Repugnance To Mathematics of A Grade Eleven Student: A Case Study
Repugnance To Mathematics of A Grade Eleven Student: A Case Study
Repugnance To Mathematics of A Grade Eleven Student: A Case Study
October 2018
References --------------------------------------- 17
Appendices --------------------------------------- 18
Appendix A (Observation Guide) --------------------------------------- 18
Appendix B (Interview Guide) --------------------------------------- 19
Appendix C (Transcription) --------------------------------------- 20
Appendix D (Pictures) --------------------------------------- 21
Obviously, yet quite profound, education is important and enhancing its quality is critical
and urgent to an individual’s and the society’s success. This issue is aptly addressed by the
additional two years is added to the 10-year basic education program and with it comes not
only the restructuring of teaching approaches but the addition of learning areas.
These new learning areas now brings with them new challenges for the learners. Each
subject presents unique problems, but for most students nothing compares to the challenges
brought about by Mathematics; majority of the students across the world dislike mathematics
every facets of life. And yet, the National Research Council (1989) reported that Mathematics
has often been termed as the “gatekeeper” of success or failure for high school graduation and
This term paper was conceived to investigate through a Case Study the reasons and
factors why students, even the ones who are academically performing better than most in
Mathematics, regard the subject with such aversion. This paper will also provide some
important information and contribute suggestions to curtail the repugnance of the students on
the concerned learning area. The results of this short study then will be beneficial to the
students, Mathematics teachers, the parents, the school community and other stake holders of
Theoretical Background
For learning to be conveyed permanently, students must understand what they are
learning. And one of the ways for learners to understand Mathematics is to engage in actual
physical experiences in learning the simple and complex concepts involved and make use of
them in and out of school institutions. However, there are students who are indifferent to these
experiences. Education experts and psychologists though provide theories and models to
One such theory is the Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) where this case study is anchored
upon. As theorized by Bandura (1986), SCT states that that learning occurs in a social context
with a dynamic and reciprocal interaction of the person, environment, and behavior (as cited in
between cognitive (self-aware and actual experience), behavioral and contextual (environment-
dependent) factors. It is with these factors that the respondent’s (of this case study) disliking of
In support to the SCT and in which this study is also anchored on is the Theory of
Cognitive Development (TCD) by Jean Piaget. TCD states that a person acquires, constructs, and
from biological maturation and environmental processes (Mc Leod, 2018). This totally holds up
Statement of the Problem
This case study aimed to describe a Grade 11 Senior High School student’s repugnance
towards Mathematic in Lawaan National High School for the month of October of the school
year 2018-2019.
1) What are the factors that influence the student-respondent’s repugnance towards
2) How is the repugnance towards Mathematics manifested by the student-
Students. This study can greatly help students who dislike Mathematics and related subjects
such that they will be informed and appropriately guided on the proper course of
action to address their aversion and perform well on the concerned subject/s.
Mathematics Teachers as well as Other Teachers. Through the suggested solutions, this
Mathematics Department and School Administration. Like the help that the result of this
study can provide for the teachers, the same thing is true for the Department Areas
about by the repugnance of students to different learning areas in addition to
Parents and Other Stakeholders. This study will be of great help for parents and other
stakeholders, for the factors determined and the suggested solutions, as a better
This study intended to describe in detail the reasons of a Grade 11 student’s repugnance
in Mathematics, despite her academically high performance in the concerned subject, for the
first semester of the school year 2018-2019. The case study is to be conducted in Lawaan
National High School, Lawaan I, Talisay City, Cebu. The student-respondent was purposively
chosen out of 105 grade 11 students of the said school. The study was conducted for the first
two weeks of October 2018will be conducted through the whole month of September 2018.
A student’s proclivity of a learning area or subject depends on a lot of things; such
inclination can be affected by multiple factors or causes. However, one of the most disliked of
these subjects is Mathematics. Repugnance to Mathematics and the fear of numbers (not the
disorder) has been a subject of numerous research studies and research literatures. Hence, the
researcher has decided to further seek problems related with the concepts of these literatures.
