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Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering, 5 (2011) 446-452

Waste Plastic Conversion into Hydrocarbon Fuel like

Low Sulfur Diesel

M. Sarker, M.M. Rashid and M. Molla

Department of Research & Development, Natural State Research, Inc., Stamford, CT-06902, USA

Received: October 8, 2010 / Accepted: December 8, 2010 / Published: April 20, 2011.

Abstract: Energy plays a vital role in our modern civilization. Energy has needs in every sector all over the world, such as
transportation, industrial development, home heating, and electricity production and in our daily life. Till now most of the energy
production depends on the crude oil sources but in our planet the crude oil sources are limited. There is a probability that once these
energy sources may come to an end, it could cause disastrous collapse of the human civilization considering the future fade of this
universe scientist and researchers all over the world had been doing research for new alternate energy sources like solar energy, wind
energy, bio-fuel etc. Plastics are produced mainly from crude oil. Incomprehensible amount of plastic bags are consumed every year all
over the world and after use the discarded plastics bags become a severe problems to the natural environment. Dumping of these waste
plastics create hazardous land fill problems, to avoid this problem transport of plastic waste to landfill cost $ 2800/ton. A new simple
and cost effective technology has been developed for the conversion of the waste plastics into low sulfur diesel fuel. This developed
technology can convert most types of waste plastic into low sulfur diesel fuel.

Key words: Waste plastics, low sulfur, diesel, hydrocarbon.

1. Introduction significant influence on prices by setting an upper

production limit on its members, which produce about
Diesel is one of the primary commercial fuels that
40% of the world’s crude oil.
are used in diesel powered vehicles to transport
Current research shows that diesel like hydrocarbon
merchandise and goods from place to place. It is one of
fuel can be derived from abundant waste plastics which
the few fuels that is obtained from crude oil. Nearly 5
are present in large amount in our landfill [2].
billion gallons of diesel was consumed in the year of
Furthermore, these waste plastics create severe
2005 worldwide [1]. Recently, diesel has seen a major
environmental and health problems with their occupancy
price fluctuation in the global market. The price at the
pump includes high level of Federal, State and local Table 1 Worldwide diesel fuel consumption data per year.
Region Million Liters
taxes, which counts for a huge amount of the fuel price.
Asia (excluding Middle East) 183,423
Another major factor where price fluctuation occurs
Central America 18,736
when the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Europe 224,973
Countries (OPEC) which can sometimes exert Middle East & North Africa 64,219
North America 162,929
South America 52,741
Corresponding author: M. Sarker, Ph.D., research fields: Developed Countries 439,348
municipal solid waste (MSW) to energy, especially waste
plastics to liquid hydrocarbon fuels and all polymer based Developing Countries 294,294
waste materials, electronic waste, renewable and alternative High Income Countries 426,361
source of energies, hydrocarbon fuels and internal combustion Low Income Countries 48,705
engines and renewable utilities production, green energy and Middle Income Countries 253,317
environmental issues, polymer, solid state and analytical
chemistry. E-Mail: msarker@ naturalstateresearch.com.
Waste Plastic Conversion into Hydrocarbon Fuel like Low Sulfur Diesel 447

