Health History Format Blank
Health History Format Blank
Health History Format Blank
Submitted By:
Submitted To:
Doc. Ina G. Ragotero
Submitted On:
October 22, 2019
A. Demographic
B. Source and Reliability of Information
C. Reasons for seeking care or chief complaints
D. History of present illness/ Or present Health
E. Past Medical History/ or Past Health 3-4
a. Pediatric/Cildhood/ Adult Illnesses
b. Injuries/Accidents
c. Hospitalization and Operations
d. Reproductive History
e. Immunizations
f. Allergies
g. Medications
F. Family History 4-5
G. Socio-Economic 5
H. Psychosocial Assessment 5
I. Functional Assessment 5-6
J. Review of Systems 6-8
Prior to admission, the patient felt a decrease in fetal movement. Pt. M.P’s was
diagnosed with an OB score of G4P3 (3003). She was in her 37-38 weeks
pregnancy uterine and has an overt Diabetes Miletus that was uncontrolled and
an Intrauterine Growth Restriction.
Pt. M.P was competent to provide information. She was able to speak clearly;
conscious and coherent; oriented to time, person and place.
Two months prior to admission, the patient was diagnosed with Gestational
Diabetes Miletus during her pregnancy. The patient however addresses her
diagnosis as an increase in sugar level and she did not seem to worry about it that
much. In addition, she feels pain on her abdomen area due to her cesarean section
and rated it as 6/10 using a pain scale. Also, she verbalized that she feels pain on
both her shoulders at rest and when moving.
The patient verbalized that she did not have any illnesses during her
pediatric, childhood and adult stages.
b. Injuries or Accidents
The patient verbalized that she was not involved in any kinds of accidents
and that she never had any injuries as far as she can remember.
The patient verbalized that she was only hospitalized thrice because she
gave birth to their 3 other children and nothing else. She also said that this
was her first cesarean birth and the rest was normal birth. She also had
undergone bilateral tubal ligation together with the low transverse cesarean
section surgery for prevention of having more children.
d. Reproductive History
The patient had her menstrual menarche at the age of 13 years old and
her normal cycle was 5 days a week every month. Her last menstrual
period was on December 27, 2018 and she gave birth to her baby girl on
October 1, 2019. She was found to have an Overt Diabetes Miletus the day
she was admitted. Her OB score is now G4P4 (4004). Lastly, after her CS
surgery, she also had undergone a bilateral tubal ligation surgery.
e. Immunizations
BCG: // At Birth // School Entrance
DPT: // 1st Dose // 2nd dose //3rd dose
OPV: // 1st Dose // 2nd dose //3rd dose
AMV: //
TT: // 1st Dose // 2nd dose //3rd dose // 4th dose // 5th
HBV: // 1st Dose // 2nd dose //3rd dose
f. Allergies
// Food, please specify: _N/A________________________
// Drugs or medications, please specify: _______N/A_________________
// Chemicals, please specify: __________N/A_______________
// Other environmental allergens, please specify:
g. Medications
The patient said that she did not take any kinds of medications prior to
hospital admission. However, after her cesarean section , she was
prescribed to take three medications for her recovery; Cefuroxime (Zinacef)
500mg/cap, 1 capsule 2x a day for treatment and prevention of numbers of
bacterial infections, Mefenamic Acid (Ponstel) 500mg/cap, 1 capsule 3x a
day for pain on full stomach, and Ferrous Sulfate (Feosol) 325mg/tab, 1
tablet once a day, used to prevent or treat low levels of iron in the blood.
F. Family History
From the maternal side of the patient, both grandparents of the patient have
died. The grandmother died due to an asthma attack and the grandfather
died due to an unrecalled cause. Both died at an unrecalled age. The
mother of the patient has 4 siblings, all of which, the patient does not recall
their ages and if they have any illnesses. Her mother’s age is 53 and she is
alive and well. However, her father died at the age of 27 because he was
stabbed. After the patient’s father died, she has lost contact with her father’s
family which is why she does not know if her grandparents are still alive,
how old they are and if they are doing well. The patient does not also know
how many her father’s siblings are, how old they are, and if they are doing
well. Moreover, the patient has 7 siblings and 6 of them are alive and well.
