White Paper: Surviving Hurricanes 2019 A Guide For Businesses

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Surviving Hurricanes 2019

A Guide for Businesses


In this document, Generac provides preparation information for the

upcoming hurricane season and power outages that will accompany
the storms. Hurricanes and tropical storms accounted for the most
severe outages in 2017 and 2018, many of those outages lasting for
several days.

Surviving Hurricanes 2019. A Guide for Businesses

• Hurricane Harvey cut power from more than 1.67 million 2019 HURRICANE PREDICTIONS
customers¹ and power restoration wasn’t completed in the
High-Activity Era
hardest hit areas near Houston until September 8, which left
NOAA has determined the Atlantic remains in a period of
many without power for 14 days.
increased hurricane activity. Every 25-40 years, a “high-activity
• In 2017 Hurricane Maria alone topped the largest outages in era” produces “more, stronger and longer-lived storms,” dating
US history with 1248 million² customers without power, and back to the 1800s (and likely earlier, however tracking or recording
many still off the grid in 2019. abilities were not reliable before then). It is part of a natural, cyclical
• Hurricane Irma knocked out power to 6.7 million utility pattern; a period of decreased activity usually follows, often lasting
customers in Florida alone, 64 percent of the state, according a similar amount of time.
to the Florida Division of Emergency Management³. One
The current high-activity era began in 1995, according to NOAA.
hundred thousand of those customers were still without
During this time, the number of major hurricanes produced in the
power nine days later.
Atlantic nearly doubled since the last low-activity period (1971-
• Hurricane Florence took out power for 976,0004 in the 1994). There has been an average of two hurricane landfalls in the
Carolinas and Virginia, with the flooding closing as many as Atlantic per season during this time.
1,600 roads, including all roads in and out of Wilmington,
North Carolina for several days5. NOAA experts watch several global climate patterns that drive the
When the power goes out, life becomes significantly more difficult, development and strength of hurricanes during a high-activity
regardless if it is during a severe thunderstorm or a hurricane. period, including Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation (AMO) and El
Backup generators give a layer of safety and security not found in Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) influences.
the dark.
2019 Hurricane Predictions
Even though it is a high-activity era, each year can be different in
As backup power experts, Generac aims to provide peace of mind
how much activity is seen. Every year, predictions for the
when power is out or unreliable. The aging power infrastructure
upcoming hurricane season are released between April and June,
and growing intensity of severe weather, including hurricanes, can
before the hurricane season officially begins June 1. These
make for uncertainty. Generac works to information needed to
predictions consider many things:
help prepare for when the power goes out.
• El Niño/La Niña
Information in This Document Came From: • Sea surface temperatures
• Wind shear
• Generac product experts and their experiences with the
products talked about and experiences in hurricane weather; These factors help determine if it will be a busy hurricane season
• Government organizations including FEMA, National Oceanic or a calm one. However, these remain predictions. No matter the
and Atmospheric Association, National Hurricane Center, prediction, it is important to prepare as if a hurricane will affect
Ready.gov, Center for Disease Control (CDC) and US Energy your area.
Information Administration, Energy.gov
In April, Colorado State University’s Department of Atmospheric
• Education organizations such as Colorado State University. Science said it may be a quieter than normal hurricane season,
predicting 13 named storms, five of those turning into hurricanes
and two growing into major hurricanes (Saffir-Simpson Category 3
or above). Last year, 15 named storms developed and eight turned
into hurricanes, two being major storms.

The Colorado State researchers believe the water-warming El Niño

is forecasted to develop in the Atlantic this summer, which could
suppress some storms’ growth.

The National Hurricane Center and NOAA have not shared their
2019 Hurricane Season predictions at the time of publication of
this guide.

These predictions are still early and conditions can change by the
time hurricane season begins on June 1. Colorado State University
and NOAA will update predictions at the start of the season, and
will likely update again mid-summer.

Surviving Hurricanes 2019. A Guide for Businesses


A New Hurricane Scale
Earlier this year at the 2019 American Meteorological Society’s hurricanes based on sustained wind forces (top wind speed).
annual meeting, AccuWeather debuted their new hurricane rating Recent storms have showed that hurricanes with lower wind
system. There have been calls from various groups to update the speeds cause more damage than what they’re categorized as due
current system, the Saffir-Simpson scale, which only rates to slow movement and a large amount of rainfall.

AccuWeather’s RealImpact™ Scale for Hurricanes

Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale
(AccuWeather RI™)

Debuted in 2019 Created in the late 1960s and expanded in the 1970s

The most popular scale used by weather networks and

To be used for the first time during the 2019 hurricane season
government organizations

Measures hurricanes on a scale of 1 to 5,

with 5 being the most “strenuous”
• There is also a “Less than 1” rating to “provide insight on Measures hurricanes on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 having the
hurricanes and tropical storms that don’t rise to a highest wind speed
Category 1 on the Saffir-Simpson scale” but may
“still cause substantial destruction, injury or loss of life.”

