Shankya Final
Shankya Final
Shankya Final
Investigating the triad of interactive stresses shows that such interactive modes of stresses
exist but it would not have been detectable, had it not been for the existence of the
synchronised - perpetual - dynamic - unmanifest state of existence (of the substratum).
Notes: This Sutra forms the foundation of Sankhya because the interactive stage in three
modes could exist only because the medium has the three characteristics that make it
unmanifest. Further, by the use of “were it not for the” these characteristics were implied to
exist as the underlying cause in every theorem and also provides the internal proof for every
theorem. The final theorem derives it and provides the acme of unification of Sankhya logic
through the three gunas.
drishtavad ānuśravik:
Observation standard method
Standard methods of evaluation through detection are affected by distortion, attenuation and
inferior resolution to details; but an alternate method that is totally satisfactory, is based on
the principle of discriminating the basic and dynamic substratum into its appropriate
components of the unmanifest, manifest, the self-potential and kinetic or dynamic potential.
Notes: Observational methods have an inbuilt caveat that the time involved in the detection
process is hidden or submerged and any accurate assessment requires the discriminating
ability to assess such factors. Hence an intellectual method is needed to get accurate
solutions by identifying the unobservable and the cause that creates it.
Fundamental or root resonant oscillatory state is synchronised, coherent and stable; the first
interactive oscillatory state is of maximum intensity; then there are seven levels of the
harmonic oscillatory interactive stages followed by an expanding radiation above a sixteenth
order of the fundamental value; the nuclear core is neither oscillatory nor harmonically
Notes: The most magnificent theorem in Vedic science that defines and identifies the critical
states that create the spectrum of manifest phenomena through an axiomatic interactive
formulation. The unique process of intellectual verification by axioms has not been attempted
in Physics.
āpthaśrutir āpthavacananthu
axiomatic data axiomatic principle or theory
With reference to persistent continuous sensory perception of phenomenon there are three
aspects of factual information with characteristics like (positive) detectable, (negative)
undetectable, (neutral) original characteristics that can be measured, analysed and interpreted
to establish an axiomatic theorem or principle.
And in the case of phenomenon that is imperceptible, mobile, expansive and hence
undetectable, inferential method using holistic, deductive, logical, verification technique to
mentally experience phenomenon, is known as Siddhi.
Notes: The deeper principles of Sankhya are included in this theorem. The dynamic field that
forms the substratum for all phenomena also includes the human mind as a dynamic entity
within it following the same rules. Hence unobservable phenomena must be created in the
mind based on those axiomatic concepts to experience it. By which process reality of the
undetectable phenomena can be verified as a real experience in the mind.
manon avasthānāt
mental state
abhihāra ca
camouflaging etc.
Extremely far or near distances, mental and sensory inefficiencies, subtle or attenuated
conditions, occultation or eclipsing of the object, poor background contrast, camouflaging
effect (are the causes of non detection or non measurement of phenomenon).
Notes: The list of possible factors that can make phenomena undetectable by mere
observation forms the caveat that must be taken into account before concluding that
manifestation does not exist.
The non delectability (of the substratum) is due to the extremely attenuated reactions put out
and not because it (substratum) does not exist. Only reactions are detectable. For when the
reaction of the primary or first displacement takes place then a sequence of oscillations are
detected that are either in its original form or harmonics.
Notes: This is an extremely important theorem. Space as the fundamental substratum is not
detectable because the process of detection depends on time interval of reaction to some
causal event. As will be shown in later theorems that time of reaction is extremely small as
the causal interactions are in perpetual balance with the reactions and so no unbalanced
interval is displayed. Hence space is not detectable though it forms the dynamic foundation
for all phenomena
It is an error of logic to accept that continuous or all possible modes of action (manifestation)
are possible without a physical cause; the ability to act in all possible ways must be due to the
existence of a cause, therefore it becomes an axiomatic rule.
Notes: Theoretically it is impossible to accept all modes manifestation or events are possible
without a cause. The most rigorous logic compels the acceptance of fundamental substratum
if observable phenomena exist. Since it is an axiomatic fact that phenomena exists it
automatically proves that a substratum of space must exist even if it is not detectable. This
principle of logical verification by axiomatic concepts does not exist in Physics and hence
space as a vacuous void is accepted as a reality.
10. Detection of manifestation is due to changes, the lack of which makes phenomenon
viparītam avyaktam
reverse unmanifest phenomenon
The caused and detectable effect of manifested phenomenon are relatively temporary;
confined to limited region; proceed from action to action; resulting in a sequence of actions;
and also becomes the cause of initiating further action; with coherent potential characteristics;
has the quality of being substantial or with mass; as it is a resultant, so it is a secondary trait;
and the unmanifest cannot be detected because of the inability to discern such effects.
