Technical Note: Screws For Cold-Formed Steel-To-Wood and Wood-To-Cold-Formed Steel Attachments

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On Cold-Formed Steel Construction

Cold-Formed Steel Engineers Institute ● Washington, DC ● ● 1-800-79-STEEL


This Technical Note updates and replaces LGSEA Technical Note 565D

Summary: Screws are often used to attach Cold-Formed Steel (CFS) framing to wood members or wood struc-
tural panel decking to CFS joists or rafters. The AISI North American Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed
Steel Structural Members (AISI S100) provides design equations for screw connection capacity for CFS mem-
bers. The National Design Specification for Wood Construction (NDS) provides design equations for fastener/
connection capacity (nails, wood screws, bolts, etc.) in wood members. The Engineered Wood Association (APA)
and the building codes offer several resources for determining the capacity of screw connections attaching wood
sheathing. This Tech Note reviews these resources and discusses design and detailing of these fastener connec-
Disclaimer: Designs cited herein are not intended to preclude the use of other materials, assemblies, structures
or designs when these other designs and materials demonstrate equivalent performance for the intended use;
CFSEI documents are not intended to exclude the use and implementation of any other design or construction

INTRODUCTION Pan head screws are most often used. Loose washers
are not usually used unless required to increase pull-
over resistance of the attached steel sheet. The shaft is
Cold-Formed Steel (CFS) framing is often used with
covered with coarse threads along at least 2/3 of the
wood products. Steel stud walls often support wood
screw length. Standard wood screws are not typically
trusses, wood I-joists or glued-laminated (glulam)
fully threaded; in certain situations, fully threaded
beams. Screws are often used to connect these mem-
screws may be used to maximize withdrawal capacity
bers. In addition, wood structural panels are used as
of the fasteners in wood. Standard wood screws have
sheathing over CFS rafters, joists and wall studs.
an unhardened gimlet point and are design to pene-
trate wood only. These screws are not intended to
The capacity of self-drilling tapping screws in CFS-to-
penetrate steel of any thickness.
CFS connections is referenced in the AISI S100 Speci-
fication and is relatively straightforward. The capacity of
Chapter 11 of the NDS provides guidelines and design
screws in wood is more complicated to determine due
equations for the use of standard wood screws. In or-
to the many factors that affect screw connection
der to use the NDS installation requirements, fasteners
strength. Also, particular attention must be paid to se-
must comply with ANSI/ASME Standard B18.6.1-1981.
lecting a fastener that will penetrate steel and wood
This standard dictates the head size, threads, diameter,
layers and properly grip the members. and manufacturing tolerances for wood screws. Table 1
shows pre-drilling requirements for wood screws. Pre-
SCREWS FOR CFS-TO-WOOD drilling of the wood member is often required to prevent
ATTACHMENTS splitting of wood and to prevent fastener failure during
driving. This pre-drilling is specified by the NDS for
screws loaded in withdrawal in wood species with a
Standard Wood Screws
specific gravity (G) of 0.50 or greater, and for wood
screws loaded laterally in all wood species. The NDS
Where steel connectors have pre-punched or pre-
requires that lead holes not exceed these values in
drilled holes, standard wood screws (or nails) may be
order for design equations to be applicable. Pre-drilling
used as shown in Figure 1. Figure 2 illustrates the ge-
may not be required for some proprietary screws.
ometry of standard wood screws.

Cold-Formed Steel Engineers Institute 1 TECH NOTE F101-12 September 2012

Figure 1: CFS-to-Wood Screw Applications

Figure 2: Screws for CFS-to-Wood Attachments

TECH NOTE F101-12 September 2012 2 Cold-Formed Steel Engineers Institute

Table 1: Wood Screw Lead Hole Requirements (based on 11.1.5 of NDS 2012)

Lead hole diameter for  Lead hole diameter for 
Screw  Nomi­ Root  withdrawal loading (in.) lateral loading (in.)
Num­ nal Di­ Diame­
G ≤ 0.6 G > 0.6
ber  ameter,  ter, Dr  G ≤  0.5 < G ≤  G > 
(#) D (in.) (in.) Sha Threa Sha Threa
0.5 0.6 0.6
nk ds nk ds
6 0.138 0.113 None 1/16 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8
8 0.164 0.131 None 1/16 1/8 1/8 1/8 3/16 1/8
9 0.177 0.142 None 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 3/16 1/8
10 0.190 0.152 None 1/8 1/8 3/16 1/8 3/16 1/8
12 0.216 0.171 None 1/8 1/8 3/16 1/8 3/16 3/16
14 0.242 0.196 None 1/8 3/16 3/16 3/16 1/4 3/16

