Time Table Management: Project Report
Time Table Management: Project Report
Time Table Management: Project Report
Project Report
Submitted in
Partial fulfillment of award of
Degree of
Bachelor of Technology
Computer Engineering
Rajasthan Technical University, Kota
Under the Guidance of
This is to certify that the project entitled “COLLEGE TIME TABLE MANAGEMENT” has
been carried out by the under mentioned students under my guidance in partial fulfillment of
the degree of Bachelor of Technology in Computer Engineering of Rajasthan Technical
University, KOTA during the academic year 2010-2011 .
Place: Jaipur
This is to thank and express my gratitude to Computer Science Department, for giving us an
opportunity to pursue and successfully complete our project.
Deepest and Sincere gratitude to our in-charge Mr. Amit Bhora for the countless patience and
guidance, without him successful completion of the target project would not have been
We would like to express our special gratitude to Mr. Prakash Ramani (H.O.D of Comp
Science dept. GIT college), Mr. Amit Bhora for their kind guidance, assistance and efforts in
the project.
We were thanks to all the teachers of Computer Science Department for their cooperation in
our project.
Abstract 1
1. Introduction 2
1.1. Need for the new system 2
1.2. Detailed problem definition 2
1.3. Project scope 3
1.4. Presently available system 3
for the same
1.5. Future prospects 4
1.6. Organization of the report 4
2. Analysis 6
2.1. Project plan 6
2.1.1. Task Identification plan 6
2.2. Feasibility study 7
2.2.1. Technical feasibility 8
2.2.2. Financial feasibility 8
2.3. Team Structure 9
3. Design 10
3.1 Software Requirement 10
3.1.1 Introduction 10 Purpose 10 Scope 10 Definitions, Acronyms and 11
Abbreviations:- References 12 Overview 12
3.1.2 Overall Description 12 Product Perspective 12 Product Function: 14 User Characteristics 14 Principal Actor 14 General Constraints 14
3.1.3 Specific Requirements 15 Functional Requirement 15 Design Constraints 20
3.1.4 Future Extensions 20
3.2. Risk analysis 21
3.2.1. Performance risk 21
3.2.2. Schedule risk 21
3.3. UML Diagram 21
3.3.1. Use-Case Diagram 21
3.3.2. Activity Diagram 22
3.3.3 Sequence Diagram 31
3.3.4. DFD 32
4 Coding 33
4.1 Coding Style Followed 33
5 Testing 34
5.1. Test plan 34
5.2. Test case and test result 36
6. Limitation and Scope 46
7. Snapshots 47
8. Conclusion 58
Bibliography 56
Table Index
Figure index
College time table management system is a website which is developed for the global
institute of technology using PHP language and MySQL. This website is basically deals with
the automatic generation of the college time table for different branches and semesters. This
website can also be used by other colleges also.
First of all, any college who wants to use this website has to register themselves. The user can
login by entering the email id and password.
After login, the various forms are provided related to the college, teachers, branches and the
subject. Then they have filled all the entries related to the college, no of the shifts, timing of
every shift, how many departments are there etc.
Now all the entries related to the branches is filled like name of the branch, how many
subject, subject details and the professor details etc.
All the relevant data will be filled related to the labs, library and sports period.
After filling all the details, the automatic time table will be generated. After that the user will
print the table on clicking the print button.
The organization of project report has been done in the form of chapters, each discussing
various aspects of project. The details of the chapters are given below:
Chapter 1deals with the Project Introduction part that contrasts the need and scope for
the new system that is being designed. Also, Problem Definition has been discussed to
throw some light on the problem that the project is intended to solve. Finally, Future
prospect of the system is given.
Chapter 2 deals with the Project Analysis part that consists of detailed information about
the various kinds of studies done for project feasibility. Starting with the Project plan,
then Feasibility study that say that the new system will prove feasible both technically
and financially. Then, Software Requirement Specification (SRS) is provided.
Chapter 3 deals with the Project Design part that covers the design phase of the project
including details and diagrams about Database, Classes, etc. Various UML diagrams are
included like Activity diagrams, Use Case diagram and Data Flow Diagrams (DFD).