While the only boy has died at the age of 26 due to an unrecalled cause.
Lastly, the patient also mentioned that she has a twin sister.
G. Socio-Economic History
The patient lives with her partner and their 4 children only. Both of them provides
for their family and does not get any financial support from other people or
H. Psychosocial Assessment
Patient Age: 30
Developmental stage: Middle Aged Adult
Developmental task: Generativity vs. Stagnation
The patient acts according to her developmental stage. She knows that she is
contributing to the people who buys food from her at the wet market where she
works at. She feels fulfilled that she is able to provide for her children and partner.
I. Functional Assessment
The patient stated that she noticed the changes in her body before, during
and after pregnancy. She also said that she in high in sugar level and she
controls her food, limiting sugar intake, to decrease the sugar level in her
2. Nutritional-Metabolic Pattern
The patient always drinks a cup of water that is 145mL. She drinks atleast 8
of it per day which is 1,160mL. She stated that she has no problems in the
condition of her skin, hair, nails and mucous membranes, body temperature
and height. However, she worries about her weight loss after her pregnancy.
3. Elimination Pattern
The patients usually make 3 bowel movements a day. She noticed that her
stool is color black when she was pregnant, but it changed to yellowish brown
after she gave birth.
4. Activity-Exercise Pattern
The patient considers walking and lifting heavy boxes filled with vegetables,
fruits, etc., that she is selling at the wet market as her exercise every day.
5. Sleep-Rest Pattern
6. Cognitive-Perceptual Pattern
The patient does not have any problems with her senses. She only finished
first year of high school. She feels pain on her abdomen area due to the
cesarean section done to her to deliver her baby. She rated the pain 6/10
using a pain scale.
The patient said that “namayat ako” and she said that she noticed only little
changes on her body appearance before, during and after pregnancy.
The patient does not look up on anyone as her role models. She lives with her
partner which supports her every day. She believes that working at the wet
market is better than feeding your family from dirty money by doing dirty jobs.
She believes that being a mother is a tough but a precious gift to anyone and
she is thankful for her 4 children.
9. Sexuality-Reproductive Pattern
The patient verbalized that she had undergone a bilateral tubal ligation due
to not wanting anymore children.
The patient verbalized “tahimik lang ako pag may problema para walang
J. Review of Systems
“parang namayat ako” Weight (before pregnancy) : 45
1. General kg
Weight (after pregnancy): 48 kg
“wala naman akong (-) rashes
pantal patal” (-) itchiness
“di naman ako (+) hair fall
nangangati” (-) nail changes
2. Integument (Skin,
“naglalagas buhok ko (-) pain
Hair, Nails)
dahil sa shampoo” (-) redness
“wala naman akong (+) skin is warm to touch
napansing kakaiba sa (-) bugs @ hair
mga kuko ko” (+) clean hairl, skin, and nails
“di naman sumasakit (-) headache
3. Head ulo ko” (-) dizziness
“di naman ako nahihilo”
“di naman malabo mga (-) blurry vision
mata ko” (-) glasses
4. Eyes “di ako nagsasalamin o (-) contact lens
contact lens” (-) conjunctivitis
(-) pain
“okay naman pandinig (-) discharge
ko” (-) pain
“cotton buds ginagamit (+) cleanliness
5. Ears ko panlinis ng tainga
“tuwing makadalawa
ako naglilinis ng tainga”
“wala naman akong (-) colds
sipon” (-) pain
6. Nose and Sinuses
(-) redness
Complete evaluates the Hemoglobin: 120-150 Hemoglobin: 140 g/L 1. Explain test
Blood cells that g/L procedure. Explain
Hematocrit: 0.42 that slight discomfort
Count| circulate in blood
Hematocrit: 0.37-0.47 may be felt when the
10/02/19 WBC Count:6.8x 103/L
skin is punctured.
