Wifi Eoi Re-Issue

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Expression of Interest
1. Introduction 3

2. Objective 3

3. Notice Inviting EOI 3

4. Broad Scope of Work 3

5. Minimum standards for the provisions of Wi-Fi services

in the Supreme Court 4-5

6. Responsibility of the Vendor 5-6

7. Capabilities of the System Integrator/Vendor 7

8. Eligibility Criteria for the Service Provider 7

9. Requirements for EOI 7-8

10. Terms and Conditions 8

11. Submission of EOI 9

12. Annexure-'A' 10-11


Last Date:05.06.2018

1. Introduction
The Supreme Court of India is desirous to deliver, install and implement Wi-fi facility in the
Registry, Supreme Court of India as well as in Advocate Chambers, for Advocates and Litigant Public.

2. Objective
1. Supreme Court of India proposes to provide Wi-Fi facility for giving Internet Accessibility for
Advocates, Litigant Public and Officers/Officials of the Registry.

2. Supreme Court of India is interested in understanding if there might be any innovative ways to
provide Wi-Fi services.

3. Supreme Court Registry foresees rolling out of Wi-Fi service at the earliest.

3. Notice Inviting Expression of Interest

The Expression of Interest (EOI) is hereby invited for this purpose from Telecom Service
providers referring to EOI inviting Bid No. F.No.33/Public Wi-Fi/SC/AM/2018 dated 08.05.2018. The
interested agencies are required to submit their highest rates of License Fee willing to pay in lieu of space
provided by Registry along with other details required to be furnished in terms of this notice. The setup
required for Wifi access points will have to be made by Telecom Service Provider at its own expenses.

4. Broad Scope of Work

The broad scope of work will include providing Wi-Fi facility (at various locations in Supreme Court of
India, New Delhi), including all the software, hardware and network components along with bandwidth
and support facility for a minimum period of 3 years in the area measuring 78950.00 Sq. Mtr., which may
be extend-able from time to time on mutually agreed terms and conditions. The agency shall be required to
implement an end-to-end solution.

5. Minimum standards for the provision of WI-FI services in the Supreme

Court :-
A) The Role of the Telecom Service Provider (TSP) :

The TSP desirous of participation in this effort shall be responsible for the following:

1. Supplying, configuring and installing of Wi-Fi service including Internet bandwidth;

2. Providing the web based portal for user to login/authentication for Wi-Fi Access;

3. Provisioning the access control and audit trail mechanism as per industry standard and security
norms defined by various regulatory bodies;

4. Providing facility to define rule based access depending on usage, time duration, etc.;

5. Providing facility to restrict access based on URL, application, category, signature, etc.;

6. Providing facility to enable/disable specific user/system from Wi-Fi Access.

7. Conduct the site survey, design, build-own-operate and manage state- of- the-art carrier grade WI-
FI services at the premises of Supreme Court of India, meeting the optimal cover and adequate
capacity to serve the data download requirements of the litigant public, advocates, officers/officials
of the Registry.

8. Deploy network equipment which shall have carrier grade features such as High Availability, High
Reliability, Multiple Redundancy levels, Low Maintenance and Low MTTR (Mean time to repair).

9. Set up network inside the premises of the Supreme court, which would consist of optical fibre,
Access switches, Wireless Access Points (Indoor and Outdoor), Security equipment (UTM and
Firewall) etc. meeting the cost from his own resources.

10. Provide Wi-Fi services that support the centralized provisioning, monitoring and enforcing the
policies for the subscribers with associated 24*7 monitoring of the network infrastructure on end-
to-end basis covering access, back-haul and Internet gateway facilities.

11. The TSP should coordinate with various service providers for availability of Mobile Network at
par with Wi-Fi services.

12. The TSP should not use any restrictive technology that prevents other vendors to setup similar
services in the area.
B) Service Standards :
The TSPs shall maintain the following service standards :

1. The TSP should offer free data which shall not be less than 500 MB per day per user (litigant public,
advocates, officers/officials of the Registry) in the premises of Supreme Court for the entire period of
this arrangement.

2. The data speed should not be less than 4 Mbps.

3. Wi-Fi service shall be available at the hotspots selected by the Supreme Court Registry.

4. Each user shall be allowed a minimum of two devices (Laptap / Smartphone) concurrently.

C) Condition of provision of Service :

1. The TSP would not have any exclusivity to provide service in the Supreme Court.

1. The TSP would be responsible for maintaining the user and other records as required under the

2. The TSP shall comply with all mandatory government of India regulations and security guidelines to
provide information on Wi-Fi sessions upon such request to Law Enforcement Agency(LEA).

