Spirit of Prophecy 4
Spirit of Prophecy 4
Spirit of Prophecy 4
My text is in 1 Corinthians 1:4-8. This is one of my favorite texts in all Bible, and oh, I am
just so glad that we can study it tonight. Paul was writing to the church at Corinth. But as
often happens in these inspired writings the mind of the prophet was led to take in also the
people of God down near the end of time. And we see that he mentions in the seventh verse
that he is speaking to those who are waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Is
anybody here tonight waiting for the coming of Jesus? Well, here is a message from the
inspired prophet and apostle Paul for you:
So this evening let us take this as a personal message from Jesus through Paul for us. What
does he say? Paul says, “I thank God every time I think of you because you are so rich.”
Now maybe you know you are rich, and maybe you haven’t heard it. There is such a thing,
you know, as being rich and not knowing it.
Years ago, there was a man in Pennsylvania that got the desire to go out West and find his
fortune in the gold rush in California. The thing that finally caused him to decide to sell the
old farm in Pennsylvania was there was a scum on the water there where the cows were
trying to graze and there was scum on the pond. He said, “This isn’t the place for me. I am
going west.”
Well he never found the gold out there. But the man that bought his place found oil. That is
where the great oil wells of Pennsylvania started. So I say, it is possible to be rich and not
know it.
I wonder if there is anybody here tonight that is rich and doesn’t know it. Well, we are going
to see what Paul is talking about tonight:
But, now notice the modifying clause, the limiting expression, the thing which defines and
compounds this statement about being rich:
“You are rich,” he says, “just to the extent, just to the proportion that the testimony of Christ
is confirmed in you. And if the testimony of Christ is confirmed in you then he says, “You
are rich. Rich in everything.” And we wait for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with
confidence and courage, and as this gift is confirmed in you, you will come behind in no gift.
You will be blameless when Jesus comes.
Our richness then, as Paul looks down the stream of time and sees us in this remnant church,
our richness depends upon this point: Is the testimony of Christ confirmed in us?
Now what did we read last night and again today? What is the testimony of Jesus Christ?
[The spirit of prophecy.] Who said that? Why, the angel Gabriel said it, Revelation 19:10. It
is there in the Bible.
Now Paul says, “If this gift, this spirit of prophecy, the testimony of Christ is confirmed in
you, then you are rich in everything. Rich in everything! But it must be confirmed in you.”
Let me illustrate it. Here is a five dollar bill. Am I rich? Well, I am at least five dollars rich.
Alright. But suppose I go down to the bank and I give them this five dollar bill and I say,
“Would you give me five ones.” Will they do it? Yes. But suppose as the teller is about to
hand it to me, they notice that there is something peculiar about this bill. The teller hands it
back to me and says, “Sorry Mr. Frazee. That is a counterfeit. We can only give you two
dollars for it instead of five.”
Or is that what they would say? What? You mean I couldn’t even get two dollars for it? It
says its worth five dollars. Even if it’s a counterfeit it ought to be worth something shouldn’t
it? It is not worth the paper it is written on if it’s a counterfeit. Am I correct?
Now suppose, friends, that I don’t know whether this is a counterfeit or not. But I am
carrying it around in my pocket. How would you feel if you were carrying around a five
dollar bill or a hundred dollar bill, and you weren’t sure whether it is genuine or counterfeit?
You might look at it sometimes and say, “My, wouldn’t it was be nice to have all that
money.” And then you might think, “But wait a minute. I don’t know. Somebody told me
they thought that was a counterfeit. I have got to take it down and see. I don’t know whether
I am rich or not.”
Remember folks, it would be better to have a five dollar bill that is genuine then a thousand
dollar bill that is counterfeit. Are you with me? But listen, wouldn’t it be better to have a
genuine thousand dollar bill than a counterfeit five dollar bill? Wouldn’t it? And this is what
we are dealing with, friends. But my point is, we don’t get that feeling of riches, we don’t get
that joy of being wealthy unless we know that it is genuine. Do you see?
Confirmed, what does that mean? Made firm, made certain, made sure, no question about it.
It is wonderful to be certain about something, friends, especially something like this.