Students’ dislike for some subject could be due to a continuing state of despondency
because of their fear of being victims of the disapproval of their teachers and classmates – this
is quite evident in Mathematics. Mc Leod (2011) argued that a child will behave in a way in
which he/she believes will earn approval because he/she desires so (approval). Moreover, the
dislike of Mathematics may as well “stream out” of the students negative preconception of
themselves with regards to Mathematics which could be inert in nature or due to bad
experiences on the subject early on. As Anderson (2007) pointed out that the students’
disinclination to Mathematics is because they are keeping the belief that they are never good at
the subject. The students’ behavior then is a critical factor in their attitude towards
the external or environmental factors affecting the delivery of the lessons. According to Mann
and Robinson (2009), 60% of learners found at least half of their lectures boring and about 30%
of them claiming to find most of their lectures boring and this is mostly due to the teaching
approach and the setting were the lectures are conducted. Mann and Robinson, added, that
such conditions rarely promote interaction and active learning that more hands-on and practical
applications can facilitate. Henningsen and Stein (1997) further added that classrooms must
become environments in which students are able to engage actively in rich, worthwhile
Mathematics activity, to develop student’s capacity to “do Mathematics.” These studies support
Closely connected to the contextual factors are the cognitive factors where learners
must be fully aware of the objects in their surrounding environment and engage themselves in
manipulating or experimenting with these objects. As Larbi and Mavis (2016) emphasized in
their study, students who made use of objects or manipulatives (algebra tiles) performed
significantly better than those that did not. Larbi and Mavis added that the use of the algebra
tiles improved students’ thinking process as they solve problems in algebra. Another cognitive
issue of students on the concerned learning area is mathematics anxiety which is described by
Richardson and Woolfolk (1980) as a condition in which students experience negative reactions
to mathematical concepts and evaluation procedure (as cited in Cates and Rhymer, 2003). Cates
and Rhymer argued that the higher mathematics anxiety the more significantly lower is the
fluency level across all mathematical operations. They added though that mathematics anxiety
is more related to higher levels of learning than to the initial acquisition stage of learning. By
virtue of these studies, it is evident that cognitive aspects are vital factors in the students’ dislike
of Mathematics.
To sum up, these literatures that linked a connection between the existing problems
have assisted the researcher to furthermore continue the present study. And in line with these
studies, the researcher believed that the cited factors may have contributed to the student’s
Research Design
This case study is qualitative in nature and will make use of a thematic approach in
treating each data that will be gathered. The method required the researcher to identify and
describe the different reasons of the student-respondent’s dislike of Mathematics despite her
above average performance in the subject. The researcher used an observation sheet and
interview guide as research instruments to acquire and evaluate data to consequently identify
Research Respondent
This case study used the purposive sampling technique; the respondent is selected using
Research Instrument
repugnance towards Mathematics, the following instruments were used; (a) an observation
sheet, in which the researcher put into writing the data during the non-participative
observation on the respondent (see Appendix A) and (b) an unstructured interview guide, which
serves as the researcher’s guide questionnaire during the interview with the respondent (see
Appendix B). The interview will not be bounded by the questions in the interview guide; it can
be freely adjusted or even not followed depending on how the interview will span out.
