P 16
P 16
P 16
The Perception of the P-16 in the United States: A Historical Analysis 5b. GRANT NUMBER
The Swiss firm Flug und Fahrzeugwerke AG (FFA) developed a combat aircraft for the Swiss Air Force. The
aircraft, known as the P-16, first flew in April 1955 and achieved supersonic flight for the first time
in August 1956. The Swiss government was sufficiently impressed that an order for one hundred airframes
was placed in 1958. Unfortunately, the crash of two prototypes caused the order to be suspended. While
the cause of the accident was a relatively minor defect in the hydraulic system that was easily
corrected, the Swiss government remained convinced that the design was faulty and cancelled the order.
The Swiss government used the crashes to cancel the project. In reality, the Swiss government did not
mention all the other causes affecting the cancellation. The P-16 became victim of a change of the
Swiss concept of aerial warfare. This cancellation of the P-16 led to the inability to develop a jet
airplane by the Swiss aircraft industry. The P-16 led later to the success of the business jet called
Learjet. This study analyzes changes of the Swiss concept of aerial warfare, the procurement politics
of the Military Department, and the United States perception of the P-16.
UU 95 code)
Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified
Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98)
Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39.18
Thesis Title: The Perception of the P-16 in the United States: A Historical Analysis
Approved by:
, Member
Mr. Marlyn R. Pierce, M.A., M.M.A.S.
, Member
Lieutenant Colonel William T. Pugh, M.P.A.
The opinions and conclusions expressed herein are those of the student author and do not
necessarily represent the views of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College or
any other governmental agency. (References to this study should include the foregoing
The Swiss firm Flug und Fahrzeugwerke AG (FFA) developed a combat aircraft for the
Swiss Air Force. The aircraft, known as the P-16, first flew in April 1955 and achieved
supersonic flight for the first time in August 1956. The Swiss government was
sufficiently impressed that an order for one hundred airframes was placed in 1958.
Unfortunately, the crash of two prototypes caused the order to be suspended. While the
cause of the accident was a relatively minor defect in the hydraulic system that was easily
corrected, the Swiss government remained convinced that the design was faulty and
cancelled the order. The Swiss government used the crashes to cancel the project. In
reality, the Swiss government did not mention all the other causes affecting the
cancellation. The P-16 became victim of a change of the Swiss concept of aerial warfare.
This cancellation of the P-16 led to the inability to develop a jet airplane by the Swiss
aircraft industry. The P-16 led later to the success of the business jet called Learjet. This
study analyzes changes of the Swiss concept of aerial warfare, the procurement politics of
the Military Department, and the United States perception of the P-16.
I would like to thank Dr. Sean Kalic for his assistance and guidance during the
course of this work. This thesis would not have been completed without his
encouragement and sound advice. Being a full-time instructor and conducting his own
research, he would at any hour take the time to assist me with my project.
Mr. Marlyn Pierce and Lieutenant Colonel William Pugh deserve special
recognition as not only my second and third reader, but as providers of invaluable
Helen Davis provided expert advice and experience, as the final draft became a
meaningful document.
I also thank my three interviewees Don Grommesh, Bill Lear, and Paul Spalinger
for their openness, the given insights, and their readiness to be available for my different
Finally, but not last in importance, I would like to thank my wife, Irene, and my
children, Daniel, Deborah, Tabea, and Michael, for their understanding and patience
ABSTRACT....................................................................................................................... iii
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ................................................................................................. iv
ACRONYMS.................................................................................................................... vii
Introduction................................................................................................................... 20
The Rihner Era (1944–1952) ........................................................................................ 21
Employment of the Air Force ....................................................................................... 23
Evaluation of the Rihner Era ........................................................................................ 25
The Primault Era (1953–1964) ..................................................................................... 26
The Discussions Held at the LVK............................................................................. 28
Evaluation of the Primault Era.................................................................................. 35
Introduction................................................................................................................... 55
Historical Background .................................................................................................. 55
Cooperation between the Swiss Government and FFA ................................................ 58
The Commission for Military Aircraft Procurement (KMF)........................................ 60
Cooperation between William Lear Sr. and FFA ......................................................... 61
Summary....................................................................................................................... 63
CHAPTER 7. CONCLUSION...........................................................................................74
AG Aktiengesellschaft (Corporation)
BG Brigadier General
COL Colonel
Inc. Incorporated
LTG Lieutenant General
MG Major General
1962 LTG Thomas P. Gerrity, Deputy Chief of Staff, Systems and Logistics
developed a combat aircraft called P-16 for the Swiss Air Force. 1 The aircraft first flew
in April 1955 and achieved supersonic flight for the first time in August 1956. The Swiss
government was sufficiently impressed that an order for one hundred airframes was
placed in 1958. Unfortunately, the crash of two prototypes caused the order to be
suspended. While the cause of the accident was a relatively minor defect in the hydraulic
system that was easily corrected, the Swiss government remained convinced that the
The field manual Tactics (TF 51) was at the announcement of the P-16s
development in effect and still valid. However, the National Defense Commission (LVK)
had already overhauled the doctrine for the possible employment of the Air Force.
Existing NATO concepts had a substantial influence on this overhaul. In the middle of
1958, the LVK defined that “Counter Air Operations” would be the future of the Air
Force. These operations would lead to executing missions beyond the Swiss border and
the possibility of nuclear missions. It is understandable that the LVK called for a fighter
which would be able of carrying atomic weapons. Since this call came after the P-16, the
FFA developed the P-16 for air superiority and close air support, not for carrying atomic
On 5 June 1958, Federal Councilor Paul Chaudet, the head of the Federal
never mentioned that the Swiss concept of aerial warfare had shifted from close air
A further element which led to the cancellation of the P-16 was the change of
members of the LVK. Lieutenant General Georg Zueblin, commander of the 3rd
Mountain Corps and Member of the LVK, had significant influence. 3 He was one of the
fathers of the “Mobile Defense” for which the P-16 was unsuitable. 4 After the first crash
of a P-16 on 31 August 1955, the second crash on 25 March 1958 came at an opportune
time for the cancellation. 5 Also, because of the pressure to replace the aging Vampire, the
Federal Council decided to buy one hundred airplanes that could be used for ground
combat. The Swiss government selected the Hawker Hunter Mk 6, a ground attack
the author analyzed in an earlier thesis. The Swiss did not have a clear long-term concept
for aircraft procurement. Procurement politics between 1946 and 1972 were a zigzag
course. The manufacturers created unrealistic expectations regarding the material and
developing costs. The distribution of the development potential of three aircraft plants
was not suitable for creating a breakthrough for the Swiss aircraft industry. 7
This distribution failure was due to a lack of cooperation among the three Swiss
Altenrhein, and Pilatus in Stans. Particularly, the attempts at cooperation failed because
of Dr. Claudio Caroni. 8 Caroni was the head of FFA, which had the mission to develop
and, later, manufacture the P-16. From the beginning, cooperation between the FFA and
the Department of Defense (EMD) was difficult, because of Caroni’s management style.
In 1947, the Federal Council realized that a successful commission for military
aircraft procurement was necessary and demanded the intensified integration of industry,
science, finance, and economics. This is why the Commission for Military Aircraft
Procurement (KMF) consisted of military and civilian members. The KMF had favored
the P-16 and had an open view as far as future airplanes were concerned. Unfortunately,
the Federal Council did not take this commission deep enough into consideration. In
summary, the author made the following conclusions. The P-16 became victim of a
change of the Swiss concept of aerial warfare. The Swiss assigned the development of the
Chaudet never discussed the true reasons for cancellation before the parliament. The
cancellation of the P-16 led to the inability to develop a jet airplane by the Swiss aircraft
After the failure in 1959, Mr. William Lear recruited a group of Swiss aircraft
designers and engineers to transform the P-16’s wing and basic fuselage design into the
23 and later the Learjet 23 Continental. The SAAC began the work on Lear's latest
invention, a private luxury jet aircraft with the flexibility to fly passengers and freight to
small airports around the world. Lear undertook this bold gamble without the benefit of a
market survey to evaluate the consumer demand for such an aircraft, relying instead on
pure intuition. Problems with suppliers and production tooling in Switzerland compelled
Lear to shift assembly of the new aircraft to Wichita, Kansas (under the new name of
Learjet Industries). In Wichita the prototype Learjet 23 made its first flight on 7 October
This thesis will mainly focus on the following questions: Was the cancellation of
the P-16 treated differently in the United States? Chapter 2 will discuss the detailed
history of the P-16 project and introduce the controversy of the period. The focus of
chapter 3 is the question of the conception of the Swiss air doctrine in order to explain the
different opinions held after the Second World War. Chapter 4 will analyze the
procurement politics of the Military Department. Chapter 5 discusses the perception and
the collaboration with the FFA. In chapter 6 the author focuses on the United States Air
Force’s interest in the P-16. How serious was the interest of the United States Air Force
about the P-16 named AJ-7? Specifically, what was known about the P-16? The answers
State of Research
After doing some research on the P-16, the author mainly discovered technical
reports. The author could not find any comprehensive work about the P-16. In 1975 the
jets. Georges Bridel discussed in his publication the history of the development of the P-
16 briefly. Meier, the editor of the Swiss Air Force newspaper, also wrote a concise
chronicle. Meier also wrote another article “40 Years Ago the Sound Barrier Had Been
Broken” in the The Swiss Air Force. Also, Hans Rudolf Kurz, a Swiss reporter, wrote
pieces on the P-16 for his own books, but no comprehensive work on the program.
The author wrote a thesis “Zum Schweizer Flugzeugprojekt P-16” (The Swiss
Aircraft Project P-16). Prior to this thesis, there were no meaningful public histories of
the P-16 project. 9 The same situation also applied to the questions concerning
procurement politics. In order to deepen and consolidate the research for this Master of
Military Art and Science (MMAS) thesis, the author has examined Jane’s All the World
Aircraft. In addition to this source, the author discovered some interesting literature about
Mr. Lear and the Learjet. Each of these sources discussed the P-16 in different ways. The
author interviewed Mr. William P. Lear Jr., who flew the P-16 several times and
convinced his father to use the design. In order to learn more about the aircraft
manufacturer FFA, the author also interviewed Mr. Donald J. Grommesh, who was the
chief of the technical engineering of the Learjet and worked with the employees of FFA
in Altenrhein, Switzerland. This thesis will provide a deeper insight into the controversial
Flug- und Fahrzeugwerke Aktiengesellschaft (Aircraft and Vehicle Works
Federal Councilor Paul Chaudet was born on 17 November 1904, citizen of
Corsier sur Vevey. He represented in the parliament the Canton Vaud from 16 December
1954. He was the head of the Military Department from 1955 to 1966. He resigned on 28
November 1966 and gave over the office on 31 December 1966. Paul Chaudet died on 7
August 1977.
Lieutenant General Zueblin was the commander of the 3rd Mountain Corps. All
the lieutenant generals were members of the Commission for National Defense.
Lieutenant General Zueblin developed the Mobile Defense. The idea was that the
Swiss Army was becoming mobile instead of a stationary homeland defense. As a
consequence the army had to become more mobile by implementing Tank Brigades.
Hanspeter Strehler, Der Schweizer P-16 (Emmenbruecke: Eigenverlag, 2005),
William P. Lear Jr., Fly Fast…Sin Boldly. Flying, Spying and Surviving (Lenexa:
Addax Publishing Group, Inc., 2000), 373; Bill Lear Jr. about the Hawker Hunter “the
Hawker Hunter fighter was a superb aircraft, but had a serious pitch stability problem at
high speed. I had previously visited Hawker Siddeley in England, attempting to sell them
our Lear electronic pitch-damper, which would have corrected this deficiency. When I
proposed this improvement to Sir Sidney Camm, designer of the Hunter, he became very
defensive and told me in no uncertain terms that his aircraft designs required no artificial
aerodynamic stabilization. (He was wrong. I had seen film of Hunter high-speed passes at
low-level, and the aircraft was bobbing up and down like a yo-yo.) I was summarily
Switzerland had at that time three aircraft manufacturers. One was the
Eidgenoessische Flugzeugwerk (F+W) in Emmen, the FFA in Altenrhein, and Pilatus in
Claudio Caroni, born on 20 January 1907 Locarno, Switzerland, died in 1984,
Dr. jurist, advocate. Caroni became in 1948 the CEO of Dornier-Works in Altenrhein
(buy in 1952) and led the company in the name of Flug- und Fahrzeugwerke Altenrhein
to produce airplanes, railway wagons for the Schweizerische Bundesbahnen (SBB, Swiss
Federal Railways), busses, cable railway cabins, and military products.
The documents of the Federal Archive until the 1990s were still classified and
not accessible. The sources of the Swiss Federal Archive are kept the following way. The
files contain the signature and the title of the provenience inventory. As an example E
5001 (F) • Direction of the Federal Military Administration or the hint to the pertinence
inventory E 27 (–). Within the different chapters are more detailed references regarding
the different records. These references are split up in different file numbers, for example,
number 19150–19161. Different time frames show the creation of the corresponding
sources. Example: E 27 / 18879, vol. 2, The Swiss Aircraft Industry in connection with
our airplane procurement. General Staff, Chief of Material Section, LTC GS Kuenzy,
August 1947, Bern, Switzerland.
In 1935, Professor Dr. Jakob Ackeret, the president of the KMF, and Hans Luzi
Studer, the future Chief designer of the P-16, built the world’s first supersonic wind
tunnel at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ). 1 During the
Second World War on 25 April 1945 due to lack of fuel, a Messerschmitt ME 262 A of
the German Luftwaffe landed on the Swiss airbase of Duebendorf. Technicians of the
Swiss Air Force examined the intact airplane. The machine remained in Switzerland until
the end of the war. Afterwards it was put on display at the German Museum in Munich. 2
After the Second World War Swiss technicians investigated the behavior of
arrow-shaped wings at high speeds and looked at fundamental aspects of jet propulsion.
With the end of the war, the pressure for mass production of military aircraft belonged to
the past. Technicians became intensively concerned with new technology. Foreign
companies made their research reports accessible. The F+W in Emmen began the draft of
In a note dated 3 July 1945, the commanding officer of the Swiss Air Force and
Air Defense Division, Major General Fritz Rihner, underlined the importance of jets to
the KTA.