Now the question is this, friends: Has Jesus in these latter days spoken to the remnant
church? Has God spoken to Israel, and given to His servant Ellen White these visions
regarding which we have been studying last night, and this morning, and this afternoon, and
tonight? Did that really happen? Is God back of it? Are these the messages of heaven?
My dear friends, if they are we are rich! But if it isn’t so then all this is a counterfeit, a fraud,
a pretense, a make-believe, a fake! And we are not rich at all. We are poor if we think that
there is anything to it. Oh friends, I am so glad that it is possible to taste and see, to test and
know that this is indeed the testimony of Christ, the spirit of prophecy.
I thought tonight I would like to tell you a little of what it has meant to me personally. You
know, nearly seventy years ago my parents heard this message. My mother had been a
member of one of the popular churches, my father grew up without belonging to any church,
just a man of the world. But about the time they were married, they were studying this
The thing that appealed to them especially about the Seventh-day Adventist message was its
emphasis on prophecy. The book Daniel and the Revelation by Uriah Smith made a great
impact on them. As they were both interested in history, and they saw how the prophecies of
Daniel and Revelation had foretold the future.
Then as they studied deeper into this message, they came in contact with the experiences of
Ellen White and the books that she had written. My father told me how he paced the floor
thinking about it. What would he and my mother do about this thing? What would they do
about it?
And may I tell you, friends, it was becoming certain that the visions and writings of Ellen G.
White came heaven. This is what caused my parents to decide to be baptized and accept this
message. This is the thing that settled them.
So a few months later I was born into a Seventh-day Adventist home. And I grew up in a
Seventh-day Adventist home. And I thank the Lord for that heritage, the wonderful heritage.
However, as the result of that decision to accept this message, my father lost a good job, a
government job that required at least part of the time some duties on Saturday. And so,
because of deciding to accept this message, my parents became poor, and I grew up in a poor
home. And I am not sorry for that, that is part of my riches. And if you think that is a
paradox, it is. I am thankful that in the providence of God that caused me to grow up in a
poor home.
But while we were poor, thank God, we were happy. We had something to live for. From
the time I can remember my parents were putting into the minds of us children the things of
God in the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy. We were poor and we didn’t have all these
books, in fact, some of them hadn’t been printed yet, but even of those that were available
then, we were not rich enough to buy all of them. But thank God!, we got a great blessing
out of those that we did have.
One of the blessings that affected my life directly was this: My father in studying these
books, found that it was recommended by the Spirit of Prophecy that children should be
taught to memorize the Bible. And believing that he should do something about what he
read, he started in to have us memorize the Bible, different parts of it. By the time I was
twelve or thirteen years old I had memorized Daniel 1 & 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, the
twenty-two chapters of Revelation besides hundreds of other Bible texts.
Of course the Lord knew that some day I would be a preacher, but I didn’t know it and my
parents didn’t know it, but do you think those chapters have come in handy? Do you think
those verses have come in handy? But even if I had never become a minister, friends, they
would have been worth a great deal to me.
My parents read in the writings of the Spirit of Prophecy that learning the Bible would
develop the memory of those who learned it. And I know that this has been a great blessing
to me. I thank the Lord for a good memory. And I owe it under God to my parents, who,
because they read these books, drilled me in learning the Bible.
Now I ought to tell you this because some of you are parents and many of you will be getting
ideas that you would like to do this with your children. I recommend it, but I must tell you, it
isn’t just as easy as I am telling it to you. Because while sometimes I liked to do it,
sometimes I didn’t like to do it. Sometimes I went through it with all my heart, and
sometimes I had to have help. And I will not tell you all the ways I got help, but it was very
practical help. I wasn’t always thankful for it at the time, but I am now. And I have been for
fifty years. Oh friends, I thank God that my parents read the Spirit of Prophecy and did what
they read in it!
As the result of reading these writings of the Spirit of Prophecy, my father and mother were
careful to teach their boys to work. Now of course, one thing that aided in this was the fact
that we were poor, as I say it was the result of keeping the Sabbath. From an early age we
had to earn the family income, working in the garden, working in selling magazines, and even
books. I early learned to do colporteur work. Was that good for me? Oh yes. Was the work
in the garden good for me? Yes.