Research Procedure
The researcher of this case study made use of: (1) observation, and (2) interview as the
Observation. The subject of the study was observed for a week or in duration of a
unit/chapter coverage for the final term of grade 11 Mathematics without the act of personal
interaction. This time frame of the observation was designed to monitor all possible behavior of
the respondent at different parts of the delivery of the unit/chapter. (The student-respondent at
this time was not yet aware that she is the subject of a case study so she would continue to act
normally in class discussions and exercises; the student-respondent will only be informed of her
Interview. The subject was then interviewed after the Observation phase through the
use of an unstructured interview guide questionnaire. During the interview, the researcher
asked questions from the guide questionnaire and follow up questions based on the answers of
the respondent. The data that was gathered during the one-on-one interview with the
After the data gathering process, thematic content analysis was be used as a tool in
treatment of the data. Thematic analysis involved categorizing strategy which will enables the
researcher to analyze and interpret the data gathered in accordance to the specific objectives of
“I could hardly understand the class discussion because there are terms and
symbols that I am not familiar with. Because of these unfamiliar terms and symbols I
found listening to our class discussion useless for I cannot gain any understanding that is
mathematical communication. They dconjectured that the increase in symbol load due
to unfamiliarity and increased density may cause students to lose confidence and
subsequently choose study path minimizes their need for Mathematics. In connection
with the above presented data it shows that due to the unfamiliar terms and symbols
contained by Math subject, the respondent could hardly understand their Math
especially when the discussion is very serious. Even though how much I strived to learn
the topics introduced to us if the discussion really is serious I would really lost the
interest to listen to our teacher aside if the our teacher would involved funny interactions
Anderson (2007), suggested that to increase student’s interest, instructions
should involve more active and a student centered-activities, with that, teachers are
encourage to reinforce the idea that Math is an interesting subject, that Math can be
used in other disciplines and is an admission ticket for colleges and careers. Based on
Anderson’s suggestion the data above revealed that due to the serious topic anchored
by Math subject the respondent could not see the subject interesting, added by the fact
that Mathematics has serious activities. The attitude shown by the respondent affects
her perceptions towards Mathematics; she could not manage to love the subject
“I am used to have our Math class during morning from my junior high school but
in senior high school our Math schedule was transferred to first period in the afternoon.
During this period, the atmosphere inside the classroom is very sleepy, causing my eyes
This response truly depicts that students’ enmity to Mathematics could be due to
the external or environmental factors. As Mann and Robinson (2009) put it, that boring
settings were the lectures are conducted rarely promotes interaction and active learning.
The above data in connection with Mann and Robinson’s idea showed that the
respondent cannot manage to absorb their class discussion due to the environment’s
atmosphere which bring forth sleepiness to the student. Because of this the student said
2. How the aversion towards Math is manifested by the respondent.
During the respondent’s class in Mathematics she was observed feeling sleepy
and less motivated in their class. Along with their class discussion, it was observed that
she was already sleeping unnoticeably by their teacher. She will just cover her face and
had her head facing down on her notes. In addition the respondent’s mobilization was
observed to be inactive and do not have any plan to partake in their group activity.
Whenever their teacher would give activity to the class, the respondent was murmuring
in her seat and keep on complaining with the tasks given to them. However, when their
teacher called her to answer the problem assigned to her, she was able to give the
correct answer. This observation was repetitively observed of off the respondent all
3. How the respondent dealt with the factors to maintain a good performance in the subject
“Even though I hate Math, I never lose hope that someday I may learn to love
Math. That’s why despite those numerous factors that leads me to hate Math, I strived
hard to overcome it. First, those terms and symbols that I newly encounter I studied and
memorize those symbols and I searched for the meaning of those terms, which were
unfamiliar to me. Second, I struggled to motivate myself in attending Math classes while
having a positive outlook towards the subject. Regarding that problem solving, I really
strived hard to answer it properly as well as the other activities, and I should be patient
enough in solving those problem. For our Math schedule since it cannot be change
anymore, what I did is, I let my hand be pinched so that I can feel pain and will not be
The above stated data reveals that the respondent was willing to learn Math
through overcoming the factors that lead her to dislike the subject. First, she will study
and memorize the symbols and searched for the meaning of those terms which were
unfamiliar to her. Second, she will encourage herself to have a positive outlook towards
Mathematics. Third, the respondent strived hard to answer the solving activities with
patience while using the many formulas. Fourth, the respondent sacrificed to be hurt
physically in order to cease the feeling of sleepiness and be more participative and busy
Based on the gathered data, it is shown that the factors which causes the respondent to
dislike Math are: (a) the unfamiliar terms and symbols in Mathematics, causes the respondent
to hardly understand the discussion; (b) solving activities on the other hand, causes the
respondent to be tired in attending the class added by the many formulas used, which confuses
her which among those is to be used in a certain math problem; (c) the respondent was less
motivated to attend their class in Math due to the fact that the subject contains serious topics;
(d) the math schedule of the respondent has this sleepy atmosphere which leads her to feel
sleepy and be inactive in the class. However, despite the factors mentioned, the respondent was
still willing to learn mathematics so as to love the subject in return. This was made visible when
the respondent revealed the ways that she had done in order to overcome the factors that
Summary of Findings
as followed: (a) the unfamiliar terms, symbols contained by Math topics which is under
cognitive factor; (b) the many solving activities using various formulas (c) the lack of
interest in attending their Math class which is under behavioral factors; (d) the schedule of
their math class. The respondent’s performance during their Math class on the other
hand, was observed to be inactive and feels sleepy during their Math class. However, the
respondent was willing to learn Mathematics through overcoming the factors that causes
her to dislike Mathematics, and after all, being able to love the subject.