Notes: Futher, logical and axiomatic proof is given that unless there are changes that create
observable time varying intervals the phenomena becomes undetectable.
The inability to discriminate between the triad of stressed states that form the dynamic
connection is the cause of not detecting phenomenon in a synchronised, static or unmanifest
state. The triplicity of dynamic forces that connect it, is a principle that applies to the first or
primary intense state and the succeeding reactive states of manifestation and likewise to the
nucleus which however is in the opposite state (non detectable state).
Notes: The interactive states necessarily have three modes of action as colliding, separating
and radiating as a three part cycle. Inability to detect these intervals of change makes
manifestation undetectable.
12. The qualities of the triad of forces that form the connection .
vrityāśrava gunāh
self-resonant quanta vector
Just as the human being undergoes, when under stress, a three stage transfer from a state of
buoyant feelings through a calm state to a state of utter despair; the three interactions of the
Guna are from a state of free and mobile expansion through a balanced and resonant interface
to a state of compact static contraction. As a result the three states are capable of mutually
interacting to override or strengthen or weaken, one or both, at the expense of the remaining
aspects; be creative or destructive as a whole; associate or join or pair or combine to form
groups; and also exist by itself as self supporting resonant or dynamic entity.
Notes: The variety of interactive changes is defined and the three phase cycle of interaction is
called Gunas.
Satwa is the force which operates outward at the maximum speed with the required intensity
and energy to transmit the force beyond the level of the first octet of forces past the nuclear
boundary that is in a fluidic or flexible state. Raja is the force in the transition region of seven
oscillatory plus the first in the octet of forces; that shuttles inward or outward to transfer the
forces from nuclear boundary to the expansive-radial boundary and vice-versa; Tama is the
decelerating force acting inward forming the static nuclear enveloping boundary. Vrithi is the
resultant force that is radiated in the form of a self-sustained vortex (particle) created by the
permutations and combinations of the previous three levels of forces to transfer force or
Notes: Definitions of three phases of an interactive cycle that exists universally and always.
14. Holistic logic can identify both manifest and unmanifest nature.
Through a process of holistic analytical derivation of proof it is proved that non detection or
detection is due to the observer’s inability or ability respectively to detect any or all of the
three guna modes of exchange or transfer of forces. And the very process of Siddhi or
'holistic analytical derivation of proof' is itself due to the unmanifest state of the substratum
reacting through the action of the gunas or three modes of transfer of forces by it's own inner
motivation or potential or cause or interaction to manifest as energy, awareness or
consciousness .
Notes: The most important theorem to verify unmanifest phenomena intellectually based on
axiomatic principles. Since detection is based on observable time interval the resonant and
coherent states merge interactions thereby submerging the interval in super posed states that
make it invisible. Hence intellectual means of derivation through Siddhi is necessary.
Cyclic interaction at the interface is due to a sequentially changing value that is due to
acceleration or deceleration of a force. This cyclic action is the cause and effect, by turns, to
expand and contract (rarefy and pressurise or decrease and increase density) to produce a
waveform that is of a standard form in nature.
Notes: It is the definition and description of a cyclic oscillatory state that creates the wave
like movement and the vortex form .
In an interactive process with a diminishing potential, the triple interactive state initiates a
restful state of coherence or synchronised state and a transformation occurs ; a distinctive
change of state, like that of vapour condensing to liquid, takes place when the inward going
force is brought to a very synchronised or coherent or merged (therefore static ) state .
Notes: The mode by which interactive states merge and the time interval becomes
undetectable that causes a change of state from vapour with three degrees of axial freedom
being reduced to two by merging along two axes to create the fluid state. As a visual example
vapour condensing to liquid is given
17. the second change of phase creates the solid or nuclear state.
Note: The most extraordinary definition of the core or nuclear state, which though in the
apparently solid state it is only the coherent or merged or sychronised phase that makes it
appear so. In this phase the freedom along all three axis is restricted because all act
simultaneously which causes merging a superposing to create the coherent unified singular
state. A solid state too is an oscillatory state but because the oscillations occur so close
together it looks solid.
Since the causative action leading to aggregation and dissolution or creation and destruction
are not simultaneous or instantaneous at the nuclear interface, the holistic logical conclusion
is that there must be many nuclei or individual core components (purusha) and also because
the reversal of interactions of the triad of forces (gunas) produce multiple types of
phenomenon (whereas it should have been singular otherwise.)
Note: In a later theorem the principle of holographic manifestation is derived. This theorem
leads up to that concept by confirming that the nucleus is not a single entity but is based on
the super positioning of interactive states that creates a dense coherent singular form .
