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V - Water Relations in Plants - Kurt Fagerstedt


Kurt Fagerstedt
Helsinki University, Finland

Keywords: water potential, water absorption, water transport, xylem, phloem, stomatal


1. Importance of Water to All Living Beings

2. Water Potential: What Does it Contain?
3. Absorption of Soil Water by Plant Roots (and Other Parts)
4. What Else is There in Soil Moisture?
5. Soil Conditions Affect Plants Greatly

6. Root Nodules and Mycorrhizae Affect Nutrient and Water Uptake by Roots

7. Root Pressure and Guttation
8. Structure of the Water-Conducting Systems in Plants: Xylem and Phloem Sap
9. Water Transport Inside the Plant
10. Stomatal Regulation of Water Evaporation
11. Adaptation to Drought
12. Transport of Water and Organic Compounds in the Phloem
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Biographical Sketch


Water is an essential element for all living things. It is needed as a solvent, and all
biochemical reactions of metabolic events take place in aqueous surroundings. Plants
are no exception to this rule. They take up water from the soil through their root hair

cell walls and plasma membrane channel proteins, and transport it in the xylem of
vascular bundles up through the stem to the leaves, where most of it evaporates in the
air. The flux of water is maintained by the water potential of the cells. This consists of
several partial potentials. These transport events are described, as well as various

environmental facts that affect the water status of the plant. The stomatal action and the
importance of the cuticle on the epidermis are described, as well as the meaning of
mycorrhiza and root nodules on nutrient and water uptake by the roots. The transport of
water and organic solutes, and factors affecting this transport is also discussed.

1. Importance of Water to All Living Beings

Water is an essential element for all living beings. Most biochemical reactions of
metabolic events take place in aqueous solutions and water also affects the structures of
many organic molecules, such as proteins, nucleic acids, and polysaccharides. While in
most cases water is needed as a solvent, it also participates in many biochemical
reactions, such as hydrolysis and dehydration.

©Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

PHYSIOLOGY AND MAINTENANCE – Vol. V - Water Relations in Plants - Kurt Fagerstedt

Water is also needed for the transport of nutrients and organic compounds and, for
example, for the maintenance of a reasonable temperature in leaves under strong
sunlight. For every gram of organic matter produced by the plant, approximately 500 g
of water is taken up by the roots, transported through the plant, and eventually
evaporated from the leaves to the atmosphere. Since plants have to keep their stomata
open during daytime to allow the diffusion of CO2 into the leaves for photosynthesis,
plants are exposed to the hazards of drying through transpiration. This is why roots have
to take up water constantly from the soil. The water, which is transported in the stems
up to the leaves, is also used in the transport of nutrients to all parts of the plant.
However, it has been shown that this transport with the flow of water is not of vital
importance, and may affect only the major elements, such as potassium. Many plant
species grow happily and transport nutrients to the leaves even in near 100% relative
humidity, when transpiration does not draw water through the plant. Transport under
this kind of experimental conditions is achieved through diffusion and mass flow (which
will be explained later).

Plant cells and tissues, unlike animal cells, contain large amounts of cell wall material.

This gives special features to plants. They do not need the support of a skeleton, but the
more or less rigid cell wall material supports each cell. In cases where the cell wall is
thin (e.g. in Busy Lizzie (Impatiens sp.) stems), the protoplast (the cell without the cell
wall) imparts a pressure against the cell wall, and hence makes the structure rigid as a
whole, even though its individual parts are flaccid. This pressure is called the turgor
pressure. Through its action many herbaceous plants, which may contain 80–95% water,
are kept upright. Turgor pressure results from the phenomenon of osmosis through
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semipermeable membranes (in this case the plasma membrane). Details of this will be

explained in Section 2.

In contrast to most herbaceous plants, perennial plants contain cells that give support to

the structure of the stems and leaves. These may be in the form of actual supporting
tissues—collenchyma (living support tissue) or sclerenchyma (dead support tissue, once
fully differentiated)—or in the form of water conducting tissue—xylem—of the

vascular bundles.