Based on the sustained wind speed of a hurricane

Includes flooding, rain, high winds and storm surge as well as • Hurricanes reaching Category 3 and higher are considered
total economic impact from the storm to determine category major hurricanes with the potential for significant loss of
life and damage

What This Means

According to AccuWeather, the RI scale would differ at times from June 1 to November 30, conditions are ripe for the development of
the Saffir-Simpson scale. hurricanes and for those storms to hit the Atlantic and Gulf coasts.
However, not every storm monitored will hit the United States.
For example, NOAA listed Hurricane Harvey as a Category 4, but When a meteorologist begins tracking a storm, it is not guaranteed
RI says it would have been a Category 5 because of the economic to hit. Many storms are monitored while still developing off the
impact on the Houston region. Western African coast, but many factors come into play to
determine if those systems will reach the United States, and if
IMPORTANT: There will likely be reports from news stations that
those systems will be hurricanes or if they melt away.
include both measurement systems. While the category numbers
may differ, it is important to listen to local authorities when they On the next page, are hurricane terms that are often used when
issue evacuation orders or other safety precautions. monitoring a storm system likely to turn into a hurricane. It’s
important to understand them and know when to start preparing or
How to Know if a Storm is Dangerous: What to Listen For
evacuating homes, as well as when a system will not be a threat.
When meteorologists begin mentioning “developing” conditions for
a possible tropical storm or hurricane, it is not time to panic. From

Surviving Hurricanes 2019. A Guide for Businesses


Advisory: Official message issued by storm warning centers with Real Impact Scale: Developed by AccuWeather and used for
details on location, intensity, movement and precautions for the first time during the 2019 hurricane season. Measures storms
storms. on a scale of one to five based on flooding, rain, high winds,
storm surge and economic impact.
Direct Hit: Locations that experience the center and eye wall
of a hurricane. Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale: Most popular and
recognized hurricane rating system, created in late 1960s and
El Niño, La Niña, ENSO: El Niño and La Niña are warming and
expanded in 1970s (shown on the next page). Measures
cooling phases of a recurring climate pattern in tropical Pacific
hurricanes on a scale of one to five based on sustained
(aka El Niño-Southern Oscillation or ENSO). The pattern shifts
wind speed.
every two to seven years, creating disruptions in temperature,
wind and precipitation. These changes affect the number and Storm Surge: An abnormal rise in sea level due to a hurricane or
intensity of hurricanes. other severe storm. This is often the greatest threat to loss of life
and property damage.
Flash Flood: A rapid flooding in low-lying areas that may be
caused by heavy rain as seen with many hurricanes and tropical Storm Tide: A combination of normal high tide and storm surge,
storms. measuring the total seawater level during a storm.

Flood Warning: Issued when a flood is imminent or already Tornado Warning: Due to the high winds and cyclical nature of
happening. hurricanes, tornadoes can form. A Tornado Warning may be
issued before, during or after hurricanes. A warning means it may
Hurricane/Typhoon/Cyclone: A cyclone, typhoon and hurricane occur within 36 hours.
are all the same type of storm – a tropical cyclone that has
reached 74 mph or more – just given different names based on Tropical Storm: A tropical cyclone with maximum sustained
where in the world it hits. wind speed ranging from 39 to 73 mph.

Hurricane Eye: The center of a hurricane. Wind Shear: Strong high-atmospheric winds typically found
during El Niño that blows the tops off storms, decreasing the
Hurricane Eye Wall: Extreme winds surrounding the Hurricane likelihood they turn into tropical storms or hurricanes.
Eye. An Extreme Wind Warning can be issued as the Eye

Hurricane Warning: Issued 36 hours in advance of expected

hurricane force winds (sustained at 74 mph). The warning may
stay in effect if dangerously high water or dangerously high water
and waves continue, even if winds dip below hurricane force.

Hurricane Watch: Issued 48 hours in advance of possible

hurricane force winds (sustained at 74 mph or higher). Hurricane
preparation becomes more difficult when winds reach tropical
storm force.

Indirect Hit: Locations that do not experience a direct hit from a

hurricane or tropical storm, but do experience the hurricane force

Landfall: When the Eye of the storm meets with the coastline.

NOAA: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association, an

agency within the Department of Commerce that works to
understand and predict changes in climate, weather and oceans.
The National Weather Service (NWS) is a branch under NOAA.

Surviving Hurricanes 2019. A Guide for Businesses


Category Sustained Winds Types of Damage Due to Hurricane Winds

1 74-95 mph Very dangerous winds will produce some damage: Well-constructed frame homes could have
64-82 kt damage to roof, shingles, vinyl siding and gutters. Large branches of trees will snap and shallowly
119-153 km/h rooted trees may be toppled. Extensive damage to power lines and poles likely will result in power
outages that could last a few to several days.

2 96-110 mph Extremely dangerous winds will cause extensive damage: Well-constructed frame homes
83-95 kt could sustain major roof and siding damage. Many shallowly rooted trees will be snapped or
154-177 km/h uprooted and block numerous roads. Near-total power loss is expected with outages that could
last from several days to weeks.

