
Z 2p Z p
ics signal. In addition to refuting or validating this hypothesis, the
~nm ðkÞ ¼
a aðk; h; /Þ Y m
n ðh; /Þ sin hdhd/: ð5Þ
aim of this research is to quantify the extent of this enhancement, 0 0
and its dependence on the acoustic environment. The results indi-
cate that an enhancement of the direct component of the sound This, using the orthogonality property of the SH, ensures Parseval’s
field leads to a signal that is perceived to be more externalized than relation is satisfied [31].
a first order Ambisonics signal, and in many cases similar to a third Ambisonics, for example, is based on spatial encoding using SH
order Ambisonics signal for different audio content and acoustic of the first order [32], which could be obtained using a B-format
environments. microphone array. Utilizing the Ambisonics signals for binaural
reproduction within Eq. (4) yields the truncation of the summation
at minðN a ; N h Þ ¼ 1. This kind of order truncation leads to the repro-
2. Binaural sound reproduction based on spherical harmonics duction of a sound field of low spatial resolution [25] which could
lead to undesired effects on key perceptual attributes such as: tim-
In this section an overview of the mathematical basis for binau- bral artifacts, loss of externalization and degraded localization
ral sound reproduction is presented. Consider a sound pressure [30,33–36,4].
function pðk; r; h; /Þ, where ðr; h; /Þare the standard spherical coor-
dinates, h 2 ½0; p being the elevation angle, measured downwards 3. Sound field representation using mixed SH order
from the Cartesian z-axis, and / 2 ½p; pÞ being the azimuth angle,
measured counter-clockwise from the Cartesian x-axis on the xy- In this section the mathematical formulation for the representa-
plane, and k ¼ x=c is the wave number, with x being the radial tion of a sound field with mixed SH order is presented. Eq. (4) can
frequency and c being the speed of sound. A representation of be further modified such that the direct component and the
42 E. Miller, B. Rafaely / Applied Acoustics 148 (2019) 40–45
reverberant component of the sound field are represented using The binaural signals were generated in two virtual acoustic
different orders. Assuming a source in the far field, the direct part environments, referred to as environment 1 and environment 2.
of the sound field is composed of a single plane wave arriving from The two different environments were chosen to diversify the
direction ðhk ; /k Þ. In the SH domain, its amplitude density function acoustic environment condition, to ensure that conclusions are
nm ðkÞ ¼ AðkÞ½Y n ðhk ; /k Þ [31]. Now, the SH represen-
is of the form aDIR not specific to a single environment. The two environments differ
tation of the amplitude density function of the sound field can be in the source position relative to the listener, which was located
written as at position [9,7]. For environment 1, the source was located at
1.5 times the critical distance from the listener’s location (i.e
anm ðkÞ ¼ aDIR
nm ðkÞ þ anm ðkÞ;
ð6Þ 3:315 m), while for environment 2, the source was located at 3
times the critical distance from the listener’s location (i.e. 6:63
nm ðkÞ is the amplitude density function of the reverberant
where aREV
m), leading to a reduction of 6 dB in the direct sound energy rela-
part of the sound field. This leads to the mixed SH formulation of
tive to the reverberant sound energy, compared to environment 1.
the sound field:
It should be noted that both environments represent relatively
Nd X
n reverberant conditions, as the listener is positioned further away
pl;r ðkÞ ¼ ~DIR
½anm ðkÞ hnm ðkÞ from the source compared to the critical distance. This setting
n¼0 m¼n
ð7Þ was chosen due to its improved externalization, and for studying
Nr X
l;r the effect of enhancing the direct sound in acoustic environments
þ ~REV
½anm ðkÞ hnm ðkÞ; with distant sources and negative DRR. For both environments, the
n¼0 m¼n
source was located at 30 from the listener, relative to the HRTF
where N d and N r are the orders for the direct and reverberant com- coordinate system, and at the same height as the listener’s head.
ponents, respectively, and are not necessarily equal, allowing for An important goal of this experiment is to evaluate the externaliza-
the reproduction of spatial audio with enhanced direct sound. tion of the mixed order signal in both environments, which differ
in their direct-to-reverberant ratio (DRR).
Two source signals were used:
4. Methodology
1. A pink noise repeating burst (1s duration including 20 ms fade
With the aim of studying the importance for externalization of in and fade out, followed by a 0.3 s pause before the next burst),
the information in the direct sound using binaural reproduction, a chosen for its wide bandwidth.
listening test based on Recommendation ITU-R BS.1534-1 2. Speech segment in the English language (3.26 s duration) from
(MUSHRA, MUltiple Stimuli with Hidden Reference and Anchor) the TIMIT corpus [39], chosen as it represents a typical real life
was developed. audio content.
