Certified Internal Auditor Part2.1 - Flashcards-Duplex

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Part 2: Internal Audit Practice Part 2: Internal Audit Practice

Section I Section I

Accounts payable turnover ratio Adequate control

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Part 2: Internal Audit Practice Part 2: Internal Audit Practice

Section I Section I

Assurance services Benchmarking

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Part 2: Internal Audit Practice Part 2: Internal Audit Practice

Section I Section I

Chief audit executive (CAE) Compliance

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Part 2: Internal Audit Practice Part 2: Internal Audit Practice

Section I Section I

Consulting services Contract

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Definition Definition
A level of control that is present if management A financial ratio that includes all outstanding
has planned and organized in a manner that obligations a company owes its creditors.
provides reasonable assurance that the
organization's risks have been managed
effectively and that the organization's goals and
objectives will be achieved efficiently and
The IIA’s CIA Learning System® The IIA’s CIA Learning System®

Definition Definition

The comparison of an organization or project to Objective examination of evidence for the

similar internal or external organizations or purpose of providing an independent assessment
projects, for the purpose of determining areas for on risk management, control, or governance
potential improvement and to identify best processes for an organization.
practices. May also be used to assess likelihood
and impact of potential events across an industry.

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Definition Definition
The conformity and adherence to policies, plans, The top position in an organization responsible
procedures, laws, regulations, contracts, or other for internal audit activities.

The IIA’s CIA Learning System® The IIA’s CIA Learning System®

Definition Definition
An agreement between parties, with terms and Advisory and related client service activities, the
conditions that describe the agreement and nature and scope of which are agreed with the
constitute a legal obligation. client and which are intended to add value and
improve an organization's governance, risk
management, and control processes without the
internal auditor assuming management
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Part 2: Internal Audit Practice Part 2: Internal Audit Practice
Section I Section I

Control Control self-assessment

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Part 2: Internal Audit Practice Part 2: Internal Audit Practice

Section I Section I

Cost reimbursement contract Current ratio

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Part 2: Internal Audit Practice Part 2: Internal Audit Practice

Section I Section I

Debt ratio Debt to equity ratio

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Part 2: Internal Audit Practice Part 2: Internal Audit Practice

Section I Section I

Due care Due diligence

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Definition Definition
A variety of assessment techniques, including Any action taken by management, the board, and
facilitated workshops and surveys, in which the other parties to manage risk and increase the
assessment is performed by people involved in likelihood that established objectives and goals
the area or process being assessed rather than by will be achieved.
an independent party.

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Definition Definition
A measure of an organization's potential for A type of contract that allows for payment of all
paying down current liabilities; a larger number incurred costs within a predetermined ceiling
indicates more assets in relation to debt and that can be allocated to the contract, are
therefore greater ability to pay holders of short- allowable within cost standards, and are
term debt. reasonable.

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Definition Definition
A ratio that measures an organization's ability to The ratio of all an organization's debts to all of
cover long-term liabilities from owners' equity. its assets; provides a general measure of ability
to repay creditors.

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Definition Definition
The process of investigating a person, business, The level of caution that an individual exercises
or financial transaction to establish the value of when performing a due diligence audit and
an entity or transaction and the cost of any reporting the results.
associated liabilities.

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Part 2: Internal Audit Practice Part 2: Internal Audit Practice
Section I Section I

Financial leverage Fixed asset turnover ratio

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Part 2: Internal Audit Practice Part 2: Internal Audit Practice

Section I Section I

Fixed price contract Flowchart

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Part 2: Internal Audit Practice Part 2: Internal Audit Practice

Section I Section I

Gross profit margin Liquidity

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Part 2: Internal Audit Practice Part 2: Internal Audit Practice

Section I Section I

Operating leverage Quick ratio

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Definition Definition
A measure of how efficiently a company uses its The use of fixed interest in the form of debt or
fixed assets to generate sales; the higher the preferred equity stock with the expectation of
ratio, the better. earning a greater return than the cost of the fixed

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Definition Definition

A graphical representation of the actual or ideal A type of contract that requires a contractor to
path followed by any service or product; successfully perform the contract and deliver
provides a visual sequence of the steps in a supplies or services for a price agreed to up
process, illustrates the relationship between front.
parts, and identifies what the process does or
should do.

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Definition Definition
An organization's ability to pay its current and The ratio of gross profit (or net sales minus cost
future obligations efficiently and on time without of goods sold) to sales.
undue hardship. They measure an organization’s
solvency by comparing assets to liabilities.

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Definition Definition
A ratio that is similar to the current ratio but The proportion of fixed costs used in the
eliminates inventory, which is considered the production of goods or services.
least liquid portion of current assets and
therefore the least available for reducing current

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Part 2: Internal Audit Practice Part 2: Internal Audit Practice
Section I Section I

Residual risk Risk appetite

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Part 2: Internal Audit Practice Part 2: Internal Audit Practice

Section I Section I

Risk assessment Risk identification

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Part 2: Internal Audit Practice Part 2: Internal Audit Practice

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Risk measurement Risk prioritization

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Part 2: Internal Audit Practice Part 2: Internal Audit Practice

Section I Section I

Risk response Strategic plan

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Definition Definition
The amount of risk an organization is willing to The risk remaining after management takes
accept in pursuit of value. action to reduce the impact and likelihood of an
adverse event, including control activities in
responding to a risk.

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Definition Definition
The method of recognizing possible threats and The identification of risk, the measurement of
opportunities. risk, and the process of prioritizing risk
(considering likelihood and impact) or selecting
alternatives based on risk.

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Definition Definition
Ranking risks, formally or informally, from the The evaluation of the magnitude of risk, based
highest to the lowest, establishing the relative on the likelihood and impact of risk occurrence.
strength of each risk and the potential
consequences of each.

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Definition Definition
A document that indicates how an organization The actions taken to manage risk.
will carry out its mission, vision, goals, and
objectives, given factors in the internal and
external environments.

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Part 2: Internal Audit Practice Part 2: Internal Audit Practice
Section I Section I

Strategic planning Times interest earned

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Part 2: Internal Audit Practice Part 2: Internal Audit Practice

Section I Section I

Total asset turnover Value proposition

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Definition Definition
A measure of an organization's ability to service The process organizations use to determine
all of its liabilities; the number of times a where they want to be and how they will get
company can cover fixed obligations with there.
earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT).

The IIA’s CIA Learning System® The IIA’s CIA Learning System®

Definition Definition

A positioning statement that describes added A measure of how well assets are being used to
value to a customer; providing assurance, produce revenue. Calculated as the proportion of
insight, and objectivity. net sales to average total assets. The higher the
number, the more efficiently all assets are being

The IIA’s CIA Learning System® The IIA’s CIA Learning System®

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