Jet-propelled airplanes will, due to its good grade ability and high
airspeed, have a great importance in defending our air space. In spite of all these
difficulties we have to deal with the issue “airplanes with jet propulsion”
immediately. We are about to set up product requirement specifications for the
development of jet-propelled airplanes. 4
This illustrates that Rihner observed the airplane’s development very closely. For him the
modernization of the Air Force was of the highest importance. In 1946, the LVK
supported his opinion and demanded the development of jets. In the same year the FFA
received the order to engineer the fuselages. On 4 April 1946, the F+W formulated for its
part “Suggestions on Regulations for Military Jets,” which fixed minimum values for
flight duration, range, and maximum values for the fuel consumption. The KTA gave the
company Sulzer a preorder to develop a jet engine. On 25 July 1946, Rihner judged the
In October 1946 the Basic Commission submitted requirements to the KMF for
the development of a new military aircraft. 5 The commission placed the current project
on a uniform basis. Dr. Ackeret insisted in developing more than one project for future
jets. Based on the requirements of the commission, Rihner submitted the “Requirements
for a Future Combat Aircraft of the Swiss Air Force for the Period 1951-1956.” 6 These
The LVK feared that the financial means were only sufficient for the development
of one Swiss jet, although it desired to pursue more than one project. Lieutenant Colonel
Kuenzy, the Chief of the Material Section of the General Staff, criticized in a
memorandum dated August 1947, “The Swiss Aircraft Industry in Connection With Our
Airplane Procurement:”
That much too much and too high demands are made for these new types of
aircraft. The difficult technical nature will be almost unsolvable. Considering the
small number of airplanes we can maintain, we have to give up some tasks, and
the purchase of a larger number of an airplane from a foreign country might be
more appropriate than the unprofitable, expensive development of an own
military aircraft industry. 7
This statement shows the controversy between “military autarky” versus “foreign
purchase” and “neutrality protection” versus “ground combat” after World War 2. On 23
September 1947 and 24 March 1949 the Swiss parliament decided to buy 175 De
Havilland Vampire combat aircraft. Despite this foreign procurement, the KMF
supported the advancement of the tailless, swept-wing airplane, the N-20, on 15 July
1949. 8 Additionally, the FFA received the assignment to pursue the development of a
cheaper single engine jet. Four days later, the FFA got the corresponding order. On 22
August, Caroni, director of the FFA, expressed in a letter to the Chief of the Military
Department (EMD) doubts about the fuselage and the engine conception of the N-20. He
stressed the importance of further development. Five days later, the FFA got the project
order to develop a single jet. The Sulzer Company started design work on the D-90
engine. 9 National Councilor T. Eisenring, the legal adviser of the FFA, repeated doubts
about the N-20 project and demanded that parliament reduce the order given to F+W.
On 24 October 1949, the EMD submitted a report about the development of the
N-20 to the financial delegation of the National Council. It underlined the absolute
necessity for having a Swiss aircraft industry and underlined the basic conditions for a
Single Engine Jets P-14, P-15, and P-16” and as a consequence the KTA calculated the
costs. Rihner declared in a statement that the P-16 project was of great interest to the Air
Force. 11
In order to have the requested 400 combat aircraft, the Swiss government
negotiated with De Havilland to purchase one hundred DH-112 Venom in 1950. The goal
was to have some jets in the Air Force until the Swiss program was ready. The KTA
decided that the P-16 and N-20 should be pursued, in order to be independent from allies
in times of war. On 22 January 1951, the FFA submitted a complete report on the P-16 to
the KMF. The aircraft had attained production readiness and the LVK approved the
request of the KMF. 12 Caroni studied the early experiences of the United States Air Force
in Korea, and he was persuaded that the P-16 conception was the right choice for the
On 1 February 1952, the EMD signed the contract for the completion of two
prototypes. 13 Due to a cost comparison of the KTA, the Federal Council decided on 9
January 1953 to abort the N-20 project. The comparison of the estimated costs for a series
of one hundred airplanes resulted in 228 million Swiss Francs for the P-16 and 340
million Swiss Francs for the N-20. 14 As a consequence of the price, the Chief of the
EMD forbade the first flight of the N-20 on 21 September 1953. One year later a federal
resolution for the procurement of one hundred De Havilland Venom airplanes became a
reality. On 28 April 1955, test pilot Hans Haefliger flew the first flight in the P-16. The
Neue Zuercher Zeitung (NZZ) reported a month later with enthusiasm “the P-16 proved
its outstanding flight characteristics, great agility and the possibility for very high and
letter to the KTA about readying the P-16’s production “testing runs positively, there is
no reason not to produce the P-16, and the estimated costs will be in the range of foreign
If not for the following two incidents, testing would have run very smoothly. On 4
July 1955, in the presence of press representatives, the jet went off the runway due to a
brake failure and the undercarriage broke off. 17 One month later, on 31 August 1955, a P-
16 crashed on its twenty-second test flight due to a fatigue fracture at the tank pressure
pipe which was located behind the cockpit wall. The accident report given at the thirty-
After the flight control had instructed pilot Haefliger to try an emergency
landing in the area of Frauenfeld he decided to land on the lake. At 12:46 P.M. the
pilot announced that he had decided to leave the jet and informed thirty-five
seconds later about the probable scene of the accident - and operated the ejection
seat. 18
This break is because of the stability of the selected material (light alloy),
and the attenuation of the material in an overheated tube by soldering, and the
possible influence of a local pre-loaded assembly and an additional oscillation
when in service. 19
At that time only a few (such as Caroni, Ackeret and Studer) knew that
such incidents and risks must be taken with the development of such a high-
performance aircraft. For a country like Switzerland they are considered being
more hurtful than abroad, because the result is a considerable delay of
development. Due to limited available financial means the Swiss ordered only two
prototypes, where for example in England ten and in the United States twenty
machines are ordered. 20
Eight months after the cancellation of the P-16 order, when the ad hoc
Commission for Questions of the Aircraft Industry (KFI) met at its ninth meeting, the
former president of the KMF, Dr. Ackeret, on 26 February 1959 noted “possibly the first
On 20 September 1955 this crash led National Councilor Walther Bringolf and
twenty-three co-signatories to request explanations of the Federal Council about the P-16
The National Council and the Commissions questioned the rationale of the Swiss
national program. Despite national criticism, the KMF remained dedicated to the P-16
and suggested a further series of four prototypes. Before the end of the year, the Federal
With today's conditions of the development of the P-16 the costs for the
requested building of a test series cannot be completely overlooked. Due to
today’s valid cost documents the necessary amount of the credit for the
procurement of a test series must be calculated with an estimated extent of 17.6
million Francs, with the assumption that with the development no disturbances
and exceeding difficulties occur. These dates are only kept, when the Swiss
Parliament gives the grant for the procurement of the suggested test series and the
necessary credits by the end of March 1956. 22
Resolution for the procurement of further series of four prototypes. Three months later
the second prototype of the P-16 with Sapphire engines started its first flight. 23 In the
summer of the same year, a P-16 broke through the sound barrier over Duebendorf for the
first time. The Neue Zürcher Zeitung newspaper wrote with admiration “now the P-16
has achieved with its supersonic flight a new confidence and new sympathy.” 24 The
One year later in February and March 1957 field testing of the P-16 took place.
Pilots characterized the plane’s cannons, the brake assembly, and the servo control as
insufficient. 25 In addition, the technical service determined “that the P-16 is not ready for
production.” 26 As a consequence, the engineers improved the servo control and the
cannon’s position. In the same year, the first flight of the third P-16 took place. Several
times the pilots broke through the sound barrier, even with rockets attached. 27 On 22 May
1957, the FFA submitted a report to the commanding officer of the Air Force and Anti-
Aircraft Division, Major General Fritz Rihner, with the following notes, “The
performance corresponds to expectations, the flight characteristics are very good, the
shooting platform has outstanding characteristics, and the armament exceeds other
airplanes.” 28
Starting in August, the FFA completed test flights, rocket firing, and wobbling
tests. The KTA verified these tests. On 29 January 1958, a Federal Resolution placed an
order to buy Hundred Hunter Mark 6 jets as replacement for the first series De Havilland
Vampires. Two days later, the Swiss parliament discussed producing one hundred P-16s
as replacements for the second series of the Vampire. After hefty discussion, the National
Council agreed with 111 against 36 votes on 7 March to produce the P-16 by the FFA. 29
National Councilor Matthias Eggenberger pointed out that for a domestic development of
an airplane there exist higher hurdles than for a foreign one. They agreed on the purchase
of the Hunters without testing, but demanded testing continues on the P-16. 30
On 25 March 1958, just six days after the Federal Resolution, a second P-16,
crashed into Bodensee. A disturbance occurred in the control system due to material
fatigue at the hydraulic pump, and the associated loss of large quantities of hydraulic oil
Dr. Willy N. Frick explained in the magazine Cockpit that the second crash of the
P-16 was “because the flight altitude was too low in order to trim the airplane with the
mechanical emergency control, there was no other possibility for the young pilot
Lieutenant Brunner to leave the plane with the ejection seat and a second P-16
Only one day later, as a consequence of this crash, the Federal Council ordered
the precautionary cancellation of the purchase order. 33 On the occasion of its meeting on
10 April, the KMF requested from the EMD that the completion of the test series of the
P-16 be done without delay. Furthermore, they requested a credit of five million Swiss
Francs to be released in order to continue the work until the end of June 1958. 34
On the thirty-ninth meeting of the KMF, the Commander of the Air Force Major
General Primault seemed to be mainly concerned about the remarkable similarity of the
One can assume if the pilots had landed immediately (after the occurrence
of certain alarm signs) one or both airplanes could have been saved, in both cases.
The flickering of warning signs was in a certain way not taken serious enough by
the pilots. However, that should not be a reproach to the pilots. It would have
been more careful, having an older and experienced flight controller on the
ground, that would have been able to think and act like a pilot. An experienced
flight controller and pilot should be on the airfield, which would have given in
case of smallest doubts the instructions to the pilots for immediate landing.
Today, we have the public angry against the company because of this accident;
however the main cause of the accident is because of the insufficient conduct of
the test flights. 36
This statement shows that technical reasons were not the only reasons for the
cancellation. On 2 June 1958, the Federal Council decided not to order the P-16. The
president of the KMF, Dr. Jakob Ackeret, submitted his resignation. Federal Councilor
Chaudet responded to the resignation, “I know that your perception of the resolution
taken by the Federal Council regarding the P-16 is incorrect and fatal. I cannot share this
view, because it carries too many technical, scientific and economic arguments.” 37
Three days later Chaudet explained to the National Council the decision of the
Federal Council:
On 21 July 1958, the Federal Council approved and opened a resolution to adjust
the damages due to KTA’s cancellation of the contract with FFA. On 10 August the EMD
decided to delegate the responsibility for future military aircraft procurement to the Chief
of General Staff. On the 21st the Federal Council took notice of the final report on the
Despite the cancellation, the FFA continued developing the P-16 at its own
expense and revised the faulty servo in such a way that it corresponded to the
construction specifications. In July 1959, the first flight of the second machine took place
with the factory serial number 04. After successful testing, the FFA entertained hopes for
further evaluation. In June 1960 Chaudet smashed these hopes. He wrote to the FFA “that
a procurement whatever the results of the new testing may be for different reasons such
for example which have resulted in the course of the planning of the reorganization of our
The positive characteristics of the P-16 did not remain hidden from the
William P. Lear in 1960. Lear ordered the development of a business aircraft with jet
propulsion. 41 The Learjet inherited different construction features like the aerodynamics
of the wings, the original interpretation of the tail unit, and the fuel system from the P-16.
Dr. Hans Studer designed and developed to a large extent the Learjet. Because of a
variety of differences between Caroni and Lear, Lear moved the construction of the
Learjet to Wichita, Kansas. The first flight of the Learjet took place in Wichita on 7
October 1963.
labeled 05 of the P-16. On 24 March 1960 the first flight of 05 took place. FFA made
different tests with maximum combat load due to interest in the P-16 by Austria, United
States, and the United Kingdom. 42 This interest led in 1966 to the resurrected debate in
the press about the P-16. In the United States a new military strategy called “Flexible
Response” had led to the increase of the conventional armed forces. 43 Dr. Harold Brown,
the director of Defense Research of the Department of Defense explained that high speed
aviation would soon belong to the past and future jets have to have the ability to fly
longer distances in a low-altitude flight profile rather than at Mach one. Future high-
for carrying nuclear weapons. Since the FFA continued developing the P-16 at its own
expense Caroni looked for customers other than European Air Forces. The history of the
downs in aircraft development can affect the parliament and the public opinion.
Dr. Hans L. Studer, 1907-1971. From October 1935 he was a coworker of
Professor Dr. J. Ackeret (the later president of the KMF) of the Institute for
Aerodynamics at the ETHZ. On October 1948, he took over the position of the Chief
engineer of FFA (successor of the Dornier Works AG).
Felix Meier, Chronik der Entwicklungsgeschichte des P-16 (Bern: Dok D KFLF,
1995), 2.
Ibid., 3.
E 27 / 18879, vol. 1, Airplane Procurement, Answer to the KTA from Major
General Rihner from 3 July 1945, Bern, Switzerland.
E 27 / 18879, vol. 3, Bases for the Development of Airplanes of the Swiss Air
Force. Interim report on the recent results of the Basic - Commission from 24 October
1946, Bern, Switzerland.
E 27 / 18879, vol. 3, Requirements of a Combat Aircraft for Switzerland. Air
Force from 20 November 1946, Bern, Switzerland.
E 27 / 18879, vol. 2, Swiss Aircraft Industry in Connection with our Airplane
Procurement. General Staff, Chief of Material Section, LTC Kuenzy, August 1947, Bern,
The N-20 Aiguillon (Sting) was ordered by the Military Department in May
1948. The F+W in Emmen began work on this ambitious, radically innovative new
fighter. The N-20 was a tailless, swept-wing airplane reminiscent of the United States
Navy's Vought F7U. A three-fifths scale demonstrator flew successfully in 1951. The
Federal Council decided due to problems with its engines, to cancel the development in
Felix Meier, Chronik der Entwicklungsgeschichte des P-16 (Bern: Dok D KFLF,
1995), 4.
Additionally, the EMD required starting and landing on very short runways.
E 5001 (F) / 1, vol. 56, Statement of the Air Force about the Combat Aircraft
Draft P-16 and Remarks Concerning the Airplane Procurement of Rihner to the Head of
the Defense Department, 28 January 1950, Bern, Switzerland.
Jane’s All the World’s Aircraft (1952-1953), 167. The magazine could not
publish any details of this aircraft
E 5560 (C) / 1975/46, vol. 276, Explanation about the Affair of the Aircraft N-
20 by the Commanding Officer of the Air Force, Major General Primault, 23 December
1953, Bern, Switzerland.
Neue Zuercher Zeitung (Zuerich), 6 July 1955.
E 5460 (A) / 6, vol. 169, The Preparation of the Manufacturing of the P-16.
Letter of the Commanding Officer of the Air Force, Major General Etienne Primault to
the KTA of 11 June 1955, Bern, Switzerland.
E 5560 (C) / 1975/46, vol. 273, Minutes of the 30th Meeting of the KMF from
12 July 1955, Bern, Switzerland.
E 5560 (C) / 1975/46, vol. 273, Minutes of the 32nd Meeting of the KMF for
military airplane procurement from 6 July 1956, Duebendorf, Switzerland.