1. The respondent finds difficulty with the skills she has not mastered. Her greatest
common deficiency lays in the unfamiliarity of the terms and symbols contained by
the subject.
2. The many solving activities using varied formulas makes the student tired in attending
the class.
3. The respondent lacks a mathematical interest she is hopefully strongly driven by her
of the student’s interest then mathematics often never finds meaning and remains
4. The math class schedule of the respondent contributed to the inactive participation
In the light of the identified reasons in disliking Mathematics, the following factors must be
1. Before the class’ formal discussion, all unfamiliar terms shall be unlocked and the
2. The formulas must be given clear specifications as to what certain Math problem is it
3. The student must do something to motivate herself in attending the class and not be
4. During class discussion, in order for it to be active, the teacher may integrate games or
any active activities that would let the students participate and forget the sleepiness
5. For a fruitful class in mathematics, the student may have her time fully dedicated to
the subject in a certain period. And the flow of the class shall be given organization
6. The respondent may have a positive outlook on the subject so as not to be affected by
REFERENCES ( Online Sources )
Anderson, R. (2007). Being a Mathematics Learner: Four Faces of Identity. The Mathematics
Educator. Retrieved:, September 2018.
Bardini C., Pierce, R. (2015). Contemplating Symbolic Literacy of First Year Mathematics
Students. The University of Melbourne. Retrieved: September
Cates, G., Rhymer, K. (2003). Examining the Relationship Between Mathematics Anxiety and
Mathematics Performance: An Instructional Hierarchy Perspective. Journal of
Behavioral Education . Retrieved:, September 2018.
Henningsen, M., Stein, M. (1997). Mathematical Tasks and Student Cognition: Classroom-Based
Factors That Support and Inhibit High-Level Mathematical Thinking and Reasoning.
Journal for Research in Mathematics, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Retrieved:, September 2018.
LaMorte, W. (2018). Behavioral Change Model: The Social Cognitive Theory. Boston University
School of Public Health. Retrieved:, September 2018.
Larbi, E., Mavis, O. (2016). The Use of Manipulatives in Mathematics Education. Journal of
Education and Practice. Retrieved:, September 2018.
Mann, S., Robinson, A. (2009). Why do 60% of students find their lectures boring? The Guardian.
Retrieved:, September 2018.
Padre, J. (2010). The Enhanced K + 12 Basic Education Program Rationale. Philippine Education
Research Journal. Retrieved:, August 2018.
Peria, E. (2015). Why Do Many Students Find Math a Difficult one?. Pressreader. Retrieved:, August 2018.
Scarpello, G. (2007). Helping Students Get Past Math Anxiety. Association for Career and
Technical Education. Retrieved:, August 2018.