Also, Risk Analysis has been done to overall safeguard the design phase of the project.
Chapter 4 deals with the Coding part of the project that consists of coding standard &
style followed in coding of the new system. Also, an abstract sample of project code is
also given.
Chapter 5 deals with the Project Testing part that discusses first, the test plan carried out
in the testing phase of the project followed by the detailed test cases & results of various
modules of the system. The test cases and results are given in tabular form such that
interpretation of them comes out to be an easy task and confusion free.
Chapter 6 deals with the Project Scope & its limitations part that tells the various
limitations/shortcomings of the system and considers its current scope. Also, it provides a
probable solution for overcoming the limitations.
Finally, in the end Project Snapshots are provided that provides reader a practical
overview of the system and its working. After that, Conclusion, Bibliography,
&Appendices are been given.
Teacher details
Subjects, labs, seminar, project lab details
The design of the project specifies the overall implementation of the project in terms of
Software Requirement Specification, UML diagrams, Sequence Diagrams, Activity
Diagrams. All these specify the overall functionality of the system which is being developed.
The purpose of this document is to present a detailed description of the Web based “college
time table management system”. It will explain the purpose and features of the system, the
interfaces of the system, what the system will do, the constraints under which it must operate
and how the system will react to external stimuli. The document also describes the
nonfunctional requirements such as the user interfaces. It also describes the design constraints
that are to be considered when the system is to be designed, and other factors necessary to
provide a complete and comprehensive description of the requirements for the software. The
software requirement specification captures the complete software requirements for the
system, or a portion of the system. Requirements described in this document are derived from Scope
It describes the scope of the software application to be produced. The description identifies
the software product; describe its functionality and application of the software. It includes the
description of the benefits, objectives and goals of the software. The scope of the system is to
generate time table for different branches according to the data entered. Forms are filled
according to the data. If anyone wants to view teacher load then also he can able to see. If the References
Core PHP programming, Pearson edition
www.w3school.com Overview
3.1.2Overall Description
Describe the general factors that affect the product and its requirements. Perspective
The user will login through their login id and password otherwise he will register
The user fill all the details related to college, subjects and teacher.
The user can see the teacher load and subject load.
The user can change its password after login through their email id and old password.
Print button Refer to the page where user will print the
time table Characteristics
Can insert the data related to the subjects, teachers, labs and the college.
Can print the time table according to the branch and semester.
Basic knowledge about the subject and the teacher who teaches these subjects. assumptions, dependencies and constraints
It describes the assumptions made that can affect the requirements of the SRS. The
assumption we made during our project is that the user has the good knowledge of the
database and he can do the work online. The internet speed at user side should be very
fast so that work will be done properly. All the software that are necessary for the
It describes each dependency that can affect the requirements specified in the SRS.
Our system only depends on the high speed connection of the internet. The latest
version of Web browser such as Mozilla Firefox, Google chrome should be available.
It describes the factors that limit the scope and functionality of the software. As our
project, is a web based system so its main requirement is the high speed internet
connection and latest version of the web browser that supports PHP5.
Description: when user opens the website he will be provided with the home window.
Pre Conditions: Nil
Normal Flow of event:
The user is required to open the website
As per the user click home window shown.
Alternative Flow of the event: Nil
2) Name of the Use Case: Registration
Description: the user can login through their login id and password
Pre Conditions: email id and password should be correct
Normal Flow of event:
The user enters login id and password
Press the submit button and user account will open.
Alternative Flow of the event: Nil
Description: All the details related to the subject, lab, college, teachers will be entered
Pre Conditions: Nil
Normal Flow of event:
Fill the data in the related forms
Submit the forms and database will update.
Alternative Flow of the event: Nil
branch_id number no - 1
col_id Number No - 1
Col_name Varchar No - -
address Varchar No - -
phone_no Varchar No - -
work_day Number No - -
lecture_day Number No - -
span_day Number No - -
shift Number No - -
login_id Number No - -
Table 3: distribute teacher
Description: this table maintains the details how subjects are distributed among teachers.