Wood screw shall be inserted into the lead hole using a screw driver or other tool, not by driving with a hammer. 
No reduction to design values is anticipated if soap or other lubricant is used on the screw or in the lead holes to 
facilitate insertion and to prevent damage to the wood screw. 
G is the specific gravity of wood species group (See Table 11.3.3A of NDS). 
Nominal diameter (D) and root diameter (Dr) are taken from Table L3, Appendix L of NDS. 

Table 2 shows allowable withdrawal loads for screws in

wood. A key factor in wood screw strength is the spe- Self-Piercing Tapping Screws
cific gravity of the wood member (G), which determines
the withdrawal capacity. Design values are given for Self-piercing tapping screws used for wood connec-
three species groups commonly use in North America. tions may be used as shown in Figure 1, where un-
Withdrawal is a function of wood strength, screw di- punched cold-formed steel members 33 mils or less
ameter and threaded penetration depth. must be attached to wood members or for thicker steel
member where pre-punched steel connectors are
Table 3 shoes allowable shear loads for screws in used .
wood. These values also depend on specific gravity of
the wood, which determines the dowel bearing Figure 2 illustrates the geometry of a self-piercing tap-
strength of the wood. In addition, these values also ping screw. These screws have a self-piercing point as
depend upon the dowel strength of the attached steel defined in ASTM C-1513 (2010) are casehardened and
sheet and the bending strength of the screw. capable of piercing steel sheet up to 33 mils thick.
Based on a manufacturer’s recommendation, some self
The values listed in Tables 2 and 3 apply to wood and/ -piercing screws can penetrate thicker steels. Hex
or dowel bending-yielding failure only. Adjustment fac- washer heads are used because this head style has
tors listed in Table 4 must be applied to determine the the best torque capacity in order to enable both pene-
final allowable load for a connection. Screw connection tration of the un-punched steel sheet and penetration of
failure in the steel sheet must also be checked. This the wood member without the benefit of a pilot hole.
should include checks for bearing, pullover, edge dis- Commonly used sizes of self-piercing tapping screws
tance and other factors as required. Wood adjust fac- are #8 and #10 diameter screws up to 3 in. long. These
tors should not be applied to the strength of the screws screws have coarse threads designed to better grip the
and the attached steel sheet when the capacity is de- wood members. Self-piercing tapping screws are typi-
termined per AISI S100. cally fully threaded for lengths 1-1/2 in. and less.
Longer screws are typically threaded over 2/3 of their
Proprietary connectors, such as the “hurricane ties” length. Loose washers are not usually used unless re-
shown in Figure 1 often have published tested capaci- quired to increase pull-over resistance of the attached
ties for specific size screws or nails. If the use of other sheet. Steel backed, bonded neoprene washers are
fasteners is desired, the designer should determine often used where watertight connections are desired.
what impact the change may have on the allowable
load of the connection.

Cold-Formed Steel Engineers Institute 3 TECH NOTE F101-12 September 2012

Table 2: Wood Screw Withdrawal Capacity (based on 11.2.2 of NDS 2012)

Screw  Nominal  Withdrawal  Screw Length (in.)

Wood Species 
Number  Diameter,  Capacity, 
Combination 1 1.25 1.50 2 2.25
(#) D (in.) W (lb/in.)
6 0.138 119 79 99 119 159 179
8 0.164 141 94 118 141 188 212
G = 0.55  9 0.177 152 101 127 152 203 228
(Southern Pine) 10 0.190 163 109 136 163 217 245
12 0.216 186 124 155 186 248 279
14 0.242 208 139 173 208 277 312
6 0.138 98 65 82 98 131 147
8 0.164 117 78 98 117 156 176
G = 0.50  9 0.177 126 84 105 126 168 189
(Douglas Fir‐
Larch) 10 0.190 135 90 113 135 180 203
12 0.216 154 103 128 154 205 231
14 0.242 172 115 143 172 229 258
6 0.138 69 46 58 69 92 104
8 0.164 82 55 68 82 109 123
G = 0.42  9 0.177 89 59 74 89 119 134
Fir) 10 0.190 95 63 79 95 127 143
12 0.216 108 72 90 108 144 162
14 0.242 121 81 101 121 161 182
Withdrawal design value, W = 2850 G2D (Equation 11.2‐2 of NDS). 
To determine the adjusted design value W’, multiply W by all applicable adjustment factors CD, CM and Ct (See 
Table 4(a)). 
Values are for screws inserted in side grain, with screw axis perpendicular to wood fibers. Values are not appro‐
priate for end‐grain loading. 
Screws must comply with ANSI/ASME Standard B18.6.1‐1981. 
Assumes threaded length is 2/3 of total wood screw length. 
Steel sheet must also be checked for pull‐over resistance based on AISI S100 screw provisions. 
Tabulated values are for failure in the wood member. 
G is the specific gravity of wood species group (See Table 11.3.3A of NDS). 

