6920 Xyz 2 I T0 Xyz L. F # .: Ffi Nitrsqrdt

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(4) 8'6^-L 2rt02

Roll No. ............

Printed Pages : 6
(b) . Solve tbe slslemofequations byrnahix method: 8
OBCE /A-1?
.. 3 l0
2 +:+::=4
!*i=r 'line allowed : j.hoursl [Muimum marLi : 8.0

Note: fui questions in dll.

xyz lz: ga{ntd*wrdfu<t
Frqfr&( (ffi + ft{q d .mqr* Efr am E<{ +t q
' d2v
l. (a) # .
f - (x . y)rq nnd 8
2 I t0 , .IfxP
qft;ry=1x+yle.s, <1 8
4' 6 5 $51*nqta,
xyz -+-=l
(b) Differertia&
xyz Y=JvTQ*-tY

7, (a) A man bomws a c€rtain sum of money at 3olo p.a.

simple intqrcst and invests it at 5olo p,a. compound

fl n.,t
interest. Afrer 5 yeals he makes a profit of Rs. 541.
Find the amouot bonowed by him. 8

.('6 {Rr 3% stfr6 ({ t sIqR'r qq c{ ssR tdl

4fi( tE v
- 6'*tY 8

t ek qt 5% qft6 < c{ q4k eM qr h?v rnn t r fi-q

s{ q€R st
541€ct sr flq a-dr t riln 6l sqi ffi 2. (a) Find local maximum and minimum value of the
nitrsqRdt 8
function: 8
(b) Find the effective rate of interest of 9o/o p.a.
f(x) = 3xr 2x!-6xr r 6x+l
compounded cootinuously. 8
kFr (x) = 3x. - 2xr - 6x1 + 6x+1 + gr{tq ,qfii-ffq f,qr
sdE sc fr riA&( a? srt 9% {fr-s {( + qq fi firA ({ qa-rr. xe on +t r 8
Hm dFN I

2t102 lsee page 5 21t02 [Turn over

(2) (3)
(b) Find the arce ofthe largest ret rgl€ hsving pcrimeter
200 mts. . 8 I -1. I\
iFFdq 'xrlF 6r *q6 al 6i Hffi qR{c 200 {. tI8 fiA= 2-l ol ,A r6r qr{ ii6ri.*{
10 o)
3. (a) tfy= Jilf .. fiIl, Show thar I Esr{q Is A' =A'? t0
(*'- I)y, * .y, =jy,
(b) Fida2x2matixXsuch
qfry=Jr+i+fiJ,kd+tfr 8
15 4\ (t -2\
(x' - r)y, + ry, =
[, lJx= [r _:J 6

(b) If u = c'y', ihow that : wilhout usingtheconc@tof invercof amatk.

fu +gm d q sqtT kkr, Esmrt
- ojr.
. ="- 6* 3xyz + x,y,z,\ 8
ox olt oz /'5 4\ /l -2\
qE u=e-, ReEq fu, 8
[, ,Jx= lr _rJ, 6

{u- =1- 6 *3* yz+ xryrzr) cs2x2lFfixdRId&qt
ixAf Az
5. (a) Priolrthal:
4. Evaluate;
qnffi: [t+c[ a' a'
b' G +& I =2 abc(a+b+c) 8
(a) Iai " 8
c' c'

(t + togx)' dx 8
(b +cL * a'

r -l I
b' (c+a)
= 2 abs (a+Ec) 8

2 -r c' c' (a+bf

5. (a) IfA= 0 ,6rdAr .ud show thalAr =A'!.10
1.0 0

r::;;,I 21702 [Tum over


S. (a) Aman worls in a compiny, where he ge{s Rs. 20'000

per month salary. t 0clo of lis salary is deposited in
. his provident fuDd accountr His employer also
contibutcs th€ same amounL Calc.ulstE lhe smowtl that
he will receivb a0er his servic€ of 30 years, when
9% p.a. iDterest is ptovided monthly on the Balatlce
ofthe provident firnd. [Take (1.0075ye = 14.73]. 8
\16 ak wfr d 20,000 6. cfrqlH c( sd 6.dt
t ssi i-c< a lo'losfi+ qFq i{& qt d qqt orcrql

qr ? I sw qfu{ t cd{ t nfrr ss6 sla { slildr

t r :o s{ * dH * Er< ug 5qr fi frA{, qcfr !h
q( sG+ qBq Rfr d is {ftr c( 9Yo iqlq f,qAt
(I.ob?sr(o = 14.73 dfrql 8

O) Find the present value ofordinry annuity ofRs. 2000
payable atthe cDd ofeach y€ar for l0 years, ifthe rate
ofiaterest be 4% P.a" 8

s 2o.ooo 6qq 6 qrqlq* rt q{ $ sd d

tc t, lo qd f,-s, 6r {tqr F nn tl r qR elq *
{{ 4%{ffi6 at 8

9. AmanufaE-brsrofmedicirrcsisprepringproductionplanof
ure<ticinesAadB.Tbeleissrfrcitrf ran'md€dalavailabteto
make 20,000 bottles for A and'l(),000 bottles ofB' but th€rc

areonly45,000botlesintouihiche heroftbemedicioescai!
be put Furthet it takes 3 hours to prcpare enough Eat€ri8l to
fill 1000 bottles ofA ard it takcs I hout to fill 1000 bottl€s of
B. There ars 66 hurs avsilsble for the opcraion' The profit is
Rs. 8 per bode ofAand Rs. 7 per bottle ofB. How slrculd he
schedulehisprpdrrtioninordertorniuiinisepmfit? 16

ztt02 [Tum over


w sllifr sf,r{6 Ac-fi{d dEtr{ AE Bd sflr({ Awr fir

16r t I ssa. qrs Ad 2o,O0o Glt{ B d 40,000 ct{a firi s
frq qd< Eq qril sqrq t, crg ufl* w W 45,oooffi
t Fr{q oicRmi qt qr Fsff Bre fr 1o0oa dl d qti +
Rq qdq qrqfr frf4il 6{n + frs {t
dI{ B d 1oo0
3 ffi
+ nc r qer a,rcr t r {e qft il{ + ftc ss+ crs oo tit
sqdq tr ad r&o i-co q{ 86qi <qr Bd r+6 +rd {i
7 wt q +dr t r ra erq-tr s-{rri hs c-sR FAfu d f6
efu6fidrEd ? 16

-10. Solvethe folowinglPP. by Simplo(m€thod: l6

Maximise:Z=6x+ lly
Suqi€ct to c.Dstainls :

2x + y
x+2y 576
. x:0,y20
hqfrfct L P P d Rqqfrw hfu urr ar +t l6
qfufiq 6t I Z= 6x+ lly
{srt fr :

. x+2y 376
. x:0, yu 0


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