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Note 514952 - Download of Customer-Specific Tables: CRM - Pridoc - Comm - Badi

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OSS not 514952



Note 514952 - Download of customer-specific tables

You created a condition table in R/3 OLTP and you want to create the corresponding table in CRM, but in
CRM at least one of the fields of the condition table is not supported in the standard.
After downloading the customizing for the condition objects to CRM, when you run the generation
report /SAPCND/RV12N001, you get a message as: The condition table XXX has a field with initial name.
Where XXX is a concatenated string of application, usage and table number of the condition table.
Other terms
DNL_CUST_CND, Customizing download, Condition tables, /SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING501 .
Reason and Prerequisites
Note: To implement this note basic knowledge of pricing, condition technique and data exchange is
This note is valid for CRM and EBP as of release 3.0.
The decision that you actually need a corresponding condition table in CRM, should take into account
the following considerations:
 Whether the used procedures (e.g. pricing procedure) reference the considered condition table.
For more information of how to find the relevant accesses of the used procedures, please refer to
IMG documentation.
 Whether the individual fields of the considered condition table is carried for the dynamic
processing in the CRM order. It is important that during the creation of an order each field value of
a condition table is supplied and handed over to pricing. So if necessary the BAdI
CRM_COND_COM_BADI has to be implemented.
For more information about the implementation of this BAdI, please refer to the IMG
When you come to the decision that the condition table is required then you need to follow the steps
described below.
1. Using transaction SE11 open the structure CND_MAPT_ACS_REM and search for the R/3 field
name. If you find the field name, i.e. the field is supported in the CRM standard download, in case
also a mapping rule in table CND_MAPC_CNV_FLM is available. If you don't find the field here,
please search for the field in structure CND_MAPT_ACS_REM_CUST. If you don't find the R/3 field
here, then insert it into structure CND_MAPT_ACS_REM_CUST using transaction SE11 as follows
component:       R/3 field name.
component type : R/3 equivalent data element.
(Please create a new data element for the R/3 field in your CRM system, in case no fitting data
element is available.)
If a Z* structure is being used to add the new elements, APPEND
this structure to the CND_MAPT_ACS_REM_CUST so that the data elements
added in the Z* structure are available for mapping.
2. If necessary create a data element for the corresponding CRM field. Afterwards please add the
CRM field into the field catalogue.
Please refer to the IMG documentation for more details on how to add entries into the field
catalogue of the condition technique.
3. With transaction SM30 using the view 'V_CND_MAP_CNVFLD' include the mapping rule for the
conversion of the field content
Cnvn: choose 'from external system to local system'
LFld: Field name you entered into field catalogue in step 2.
FFld: R/3 field name you entered into structure CND_MAPT_ACS_REM_CUST in step 1.
CnvT: When a mapping rule is required choose the 'Conversion in Routine by Business AddIn'
otherwise choose 'direct copying'. If necessary the BAdI CND_MAP_CNV_FIELD has to be
implemented using transaction SE18 or SE19.
4. After having completed the steps above, please run the customizing download from R/3 OLTP
to CRM with the object DNL_CUST_CNDALL. Please refer to the 'Setup and Load Guide' for detail
5. In the case mobile clients are connected to the CRM system, then the customizing has to be
downloaded from CRM to the consolidated database (CDB). Please refer to the 'Setup and Load
Guide' for detail information.
6. Additionally, if you have mobile clients connected to the CRM system, please create the
infrastructure to download the condition master data to the consolidated database (CDB). Please
refer to the 'Setup and Load Guide' for detail information.
Pasted from <https://websmp130.sap-ag.de/sap(bD1lbiZjPTAwMQ==)/bc/bsp/spn/sapnotes/index2.htm?numm=514952>
PR02 & PPSV not replicated to CRM

Yesterday I connected to both systems CRD 200 and ECD 200.

