Importance of Testing

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The Importance of Load Bank Testing

Technical Service Sr. Manager at Generac Power Systems

An important facet of preventative maintenance is generator load bank
testing. A load bank test ensures that your generator will run at proper
rating so you can have peace of mind when power goes out. This is
particularly important for standby and emergency generator sets that do
not run often and may not be operated at full rated capacity during regular
exercising. If a load bank test is not performed, your generator may not
function properly when needed during your next power outage. This paper
will detail purpose, process, results and frequency proper load bank testing.

Load bank testing simulates the designed usage of the generator at the
advertised rating located on the nameplate of the unit. It verifies that all
primary components of the generator set are functioning properly under
loaded conditions. The equipment used to perform a load bank test
produces an artificial load on the generator by bringing the engine to an
appropriate operating temperature. The key to a proper test is that your
generator must be tested at its full output rating. When a generator
operates during the weekly or monthly exercise, it runs at a lower load than
the unit’s full-rated output ability. Load banking tests the generator’s ability
to execute and deliver the required kW during an emergency. Many
generator owners exercise their standby generators weekly un-loaded, but
rarely test them with building loads, relying on the occasional utility loss to
completely exercise the entire back-up power system. Manufacturers do
not recommend this practice.

The Importance of Load Bank Testing


Load bank testing is mandatory for several applications. A number When a test is executed, an artificial load is placed on the
of regulatory oversight conditions and code requirements are generator. The test is timed and progressively increases the kW
mandatory for emergency power generation systems where failure load. Each time the kW is increased, the engine and alternator
of equipment could lead to loss of human life, according to NFPA parameters are recorded. The important thing to note with load
110 Level 1. Both the National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) and bank testing is actually making sure that the system operates to
the National Electric Code (NEC) have mandates pertaining to full capacity with either your engine output or your alternator
load bank testing of emergency generators. output depending on if you’re testing at a 0.80 (reactive test) or 1.0
(resistive) power factor.
NFPA 110, Emergency and Standby Power Systems, 2019 Edition,
Section states: “Diesel-Powered EPS installations that do The recommended steps to follow for the load bank test include:
not meet the requirements of 8.4.2 shall be exercised monthly
with the available EPSS load and shall be exercised annually with • Connect the load bank to the output of the generator. This is
supplemental loads at not less than 50% of the EPS nameplate typically done at either a dedicated load bank circuit breaker
kW rating for 30 continuous minutes and at not less than 75% of or spare bus connections.
the EPS nameplate kW rating for 1 continuous hour for a total test • Start and run the generator at no load until the water
duration of not less than 1.5 continuous hours.” temperature stabilizes.
• In increments, load the generator with the load bank until you
The critical operations power systems (COPS) requirements of the
reach the desired load.
NEC emerged through the U.S. Department of Homeland Security
after several disasters in the early 2000s. NEC 708 states a • After the test, step the load down, allowing the generator to
commissioning plan for on-site backup generation is required, so cool based on the manufacturers’ guidelines. For safety,
is baseline testing and periodic witness testing, as well as a while disconnecting the load bank, isolate the breaker. Then,
documented preventive maintenance program, written accounts turn the generator off and remove the load bank.
of testing, and the method of testing maximum anticipated load • Place all transfer switches back to the automatic, ready to
conditions on all critical power systems. run position.

Joint Commission, a healthcare accrediting organization, Both natural gas generators and diesel generators need to be
requirements encourage hospitals, health centers and nursing load bank tested. Load bank testing helps burn unwanted
homes to go beyond local, state and national electrical codes. moisture out of the exhaust system, lubrication system, and
Periodic testing is required for all healthcare facilities, preferably engine. Performing the test on a gaseous generator helps burn
under higher loads than the 30 percent minimum. At least once unwanted deposits out of the engine when it gets operating
every three years, all healthcare facilities are required to exercise temperature. Testing also demonstrates that the unit is operating
the power system under the facility’s load and full emergency at rated capacity and will isolate any weakness in the system that
conditions for at least four hours. can be corrected before utility power outage occurs. This
ensures 100% uptime when needed. While you have the engine
The frequency of the tests wholly depends on individual operating under load, it is important to make sure that the air-fuel
requirements and industry regulations. Codes and standards vary mixtures are operating to the manufacturer’s specifications.
on location and application, it is important to check with your local During the test, you want to make sure that your generator is not
Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) to make sure you are meeting operating too lean or too rich during your run cycle. Load bank
load banking and maintenance requirements. testing is a great way to do that. Testing the gen-set at no load,
as in a weekly exercise, problems may not present itself until it is
TYPES OF LOAD BANK TESTING loaded on your facility.
Load banks can be defined as a self-contained, unitized,
systematic device that includes load elements or steps. The When a diesel engine powered generator is not used frequently or
following types of load testing are available: only run on light loads, it can be prone to experiencing unburned
fuel and soot buildup in the exhaust system. This is called wet
• Resistive Load Bank Tester: Individual resistor load banks stacking. Wet stacking occurs when the generator does not reach
provide the load to the generator. Power resistors convert designed operating temperature, allowing carbon and unburned
electrical current into heat. This testing is used to test the fuel to build up in the exhaust system. Wet stacking can
engine to its design capacity. compromise the reliability of the diesel generator. It is
• Reactive Load Bank Tester: Generators that primarily supply recommended diesel systems be load tested with a portable load
power to motor-driven equipment and capacitors may be bank for a minimum of two hours annually. The full load operation
tested by reactive load banks. This testing adds apparent created during load bank testing will burn off excess soot and
power (VA) to the load and fully tests the alternator moisture to reduce the impact wet stacking will have on the
performance as well as the engine. generator system.

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The Importance of Load Bank Testing

Load bank testing is a thorough and economic way of putting CONCLUSION

the generator to the test without using the customer’s facility and
Emergency generator sets are becoming required pieces of
putting their critical loads and processes in jeopardy. Load bank
equipment at some facilities, such as assisted living facilities and
testing ensures peace of mind after the fact with knowing the
data centers, and they are becoming more commonly seen.
unit was fully load tested. A load bank test will indicate:
With an increase of dependency on backup power systems,
• Capacity to provide the required power output. proper testing and maintenance is becoming extremely
important. A good maintenance program, that includes
• Voltage regulator response time. completing the manufacturer’s recommended service and
• Alternator’s capability to provide the required voltage and regular load bank testing, should be a standard practice for any
frequency stability. customer’s back-up generator system to ensure long life and
• The gen-set control system under different loads. reliable service that is ready to operate when electrical utility
power is out of service.
• The general performance of the whole system, oil and fuel
pressure, etc.
• With data logging software, load testing can be recorded
and be analyzed.
After the load bank test, it is recommended to complete a
transfer test. This test can be initiated by turning off the power
load (opening the circuit breaker feeding the ATS) or initiating a
test sequence at the ATS. Both methods will allow you to test
the start and transfer time of the system by transferring load over
to the generator. By performing this test, you can determine that
the unit will carry the site load. The transfer test examines the
entire system, not just the generators. It ensures that the
generator set and system function properly and are ready for any
power outage event.

Generac Power Systems, Inc.

S45 W29290 Hwy. 59, Waukesha, WI 53189 | 1-844-ASK-GNRC (1-888-275-4672) | 201901031
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