The Hypnotic Relationship: Exercise Step 1. Authority - Connecting With Your Inner Strength & Power

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The Hypnotic Relationship

The Hypnotic relationship is that special blend of Authority, empathy and caring. When you
combine these three elements together it can help you create a powerful yet trusting relationship;
one that encourages clients to lower their defences and allow themselves to be lead.

Blending these different qualities together is something that takes time. And, it is also something
that you want to continue to develop as you progress as a hypnotist.

The following exercise will help you cultivate this relationship. I recommend that you practice this
periodically. My own personal strategy is to quickly go through this exercise before I work with
a client, as a kind of mental preparation. I find it helps create an effective ‘vibe’ for hypnosis and

When you go through this exercise, I’d strongly encourage you to engage your imagination as
fully as you can with it. Remember: imagination is the vehicle that allows you to connect with
your innate creativity and resourcefulness.


Step 1. Authority - Connecting with your inner strength & power.

In this step, I’d like to encourage you to engage fully with your inner sense of authority. This
involves tapping into your ability to feel, and be, strong and powerful. If this is not an emotional
state you are generally familiar with, that’s okay, it just means you will have to use your imagination
a bit more than most. At the level of science:

1. If you were powerful and strong, how would you stand? What would your facial expressions be
like? What kind of posture would you have?

2. If you were strong and powerful, how would you move? And how would you speak? – Please be
as imaginative as you possibly can…

Hypnotic Inductions Mastery

3. Now, role-play: I’d like you to spend some time standing, moving and speaking in the ways that
you described in no. 2. Fully immerse yourself in it and act as if it’s real. - Take about 5 minutes to
fully get into this.

4. Who do you know that symbolizes authority? – This can also be someone who you have never
met before. E.G. A political leader, activist, celebrity, actor, character from a T.V show or movie.

5. How does the person you stated in no.4 stand, move and speak?

6. Now, role-play: I’d like you to imagine stepping into the shoes of this person…what would it
be like for you if you were to use your body in similar ways to this powerful authority figure? How
would that feel? – Take about 5 minutes to fully get into this.

Step 2. Harnessing your ability to connect – caring & empathy.

In this step, I’d like you to tap into your natural ability to care and empathize. This space is where
you are deeply connected with the needs, wants and energies of an individual; where you are ‘on
a level with them’. Generally, when we connect with someone – or a group – we feel something
powerful. At the level of science this is the chemical ‘Oxytocin’ being released into your blood
stream – the chemical that gives us a sense of social bonding, connection and, at the extreme end,
love. The following will help you re-create a sense of this.

Hypnotic Inductions Mastery

1. With whom do you feel most connect with? – This could be a family member, a friend or a loved

2. When you’re enjoying an experience with the person stated in no.1, what does it feel like?

3. If you were to symbolize ‘connection’ and ‘caring’ with a particular body posture or movement
what would that be like? – Some people like to simulate a ‘hug’ or do an open, welcome gesture
with their arms outstretched to invite people in.

4. What kind of facial expression would you have if you were fully connected with another person
in a caring and compassionate way?

5. Now, role-play: I’d like you to spend some time taking on board the physiology you’ve
described in no.3 & no.4. Fully step into it and take your time immersing yourself into the role. –
Take approximately 5 minutes to fully get into this.

Hypnotic Inductions Mastery

Step 3. Having the best of both worlds – a blend of authority, caring & empathy.

In this step, I’d like you to tap into your natural ability to care and empathize. This space is where
you are deeply connected with the needs, wants and energies of an individual; where you are ‘on
a level with them’. Generally, when we connect with someone – or a group – we feel something
powerful. At the level of science this is the chemical ‘Oxytocin’ being released into your blood
stream – the chemical that gives us a sense of social bonding, connection and, at the extreme end,
love. The following will help you re-create a sense of this.

1. I’d like you to sit back and take some time to imagine what you would look, sound and feel
like if you had a blend of both these qualities you’ve been exploring – A sense of authority & the
ability to connect.

2. Please do a written description in the space below detailing what this would look, sound and
feel like? – Your answer should be roughly a paragraph.

3. Now, role-play: Sit back, relax, and in your mind’s eye, imagine what it would be like if you were
to step into this new version of yourself…the one that has an incredible blend of authority, caring
and empathy…that has power, strength while at the same time is connected with the people you
interact with…you can do this with your eyes open or with your eyes closed…you can also stand
up and move around the room to get a feel for what this would be like…spend as long as you like
exploring this – I usually like to do this for around 10 minutes, but I can also do it more quickly now
because I have practiced it.

Hypnotic Inductions Mastery

EXERCISE - The Shared Trance Experience

In this exercise, I’d like to introduce you to an imagination exercise that can help you create the
‘feel’ of a shared trance experience. I call it ‘the bubble’. This might sound a little esoteric but it is
not. It is a practical piece of imagination that you can use to increase the level of connection and
trust you have with the people you are hypnotizing. This is also a technique used by actors and
stage performers to increase gravitas and connection with their audience.

The Bubble…

1 I’d like you to stand up and stretch your arms out in front of you. Then, put them out to the side,
and then above your head – As far they naturally stretch to without forcing.

2 I’d like you to repeat what you did in no.1 only this time imagine a ball around you…As you move
your arm positions you are effectively tracing the edges of the ball.

3 I’d like you to imagine that this ball is ‘your presence’. You can make it any colour you like…it could
be made of perspective, metal or whatever!

4 Now, imagine expanding the circumference of your ball…what would it look like if it expanded
outwards, to include more space in it.

Note: to do this next step you have to be interacting with people.

5 Now imagine that the ball expanded out so that can include other people in it. Spend some time
interacting with this person - or people – while they are inside your ball. How does it feel different?
– Most people say they feel more relaxed, open and the sense of connection improves greatly.

6 Now repeat what you did in no.5 with a client – someone you are hypnotizing. What would it be
like if the two of you were in this ball together? in this bubble…

Hypnotic Inductions Mastery

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