19. The complex nuclear state forms the background for manifestation of phenomenon.
sākshitvamasya purushasya
passive state nuclear region
kaivalyam mādhyastyam
unhindered neutral
drashtathvam akarthrabhāvāt
reference for detection unmanifest state
From previous sutras, the conversely inferential holistic conclusion is that the nuclear state
forms the passive background with particulate or inertial mass, which forms a detectable state
of reference in a neutral, unhindered and un-manifest state.
Notes: The nuclear state forms the core to sustain the other two forms of manifest states
axiomatically it is necessary to have a stable, passive and dense state to support phenomena
that change its forms in one or two ways.
gunakartrthva ca tathā
action of gunas and thus
Because of the proximity of the static and dynamic states the static state seems dynamic and
as though the action of the gunas were brought to a standstill
The dynamic seems to behave in a neutral mode that maintains a balance.
Note: The core seems static and the boundary seems active but being close each seems to act
in the opposite way. This is the explanation when oscillatory activity occurs simultaneously
for only then a balance state of the dynamic phase can continue.
tathā pradhānasya
therefore fundamental manifested state
Note: Relativistic principle is involved in the detection process. Unless a comparison is made
with reference to a stable or static state the observation would not convey any meaningful
conclusion. Hence the nuclear Purusha state is the eternal stable frame of reference for all
detection or measurement processes.
5 levels of manifestation.
By the action of the primary force in the self sustaining oscillatory state an intense expanding
force is radiated continuously at a calculated value that is at the sixteenth power of the
primary value and in a progressive series, it is incremented through sixteen levels that binds
or condenses through five orders into five sets of manifested phenomenon.
Note: This extraordinary theorem gives the axiomatic reason why there are five levels of
phenomenal states as solid, freezing, liquid, evaporation and gas phases. The intense
acceleration of the self sustained oscillatory state expands continuously and its value can be
only calculated as it is in the simultaneous oscillatory state and the sixteen orders condenses
or binds into five levels of manifested phenomena as each level needs 3 orders to maintain its
independent volumetric state as a distinct entity.
Defined by axiomatic process, any constant and continuing stress as the potential in the
simultaneous or static state, undergoes a phase change, acceleration is produced by expansion
of the volumetric form. The reverse process when acceleration reduces and undergoes a
phase change it attains the compressed state of continuing stress as a potential in the static
Note: An extraordinary theorem that defines through axiomatic rules that only a constant and
continuing state of stress creates the potential state. The change from that state through
expansion creates the acceleration of those stresses into an increasing volumetric form. When
this expanded volumetric form is compressed by the same stresses acting in the reverse, it
compresses and when that is continued and becomes constant it becomes a potential in the
simultaneous state of compression. In other words change in the state of stresses creates the
potential or accelerative states as a change in the volumetric form as either in compression
or in expansion mode.
ekādaśakas ca ganas
elevenfold and calculated
tanmātrah pañcakaścaiva
field force in powers of five
Self-potential, as compressed stresses in the simultaneous state and self-action, as the
expansion due to accelerating stresses, form the dual mode of initiating an oscillatory state
that creates the spectrum of stresses forming the field force, which accelerate and decelerate
as an alternating wave form. Since the stresses are in the simultaneous state forming the self
potential, only through calculations, by using the axiomatic Dharmic law, the value of the self
potential can be arrived at as eleven orders thus leaving five orders forming each set, from the
sixteen orders.
Note: This theorem defines the spectrum of stresses radiated in the expanding mode referred
to in Sutra 23. This is an axiomatic derivation of the electromagnetic field force in space. The
sixteen orders of stress levels released (Sutra 23) in the expanding form must polarize into
two sets of 8 orders in each alternating phase of compression and expansion. Since space is
volumetric then each volumetric form will take 3 orders of stress levels and therefore in the
expanding phase it will add up to 8+3=11 and in the compressive phase reduce to 8-3 = 5 .
Therefore the expanding phase will consist of eleven orders of stress levels creating the
acceleration and reduce to 5 orders of stress levels in the compressive phase. In Physics the
eleven orders correspond to the electric field force as permittivity and the five orders as the
magnetic field force as permeability.
sātvik ekādaśakah
expansive elevenfold
bhūtādes thanmātrah
dense mass states vorticular oscillatory state
The expansive satvik state of eleven orders initiates acceleration through the oscillatory
action and creates the dense or mass states and the vorticular or spinning states by using both
the expansive and compressive stresses respectively.
Note: This theorem defines the mass and charge states in Physics. When the acceleration
from the expansion of 11 orders of stress levels interact in oscillatory mode, the compressive
mode creates the dense states with mass and the expansive mode creates the spinning vortex
states that radiates. This theorem leads to the mechanism that creates the quantum of stresses
that transmigrates across space.
pāyu pasthān
Expelling regenerating
output action responses defined
Efferent or input sensory responses are seeing with light, hearing with sound, smelling odours,
tasting chemical qualities and touching physical states through contact are defined. The
afferent output action responses are defined as communicating, manipulating, moving,
expelling and regenerating.