Day 1 :
Date: _________________
Time : ________________
Day 2 :
Date: _________________
Time : ________________
Day 3 :
Date: _________________
Time : ________________
Day 4 :
Date: _________________
Time : ________________
Day 5 :
Date: _________________
Time : ________________
Appendix B: Interview Guide
4. What are your thought and reactions upon knowing your grades in Mathematics during the
time that you started hating the subject? (Unsa may naa sa imong huna-huna ug mga
reaksiyon pagkahibalo nimo sa imong grado sa Mathematics sa kadtong panahon nga
nagsugod ka nga dili na ganahan sa subject?)
5. What did you do to increase your grade in Mathematics as can be seen in senior high school?
(Unsa may imong gibuhat adto para modako imong grado sa Mathematics base sa
makita karon nga senior high school naka?)
Appendix C: Transcription of the Interview (in vernacular)
3. Para nimo unsa kaayo ang nakaapekto sa imong dili pagkagusto sa Math?
“Di jud naku masabtan ang discussion sa among teacher kay naa may mga terms ug symbols nga
bag-o pa naku na hinagbuan ug dili jud ko familiar ana. Tungod aning mga unfamiliar terms ug
symbols makaingon ko nga walay pulos ang akong pag paminaw sa klase kay wala man gihapon ko’y
masabtan maunang maglisud sad ko’g kat-on ug Math dayon dili na dayon ko ganahan sa subject.”
“Kapuyan jud ko mag answer sa daghan kaayong mga activities nga gihatag sa among teacher.
Ang mga solving activities pa jud kay pang higher level jud ba dili jud siya sama ka sayon sa akong gi
hunahuna, nanginahanglan jud siyag mastery. Kauban anang mga daghang activities kay ang mga
daghag pong formula’ng gamiton nga maoy nagpalibug nako ug samot kung asa ani o ana nga
solving problem gamiton ni o kana nga formula. Tungod sa akong kalibog mawad-an na dayon ko’g
paglaum nga makakuha ko sa sakto nga answer, kay sa sinugdanan pa lang wala man ko’y
kasiguraduhan kung sakto ba ang akong gigamit nga fiormula. Gikan niini mawad-an na dayon kog
kadasig nga mo answer sa mga solving problems nga kung buot huna huna-on mao man jud na ang
nature sa Math – ang mag solve sa mga daghang Math problems.”
“Dili man jud ko interested nga maminaw sa mga discussion sa Math labina kung serious kayo
ang discussion. Bisan pa’g maningkamot ko nga makabalo maminaw, basta gali mag sunod sunod na
nang mga seryoso kaayo nga butang na ambot nalang ma wad an jud kog interest nga maminaw sa
teacher gawas nalang kong pun an ug kataw-anan nga istorya aw na nindot jud kayo ipaminaw
“Naanad na jud ko nga ang among Math kay naa sa morning session sa kadtong junior high
school pa ko, pero sadihang nahimo nakong grade eleven (11), ang among Math naa na sa First
period sa udto. Kani ra ba nga period kay naghatag ug duka sa klase hinungdan nga ang akong mga
mata makapiyong jud, mao nang dili jud ko attentive sa among klase”
6. Unsa man ang imong buhaton kung tagaan kag mga activities sa Math?
“Ay kung lisud siya I solve mutan-aw ko sa handout kung gi-unsa pag solve. At first jud kanang
mag answer ko’g activity motivated jud ko nga mo answer pero pag sauna palang ganing pangutana
kay maglisud ko or dili naku makuha ang answer mawad-an kog gana nga mopadayon ug answer.
7. Unsa man kaayo ang imong mga nasinati kung magdiscussion mo sa Math?
“Naa ju’y mga times nga di ko kasabot sa gi discuss sa among teacher bisag unsa-on pa nakug
pagpaminaw wa jud koy masabtan mao nang moingon nalan ko nga – Unsa may pulos sa
pagpaminaw kung wala gihapon ko’y masabtan may pag mag buhat ko’g laing trabahu-on sa ubang
subject, hinungda nga ma divert nalang pud akong attention.”
Appendix D: Pictures
Interview of
the respondent