2. Water Potential: What Does it Contain?


In most fully differentiated plant cells the cytoplasm takes up only 5–10% of the cell
volume, while the rest is filled by a huge vacuole. The cytoplasm and vacuole contain
large quantities of dissolved ions and organic compounds, which impart to them an
osmotic potential or solute potential (ψs). The osmotic potential can be calculated from
van’t Hoff equation ψs = –RTcs, where R is the gas constant (8.32 J mol–1K–1), T is the
absolute temperature (in degrees Kelvin) and cs the osmolality of the solute
concentration (moles of total dissolved solutes per liter of water, mol L–1). Hence, the
osmotic potential of pure water is zero. The more solutes there are in the solution, the
more negative the osmotic potential will be.

There are other things that affect the state of water inside the cells: these are the
pressure, the gravity, and the presence of large organic molecules (or matrix), which
may collect a sheet of water molecules around them. Now, these have been given the

©Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

PHYSIOLOGY AND MAINTENANCE – Vol. V - Water Relations in Plants - Kurt Fagerstedt

terms ψp (p for pressure), ψg (g for gravity) and ψm (m for matrix). All these potentials
added together form the water potential (ψw) of the cell, and hence we can write the

ψw = ψs + ψp + ψg + ψm (1)

While the osmotic potential is either 0 or a negative figure, the pressure potential can
vary between positive (turgid cell) or negative (transpirational “pull” in vessels) values.
Gravity would impart a positive value, but under normal conditions, when vertical
distances are small, it is negligible. The matrix potential can be a positive or negative
value depending on the matrix. Normally, all the polymer surfaces of the plant cells are
covered by a layer of water molecules, and hence matrix potential is negligible, except
in germinating seeds, which contain large amounts of starch and other dry compounds
that draw a lot of water molecules to their hydrophilic surfaces, and hence impart a
negative ψm to the system. Now, we see that the ψw can have either 0, a negative or a

positive value, although in normal living cells ψw is practically always a negative value.
The water potential of a particular cell gives us an idea how water molecules travel in

the tissues. If two adjacent cells have different water potentials, this means that water is
going to pass from one cell to the other until the pressures are equalized. Water moves
from higher water potential to lower (more negative) water potential. The passage of
water is allowed through particular pores in the plasma membrane called aquaporins.
Until a few years ago their existence was not known, but nowadays there is ample
information on their presence in membranes. Earlier it was thought that water molecules
could work their way between the membrane lipid molecules, and hence pass the
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membrane. This was, however, against the basic theory of membrane properties, which

states that all ions or molecules that are charged or polar cannot pass the membrane, and

only small, uncharged (and hence hydrophobic) atoms or molecules can go through the
plasma membrane. It is now known that the aquaporins allow the passage of water

through the otherwise impermeable membrane. Water flow is regulated by the

expression of aquaporins (i.e., their number per area) and by their regulation through
protein phosphorylation.

It is now clear that water travels from cell to cell according to the water potential, but if
this leads to the equalization of water potentials, then the flow will stop. This is
maintained by active transport of ions from cell to cell to keep the water potentials of

each cell at a stable level.

3. Absorption of Soil Water by Plant Roots (and Other Parts)

Now that we know how water flow is regulated in tissues by the water potential, it is
easy to imagine how the roots take up water. Under normal field conditions the osmotic
potential of soil water is about –4 bars and that of the roots about –6 bars, and hence
water travels into the roots drawn by the water potential. If the roots are growing in a
soil troubled with too much salt, the osmotic potential can be too low; for example, the
osmotic potential of 0.5% NaCl-solution is –4.8 bars, 1% –8.3 bars, and 3% –20 bars. It
is clear that ordinary land plants cannot take up water from high salt soils (e.g., ocean
shores), but instead lose water from their tissues and suffer from drought.

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PHYSIOLOGY AND MAINTENANCE – Vol. V - Water Relations in Plants - Kurt Fagerstedt

Plant roots take up water from the soil, but it is not the whole root that acts in this
uptake. Once the roots grow older, the surface develops a layer of cork (in most cases),
which hinders the passage of water. Hence, it is only the root tip area that is active in
water absorption. This is why it is so important that plant roots grow constantly. Since
the surface area of the root tips is not very great, roots have developed special
anatomical features during evolution to enhance their water uptake. In Figure 1,
showing a barley root tip (Hordeum vulgare cv. Hankkija-673), the surface area is
greatly increased by a large amount of root hairs, which are basically outgrowths of
single root epidermis or rhizodermis cells. The number of these extensions is huge and
it is easy to imagine how they grow between soil particles and in doing so, increase the
absorbing surface area of the roots greatly.

