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Problem and Justification

1.1 Contextualization of the Problem

In the educational sphere, mathematics has traditionally been regarded as a

fundamental subject in students' formation. Mastery of it’s not only involves the

development of numerical skills, but also fosters logical thinking, problem-solving,

and abstraction abilities, all crucial for academic and professional success.

However, despite its importance, a concerning phenomenon has been observed

in the context of the Instituto Profesional y Técnico de Capira: the high failure rate

in mathematics among twelfth-grade students.

This issue not only affects students' academic performance but also impacts their

self-confidence and future professional development. A lack of proficiency in

mathematics can limit access to higher education programs and well-paying jobs,

perpetuating a cycle of inequality and social marginalization.

1.2 Justification of the Research

The importance of addressing this problem lies in several fundamental aspects.

Firstly, reducing failures in mathematics will directly contribute to improving

students' academic outcomes, which, in turn, could increase their motivation and

commitment to the educational process. Furthermore, by decreasing the number

of students who fail to pass this subject, new opportunities for personal and

professional development will open up for them in the future. This could have a

positive impact not only at the individual level but also on the socio-economic

development of the Capira community as a whole.

Additionally, tackling this issue can provide valuable insights into the most

effective pedagogical practices and didactic resources for teaching mathematics

at the technical and professional high school level. This could serve as a

foundation for the continuous improvement of educational programs and teacher

training at the institute, as well as inspire similar initiatives in other educational

institutions facing similar challenges.

1.3 Research Objectives

1.3.1 General Objective

1.To identify the Specific e main causes contributing to the high failure rate in

mathematics among twelfth-grade students.

2. To analyze the current teaching methodologies used at the Instituto Profesional

y Técnico de Capira and their effectiveness in mathematics learning.

3. To design an action plan that includes innovative pedagogical strategies and

appropriate didactic resources to improve students' performance in mathematics.

4. To evaluate the effectiveness of the implemented strategies in reducing failures

in mathematics and their impact on students' academic performance.

1.3.2 Objectives

1. The underlying causes of the high failure rate in mathematics will be analyzed,

laying the groundwork for effective strategies to address this issue.

2. The effectiveness of current teaching methodologies will be evaluated to

identify areas for improvement and optimize the teaching and learning process of


3. A comprehensive action plan will be developed that integrates innovative

pedagogical strategies and appropriate didactic resources with the aim of

significantly improving students' performance in mathematics.

4. A thorough evaluation of the implemented strategies will be conducted to

determine their effectiveness in reducing failures in mathematics and their impact

on the academic performance of twelfth-grade students.

1.4 Thesis Structure

This work is structured into three chapters, each addressing specific aspects

related to the problem of failures in mathematics among twelfth-grade students

at the Instituto Profesional y Técnico de Capira.

Chapter 1: Problem and Justification

Chapter 2: Theoretical framework

Chapter 3: Acknowledgements, limitations and perspectives



Theoretical Framework

This chapter explores various theoretical and conceptual aspects related to

mathematical failure in the educational environment of the Instituto Profesional y

Técnico de Capira. A comprehensive review of the existing literature is conducted

to establish a strong theoretical framework to guide the research and the

proposed intervention. Topics covered include:.

2.1 Contextualization of Failures in Mathematics

The nature and consequences of mathematical failures in the educational

environment of the Instituto Profesional y Técnico de Capira are investigated.

Relevant statistics, historical trends, and demographic data are examined to

understand the extent of the problem and its impact on students and the

educational community as a whole.Failure in mathematics can take many forms,

each with its own characteristics and consequences. The three most common

types of math failure are:

Conceptual Understanding Failure:

Explanation: Conceptual understanding fails when students struggle to

understand the principles and concepts of mathematics. This type of failure often

results from learning methods that focus on memorization rather than

understanding. Students may be able to perform mathematical procedures, but

lack a deep understanding of why the procedures work.

Example: A student may know how to do long division, but cannot explain why

the algorithm works or how it relates to the concept of division. They may

encounter problems that require division in different contexts, such as dividing

fractions or understanding division as repeated subtraction.

Procedural Fluency Failure:

Explanation: Procedural fluency fails when students have difficulty performing

mathematical operations accurately and efficiently. This type of failure can be due

to lack of practice, inadequate guidance or lack of basic skills. Students may

understand math concepts but struggle to follow the steps necessary to solve


Example: A student may understand the concept of multiplication, but

consistently makes mistakes when doing multi-digit multiplication. They may

forget steps, misalign numbers or make calculation errors that lead to incorrect


Problem-Solving Failure:

Explanation: Problem solving fails when students are unable to apply their

mathematical knowledge to solve new or complex problems. This type of failure

often results from insufficient opportunities for critical thinking and reasoning.

Students may rely heavily on conventional methods and struggle with tasks that

require analyzing, synthesizing, or evaluating information.

Example: A student may be able to solve standard algebraic equations but gets

confused when presented with a word problem that requires defining and solving

an equation. They may have difficulty identifying relevant information, formulating

an equation, or interpreting results in the context of a problem.Understanding

such failures and their manifestations in students can help teachers identify

specific areas for intervention. By addressing these failures with targeted

instructional strategies and support, teachers can improve students' overall math

skills and reduce math failures.

2.2 Factors Contributing to Failures in Mathematics

Failure in mathematics is influenced by a complex interplay of factors. This

section analyzes the various dimensions that contribute to bad math, such as:

2.2.1 Individual Factors: Cognitive skills: Students' inherent cognitive skills, such as problem-

solving skills, memory, and logical thinking, greatly influence their ability to

understand and apply mathematical concepts. Deficiencies in these areas can

lead to difficulties in mastering mathematics.

