CitectIIM Quality

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Quality Analysis

CitectIIM QualityTM enables you to better Q U A L I T Y A N A LY S I S 30 YEARS OF

analyze, report and manage product quality The CitectIIM Quality module connects to SUCCESSFUL SOLUTIONS
throughout the manufacturing cycle through multiple HMI/SCADA systems and collects Citect has been delivering
the automatic real-time logging of qualitative real-time qualitative data to track all aspects innovative solutions to the
data directly from the production control of manufacture against pre-determined manufacturing and production
system. The delivery of more timely and specifications. This includes both material industries for thirty years. Its
accurate reports to key personnel allows quality as well as process targets such as flagship product, CitectSCADA, is
better, more informed decision-making for pasteurization temperature, percentage silica one of the world’s most popular
improved output quality and control. or vision system inputs. HMI/SCADA systems with over
Business managers can now reliably 50,000 licenses installed world-
Data is stored to an industry standard database
report on KPIs such as first-pass quality, wide. CitectSCADA is at the
such as MS SQL Server or Oracle along with
percentage rework, percentage reject, forefront of software reliability
appropriate quality information, to identify the
supplier quality, as well as measure the and scalability with deployments
data such as date/time, batch, product identity,
impact of fluctuating raw material quality on the world’s largest control
as well as the dynamic quality targets for the
on the plant output. systems.
product run.
Plant and production managers can CitectIIM solutions have been
The client analysis tools are hosted by the
dynamically analyze quality problems via deployed on numerous sites in
CitectPlant2NET web server, and allow
comprehensive ad-hoc and drill-down food & beverage, automotive,
high-level summary displays with full drill-
reporting. power and mining; delivering
down capabilities to the raw data beneath.
high returns to manufacturers,
Quality Assurance managers can easily Navigation is achieved via an explorer tree
with a typical ROI of between 6
compare plant production outputs that typically mimics the physical hierarchy of
and 12 months.
against specifications and environmental the plant. Data is ‘rolled up’ the hierarchy, so
regulations, analyze quality implications and that higher levels aggregate the data stored in
automate record keeping and reports. lower branches of the tree.
Cross-hierarchy referencing facilities are
included so that quality queries can be run
against both the production lines, as well
as the product types, generating far more
meaningful reports for different personnel.
Crystal Reports is integrated into the client
so that customized reports can be published
remotely to the web browser, with full
interactive capabilities to the navigation tree
and filter options. This delivers a powerful
method of production performance analysis,
with strong customization capabilities inside an
easy-to-use interface.
Plant2NET display of Quality information
Citect delivers an integrated suite of
powerful, real-time analysis modules
HARDWARE CitectIIM is an integrated suite of modules CITECTIIM BENEFITS
REQUIREMENTS that all run on a single real-time platform, and Microsoft conventions, including setup
Minimum are configured through a single configuration wizards, web delivery and favorites,
Pentium 500MHz CPU utility, CitectStudio. dramatically reduce your learning curve
256 MB RAM All of the modules reside within the one tree Microsoft .NET framework brings the
Recommended hierarchy, saving you time and costs of rework latest business system technologies to the
Dual Pentium 800MHz in deploying multiple modules, and thereby manufacturing environment
1GB RAM reducing your total cost of ownership.
Customizable reporting and client interfaces
18GB RAID HDD Since the platform is reused by each module, delivers maximum business benefit
the associated costs are ammortized across all
modules, decreasing capital expenditure, and
increasing your return on investment. Automatic aggregation up and down the
System Requirements
tree hierarchy
MS SQL Server 2000 (optional) Extensive data filtering capabilities
High-speed data acquisition from:
or Oracle Single point of data entry
– CitectSCADA
System Components – Intellution Fix32 Open data repository
Microsoft .NET Framework – Intellution iFix Data confirmation and audit trails
Plant2Business Server – Wonderware InTouch
Dynamic graphing and viewing tools
Plant2Business Historian Server Redundant failover to SCADA server
Plant2NET Server clusters is typically less than one second CLIENT TOOLS

CitectIIM Server Favorites for fast access to common reports,

Single configuration interface for all
views and filters
CitectStudio modules reduces learning costs, rework
costs and lowers TCO Gantt charts
Control Systems Supported
Single real-time platform allows modules Pareto charts
CitectHMI and CitectSCADA,
to interact and communicate, to better Line charts
Fix32, iFix and InTouch
aggregate information for cross-functional
Databases Supported reporting and KPI calculations Data lists
MS SQL Server 7 Copy-and-paste exporting
Modular deployment and single real-time
MS SQL Server 2000
platform lowers capital expenditure and Crystal Reports interface
Oracle 7 increases ROI
Web Browser delivery
Oracle 8i
Non-invasive approach leverages existing
Oracle 9i IT infrastructure and business standards
Delivered through Citect and minimizes changes to the PLC or HMI/
Professional Services and SCADA system, reducing deployment costs
accredited System Integrators and risk
Notification agent brings attention to
information in a timely manner, increasing

For further information Copyright © 2003 Citect Pty Ltd. All rights
reserved. Citect and Plant2Business are
visit or registered trademarks of Citect Pty Ltd
call your regional office All other brands or names are property of
AMERICAS Toll-free 1 888 CITECT1 their respective holders.
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EUROPE Tel 31 71 576 1550
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