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Figure 1. Root tip of a barley plant (Hordeum vulgare cv. Hankkija-673) grown in an
aerated solution culture
Source: Photograph by Kurt Fagerstedt.

Plant roots are not the only plant organs that can absorb water. If the air contains lots of
moisture (fog), plant leaves can absorb this through their epidermis or through stomata.

(It has been noticed also that during very heavy and long rainy periods, leaves can lose
some of their solutes into the rainwater, and hence suffer from nutrient deficiencies.)

When water is taken up by the roots it does not all enter the cells immediately. In plants,
the available space is divided between the symplast (i.e., all the protoplasts—the cells
surrounded by the plasma membrane) connected together by plasmodesmata, and the
rest of the space, called the apoplast, which covers the cell walls and the intercellular
spaces. Water can relatively freely enter the apoplastic space guided by the laws of
diffusion and enter the cells of the rhizodermis or any of the cells in the root cortex.
Apoplastic diffusion is hindered at the interface between the root cortex and the
vascular cylinder by a hydrophobic layer—called Casparian strip—in the cell walls of
the endodermis. This means that any water molecules entering the xylem in the vascular
cylinder, is going to pass through a layer of live cells, which can effectively regulate
water transport.

©Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

PHYSIOLOGY AND MAINTENANCE – Vol. V - Water Relations in Plants - Kurt Fagerstedt

4. What Else is There in Soil Moisture?

Naturally, it is not only water in the soil that is of significance to plant life; nutrients are
of vital importance, too. Soil consists of particles that contain masses of elements in
solid form, and these are not available to plants unless they are dissolved in the soil
solution. Chemical and physical erosion releases elements from the soil particles, so
making them available to plants.

Also, soil particles, which normally have a negative electric charge, bind positively
charged soil ions to their surface. Plant roots have developed an ingenious strategy to
release these adsorbed ions. Roots extrude protons through specific proton-ATPase
complexes on the plasma membrane. These released protons are exchanged to the
nutrient ions bound on the soil particles, since protons have a higher affinity to the soil
particles than other ions.

It is often thought that plants take up nutrients from the soil with the flow of water from
the soil to the roots. This is not so. Charged nutrient ions cannot pass the plant plasma

membrane; they have to be taken in through protein pores or channels in the membrane.

If they are taken in against a concentration gradient, the transport consumes energy,
which is available in the form of the proton gradient formed by the proton ATPase
pump or by direct involvement of ATP in the transport process. The channels of the
plasma membrane and the vacuolar tonoplast are collected in Table 1.
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PLASMA MEMBRANE TONOPLAST (vacuolar pH c. 5.5, tonoplast


(outside pH c. 5.5, cytoplasmic membrane potential -90 mV)


pH c. 7.2, plasma membrane

potential-120 mV)

PO43- H+ symporter H+ ATPase pump

NO3- H+ symporter H+ PPi pump
K+ H+ Na+ symporter Na+ H+ antiporter
Sucrose H+ symporter Ca2+ 3H+ antiporter

Amino acid H+ symporter Cd2+ H+ antiporter

Na+ H+ antiporter Mg2+ H+ antiporter
H+ ATPase pump Hexose sugar H+ antiporter

Sucrose efflux carrier Sucrose H+ antiporter

Ca2+ ATPase pump PC-Cd2+ ATPase ABC transporter
Inward rectifying K+ pump Anthocyanin-GS ATPase ABC transporter
Outward rectifying K+ pump Anion-cation Slow Vacuolar channel (SV)
Inward rectifying Cl- pump Ca2+ IP channel
Outward rectifying Cl- pump Anions, malate2-, Cl-, NO3- Fast Vacuolar channel
Inward rectifying Ca2+ pump Aquaporin

Table 1. Channels of the plant plasma membrane and the vacuolar tonoplast membrane
Note: For details see Taiz and Zeiger.