I learned to wash dishes. I know what that means right there. I know all about that kind of
experience, heating dish water on the stove, and carrying it over to wash dishes with. I have
washed dishes thousands of times, so I am perfectly at home now in the dish pan and the sink.
I don’t do it every day. I have other folks to do it. But I get the joy of doing it every now and
I know what it means to sweep a house as a boy, from one end to the other, and mop the
Where did my parents get those ideas? Out of these books. I hope none of you children are
thinking that you hope your father and mother won’t get those ideas. These are wonderful
ideas. Work is a blessing.
Another precious blessing that came to me is that my father and mother in studying these
books came in contact with the messages dealing with the advantages of country life. And
so, in my early teens, my parents moved the family out to the country where we could have
still more work to do and less contact with the city life, with it’s artificial civilization.
One of the greatest blessings that has come in my life through this gift is this little book Steps
to Christ. I became acquainted with this book when I was a boy. When I was about fourteen,
I began to find special joy in it. I used to have a little pocket edition of this that I carried
around in my pocket when I went to school. Nobody told me to do that, until the Lord lead
me to do it. This book Steps to Christ had a great influence on my life when I was fourteen
and through my teens. I still love it.
Recently, I have been listening to a taped, talking edition of Steps to Christ, and I love to sit
there or lie there and listen while this book is read to me on the talking tape. I feel the
presence of Jesus, the voice of my Lord speaking to me through these pages, drawing me to
As I read these books, I became acquainted with some very strict principles. And during my
teens several times, I came face to face with some real decisions as to what I would do with
some of the strict principles I found in these books. One decision I remember concerned diet.
Another one concerned reading. Another one concerned recreation and amusement, another
association. In all these things what I read in the books cut across my natural inclinations as
a boy. And if I had done what I wanted to do, and felt like doing, I would have put the books
aside and done as I pleased.
Sometimes I had quite a tussle, sometimes it took me quite a while to make up my mind. But
oh, I am so thankful that eventually in those different tests, God finally was able to get
through to me and help me to do what the books said instead of what I thought and wished
and wanted. Do you know what I found as the years went by? I found that if I would do
what the books said, eventually I would like what the books said.
In other words, God knows better than I do what I want. Did you ever get something that you
thought you wanted and then find out that you didn’t want it at all. I have. I am sorry I ever
learned that by experience. But it is better to learn it by experience than not to learn it all,
isn’t it, friends? Yes it is. So I thank God for the strict principles in the Spirit of Prophecy
that came to me during my teen years.
And I am so glad that along with it, God taught me some things about soul-winning out of
these books. Here in volume one of the Testimonies I found three wonderful chapters. One
of them is called “Young Sabbathkeepers;” another one, “Dangers of the Young;” and
another one, “Address to the Young.” As a fourteen year old boy, I became acquainted with
those three chapters. They led me not only to take hold of some strict principles, but to get
into soul-winning of young people, by young people, for young people.
A little later I read over here in Volume 7, page 21 a statement that oh I am so thankful for:
“Why do not two or three meet together and plead with God for
the salvation of some special one, and then still another? ... Let
different ones unite in labor as fishers of men” Testimonies for
the Church, Volume 7, page 21.
This reference with the Bible promises quoted on the next page led me to enter in for myself
and to help others to enter in to little prayer bands of two or three. When I was in the eighth
grade, when I was in the tenth grade and later in other places God led me especially through
these books to get into that kind of soul-winning. And friends, as I look back at it now, I can
see that God was doing several things in that. He was helping me reach certain other boys
my own age, but He was also preparing me for soul-winning in the future. And oh, I am so
glad for these books because without the books I never would have done it.
As a young man I became acquainted with this book Messages to Young People. It was
printed first when I was a young man. And at that time I was in active young people’s work
in these soul-winning lines. And how glad I was to get hold of this book.
One of the great blessings I got from this book was in the closing section on courtship and
marriage. I found in this book Messages to Young People as well as scattered through the
nine volumes of the Testimonies precious instruction on the kind of wife a young man should
look for. And because of the instruction in these books, the inspired instruction of the Spirit
of Prophecy, God led me at the right time to a young woman who entered into my life work
of soul-winning as nobody else in this world could have.