in landfill. The three most widely used methods of

utilizing waste plastics are Landfilling (65-70%),
incinerating (20-25%) and recycling only about 10%.
The problem of wastes cannot be solved by landfillling
and/or incineration, because suitable and safe depots
are expensive, and incineration stimulates the growing
emission of harmful, greenhouse gases, e.g. NOx, SOx,
COx, etc. Recycling of these wastes plastics are
categorized into mechanical and chemical recycling.
Diesel combustion exhaust is a major source of
atmospheric soot and fine particles, which is a fraction
of air pollution implicated in human heart and lung
damage, they also contain nanoparticles. The diesel
like hydrocarbon fuel derived from waste plastics has Fig. 1 Waste plastic to fuel production process.
the potential to stabilize the fluctuating prices that are
grinded into small pieces in sizes of 12-13 mm. These
related with commercial diesel fuel. On top of that, the
small plastic pieces were analyzed by EA-2400
waste plastics will also be removed from landfill to
(elemental analyzer) in CHNS mode to find the
produce this fuel, which will keep our environment
compositions. The analysis presented as (85% being C,
safe. According to a recent study, almost every diesel
13% being H, 0.8% being N and about 1.2% being S).
fuel available in America and Europe is the Ultra Low
The process of conversion involves heating the waste
Sulfur Diesel (ULSD), which is a standard for
plastic to form a liquid slurry ( Thermal liquefaction in
definingdDiesel fuel with substantially lowered sulfur
the range 370 ℃ to 420 ℃), cooling of the slurry,
distilling the slurry in the presence of cracking with
Many methods including pyrolysis [3-5], catalytic
catalyst and also without catalyst, condensing the
cracking [6-12] and thermal cracking [13-19] have
liquid slurry with distillate to recover the liquid
been developed to convert waste plastics into various
hydrocarbon fuel materials, and routing the remaining
types of liquid fuels including diesel. These methods
slurry residue back into fresh slurry to undergo
have been tested to produce liquid fuel from all sorts of
another with catalyzed or without catalyzed
waste plastics and proven to be a valuable energy
distillation/condensation process. No additional
source for many different applications.
chemicals are used in the thermal degradation process.
2. Experimental Process In the mini scale process, the weight of a single batch
of input plastics for the fuel production process ranges
Small-scale conversion process have been
from 300 gm to 5 kg. Produced fuel (1st distillation)
performed with the simplified process shown in Fig. 1
went through another distillation process. Also, during
using various types of mixed waste plastics; high
the production process, light gases ranging from C1-C4
density polyethylene (HDPE-2), low density
are produced and about 5% residue is leftover from the
polyethylene (LDPE-4), poly propylene (PP-5) and
production process. The residue is black colored and
polystyrene (PS-6). The plastics are collected,
contains high BTU value. The early 40% of the
optionally shorted, cleaned of contaminants. These
distillate (2nd distillation) was collected in the in the
plastics types were investigated singly and in
1st collection tank which is termed as the “NSR double
combination with other plastics type. The plastics were
condensed fuel 1st collection” or “NSR 1”; 50% was
448 Waste Plastic Conversion into Hydrocarbon Fuel like Low Sulfur Diesel

collected in the 2nd collection tank and termed as the Table 2 FTIR spectrum compound group name and wave
number of commercial diesel.
“NSR double condensed fuel 2nd collection” or ‘NSR
Peak Serial Wave Number Functional Group
2” and the remaining 10% remains on the double Number (cm-1 ) Name
condensed boiling chamber and it is termed “Residual 1 2901.12 C-CH3
Fuel” or “NSR 3”. 2 2729.30 C-CH3
3 2669.02 C-CH3
3. Result and Discussion 9 1467.72 CH3
10 1377.32 CH3
FTIR identification results indicate commercial 15 1032.16 Acetates
diesel has compound groups of, C-CH3, C-CH3, C-CH3, 16 964.87 -CH=CH-(trans)
21 741.04 CH3
CH3, CH3, Acetates (CH3COO-), -CH=CH-(trans),
22 722.62 -CH=CH-(cis)
CH3, -CH=CH-(cis),-CH=CH-(cis) and waste plastic 23 698.86 -CH=CH-(cis)
fuel compound group has H bonded NH, C-CH3,
C-CH3, C-CH3, C-CH3, CH3, CH3, Acetates 115 NSR Filtered Fuel Double Condense
110 2029.05 2nd Collection (Without Ice)
(CH3COO-), Secondary Cyclic Alcohols, 105 Number of Scan : 32
100 Resolution : 4
95 1938.10 Date : 03/30/2009
-CH=CH-(trans), -CH= CH2, C=CH2, -CH=CH-(cis), 90 2403.11
85 1820.76 1109.72
-CH=CH-(cis), -CH=CH-(cis). These FTIR spectrum 80
75 1030.44 634.51
analyses indicate that waste plastic to produce fuel has 70 554.43
more hydrocarbon compound group than commercial 60 1604.99
%T 55
50 2672.57 1073.90
diesel. The functional group compounds of the waste 45 1156.24 774.76
plastic fuel are more closely together compared to 35 2728.83 1303.07 738.97
diesel. The waste plastic fuel also has more single 25
1642.43 965.42 698.03
bonded compounds indicating quicker and more 15
10 3075.09 721.70
5 909.15
efficient burning of the fuel. 0
-5 2892.78 1452.22 1377.69 887.85
GC/MS tests have been performed to investigate the -10.0
4000.03600 3200 2800 240020001800 1600 14001200 1000800 60 500.0
composition of the produced fuel and commercial cm-1

diesel. The GC/MS Clarus 500 instrument is from Fig. 3 FTIR spectrum of waste plastic to produce fuel.

