Behaviour of Steel Angles For Eccentric Axial Loads
Behaviour of Steel Angles For Eccentric Axial Loads
Behaviour of Steel Angles For Eccentric Axial Loads
Abstract: The response of steel single angles subjected to axial eccentric loading is investigated by means of numerical
modeling based on finite element techniques. Results show that in the case of eccentric compression causing major axis
bending, a critical eccentricity for each slenderness ratio investigated exists and below this eccentricity, any reduction in
the ultimate capacity due to eccentricity is marginal. The critical eccentricity increases with the slenderness ratio of the an-
gle. In contrast, for the case of eccentric compression causing minor axis bending, the reduction in ultimate capacity, as af-
fected by increasing eccentricity, is more pronounced and no similar critical eccentricity is identified. When compared
with values determined from the design equations suggested in the AISC specification 2005, results indicate that the AISC
equations, in general, give a satisfactory estimate of the ultimate capacity for angles subjected to axial compression and
minor axis bending. For the case of eccentric compression causing major axis bending, AISC equations are conservative
over a large range of parameters while they overestimate capacities in some other angles.
Key words: numerical modeling, single angle, eccentric compression, flexure, structural behavior.
Résumé : La réponse des cornières simples en acier soumises à une charge axiale excentrique est examinée au moyen
d’une modélisation numérique basée sur les éléments finis. Les résultats montrent que dans le cas d’une compression ex-
centrique engendrant une grande flexion axiale, une excentricité critique existe pour chaque rapport d’élancement examiné
et, sous cette excentricité, toute réduction de la capacité à la rupture engendrée par l’excentricité est minime. L’excentricité
critique augmente avec le rapport d’élancement de la cornière. Par contre, dans le cas d’une compression excentrique en-
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gendrant une petite flexion axiale, la réduction de la capacité à la rupture engendrée par l’augmentation de l’excentricité
est plus prononcée et aucune excentricité critique similaire n’est signalée. Lorsqu’on les compare aux valeurs déterminées
à partir des équations de conception suggérées par AISC Specification 2005, les résultats indiquent que les équations
AISC en général donnent une estimation satisfaisante de la capacité à la rupture pour les cornières soumises à une com-
pression axiale et à une petite flexion axiale. Dans le cas d’une compression excentrique engendrant une forte flexion
axiale, les équations AISC sont conservatrices pour une grande plage de paramètres alors qu’elles surestiment les capacités
dans certaines autres cornières.
Mots-clés : modélisation numérique, cornière simple, compression excentrique, flexion, comportement structural.
Can. J. Civ. Eng. 37: 887–896 (2010) doi:10.1139/L10-028 Published by NRC Research Press
888 Can. J. Civ. Eng. Vol. 37, 2010
Pr Pr 8 Mrx Mry Fig. 1. Typical finite element mesh.
½1a For 0:2; þ þ 1:0
fc P n fc Pn 9 fb Mnx fb Mny
½1b For
< 0:2;
1:0 y x
fc P n 2fc Pn fb Mnx fb Mny
Can. J. Civ. Eng. Downloaded from by Bangladesh Univ of Engineering & Technol - BUET (PERI) on 08/17/21
the current standard CSA S16–01 (2001), the axial force and 0.22Fy
moment interaction factors are different from the AISC spec-
ification (2005). Additionally, this standard does not include -
explicit provisions for determining the nominal flexural 0.24Fy + Tensile stress
strength for mono-symmetric or asymmetric angles, but 0.24Fy - Compressive stress
rather, it directs readers to the Structural Stability Research
Council (SSRC) Guide for design methods (Galambos 1998). -
0.25Fy - -
In the research described herein, a numerical study using
finite element modeling was carried out to study the effects 0.22Fy
of several influential parameters on the load-carrying ca- 0.25Fy
pacity of single angles eccentrically loaded with respect to
either the major or minor principal axis. Being the most
commonly used in practice, equal-leg single angles were
considered in this study. Numerical simulation results were applied outside the legs of the angle. This plate was made as
then used to further examine the effectiveness of the interac- a rigid region to avoid possible bending and consequent inter-
tion equations as are presently applicable in design. ference with the behavior of the angle elements. A similar
technique used for load application by Adluri et al. (1991) de-
Finite element model livered satisfactory results in that study. To simulate the sim-
Finite element modeling (FEM) was carried out using the ple end conditions, the centroid of the cross section at the
commercial program ANSYS 10.0 (2006). Nonlinearities re- support was restrained from lateral movement but allowed to
lating to both geometric and material charactistics were con- rotate freely in both x and y directions.