Neue Zuercher Zeitung (Zuerich), 6 October 1956.
E 5560 (C) / 1975/46, vol. 271, Minutes of the 9. Meeting of the Ad Hoc
Commission for Questions of the Aircraft Industry from 26 February 1959, Bern,
E 5460 (A) /1967/58, vol 189, Message of the Federal Council to the Parliament
Concerning the Procurement of a Test Series of the Combat Aircraft P-16 from 23
December 1955, Bern, Switzerland.
Jane’s All the World’s Aircraft, (1956-1957), 222.
Neue Zuercher Zeitung (Zuerich), 6 October 1956.
Felix Meier, Chronik der Entwicklungsgeschichte des P-16 (Bern: Dok D
KFLF, 1995), 7.
“Swiss Vote for P.16 as 2nd-Stage Fighter,” Aviation Week, 24 March 1958, 65.
National Councilor Eggenberger on the occasion of the message and the
resolution draft from 31 January 1958.
Neue Zuercher Zeitung (Zuerich), 26 March 1958.
Willy N. Frick, “The development of military aircrafts in Switzerland: The
ground combat aircraft P-16 of FFA Altenrhein,” Cockpit, February 1958, 21-26.
Felix Meier, Chronik der Entwicklungsgeschichte des P-16 (Bern: Dok D
KFLF, 1995), 8.
E 5560 (C) / 1975/46, vol. 271, Resolution of the KMF to the EMD on Occasion
of the Meeting from 10 April 1958, Bern, Switzerland.
Major General Etienne Primault was since 1 January 1953 the Commander of
the Air Force.
E 5560 (C) / 1975/46, vol. 273, Minutes of the 39th Meeting of the KMF on 10
April 1958, Bern, Switzerland.
E 5560 (C) / 1975/46, vol. 273, Acknowledgment of Receipt by the Chief EMD
Concerning the Resignation of the KMF President Professor Ackeret from 6 June 1958.
E 5802 (-) / 1983/57, vol. 31, Explanations of the Chief EMD to the P-16
question from 5 June 1958, to the parliament, Bern, Switzerland.
Felix Meier, Chronik der Entwicklungsgeschichte des P-16 (Bern: Dok D
KFLF, 1995), 8.
E 5560 (C) / 1975/46, vol. 271, Letter Chaudet’s to the FFA of 1 June 1960,
Bern, Switzerland.
Swiss American Aviation Corporation (SAAC) with seat in St. Gallen was
dissolved in 1962 and the production was moved to the Learjet Corporation,
Wichita/Kansas, United States.
Hanspeter Strehler, Der Schweizer P-16 (Emmenbruecke: Eigenverlag, 2005),
Wirtschaftspolitik (Zuerich), 4 February 1966.
A deeper investigation is needed because the P-16 was a victim of a change in the
concept of aerial warfare. In the following chapter, the author will reflect on the “Rihner
era,” discuss the inventory of airplanes and the thoughts on the employment of the Swiss
Air Force. In the second part of the chapter the author will assess the “Primault era” in
which the transformation of Air Force Doctrine played a major role for the procurement
of the P-16. This transformation and the main ideas thereof led to the Study III. Because
of atomic weapons, the Air Forces of the 1950s worked on fundamental issues
concerning the weapons and delivery systems. The development of an atomic bomb for
tactical employments, which did not happen until the mid 1950s, made the formulation of
a new aerial warfare concept even more difficult. Therefore it is of interest to know how
LVK defined the missions for the Swiss Air Force in the years 1946-1959. This would
have been crucial for the definition of the requirements for a future combat aircraft, such
as the P-16.
In 1946, the Commander in Chief of the Swiss Army, General Henri Guisan,
determined the following in his Final Report about the active service. “We suffered under
the consequences that we were missing a real air doctrine.” 2 This statement shows that
uncertainties existed in the concepts of aerial warfare before World War 2. Nevertheless,
Only the Air Force and Anti-Aircraft Division was engaged with
protecting the neutrality. Due to the limited means on one hand and the short
approach distances of the enemy airplanes on the other hand it was not able to
keep the air space completely enemy free. 3
This statement characterizes the “Rihner era,” whose term of office lasted from
1944 to 1952. It is evident from the sources in the Swiss Federal Archives that Rihner
shaped the Swiss concept of aerial warfare. Rihner’s engagement was reflected in the
second chapter of the field manual Tactics from 1952 (TF 51). 4
question. 5 In 1946 and 1947 the LVK and the Federal Council held intensive discussions
about the future missions and purposes of the Swiss Air Force. Rihner had to fight for the
existence of the Air Force. At the Conference of Commanding Officers in 1946, the
commanding officers of the general staff requested to examine if the number of airplanes
could be reduced. 6 Rihner justified the existence of the Air Force by pointing to the
success in World War 2. Rihner argued, “The success against the Germans should be
reason enough to maintain the Air Force in the future.“ 7 Rihner was convinced with a
reduction from 200 airplanes down to one hundred the Air Force “would lose meaning as
well as combat strength.” 8 The Air Force calculated based on the existence of twenty-six
squadrons and a reduction of one hundred airplanes, that they needed a total of 500
combat aircrafts. 9 In addition Rihner explained that “the LVK called several times in
relation to the army the necessity of an existence of 500 airplanes,” and that “only the
LVK has the competence to decide a reduction.” 10 As late 1948 the LVK decided due to
Our Memorandum on the need of 500 airplanes. 11 However, as the outcome of these
discussions on financial considerations and the defense budget forced the Swiss Air Force
to rationalize on to a need for 400 airplanes. The aircraft engineers estimated the life
In 1946 Rihner formed a commission to develop “basis for the future airplanes of
the Swiss Air Force.” This commission met for the first time in September 1946. Among
the members were Rihners successor, Lieutenant Colonel Etienne Primault and Dr. Hans
Studer, the future designer of the P-16. 13 In a later meeting that took place in 1947,
Lieutenant Colonel Kuenzy, the Chief of the Material Section of the General Staff, was
also invited. This led Kuenzy to make the following statement “again this meeting left a
procurement.” 14 He wrote in his report called Future Tasks of our Air Force:
For the fulfillment of these tasks the commission required a single-seat combat
airplane with a large number of tactical requirements that Kuenzy listed as “shortest
possible roll times, large climbing and fall speeds, large combat height (15'000 m), action
radius (200-250 km), armoring of the airplane for pilot protection, elevator conditioned
cabin and the armament.” 16 Kuenzy doubted whether such an all-around solution could
be found, “whether we not generally committing the error of requiring too many different
capabilities of this airplane, due to our limited financial possibilities.” 17 Also, Kuenzy
feared “that much too much, and too high requirements are asked for in these new types
of aircrafts.” 18
Concerning the P-16, the doubt arose from these demands about the existence of
the need for product requirement specifications. In a letter of the Swiss Attaché of
Defense in Washington to the KTA stated, “That the Air Force does not set up minimum
The main reason was the rapid progress in aircraft technology. This led to new jet engines
First of all, the Air Force would have to be ready to receive the task to
show our will to defend our neutrality in the air. The task (support of ground
troops) is the primary task of our Air Force and secondly it will not always be
possible to orient the Air Force in time over attacks on our ground troops. For this
task the Air Force requires modern airplanes, which are on one hand capable for
the interference to ground combat and on the other hand to be able to a successful
aerial combat. 21
Rihner mentions in this article two missions, the defense of neutrality and close
air support. In 1951 these missions supported the field manual Tactics (TF 51). Colonel
Hugo Karnbach, later commander of the Air Force (1948-1952), explained concerning
and uselessly. For a small country the success of a fighter mission becomes very
doubtful, than the speeds of the airplanes increase. 22
For Karnbach the existence of a powerful Air Force for the Armed Forces was a
necessity and he held the opinion that “a successful employment, which is worth the
expenditure, can only be close air support.” 23 Karnbach did not support multirole aircraft.
Concerning the type of aircraft he held that “each airplane which was created for a certain
purpose, used for completely different missions, and must be transformed accordingly.” 24
Karnbach was not alone in his beliefs. Many officers of the Swiss Air Force held the
opinion that raid-type operations for the Air Force were disproportionate and would
involve heavy losses and therefore the main mission would be close air support.
Rihner’s solution was a “single-seat airplane for close air support.” 25 Interestingly
enough the doubt was not pursued, because the term “single-seat airplane for close air
If we tend to procure single-seat airplanes only, which are used in the first
ten years as interceptors as long as they have the same performance like foreign
airplanes - later however for other tasks like interference into ground combat and
reconnaissance for which a maximum performance is not necessary, then we use
our airplanes maximally. 26
This statement shows that concerning the doctrine a paradigm change began to
appear. On 26 December 1951, the Federal Council approved the field manual Tactics
- Number 148. Our Air Force must be limited to tactical co-operation with the
ground troops. Besides it must fulfill also the task of long-range
reconnaissance . . . and reconnaissance. The employment to aerial combat is
only applicable, when it serves to fulfill the major task.
- Number 149. …Our Air Force uses for the fight only light, fast and agile
airplanes, which can be used as hunters and against ground targets as well.
- Number 156. . . . Surprising occurrence and simultaneous attack of strong
forces on expanded area targets as artillery emplacements and large
assemblies of troops or on a number of homogeneous single targets.
- Number 158. Generally our jets will not look for the aerial combat.
Nevertheless it must be considered. 27
These tasks determined future airplanes of the Swiss Air Forces. Since these tasks
demanded different capabilities it is not surprising that the uncertainty increased which as
to airplane to procure.
Since the Air Force’s primary task was close air support, the Air Force demanded
a close air support aircraft. The LVK, however, determined that the neutrality protection
and raid-type operations should also have to be covered. This fact left space for further
questions may be raised to the different paragraphs. Did the Air Force have to protect the
neutrality (148)? Further, as far as the aerial combat was concerned, numbers 148
contradicted number 158. 28 As of now, one thing can be underlined that the rapid
contradictions were the reasons which finally broke the neck of the P-16.
The involved parties in the P-16 deal judged these requirements compiled by the
Basic Commission as clear. Therefore the involved commissions ordered the P-16
concerning the procurement of a future airplane and their employment. The Basic
In 1949, the P-16 was in development as a high-performance fighter; 1958
it could, because of delay, only be presented as a fighter and ground attack
aircraft. At a press conference (4 February 1958) the new Chief of the General
Staff threw himself courageously into the battle he stressed out regarding the P-16
that above all he could not repeat enough that Switzerland needs a ground combat
aircraft and not a so-called fighter. 29
The following two statements are significant to the conclusion of this chapter.
First of all, the aerial warfare conception revealed uncertainties during the evolution
period of the P-16. Secondly the War Technical Department ordered the P-16 without
actual product requirement specifications. This fact is important, because the FFA
developed an airplane without any clear requirement profile. Therefore, FFA tried to
develop an airplane in order to meet the basic requirements of 1947. The technical
the Basic Commission, whose task was to compile Basis for the Development of
Airplanes of the Swiss Air Force. 31 As a lieutenant colonel he had already worked on the
development of the doctrine under his predecessor and he had fundamental knowledge of
the air doctrine and the discussions held by the Basic Commission.
which had the mission to study “certain future problems toward an increase of the
airplane quantity of our Air Force and their reorganization.” 32 The committee produced
Studies I - III on the Enlargement of Our Air Force. These studies had fundamental
influence on the doctrine and the substantial points of the Study III and will be examined
in dept later. 33 The Hungary crisis and the perceived threat of the Soviet Union kindled
the discussions in the LVK and Air Force regarding an enlargement of the Air Force. In
December 1956, the Federal Council communicated that they would provisionally
procure forty French Mystère combat aircraft, because the P-16 would not be ready for
production until 1960. Nevertheless, the National Council rejected the Mystère and
granted a credit of twenty Million Swiss Francs for the development of the P-16.
In 1957, the LVK tasked Major General Primault to present a study on future
issues of the Swiss Air Force. Study III had a major impact to the P-16. Article 7 of TF 51
stated, “The army must be able to protect the integrity of our area and air space against
From May 1954 to 1956, the provisional instructions interpreted this doctrine in
the Employment and Conduct of Operations of the Air Force. The first mission
mentioned was neutrality protection. 35 The second and third mentioned were pure aerial
warfare and the support of the ground troops. 36 Further, the Employment and Conduct of
Operations of the Air Force stated as fourth and fifth figure reconnaissance and
transport. 37
In 1957, the regulation Employment and Conduct of Operations of the Air Force
took these provisional instructions under advisement. This regulation edited by the Air
Force was a supplementation to TF 51. The Air Force sought to “create a uniform view
about the employment of the Air Force.” 38 Compared to the Rihner era a reorientation in
the weighting of tasks took place. TF 51 stated that the support of ground troops as the
third task after neutrality protection and aerial warfare. Therefore the Air Force
conceived the P-16 as ground combat aircraft. The tasks mentioned below in Study III
of Mach 1.5 - 2 and a climbing ability up to 12,000 meters in two minutes with a ceiling
of 15,000 meters. 39 Additionally, the jet must be able to carry atomic bombs and support
For air warfare there are basically the same performance characteristics as
for neutrality protection. The same airplane can be used successfully for both
tasks. If we will eventually be equipped with nuclear weapons, these airplanes
could be used to conduct not only an active air defense but also an offensive
one. 41
Principally for the support of the ground troops two different field tasks had to be
distinguished. One task was for securing local air superiority, and the other one was close
air support. The requirements of such an aircraft were Mach 1.0, climb ability in 5
complete blind flight equipment, and armament of air-to-air rockets. 42 For close air
Due to its technical design, the P-16 was an airplane for ground attack. The P-16
was unsuitable for neutrality protection because it had no air-to-air capability. This study
weighted the tasks for future aircraft procurements. The author concludes that primarily a
fighter attack aircraft should have been evaluated, which was capable of carrying atomic
The discussions held at the LVK had a major impact on the P-16’s procurement.
Members of the LVK were the Chief of the Military Department (EMD), the Chief of the
General Staff, the Chief of Training, the commanders of the Army Corps and the
commanding officer of the Air Force. 44 The latter one had only an expert function and
therefore had no right to vote, because the Air Force was not yet an independent service.
The minutes of the meetings held in 1957-1958 show that the LVK members discussed
the issues about procurement of combat aircraft in this period in a very controversial way.
The LVK members discussed if the task of neutrality protection could be done in
the future by air defense rockets. On 22 May 1957, the request to the EMD took place in
order to strengthen the Air Force by 500 airplanes. The reason for this request was that
for neutrality protection the airplane was the only available mean at this time. 45
In November 1957, a delegation under the direction of Colonel Willi Frei traveled
to the United States, France, and Sweden to find out “which role the fighter should play
in a future war.” 46 The Swiss flew the French Mystère IV, the American F-86 D/F Sabre,
and the British Hunter Mk 6, so they could compare performance with that of the P-16.