8 Motivation and Attitude: Students' motivation and attitude towards

mathematics significantly affects their performance. A lack of interest or a

negative attitude towards a subject can reduce commitment and effort, leading

to poor performance. Learning styles: Different students have different learning styles

(visual, auditory, kinesthetic, etc.). A mismatch between teaching methods and

students' chosen learning styles can hinder the understanding of mathematical


2.2.2 Socio-economic Factors: Parental involvement: Parental involvement in a child's education can

affect his academic success. Students whose parents support and encourage

them do better in math. Economic status: Students from low-income families may face

challenges such as limited access to educational resources, less exposure to

enriching extracurricular activities, and lack of a supportive learning

environment at home. Cultural factors: Cultural attitudes toward education and mathematics

can affect student understanding and performance. In some cultures, there may

be stereotypes that math is inherently difficult or that certain groups are less

able to excel in the subject.

2.2.3 Educational Factors: Curriculum Design: The design and structure of a mathematics

curriculum can affect student learning. A curriculum that is too difficult or not

sufficiently adapted to the developmental level of students can lead to

frustration and failure. Teaching methods: The effectiveness of teaching methods is crucial.

Traditional self-directed learning methods may not be as effective as modern

student-centered approaches that encourage active learning and critical

thinking. Teacher quality and training: Teachers' qualifications, experience and

continuous professional development are crucial to their ability to teach

mathematics effectively. Teachers who are not sufficiently trained in innovative

pedagogical strategies may struggle to engage students.

2.2.4 Psychological Factors: Math anxiety: Math anxiety can significantly reduce students' ability to

perform well. Math anxiety can create a vicious cycle where students' fear of

failure leads to poor performance, which in turn reinforces their anxiety. Self-efficacy: students' beliefs about their abilities to succeed in

mathematics affect their actual performance. Low self-efficacy can lead to a lack

of effort and persistence in overcoming math challenges.

2.3 Pedagogical Approaches in Mathematics Education

We will look at different pedagogical approaches used in teaching mathematics,

from traditional methods to more innovative and student-centred approaches.

The advantages and disadvantages of each approach are discussed and best

practices for teaching the discipline are explored.

2.3.1 Flexible Grouping:

With flexible grouping, students complete work in classroom as part of many

different groups depending on the learning task or content. Students can be

placed in groups based on their performance, interests, social/emotional needs,

or knowledge base. Groups can be purposefully or randomly assigned by the

teacher or the students can choose their own groups. Flexible grouping allows

for students to work with a wide variety of peers and avoids them from being

labeled as struggling or advanced.

2.3.2 Tiered Assignments:

Tiered assignments are activities that are based on the same mathematical skill,

but they are designed with differing levels of complexity. The assignments meet

the needs of: low level achievers, on grade level achievers, and above level

achievers. This ensures that all students in your classroom, regardless of their

ability levels, are making progress on the same skill or content.

2.3.2 Leveled Questions:

Create question to ask students in classroom that are based on the students'

different levels of understanding and readiness. For some of the students, leveled

questions can challenge their thinking and help them to use critical thinking skills.

For other students, leveled questions can provide the added support necessary

to begin to develop ways of thinking about mathematics. By integrating leveled

questions into your instruction, the questions then become accessible to all

students. Leveled questions can be used during whole group instruction or in

small group instruction.

2.4 Teaching Strategies in Mathematics

Let's look at the role of didactic and technical tools in mathematics education.

Available tools and resources, such as educational software, mobile apps,

simulations, and online resources, are analyzed and discussed for their

effectiveness in improving students' learning and math skills.

2.4.1 Jigsaw method:

The jigsaw technique is a method of organizing classroom activity that makes

students dependent on each other to succeed. It breaks classes into groups and

chunks assignments into pieces that the group assembles to complete the

(jigsaw) puzzle. The Jigsaw Method enjoys an effect size of 1.20. This makes it

one of the most effective instructional strategies you can use, This effective

strategy can accelerate student growth up to three years in one academic year.

In fact, the jigsaw method involves students reading new information .

2.4.2 Integration of math technology:

can create a positive learning environment that promotes student engagement

and eliminates excessive lecturing. It’s essential to uncover a balance and make

sure that the technology tools complement and enhance traditional teaching

methods rather than replace them entirely.

2.4.3 Cooperative learning:

involves students working together in small groups to accomplish shared goals

or complete group tasks. It is widely recognised as a teaching strategy that

promotes socialization and learning among students from preschool through to

tertiary level and across different subjects and curriculum areas.

2.5 Related Learning Theories

To better understand how students learn mathematics and develop effective

strategies to improve performance, it is important to examine several learning

theories. Here are three main theories related to mathematics education, with

explanations and examples of their application:

2.5.1 Cognitive Learning Theory:

Explanation: Cognitive learning theory focuses on the internal processes

involved in learning. It emphasizes the role of mental functions such as thinking,

memory and problem solving. According to this theory, learning occurs when

students actively process and organize information in their minds.

Example: Applying cognitive learning theory to mathematics education can

include teaching strategies that help students organize and structure their

knowledge. For example, using concept maps to visually describe the

relationships between different math concepts can help students understand how

different topics are related. Additionally, encouraging students to verbalize their

thought processes when solving problems can improve their cognitive

understanding of the steps involved in finding a solution.

2.5.2 Constructivist Learning Theory:

Explanation: Constructivist learning theory suggests that students create their

own understanding and knowledge of the world through experience and reflection

on experience. In the context of mathematics, this theory suggests that students

learn best when they actively engage with mathematical concepts and solve

problems in meaningful contexts.