Perkin Elmer and it uses the Turbomass software to Table 3 FTIR spectrum compound group name and wave
operate. An Elite-5ms 30 meter, 0.25 m mID columns number of waste plastic to produce fuel.
Peak Serial Wave Number
120.0 Functional Group Name
115 Outside Diesel
Number (cm-1 )
110 Number of Scan :32 1 3075.09 H bonded NH
105 Resoluti
100 Date :03/31/2009 2 2892.78 C-CH3
95 2030.21
90 1890.84 3 2728.83 C-CH3
85 1741.85
2404.86 538.02
80 1062.36 4 2672.57 C-CH3
75 964.87
70 5 2670.66 C-CH3
60 12 1452.22 CH3
55 1212.24
%T 50
13 1377.69 CH3
45 1168.71 6
1606.92 876.76
40 847.68
18 1030.44 Acetates
35 2729.30 1306.78 698.86
30 805.90 19 991.72 Secondary Cyclic Alcohols.
20 766.10 20 965.42 -CH=CH-(trans)
10 741.04 722.62 21 909.15 -CH= CH2
0 22 887.85 C=CH2
-5 1377.32
2901.12 25 738.97 -CH=CH-(cis)
4000.0 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 500.0 26 721.70 -CH=CH-(cis)
27 698.03 -CH=CH-(cis)
Fig. 2 FTIR spectrum of commercial diesel.
Waste Plastic Conversion into Hydrocarbon Fuel like Low Sulfur Diesel 449

was used. The temperature conditions were from commercial diesel fuel.
35-250 ℃. The ramping rate is at 4.0 0/min to 130 ℃ A comparative analysis, using a differential scanning
holds for 1.00 min and ramp 2 is at 10.0 0/min to calorimeter (DSC), shows that NSR-2 fuel has boiling
250 ℃ holds for 5.00 min. Helium is used a carrier gas. point and 227.75 ℃ commercial diesel boiling point
Figs. 4 and 5 chromatograms of produce fuel and diesel Table 4 GC/MS chromatograph of commercial diesel fuel
fuel illustrating the carbon chain length. Commercial compound list.
diesel carbon chain is C7-C27 and NSR double Compound Name Formula
condensed fuel 2nd collection (NSR-2) carbon chain is Methyl-Cyclohexane C7H14
Octane C8H18
C9-C27. Gas chromatography (GC) tests, Figs. 4 and 5,
Ethyl- Cyclohexane C8H16
show peak intensity distribution throughout the range Ethyl-Benzene C8H10
of hydrocarbon groups C9-C27, with retention times P-Xylene C8H10
ranging from 2 min to 27 min. On the other hand GC Nonane C9H20
tests for commercial fuels show commercial diesel 3-Methyl-1-Ethyl-Benzene C9H12
1,3,5-Trymethyl-Benzene C9H12
contain C7-C27. From GC/MS test is showing waste
2-Propyl-1-Methyl-Benzene C10H14
plastic to produce fuel is similar in carbon contents to Undecane C11H24
Dodecane C12H26
6-Methyl-1,2,3,4-TetraHydro-Napthalene C10H12
11 18
Tridecane C13H28

20 2,6-Dimethyl-1-1,2,3,4-TetraHydro-Napthalene C12H12
Tetradecane C14H30
Intensity (a.u)


22 2,6,10-TrimethylTetradecane C17H36
23 Pentadecane C15H32
Hexadecane C16H34
14 16 24

Nonadecane C19H40

6 25 Octadecane C18H38
1 2
26 Nonadecane C19H40

Eicosane C20H42
Commercial Diesel
Heniecosane C21H44
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Heniecosane C21H44
Retention Time (Minutes) Nonadecane C19H40
Fig. 4 GC/MS chromatograph of commercial diesel fuel. Nonadecane C19H40
Heptacosane C27H56


Intensity (a.u)




NSR-2 Fuel 3 16 28
7 29
1 2 4

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
Retention Time (Minutes)
Fig. 5 GC/MS Chromatograph of NSR-2 fuel. Fig. 6 DSC graph of waste plastic to produce fuel.
450 Waste Plastic Conversion into Hydrocarbon Fuel like Low Sulfur Diesel

Table 5 GC/MS chromatograph of NSR-2 fuel compound 1.6

Compound Name Formula

Killowatt Hour Output

2,4-Dimethyl-1- Heptene C9H18 1.2
Styrene C8H8
Decane C10H22
2,4-Dimethyl-1-Heptanol C9H20O 0.8