At the same time the aim was to examine aircraft types acceptable to Switzerland. In their
reports the officers raised on this mission the problem of the changes and the
corresponding lack of clarity in doctrine and had asked the Federal Council in regard with
the associated airplane procurement “to make a decision.” 47 Primault reported about his
Air defense for the American territory exists since 1950 and special fighter
units are reserved for this task. Air patrols have to hinder non-identified airplanes
in continuing their flight. The discussions about defending the Swiss air space
showed that Switzerland would have to defend its own air space and that a co-
operation of airplanes and air defense is necessary. Switzerland cannot count on
support for air defense by other countries. Concerning replacing airplanes by
guided weapons, nobody had spoken about a substitution of airplanes. The United
States still use fighters and bombers steered by humans. 48
This report shows that this delegation tried to find a solution as far as an air
defense was concerned. Further, NATO expected that Switzerland in case of a war would
protect its own air space. The Swiss delegation learned from the United States and NATO
that air defense and sufficient fighters would be necessary for a strong defense. Chaudet
feared that this report would create unfavorable conditions for further debates in
parliament. He stated that this “report requires airplane politics in the long term and a
trailblazing guideline for all future airplane models.” 49 Primault, who was comparing the
newest aircraft types on the market with the P-16, meant that “the P-16 comes to some
extent late, is expensive, and we want airplane which is more modern. We are only in
politicians and the public, Primault supported the P-16 and underlined that this “is a good
airplane and it corresponds to our needs, although it cannot be considered very modern
The delivery of the P-16 will take to much time and is burdened with
financial conditions. The P-16 prevents us from buying foreign airplanes. If we
first buy foreign airplanes, the decision about the P-16 would be postponed, which
would mean, that we would practically do without it. 52
In November 1957, Chaudet worried about the future of the P-16 for political
reasons. Chaudet made different statements showing that he was more and more against
the P-16. Under pressure, Primault wanted the deal to be settled. Since the total of
airplanes would be under 400 airplanes, Primault formulated the following request, “I
propose to maintain the former proposal to acquire, in 1958 and 1959 one hundred
Hunter Mark 6s and order another one hundred P-16s, to deliver in the years 1959 to
1961.” 53 The Chief of the General Staff for his part wanted to procure one hundred
Hunters. He said, “We must plan to do it later without the P-16 without expressing
ourselves definitely today.” 54 The LVK decided to request to the Federal Council the
procurement of one hundred Hunters and one hundred P-16s. 55 Although the LVK
discussed changing the doctrine, they held on to buying the P-16 and retaining the
existing doctrine.
At the LVK meeting in November 1957, Chaudet said that “the Federal Council
intended to decide in short time on the fate of the P-16.” 56 Primault had a bad feeling. He
criticized that “we do not have sufficient confidence in the P-16.” 57 Primault’s bad
feeling was not astonishing, because the new LVK members were present for the first
time in this meeting. 58 Primault feared that the new LVK members could take a position
against the P-16. Indeed, the future Commander of the third Mountain Corps, Lieutenant
General Georg Züblin, engaged in his first LVK meeting. 59 He did not share the opinion
of the LVK members and sought to expand the use of the Air Force. He said at the
meeting that “everybody always speaks of ground combat, without saying what kind of
targets have to be fought. In the past five years a transformation regarding the ground
targets occurred. In the foreground stands the fight against the enemy’s nuclear
weapons.” 60 According to his opinion, airplanes would have to destroy the enemy’s
to extract themselves from the enemy’s fighters. In this regard Züblin spoke about the
Saab Draken, which he rated as a “very interesting airplane” because the Draken was
Primault pushed towards a decision. According to him, “the Draken is an air-to-
air fighter with some ground attack capabilities, the P-16 a fighter-bomber. No time is
available to examine the Draken.” 62 The Chief of the General Staff, Louis de
Montmollin, had the opinion, that the P-16 should be treated in the Federal Council
because “we have to discuss with the Federal Council whether our conception is to be
heavy ammunition” or “rapid fighters.” 63 This statement of the Chief of the General Staff
shows where the confusion derived from. Where upon Primault asked, “What do we
require of this airplane?” 64 The Chief of the General Staff believed that the P-16
corresponded to the needs of the doctrine, as long as Switzerland did not possess nuclear
The LVK criticized the P-16. The most important reasons were the ambiguity of
the doctrine and the order to purchase one hundred Hawker Hunters. Moreover, new
members of the LVK brought new opinions to the commission. Züblin demanded more
mobility and higher firepower from the armed forces. He called the corresponding
doctrine “mobile defense.” The P-16 did not support mobile defense.
On 25 March 1958 another P-16 crashed. On 28 May 1958 the LVK decided to
cancel the program. The experts of the KMF and KTA still fought in favor of the P-16
and had the opinion that closer cooperation between aircraft plants of Emmen and
Altenrhein (FFA) was necessary. Despite the accident and the related delivery delay from
six to twelve months, the KMF recommended continuing the work on the P-16. After the
representatives of the KMF and the KTA had left the meeting, the LVK members
discussed the P-16 issue. The two Lieutenant Generals Nager and Thomann held the
opinion to hold on to the P-16. Züblin advocated stopping work on the P-16. He said,
“From the beginning I was not a fan of the P-16 because this airplane did not appear
modern to me.” 65 Major General Frick, who was the future Chief of Instruction, and
Lieutenant General Gonard, the Commander of the 1st Corps, likewise held the opinion
to give up the P-16. Primault came back to the fact that for him “the P-16 is still the most
suitable airplane for interventions on the ground.” 66 The Chief of the General Staff
Lieutenant General Jakob Annasohn criticized the delivery delay status. This “reason is
enough to give up the P-16.” 67 Therefore Annasohn requested not to build the P-16 and
to manufacture if possible another airplane under license. Federal Councilor Chaudet and
other members of the LVK followed Annasohn’s opinion. As a consequence of the long
discussions about different aspects regarding the procurement of the P-16, the LVK
importance that the commander of the Air Force had a contrary view. 68
On 2 June 1958, the Federal Council cancelled the order of one hundred P-16s. 69
Since each of the seven Federal Councilors had to discuss requests of their departments,
Chaudet had to discuss the request with his fellow Councilors. Federal Councilor Markus
Feldmann’s record show that Swiss air doctrine was not discussed. 70 According to
Feldmann, the decisive points for the cancellation of the P-16 were:
The reason for the request of the Military Department (EMD) is, that after
the behavior of the management of FFA in Altenrhein the Military Department
lost all its confidence into the loyalty of its business partner. It would have been
careless to hold on an order for pure prestige reasons which the responsibility
could not be taken for our pilots anymore. 71
Federal Councilor Chaudet listed technical issues as his reason for the
cancellation of the P-16. 72 After this action by the Federal Council it is not surprising that
at parliament on 5 June 1958, Chaudet did not mention the concept of aerial warfare as
On 1 July 1958, the members of the LVK discussed the concept of aerial warfare
based on Green book I which outlined the future doctrine of the Swiss Armed Forces. 73
Since Chaudet based his support for canceling the P-16 on technical issues, he wanted to
make sure that “we have to prevent that the doubt arises that we gave up the P-16 because
of tactical reasons.” 74 This statement was a very profound. Only in this committee
Chaudet communicated the true reason for the cancellation of the P-16. Lieutenant
General Gonard, the Commander of the 1st Corps, questioned, “Whether it still would
make sense, to buy airplanes or whether we should turn to guided missiles.” 75 Züblin
held the point of view that the Swiss air doctrine had become outdated. 76 Due to these
realizations, Primault received the order to write a new study on the Swiss air doctrine
which he submitted to the LVK on 14 June 1958. Therein the Swiss Air Force explained
that the most important targets of an air defense were attacks against airplanes on the
ground, rocket missiles launching pads, radar stations, and the infrastructure for these
systems. 77 He was convicted that a defender would have to destroy hostile airborne
targets before they penetrated into the Swiss air space. The consequence for Switzerland
was that it started to consider the concept of forward air defense over the enemy’s
territory. Primault requested the procurement of a multipurpose fighter, like the Mirage
December 1958 after the rejection of the Green Book I by the Military Delegation of the
Federal Council. 78 Therein the Military Department (EMD) reported to the Federal
Council “The Transformation of the Army to the Requirements of Modern Warfare.” 79
This report treated the threat by air and the air defense. This document revealed the real
The Primault era characterized a profound change. The outcome of rapid technical
development of airplane technology led to a change in the existing doctrine. This change
was not found in any army doctrinal manual up to 1958. The P-16 became a victim. The
second crash of a P-16 acted as a catalyst for cancellation by the EMD. Moreover, with
the order of the one hundred Hawker Hunter, the EMD had already selected an airplane
In summary, big uncertainties existed regarding the aerial warfare concept which
also underlined the different missions of the Air Force abroad. Existing NATO concepts
affected the decision makers. The realization that the enemy had to be fought before he
entered the country called for a new doctrine. The fact that the Swiss Air Force had to
destroy targets which were located outside of Switzerland underlined the call for other
types of aircraft. The aircraft should have been capable of carrying nuclear weapons.
Because of its conception the P-16 could not fulfill this mission. In his cancellation
speech on 5 June 1958, Chaudet avoided mentioning Swiss air doctrine. Instead, he
indicated that the government had lost confidence in the technology of the airplane. He
never communicated the doctrinal reasons. Since the EMD’s top management seemed to
be indecisive concerning what kind of airplane that would best for the Swiss Air Force’s
The concept of the future aerial warfare was the formulated realization of the
nature and the regularities of the air war and the consequences for the planned
procurement and use of the own air war means, which can be derived from it.
Four-star generals in Switzerland are only appointed in wartime. General Henri
Guisan was the Commander in Chief of the Swiss Army during World War Two. Up to
the end of 2003 the Commander of the Swiss Army was during peacetimes a three-star
general called the Chief of the General Staff: Guisan H.: Report of General Henri Guisan
to the Parliament about the 1939-1945 active service, 1946, p. 114.
Fritz Rihner, “Do we need an Air Force?” ASMZ, January 1947, 6-12.
Swiss Army, Field Manual 51.20 d, Tactics (TF 51), The Field Manual Tactics
was a manual that was used from the company level up to division level. This manual
contained all the necessary explanations, sketches and leadership issues in order
commanders were able to take decisions for any different kind of future battles.
After Word War Two the Swiss Air Force had as inventory a total of 500
E 27 / 18879, vol. 8, Reduction of the Air Force. Letter of Rihner to the Chief of
Education from 18 November 1946, Bern, Switzerland.
Fritz Rihner, “Do we need an Air Force?” ASMZ, January 1947, 6-12.
E 27 / 18879, vol. 8, Reduction of the Air Force. Reply of Rihner to the Chief
Instruction from 18 November 1946, Bern, Switzerland.
E 27 / 18879, vol. 2, Airplane Procurement for the Air Force. Department of the
Air Force and Air Defense, without indication of the author, July 1946, Bern,
E 27 / 18879, vol. 8, Reduction of the Air Force. Letter of Major General Rihner
to the Chief of Instruction, Lieutenant General Frick, from 18 November 1946, Bern,
E 27 / 18879, Bd. 8, Datas concerning the Equipment of our Air Force with
Airplanes, Weapons and Ammunition (without night operations) of the Air Force to the
LVK from 20 June 1950, Bern, Switzerland.
E 27 / 18879, vol. 2, Airplane Procurement for the Air Force. Department for
Air Force and Air Defense, without indication of author, July 1946, Bern, Switzerland.
E 27 / 18879, vol. 8, Bases for the Development of Airplanes of the Swiss Air
Force: Interim report on the past results of the Basic - Commission. Chairman Brigadier
Magron, 24 October 1946.
E 27 / 18879, vol. 2, the Swiss Aircraft Industry in Connection with our
Airplane Procurement. General Staff, Chief Material Section, LTC Kuenzy, August 1947.
E 5460 (A) / 6, vol. 168, Letter of the Chief KTA regarding Questions for
Airplanes to the Attaché of Defense in Washington from 4 October 1955, Bern,
E 5460 (A) / 6, vol. 169, reply to Major R. Kissling from Erlenbach, Zurich, of
LTC Schäfer from 16 November 1955.
Fritz Rihner, “Do we need an Air Force?” ASMZ, January 1947, 6-12.
E 27 / 4195, Rihner about the Question of Colonel Karnbach regarding the
Airplane Procurement for our Army, 18 October 1946, Bern, Switzerland.
E 27 / 18879, vol. 2, Letter of the Chief of the Air Force to the Chief Military
Department, Federal Councilor Dr. Kobelt from 8 October 1947, Bern, Switzerland.
E 27 / 4260, Statement on the Report of Colonel Vacano about the
Reorganization of the Air Force by Rihner at Federal Councilor Kobelt, 21 July 1950, on
the occasion of the LVK meeting from 28 October 1950.
Swiss Army, Reglement 51.20.d Taktische Fuehrung 51 (Bern: EDMZ, 1951).
E 5560 (C) / 1975/46, vol. 39, studies 2 “The Enlargement of the Air Force”
from Primault 4 September 1957, Bern, Switzerland.
Neue Zuercher Zeitung (Zuerich), 22 October 1960.
Due to the Mirage affair the Federal Council decided on 7 October 1964 to fire
Primault. The Chief of the General Staff Annasohn withdrew voluntarily, so did Federal
Councilor Chaudet.
E 27 / 18879, vol. 8, Bases for the Development of Airplanes for the Swiss Air
Force: Interim Report on the past results of the Basic - Commission. Chairman Brigadier
Magron, 24 October 1946.
E 5460 (A) / 6, vol. 169, Future Challenges, Invitation for the Studying
Committee of Future Challenges of Major General Primault from 21 April 1955, Bern,
E 5460 (A) / 1967/58, vol. 188, Study III: The enlargement of the Air Force of
the studying committee for future challenges (secret) of 31 March 1957, Bern,
Swiss Army, Reglement 51.20.d Taktische Fuehrung 51 (Bern: EDMZ, 1951),
Explanations in the field manual 56.3d Employment and Conduct of Operations
of the Air Force regarding neutrality protection. It means the use of Air Force units to
destroy airplanes which violate our air space or to force them to land on our territory. If
necessary this task has to be fulfilled with use of arms.
Pure aerial warfare means warlike encroachments from the air, without enemies’
ground forces attacking our country and usually without declaration of war. Support of
the ground troops means the tasks of the Air Force in co-operation with the ground troops
are fire support, reconnaissance, transports and communications. The fire support of the
ground troop by the Air Force can be indirect or direct. The indirect support represents
the normal case and concerns actions of the Air Force against targets, which are not
located in the operations zone of the enemy ground troops. The direct support covers
actions of the Air Force against targets, which are in the operations zone
Reconnaissance may take place via eye or photo reconnaissance on the
battlefield and in the rear area of the enemy. Transport and connection are only to be used
in urgent cases and for goods to a limited extent.
