Cisa Outline
Cisa Outline
Cisa Outline
The first thing you need to know about the CISA exam is the five domains. This refers to
the way the exam content has been organized or split into five different sections. The
percentages of material in the exam covered by each section has recently changed with
2019 updates. I will highlight those changes a bit better below, but for now, here are the
five domains.
There used to be six domains but this was changed in an update back in 2011 and the
material that was in that sixth domain was put into the other domains (mainly 4 and 5).
Each domain is jam-packed with information (especially the last two). Therefore, it’s
important to break them down even further to better understand what’s inside.
Most study guides and materials will take you in-depth into the subdomains, or
categories, of each domain. Next, let’s take a deeper look into what each of these
categories means so that you might get a greater understanding of what will be covered
by the exam.
After that, the tasks include developing and implementing a risk-based IT audit strategy,
planning and conducting the audit, and reporting findings. You will need to know more
than just how to answer basic questions. Moreover, you will need to show that you know
how to apply these regulations and standards in an actual work setting.
In addition, candidates are expected to know the ISACA IT Audit and Assurance
Standards, Guidelines and Tools and Techniques, Code of Professional Ethics and
other applicable standards. You should memorize S1, S2, S4, S9, and S10. Standards
S12 thru S16 were added to CISA back in 2011, and you should know S12, S13 & S14.
There are seven areas that you need to understand about Domain 1:
1. Management of the IS Audit Function
3. Risk Analysis
4. Internal Controls
5. Performing an IS Audit
6. Control Self-Assessment
For example, they need to evaluate the effectiveness of the IT governance structure,
organizational structure, HR management, and policies and standards, in order to
determine whether they support the organization’s strategies and objectives.
You’re going to need to know the definition for corporate governance, what ISO 26000
is, what the OECD Principals of Corporate Governance are, and what IT Governance is
about. In short, ITG is concerned with two issues: What are they and what drives them?
In addition, you will need to know the five focus areas for ITG, be familiar with the
different frameworks, and to also know audit’s role in ITG, to name a few things. If this
sounds like a lot, that’s because it is. We highly recommend breaking it down by domain
and domain subsections when you study. Only once you are confident you know one
domain completely should you move forward to the next.
There are 13 areas, or subdomains, under Domain 2 that you should know:
1. Corporate Governance
2. IT Governance (ITG)
3. Information Technology Monitoring and Assurance Practices for Board and Senior
8. Risk Management
For example, you’ll need to know the difference between portfolio management and
program management. You’ll need to know the three major forms of organizational
alignment, and you will want to know the roles and responsibilities for project steering,
among other things. There is also an entire section on business application
development, as stated below, and you need to know what the major risks of any
software development project, and at which phase testing begins, for example.
There are 14 subdomain areas of Domain 3 that you need to study for:
1. Business Realization
Now let’s move on to Domain 4, which has even more important things to cover about
operations, maintenance, and support.
Back in 2011, ISACA reduced the domains from 6 to 5. So, part of the material in the
old Domain 6 is now in Domain 4. This is all the sections about disaster recovery.
4. IS Network Infrastructure
Moreover, this includes evaluating the information security policies, standards and
procedures; the design, implementation, and monitoring of various controls, such as
system and logical security controls, data classification processes, and physical access
and environmental controls.
However, the 5th Domain is a make-or-break section for you. It is one of the most
important, if not THE most important section of the entire CISA exam. If you be sure to
know anything, be sure you know this domain.
2. Logical Access
8. Mobile Computing
If you want to understand these domains better, you can get a copy of the CISA Review
Manual and also a copy of the Q&A CD. You can then read through all the questions on
the Q&A CD and be sure you can answer them all correctly. As you go through the
questions, you can reference the Review Manual and what section covers that question.
This is a great way to begin studying or review, and to evaluate where you are and what
sections you need to study more.
However, for most people, this will not be enough on its own to help you pass the CISA
exam. I recommend supplemental study aides. More on that later.
The CISA syllabus is changed every few years to reflect the constantly changing
business environment of IT auditors. It last saw updates in 2016. Now, for 2019, we are
seeing more syllabus changes to reflect the latest industry trends impacting the IT audit
profession. These changes that have happened in 2019 are to better reflect the
changes and standards in the industry.
You can see that these are not really big changed. Despite being subtle, it’s still
important enough that you know before you take the exam. It could impact how you are
studying for the CISA exam. Moreover, the percentages are also changing.
o 1: The process of auditing information systems (21%)
For details on more of the CISA syllabus changes, check out this page. ISACA also puts
out current, updated information regarding the exam on their website if you ever have
questions you cannot find the answers to elsewhere.