She too had been trained in her youth to value the instruction in these books. And at the right
time the Lord led us together. It will be forty years now in a few weeks since we were
married, and we both can testify to the glory of God that every year has been better than the
year before. And sometimes we talk it over and we say, “Now how can this year be better?”
But we know it is going to be because we are both studying these books.
I don’t mean, dear friends, that I have been perfect. That isn’t what I am getting at, at all. I
have made many mistakes all along the way I can look back and see: “I wish I had done this
better. I wish I had done this better.” But friends, before any thing in this world, to me, this
is the providence of God.
Another thing that I am very thankful for is that in the study of these books more and more I
have been led to find the solution of human problems. More and more as people talk to me,
tell me of this problem or that problem or the other, I find the joy in turning to one of these
books and letting them read the solution of their problem right here in an inspired message.
Don’t you know that brings me a lot of satisfaction? And as I see it working.
Let me give you an illustration. In a place nearly two thousand miles from where we are
sitting tonight, several years ago a couple came to me, or the man did. He and his wife were
getting separated. They were about to have a divorce. In fact, they had already been to the
lawyer. I sat down and talked with them together. And I said, “Listen, before you do that,
(and they had a darling little girl), why don’t you give something a chance.” And I had not
long before that completed a little series of classes especially for husbands and wives on how
to be successful in the home, in the marriage relation as husband and wife and parents.
So I said, “Now listen, before you do this, I want you to sit down and listen to these tapes,
these eight lessons.” Well they did. Well, thank God, friends, it got through to them. And
what are those eight lessons? It was what was in these books. (Of course, there is a lot more
in the books than the eight lessons.)
But thank God their home was saved. And now besides the little girl, they had when they had
that experience, they have another darling little baby. I call that baby “my baby.” You see
what I mean. It was these principles, these inspired principles of the Spirit of Prophecy that
saved that home.
So friends, back and forth across this continent I have had the joy of seeing men and women,
young people, boys and girls find the solution of their problems in these inspired books. Do
you think I am rich? Oh, I am friends, I am rich. I’m rich.
I used to tell my little girl when she was about so high, that her daddy was the richest man in
all the world. She would look up with her sweet little face and say, “But not in money,
Daddy.” And that is right. You see dear folks, these riches are not taxable, and nobody can
steal them from you. Of course the devil would like to steal them, but he will have to have
your permission before he does.
If you want to hold onto these riches, you can have them and draw compound interest on
them. But there are two things you have to do to keep rich. One is to do what the book says.
Otherwise it is just like money in the pockets that you never spend. It would be too bad to be
hungry with money in your pocket that you could spend for food, wouldn’t it? Yes. If you
don’t use it, you lose it.
So if you want to be rich - shall I say, as rich as I am - Oh friends, I wish every one of you to
be as rich as I am, but I will be richer tomorrow than I am tonight. I will be richer, far richer
a year from now because more and more of these books are becoming the joy of my life. As
I said, many a time they have cut across my path. Many times to do what these books said
has been to set aside even my reason or my wishes. But bless the Lord, I find out by
experience that this is the testimony of Jesus which is the spirit of prophecy.
And now I look ahead for my riches are not all in the past. These sixty-seven years, thank
God, He has done for me. But friends, my best days are ahead of me. What do I know
because of what I read in these books? I know that as long as life shall last God has a work
for me in sharing with others these wonderful principles.
Don’t you know that makes me happy. And then I know as I read these books that some day
soon, very soon, there in the east I will see that little cloud. There as the cloud draws near I
will see my Savior coming with all the angels. I will hear the trumpet blow. I will hear the
angels sing. I will see the dead arise. I will see my loved ones coming from the graves that
now are sleeping in Jesus.
I will join in the glad reunion of all the good and blessed of the ages. I will be caught up to
meet Jesus in the air. This mortal body will become immortal. And then, and I am going on
a space trip - I won’t have to have any oxygen tanks. I won’t have to have any space suit -
seven days ascending with Jesus to the sea of glass. And what a wonderful time I am going
to have on that seven day trip!
Think of all the people I am going to meet! As my dear old friend, Elder Luther Warren,
used to say, “My best friend has made arrangements for me to become personally acquainted
with everybody that has ever lived in this world that is worth knowing.”