A rectangular room of dimensions 15.5 9.8 7.5 m with a
wall reflection coefficient of R ¼ 0:8 and T 60 ¼ 0:75 s was simu- The different environments and signals are summarized in Tables 1
lated using the image method [37]. The critical distance for this and 2, respectively.
room is rd ¼ 2:21 m. A room impulse response from a point source Previous studies [40] have shown that the truncation of the SH
to a listener’s position was calculated and represented in the form series to a lower order may alter the timbre of a binaural signal.
of aðt; h; /Þ, and further encoded in the SH domain as anm ðtÞ, with t This may affect the task of rating the signals according to external-
representing time. The sound field, anm ðkÞ, was then calculated at ization level only. In order to overcome this issue, a spectral equal-
the listener’s position with orders N d and N r according to Eq. (7), ization filter was employed, as described in [41], ensuring all
by convolving the room impulse response anm ðtÞ with the source signals were equalized to the reference signal. The signals were
signal, sðtÞ, leading to anm ðkÞ after transformation to frequency. rendered using the Sound Scape Renderer (SSR) software [42]
anm ðkÞ was later multiplied with a set of HRTFs of matching orders and played back using AKG701 reference headphones. All signals
N d and N r in order to provide a binaural signal. For this investiga- were convolved with a matching headphone compensation filter.
tion, the Cologne HRTF compilation of the Neumann KU-100 [28] For spatial realism, horizontal head movements were allowed,
was used. and the headphones were mounted with a Razor AHRS head
In order to asses the impact of the direct part to the perceived tracker. The signals were generated to support head rotations, cov-
externalization, four binaural signals were generated: ering the horizontal plane with a resolution of 1 . The latency for
the SSR, under the settings used in this experiment, is 17:5 ms.
1. Mixed order signal: a binaural signal with an ideal representa- Together with the latency of the head tracker, the total latency is
tion of the direct sound, encoded with N d ¼ 30, and low order lower than 60 ms, which is sufficient for acceptable levels of local-
representation of the reverberant sound encoded with N r ¼ 1. ization accuracy [43].
2. Reference: a binaural signal with an ideal representation of 15 normal hearing subjects participated in this experiment. 6 of
both the direct and reverberant sound components. This was them are expert listeners and the rest are naive listeners. The
implemented in practice using encoding with a SH order of experiment included a total of 4 MUSHRA screens: 2 screens for
N d ¼ N r ¼ 30 . This high SH order represents the most accurate each of the two environments, according to Table 1. Each screen
representation of the binaural signal for this system It also presented 4 signals according to Table 2. In each screen the sub-
avoids spatial aliasing in the range of f 6 20 kHz [31] and also jects were instructed to rate the degree to which the sound source
avoids the need for other methods of interpolation for produc- is perceived to be originating from inside or outside the head, com-
ing HRTFs directions that are unavailable in the database. Fur-
thermore, according to [38], HRTF representation of such a
Table 1
high SH order should be sufficient to yield correct spatial
Parameters of the acoustic environments.
3. Anchor: a signal encoded with N d ¼ N r ¼ 1, representing Environment 1 Environment 2
encoding in the Ambisonics format. Signal type Noise, Speech Noise, Speech
4. Third order signal N d ¼ Nr ¼ 3 was chosen as an intermediate DRR 3:52 dB 9:52 dB
Source-listener dist. 3:315 m 6:63 m
representation, providing an additional reference point.
E. Miller, B. Rafaely / Applied Acoustics 148 (2019) 40–45 43
Table 2 externalized. The median scores of all signals differ with signif-
Binaural signals SH order. icance (p < 0.001 for both speech and noise), except for the
Signal Nd Nr mixed order signal and the third order signal. As in environ-
Mixed order 30 1 ment 1, no statistically significant difference was found
Reference 30 30 between the scores of the mixed order signal and the third
Third order 3 3 order signal. The p-value between these signals are p = 0.11
Anchor 1 1 for the noise source and p = 0.89 for the speech source.
Fig. 1. Results for the externalization ratings in environment 1 and environment 2. Box plot visualization, marking the median with a red line where the bottom and top
edges of the box represent the 25th and 75th percentiles, respectively. The whiskers represent the variability of the ratings outside the upper and lower quartiles. Outliers are
marked with red ‘+’. The width of the box plot notches has been calculated such that boxes with non-overlapping notches have medians which are different at the 5%
significance level. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
44 E. Miller, B. Rafaely / Applied Acoustics 148 (2019) 40–45
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