sidered. An iterative approach using the arc-length method Shell 181 elements with a mesh size of 25 mm 6.0 mm
was used in the nonlinear load–displacement analysis and the were meshed in the middle plane of the angle. The end plate
stress–strain relationship for steel was assumed to be elastic– was meshed using 6.0 mm 6.0 mm elements in the middle
perfectly plastic. Angle specimens were discretized into a plane with the nodes on two adjacent edges contacting the
mesh of elements using general-purpose 4-node Shell 181 el- angle legs coinciding with those of the angle legs. A conver-
ements as specified in ANSYS. Considering the symmetry of gence study performed for typical angles with various slen-
the member and loading, only half of the specimen was mod- derness ratios confirmed the described mesh sizes to be
eled and simple support conditions were implemented. Figure satisfactory and were therefore used in the modeling.
1 depicts a characteristic mesh for half an angle specimen Initial imperfections were considered by assuming that the
where the x and y axes intersect at the centroid of the cross initial geometry is in the form of a half sine wave applied
section and represent the major and minor principal axes, re- over the entire length of the specimen about its minor prin-
spectively. A fictitious plate attached to the end of the angle cipal axis. The sinusoidal shape function used in this study
was used to enable the modeling of the eccentric point load is expressed as follows:
Published by NRC Research Press
Liu and Hui 889
½2 w ¼ wo sin corresponding deflections were recorded using a computer-
L controlled data acquisition system. Ultimate load was
where w is the initial imperfection along the angle length, deemed to have been reached when the specimen lost ability
w0 is the amplitude of the imperfection at the mid-height of to sustain increasing load while displaying a significant lat-
the angle, and L is the length of the angle. Experimental eral deflection.
measurements (Adluri and Madugula 1996; Hui 2007) The experimental ultimate load, Pexp, numerical results,
Can. J. Civ. Eng. Downloaded from by Bangladesh Univ of Engineering & Technol - BUET (PERI) on 08/17/21
for single angles with various cross sections showed that PFEM, and ratios of Pexp/PFEM for all specimens are included
L/1500 is a reasonable assumption for maximum amplitude in Table 1. The finite element model provided satisfactory
of the imperfection at the mid-height of angles. Unless predictions for the ultimate load with an average ratio of
otherwise noted, w0 was therefore taken as L/1500. Pexp/PFEM of 1.05 and a COV of 4.7%. Typical comparisons
Previous research (Usami and Fukumoto 1972; Temple of analytical and experimental results are illustrated in
and Sakla 1998) revealed that the maximum tensile residual Fig. 5a for load versus mid-height deflection curves and in
stress level in steel angles did not generally exceed 25% of Fig. 5b for failure modes. It shows that the analytical results
the yield stress. While residual stresses had a marked influ- compared well with experimental responses. Similar obser-
ence on the capacity of concentrically loaded steel angle vations were also made for other members (Hui 2007).
columns, a marginal effect of about 5% or less on the ca- The efficacy of the numerical model was further evaluated
pacity was observed for eccentrically loaded columns. In using 103 test results published by others including results of
this research, the residual stress distribution pattern as sug- 36 concentrically loaded angles (Wakabayashi and Nonaka
gested in ECCS (1985) was adopted and is shown in Fig. 2. 1965; Adluri and Madugula 1996), 61 eccentrically loaded
Applied in the longitudinal direction of the member, the angles (Wakabayashi and Nonaka 1965; Ishida 1968; Muel-
self-equilibrating residual stresses were first transformed ler and Erzurumlu 1983), and six angles under flexure only
into a series of discrete uniform stresses. These residual (Madugula et al. 1995). A summary comparison of analytical
stresses were then specified by creating an initial stress field and experimental ultimate loads is presented in Table 2 and
applied to each element of the model during the first sub- detailed graphical comparisons are available in Hui (2007).
step of the first load step of the analysis. In general, reasonably good agreement is obtained between
the numerical and experimental results for angles of various
For personal use only.