Example: An example of the application of constructivist learning theory in

mathematics education is the use of project-based learning. In a project-based

learning environment, a student may need to design a small garden and calculate

the area and perimeter of the various parts. This hands-on exercise allows

students to apply mathematical concepts to a real-world problem, facilitating

deeper understanding through active participation and problem solving.

2.5.3 Sociocultural Learning Theory:

Explanation: The sociocultural learning theory developed by Lev Vygotsky

emphasizes the importance of social interaction and cultural context in learning.

According to this theory, learning is a collaborative process and students learn

best by interacting with peers and more experienced people (teachers, parents,


Example: One way to apply sociocultural learning theory in mathematics

education is cooperative learning, for example in solving group tasks. For

example, students can work in small groups to solve a complex math problem,

discuss different strategies, and explain their reasoning to each other. This

collaborative approach not only increases their understanding of mathematical

concepts, but also develops communication and teamwork skills. Additionally,

adding cultural references and examples related to students' backgrounds can

make math more relevant and engaging.

By understanding and applying these learning theories, teachers can design

instructional strategies that meet the diverse needs of students, increase their

engagement with math concepts, and ultimately improve their performance in


2.6 Research Methodology

It details the methodology used to conduct the study, including study design, data

collection and analysis techniques, and design of initiatives to address the

identified problem. It explains how the mathematical error reduction strategies of

the Instituto Profesional y Técnico de Capira are implemented and how their

effectiveness is evaluated.

2.6.1 Study Design

The design of this study is mixed methods, combining quantitative and qualitative

methods to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the problem and evaluate

the impact of the implemented strategies. The effectiveness of pedagogical

interventions is measured using a quasi-experimental approach.

2.6.2 Population and Sample

The target population of this study is all students of the twelfth grade of the

Instituto Profesional y Técnico de Capira. A representative sample will be

selected using stratified random sampling to ensure inclusion of students from

different academic achievement levels and socioeconomic backgrounds.

2.6.3 Data Collecti Techniques on

Several data collection techniques are used to ensure the accuracy and reliability

of the results. These techniques include: Surveys: Surveys are administered to students to gather information

about their attitudes toward mathematics, their perceptions of current teaching

methods, and specific difficulties they face. Interviews: In-depth interviews are conducted with teachers and

administrators to gain a deeper understanding of pedagogical challenges and

current strategies used in mathematics education. Classroom Observation: Systematic classroom observations are

conducted to assess the dynamics of teaching and learning and to identify

effective pedagogical practices and areas for improvement. Academic Performance Analysis: Students' gradebooks and test

scores are analyzed before and after the strategies are implemented to

measure their impact on academic performance.

2.7 Action Plan and Intervention

The action plan will include the following stages:

2.7.1 Identification of Causes: Based on the collected information, the main

reasons for failure in mathematics are identified.

2.7.2 Development of Strategies: Innovative pedagogical strategies are

designed to address identified causes, such as the use of educational

technology, personalized instruction, and student-centered teaching methods.

2.7.3 Implementation of Interventions: The developed strategies are

implemented in the classroom during the semester. Teachers receive training to

effectively implement these new methods.

2.7.4 Monitoring and Evaluation: The progress of the students is constantly

monitored and the effectiveness of the measures is periodically measured.

Statistical methods are used to analyze data and determine the impact of

strategies on student achievement.

2.8 Data Analysis

The collected data is analyzed using statistical and qualitative methods.

Quantitative analysis includes paired t-tests to compare results before and after

the intervention. In addition, descriptive statistics such as means, standard

deviations and frequency distributions are used to provide a detailed summary of

the data. Qualitative analysis involves coding and categorizing interview and

observation data to identify recurring patterns and themes. Thematic analysis can

be used to identify underlying trends and insights from participants' experiences

and perceptions. The combination of these methods provides a comprehensive

understanding of the impact of interventions on student mathematics


2.9 Research Limitations

Potential limitations of the study are acknowledged, such as sample size, limited

time to implement measures and potential biases in data collection. These

limitations are addressed in the recommendations for future research.



Acknowledgments, Limitations, and Perspectives

An summary of the acknowledgements, restrictions, and future directions

pertaining to the study on lowering mathematics failure rates in the twelfth grade

at the Instituto Profesional y Técnico de Capira is given in this chapter. It

discusses the limitations and difficulties faced during the research, acknowledges

the contributions and assistance received, and suggests possible directions for

more study.

3.1 Acknowledgements

This study project would not have been able to be completed successfully without

the help and contributions of several people and organizations.

• Institutional Support:

The Instituto Profesional y Técnico de Capira's professors and management

offered important assistance and access to the resources that were needed. The

success of the research depended heavily on their collaboration in facilitating

data gathering and the use of intervention measures.

• Academic Advisors and Mentors:

We would also want to thank our academic mentors and advisers, whose advice

and experience greatly influenced the course and caliber of my study. Throughout

the whole study process, their encouraging words and helpful criticism were quite


• Participants:

We are grateful to the parents, instructors, and students who took part in the

research. Their openness to sharing their knowledge and perspectives gave the

study vital information. Notable was the pupils' participation in the intervention


• Funding and Resources:

Additionally, gratitude is given to any programs or organizations who contributed

funds or other resources to the study. Their assistance made it possible to obtain

the required resources and made the study's completion go more smoothly.

3.2 Limitations

With the best attempts to perform an exhaustive and complete investigation, a

number of limitations were found that might affect the results and their

applicability to other situations.