TECH NOTE F101-12 September 2012 4 Cold-Formed Steel Engineers Institute

Table 3: Wood Screw Lateral Capacity (based on 11.3 of NDS 2012)
Shear design Values, Z (pounds) Allowable Loads
Min. screw  Sheet Steel Thickness (mils)
Nominal  Screw Bending 
Wood Species Com­ penetra­
Diameter,  Yield Strength, 
bination tion, Pmin  33 43 54 68 97
D (in.) Fyb (psi)
0.138 100,000 0.828 76 77 78 81 88

0.164 90,000 0.984 96 97 99 102 110

G = 0.55 
(Southern Pine) 
0.177 90,000 1.062 113 114 115 118 127
Fem = 5526 psi 
Fes = 61875 psi
0.190 80,000 1.140 122 123 124 127 136
(ASTM A1003, Grade 
33 steel)
0.216 80,000 1.296 154 154 156 158 167

0.242 70,000 1.452 170 170 171 174 182

0.138 100,000 0.828 67 68 69 70 76

G = 0.50 
0.164 90,000 0.984 89 90 91 94 100
(Douglas Fir‐Larch, 
Structural I Plywood, 
0.177 90,000 1.062 104 105 107 109 116
OSB‐All Grades) 
Fem = 4637 psi 
0.190 80,000 1.140 113 114 115 118 127
Fes = 61875 psi 
(ASTM A1003, Grade 
33 steel) 0.216 80,000 1.296 142 143 144 147 155

0.242 70,000 1.452 157 157 158 161 169

0.138 100,000 0.828 49 50 51 53 59

G = 0.42 
0.164 90,000 0.984 67 68 69 71 77
Other Plywood 
0.177 90,000 1.062 79 79 80 82 88
Fem = 3364 psi 
0.190 80,000 1.140 90 91 92 94 100
Fes = 61875 psi 
(ASTM A1003, Grade 
33 steel) 0.216 80,000 1.296 115 115 116 118 123

0.242 70,000 1.452 132 133 134 135 140

Lateral design value, Z, is based on the minimum computed yield mode value using equations in Tables 11.3.1A and 
11.3.1B of NDS. 
Minimum penetration of wood screw (Pmin) into the main member shall be 6D per Section of NDS. 
Steel sheet must also be checked for shear resistance, using screw root diameter and AISI S100 Section E4.  Values 
above are for failure in the wood member and dowel bending yield only. 
To determine the adjusted design value Z’, multiply Z by all applicable adjustment factors – CD, CM, Ct and Ceq (See 
Table 4(a)). 
Screw bending yield strengths were taken from NDS Appendix I, Table 1.  Presumed screw yield strength is based on 
commonly available screws.  Confirm with selected screw supplier. 
Screws must comply with ANSI/ASME Standard B18.6.1‐1981. 
Assumes threaded length is 2/3 of total wood screw length. 
G is specific gravity of wood species group (See Tables 11.3.3A and 11.3.3B of NDS). 

Cold-Formed Steel Engineers Institute 5 TECH NOTE F101-12 September 2012

Table 4: Wood Screw Adjustment Factors (based on Table 10.3.1 of NDS 2012)

4(a) Applicability of Adjustment Factors for Wood Screws (Table 10.3.1 of NDS)*

Load Dura­ Wet Service  Temperature  End Grain 

tion Factor Factor Factor Factor

With­ W’ = W 
drawal, x
Lateral, Z’ = Z x CD CM Ct Ceg

*Other factors may apply; refer to NDS for Group Action Factor (Cg), Geometry Factor (CΔ) and Diaphragm
Factor (Cdi).