No Specimen ID l ex (mm) ey (mm) Fy (MPa) Pexp (kN) PFEM (kN) Pexp /PFEM
1 E900–1 1.23 0.0 0.0 330 117.0 105.5 1.11
2 E900–2 1.23 4.2 0.0 330 110.9 105.1 1.06
3 E900–3 1.24 10.0 0.0 330 105.3 104.9 1.00
Can. J. Civ. Eng. Downloaded from by Bangladesh Univ of Engineering & Technol - BUET (PERI) on 08/17/21
Fig. 3. Description of the cross section details of the angle. ex0, the maximum stress occurred simultaneously at both the
y heel and the toe. A further increase in the eccentricity re-
sulted in maximum stress occurring at the toe.
ey Numerical results showed that angles subjected to eccen-
Loading point
Toe tric compression resulting in major axis bending failed in
torsional–flexural buckling mode. This failure mode is be-
lieved to attribute to the phenomenon of critical eccentricity.
ex The flexural deflection and twist of the cross section
reached maximum at the mid-height of the angle and results
Heel O (C.G) x in re-orientation of the principal axes. To satisfy equilibrium
on the deformed shape, additional stresses due to the twist
of the cross section result at both the heel and toe of the
S.C cross section. These additional stresses either add to or sub-
tract from the stresses caused by axial and flexural deforma-
tions at the heel and toe locations. The critical eccentricity is
that at which the combined stresses at both the heel and the
eccentricity was marginal to almost unnoticeable. This indi- toe simultaneously reach a maximum value. The value of
cates that an eccentrically loaded angle can reach its concen- this critical eccentricity is dependent on the magnitude of
tric compressive capacity as long as the applied eccentricity flexural deflection and twist of the angle.
was within the critical eccentricity. Defined as ex0, the crit-
ical eccentricity assumed an increasingly greater value with Effect of leg width-to-thickness ratio, b/t
increased slenderness. Figure 7 illustrates the numerical von Five cross sections, L51 51 3.2, L51 51 4.8,
Mises stress distribution on the cross section at mid-height L51 51 6.4, L51 51 7.9, and L51 51 9.5
of a specimen where the location of the maximum stress is with the leg width-to-thickness ratios, b/t, ranging from 5.3
indicated in a circle. Figure 7 shows that when the applied to 16.0 were used in this study. The relationship of ultimate
eccentricity is below ex0, the maximum stress occurred at load versus b/t ratios is shown in Fig. 8 for four representa-
the heel of the angle. As the applied eccentricity approached tive l values with ex taken as x0/2. As the b/t ratio increased,
Fig. 4. Test set-up. Fig. 5. Comparison of analytical and experimental results: (a) load
versus deformation response; (b) failure modes.
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Table 2. Comparison of experimental and analytical results for single equal-leg angles.
(1996) 76764.8
Wakabayashi and 40 20–150 90907 294–323 Eccentrically loaded 1.02 8.4
Nonaka (1965) causing major,
minor and bi-axial
Ishida (1968) 7 20–100 75756 58.8–63.9 Eccentrically loaded 0.96 3.0
causing minor axis
Mueller and Erzurumlu 14 60, 110, 75756 349–422 Eccentrically loaded 1.00 10.4
(1983) 192 causing bi-axial
Madugula et al. (1995) 6 53.3, 100 75759 295–433 Pure bending about 0.98 1.7
757512 minor principal axis
Fig. 6. Normalized load versus eccentricity for various slenderness For pure moment capacities corresponding to P = 0,
For personal use only.
ratios (major axis bending). although both the analytical and AISC moment capacities
decreased with an increase in the slenderness ratio, the ana-
lytical values were consistently higher than the AISC results.
For most slenderness ratios, the analytical moment capaci-
ties were above 1.5My, the upper bound moment capacity
specified by the AISC specification (2005). This is in line
with findings reported by Earls (2003) for major axis bend-
ing. The AISC results, on the other hand, showed a continu-
ous decreasing moment capacity from 1.5My as the
slenderness ratio increases.