Ibid., 5.
E 5460 (A) / 1967/58, vol. 188, Study III: The enlargement of the Air Force by
the studying committee of future challenges of 31 March 1957, Bern, p. 3.
Ibid., 4.
Ibid., 7.
The commanding officer of the Air Force was allowed to participate in the LVK
meetings after the Second World War. General Guisan noticed in his report of 1946 on
page 119 to the Federal Assembly about the active service of 1939-1945 “if however this
air strategy is to be pursued and to be forged to a necessary tool, then we have to be
consistent; the commander of the Air Forces has to be able to speak out his opinion: the
most elementary condition for that is, that the commander of the Air Force is a full
member of the national defense commission.”
E 9500,52 / 1984/122, vol. 10, draft of the report of the Swiss Military
Department to the Federal Council concerning the transformation of our army to the
requirements of a modern conduct of operations of 10 May 1957, discussed at the LVK
meeting of 22 May 1957, Bern, Switzerland.
E 9500,52 / 1984/122, vol. 12, minutes of the meeting of the LVK of 4/5
November 1957, Bern, 499.
Ibid., 499.
Ibid., 500.
Ibid., 510.
Ibid., 511.
Ibid., 519.
Ibid., 518.
E 9500,52 / 1984/122, vol. 12, minutes of the meeting of the LVK of 18/19
November 1957,Bern, 554.
Ibid., 556.
Until December 1957, the members of the LVK were Federal Councilor
Chaudet, the LTGs de Montmollin (Chief of the General Staff), Corbat (Chief
Instruction), Gonard (Commander of the 1st Corps), Nager (Commander of the 2nd
Corps), Frey (Commander of the 3rd Corps), Thomann (Commander of the 4th Corps)
and Primault (Commander of the Air Force). At the end of 1957 de Montmollin, Corbat
and Frey got replaced by LTG Annasohn (Chief of the General Staff), Frick (Chief
Instruction) and Züblin (Commander of the 3rd Mountain Corps). The new members
were: MG Jakob Annasohn (future Chief of the General Staff), MG Robert Frick (future
Chief Instruction) and Georg Züblin (future Commander of the 3rd Mountain Corps).
Already before 1939 Züblin demanded the need of “to the enemy equal
weapons, i.e., mechanized forces and a strong Air Force. But to conduct with our infantry
against hostile tanks an encounter battle contradicts to the reality.” Already in 1948 he
expressed himself for the Mobile Defense. He held the point of view that without superior
tank forces and without sufficient area protection by own airplanes the Mobile Defense
would not be a success. The Military Delegation of the Federal Council rejected in 1957
the described doctrine in the Green Book I of 20 July 1957. The LVK provided until
December 1958 a corrected edition called the Green Book II. The number of airplanes
had to be lowered from 500 down to 400 pieces. The issue was, if the responsibility could
be taken for a reduction of the different combat instruments in regard of the new
employment doctrine. Despite all these doubts the LVK held to its doctrine. The high
point of the conception controversy was in 1960 when the decision over the P-16 was
already taken. That is why the author will not discuss deeper in detail the context of issue
in his thesis. See Alfred Ernst, The Conception of the Swiss National Defense 1815-1966
(Frauenfeld and Stuttgart: Huber, 1971).
E 9500,52 / 1984/122, vol. 12, minutes of the meeting of the LVK of 18/19
November 1957, Bern, 557.
Ibid., 558.
Ibid., 562.
E 9500,52 / 1984/122, vol. 14, minutes of the meeting of the LVK of 28 May
1958, Bern, 190.
Ibid., 194.
Ibid., 196.
Ibid., 198.
Federal Councilor Markus Feldmann was at the time Federal Councilor when
Chaudet was Federal Councilor. Feldmann was Federal Councilor from 1951 up to 1958.
J I. 3 (-) vol. 77, recording by Federal Councilor Markus Feldmann from 2 June
1958, 17.30.
Neue Zuercher Zeitung (Zuerich), 5 June 1958.
See endnote regarding “Mobile Defense.”
E 9500,52 / 1984/122, vol. 14, minutes of the meeting of the LVK from 1 July
1958, Bern, 217.
Ibid., 203.
Ibid., 213.
E 9500,52 / 1984/122, vol. 14, study of Primault, air defense from 14 June 1958,
Bern, Switzerland.
The LVK called this report the Green Book II because it was at the time secret
and got no further title.
E 9500,52 / 1984/122, vol. 17, report of the Military Department to the Federal
Council concerning the transformation of the army to the requirements of modern warfare
from December 1958, Bern, Switzerland.
On 2 June 1958 the Federal Council decided, upon the request of the LVK, to
cancel the development of the P-16, although the Parliament had approved the
procurement of one hundred items. This decision was the final renunciation of the
capability of Switzerland to develop a combat aircraft. Therefore this chapter will contain
commissions, and the commanding officers of the Air Force. The back and forth
The Second World War pointed out serious weaknesses in Swiss procurement
practices of flight material. The efforts to purchase airplanes of newer construction from
foreign countries failed. The United States and Great Britain explained that they could
hardly manufacture sufficient airplanes for themselves and that if they had surplus they
would have to supply their allies. Germany was the only exception, delivering just before
Switzerland. 1 In June 1940, the German Air Force violated Swiss neutrality in the
northwestern part of the country. It suffered losses from being shot down by Swiss
airplanes. This is the reason why the German side did not deliver the urgently needed
reserve material to Switzerland. Therefore, the Swiss built up their aircraft industry in
great haste. After World War Two Swiss authorities discussed what type of airplane
would fit for the Air Force’s needs best. In principle, three airplane procurement
possibilities were open: (1) domestic development and building of suitable airplanes, (2)
from foreign developed airplanes built domestically (manufactured under license), and
The experiences of the Second World War led to the development and
Military Department, Major General Rihner, the commanding officer of the Air Force, is
of central importance. He wrote many statements regarding the Swiss aircraft industry.
However, from his successor, Primault, no writings could be found other than some
Three aircraft plants, the Swiss Federal Aircraft Plant (F+W) in Emmen, which
had been created in 1940, the FFA (Flug- und Fahrzeugwerke Altenrhein), and the Pilatus
Aircraft Plant in Stans, constituted this “well developed aircraft industry.” F+W was a
federal enterprise which was held as a public company of KTA. Although the war had
ended just two years earlier, these companies were already struggling against the loss of
qualified personnel.
1946 the political section of the Swiss federal military administration advised not to
German major named F. Jilg, KTA stated, “It is well-known that at the present the allied
states are suspicious and that the German specialists of military aviation are seeking a
safe heaven in Switzerland, in order to train themselves and be able to better take up their
This statement shows that due to the uncertainty in the aircraft construction sector
the workers of countries surrounding Switzerland looked for challenges abroad. Since the
neighboring aircraft industry abroad was largely destroyed, the foreign specialists were
concerned about surviving. In order to maintain the domestic workers, appropriate orders
were needed. Also, it was necessary to obtain additional know-how within the range of
research and development. In a special report about the Swiss Air Force, Rihner believed
Rihner did not hide the possibility that having a domestic aircraft industry could
become expensive for the Confederation. It is understandable why Rihner desired to have
production of tailor-made aircraft to Swiss conditions. Rihner noticed that foreign aircraft
development abroad did not cope with Swiss interests. Above all, he focused his attention
on the limited length of the runways, tightness of the mountain valleys, and dangerous
situation in the Second World War, he believed that licenses for airplanes of newer
construction were not released. He took the Vampire DH-100 Mk 1 as example which
was produced under license in 1949. “How long production under license is possible is
difficult to foresee. In my judgment the main reason for this readiness, is to a large
From his point of view there were few reasons against a Swiss domestic aircraft
industry. For Rihner, the most serious cause of impediment was “that a domestic
production will always be very expensive. This could not be avoided, because in
Switzerland small series can be only built.” 6 In a letter from Rihner to Kuenzy on 29
The Chief of the KTA Brigadier Rene von Wattenwyl stressed at the LVK
meeting of 6 March 1947 that “we cannot change our opinion every year.” 8 He was
convinced that a definite decision had to be made. 9 He agreed “with the report of the
Chief of the Air Force, in all regards, on the question of the development and the
“The question for the Federation is in each case, whether the expenditures stand in
correct relations to the expected achievements.” 11 Therefore the procurement and the
development of an airplane were not allowed to cost an unlimited sum. His opinion
regarding the skilled worker question was “if, however, the principle of producing
airplanes in Switzerland has to be given up, then the consequences of the loss of
specialized skills in the aircraft industry are probably also of a quite long-range impact
for the Air Force.” 12 These long-term consequences were also well known to the KMF.
This is why the KMF requested “co-operation between the F+W and the FFA and to
move parts of the production of the P-16 to Emmen.” 13 The attitude of the KTA was the
positive about the P-16. Professor Dr. Jakob Ackeret's sympathy to the P-16 was
strengthened by his friendly relationship with its technical designer Dr. Hans Studer, with
whom he had built the world’s first supersonic wind tunnel at the Swiss Federal Institute
In 1946, the LVK stressed that the development of jets was the top priority.
Subsequently, the F+W received the order to draft a military jet. The FFA received a pre-
order for the project engineering of the fuselage. KTA gave Sulzer a preorder for a jet
engine design. In 1947, the LVK again, discussed the development of a Swiss jet and
believed that the financial means were only available for the further pursuit of a single
project, even though more than one would be desired. Since the government could not
afford two projects at the same time, it gave up the N-20 project because of financial
reasons in 1953. 15
The Military Department (EMD) underlined its interest in the preservation of the
domestic aircraft industry, as in its message to the Parliament of August 1957 stating that
the aircraft industry could not survive on maintenance and repair orders of the Air Force
only. The different commissions did not thoroughly discuss the possible impact of
November 1957, Primault put forth that domestic built airplane improvements could be
made more easily than by manufacturing under license. He stressed that in each case the
licensers must be consulted. 16 He held the opinion that if the government canceled the P-
16, it would destroy the Swiss aviation industry. In turn, the Swiss would have to buy
newer jets, which were more expensive. The Chief of the KTA, Rene von Wattenwyl,
said, “We have to realize that a license production would not save the Swiss aircraft
industry.” 17 After the second P-16 crashed, Wattenwyl supported the request of the KMF
that cooperation between the F+W and the FFA should be intensified. 18 The P-16 got
cancelled, even though the assumption was that this decision would have extensive
The divergences in attitude between the two Military Department heads Kobelt
and Chaudet have been pointed out. In particular, Kobelt, who was the Department head
from 1941 to 1954, was more concerned and gathered information from Rihner on issues
regarding the Swiss aircraft industry. In October 1949, the Federal Council affirmed the
absolute necessity for a domestic aircraft industry. Kobelt personally attended, whenever
possible, the meetings of the KMF and the KTA. 19 His successor Federal Councilor Paul
this matter is evident in the creation of an “ad hoc commission for questions regarding
the aircraft industry (KFI)” in 1958. This commission studied the “economic
license, and the complete cancellation of aircraft construction.” 21 By the time this
commission delivered its report, the Federal Council had already announced the decision
Giving up local development means cancellation of the optimum
adjustment of combat aircraft to our special needs and the loss of experiences and
deeper insights into a particularly progressive field of technology, which is
militarily and, in the long term also, economically unfavorable.
By the P-16 not only the self-development was hurt, but even the license
production was strongly made more difficult, if not; for a longer period,
impossible. Today, most of the destroyed bases for the self-development have to
be rebuilt by giving orders. 22
These realizations were not new. Rihner already held this position for ten years.
After the cancellation of the P-16, Chaudet came under pressure. In December 1958 the
FFA inquired, that “concrete measures and temporary solutions were not met, in order to
retain the specialists in the manufacturing department.” 23 One week later Chaudet wrote
back, that he was “not able to request such credits only for the purpose of holding out
their manufacturing department.” 24 On the copy to the Chief of the General Staff there
was the handwritten note, “We have to come to a final decision.” 25 Additionally, the
Chief of the General Staff, Lieutenant General Louis de Montmollin got the mission to
examine an increased purchase of spare parts for Vampires and Venoms. To summarize,
Chaudet was not conscious of the consequences of the cancellation. The cancellation of
The point of view of the Chief of Education, Lieutenant General Hans Frick, was
Indeed, the question of how to finance such a project was a large political issue.
Therefore it is very surprising that the Federal Council stopped the work on the N-20
project in January 1953. The KTA estimated the costs of one hundred P-16 at 228 million
CHF and of one hundred N-20s at 340 million CHF. 27 Because of financial reasons, the
“it is undeniable that we need to have the ability to produce aircraft in Switzerland.” 28 He
possibility of the success or failure of the N-20 project fundamental for the ability for the
Swiss to develop jet aircraft in the future. The Chief of the Material Division of the
General Staff, Lieutenant Colonel Fred Kuenzy, took a clear position in his note called
considered that “it had been extremely difficult to interest the industry in an airplane
development.” 30 The industry generally required large financial securities and took
development orders only with the promise of later orders. After long negotiations only
the FFA and the Sulzer AG took preorders. Since the Military Department owned the
F+W aircraft plant in Emmen, the situation was different. As a national public utility,
F+W had the largest interest in such development orders because its existence depended
upon it. This is why, from the economic point of view, Kuenzy held the opinion that
certain conditions on the feasibility should be attached “on one hand financial
independence without national subsidization and on the other hand the possibility of
export.” 31 Kuenzy, convinced that the possibilities for the development of a Swiss
aircraft industry, purely from a technical point of view, was doubtful, especially without
large national support. 32 Regarding the political situation in Europe, Kuenzy asked
equipping the Swiss Army with modern war material.” 33 Kuenzy found Swiss
development “as unprofitable” and “financially not feasible” because the 30 million CHF
annual budget of the Air Force was not sufficient “to keep 300 airplanes in existence.” 34
companies raised important questions. For him the development of the Swiss aircraft
industry was of strategic consequence, “That neither the armed forces (LVK, General
Staff, Air Force or KTA) nor the KMF are able to make the final decision.” 35 For this
Consequently, it would be possible to discuss such important questions among the Armed
Different commissions held the opinion, in procurement politics, that the Swiss
foreign countries. Nobody knew exact extent of the required financial expenditures. The
belief that the aircraft industry needed sufficient continuity in placed orders to prosper
did not exist in Switzerland as compared to Sweden. The back and forth course resulted
from the strong political commitment of the most diverse economic, military, and
regional groups of interests. The Swiss did not have a clear long-term concept in aircraft
development. The Swiss did not prepare the necessary financial means, and at the
occurrence of these setbacks they made too hasty resolutions. The NZZ tried to explain
the setbacks:
At that time only a few knew that such incidents and risks must be taken
with the development of such a high-performance aircraft. Incidents and risks are
considered more hurtful in Switzerland than abroad, because they are connected
with considerable delays of development. In consideration of the limited financial
means, only two prototypes were ordered, where today in England ten and in the
United States twenty machines are ordered. 36
in material and the time issues. In the case of the N-20 and the P-16, the manufacturers
and the concerned commissions did not promote an understanding to political authorities
development potential of the three enterprises in Emmen, Altenrhein, and Stans did not
support a breakthrough for the Swiss aircraft industry. Kurz pointed to an important
aspect of the whole problem in a note to Chaudet, “The opinion is wrong if we think that
we can buy, in times of increased danger of war from abroad, modern airplanes or
emergency.” 37
Hanspeter Strehler, Der Schweizer P-16 (Emmenbruecke: Eigenverlag, 2005),
E 27 / 18879, vol. 2, letter of Rihner to Federal Councilor Kobelt with the title
Air Force from 8 October 1947, Bern, Switzerland.