Will Adam be there? What a privilege it will be to meet grandfather Adam. He is the
grandfather of all of us, isn’t he? Yes. And grandmother Eve. What a privilege to sit down
and get acquainted personally with Enoch and Methuselah, with David and Jonathan, with
Daniel and Shadrach, with Mary of Nazareth and Mary of Bethany, with Martha and Lazarus,
with Peter and Paul, with Joseph Bates and Ellen White, James White, Uriah Smith, and all
the others down through the ages. Won’t that be a privilege, friends?
And then go with Jesus up to heaven, and then at the right time out with Him on trips all
through the universe from world to world and star to star. What a privilege to sit down with
Christ Himself! Do you know what He has promised me? I can read it right here in one of
these wonderful books, Ministry of Healing, page 474. God gave me this page one day when
I was crying. I don’t mean symbolically, I mean literally, tears running down my face. But
listen to what I read:
“In the future life the mysteries that here have annoyed and
disappointed us will be made plain. We shall see that our
seemingly unanswered prayers and disappointed hopes have
been among our greatest blessings” Ministry of Healing, page
Isn’t that a thrill! Think of it!, Jesus Himself is going to take the book of my life and page by
page He is going to explain everything that happened to me. Isn’t that a wonderful promise?
I can’t miss it. But friends, I have saved the best for the last.
Do you know the greatest thing that I have learned in these books? I mentioned it at the
beginning of our little study last night. It is this: That while God is my friend and has been
from eternity, He wants me as His friend. He loves me not just as a father might love a baby.
He wants me as a grown up man to sit down in counsel with Him, listen while He talks, and
talk while He listens. And He wants me to be His friend for all eternity.
In fact, He wants me to share His throne with Him. Not so much that He needs me to help
rule, He just wants me there with Him. And friends, I am looking forward to it, and thank
God, I am learning more and more that there is great joy in having that fellowship with Him
here and now.
Oh, did you know that you are that valuable to God? Listen while I pick up this marvelous
volume the Desire of Ages given to us through this prophetic gift and let me read this
amazing sentence:
Some months ago down in Venezuela a thirteen year old boy was kidnaped, and the father, a
multimillionaire had to pay a ransom to get him back, nine hundred thousand dollars. Was
the boy worth it? He was to his father, wasn’t he - else the father never would have paid it?
Listen, I am so glad that I have found out something of the ransom that was paid for me.
When I look at the cross, I see that the One who made the universe values me so much that
He will give His life rather than lose me.
Am I that valuable? Yes. I have to say He knows what He is doing. I wouldn’t have known
it if He hadn’t told me. I may value my life, but friends, I had no idea that I was worth that
much till I found it out from Him. But friends, I accept His evaluation. What do you say?
Are you worth that much? Yes. The good news is Jesus loves you as He loves me.
I trust that here this evening hour as we close this little series that in our hearts there is a
consciousness in each one of us that we are indeed people of destiny. We are rich! You are
rich, if this gift is confirmed in you. How can it be confirmed in you? Read it, follow it, and
you will know just as certain as the sun shines in the heavens that this is indeed the testimony
of Jesus, the spirit of prophecy.
Shall we stand.
My Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine;
For Thee all the follies of sin I resign;
My gracious Redeemer, my Saviour art Thou;
If ever I love Thee, my Jesus ’tis now.
For a recent birthday a friend of mine sent me this little message, and the more I have thought
of it, the better I like it - God’s people never meet for the last time. Don’t you like that?
Now we are going to say good-bye here in a moment. But listen, that isn’t for the last time.
It could be the last time in this world, but that doesn’t make any difference. I can’t guarantee
that I will see you a year from now, a week from now, or even tomorrow. (We might make
plans.) But oh, I can guarantee and you can guarantee that we will meet when Jesus comes.
Is that right? Yes.
Why, friends, when you look at Calvary and see the price He has paid, there is no question
but that He has chosen me. Will you choose Him? That is all it takes.
How many of us would like to send Him the word tonight that we want to make Him happy
by giving Him all we have now and forever? May I see your hands? Is that your decision?
Thank God. We are all together in it.