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PHYSIOLOGY AND MAINTENANCE – Vol. V - Water Relations in Plants - Kurt Fagerstedt



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Buchanan B.B., Gruissem W., and Jones R.L. (2000). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Plants,
1367 pp. Rockville, MD: American Society of Plant Physiologists. [An up-to-date textbook on plant
metabolism and its regulation, including many aspects of water relations.]

Canny M.J. (2000). A new-found life process in plants: the repair of xylem embolisms during
transpiration. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry (Paris) 38(9) (supplement), 9. [An abstract of a

scientific poster on the biological repair system for air-filled xylem cells.]
Coutts M.P. and Grace J. (1995). Wind and Trees, 485 pp. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [This
contains information on practical aspects of the effects of wind on tree growth and on the physics of wind
loading; also on the impacts of wind on forestry and forest ecology.]
Fischer R.A. (1968). Stomatal opening: role of potassium uptake by guard cells. Science 160, 784–785.
[A research article on the regulation of the stomata in leaves.]
Kjellbom P., Larsson C., Johansson I., Karlsson M., and Johanson U. (1999). Aquaporins and water
homeostasis in plants. Trends in Plant Science 4(8), 308–314. [A review article on the newly found
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aquaporin—the water channel protein of biological membranes.]


Kozlowski T.T. and Pallardy S.G. (1997). Physiology of Woody Plants, 2nd Edn., 411 pp. San Diego:
Academic Press. [A famous book on the physiology of trees, with masses of information on particular
features of tree growth, water uptake, and transport processes in trees.]

Lawlor D.W. (2001). Photosynthesis, Third Edition, 386 pp. Oxford: BIOS Scientific. [An up-to-date
textbook on the physiology and molecular biology of photosynthesis.]
Mahonen A.P., Bonke M., Kauppinen L., Riikonen M., Benfey P.N., and Helariutta Y. (2000). A novel

two-component hybdir molecule regulates vascular morphogenesis of the Arabidopsis root. Genes and
Development 14(23), 2938–2943. [A research article on the regulation of the development of the xylem.]
Smith S.E., Read D.J., and Harley J.L. (1997). Mycorrhizal Symbiosis, 605 pp.. San Diego: Academic

Press. [A textbook on the symbiosis between plant roots and fungi.]

Taiz L. and Zeiger E. (1998). Plant Physiology, 2nd Edn., 792 pp. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer. [A textbook
on plant physiology with detailed information on the chemical background of water potential and its
subpotentials, and many other aspects of water relations, such as the actions of stomata and transpiration.]
Valli A., Koponen A., and Timonen J. (1999). Miten vesi kulkeutuu puiden lehtiin? (How is water
transported into leaves?) Tietoyhteys (Dataconnection) 5(1999), 23–25. [A research article in Finnish on
the physics of water transport in the plant stem.]

Biographical Sketch

Kurt Fagerstedt started his studies in biology at Helsinki University, where he received his M.Sc. degree,
majoring in Plant Physiology in 1984. He continued his studies at the University of St Andrews in
Scotland, UK, and finished his Ph.D. degree in 1988. He is now a Docent and Senior Lecturer and Vice-
head of the Department of Biosciences at Viikki Biocenter of University of Helsinki, Finland. He is
currently teaching plant physiology and anatomy, as well as plant ecophysiology and plant biochemistry.

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PHYSIOLOGY AND MAINTENANCE – Vol. V - Water Relations in Plants - Kurt Fagerstedt

He is a member of the Center of Excellence on Plant Molecular Biology and Tree Biotechnology (granted
by the Academy of Finland) and leads a research group working on two topics: (1) Flooding tolerance
mechanisms in wild and cultivated plant species, and (2) Lignin biosynthesis in Scots pine, Norway
spruce, and silver birch. Methods used in these studies include study of enzyme proteins and their
corresponding genes by various types of electrophoresis, PCR, light and electron microscopy (SEM and
TEM), protein purification, determination of various enzyme activities, and amounts of metabolites (such
as ethanol, carbohydrates, antioxidants, polyphenols, ATP, etc.) by spectrophotometry and nuclear
magnetic resonance spectrometry (NMR). He has published 16 scientific articles in refereed international
journals and several popular articles and a monograph on the wood structure of Finnish forest tree species.
Kurt Fagerstedt is a bachelor and enjoys his gardening hobby in the suburb of Espoo near Helsinki.

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