E 27 / 18879, vol. 2, dossier retired Major F. Jilg, answer of the Chief of KTA R.
v. Wattenwyl to the EMD from 3 September 1945, Bern, Switzerland.
E 27 / 18879, vol. 6, special report about the Air Force, Rihner, from 25 April
1946, Bern, Switzerland.
E 27 / 18879, vol. 2, letter Rihners to Federal Councilor Kobelt concerning
airplane procurement from 8 October 1947, Bern, Switzerland.
Ibid., 4.
E 5460 (A) / 1, vol. 127, letter concerning production of airplane to Colonel GS
Kuenzy, Chief of the material division of the General Staff, 29 September 1950, Bern,
E 27 (-) / vol. 4204, the question of the own aircraft industry. Paper of the Chief
KTA, Colonel Brigadier von Wattenwyl, at the meeting of the National Defense
Commission of 6 March 1947 in Bern, Switzerland.
E 5001 (F) / 1, vol. 56, self-development and production of war airplanes in
Switzerland. Statement of Wattenwyl to the Exposé Rihners of 23. May 1950, Bern,
J I. 203 (-) / vol. 5, paper of the Chief KTA on the occasion of the day of the
Swiss aircraft industry in Lausanne, Comptoir Suisse from 21 September 1955.
E 5460 (A) /6, vol. 178, letter regarding airplane questions to the department for
aviation and air defense in Bern, C KTA R. v. Wattenwyl, 1 September 1955, Bern,
E 9500,52 / 1984/122, vol. 14, minutes of the LVK meeting of 28 May 1958,
Bern, Switzerland, 180.
Dr. Hans L. Studer, 1907-1971. From October 1935 he was a coworker of
Professor Dr. J. Ackeret (the later president of the KMF) of the Institute for aerodynamics
at the ETHZ. On October 1948, he took over the position of the Chief engineer of FFA
(successor of the Dornier Works AG).
The N-20 Aiguillon (Sting) was ordered by the Military Department in May
1948. The F+W in Emmen began work on this ambitious, radically innovative new
fighter. The N-20 was a tailless, swept-wing airplane reminiscent of the United States
Navy's Vought F7U. A three-fifths scale demonstrator flew successfully in 1951. The
Federal Council decided due to problems with its engines, to cancel the development in
E 9500.52 / 1984/122, vol. 12, minutes of the meeting of the LVK of 4. /5.
November 1957, Bern, Switzerland, 508.
Ibid., 514.
E 9500.52 / 1984/122, vol. 14, minutes of the meeting of the LVK of 28 May
1958, Bern, Switzerland, 180.
Kobelt had as a former Chief of staff of a Corps and as an engineer military and
civilian knowledge.
E 5560 (C) / 1975/46, vol. 271, minutes of the 9. ad hoc meeting of the KFI of
20 March 1959 in Bern, Switzerland.
E 5560 (C) / 1975/46, vol. 271, mandate inquiry of Chaudets to Dr. Hans
Mötteli, professor at the Commercial College St. Gallen for the commission for questions
of the aircraft industry of 6 March 1958, Bern, Switzerland.
E 5560 (C) / 1975/46, vol. 271, report of the ad hoc KFI to the Chief of the
Military Department of 12 September 1958.
E 5560 (C) / 1975/46, vol. 271, letter of the FFA to the Military Department
regarding holding out of our aircraft factory from 12 December 1958, Altenrhein,
E 5560 (C) / 1975/46, vol. 271, Letter of Chaudet to the FFA over holding out
their aircraft factory from 19 December 1958, Bern, Switzerland.
Ibid., 1. Chaudet wrote probably this remark in German, because the Chief of
the General Staff was Swiss-German.
E 5460 (A) / 1, vol. 127, Self-development and production of war airplanes in
Switzerland, letter to the Chief EMD of Frick from 19 June 1950, Bern, Switzerland.
E 5560 (C) / 1975/46, vol. 276, information in the affair of the aircraft type N-
20 by the commander of the Air Force, Major General Rihner, 23 December 1953, Bern,
E 5460 (A) / 1, vol. 127, Answer of the Chief of the General Staff regarding the
question of the development and the production of war airplanes in Switzerland to the
EMD from 15 June 1950, Bern, Switzerland.
E 27 / 18879, vol. 2, The Swiss aircraft industry in connection with our airplane
procurement. General Staff, Chief of Material Section, Lieutenant Colonel Kuenzy,
August 1947, Bern, Switzerland.
Ibid., 3.
Chapter 3 focuses on the military point of view, Ibid., 4.
Ibid., 9.
Ibid., 5.
Ibid., 8.
E 27 (-) / vol. 4204, The question of an own aircraft industry. Presentation of the
Chief KTA, Brigadier von Wattenwyl, at the meeting of the National Defense
Commission of 6 March 1947 in Bern, Switzerland.
Neue Zuercher Zeitung (Zuerich), 6 October 1956.
J I.203 (-) vol. 849, Note to Federal Councilor Chaudet to the question of the
development of the aircraft construction in Switzerland of Kurz, 3 February 1956, Bern,
Federal Councilor Chaudet explained to his fellow councilors that “after the
behavior of FFA’s management, the Military Department did not trust the loyalty of its
business partner.” 1 Why did the Military Department lose its trust in FFA? 2 Could the
work ethics of FFA have an influence on the cancellation? Was the composition of the
Commission for Military Aircraft Procurement (KMF) another reason for the
Historical Background
Aircraft Works Corporation), Germany. After World War One, as a former aircraft
builder, Dornier was prohibited from building military aircraft and related machinery due
to the terms of the Treaty of Versailles. This Treaty allowed German companies to build
civilian aircraft only. In order to circumvent the impositions Dornier sought and founded
entered the Dornier plan and Claude Dornier and Caroni became friends. Caroni was
After World War Two had broken out in 1939, the Dornier Company increasingly
carried out licensed productions for the Swiss Air Force at Altenrhein. The factory was
In 1946, Dornier began to look around for new industrial endeavors. Caroni
noticed that many Swiss regions required large public transportation vehicles, such as
trolley buses and tram cars. Dornier realized his firm could be used to manufacture rail
cars within the Swiss Federal Railroad system. In 1948, Dornier sold his company (FFA
Altenrhein) to Caroni. The transition to a purely Swiss enterprise, by changing the name
to FFA, Flug- und Fahrzeugwerke AG, located at the Altenrhein facility was
accomplished by the end of 1948. Caroni began to build up the firm into a commercial
success. The Swiss Air Force demanded a plane capable of high transonic speeds, short
takeoff and landing capability from high altitude fields, good maneuverability, and a
rapid climb rate when loaded for combat. That is why the company gained fame for new
inventions for the P-16 like the novel wing style pod and the Krueger landing flaps.
FFA’s developed wing was also of very simple and inexpensive construction, combining
an innovative and efficient layout of very few ribs, multiple spars, and a thick skin.
In 1958, the Swiss Federation brought a halt to FFA's aircraft production, so the
facility began producing railroad trains, buses, aerial tram cabs, military technical
products, and communication equipment. In the spring of 1959 FFA founded AFA
development of the P-16 on its own as a way to manufacture, sell, test, repair and
maintain the P-16. AFA took over from FFA the aircraft including those in process of
construction. In the light of the accident investigation, the AFA slightly modified the P-
16 Mk. III for production. 3 Later, in the 1965 to 1968 issues, Jane’s All the World’s
Aircraft reported that AFA still had the P-16 available for export. The AFA changed the
P-16 name, because of different engine versions, to FFA AA-7/AJ-7/AR-7. Jane’s All the
World’s Aircraft explained that the reason for the development of more powerful versions
of the P-16 was “to follow the Mirage fighter production in Switzerland.” AFA had two
prototypes of the P-16 Mk III available for modification as test and demonstration
In 1960, Mr. William P. Lear Sr., former Chairman of Lear, Inc., of America,
learned about FFA’s capabilities and formed the Swiss American Aircraft Corporation
the SAAC-23. Lear Sr. expected lower production costs than in the United States and the
use of the engineering leadership of Dr. Hans Studer to design the SAAC-23. Designed
under the direction of Studer, he copied the same podlike wing for his own small
business-class jet aircraft development. The aim was to manufacture the first twenty-five
SAAC-23 in Europe, with manufacture of the rear fuselage, tail surfaces, and engine
nacelles by Heinkel in Germany and to produce the forward fuselage and wings by AFA,
who was also responsible for final assembly. SAAC manufactured most of the tooling for
production of the SAAC-23 in Europe. In 1962, Lear Sr. transferred all production to a
new plant in Wichita, Kansas, United States, and he changed the company’s name to Lear
Aircraft, Inc. 4
This shows that FFA had a long tradition in building aircraft. Dornier was very
famous for his aircraft built for the German Luftwaffe during World War 2. Caroni could
build on this foundation. FFA was at the time a financially solid entity which had all
means available to develop the P-16. FFA’s continuation to develop the P-16 on its own
Cooperation between the Swiss Government and FFA
and trust were of vital importance in a project like the P-16. Relations were important
between FFA and the Swiss Government, mainly the EMD and its different commissions.
In the P-16 deal between the Swiss Government and the FFA, the sources reveal that the
War Technical Department (KTA) was not entirely content with the cooperation with
FFA. In 1954 KTA judged that “the longer the development lasts the more it costs, and
FFA gets more profit.” 5 The KMF requested from the KTA to try “to agree on more
favorable conditions for the continuation on the P-16 project and to reach this goal by
negotiations or by cancellation of the contract.” 6 The KTA could manage to change some
of the financial regulations without cancelling the contract. Two years later the Chief of
KTA, Brigadier General Rene von Wattenwyl, was “moved with regret” because he
believed that:
Unfortunately it is the case, that FFA and its boss, Dr. Caroni, have a way
of doing business which cannot be accepted. The company does not take serious
their time-limit obligations. Since 1954, we have been waiting for a delivery of a
plant to the development contract, which was signed in fall 1952. All
interventions were without success. Caroni threatened to lose interest in the work
of the P-16, if he does not get the order of the unrestricted assembly of all
airplanes. This demand stands in the clear contrast to the signed contract. 7
Von Wattenwyl wrote “to request to stop the work on the P-16 until the company
decides to a correct behavior against the order placing authority.” 8 The FFA felt very safe
in its situation. KTA questioned the trustworthiness of the company years before the
cancellation. The EMD noticed that the FFA did not hold to the agreed dates. In
particular, the sources highlight that Caroni was an unpleasant business partner, which
the different business parties involved underlined. 9 This fact supports Chaudet’s
explanation, that the EMD lost its confidence in FFA because of Caroni’s management.
On the occasion of the ninth meeting of the ad hoc Commission for Questions of
the Aircraft Industry, the former president of the KMF, Professor Dr. Jakob Ackeret, took
a position about the experiences of KMF. He said about the cooperation with FFA:
The relationship to Dr. Caroni was not always easy. He is lawyer and of
Swiss Italian provenance, which seems to be an unfortunate combination. The
confidence in FFA was questionable. The KTA’s attempt was to save the P-16
project by common interests of the different airplane plants Pilatus Stans – Sulzer
– FFA and F+W Emmen but unfortunately without success. The FFA exceeded
dates. However, most of the time the reasons for the delays were additional troop
desires. The production dates were honest and feasible. 10
These statements of the KTA members confirm that working with Caroni was
unpleasant. Also Major General Etienne Primault, the Commander of the Air Force, had
reservations regarding Caroni. At the tenth meeting of the KFI it was his opinion that
“Caroni as a director of the FFA was a principal mistake of the P-16.” 11 These different
points of view show why the Department Head of the Military Department, Federal
Councilor Chaudet, explained that “after the behavior of the management of the FFA in
Altenrhein the Military Department did not trust the loyalty of its business partner.” 12
Generally, Chaudet’s statements, the sources of KTA and KMF blamed FFA for the
delays. Ackerets opinion was different “however, most of the time the reasons for the
delays were modifications requested by the customer” and these modifications created
delays in the P-16's progress. This was the first time that somebody confessed that it was
not only FFA's fault. Ackeret worked on a daily basis with FFA. Therefore Chaudet did
not entirely speak the truth at his cancellation speech of 5 June 1958 by blaming only
The Commission for Military Aircraft Procurement (KMF)
Procurement (KMF). The KMF was at the disposal to the Chief EMD as advisor for
important decisions on airplane procurement. 13 Because the KMF had many members
with diverse backgrounds, cooperation with the EMD and the General Staff became more
and more difficult. As a result, the military players reduced the KMF in its activity.
Ackeret confirmed that the KMF tried to prevent a discussion of the concept. The KMF
agreed with the opinion of the LVK that the Air Force would have to support the
Infantry. After the cancellation of the KMF by the Federal Council, Ackeret withdrew
Administration Institute of the ETHZ, at the occasion of his investigation report about the
Unfortunately, under the presidency of Prof. Dr. H.C. J. Ackeret, the KMF
was cancelled during this important period (during the military evaluation period).
The KMF was the only commission, which consisted of first class authorities
outside of the Military Department. 14
After the KMF’s cancellation the Military Department founded the Arbeitsgruppe
industry and science did not have access to this committee. The committee consisted of
three members of the Military Department, who reported directly to the Chief of the
General Staff. This allowed the Chief of the General Staff to keep the new created
working group on a shorter leash. Since the AGF was composed of EMD members,
civilian specialists could not bring in their opinions. The Swiss aircraft industry,
especially, could not contribute on future military aircraft. The change from KMF to
AGF led to the decoupling of military and civilian agreement regarding aircraft
In 1960, Mr. William Lear Sr. established the Swiss American Aircraft Company
(SAAC) in Switzerland and consulted with Dr. Hans Studer, chief designer at FFA, the
Swiss company building the P-16 fighter. Problems with suppliers and production tooling
motivated Lear Sr. to move the company to the United States in 1962. Most of the SAAC
contractors were employees of FFA and worked on the SAAC-23 project. This move to
Wichita led to the question of how the work ethics of the employees of FFA were at the
time. Lear Sr. had first set up shop at Altenrhein, beside FFA, in 1960. FFA’s aircraft
plant was available, and labor and talent could be had for less than in the United States.