WBC Count: 5-
Segmenters: 0.74 2. Encourage to avoid
10x103/L stress if possible
Lymphocytes: 0.22 because altered
Segmenters: 0.50-0.70
physiologic status
Monocytes: 0.04
Lymphocytes: 0.20- influences and
0.40 Eosinophils:________ changes normal
hematologic values.
Monocytes: 0.03-0.07 Stab cells:__________ 3. Explain that fasting is
not necessary.
Eosinophils: 0.00-0.05 Platelet count: However, fatty meals
ADEQUATE may alter some test
Stab cells: 0.03-0.05
results as a result of
Platelet count: 150- lipidemia.
400x 103/L INTERPRETATION: 4. Apply manual
pressure and
ESR: 1-25mm/hr Findings are within dressings over
normal range except puncture site on
for segmenters which is removal of dinner.
.02 greater than the 5. Monitor the puncture
normal range. site for oozing or
6. Instruct to resume
normal activities and
Urinalysis| screen for the Macroscopic Findings: Macroscopic Findings: 1. Instruct the patient to
10/02/19 presence of void directly into a
Color: Pale Yellow- Color: Light Yellow clean, dry container.
glucose (sugar)
Yellow Sterile, disposable
and/or protein. Transparency: Clear
containers are
Transparency: Clear
WBC: 0-2/HPF recommended.
WBC: Negative Women should
RBC: 0-1/HPF always have a clean-
RBC: 0-2/ HPF catch specimen if a
Epithelial cells: Few
Epithelial cells: FEW examination is
Amorphous Crystals:
Amorphous Crystals: Occasional ordered. Feces,
FEW discharges, vaginal
Mucus Threads:______ secretions and
Mucus Threads: FEW menstrual blood will
Bacteria: Occasional contaminate the
Bacteria: 0-5/HPF urine specimen.
2. Collect specimens
Others:_____________ form infants and
Urine Chemistry:
Urine Chemistry: young children into a
Glucose: 3+ disposable collection
Glucose: Negative apparatus consisting
Albumin: Negative of a plastic bag with
Albumin: Negative an adhesive backing
Reaction: Acidic
Reaction: Acidic around the opening
pH: 6.5 that can be fastened
pH: 5-6.5 to the perineal area
Specific Gravity: 1.005 or around the penis
Specific Gravity: 1.002- to permit voiding
1.030 directly to the bag.
hospital policy, the
Results are within collected urine can
normal range except be transferred to an
that there is a presence appropriate
of 3+ glucose in the specimen container.
urine and an 3. Cover all specimens
occasional presence of tightly, label properly
bacteria and send
immediately to the
4. If a urine sample is
obtained from an
indwelling catheter, it
may be necessary to
clamp the catheter
for about 15-30
minutes before
obtaining the
sample. Clean the
specimen port with
antiseptic before
aspirating the urine
sample with a needle
and a syringe.
5. Observe standard
precautions when
handling urine
6. If the specimen
cannot be delivered
to the laboratory or
tested within an hour,
it should be
refrigerated or have
an appropriate
preservative added.
4. Improve activity
intolerance. Assist the
patient in planning daily
routines that maintain a
balance between activity
and rest.
5. Maintain thought
processes. Family and
support network
members are instructed
to speak to the patient in
simple, clear language
and give the patient
sufficient time to respond
to questions.