Dist_id Number No - 1
Subject_id Number No - -
Teacher_id Number no - -
Table 4: Login table
Login_id Number No - 1
Mailed Varchar No - -
Password Varchar No - -
Phoneno Number No - -
addres varchar no - -
Sem_id Number No - 1
Shift_name Number No - -
Which_sem Number No - -
Branch_name Varchar No - -
College_time Time No - -
After_break Number No - -
Col_id number no - -
Table 6: Subject details
Description: this table is for maintaining the subject details
Subject_id Number No - 1
Branch_name Varchar No - -
Subject_name Varchar No - -
Col_id Number No - -
Subject_load Number No - -
Table 7: Teacher details
Description: this table is for maintaining the teacher detail
Teacher_id Number No - 1
Name Varchar No - -
Type Varchar No - -
Mail_id Varchar No - -
Address Varchar No - -
Phoneno Number No - -
Degree Text No - -
Col_id Number No - -
count number No - -
3.3 Risk Analysis
A risk analysis involves identifying the most probable threats to an organization and
analyzing the related vulnerabilities of the organization to these threats. A risk assessment
involves evaluating existing physical and environmental security and controls, and assessing
The performance of the College Time Table Management system is based on implementing
various functionalities web based system. The performance risk associated with them is
3.3UML Diagram
A use case diagram in the Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a type of behavioral
diagram defined by and created from a Use-case analysis. Its purpose is to present a graphical
overview of the functionality provided by a system in terms of actors, their goals (represented
as use cases), and any dependencies between those use cases.
Use Case Diagram 1
Actor: Administrator
2. Maintain Database
Object: 1. Insert all details related to college, subject, labs and teachers.
Insertion of Details
Activity Diagram 3:
Generation of time table and you can take the print out
Activity Diagram 5:
Forgot password
Activity Diagram 6:
Level 0
College Time
Administrator Database
Level 1
Administrator Login College
Validation Time Table
Login Id System
Faculty database
Subject Database
Level 2
It describes the technology used for front end coding and the various features of coding
language used.
For the development of this college time table management system the entire coding has been
done in PHP and HTML.
In PHP, the coding is done along with HTML coding and CSS for the styling of the web
Here various test plans and cases are described used in the testing of different modules and
the overall system.
A test plan is a procedure used to schematically analyze and find the shortcomings or
mistakes, if any, in a technical system or product. Through experimental runs of the unit, this
process is used to make sure that the unit can function to full capacity, both effectively and
efficiently, once it is in full operation. Therefore, the test plan clearly states how the unit or
the unit or system will be tested, what aspects of it will be tested, who will perform the tests,
where and for how long the testing will occur and the overall effectiveness of such testing.
Software Testing is an empirical investigation conducted to provide stakeholders with
information about the quality of the product or service under test, with respect to the context
in which it is intended to operate. Software Testing also provides an objective, independent
view of the software to allow the business to appreciate and understand the risks at
implementation of the software. Test techniques include, but are not limited to, the process of
executing a program or application with the intent of finding software bugs. It can also be
stated as the process of validating and verifying that a software program/application/product
meets the business and technical requirements that guided its design and development, so that
it works as expected and can be implemented with the same characteristics.
Software Testing is performed for each and every possible test case in our entire
project for checking the expected validations and correctness of flow of control from one
page to another as requirement of user.
Software Testing, depending on the testing method employed, can be implemented at
any time in the development process, however the most test effort is employed after the
requirements have been defined and coding process has been complete.
Testing can never completely identify all the defects within software. Instead, it
furnishes a criticism or comparison that compares the state and behavior of the product
against oracles—principles or mechanisms by which someone might recognize a problem.
These oracles may include (but are not limited to) specifications, contracts, comparable
Products, past versions of the same product, inferences about intended or expected purpose,
user or customer expectations, relevant standards, applicable laws, or other criteria.
Every software product has a target audience. For example, the audience for video
game software is completely different from banking software. Therefore, when an
organization develops or otherwise invests in a software product, it can assess whether the
software product will be acceptable to its end users, its target audience, its purchasers, and
other stakeholders, Software testing is the process of attempting to make this assessment.