Note: This Sutra lays down a principle though the efferent or five input sensory systems that
is common to all living organisms. But the response is in many ways and is applicable to all
the categories of activities corresponding to the organs listed by functions talking, eating,
manipulating, walking or moving, excretory functions and reproductive activities.
gunaparināma viśeshān
Interactive transformation by Gunas with specific output
The cerebral system (as mind) is capable of processing both the efferent or incoming input
sensory information and afferent or outgoing action oriented outputs and as it follows the
Guna principle of interactive transformations, it can produce a specific output despite the
diversity in responses created by the permutations and combinations of the sensory inputs and
the external variation in the responses.
Note: This Sutra explains the process of multiple processing due to the variety of inputs
occurring at the same time. The selective process of multiplexing inputs and outputs depends
on interactive states as explained in the Guna definitions.
śabdādishu pañcānām
From sound onwards sequence of five
alochanamātramishyate vrittih
Observable measure of action vortex or quantum
sargānandāh ca pañcānām
Radiation creation are sequence of five .
The five types of sensory input signals are activated by discrete quantum of forces and it
results in five categories of output as oscillatory, interactive, transporting, radiating and
creative activities.
Notes: The principle of how the discrete vortices or quanta progressively create a sequence of
levels of reactions that display the spectrum of active efferent responses from the sensory
organs to the afferent responses of the organs of action in all living states. The multiplexing
of sensory inputs and outputs are explained as five categories of vortex levels on an
incremental basis. Like speech is an oscillatory reaction, breathing or digestion or
circulatory systems are interactive states of a dual nature. Transporting or moving or
transmigration is a higher order of vortex level. Finally radiation or independent transport of
a quantum, as a Vikharo function.
The cyclic vortex functions on self similar principles up to the third power, is non-
synchronous, and yet interacts internally together in an extraordinary way. But in the
synchronous accelerated state at the fifth power it becomes a fundamental unit of energy
Note: The principle of the formation of the vortex, quanta or photon is derived in detail. The
vortex can be formed as volumetric state only at the third power or cubic state when it moves
together but not as a coherent vortex. However when it becomes a coherently active state at
the fifth power, it becomes a quantum of radiating energy. It is in fact an extraordinary
equation for Max Planck also derived the quanta or photon state that became detectable at
the fifth power of wavelength. It shows an extraordinary intellectual insight into natures
functioning. This theorem derives a key interactive feature when an oscillatory interactive
vortex in a balanced volumetric state of three orders turns into an accelerative quantum of
radiation that becomes a self supporting unit at the fifth power.
When the oscillatory cycle count in all directions acts simultaneously or synchronously and is
raised to the power, a cyclic self-supporting and transmigrating Vrithi (vortex or quanta) is
formed. When it acts non-synchronously or sequentially, it becomes detectable and
measurable, with a degree of certainty and is thus defined. In the initiating state prior to the
above, when the oscillatory count reaches the power of three and is synchronised and acts
simultaneously in all directions, it is in a self supporting harmonic oscillatory state but is not
detectable or observable in both the manifest and unmanifest states.
Note: A cardinal theorem that defines when, how and why a cyclic vortex becomes detectable
from its previous undetectable state. The definition implies how a Vrithi or vortex at third
power is undetectable but as it changes to the fourth power it forms into a sequentially
moving or transmigrating vortex that can be detected and measured.(The neutrino in Physics)
31. The cyclic vortex is kept in continuous oscillation only by its internal potential.
The cyclic vortex or spherical oscillator is kept in continuous interactive exchange up to the
very end (limit) only by the nuclear or core potential developed by the mutual exchange of
internally motivated and triggered self similar and self organized impulse or force and there
is no other external potential cause.
Notes: The oscillatory state remains in perpetual interactive state by a process of exchange
of time in two modes. Self similar is a simultaneous state and self organized is a harmonic
state. But the key reason by which a self potential is created is the reduction in oscillatory
count at the core by merging into a dense state of simultaneous activity when all the
oscillations act at the same time within a cycle. The nuclear core in the merged simultaneous
state presents a negative potential of oscillatory counts reduced to single cyclic count
towards which higher counts migrate. That is the only reason for an inward acceleration.
This is the gravitational in ward acceleration that occurs in all bodies with a density greater
than 2. There is no other cause
Karanam trayodaśavidham
Potential - cause thirteenth power
The potential rises to the . Power to accelerate superpose and radiate. Consequently the
kinetic potential rises to the power to accelerate, superpose and radiate.