In comparing combined axial load and moment cases, a
significant deviation of analytical results from results using
AISC specification (2005) equations was evident where the
analytical results, in general, provided higher estimates of
capacity. Consistent with the critical eccentricity discussion,
able effect on the ultimate load, which was also noted by the analytical load–moment interaction curves demonstrated
Temple and Sakla (1998). two distinctive regions where, in one region the axial load
remained almost constant as the moment increased, and in
Evaluation of AISC specification 2005 the other region the axial load decreased as the moment in-
The load–moment interaction (eq. [1]) as suggested in the creased. The first region became increasingly larger as the
AISC specification (2005) was compared to the numerical slenderness ratio increased. For l = 0.80, the AISC specifi-
results for angles eccentrically loaded with respect toa major cation (2005) underestimated the load capacity by an
principal axis. Figure 11 shows one such comparison for an- amount as large as 15% when M < 0.8 My. For l = 1.33,
gle 51 51 6.4 (b/t = 8.0) with various l values where 1.86, and 2.39, the underestimation by AISC specification
the load was normalized by the yield strength of the cross (2005) was evident over an increasingly wide moment
section, Py, and the moment was normalized by the yield range. In the region of critical eccentricities, AISC values
moment, My. In comparing pure axial capacities (M = 0), can be as low as 70%, 64%, and 57% of the numerical re-
the analytical and AISC results agreed well with each other sults, respectively. On the other hand, there were instances
except in the case of l = 0.80. Residual stresses and initial where the AISC specification (2005) overestimated the an-
imperfections tend to have a larger effect on angles with in- gle compressive capacity. For example, in the region of
termediate slendernesses. It is therefore believed that the 0.6My < M < 1.3 My for l = 0.27, the AISC overestimated
discrepancy noted above was due to the influence of the as- the capacity by a maximum amount of 8% whereas the
sumed values for residual stress and initial imperfection overestimation was as high as 20% in the region of M > 0.8
magnitudes that were used in the numerical model. My for l = 0.80.
Fig. 8. Ultimate load versus b/t ratio for various slenderness ratios Fig. 9. Critical eccentricity ratio versus slenderness parameter for
(major axis bending). various b/t ratios.
200 4.0
Ultimate load (kN)
λ=0.80 3.0
120 mo =exo /xo b/t=16.0
80 1.86 2.0
2.39 b/t=8.0
For personal use only.
40 b/t=6.4
0 b/t=5.3
3 6 9 12 15 18
b/t 0.0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Table 3. Critical eccentricity ratio for various cross sections. Slenderness parameter λ
Critical eccentricity ratio, m0 = ex0/x0
b/t l=0.27 l=0.80 l=1.07 l=1.33 l=1.86 l=2.40 Fig. 10. Effect of initial imperfection w0 on the angle ultimate load
5.3 0.01 0.18 0.42 0.58 1.25 2.45 (major axis bending).
6.4 0.01 0.19 0.44 0.61 1.34 2.79 160 ex=0
8.0 0.01 0.20 0.49 0.66 1.48 3.07
10.7 0.01 0.21 0.51 0.71 1.59 3.32 xo/2
Ultimate load (kN)
16.0 0.01 0.21 0.53 0.77 1.75 3.58
Angles eccentrically loaded with respect to
minor principal axis 40
Effect of slenderness parameter l, and eccentricity ey
Minor principal axis bending occurs when the load eccen- 0
tricity is along the major principal axis. Depending on the 0 1/1000 1/500 3/1000 1/250
sense of the eccentricity either the toe or the heel of the an-
gle will be in compression. Numerical results showed that Initial imperfection at mid-height wo (xL)
the angle behavior and capacity remained approximately the
same for a given magnitude of eccentricity causing minor
axis bending regardless of its sense. Figure 12 illustrates the the critical eccentricity phenomenon as discussed in the
normalized ultimate load versus eccentricity curves for vari- case of major axis bending. Numerical results showed that
ous slenderness ratios for a 51 51 6.4 angle with the angles subjected to eccentric compression resulting in minor
toe in compression. Compared with a 51 51 6.4 angle axis bending failed in flexural buckling but without twisting
subjected to eccentric compression causing major axis bend- of the cross section. Failure was then controlled by compres-
ing (Fig. 6), the ultimate loads associated with the minor sive stress occurring either at the heel or toe of an angle de-
axis bending were lower for all investigated eccentricities pending on whether the applied moment causes the heel or
and the curves for minor axis bending did not demonstrate toe in compression.
Fig. 11. Comparison of normalized load–moment interaction dia- Fig. 13. Effect of initial imperfection w0 on the angle ultimate load
gram of analytical and AISC specification (2005) results (major (minor axis bending).
axis bending). 160 ey =0
xo /4
80 xo /2
0 1/2000 1/1000 3/2000 1/500
0.80 1.86
0.4 0.2
1.33 0.0
1.86 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
0.0 Normalized moment M/M y
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