Lear Sr. contracted various companies to produce the Learjet. FFA would do the tooling
in Altenrhein as well as make the wings and wing tanks; Heinkel of Germany, the
fuselage and tail; Thommen of Switzerland, the hydraulic items and undercarriage; and
Saurer of Switzerland, the auxiliary power turbines. Alcoa would supply the brakes and
Lear, Inc., the navigation instruments. FFA would assemble the prototype in Altenrhein
and build the first few airplanes. 15 Mutual antagonism quickly flared as the hard-driving
Lear came up against the leisurely ways of the Swiss engineers, whose notion of
energetic performance at the drafting board was to make a line, then sit and read while
the ink dried. 16 Also, in Switzerland seemed to be more holidays than workdays. 17 With
Americans, British, French, and Swiss working side by side, with subcontracting of
factories in Germany and Switzerland, with cultural differences and diverse work styles,
with language problems and unfamiliar customs, SAAC was up to its blueprints in
confusion. 18 Donald J. Grommesh, Lear’s chief engineer, spent three months in
Switzerland, explaining that he was responsible in Switzerland to find out what they had
done and to gather all the reports of the P-16 wings in order to build the Learjet. The idea
was to use the wing construction from FFA, the wing data and the wing aerodynamics.
For Grommesh’s perspective the FFA did a great job developing the P-16. He rated Dr.
Hans Studer as a very intelligent person. Grommesh confirmed to the author that the
engineers were not very efficient on the drafting board, but they did beautiful work. 19 In
addition he mentioned that every time he went into the drawing room that the engineers
would cover what they were drawing. 20 By doing so, it was very difficult for him to
gather the necessary data in order to work on the jet’s wings. After a month he knew the
workers were not cooperative and that the Learjet could never be built in Switzerland.
Moreover, Lear Sr. and Caroni had never signed a contract because neither had
trusted the other. Grommesh argued Caroni and Lear Sr. disagreed with each other, and
Grommesh underlined that nothing was positive in the way that SAAC and FFA were
working together. 21 When Lear Sr. moved the company to Wichita he screamed, “Hire
ten of the best attorneys in Europe and sue the son of a bitch for every hour, every week,
and every month of delay.” 22 A deal was finally struck. Lear Sr. gave Caroni 50,000 USD
as a final settlement together with an agreement to give honorable mention to FFA and
the P-16 as the model from which the Learjet at least partially evolved. 23 Lear Jr. doubts
that the clever Caroni got hit to badly in his pocketbook, because the Swiss Government
had largely financed the P-16 development. It was Caroni’s pride that was damaged when
The experiences of Lear Sr. show that the assessment of the Swiss Government
was not wrong. At SAAC, the Americans experienced the same delays and discussions
with Caroni.
In summary the cooperation between the FFA and EMD was due to Caroni not
being easy. In 1954, EMD threatened to cancel the contract. This proves that the loss of
confidence and the cancellation was not so surprising for the FFA. Further it was not only
FFA’s fault for the delivery delays. EMD requested many changes during the project
the aircraft procurement was very positive. In 1947, in order to treat complex armament
science, finance, and economics. In 1958, the General Staff dissolved the KMF and
founded the AGF. This action laid the cornerstone for the Mirage debacle.
As discussed in chapter 2, the N-20, which the aircraft plant F+W developed, got
cancelled. F+W was located in the Canton Lucerne, which is in the central part of
Switzerland. Because the N-20 got cancelled the central Cantons fought the P-16 project,
because FFA resided in the Canton of St. Gallen in the eastern part of Switzerland. This
fight took place because of prestige and occupational reasons. The realization of a project
of this order would have created many new jobs. The Cantons would have profited by
collecting more taxes. This is why the central Swiss politicians fought the P-16 in the
parliament. Caroni held, until April 1958, to the opinion that the P-16 had to be produced
in Altenrhein only. One month later when Caroni realized that the Swiss Government
might cancel the P-16, he was ready to cooperate with the aircraft plant F+W in Emmen.
The fact that it did not cooperate earlier with both enterprises facilitated the cancellation
of the P-16.
If Caroni had agreed on this issue, Chaudet had granted this goodwill. This is why
Chaudet explained to his fellow Councilors that “after the behavior of FFA’s
management the Military Department did not trust in the loyalty of its business
partner.” 24 Moreover, if the FFA changed its work ethics it would have been capable of
completing the P-16 in a shorter time. This action would have shown some will to
cooperate. Since the Swiss Government did not see any goodwill from FFA and had to
accept more than one delay, it is understandable that patience was lost. The Federal
J I. 3 (-) vol. 77, recording by Federal Councilor Feldmann from 2 June 1958,
E 9500,52 / 1984/122, vol. 14, minutes of the meeting of the LVK from 1 July
1958, Bern, 217.
Jane’s All the World’s Aircraft, (1959-1960), 236.
Jane’s All the World’s Aircraft, (1962-1963), 113.
E 5560 (C) / 1975/46, vol. 274, Proposition of the chief KTA to EMD to change
the contract with FFA from 26 November 1954, Bern, Switzerland.
Ibid., 1.
E 5460 (A) / 6, vol. 169, The airplane P-16. Letter of the chief KTA to EMD
from 23 November 1956, Bern, Switzerland.
Ibid., 2.
E 5560 (C) / 1975/46, vol. 271, minutes of the 9th meeting of the KFI from 6
February 1959. Bern, Switzerland.
J I. 3 (-) vol. 77, recording by Federal Councilor Feldmann from 2 June 1958,
The commission had as member from the military side the Commander of the
Air Force and Air Defense, the Director of Military Airfields, the Chief KTA, the
Director of F+W and a representative of the civil aviation, the private aircraft industry
and of the science.
EMDDOK no. 187/1086, Commission of three in order to investigate the
Mirage procurement. Report of 10 February 1965, Zurich and Olten.
Richard Richard, Stormy Genius (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1985),
Victor Boesen, They Said It Couldn’t Be Done (New York: Doubleday and
Company, Inc., 1971), 44.
Ibid., 44.
Richard Rashke, Stormy Genius (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1985),
Donald J. Grommesh of Wichita, interview by author, 26 June 2006, Wichita,
tape recording, home of Grommesh, Wichita.
William P. Lear Jr., Fly Fast…Sin Boldly. Flying, Spying & Surviving (Lenexa,
KS: Addax Publishing Group, Inc., 2000), 235.
Ibid., 385.
J I. 3 (-) vol. 77, recording by Federal Councilor Feldmann from 2 June 1958,
E 9500,52 / 1984/122, vol. 14, minutes of the meeting of the LVK from 1 July
1958, Bern, Switzerland, 217.
Lear’s oldest son, Bill Jr., who had been running Lear, Inc., sales and service
operations in Switzerland became a fan of the P-16. 1 Bill Jr. knew that the P-16 was a
sturdy aircraft and had a wing design very close to what his father wanted for his own
business jet. Caroni asked Bill Jr., whom he respected as a discerning pilot, to test-fly the
P-16. 2 “Somehow they [Caroni and Studer] struck upon the idea of having an American
pilot fly and evaluate their little beauty.” 3 So, Lear decided to fly the P-16 in March
1960. Lear reported with excitement about his P-16 experience, and he was very
Once I had throttled up to takeoff power I released the brakes. It was like
being shot out of a cannon. I rapidly accelerated to 190 kilometers per hour –
about 120 mph. What a delight to fly this superb aircraft. Well I’d blown the pro’s
at FFA out of the tub and I was feeling pretty damned proud of myself being able
to fly this marvelous piece of Swiss craftsmanship by the numbers the first time at
bat. 4
This first report must have been encouraging for the disappointed engineers and
employees of FFA, because these test flights proved that there was noting wrong with the
On subsequent flights I had the time of my life because the P-16 was such
a joy to fly. I marveled at how Dr. Studer, a non-pilot, could have possibly
contrived the astonishing control harmony this aircraft possessed. Having flown a
number of jet fighters, while in the Air Force on active duty, in the Air National
Guard, and USAF Reserve, I can unequivocally state that the P-16 was the finest,
strongest, safest and best performing jet fighter, in its class, that I have ever been
privileged to pilot. 5
one of five separate occasions he had the airplane at supersonic speed (Mach 1.05) in a
dive from 40,000 feet. The aircraft was equipped with a recording system to measure all
flight parameters and they later determined that Lear had pulled 8.5 Gs at 750 miles per
hour indicated airspeed, far in excess of the aircraft design limits. Lear proved the
airplane to be, without doubt, near of indestructible. After Lear had flown five successful
test flights he came to the conclusion that there was nothing wrong with the airplane and
summarized that the Swiss Government cancelled the P-16 “due to the mentally-
Concerning the two accidents with the P-16, “Caroni explained that these
happened because of pilot error.” 7 Additionally Lear learned that FFA had been using
Swiss military pilots in their flight test program and that none of them had more than
1,000 hours total flying time are only limited jet fighter experience. He realized that the
two accidents demanded further exploration. Lear became convinced that pilot
experience and not the P-16 was the culprit. 8 This assessment offended the two test pilots
Hans Haefliger and Jean Brunner in such a manner that Lear decided to apologize for the
statements he made. 9 He wrote a letter of apology to these pilots and in addition to this
formulated an apology in April 2006 on his self-produced digital video disc (DVD) about
the P-16. 10
In July 2006 the author interviewed Lear in Daytona Beach. 11 The author wanted
to know if Lear had any information about the United States Air Force’s interest in the P-
16. He did not. Regardless, Lear, as a contractor of the CIA in Switzerland, did not
inform the United States Air Force or other American companies about the existence of
the P-16. 12 Nevertheless some of the Swiss know-how and some features of the P-16
found its way to the United States. Lear wrote in his autobiography:
Many good things unfolded from the FFA experience. It is a common
misconception, however, that the Learjet was a derivative of the P-16. This is
patently false. We did have a very high regard for Dr. Studer’s innovative designs,
especially in high-strength wing construction. The P-16 utilized a multi-spar (8)
fail-safe box-type wing design that we adapted to the Learjet wing. The P-16 wing
airfoil was superb, and we did use a modified version of this as well. The fuselage
and tail, however, were totally different, the P-16 having a cruciform tail while
the Learjet had a “T” tail. That’s about the extent of similarity. The Learjet was a
totally new design using a few of the best features of the P-16. I was thrilled that I
had been able to fly and evaluate the P-16, and proud that I was able to draw my
father’s attention to this outstanding Swiss aircraft, my contribution to what was
to become the world’s most famous business jet. 13
After his father had built all these components into the Learjet 23, the first
prototype made its first flight on 7 October 1963, from Wichita’s Mid-Continent Airport,
During the author’s further research into the United States’ interest on the P-16,
he found the following article in the journal Politik und Wirtschaftspolitik (Politics and
In the opinion of the Americans, the Swiss jet P-16 met all United States
requirements. An American Air Force general expressed in the Pentagon that in
the United States a sample series of approximately 30 jets is already produced,
later thousands of these machines will follow. The American P-16 carries the
Name AJ-7 and will be particularly used by the Navy for the employment from
aircraft carriers. According to NATO the AJ-7 is presently the best existing
ground combat aircraft. 14
This statement leads to questions if a United States company ever produced the
AJ-7. In January 1965, General Electric on paper built the engine of the F-104G Super
Starfighter into the P-16 fuselage. Simultaneously, the FFA changed the name of the
plane to the AJ-7. FFA intended the aircraft for direct air support for ground forces. The
price of the plane was calculated at 4.5 million Swiss Francs. 15 General Electric
calculated very positive capabilities of the plane and the protocols reported:
- high armament capacity
- high stability in all flight conditions throughout the speed and altitude
- sophisticated aerodynamic construction
- easy maintenance
- high reliability
- excellent flight stability in all different situations
- excellent gun platform: mean hit 60% average and 80%+ maximum 16
In March 1965, a meeting was held in the Pentagon about the AJ-7 which existed
at the time on paper. The AJ-7 was, as already mentioned, equipped with a General
Electric engine, and was an evolution of the P-16 Mk III. 17 FFA’s P-16 Mk III was
virtually unchanged, with modifications limited mainly to the installation of a new power
plant and revised equipment and armament. The FFA studied three alternative versions,
two with afterburning engine and one without. 18 Caroni and Dr. Paul Spalinger, who was
the Chief engineer of FFA, met United States Air Force Lieutenant General Thomas P.
Gerrity, who was the Deputy Chief of Staff for Systems and Logistics at the headquarters
of the United States Air Force, in Washington, D.C. 19 Caroni said after the meeting, “The
Americans are very interested in airplanes of this generation. We could figure out, that
the Americans have similar ideas like the Europeans. But we are still in the beginning of
our negotiations. No decision has been taken about a joint development of a prototype.
We do not know yet what the outcome will be.” 20 Unfortunately, the official histories of
Systems and Logistics for 1965 make no mention of the meeting, of the aircraft, or any of
the other named individuals. Also, Gerrity did not retire his personnel papers to the
archives of the Air Force Historical Research Agency. 21 Apparently, the United States
Air Force found the AJ-7 interesting, but did not want to make a decision. In order to
learn more about this meeting the author called Dr. Paul Spalinger at his home in
Switzerland. 22 Spalinger mentioned that the meeting lasted half of a day. In order to
present the AJ-7, Caroni and Spalinger brought technical information and plans from
Switzerland to the United States. Spalinger explained that General Electric never
physically built an engine into an AJ-7 fuselage. Subsequently, the information of the
journal Politik und Wirtschaftspolitik was false. The AJ-7 never flew and existed only on
paper. Spalinger explained that the United States authorities expected that FFA would
have to be able to deliver the airplanes almost “right away” which was not possible. 23
Later in Switzerland, in 1972, after the Swiss had bought fifty-seven Mirage III s
interceptors, the EMD decided that the next aircraft generation would be for close air
support. Different press articles suggested the EMD took the P-16 into consideration. 24
FFA continued developing the P-16 at its own expense. After the different versions AA-7
and AJ-7, FFA called the last one AR-7. FFA equipped the AR-7, on paper, with a Rolls-
Royce engine type RB 168 25. 25 Compared with the other types the AR-7 advantages
were the ability to fly longer distances and a better tactical range. The Tagwacht reported
on 25 June 1969 that it would be possible to have the AR-7 ready for the Swiss Air Force
within two years. 26 After a long evaluation, the EMD requested the Federal Council to
buy forty United States Navy A-7G Corsairs. 27 On the 9th of September 1972, the
Federal Council decided not to buy the jet and ordered the EMD again to examine the
doctrine of aerial warfare. As a result of this decision the commander of the Air Force
Lieutenant General Eugen Studer retired out of disappointment. 28 Since the FFA stopped
the development of the P-16 by 1969 the Parliament looked for another reasonable
solution. In order to fill the gap, the Parliament procured in 1973 a second series of thirty
This decision shows that if the P-16, now called AR-7, was still available in 1973
the EMD would probably have taken that jet into consideration. Since the FFA stopped
In summary, the P-16 got limited attention by the Americans. Lear Jr. was
impressed by the P-16’s performance. This positive impression led him to introduce the
airplane to his father Lear Sr. Lear Sr. used a few ideas to develop the Learjet. This
shows that Federal Councilor Chaudet did not know enough to justify the quality of the
P-16. The cancellation of the P-16 was due to an incompetent parliament, ignorant
politicians, and selfish lobbyists and not because of design faults or pilot errors. Since
Caroni was convinced that the P-16 was an excellent jet with great capabilities for the
support of ground troops, he and his engineers tried to sell the P-16 in different countries.