Notes: The precise identification of the numerical value of the interactive is unparalleled in
present scientific derivations in Physics. The stable value of 2 cubed = 8 is raised by the self
similar value of 1+x where x = 0.618 raises 8 to 13the power and decreasing the original
state of 3 the incremental value is 10. This is the increase in acceleration that creates the
radiative state at power index and when not radiative it is also the cause of any form of
acceleration including gravity. This is a landmark theorem in Physics.
The limit of bonding potential is at the third power. The externalizing factor is defined as
power and the third power (from the 13 orders) is defined as the detectable state. If the
power exists externally as present time the third power of time forms the internal bonding
Notes: As the orders from the previous theorem forms the limit this theorem defines the two
states of the three orders when it transmigrates outward and inward. Outward the order
externalizes the third order as a detectable state. Inward the order is in the present state
while the third order internally causes the bonding action that sustains the vortex or Vrithi.
The important point being emphasized is the third order is the volumetric state that expands
and radiate and hence becomes detectable. Whereas in the inward direction the same
volumetric third order becomes a compressive state that binds itself into a dense and centered
state. An expanding volume radiates while a contracting volume binds into a dense state. This
theorem is an extraordinary derivation of the holographic state that has all the qualities of a
real phenomena as detected.
vāgbhavati śabdavishayā
Speech forms relates to sound vibrations
śeshāni tu pañcavishayāni
Remaining concerns all five sensory responses
The will or internal potential to act comprises a spectrum of five sensory responses of both
types as sensing and reacting. Speech forms are related to sound vibrations while the
remaining is related to the entire five sensory response spectrums.
Notes: While it may seem to be only referring to human sensory responses, objectivity
requires that these definitions apply to the entire spectrum of manifestation like animals,
birds, insects, plants and all independent entities that have the analytical and organizing
power to use this potential.
35. The formation of a basic field is determined by the . order damping action.
dvārāni śeshāni
User of medium the remaining powers
At the point when all measurable interactions plunge to its limit and form a coherent bond it
is a, measure of the effort involved and therefore the third power of this bond forms the base
or medium, the remaining powers of interaction use this as medium.
Notes: The field is a real medium built up of elemental dynamic states following the rules of
volumetric form and time. The point or center of a special form must be created by a dynamic
activity. When all the active states gravitate inwards towards a centre these compress into a
dense form of the third order. These third order elemental point form becomes the medium to
create forms of other orders of activity or interaction. It is a fundamental theorem defining
the parameters that make it accountable, detectable and usable.
Spectrum of light radiation transmission process is a complex and mutually interactive guna
interactive exchange sequence and it is totally controlled by the Purusha potential at the core
and it is the only coherent motivating factor clearly till the end of its transmigration limit
Notes: Landmark theorem on the radiation of light. The potential of the nuclear core or
Purasha potential is the motivating cause of the interactive Guna exchange sequence which
initiates the transmigration of Light radiation and the same potential sustains the
transmigration process till the end of its limit. The logic here is that the interaction in the
medium continues to create the light radiation process from point to point till it reaches the
end and is unlike the concept in Physics.
A comprehensive and extraordinary use can be made in the following way. The potential of
the Purusha can be attained from the minute coherent state hidden inside the Purusha by
repeated precisely triggered inputs to initiate the primary interactions.
Notes: This theorem is an extraordinary derivation that describes the process of extracting
energy from space by triggering input of energy to create primary or large scale interactions
that would yield a large amount of energy that could be used. It is a process that is similar to
nuclear fission but this is applies to unrestrained space.(The Rigveda first sloka contains this
theorem with 25 digit numerical proof)
The self-generated vortex or vrithi or perpetual harmonic oscillator has a non synchronised or
sequential level of activity up to the eight powers. While elemental matter, with mass, are
formed at five levels up to the fifth power. The spectrum of activities as logically derived
establishes the formulation covering all interactive states, defined as synchronised, non
synchronised and superposed or coherent.
Notes: This is an axiomatic numerical derivation giving range of values in powers and is
derived by an extraordinary stretch of logic based on self similarity from the previous
theorems. Ten cycles being the basic unit simultaneous interactions rise by powers and the
eight orders is from that derivation. The half of eight being four creates equal states. Then on
initiating interactive transmigration the 4 -1 =3 and the 4+1=5 as two polarized groups as
third order interactions and order interactions form the five levels of matter density or mass.
As Vrithi is basic it changes to higher density levels as Vikharo as photons, Vikrithi as
Leptons, Prakrithi as Hadrons, Mahad as Quarks and Purusha as the central core of the
blackhole state.
sūkshamāsteshām niyatā
Mobile field constant
mātāpitrajā nivartante
molecular cyclic or periodic
The field sustained by the fundamental source of energy bonds into three organic genetic or
molecular species. The mobile field is constant and controlled and the molecular / genetic
states of three categories are cyclic or periodic.