• Number of Samples and Representation:

A particular sample of twelfth-grade students from the Instituto Profesional y

Técnico de Capira participated in the study. Even though a representative sample

was chosen, it's possible that not all twelfth-grade children in all situations or

places will benefit from the findings.

• Duration of the Intervention:

Over the course of one academic semester, the intervention tactics were put into

practice. This brief time frame might not be enough to see long-term impacts and

consistent gains in pupils' math proficiency. Studies with a longer time frame are

required to evaluate the therapies' long-term effects.

• Potential Biases:

Self-reported information from parents, instructors, and students was used in the

study; however, this information could contain biases such recall or social

desirability bias. Furthermore, the researcher's presence in the classroom during

observations may have had an impact on teacher and student conduct, which

could have an impact on the results.

• Resource Constraints:

The adoption of some cutting-edge teaching techniques may have been

hampered by limited access to didactic and technological resources. The quality

and accessibility of resources can have a big influence on how successful

educational interventions are.

3.3 Perspectives

In order to better understand and address the shortcomings in mathematics

education, a number of directions for future research are proposed, building on

the experiences and findings of this study.

• Longitudinal Studies:

Longitudinal studies that monitor students' performance in mathematics over

several years may be a part of future study. This would provide light on the long-

term consequences of intervention tactics and assist in determining the elements

that support steady progress.

• Broader Demographic Studies:

The findings' generalizability would be improved by broadening the study to

encompass a wider variety of educational institutions and student demographics

in various geographical areas. Comparative research may reveal elements

unique to a certain context and useful strategies that are flexible enough to be

applied in a variety of learning environments.

• Technology-Enhanced Learning:

Examining how digital resources and cutting-edge technology affect arithmetic

learning could provide fresh perspectives on creative teaching strategies.

Research may examine how to use virtual reality, adaptive learning platforms,

and artificial intelligence into the teaching of mathematics.

• Teacher Professional Development:

Future studies can concentrate on how well teacher professional development

programs help them advance their pedagogical knowledge and adapt creative

teaching techniques. It might be investigated more how teacher preparation and

math student outcomes relate to one another.

• Holistic Approaches:

Analyzing holistic strategies that take into account socio-emotional,

psychological, and academic components of learning may yield a more thorough

knowledge of how to help children overcome arithmetic difficulties. Research

might look at the benefits of peer support networks, growth mindset therapies,

and mindfulness.


Based on the our research results, conclusions are made about the effectiveness

of the implemented strategies to reduce math failures. In order to improve the

teaching of mathematics at the Instituto Profesional y Técnico de Capira, practical

recommendations and recommendations for future research that can expand and

deepen this topic are given.

Research can provide insight into the causes of math failure and provide practical

and effective solutions to improve academic performance in this critical area. The

successful implementation of the proposed strategies will not only benefit the

students of the Instituto Profesional y Técnico de Capira, but will also serve as

an example for other educational institutions facing similar challenges.

Instituto Profesional y Técnico de Capira's research on reducing math failure

among 12th grade students has provided valuable information on the factors

contributing to poor performance and the potential effectiveness of targeted

intervention strategies. Although the study acknowledges its limitations, it

highlights the importance of continued work and collaboration between teachers,

students, parents and decision-makers to improve mathematics education.

Future research should build on these findings, explore new methods, and

expand opportunities for broader and more sustainable improvement in

mathematics education.


Annex 1. Estudent observation.

Class Number



Category Aspects to observe Interpretation

Factors affecting the • Motivation.

Motivation. • Group


Basic concepts in the • Theme to embroider

twelfth degree in the

area of theme to math.

basics and cognitive • Teaching strategies

development • Evaluation

Performance in the area

of mathematics.

Assessment. • Teaching Method

Teaching method

Annex 2. semi-structured interview carried out with the Math teacher.

Interview conducted with a teacher at the Instituto Profesional y Técnico de

Capira, for a research process to determine the factors that affect and influence

learning in the area of mathematics.

Prepared by the students of the University of Panama third year of their

Bachelor's degree in pedagogy.

Answer the following questions

1 Does the number of students influence students' learning of mathematics?


A Yes

B No

2. How do you involve the logical mathematical process?


3. How do you use the teaching material used in the development of logical-

mathematical notions with your students.


4. Can you comply with all the terms related to learning mathematics.


5. As a teacher, do you first take into account the concepts that secundary

students bring or do you start with new concepts?


6. What strategies do you use to teach mathematics in the classroom?


7. What is your teaching methodology in mathematics class?

Annex 3. survey conducted with twelfth grade students of the Instituto

Profesional y Técnico de Capira, Survey carried out on students of the

professional and technical institute of Capira, for a research process and to

determine the failures and factors that influence failures in the area of


Prepared by the students of the University of Panama third year of their

Bachelor's degree in pedagogy.

Answer the following question.

1 do you like mathematics?

A. Yes

b. No

2 Does the teacher use different methodologies and strategies to teach them and

this help them understand better?

A. Yes

b. No

3 Do you think it is helpful to have a tutor to reinforce or study mathematics apart

from your mathematics teacher?

A. Yes

B. No

4 Do you find math class fun or interesting?

A. Yes

b. No

5 Do you understand what the teacher explains in mathematics class?

A. Yes

b. No

6 Does the math teacher explain to you again when you don't understand?

A. Yes

B. No

7 do you feel anxiety about math?

A. Yes

B. No

8 Do you learn mathematics better by working in a group?

A. Yes

B. No

9 Do you think your teacher provides you with enough tools to learn


A. Yes

B. No

10 Do you know the basic concepts and operations of mathematics?

A. Yes

B. No

Annex 4. photographs of playful mathematical activities.



