Utk Aini

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of the system.
(a) Draw a typical communicationsystemmodelandexplainthe components

(b) There are several modes of communicationsystem.Differentiate betweena simplex

communicationsystem anda half-duplexcommunicationsystem.Give ONE (1) example
for both communicationmodes.
[4 marks]

(c) A communicationcircuit consists of two amplifiers and two Otl"61 with casladed
connection.The absolutepower gains for the amplifiers are lf, and 3 while the filters
The input power P, is 36mW.
introduceattenuationof 13 dB and5 dB respectively.
\t'\ >'\
(i) Calculatethe input powerin dBm.
[1 mark]
(ii) Calculatethe dB gain for eachamplifier.
[2 marks]
(iii) Calculatethe absolutepowerratio for eachfilter.
[2 marks]
(iv) Determinethe outPutPower Pou, in watts and dBm.
[3 marks]

(v) If the input signal is combinedwith a secondsignalwith a power level of 19 dBm,

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determinethe new outputpowerifr watts. +'}
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.G_"oJ "I tll3 marksl

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