D) The Role of the Supreme Court :

1. The Supreme Court would provide space and give permissions for laying the fiber, installing the
switches, UPS etc. on cost.

2.The Supreme Court would provide electricity for operating the equipment.

6. Responsibility of the Vendor

1. The work so executed shall be considered purely of a temporary character which shall not confer any
right on vendor to claim the said work to be of a permanent character or to use the demised premises for
any work of permanent character.

2. That the vendor would ensure that no structural steel in any of the structural component of the existing
building such as columns, beams etc. are either cut or damaged in any manner.

3. That the vendor has obtained/would obtain necessary clearance from the local bodies and other
authorities as per rules applicable for temporary installation of Wi-Fi Service.
4. That the vendor shall not make any additional structural, permanent alteration, variation, additions,
putting any neon sign, hoarding etc. in the demised premises or any part thereof without prior
permission of the Registry.

5. That the Registry shall not on any account be responsible for any loss or damages occurring to any
article, equipment etc. on account of natural calamity and hazards, Non-Grounding of equipments of
the vendor that may be kept/installed by them in the demised premises.

6. That the vendor shall not cause any nuisance or disturbance by any means.

7. That the vendor shall keep the demised premises neat and clean and will not damage it or allow
anything to be done therein which may endanger the premises by fire or anything else.

8. That the vendor hereby indemnify the Registry from or against any claims or demands, losses, injury,
compensation, legal actions, cost charges and expenses as a result of vendor failure to comply with any
statutory obligation as a vendor.

9. That the vendor shall be bound to pay all taxes/liabilities imposed by the Government or any other
Competent Authority in respect of the right of license.

10. That the Registry shall have the discretion to terminate the services at any time without assigning any
reason. On termination of the services or expiry of its term, whichever is earlier, the vendor shall
remove its equipments and installations and hand over vacant and peaceful premises to the Registry
immediately without causing any damage to the existing Building structure. On failure to do so, the
vendor will be removed immediately and in addition shall be liable to pay damages and other charges
as may be fixed by the Registry.

11. The service will be commissioned by the vendor within four weeks from the day of signing of the

12. All installation and commissioning activities at the location shall be carried out by Company after
seeking prior permission with Location Partner.

13. Vendor will endeavor to provide quality Wi-Fi services that provide good data speed to the Subscribers
availing the Wi-Fi Service.

14. The responsibility of the authentication mechanism of allowing the subscribers to access the Wi-Fi
services will rest with the respective telecoms service providers and the telecoms service providers will
authenticate the subscribers through subscriber Identity module (SIM) or mobile number based
authentication mechanism. Any misuse, illegal access etc. of the Wi-Fi Service will be tracked by the
telecoms service provider and any requisite log will also have to be maintained and preserved by the
telecoms service provider.

15. The vendor will ensure that all reasonably necessary mechanism to prevent any illegal access are in

16. The vendor shall not use the infrastructure provided to it other than for the provision of Wi-Fi services
to the subscribers.

17. The vendor will take prior permission of the Location Partner for putting up any advertisement about
the Wi-Fi services in the premises.

18. The vendor will not use any wireless telegraphy apparatus (wireless voice radio like walkie talkies etc.
as used by security/police personnel) in the premises of the Location Partner.

19. The vendor will provide full particulars of all persons employed/engaged by the vendor who will enter
into the premises of the Location Partner for installation, commissioning or maintenance of the

20. The vendor shall nominate a nodal officer (point of contact) to receive and attend to and resolve the
complaints relating to the Wi-Fi services infrastructure and the complaints will be attended to in a
timely manner.

7. Capabilities of the System Integrator/Vendor

Potential integrators/vendors are expected to provide a brief summary on the following;
1. Implementation Plan for the proposed Wi-Fi services;

2. Existing capability in delivering the proposed services, including the number of customers and scale of
organization to deliver the services on a managed basis;

3. Explanation of how the above services will be achieved and Technology proposed/deployed;

4. The proposed system should be scalable to accommodate/meet the increased bandwidth usage/more
users over a period of time, to ensure there is no degradation in the Quality of Service;

8. Eligibility Criteria for the Service Provider(SP):

1. The Service Provider should be registered with TRAI;
2. The Service Provider should be licensed Telecoms Service Provider(TSP) or Internet Service
Provider(ISP) licensed by Department of Telecommunication, Govt. of India, to provide Broadband
services to customers;
3. In the case of ISPs they should be at least a Class B ISP or authorized to provide broadband service
within a State;
4. Experience of providing similar services to Govt./Govt. Aided institutions;
5. The Service Provider have to undertake to be governed by Indian Laws;