I checked that several of the condition tables that are assigned to
the accesses in access sequences PR02 & PPSV have not been generated
in CRM. The missing tables are:
For condition table CNCCRMPRCUS991, the customizing for the mapping
of R3 field AUART_SD is missing. Therefore you should follow the
steps in note 514952
However the other condition tables contain fields that are standard
for condition transfer ( all the mappings are present in table
CND_MAPC_CNV_FLM ). In these cases were the condition table is not
generated although it has only standard fields the problem is normally
related to unprocessed BDocs, which prevent the generation of the
condition tables (note 423096)
I have checked the SLG1 log (object COND_EXCHANGE, subobject
COND_EXCHANGE) for the date of the condition customizing download, and
there are no log entries related to generation of condition tables, so
the generation was not executed.
The steps I recommend are
1) Follow the steps in note 514952
2) Go to transaction SMW03 to check the BDocs of the BDoc types and
statuses that appear in note 423096. Ensure that all these BDocs are
deleted or processed. You must check all the clients.
( Now there are many BDocs of type PRODUCT_MAT that should be deleted reprocessed)
3) Execute the initial download of condition customizing again
( by downloading DNL_CUST_CNDALL )
Best Regards
Luis Rivera Gallego
Global Active Support

Download object for Condition Tables. - 671370

Download object for condition table does not exist
Other terms
R3AC5; Download Object ; DNL_COND ; R3AS ; CRM_CCP
Reason and Prerequisites
The download object for all SAP delivered condition tables and customer
created condition tables does not exist.
Create the download object as described below:
CASE 1: Download from R/3 -> CRM -> CDB
For the download objects delivered by SAP, the name of the download
object for condition master data tables would be DNL_COND_AXXX.
Example: For condition table A004 it would be DNL_COND_A004.
  For download objects not delivered by SAP  the name of download
objects should be ZDNL_COND_AXXX. 'XXX' represents the table number
of the condition table.
Example: For condition table A900 it should be ZDNL_COND_A900.
  To create such a download object, execute transaction R3AC5,
copy download object DNL_COND_A057 into the object that you need.
Example: For table A900 you would copy it as ZDNL_COND_A900.
After copying click on tabstrip 'Tables/Structures' and then change the
A table to one that is needed and then save the object.
Example: For download object ZDNL_COND_A900 you would have to change
the A table to A900 from A057.
Note: We recommend strongly to have one download object per A table and
only one A table per download onject.
Example: Table A900 should not be a part of any other download object
other than download object ZDNL_COND_A900 and download object
ZDNL_COND_A900 should not have any other A table other than A900.
CASE 2:  Download from CRM -> CDB
For the download objects delivered by SAP, the name of the download
object for condition master data tables would be CRM_CCPSAPXXX.
Example: For condition table CNCCRMPRSAP004 it would be CRM_CCPSAP004.
  For download objects not delivered by SAP  the name of download
objects should be ZCRM_CCPSAPXXX. 'XXX' represents the table number
of the condition table.
Example: For condition table CNCCRMPRCUS900 it should be ZCRM_CCPCUSXXX;
For condition table CNCCRMPRSAP304 it should be ZCRM_CCPSAP304.
To create such a download object, execute transaction R3AC5,
copy download object CRM_CCPSAP057 into the object that you need.
Example: For table CNCCRMPRCUS900 you would copy it as ZCRM_CCPCUS900.
After copying click on tabstrip 'Tables/Structures' and then change the
table to one that is needed and then save the object.
Example: For download object ZCRM_CCPCUS900 you would have to change
the table to CNCCRMPRCUS900 from CNCCRMPRSAP057.
Note: We recommend strongly to have one download object per CRM
Condition Table and only one condition table per download object.
Example: Table CNCCRMPRCUS900 should not be a part of any other
download object other than download object ZCRM_CCPCUS900
and download object ZCRM_CCPCUS900 should not have any other CRM
condition table other than CNCCRMPRCUS900.
Pasted from <https://websmp230.sap-ag.de/sap(bD1lbiZjPTAwMQ==)/bc/bsp/spn/sapnotes/index2.htm?numm=671370>
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