This is why Caroni met Lieutenant General Gerrity in Washington, D.C. in 1965. Six
years later, the Swiss on their side got interested in an airplane they had cancelled
William P. Lear was the president of Lear SA from 1956-1962. The European
Headquarter of that company was located in Geneva, Switzerland. Lear SA was selling
automation pilots, integrated flight systems, and other aircraft related products.
Donald J. Porter, Learjets: The World’s Executive Aircraft (Blue Ridge Summit,
PA: TAB Books, 1990), 11.
William P. Lear Jr., Fly Fast…Sin Boldly. Flying, Spying & Surviving (Lenexa,
KS: Addax Publishing Group, Inc., 2000), 377.
Ibid., 378.
Ibid., 379.
Ibid., 374.
William P. Lear, Jr. of Port Orange, interviewed by author, 12 July 2006, Port
Orange, tape recording, 1780 Doolittle Court, Port Orange FL.
Ibid., 375.
William P. Lear Jr. of Port Orange, interviewed by author, 12 July 2006, Port
Orange, tape recording, 1780 Doolittle Court, Port Orange FL.
William P. Lear Jr., Swiss P-16 March 1960 Altenrhein, Switzerland, prod. And
dir. William P. Lear, Jr., 10 min., Self-published, 2006, DVD.
William P. Lear Jr. of Port Orange, interviewed by author, 12 July 2006, Port
Orange, tape recording, 1780 Doolittle Court, Port Orange FL.
William P. Lear Jr., Fly Fast…Sin Boldly. Flying, Spying & Surviving (Lenexa,
KS: Addax Publishing Group, Inc., 2000), 379.
J I.203 (-) vol. 5, P-16 closes the cap. Spk, 4 February 1966, Bern, Switzerland.
Hanspeter Strehler, Der Schweizer P-16 (Emmenbruecke: Eigenverlag, 2005),
Ibid., 159.
Jane’s All the World’s Aircraft, 1965, 125.
Ibid., 125.
Lieutenant General Thomas Patrick Gerrity was born at Harlowton, Montana,
December 8, 1913. He was a student at the Armor Institute, Chicago, Illinois, and in the
Advanced Management Program at Harvard. He was commissioned Second Lieutenant,
United States Army Air Corps and advanced through the grades to Lieutenant General,
United States Air Force, 1962. He served as a bomber pilot in the Southwest Pacific
during World War II, 1941-42, Chief, Aircraft Bureau, Air Material Command, 1943-
1950, Wing Commander, Strategic Air Command, 1950-53, Director of Procurement and
Production, Headquarters, U.S. Air Force, Washington, 1953-55, Assistant, Production
Programming, DSC Material, 1955-57, Commander, Oklahoma City Air Material Area,
1957-60, Commander, Ballistic Systems Division, Inglewood, California, 1960-62,
Deputy Chief of Staff, Systems and Logistics, Washington, D.C., 1962. He died on
February 24, 1968 and was buried in Section 30 of Arlington National Cemetery.
Hanspeter Strehler, Der Schweizer P-16 (Emmenbruecke: Eigenverlag, 2005),
Answer of the Air Force Studies Office (AFHSO) research of 28 July 2006.
Paul Spalinger of Heiden Switzerland, interviewed by author, 29 June 2006,
Fort Leavenworth, phone call.
The first A-7A with an 11,350 lb. thrust Pratt and Whitney engine flew in
September 1965. The A-7s operational career began and ended under fire, the first
squadron equipped with the aircraft logging missions over Vietnam in 1967 and the final
two A-7-equipped units ending the aircraft's flying days in the sky over Iraq during
Operation Desert Storm in 1991. In between they logged combat missions over Libya,
Lebanon, Grenada, and the Persian Gulf.
Tagwacht (Bern), 25 June 1969.
Walter Duerig, Veranstaltung 50 Jahre P-16 vom 17. November 2005
(Duebendorf: Flieger und Flab Museum, 2005), 5.
LTG Eugen Studer was the commander of the Air Force from 1 January 1965
and retired on 30 June 1973. He was the successor of MG Etienne Primault.
On 2 June 1958, the Federal Council decided, at the request of the EMD, not to
order one hundred P-16s. 1 Doctrinal and political reasons led to this decision. This leads
to the conclusion that political and doctrinal reasons provoked the cancellation of the P-
complex issue. Since the Swiss authorities considered buying aircraft from abroad, they
opened the field for not supporting the P-16. Because the Swiss Air Force did not have
1958. 2 The Swiss parliament purchased the Hunter knowing that this airplane had
problems with stability at high speeds and was an unstable shooting platform. 3
Federal Councilor Chaudet, different commissions, and the commander of the Air
Force mentioned several times that cooperation with the FFA was difficult. After
interviewing Grommesh, this reason for cancellation becomes a more important factor.
Grommesh, who worked with employees of FFA as contractors of SAAC, mentioned that
the engineers did very beautiful work but slow. The reason why the engineers were so
slow was that they made their drawings in ink. Drawings in ink took much more time
than with pencil. So every time they drew something in ink they had to wait until it was
dry. Additionally, the work ethics of the FFA contractors was not the way the Americans
were used to working. The FFA employees showed up around eight in the morning,
worked till noon, took a one and one half hour lunch break, and around four went home.
This way of working shows that the employees of FFA did not feel any pressure to finish
work on time.
After the second crash of the P-16, the Federal Council was convinced that the P-
16 had problems that needed corrected. The Federal Council feared that the necessary
improvements of the P-16 would take about two years in order to buy this airplane. Not
only had the government complained about the delays of the FFA, but also the new
SAAC leadership. After the Swiss Government cancelled the P-16, the FFA contractors
continued to work the same way with SAAC. If the FFA had worked in a more efficient
way, like the Americans, the issue of delays probably would never have been an issue.
Work ethic was the third reason which disrupted the confidence of the government to the
FFA and Caroni. Caroni himself felt the P-16 deal was very safe. He was convinced that
the P-16 was a good product. 4 Moreover, he thought that he held a monopoly in
producing jet fighters, and he thought that the Swiss Government would buy the P-16 at
any circumstances.
Different commissions held the opinion that the Swiss aircraft industry should be
able to develop and manufacture airplanes independently from foreign countries. Since
these commissions and the Swiss aircraft manufacturers had no experience in producing a
jet aircraft, nobody knew the extent of the financial expenditures. The manufacturers
created unrealistic expectations regarding the material and developing costs. In order to
Sweden this need in Switzerland for an aircraft industry did not exist. The Swedish
government provided some funding to the aircraft industry. This fact enhanced the ability
of the Swedish aircraft industry to survive in rough times. For the Swiss aircraft industry
the distribution of the development potential of three aircraft plants was not suitable for
creating a breakthrough. 5 This resulted from the strong political commitment of the most
diverse economical, military, and regional group interests. It is not surprising that after
aircraft were overestimated. These breakdowns led to hasty resolutions when they
occurred. Because of inexperience, the political authorities and the public did not
Swiss reporter, pointed out an important aspect to the whole problem in a note to Chaudet
in which he said “it is wrong to think that we can buy modern airplanes from abroad or
war.” 6 The decision of the Federal Council taken on 2 June 1958 to stop the work on the
P-16 led to the destruction of the Swiss aircraft industry. The Swiss authorities destroyed
gave only technical reasons for the cancellation. 7 After Mr. Lear Jr. flew the P-16 in
1960, it was known that these reasons were questionable. The P-16 as a product was a
very good airplane, and Mr. Lear Jr. as an experienced pilot has stated so. 8 There was
fundamentally nothing wrong with this airplane. Its performance was above average and
absolutely competitive with similar aircraft. This is why Caroni tired to sell the P-16 at
the Pentagon. General Electric’s technical evaluation of the P-16/AJ-7 was very
positive. 9 Additionally, the unusual fighter had not escaped the attention of Lear Sr. in
the United States. He was particularly impressed by the design's unswept, thin, high
aspect ratio wing designed both for high subsonic cruise speeds and low landing speeds.
The wing was also of very simple and inexpensive construction, combining an innovative
and efficient layout of very few ribs, multiple spars, and a thick skin. This construction
convinced Lear Sr. to use it for his business jet the Learjet. This letter written by Donald
J. Grommesh to Bill Lear Jr. in February 2005 summarizes the American perception of
the P-16:
Dear Bill,
After reviewing the video of you flying the P-16 Swiss fighter aircraft in
March 1960, which brought back so many memories, I thought it was high time to
send you a thank you note for the contributions you made toward the success of
the Learjet.
As Chief Engineer during the development of the first Learjet, Model 23, I
always knew that if it hadn’t been for your flight-testing the P-16 aircraft, the
Learjet might have never had a change to be completed and become one of the
finest business jets ever developed and certified.
During my employment with your dad in Switzerland, I am probably the
only one who recognized at that time, due to our limited resources, that without
the engineering test data from the P-16 program we would have never been able
to afford the high speed wind tunnel testing so necessary for the development of
the Learjet.
The intent of this letter, is to acknowledge and thank you for having flown
the P-16 and recommending to your dad that this was a good aircraft and that
these people did a magnificent engineering job on that aircraft. As a result of this,
as you know, a relationship was developed between FFA and your dad, which
allowed us to use their engineering and especially the high speed wind tunnel data
that allowed us to come up with the Learjet wing as we know it today.
And so, although I am retired, I shall never forget the courage that you
displayed in flying an aircraft that the Swiss government was not willing to accept
and your recognition that it was something that would eventually help us develop
the Learjet.
This may have taken a long time in coming, but after many years now in
retirement, it is time to thank those who contributed so much to my wonderful
career with Lear and the development of such a great line of aircraft that will
always be remembered as one of the best.
With great admiration and appreciation, I am sincerely grateful.
Donald J. Grommesh 10
In the United States the P-16 is virtually unknown, even among aviation experts.
The overall perception of the P-16 is very positive in the United States as compared to
Switzerland. The P-16 got its fame from the Learjet 23. Therefore, it is not surprising that
technical reasons for the cancellation given by the Swiss Government are in direct
E 5802 (-) / 1983/57, vol. 31, Explanations of the Chief EMD to the P-16
question from 5 June 1958, to the parliament, Bern, Switzerland.
“Swiss Vote for P.16 as 2nd-Stage Fighter,” Aviation Week, 24 March 1958, 65.
William P. Lear Jr., Fly Fast…Sin Boldly. Flying, Spying & Surviving (Lenexa,
KS: Addax Publishing Group, Inc., 2000), 373.
Hanspeter Strehler, Der Schweizer P-16 (Emmenbruecke: Eigenverlag, 2005),
Switzerland had at that time three aircraft manufacturers. One was the
Eidgenoessische Flugzeugwerk (F+W) in Emmen, the FFA in Altenrhein and Pilatus in
Stans, Switzerland.
J I.203 (-) vol. 849, Note to Federal Councilor Chaudet to the question of the
development of the aircraft construction in Switzerland of Kurz, 3 February 1956, Bern,
E 5802 (-) / 1983/57, vol. 31, Explanations of the Chief EMD to the P-16
question from 5 June 1958, to the parliament, Bern, Switzerland.
William P. Lear Jr., Fly Fast…Sin Boldly. Flying, Spying & Surviving (Lenexa,
KS: Addax Publishing Group, Inc., 2000), 378.
Hanspeter Strehler, Der Schweizer P-16 (Emmenbruecke: Eigenverlag, 2005),
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Jane’s All the World’s Aircraft, 1962-1963. New York: Franklin Watts, 1963.
Jane’s All the World’s Aircraft, 1965. New York: Franklin Watts, 1965.
Lear, William P. The Reminiscences of William Lear. New York: Columbia University
oral history collection, 1960.
Lear, William P., Jr. Fly Fast... Sin Boldly. Lenexa, KS: Addax Publishing Group, Inc.,
Meier, Felix. Chronik der Entwicklungsgeschichte des P-16. Bern: DOK D KFLF, 1995.
Porter, Donald J. Learjets: The World’s Executive Aircraft. Blue Ridge Summit, PA:
TAB Books, 1990.
Schweizerische Armee. Einsatz und Kampfführung der Flugwaffe 1957. Bern: EDMZ,
Training Division
E 5560 (C) / 1975/46, Bd. 39, Abteilung für Flugwesen und Fliegerabwehr. Allgemeines
Federal Councilor Chaudet
E 5802 (-) / 1983/57, Bd. 31, Erklärung des Vorstehers des EMD zur “P-16”-Frage.
E 9500,52 / 1984/122, Bd. 1-22, Protokolle der Sitzungen der LVK (1955–1960).
HR Kurz
J I. 203 (-) / Bd. 5, Referat des C KTA vom 21. September 1955.
Rihner, Fritz. “Brauchen wir eine Flugwaffe?” ASMZ, January 1947, p 6-12.
“Swiss Vote for P.16 as 2nd-Stage Fighter,” Aviation Week, 24 March 1958, p 65.
Spalinger, Paul, Chief Engineer of FFA. Telephone interview by author, 29 June 2006,
Fort Leavenworth, KS.
Lear, William, Jr., Test pilot of the P-16. Interview by author, 12 July 2006, Port Orange,
FL. Tape recording.
Embassy of Switzerland
Major General Urban Siegenthaler
Defense, Military, Naval and Air Attaché
2900 Cathedral Ave, NW
Washington, D.C. 20008
William P. Lear
1780 Doolittle Court
Port Orange, FL 32128
Donald J. Grommesh
3101 E Wilma St
Wichita, KS 67211-3859
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