3 111-129 mph Devastating damage will occur: Well-built framed homes may incur major damage or removal of
(major) 96-112 kt roof decking and gable ends. Many trees will be snapped or uprooted, blocking numerous roads.
178-208 km/h Electricity and water will be unavailable for several days to weeks after the storm passes.

4 130-156 mph Catastrophic damage will occur: Well-built framed homes can sustain severe damage with loss
(major) 113-136 kt of most of the roof structure and/or some exterior walls. Most trees will be snapped or uprooted and
209-251 km/h power poles downed. Fallen trees and power poles will isolate residential areas. Power outages will
last weeks to possibly months. Most of the area will be uninhabitable for weeks or months

5 157 mph or higher Catastrophic damage will occur: A high percentage of framed homes will be destroyed, with total
(major) 137 kt or higher roof failure and wall collapse. Fallen trees and power poles will isolate residential areas. Power outages
252 km/h or higher will last for weeks to possibly months. Most of the area will be uninhabitable for weeks or months


Natural Disaster Impact

Immediate One Year Three Years Later

40% 25% 75%

of small businesses won’t reopen more small businesses will close of businesses without a continuity
plan will fail

Source: 2014 data from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and US Department of Labor

If your organization is vulnerable to hurricanes, it is important that

you understand your risk, develop a preparedness and mitigation
plan and tack action. According to FEMA, it is important to first
identify your risk. The agency reports that 80 percent of a
building’s value is in its equipment, inventory and other contents.
Depending on your type of organization, the agency says you
should expect that either 50 percent of your inventory is unsellable
or that 50 percent of your computers or other equipment has
been damaged during the event.

To address if your business is ready, you need to identify potential

impact on your systems/structure, staff, vendors, suppliers as well
as your organization itself. After identifying the potential risks, it is
important to decide on solutions that will help reduce risk.

Surviving Hurricanes 2019. A Guide for Businesses


Preparation well in advance and immediately before a hurricane
can help limit damage, keep workers safe and get you back to
• Get a backup generator business more quickly. While developing a hurricane emergency

plan, assign roles to team members. Also, it is important to
• Review emergency plans if the power goes out for an hour
establish communication procedures and to compile a list of
up to multiple days
important phone numbers. Make plans for securing materials and
• Review emergency plans for evacuation back up your business data. You may want to review your
• Check insurance policy/coverage insurance policies to see if you are covered for water or flood
• Conduct maintenance on backup generator damage.

• Check the landscaping for any trees that should be trimmed, Being prepared is an ongoing process of improvements.
clear gutters, etc. Processes should be reviewed and checked regularly. Preparing
to a standard will provide a uniform and consistent basis for
• Turn off electricity to the facility developing and implementing action plans within the organization
• Use hurricane shutters or board up windows and doors with and proper preparedness will help your corporation minimize loss
5/8 inch plywood of revenue, data, or productivity. The disruption of operations for a
few hours or a few days can deeply affect your organization
During: internally and externally. Making the choice to prepare today can
• Monitor updates with a radio or television protect your corporation tomorrow.

After the Storm:

• If there is severe damage to the facility, leave immediately and

1. Hurricane Harvey Event Analysis Report. 2018, Hurricane Harvey Event
contact local officials Analysis Report.
• Check for gas leaks. If there may be a gas leak, leave
2. Schmidt, Amanda. “Which Storms Top the List for the Most Power Outages in
immediately and contact a professional to check the line, US History?” Which Storms Top the List for the Most Power Outages in US
report it to local authorities History?, AccuWeather, www.accuweather.com/en/weather-news/which-
• Report downed power lines to the utility company and local
police and fire departments 3. Hodge, Tyler, and April Lee. “Hurricane Irma Cut Power to Nearly Two-Thirds of
Florida’s Electricity Customers.” Hurricane Irma Cut Power to Nearly Two-Thirds
• Report losses to insurance of Florida’s Electricity Customers - Today in Energy - U.S. Energy Information
– Take photos of the property Administration (EIA), U.S. Energy Information Administration, Dec. 2017,
– Make a list of any missing or damaged property
• Wear protective gear while cleaning 4. Panettieri, Joe. “Hurricane Florence Power Outages: 976,000 In North and
South Carolina So Far.” ChannelE2E, 16 Sept. 2018, www.channele2e.com/
• Consider contacting contractors to clean up large debris technology/business-continuity/hurricane-florence-power-outages/.

• Keep receipts for possible reimbursement programs through 5. Stradling, Richard, and The News & Observer. “Hurricane Florence Closed
insurance, city or US government programs 1,600 Roads in NC; Soon All but One Will Be Open Again.” Greensboro News
and Record, 11 Apr. 2019, www.greensboro.com/news/state/hurricane-
• If power is out, unplug all major appliances before turning the florence-closed-roads-in-nc-soon-all-but-one/article_4325a402-df75-56f7-
electricity back on to minimize possible surge damage ab63-fcc0877b7b1e.html.

• If the facility flooded, have a professional electrician check the

residence before turning electricity on

Generac Power Systems, Inc.

S45 W29290 Hwy. 59, Waukesha, WI 53189 | 1-844-ASK-GNRC (1-888-275-4672) | 201900713
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