Notes: The above theorem identifies the break from the field state to the combinations or
group formations as molecules from atoms or molecules to genetic states and so on. The field
state is a uniform sea of identical components that interact in the simultaneous state but are
not manifest but when groups are formed these have distinct interactive states that are
identifiable in a periodic or cyclic manner . The reference is the Guna interactive states that
have the three- time bound categories depicting different forms.
Static mass states, as coherent and simultaneous, are created by maximally absorbing and
super positioning the entire spectrum of vibratory or oscillatory states, from the largest and
strongest to the (limit) finest, minutest kinetic charged states.
Notes: The theorem defines dense massive inert and inactive states that seem to be in a static
state comprises superposed interactive volumes from the limiting boundary to inert low
potential source at centre formed into an absorbed and coherent form that is defined as the
Just as it is not possible to either present a picture without a supporting base or cast a shadow
without an appropriate post, so also it is impossible to have the synchronised and super
positioned dense coherent state without the required supportive base.
The synchronised and coherent state of the nuclear core forms the target potential to attract
the oscillatory interactions to synchronize and superposition itself circumferentially,
simultaneously, similar to the movements in a dance, which increases and strengthens
resonant state of the interactions .
Notes: This theorem defines the process of acquiring a coherent state as being due to the state
of nucleus, which creates the potential to draw inward or attract the oscillatory interactive
states to adhere to the surface circumferentially in a harmonic and resonant state that
exchanges its activity to form and be absorbed by the nuclear passive or static state. The
nucleus, though formed by absorbing the interactive states, because it attains a coherent state
by absorbing the activities, it creates a low potential or unitary count state towards which the
active states get drawn to it and gets absorbed.
43. Conditions under which the axiomatic laws of interaction are certain.
Sāmsiddhikās ca bhāvām
harmonic resonance is the dynamic state
The derivation of axiomatic laws of harmonic resonant action, are from the state when the
dynamic interactive state changes from perfect resonance to an accelerative state. The
starting point or start of time-cycle-period count measurement commences when the action is
in a state of relative rest for detection is only possible when activity cycle is at a restful state.
The count will be certain and accurate if it is measured at this point.
Jñānena c apavargo
self-potential cause of state of coherence
Satwic expansive actions are supported by axiomatic laws and leads upwards or towards a
free state but actions opposing it results in lowered states that leads to tamasic or compressive
states that are restrictive. Inner self potential is the only cause of synchronisation and
establishment of coherent state but obstruction or restrictions results in a confined and
bonded state.
Notes: An extraordinary theorem differentiating coherent states from confined or bound states
caused by restrictions or pressure from outside. As an example gas can be contained and
confined due to pressure and that cannot be defined by axiomatic laws. But when the same
gas condenses into a liquid state by its on inner potential it can be defined by axiomatic laws.
vairāgyāt prakritilayah
neutral balance absorption of activity
eśvaryāt avighāto
power acceleration
When the Rajasic interactive states are equal and balanced, accumulation or increase of mass
by absorption or super positioning of active displacements, occur. When unbalanced or
unequal the increase or decrease in force causes acceleration or deceleration creating the
manifest spectrum of universal phenomenon
Notes: A cardinal theorem defining the conditions under which manifestation occurs in a
dynamic and balanced interactive state. When the axiomatic interactive oscillations are
balanced the reactions are balanced and it is manifested as a spectrum of resonant states.
When force or increase in pressure occurs it creates accelerative states and decrease creates
the opposite decelarative states.
Interaction due to combinations of the three Guna states
tasyacabhedāstu pañcāśat
As a consequence the varieties are fifty orders of powers
The axiomatically ascertained order of the spectrum of manifest states due to the interactive
combinations are defined as non-synchronised, balanced and coherent & synchronised states.
Permutations and combinations caused by the interplay of the three Guna modes of
interaction results in a variety of states numbering 50 orders (power index).
Notes: An extra ordinary and unique theorem based on axiomatic derivation that defines the
limit of the maximum variety of interactive states possible in the Universe. The three Guna
interactions create three variations of interactive states as expanded or non-synchronised or
freedom in three axial directions, balanced or resonant or freedom in two axial directions
and coherent or synchronised or no freedom in any axial directions and axiomatically to
reaches a maximum of 50 orders of powers.
aśaktis ca karanavaikalyāt
asynchronous and accelerative activity
Ashtāvinśathi bhedā
28 Orders of changes through interactive combinations.
A sequence of 5 orders (of power index) of dynamically changing volumetric forms, create
asynchronous and intensely accelerative interactions. Further, a sequence of 28 orders of
interactive changes through combinations occur, followed by a sequence of 9 orders of
balanced interactive activity and 8 orders of coherent and synchronised states.