6. Improve airway
clearance. Coughing,
deep breathing, postural
drainage, percussion and
vibration is provided for
as often as every 2 hours
to prevent stasis of
secretions and to
promote airway
8. Improve nutritional
status. The patient is
encouraged to eat foods
that are easy to swallow
and to avoid rough,
spicy, and sticky food
OGTT| To evaluate System International: System International: • Have the client eat a
8/12/19 blood glucose diet high in
Fasting: 3.9-5.8mmol/l Fasting: 8.91 mmol/l carbohydrates for 3 days
levels to assist in
diagnosing 1 Hour: <11.1mmol/l 1 Hour: 18.90 mmol/l before the test.
2 Hours: <7.8 mmol/l 2 Hours: 18 mmol/l • If possible, discontinue
drugs that may interfere
Conventional: Conventional: with test results for 3
days before the test:
Fasting: 70-105 mg/dl Fasting: 160.54 mg/dl
1 hour: 200 mg/dl 1 hour: 340.54 mg/dl a. Corticosteroids
b. Oral contraceptives
2 Hours: <140 mg/dl 2 Hours: 324.32 mg/dl c. Synthetic estrogens
d. Phenytoin (Dilantin)
e. Vitamin C
g. Thiazide diuretics
The results are far h. Nicotinic acid
more greater than the
normal range • Keep the client NPO
except for water for 10
hours before the
• Nausea, weakness,
dizziness, and sweating
may be experienced
during the test; these
symptoms often
disappear, but report
them to the nurse as
soon as they occur.
Promoting self-care
Mental health
have an
understanding and
awareness of how
mental health
issues, such as
depression and
anxiety, can affect
people with diabetes
report any changes
that you notice in
the patient’s normal
mental health, to a
registered nurse or
doctor. This could
include changes in
adherence, mood
and appearance and
also anxiety.
To meet your patient’s
individual nutritional
needs you should be able
Urine monitoring
Blood glucose
associated equipment
you should be able to:
Injectable therapies
report identified
all nursing staff who
handle prescribe or
administer insulin
should undertake a
training course.
supply and make sure that the
newborn is wide awake at birth
and respirations are initiated
Documentation of nursing care up
until the woman leaves the
hospital must be complete and
Upon transport to surgery, ensure
that the woman is lying on her left
side to
prevent supine hypotension.
Ensure that the side rails are up,
and the woman is covered with a
A support person may be needed
during cesarean birth, and they
also need encouragement to
watch the birth live.
Intraoperative Measures
The incision area is scrubbed by
an antiseptic, and additional
drapes are placed around the area
so that only a small area of the
skin is exposed.
Prepare the woman and the
support person for the sights they
might see.
It is less likely that LTCS type of
incision would rupture during
labor, so it is possible for the
woman to have VBAC in the
It results in less blood loss, easier
to suture, decreases puerperal
infections and less likely to
cause postpartum gastrointestinal
Postpartal Care
may order a stool softener, a
suppository, or an enema to
facilitate stool evacuation.
Teach the woman to eat a diet
high in roughage and fluid and to
attempt to move her bowels at
least every other day to
avoid constipation.
Incisional pain may interfere with
the woman’s ability to use her
abdominal muscles effectively, so
the physician may prescribe a
stool softener.
Caution the woman not to strain to
pass stools because this puts
pressure on their incision.
Advice the woman to keep their
water pitcher full as a reminder for
her to drink fluids.
Reassure the woman that it is
normal not to have bowel
movements for 3 to 4 days
postoperatively, especially if there
is enema administered before
suitability for using his/her
chosen contraceptive method.
o Discuss recommendations for
BTL as presented by the
B. Pharmacotherapeutics / Medicines (IV fluidS, Frequecy)
Indications (client-
Generic name (brand
specific) Nursing
name) Classification
Dosage Responsibilities
Stoke Dose
Cefuroxime (Zinocef) 500mg/cap, 1 cap 2x a 1. Assess patient for signs
edema, wheezing).
immediately if these
thromepinephrine, an
antihistamine, and
by in the event of an
anaphylactic reaction.
