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Collection of Physics Essays

1. Design of driver head and pile: 3. Design of spring in suspension car


Design Reason
The mass of the So that, the driver
driver head should be head will have a high
big. momentum or inertia
when falls.
Driver head should Have a higher velocity
be raised higher to increase momentum
before dropping when it strikes at the
The contact surface To reduce the time of
between the driver impact so that a large
head and pile should impulsive force is
be hard. produced
4. Suitable radioisotope in detecting
leakage in underground water pipes:
2. Design of more efficient generator:

5. Suitable cables used as transmission 8. Design of loudspeaker and hall to

cable: produce loud and clear sound:
Design Reason
The loudspeakers are To avoid multiple
not installed against reflections.
each other.
Loudspeakers are So that the distances
installed at a far of constructive and
distance from each destructive
other. interferences are
Use high powered So that the sound
loudspeakers. output will be loud
and clear.
Use soft board for the To reduce echo of
wall of hall. sound waves.
6. Suitable liquid as coolant in car engine: Cover the floor with To avoid reflection of
carpet or use sound sound wave from the
proof flooring. hard floor.
Sitting area is So that louder sound
arranged in the can be heard by
antinode region only. audience.

9. Modifications to improve the reception

television signals:

Design Reason
7. Suitable liquid used in thermometer:
Use wave of longer To increase the effect
wavelength. of diffraction.
Set up the transmitter The signal will not be
on hill tops. blocked.
Install a relay To increase the
transmitter on the hill strength of signals
top to amplify and
retransmit the signals
Build a taller signal Able to receive the
receiver at house. signals without
Increase the strength The signals can travel
of signals. further.

10. Modifications on a car to make it safe 12. Design of thermometer:

for drive:

11. Design of water rocket and its launcher:

13. How to convert dc generator to ac
generator and modifications that can be
done to increase the induced current

14. Design of submarine: 16. Modifications on the desk lamp used by

the student:

15. Design of Formula One racing car to

achieve maximum acceleration and

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