4(b) Load Duration Factors (Table 2.3.2 of NDS)*

Load Duration CD Typical Design Loads
Permanent 0.9 Dead Load
Ten Years 1.0 Occupancy Live Load
Two Months 1.15 Snow Load
Seven Days 1.25 Construction Load
Ten Minutes 1.6 Wind/Earthquake Load

4(c) Wet Service Factors for Wood Screws, CM (Table 10.3.3 of NDS)
Moisture Content
Loads At Time of Fabrica­
In­Service CM
Withdrawal  Any ≤ 19% 1.0
(W) Any > 19% 0.7
≤ 19% ≤ 19% 1.0
Lateral (Z) > 19% ≤ 19% 0.4*
Any > 19% 0.7

*CM = 0.7 for screws with diameter, D, less than 1/4 in. CM = 1.0 for screw connections with : (1) one fastener only or
(2) two or more fasteners placed in a single row parallel to grain or (3) fasteners placed in two or more rows parallel to
grain with separate splice plates for each row. Note: Steel framing will require special corrosion protection for condi-
tions that would warrant the use of wet service factors in wood design

TECH NOTE F101-12 September 2012 6 Cold-Formed Steel Engineers Institute

4(d) Temperature Factors for Wood Screws, Ct (Table 10.3.1 of NDS)*

In­Service Mois­ Ct

ture Conditions* T ≤ 100°F 100°F < T ≤ 125°F 125°F < T ≤ 150°F

Dry 1.0 0.8 0.7

Wet 1.0 0.7 0.5

*Wet and Dry service conditions for screws are specified above in Table 4(c).

4(e) End Grain Factor for Wood Screw, Ceq (Section 11.5.2 of NDS)
Ceq = 0.67, when the screws are inserted in the end grain of the main member, with the screw axis parallel to the wood
There are no design provisions that specifically address SCREWS FOR WOOD-TO-CFS
the strength of self-piercing tapping screws. Many manu- ATTACHMENTS
facturers supply tested design values for these fasteners;
however this data is limited and does not address the nu-
merous factors that the NDS accounts for in its wood Wood-to-CFS screw connections are used to attach wood
screw provisions. The NDS requires that wood screws panels or members to steel framing members as shown by
comply with ANSI/ASME Standard B18.6.1-1981 in or- Figures 3 and 4. Heads have a countersunk design, to
der for its design provisions to apply. It should be noted mount flush with the wood surface and are usually Phil-
that most self-piercing tapping wood screws comply with lips-drive type. Other available head types are trim-head,
ANSI/ASME Standard B18.6.1-1981 in all ways except bugle-head, wafer-head and flat-head. Specialty counter-
for head style. This is because hex washer heads are no sunk head styles may include the flat or wafer style with
considered in the standard. If a particular self-piercing cutting nibs under the head to create a counter-bore in the
tapping wood screws complies with all other portions of wood, which helps prevent wood splitting. All wood-to-
ANSI/ASME Standard B18.6.1-1981 it would be reason- CFS screw fasteners should comply with ASTM C1513
able for the design values in the NDS and tables 2, 3 and (2010), which governs the performance requirements of
4 to be used, provided that the screw does not split the steel tapping screws.
wood (or a pre-drilled hole must be provided per NDS to
prevent splitting).

Figure 3: Wood-to-CFS Screw Applications

Cold-Formed Steel Engineers Institute 7 TECH NOTE F101-12 September 2012

Figure 4: Screws for Wood-to-CFS

Common structural uses of wood-to-CFS screws are Alternatively, some decking screws feature small
roof and floor diaphragms and shear walls. In these “wings” above the drill point on the pilot section of the
applications, the strength of the entire assembly must screw These wings prevent the deck from riding up the
be determined by tests, and allowable loads are pub- shaft by reaming out a hole that is slightly larger than
lished in the model building codes. The APA publishes the threaded diameter of the screw. The wings are in-
diaphragm values for roof and floor assemblies in a tended to break off once they strike the steel sheet.
publication titled “Wood Structural Panels over Metal The shaft of the self-drilling tapping screw for wood
Framing” (Form No. T625C, 2009). When the strength attachment has threads suitable for tapping and grip-
of an individual fastener is required, the APA also pub- ping the steel member. Fine threads are typically used
lishes “Fastener Loads for Plywood-Screws” (Form No. for steel sheet 68 mils and thicker, while coarse
E830E, 2011), which provides tested allowable shear threads should be used for thinner sheets. Based on
and uplift values for plywood to steel connections. AISI S200, proper installation requires a minimum of
three threads must be exposed beyond the thickness of
Self-Drilling Tapping Screws the member.