4. Instruct patient to report
signs of hypersensitivity.
hematemesis, ecchymoses,
2. Notify physician if
potentially hazardous
drug is known. It may cause
consulting physician.
bowel function
3. Monitor hemoglobin,
to increase
absorption/vitamin c helps
with absorption
1. Subjective : - Acute pain due - Using the pain - monitor V/S - To reduce the
to CS scale, the patient pain that the
“masakit yung - Knowledge should feel less - Health patient is feeling
tahi ko dahil CS deficit r/t proper pain after nursing Education on on her abdomen
ako” body mechanics intervention proper positioning due to cesarean
and proper - The patient and body section
Objective: positioning would be able to mechanics - Established
V/S: - Risk for execute proper - encourage mechanisms
BP- 110/80 infection r/t CS body mechanics patient to walk designed to
T- 34.7 surgery and proper - execute doctors prevent infection.
PR- 92 positioning while pain management - May be given
RR- 19 laying down and prescription with prophylactically
while walking nurse’s on duty’s for suspected
Using a pain and CI’s consent infection or
scale, the patient - Adhere to facility contamination.
rated her pain to infection control,
be 6/10 sterilization, and
aseptic policies
and procedures.
- Administer
antibiotics as
2. Subjective: - Impaired - Using the pain - inform the nurse - To reduce the
“ masakit po ang comfort r/t lack of scale, the patient on duty about the pain that the
balikat ko” knowledge on should not feel patient’s concern patient is feeling
proper posture, any pain at her - monitor V/S on her shoulders
Objective: noninvasive pain shoulders at all - educate patient
V/S: relief method and after nursing about proper
BP- 110/80 proper body intervention positioning while
T- 34.7 mechanics. lying on the bed
PR- 92
RR- 19
Using a pain
scale, the patient
rated her
shoulder pain to
be 3/10.
3. Subjective: -Knowledge - Patient will - monitor V/S - Facilitates
“mataas lang deficit r/t lack of verbalize - Assess patient’s planning of
sugar ko, di exposure to understanding of level of preoperative
naman to information the procedures, understanding. teaching
diabetes” evidenced by laboratory tests, -Assess client’s program,
statement of and activities and/or couple’s identifies content
Objective: misconception of involved in knowledge of the needs.
V/S: condition. controlling disease condition - When there is
BP- 110/80 diabetes. and treatment, a clear
T- 34.7 - Patient will including understanding of
PR- 92 participate in the relationships both the disease
RR- 19 management of between condition and
diabetes during diet, exercise, rationale for each
According to her pregnancy. stress, illness, management
OGTT result, the - Patient will and insulin helps the client
patient has an demonstrate requirements. and/or couple
increased sugar proficiency in -Review make informed
while she was self-monitoring hematocrit and decisions.
pregnant up to and insulin hemoglobin -Anemia is a
now and administration, levels. Provide concern for
because of this, dietary diabetic clients
she was also instructions on because
the importance of elevated glucose
diagnosed with intake iron-rich levels replace
GDM foods. oxygen in the Hb
- Provide molecule which
information can result in
regarding the reduced oxygen-
impact of carrying capacity
pregnancy on the causing more
diabetic condition problems.
and future - Sufficient
expectations. knowledge can
condition decrease
the fear of the
unknown, may
increase the
likelihood of
participation and
may help reduce
Highlights and Insights
Today is the very first day of my hospital duty at Pagamutan ng Dasmariñas and
I was very excited as I am about to go in the OB ward and meet my patients. However,
I was so surprised as I was assigned to take care of an additional 2 mothers and 2 babies
as my first patients were about to get discharged. On the very first day on my duty, I felt
challenged and overwhelmed already. It was a toxic day for me, however it was such a
fulfilling experience as I hear my patients thanking me for taking care of them and for
teaching them additional information about the things I felt that was a problem to them.