Problem and Justification

1.1 Contextualization of the Problem

In the educational sphere, mathematics has traditionally been regarded as a

fundamental subject in students' formation. Mastery of it’s not only involves the

development of numerical skills, but also fosters logical thinking, problem-solving,

and abstraction abilities, all crucial for academic and professional success.

However, despite its importance, a concerning phenomenon has been observed

in the context of the Instituto Profesional y Técnico de Capira: the high failure rate

in mathematics among twelfth-grade students.

This issue not only affects students' academic performance but also impacts their

self-confidence and future professional development. A lack of proficiency in

mathematics can limit access to higher education programs and well-paying jobs,

perpetuating a cycle of inequality and social marginalization.

1.2 Justification of the Research

The importance of addressing this problem lies in several fundamental aspects.

Firstly, reducing failures in mathematics will directly contribute to improving

students' academic outcomes, which, in turn, could increase their motivation and

commitment to the educational process. Furthermore, by decreasing the number

of students who fail to pass this subject, new opportunities for personal and

professional development will open up for them in the future. This could have a

positive impact not only at the individual level but also on the socio-economic

development of the Capira community as a whole.

Additionally, tackling this issue can provide valuable insights into the most

effective pedagogical practices and didactic resources for teaching mathematics

at the technical and professional high school level. This could serve as a

foundation for the continuous improvement of educational programs and teacher

training at the institute, as well as inspire similar initiatives in other educational

institutions facing similar challenges.

1.3 Research Objectives

1.3.1 General Objective

1.To identify the Specific e main causes contributing to the high failure rate in

mathematics among twelfth-grade students.

2. To analyze the current teaching methodologies used at the Instituto Profesional

y Técnico de Capira and their effectiveness in mathematics learning.

3. To design an action plan that includes innovative pedagogical strategies and

appropriate didactic resources to improve students' performance in mathematics.

4. To evaluate the effectiveness of the implemented strategies in reducing failures

in mathematics and their impact on students' academic performance.

1.3.2 Objectives

1. The underlying causes of the high failure rate in mathematics will be analyzed,

laying the groundwork for effective strategies to address this issue.

2. The effectiveness of current teaching methodologies will be evaluated to

identify areas for improvement and optimize the teaching and learning process of


3. A comprehensive action plan will be developed that integrates innovative

pedagogical strategies and appropriate didactic resources with the aim of

significantly improving students' performance in mathematics.

4. A thorough evaluation of the implemented strategies will be conducted to

determine their effectiveness in reducing failures in mathematics and their impact

on the academic performance of twelfth-grade students.

1.4 Thesis Structure

This work is structured into three chapters, each addressing specific aspects

related to the problem of failures in mathematics among twelfth-grade students

at the Instituto Profesional y Técnico de Capira.

Chapter 1: Problem and Justification

Chapter 2: Theoretical framework

Chapter 3: Acknowledgements, limitations and perspectives



Theoretical Framework

This chapter explores various theoretical and conceptual aspects related to

mathematical failure in the educational environment of the Instituto Profesional y

Técnico de Capira. A comprehensive review of the existing literature is conducted

to establish a strong theoretical framework to guide the research and the

proposed intervention. Topics covered include:.

2.1 Contextualization of Failures in Mathematics

The nature and consequences of mathematical failures in the educational

environment of the Instituto Profesional y Técnico de Capira are investigated.

Relevant statistics, historical trends, and demographic data are examined to

understand the extent of the problem and its impact on students and the

educational community as a whole.Failure in mathematics can take many forms,

each with its own characteristics and consequences. The three most common

types of math failure are:

Conceptual Understanding Failure:

Explanation: Conceptual understanding fails when students struggle to

understand the principles and concepts of mathematics. This type of failure often

results from learning methods that focus on memorization rather than

understanding. Students may be able to perform mathematical procedures, but

lack a deep understanding of why the procedures work.

Example: A student may know how to do long division, but cannot explain why

the algorithm works or how it relates to the concept of division. They may

encounter problems that require division in different contexts, such as dividing

fractions or understanding division as repeated subtraction.

Procedural Fluency Failure:

Explanation: Procedural fluency fails when students have difficulty performing

mathematical operations accurately and efficiently. This type of failure can be due

to lack of practice, inadequate guidance or lack of basic skills. Students may

understand math concepts but struggle to follow the steps necessary to solve


Example: A student may understand the concept of multiplication, but

consistently makes mistakes when doing multi-digit multiplication. They may

forget steps, misalign numbers or make calculation errors that lead to incorrect


Problem-Solving Failure:

Explanation: Problem solving fails when students are unable to apply their

mathematical knowledge to solve new or complex problems. This type of failure

often results from insufficient opportunities for critical thinking and reasoning.

Students may rely heavily on conventional methods and struggle with tasks that

require analyzing, synthesizing, or evaluating information.

Example: A student may be able to solve standard algebraic equations but gets

confused when presented with a word problem that requires defining and solving

an equation. They may have difficulty identifying relevant information, formulating

an equation, or interpreting results in the context of a problem.Understanding

such failures and their manifestations in students can help teachers identify

specific areas for intervention. By addressing these failures with targeted

instructional strategies and support, teachers can improve students' overall math

skills and reduce math failures.

2.2 Factors Contributing to Failures in Mathematics

Failure in mathematics is influenced by a complex interplay of factors. This

section analyzes the various dimensions that contribute to bad math, such as:

2.2.1 Individual Factors: Cognitive skills: Students' inherent cognitive skills, such as problem-

solving skills, memory, and logical thinking, greatly influence their ability to

understand and apply mathematical concepts. Deficiencies in these areas can

lead to difficulties in mastering mathematics.