A primary purpose for testing is to detect software failures so that defects may be uncovered
and corrected. This is a non-trivial pursuit. Testing cannot establish that a product functions
properly under all conditions but can only establish that it does not function properly under
specific conditions. The scope of software testing often includes examination of code as well
as execution of that code in various environments and conditions as well as examining the
aspects of code: does it do what it is supposed to do and do what it needs to do. In the current
culture of software development, a testing organization may be separate from the
development team. There are various roles for testing team members. Information derived
from software testing may be used to correct the process by which software is developed.
Types of Testing:
Black box testing- Internal system design is not considered in this type of testing. Tests are
based on requirements and functionality.
White box testing- This testing is based on knowledge of the internal logic of an
application’s code. Also known as Glass box Testing. Internal software and code working
should be known for this type of testing. Tests are based on coverage of code statements,
branches, paths, conditions.
Unit testing- Testing of individual software components or modules. Typically done by the
programmer and not by testers, as it requires detailed knowledge of the internal program
design and code may require developing test drive modules or test harnesses.
Incremental integration tests- Bottom up approach for testing that is continuous testing of
an application as new functionality is added; Application functionality and modules should be
independent enough to test separately done by programmers or by testers.
Integration testing- Testing of integrated modules to verify combined functionality after
integration. Modules are typically code modules, individual applications, client and server
applications on a network, etc. This type of testing is especially relevant to client/server and
distributed systems.
5.2 Test Cases and Test Results
CTT01 Validat To verify Fill the If all the Coding P High High
e that form details
“Regist registrati which are filled
ration” on is has and
option. done fields email id
properly like is correct
or not email id, and not
passwor registere
d, retype d earlier
passwor then
d, phone form will
no and be
address submitte
CTT02 Validat To verify Enter If the Coding P High High
e that the login email id
“Login whether id and and
page” the login passwor password
id and d and is correct
password press the (if
is correct submit already
button registere
d) then
form will
CTT03 Validat To verify Enter If email Coding P High High
e that the login id and
“chang option is id, old old
e working passwor password
passwo correctly d and is correct
rd” new and also
option passwor fill new
d password
submit it
CTT04 Validat To verify Fill all If the Coding P Low Low
e that the user
“colleg option is details filled all
e entered related the
details or not to the mandator
college y details
and all then
fields form will
are submit
CTT05 Validat To verify Select If all the Coding P High High
e that “Submit details
“Submi option is button” filled
t” working and then
button correctly check all submit
for when the button
each opened details works
form are filled properly
CTT06 Validat To verify If the After Coding P High High
e that user clicking
“logout “logout” wants to on logout
” option is logout button,
button working from his the user
correctly account. will sign
out and if
he clicks
on back
button he
will not
move to
CTT07 Validat To verify Reset all All the Coding P Med. Med.
e that the text text
“Reset” “reset” fields. fields are
button option is blank
working after
correctly reset
button is
CTT08 Validat To verify Fill all If the Coding P High High
e that the details
“subjec various details are filled
ts, form are and properly
teacher, working submit then
Labs, correctly the form form will
seminar submit
CTT09 Validat To verify Executio Executio Coding P High High
e that n time is n time is
“genera option entered entered
te time when from properly
table closed is respecti for all
option working ve text the tasks.
correctly boxes.
CTT10 Validat To verify If the If printer Coding P High High
e that user is
“print option is click on attached
option working the print then the
correctly button time
when the table will
opened “print print.
Table 5.1 Test Cases and Test Results
1. Login Page
2. Registration Page
3. Forget Password
4. Change Password
5. College detail
6. Shift Detail
7. Branch Details
8. Semester Detail
9. Teacher Detail
10. Subject Detail
11. Seminar details
12. Project Detail
13. Lab Detail
14. Distribute teacher
15. View teacher load
16. Select branch for generation of Time Table
17. Time table
18. Time table to print
19. Print menu for printing time table
The college time table management is a web based system. It basic function is to generate the
time table according to the data filled. The user which has login id and password can login or
otherwise he can register himself. After login, he will fill all the details related to the college,
labs, teacher, seminar, and project and submit the related form. The user will distribute the
subject among the teacher. Then he can also view the teacher and subject load also. After
filling the entire data, time table will generates. The user can also print the time table from
the website only. Our system is very user friendly and it is secure enough.