Notes: The 50 orders defined in the previous theorem is further defined as combinatorial
formations arising from the three Guna state. The expansive and accelerative states take 5
orders, while 28 orders are involved in the spectrum of resonant changes and 9 orders are
used in the balanced state and 8 create the coherent and synchronised states. Though the 50
could have divided into 2 equal states of 25, from sutra 33 clearly states that 3 orders create
the self similar volumetric state internally so 25plus 3 =28 leaving 22 as the active external states
where 5 asynchronous, 9 resonant and 8 coherent states total up to it.
48. Order of compression increase when one, two and three axis synchronise.
ca daśavidho mahāmohah
further 10 orders deeply nested
tāmisro ashtādaśadhā
dense core level of 18 orders
Interactive changes in the compressive Thamasic state proceed on the basis of 8 orders of
change to create the superposed state. The merging along three axial directions at the first
Moha level is 2 cubed or 8 orders. The second level of merging is more deeply nested as the
Mahamoha level and therefore 4 more levels are added to the 2 forming 6 orders and along
all three axes it totals to 18 levels of order. This forms the innermost deep and darkest dense
core as the Andhathamishra state.
Notes: The coherent state merges into more dense levels and the first merging being 2 and on
all three axial directions it totals 8. The next inner level of merging into a more dense state is
by increasing the nested level from 2 to double that value to 4. Along each axis then 6 orders
are there and on all three axis, it totals to 18 orders of the inner most dense state that cannot
be seen or detected and is called the “ dark as hell” dense state as the blackhole state in
ekādaśendriyavadhāh saha
Eleven –orders of expansion capable
saptadaśavadhā buddher
Seventeen orders coherent
Eleven orders of expansive interactions cover the observable range out of the previous 28
orders mentioned before. The balance of 17 orders consists of the balanced and coherent
states and the radiant states. With the 5 orders of radiant state it forms 22 orders. The 17
orders form the common potential to both phases.
Notes: The previous theorem defined the combinations possible when the axis merge forming
coherent volumetric states. In this theorem the balance 50-28=22 orders are separated into
the three groups of coherent, balanced and unsynchronized states. The five orders of
expanded states being in the unsynchronized group it leaves 17 orders as combinations in
both compressive and resonant or balanced groups. In the expansive phase it is 11 orders
leaving 6 orders as 3 orders combined or merged in the outward direction. In the inward
direction the 11-3 =8 orders form the coherent Siddhi state and 6+3=9 orders as the
balanced state. The 11 is equal to the electric and 6 to the magnetic field. The 9 and 8 orders
are the simultaneous coherent field of electromagnetic and gravitational fields in space. The
9 order is at the radiating source and 8 is at the absorbing ground state. This theorem is not
in Physics.( 2/x^3=8.4721+1=9.4721)
ādhyātmikā catasrah
Internal nuclear field fourth order of power
The interaction inside the nuclear state is defined as fourth power as initiating or material
cause of action and responsive self reaction, the time period of the reaction and the axiomatic
potential available for the internal interaction. Externally detectable fundamental activity is
defined as at the fifth power and when these two act together synchronously it is at the ninth
Notes: This cardinal theorem defines the internal motivating potential and the external
expansive transmigrating states. The definition of self action is derived as when the internal
state of three orders becomes self oscillating as a reaction to material harmonic interaction
controlled by axiomatic laws where time is involved. The definition is extended to
externalized or detectable object states as when the same interaction is extended to five
orders in time such that the combination of internal and external states total nine orders out
of the 17 orders in which 8 remains as the balanced ground state. (2/x^3
+[ (2/x^3)+1]=9.4721 as the potential of radiating phenomena)
Notes: The rationale of the ground state is derived axiomatically from interactive states
between the volumetric components forming the substratum of space. The interaction creates
stresses of three types (Guna modes) that are in a super-positioned, resonant and radiative
state. The axiomatic rationale is intellectually at the highest level. Two colliding volumes
sequentially are 1+1 =2 and simultaneously as 3 + 3 =6 and totals 6+2=8 and cube of 2 = 8.
Resonant state is 4+4=8 and compressive as 4-1 =3 and expansive as 4+1 =5 all of which
create an axiomatic sequence of interactive states that is always equal to 8 as the ground
state. This theorem has no equal in Physics or Cosmology.
52. The polarisation of phenomenon into coherent potential (mass) and kinetic
potential (charge) modes.