8 Motivation and Attitude: Students' motivation and attitude towards

mathematics significantly affects their performance. A lack of interest or a

negative attitude towards a subject can reduce commitment and effort, leading

to poor performance. Learning styles: Different students have different learning styles

(visual, auditory, kinesthetic, etc.). A mismatch between teaching methods and

students' chosen learning styles can hinder the understanding of mathematical


2.2.2 Socio-economic Factors: Parental involvement: Parental involvement in a child's education can

affect his academic success. Students whose parents support and encourage

them do better in math. Economic status: Students from low-income families may face

challenges such as limited access to educational resources, less exposure to

enriching extracurricular activities, and lack of a supportive learning

environment at home. Cultural factors: Cultural attitudes toward education and mathematics

can affect student understanding and performance. In some cultures, there may

be stereotypes that math is inherently difficult or that certain groups are less

able to excel in the subject.

2.2.3 Educational Factors: Curriculum Design: The design and structure of a mathematics

curriculum can affect student learning. A curriculum that is too difficult or not

sufficiently adapted to the developmental level of students can lead to

frustration and failure. Teaching methods: The effectiveness of teaching methods is crucial.

Traditional self-directed learning methods may not be as effective as modern

student-centered approaches that encourage active learning and critical

thinking. Teacher quality and training: Teachers' qualifications, experience and

continuous professional development are crucial to their ability to teach

mathematics effectively. Teachers who are not sufficiently trained in innovative

pedagogical strategies may struggle to engage students.

2.2.4 Psychological Factors: Math anxiety: Math anxiety can significantly reduce students' ability to

perform well. Math anxiety can create a vicious cycle where students' fear of

failure leads to poor performance, which in turn reinforces their anxiety. Self-efficacy: students' beliefs about their abilities to succeed in

mathematics affect their actual performance. Low self-efficacy can lead to a lack

of effort and persistence in overcoming math challenges.

2.3 Pedagogical Approaches in Mathematics Education

We will look at different pedagogical approaches used in teaching mathematics,

from traditional methods to more innovative and student-centred approaches.

The advantages and disadvantages of each approach are discussed and best

practices for teaching the discipline are explored.

2.3.1 Flexible Grouping:

With flexible grouping, students complete work in classroom as part of many

different groups depending on the learning task or content. Students can be

placed in groups based on their performance, interests, social/emotional needs,

or knowledge base. Groups can be purposefully or randomly assigned by the

teacher or the students can choose their own groups. Flexible grouping allows

for students to work with a wide variety of peers and avoids them from being

labeled as struggling or advanced.

2.3.2 Tiered Assignments:

Tiered assignments are activities that are based on the same mathematical skill,

but they are designed with differing levels of complexity. The assignments meet

the needs of: low level achievers, on grade level achievers, and above level

achievers. This ensures that all students in your classroom, regardless of their

ability levels, are making progress on the same skill or content.

2.3.2 Leveled Questions:

Create question to ask students in classroom that are based on the students'

different levels of understanding and readiness. For some of the students, leveled

questions can challenge their thinking and help them to use critical thinking skills.

For other students, leveled questions can provide the added support necessary

to begin to develop ways of thinking about mathematics. By integrating leveled

questions into your instruction, the questions then become accessible to all

students. Leveled questions can be used during whole group instruction or in

small group instruction.

2.4 Teaching Strategies in Mathematics

Let's look at the role of didactic and technical tools in mathematics education.

Available tools and resources, such as educational software, mobile apps,

simulations, and online resources, are analyzed and discussed for their

effectiveness in improving students' learning and math skills.

2.4.1 Jigsaw method:

The jigsaw technique is a method of organizing classroom activity that makes

students dependent on each other to succeed. It breaks classes into groups and

chunks assignments into pieces that the group assembles to complete the

(jigsaw) puzzle. The Jigsaw Method enjoys an effect size of 1.20. This makes it

one of the most effective instructional strategies you can use, This effective

strategy can accelerate student growth up to three years in one academic year.

In fact, the jigsaw method involves students reading new information .

2.4.2 Integration of math technology:

can create a positive learning environment that promotes student engagement

and eliminates excessive lecturing. It’s essential to uncover a balance and make

sure that the technology tools complement and enhance traditional teaching

methods rather than replace them entirely.

2.4.3 Cooperative learning:

involves students working together in small groups to accomplish shared goals

or complete group tasks. It is widely recognised as a teaching strategy that

promotes socialization and learning among students from preschool through to

tertiary level and across different subjects and curriculum areas.

2.5 Related Learning Theories

To better understand how students learn mathematics and develop effective

strategies to improve performance, it is important to examine several learning

theories. Here are three main theories related to mathematics education, with

explanations and examples of their application:

2.5.1 Cognitive Learning Theory:

Explanation: Cognitive learning theory focuses on the internal processes

involved in learning. It emphasizes the role of mental functions such as thinking,

memory and problem solving. According to this theory, learning occurs when

students actively process and organize information in their minds.

Example: Applying cognitive learning theory to mathematics education can

include teaching strategies that help students organize and structure their

knowledge. For example, using concept maps to visually describe the

relationships between different math concepts can help students understand how

different topics are related. Additionally, encouraging students to verbalize their

thought processes when solving problems can improve their cognitive

understanding of the steps involved in finding a solution.

2.5.2 Constructivist Learning Theory:

Explanation: Constructivist learning theory suggests that students create their

own understanding and knowledge of the world through experience and reflection

on experience. In the context of mathematics, this theory suggests that students

learn best when they actively engage with mathematical concepts and solve

problems in meaningful contexts.