Although all I did was check and monitor the mothers’ and newborns’ vital signs, check
their comfortability, I&O, I was still thanked by them. Today, is definitely a day to
remember and I hope I could encounter more patients and help them the best that I
Highlights and Insights
Another day of duty and I am still tired from last night’s. But I need to fight for my future!
As I come in on my second day, I have more to learn. I wanted to have more experience
when it comes to IV regulation, removal of IFC, and many more. Because I already
handles 3 mothers and 3 babies yesterday, I was only given 1 mother and 1 baby to
monitor today which made me more relaxed. I was able to do better and was able to
perform my tasks smoother than yesterday’s as I was still adjusting to the setting.
Highlights and Insights
A week has already past and here we our down to our last week of duty. Today is a chill
day however it was also hectic at the same time due to the nurse’s complaints about the
results of the patients’ vital signs. I have a new patient again and I have to adjust again.
The new patient was a challenge for me because she was not very cooperative during
the first time we met. She didn’t seem to care at all. She was just sleeping all day that
looked like she does not want to be bothered at all. However, since I am a student nurse
who needs information from her, I kept going back to her and asking her about her life.
As soon as she felt like opening up, it was a lot easier for me. Also, there was also a
patient that has the same name as I am and she was expressing her emotions to me as
well. Even though she wasn’t my patient, I felt the need to keep her comfortable as well
because she is a patient in Pagamutan ng Dasmariñas. I felt more attached with her.
Highlights and Insights
Today marks the last day of the second rotation in the OB ward here in Pagamutan ng
Dasmariñas. As we do our rounds for our last patients, I felt sad that I am not able to see
them anymore. Both my patient the patient with the same name as I am got discharged
today. It felt great the both of them expressed their gratitude towards me and I can’t help
but put a big smile of my face as they both leave the hospital. I even heard that the
patient with the same name as I am which is not really my patient, got attached to me as
well. I felt fulfilled and great to hear that and that gave me motivation to become a better
Mga Epekto ng Gestational Diabetes at Mga Tips para Dito
Ang pagbubuntis ay isang mahalaga ngunit maselang yugto
sa buhay ng isang babae. Maaaring magkaroon ito ng mga
komplikasyon gaya ng gestational diabetes dahil sa pagtaas
ng blood sugar level sa mga nagdadalangtao. Dahil dito,
dapat ipasuri agad ang mga posibleng diabetes symptoms
gaya ng madalas na pagka-uhaw, madalas na pag-ihi lalo na
sa gabi, pagkahapo, yeast infection at panlalabo ng paningin.
Maaaring kailanganin ang Caesarean section delivery dahil sa sobrang laki ng sanggol.
Posible ring magkaroon ng shoulder dystocia ang sanggol dahil sa matinding puwersa
sa mga balikat nito habang ipangangak. Mas mahirap din ang paggaling ng sugat para
sa inang nagdaan ng C-section.
Mababang blood sugar (hypoglycaemia) ng sanggol kung kaya’t mahalaga rin ang pag-
monitor ng blood sugar para maagapan ang mga posibleng komplikasyon sa bata.
Preeclampsia o mataas na high blood pressure - Mapapansin ito kapag namamaga ang
mga daliri sa paa at kamay ng nagdadalangtao. Ang pagtaas ng presyon ng isang buntis
ay kailangan ng maagap na atensyon dahil maaari itong magdulot ng stroke sa ina sa
kanyang panganganak. Ang kondisyong ito ay kritikal at maaari ding maging dahilan ng
pagkamatay ng sanggol sa pagsilang nito.
I-check at i-monitor ang blood sugar gamit ang glucometer - Mabilis ang pagbabago ng
blood sugar sa isang nagdadalangtao kung kaya’t mahalaga ang pagmonitor dito.
Ritemed (2019). “Mga Epekto ng Gestational Diabetes at Mga Tips para Dito” Retrieved
Carpentino-Moyet (2017). “Nursing Care Plan: Transitional Patient & Family Centered