1,4-Dimethyl-Cyclooctane C10H20 Diesel

Undecane C11H24 NSR-2
3,7,11-Trimethyl-1-decanol C15H32O 0.4

3-Dodecene C12H24
Dodecane C12H26
2,3,5,8-Tetramethyl-Decane C14H30 0.0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400
2-Tridecene C13H26
Time (Seconds)
3-Octadecene C18H36
Fig. 7 Electricity output comparison graph of waste plastic
2-Isopropyl-5-Methyl-1-Heptanol C11H24O
to fuel and commercial diesel fuel.
1-Tetradecene C14H30
Tetradecane C14H30 Table 6 Comparison table of NSR -2 fuel and commercial
2,3,5,8-Tetramethyl-Decane C14H30 Diesel.
1-Tridecene C13H26 Fuel Fuel
Generator Duration kWh
Hexadecane C16H34 Name amount
3,7,11-Trimethyl-1-Dodecanol C15H32O NSR-2 AMCO 1 Liter 37 min 2.028
Hexadecane C16H34 Diesel AMCO 1 Liter 28 min 1.463
1-Nonadecene C19H38
Heptadecane C17H36
4. Conclusion
Octadecane C18H38
Nonadecane C19H40 A simple thermal process for de-polymerizing waste
Eicosane C20H42
plastic to useful low sulfur fuel has been developed and
Heniecosane C21H44
Heptacosane C27H56 further refined using a mini scale double condensation
process and fractional distillation process.
226.7 ℃. DSC data indicate that NSR fuel contains a
Characterization studies by GC/MS indicate the
higher percentage of volatile hydrocarbon compounds.
de-polymerization product is essentially all straight
3.1 Electricity Production chain hydrocarbons when linear thermosetting
polymers are used as the feed. Both GC and DSC
Comparison of NSR-2 fuel and commercial diesel
studies indicate the product contains high boiling point
was conduced using an AMCO Diesel Generator. Fig.
indicating hydrocarbons ranging from C9 to C27, a range
7 and Table 6 demonstrate the comparative results
that can perform the same functions as commercial
between the two fuels. The results indicate that the
diesel fuel.
NSR-2 fuel provided a longer run time of the generator
than the diesel. This is due to the NSR fuel having Acknowledgement
longer carbon chains than the diesel fuel.
The authors acknowledge the support of Dr. Karin
3.2 ASTM Test Result of Waste Plastic to Produce Fuel Kaufman, the founder of Natural State Research, Inc
Some ASTM tests have been conducted on the (NSR). The authors also acknowledge the valuable
NSR-2 fuel to verify its compounds. Table 7 shows the contributions NSR laboratory team members during
results of the ASTM tests. the preparation of this manuscript.
Waste Plastic Conversion into Hydrocarbon Fuel like Low Sulfur Diesel 451

Table 7 ASTM test result of waste plastic to produce fuel.

Method Test Result Units
ASTM D4052 API Gravity @ 60 ºF 44.8 ºAPI
ASTM D5191 (EPA) Dry Vapor Pressure Equivalent 0.36 Psi
ASTM D4176 (Procedure1) Appearance Pass- Clear & Bright
ASTM D4176 (Procedure1) Presence of Water or Particles None
Color Color undyed
ASTM D5453 Sulfur 3.0 ppm
ASTM D86 Initial Boiling Point 341.2 ºF
ASTM D86 10% Recovery 394.8 ºF
ASTM D86 50% Recovery 476.9 ºF
ASTM D86 90% Recovery 576.4 ºF
ASTM D86 Final Boiling Point 625.9 ºF
ASTM D86 % Recovered 98.1 Vol%
ASTM D86 % Residue 1.0 Vol%
ASTM D86 % Loss 0.9 Vol%
ICP Calcium <1 ppm
ICP Magnesium <1 ppm
ICP Copper <1 ppm
ICP Phosphorus <1 ppm
IP309 Cold Filter Plugging Point -12 ℃
IP309 Cold Filter Plugging Point 10 ºF
ASTM D6304 Water 93 ppm
ASTM D2624 Temperature 65.0 ºF
ASTM D2624 Electrical Conductivity <1 pS/m
ASTM D2500 Cloud Point -12 ℃
ASTM D2500 Cloud Point 10.4 ºF
ASTM D4737 (Procedure B) Calculated Cetane Index 58.3
ASTM D240 Gross Heat of Combustion-LB 19959 BTU/lb
ASTM D240 Gross Heat of Combustion-Gal 133366 BTU/gal
ASTM D93 (Method A) Corrected Flash Point 80 ºF
ASTM D482 Ash @ 775 ℃ < 0.001 Wt%
ASTM D445 Kinematic Viscosity @ 100 ºF 2.187 cSt
ASTM D2161 Saybolt Universal Viscosity @ 100 ºF 33.2 SUS
ASTM D130 Copper Corrosion @ 122 ºF for 3 Hours 1a
ASTM D5972 Freezing Point -7.1 ℃
ASTM D5972 Freezing Point 19.2 ºF

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