Example: An example of the application of constructivist learning theory in

mathematics education is the use of project-based learning. In a project-based

learning environment, a student may need to design a small garden and calculate

the area and perimeter of the various parts. This hands-on exercise allows

students to apply mathematical concepts to a real-world problem, facilitating

deeper understanding through active participation and problem solving.

2.5.3 Sociocultural Learning Theory:

Explanation: The sociocultural learning theory developed by Lev Vygotsky

emphasizes the importance of social interaction and cultural context in learning.

According to this theory, learning is a collaborative process and students learn

best by interacting with peers and more experienced people (teachers, parents,


Example: One way to apply sociocultural learning theory in mathematics

education is cooperative learning, for example in solving group tasks. For

example, students can work in small groups to solve a complex math problem,

discuss different strategies, and explain their reasoning to each other. This

collaborative approach not only increases their understanding of mathematical

concepts, but also develops communication and teamwork skills. Additionally,

adding cultural references and examples related to students' backgrounds can

make math more relevant and engaging.

By understanding and applying these learning theories, teachers can design

instructional strategies that meet the diverse needs of students, increase their

engagement with math concepts, and ultimately improve their performance in


2.6 Research Methodology

It details the methodology used to conduct the study, including study design, data

collection and analysis techniques, and design of initiatives to address the

identified problem. It explains how the mathematical error reduction strategies of

the Instituto Profesional y Técnico de Capira are implemented and how their

effectiveness is evaluated.

2.6.1 Study Design

The design of this study is mixed methods, combining quantitative and qualitative

methods to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the problem and evaluate

the impact of the implemented strategies. The effectiveness of pedagogical

interventions is measured using a quasi-experimental approach.

2.6.2 Population and Sample

The target population of this study is all students of the twelfth grade of the

Instituto Profesional y Técnico de Capira. A representative sample will be

selected using stratified random sampling to ensure inclusion of students from

different academic achievement levels and socioeconomic backgrounds.

2.6.3 Data Collecti Techniques on

Several data collection techniques are used to ensure the accuracy and reliability

of the results. These techniques include: Surveys: Surveys are administered to students to gather information

about their attitudes toward mathematics, their perceptions of current teaching

methods, and specific difficulties they face. Interviews: In-depth interviews are conducted with teachers and

administrators to gain a deeper understanding of pedagogical challenges and

current strategies used in mathematics education. Classroom Observation: Systematic classroom observations are

conducted to assess the dynamics of teaching and learning and to identify

effective pedagogical practices and areas for improvement. Academic Performance Analysis: Students' gradebooks and test

scores are analyzed before and after the strategies are implemented to

measure their impact on academic performance.

2.7 Action Plan and Intervention

The action plan will include the following stages:

2.7.1 Identification of Causes: Based on the collected information, the main

reasons for failure in mathematics are identified.

2.7.2 Development of Strategies: Innovative pedagogical strategies are

designed to address identified causes, such as the use of educational

technology, personalized instruction, and student-centered teaching methods.

2.7.3 Implementation of Interventions: The developed strategies are

implemented in the classroom during the semester. Teachers receive training to

effectively implement these new methods.

2.7.4 Monitoring and Evaluation: The progress of the students is constantly

monitored and the effectiveness of the measures is periodically measured.

Statistical methods are used to analyze data and determine the impact of

strategies on student achievement.

2.8 Data Analysis

The collected data is analyzed using statistical and qualitative methods.

Quantitative analysis includes paired t-tests to compare results before and after

the intervention. In addition, descriptive statistics such as means, standard

deviations and frequency distributions are used to provide a detailed summary of

the data. Qualitative analysis involves coding and categorizing interview and

observation data to identify recurring patterns and themes. Thematic analysis can

be used to identify underlying trends and insights from participants' experiences

and perceptions. The combination of these methods provides a comprehensive

understanding of the impact of interventions on student mathematics


2.9 Research Limitations

Potential limitations of the study are acknowledged, such as sample size, limited

time to implement measures and potential biases in data collection. These

limitations are addressed in the recommendations for future research.



Acknowledgments, Limitations, and Perspectives

An summary of the acknowledgements, restrictions, and future directions

pertaining to the study on lowering mathematics failure rates in the twelfth grade

at the Instituto Profesional y Técnico de Capira is given in this chapter. It

discusses the limitations and difficulties faced during the research, acknowledges

the contributions and assistance received, and suggests possible directions for

more study.

3.1 Acknowledgements

This study project would not have been able to be completed successfully without

the help and contributions of several people and organizations.

• Institutional Support:

The Instituto Profesional y Técnico de Capira's professors and management

offered important assistance and access to the resources that were needed. The

success of the research depended heavily on their collaboration in facilitating

data gathering and the use of intervention measures.

• Academic Advisors and Mentors:

We would also want to thank our academic mentors and advisers, whose advice

and experience greatly influenced the course and caliber of my study. Throughout

the whole study process, their encouraging words and helpful criticism were quite


• Participants:

We are grateful to the parents, instructors, and students who took part in the

research. Their openness to sharing their knowledge and perspectives gave the

study vital information. Notable was the pupils' participation in the intervention


• Funding and Resources:

Additionally, gratitude is given to any programs or organizations who contributed

funds or other resources to the study. Their assistance made it possible to obtain

the required resources and made the study's completion go more smoothly.

3.2 Limitations

With the best attempts to perform an exhaustive and complete investigation, a

number of limitations were found that might affect the results and their

applicability to other situations.