When attaching wood to 43 mils or thicker steel, self- Self-Piercing Tapping Screws
drilling tapping screws may be required. These screws
must comply with SAE J78 (1998), which specifies the When attaching wood decking to 33 mils or thinner
dimensions and performance of self-drilling screws. steel, self-piercing tapping screws may be used. This
Self-drilling screws have a specific “drill capacity”, type of fastener pierces the wood and steel in one con-
which is the total thickness of steel they are capable of tinuous motion. These screws are defined in ASTM C-
drilling through. The drill capacity is a function of both 1513 (2010) and comply with ASI/ASME B18.6.3
screw size and point style. Drill capacity for screws is (2010), which governs the manufacture of thread-
tabulated in both the SAE J78 standard, and in CFSEI forming tapping screws. Self-piercing tapping screws
Tech Note F102 (2011), Table 1. Most self-drilling tap- for wood attachment are casehardened and have a
ping screws for wood attachment use number 2, 3 or 4 piercing tip which enables them to penetrate the steel
point style. (The larger the number, the larger the drill sheet. Self-piercing tapping screws for wood attach-
capacity of the screw). During driving, the screw quickly ment have coarse threads suitable for tapping and grip-
drills through ping the steel sheet, and should be long enough so that
the decking but remains on the surface of the CFS a minimum of three threads are exposed after installa-
framing member, while the driller tip penetrates the tion.
steel sheet. To prevent the decking from riding up the
screw shaft, the tip of the screw and the pilot section
must be longer than the depth of the decking, as shown
in Figure 4.

TECH NOTE F101-12 September 2012 8 Cold-Formed Steel Engineers Institute

1. AISI S100. (2007/S2-10). North American Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Mem-
bers with Supplement 2 (2010). American Iron and Steel Institute, Washington, D.C.
2. ANSI/ASME B18.6.1-1981. (Re-affirmed 1997). Wood Crews (Inch Series). New York, NY: ASME Interna-
3. ANSI/ASME B18.6.3 (2010). Machine Screws, Tapping Screws, and Metallic Drive Screws (Inch Series). New
York, NY: ASME International.
4. ASTM C1513. (2010). Standard Specification for Steel Tapping Screws for Cold-Formed Steel Framing Con-
nections. West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM International.
5. CFSEI Tech Note F102. (2011). Screw Fastener Selection For Cold-Formed Steel Frame Construction.
Washington, D.C.: Cold-Formed Steel Engineer’s Institute.
6. Form No. E830E. (2011). Fastener Loads for Plywood - Screws. Tacoma, WA: APA - The Engineered Wood
7. Form No. T625C. (2009). Wood Structural Panels Over Metal Framing. Tacoma, ,WA: APA - The Engineered
Wood Association.
8. NDS. (2012). National Design Specification for Wood Construction. American Wood Council.
9. SAE J78. (1998). Steel Self-Drilling Tapping Screws. Warrendale, PA: SAE International.

Primary authors of original Tech Note:

John Lyons, Structural Evolution, LLC

Technical Review and updating for Revised Edition:

Tamil Samiappan, ITW Building Components Group, Inc.
Nathan Blong, Uzun & Case
Roger LaBoube, Center for Cold-Formed Steel Structures
Maribeth Rizzuto, CFSEI

This “Technical Note on Cold-Formed Steel Construction” is published by the Cold-Formed Steel Engineers Institute (“CFSEI”). The
information provided in this publication shall not constitute any representation or warranty, express or implied, on the part of CFSEI or
any individual that the information is suitable for any general or specific purpose, and should not be used without consulting with a
qualified engineer, architect, or building designer. ANY INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY MAKING USE OF THE INFORMATION PROVIDED
that the information contained within this publication is in conformance with prevailing engineering standards of practice. However, none
of the information provided in this publication is intended to represent any official position of the CFSEI or to exclude the use and imple-
mentation of any other design or construction technique.
Copyright © 2012, Cold-Formed Steel Engineers Institute ● Washington, DC ● ● 1-800-79-STEEL

Cold-Formed Steel Engineers Institute 9 TECH NOTE F101-12 September 2012

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