9. Requirements of EOI
The interested bidders shall furnish the following along with filled Annexe-A:
1. Documents like Product Literature, brochure, specification sheet, etc. clearly describing various
features and technical specifications for each of the items used in the proposed solution including all its
components like Access Points (AP’s), Routers, Switches, etc.;

2. Details of similar projects executed in past with Client references for the projects done;

3. Company profile, Profit & Loss statement, Balance Sheet for the last 3 yrs, No. of Employees, Head
Office Location, along with GST/TIN/PAN etc. details;

4. Model for Financial Sustainability and Operational Sustainability of the Wi-Fi project, on revenue
sharing basis, for a period of 3 yrs;

5. Bidders will be required to make the presentation of their proposed solution showcasing various
features, technical capabilities and financial model;

6. The demonstration highlighting user interface and main features should be provided;

7. If needed the bidder shall be required to install the required hardware in one of the locations to be
suggested by the Registry for demonstration and evaluation purpose, which shall address the issues like
coverage, capacity, density, and security, which would be considered as pre-qualification criteria.

10.Terms and Conditions:

1. The Registry, Supreme Court of India will only provide the locations. Any infrastructure and hardware
at each of the locations will be done by the vendor/bidder, as part of the proposed service.

2. It should be noted that interest is only sought from service providers/bidders that have an existing
proven capability for implementation of Wi-Fi in Government Offices.

3. By responding to this EOI request, the bidder should understand that at his stage the Registry is only
exploring the different viable options and the project progress.

4. The Registry reserves the right to accept/modify or reject any or all EOI offers any time, without
incurring any liability.

5. All costs and expenses (whether in terms of time or money) incurred by the bidder in any way
associated with the development, preparation and submission of the EOI offer, including but not limited
to attendance at meetings, discussions, demonstrations, etc. and providing any additional information
required by the Registry, will be borne entirely and exclusively by the bidder.

6. It is to be ensured that the complete information as required by this office at any time may be furnished
by the bidders in the prescribed format. Formats submitted with incomplete information and not
conforming to the requirements are liable to be rejected.

7. The Bidder shall be disqualified and EOI offer submitted will not be considered if:
a. The EOI offer documents are not signed by the authorized signatory;
b. The EOI documents submitted are incomplete and/or ambiguous in any respect;
c. The EOI documents are not submitted in the manner specified in the bid document;
d. Any form of canvassing/lobbying/influence/query regarding short listing, status etc. will result in a

8. The bidder will be bound by the details furnished to the Registry, while submitting the EOI or at
subsequent stage. In case, any of such documents furnished by the bidder are found to be false at any
stage, it would be deemed to be a breach of terms of contract making the agency liable to
disqualification or termination of contract.

11. Submission of EOI

The Registry would convene a pre-bid meeting with all tentative EOI bidders on 23rd May, 2018
at 3:30 PM with Deputy Registrar, Computer Cell, Supreme Court of India, to clarify any points on the
deployment of Wi-Fi in Supreme Court of India. Vendors are requested to intimate their participation to
this meeting by confirming their participation and sending the same to the following email id:
Interested parties may send their EOI in sealed envelope super scribing “EOI for Public Wi-Fi in
Supreme Court of India, addressed by name to the undersigned or may be handed over personally at the
Registry's Reception Counter No.37 near PRO office on or before 5th June, 2018 upto 3.00 P.M. which
will be opened at 3.30 P.M. on the same day by a Committee of Officers constituted for the purpose
before the bidders or their authorized representatives who may wish to remain present. The bids received
after due date will not be entertained.




Supreme Court of India
Admn. Materials (P & S)

Last Date:05.06.2018
No. 33/Public Wi-Fi/SC/AM/2018
Dated : 08-05-2018


1. Name of the Firm

with address :________________________________________

2. Contact Person/
Authorised Signatory :________________________________________

3. Address with Tel./Fax No./

E-mail ID : _______________________________________

4. GST Registration No. : __________________________(attach proof)

5. PAN No. : __________________________(attach proof)

6. TRAI Registration No.: ___________________________________________

7. License No. issued by

Department of Telecommunication(GOI)
to provide Broadband services to customers:__________________________

8. Whether Class B ISP within territory of Delhi & NCR____________(attach proof)


9. Provide three references of similar works executed recently, preferably in Govt.

organizations (attach certificates of successful completion)

10. Undertaking to be governed by Indian Laws: A declaration on the Company Letter

Head duly signed by the Authorised signatory

11. Rate of Licence Fee per Sq.Mtr. :______________________________

12. Whether all the terms & conditions of

NIT are acceptable : Yes/No : ____________________________

13. Attach copies of Income Tax Return of last three Financial Years.

14. Details of documents submitted:________________________________

Place :
Date : Signature
(Name of firm with stamp)

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