• Number of Samples and Representation:

A particular sample of twelfth-grade students from the Instituto Profesional y

Técnico de Capira participated in the study. Even though a representative sample

was chosen, it's possible that not all twelfth-grade children in all situations or

places will benefit from the findings.

• Duration of the Intervention:

Over the course of one academic semester, the intervention tactics were put into

practice. This brief time frame might not be enough to see long-term impacts and

consistent gains in pupils' math proficiency. Studies with a longer time frame are

required to evaluate the therapies' long-term effects.

• Potential Biases:

Self-reported information from parents, instructors, and students was used in the

study; however, this information could contain biases such recall or social

desirability bias. Furthermore, the researcher's presence in the classroom during

observations may have had an impact on teacher and student conduct, which

could have an impact on the results.

• Resource Constraints:

The adoption of some cutting-edge teaching techniques may have been

hampered by limited access to didactic and technological resources. The quality

and accessibility of resources can have a big influence on how successful

educational interventions are.

3.3 Perspectives

In order to better understand and address the shortcomings in mathematics

education, a number of directions for future research are proposed, building on

the experiences and findings of this study.

• Longitudinal Studies:

Longitudinal studies that monitor students' performance in mathematics over

several years may be a part of future study. This would provide light on the long-

term consequences of intervention tactics and assist in determining the elements

that support steady progress.

• Broader Demographic Studies:

The findings' generalizability would be improved by broadening the study to

encompass a wider variety of educational institutions and student demographics

in various geographical areas. Comparative research may reveal elements

unique to a certain context and useful strategies that are flexible enough to be

applied in a variety of learning environments.

• Technology-Enhanced Learning:

Examining how digital resources and cutting-edge technology affect arithmetic

learning could provide fresh perspectives on creative teaching strategies.

Research may examine how to use virtual reality, adaptive learning platforms,

and artificial intelligence into the teaching of mathematics.

• Teacher Professional Development:

Future studies can concentrate on how well teacher professional development

programs help them advance their pedagogical knowledge and adapt creative

teaching techniques. It might be investigated more how teacher preparation and

math student outcomes relate to one another.

• Holistic Approaches:

Analyzing holistic strategies that take into account socio-emotional,

psychological, and academic components of learning may yield a more thorough

knowledge of how to help children overcome arithmetic difficulties. Research

might look at the benefits of peer support networks, growth mindset therapies,

and mindfulness.


Based on the our research results, conclusions are made about the effectiveness

of the implemented strategies to reduce math failures. In order to improve the

teaching of mathematics at the Instituto Profesional y Técnico de Capira, practical

recommendations and recommendations for future research that can expand and

deepen this topic are given.

Research can provide insight into the causes of math failure and provide practical

and effective solutions to improve academic performance in this critical area. The

successful implementation of the proposed strategies will not only benefit the

students of the Instituto Profesional y Técnico de Capira, but will also serve as

an example for other educational institutions facing similar challenges.

Instituto Profesional y Técnico de Capira's research on reducing math failure

among 12th grade students has provided valuable information on the factors

contributing to poor performance and the potential effectiveness of targeted

intervention strategies. Although the study acknowledges its limitations, it

highlights the importance of continued work and collaboration between teachers,

students, parents and decision-makers to improve mathematics education.

Future research should build on these findings, explore new methods, and

expand opportunities for broader and more sustainable improvement in

mathematics education.


Annex 1. Estudent observation.

Class Number



Category Aspects to observe Interpretation

Factors affecting the • Motivation.

Motivation. • Group


Basic concepts in the • Theme to embroider

twelfth degree in the

area of theme to math.

basics and cognitive • Teaching strategies

development • Evaluation

Performance in the area

of mathematics.

Assessment. • Teaching Method

Teaching method

Annex 2. semi-structured interview carried out with the Math teacher.

Interview conducted with a teacher at the Instituto Profesional y Técnico de

Capira, for a research process to determine the factors that affect and influence

learning in the area of mathematics.

Prepared by the students of the University of Panama third year of their

Bachelor's degree in pedagogy.

Answer the following questions

1 Does the number of students influence students' learning of mathematics?


A Yes

B No

2. How do you involve the logical mathematical process?


3. How do you use the teaching material used in the development of logical-

mathematical notions with your students.


4. Can you comply with all the terms related to learning mathematics.


5. As a teacher, do you first take into account the concepts that secundary

students bring or do you start with new concepts?


6. What strategies do you use to teach mathematics in the classroom?


7. What is your teaching methodology in mathematics class?

Annex 3. survey conducted with twelfth grade students of the Instituto

Profesional y Técnico de Capira, Survey carried out on students of the

professional and technical institute of Capira, for a research process and to

determine the failures and factors that influence failures in the area of


Prepared by the students of the University of Panama third year of their

Bachelor's degree in pedagogy.

Answer the following question.

1 do you like mathematics?

A. Yes

b. No

2 Does the teacher use different methodologies and strategies to teach them and

this help them understand better?

A. Yes

b. No

3 Do you think it is helpful to have a tutor to reinforce or study mathematics apart

from your mathematics teacher?

A. Yes

B. No

4 Do you find math class fun or interesting?

A. Yes

b. No

5 Do you understand what the teacher explains in mathematics class?

A. Yes

b. No

6 Does the math teacher explain to you again when you don't understand?

A. Yes

B. No

7 do you feel anxiety about math?

A. Yes

B. No

8 Do you learn mathematics better by working in a group?

A. Yes

B. No

9 Do you think your teacher provides you with enough tools to learn


A. Yes

B. No

10 Do you know the basic concepts and operations of mathematics?

A. Yes

B. No

Annex 4. photographs of playful mathematical activities.


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