Neither can a defined potential source exist without a defined kinetic phase nor can a
potential phase without a kinetic charge for only then a vorticular particle can be initiated
from a potential source. The potential is classified as mass and the kinetic phase as charge
from which dual combination all phenomena is initiated and maintained by this continuous
dual mode of polarisation.
Note: The fundamental cause of phenomena is defined and derived here. Linga as the
coherent state as mass and Bhava as the kinetic state as charge must interact to create a
vortex that is detected as a particle. The continued interactive state of dual mode of
polarisation initiates the detectable particle or vortex or quantum as Vrithi that creates the
phenomena. The theorem lays the foundation for the perpetual harmonic oscillatory state that
forms the dynamic base to sustain holographic phenomena eternally.
mānushyam ekavidhaḥ
Human single class
Natural or inorganic or matter oriented phenomenon is the result of 8 orders of variations and
the organic or sub human order is of five orders of variation. The human order is from a
single variant in the five. These three classes succinctly provide the complete spectrum of
Notes: The polarisation of phenomena from the 8 orders forming the substratum of
manifestation is categorized as five. The 3 orders provide the base for any and every
phenomena as defined in the earlier theorem. It has extraordinary consequences for it is
shown to have no connection to the Moha, Mahamoha and Andathamishra state and
therefore all living forms have Satvic or radiant or spiritual base for its formation.
madhye rajoviśālo
The central Rajasic predominantly
55. Stress in three modes follows self similar laws in the dynamic SUBSTRATUM.
Therefore the interactive process of decaying and dying interactive stresses creates the
dynamic state of the Purusha at the nuclear core through absorption of stresses. The
diminishing vorticular interactive activity by the process of super positioning continues until
the minimized interactions is absorbed to form the coherent state through the self similar
interactive mode of action.
Note: The principle of the formation of the nuclear core is a self similar process of merging
by absorption. As the interactive stresses diminish, decay and die out, the dwindling counts
are absorbed at the boundary of the nuclear core to form a coherent state by super-
positioning of the decaying quanta through an absorption process following the rules of self
similar merging of stresses. The decreasing interactive stress count increases in turn the
inflow or gravitational acceleration towards the “static” core. Hence gravitation is
56. Manifestation is the result of interactions to maintain the balance between nucleus
and boundary.
Interactive oscillatory activity is initiated and perpetuated from the intense fundamental
activity at the source to the final coherent superposed massive state at the isolated the nuclear
boundary where the self potential balances with the reactive potential to initiate the cyclic
Notes: Referring to theorem 55 the process of how the nuclear region is isolated and yet the
interactions continue as an oscillatory interaction. The intense force from the boundary is
directed towards the nuclear core and its reaction initiates the cyclic process from the start
again. The oscillation starting from the boundary as an intense inward going action towards
the nucleus is drawn towards it by its self potential which isolates it but the rebounding
reaction initiates the cycle from the starting point again.
The growth of a calf is due to both, milk as its food and its commencement without any
apparent cause or specific instruction. In a similar way the goal of the nuclear state to attain a
state of restful balance, isolation or freedom from action-potential, is both the cause of
initiating and maintaining a fundamental oscillatory state of continuous activity of the
purshasya vimokshārtham
nucleus purpose of releasing
People are motivated into maintaining a state of activity to reduce their zeal for action;
similarly the unmanifest state maintains the Purusha in an isolated state free of stresses by
absorbing the activity of the continuous static and kinetic balancing interactions.
Notes: Another allegorical comparison is given here to show that hidden need or desire also
create the motivation to act. The need to release or eliminate activity around the nuclear
boundary results in an unmanifest state or the need to maintain an unmanifest state creates
the motivation to eliminate activity by absorbing it into the nucleus by merging that becomes
coherent prevents a detectable action.
Just as the external exhibition of a dancer's performance reduces his urge to continue his
perform because it satisfies his desires; similarly the outward spreading of internally created
self energy diminishes its potential by radiation and thereby reaches an interactive state of
balance in an oscillatory state.
gunavathya agunasya
through the quality of the Gunas and its reversal
Various factors, controllable, corrective, supportive, non supportive nuclear state along with
the interactive Guna qualities and its opposite coherent superposed states of dynamic and non
dynamic-potential and lack of potential maintains the oscillatory activity.
Notes: The gamut of complementary states that act for and against are listed out to show that
it is a part of Guna interactive principle that maintains the interactive state perpetually.
Na kiñcit astīti
Not doubtful existence
At the nuclear boundary the oscillatory displacement reduces to a minute angular oscillatory
movement such that its very existence seems doubtful. The consequent reduction in the
interactive self potential does not ever allow it to radiate detectable information again on the
state of interaction of the nuclear region.
Note: Cardinal theorem that defines how and why the balanced potential at the nuclear
interface is not ever detectable. The angular moments of the interactions that merge at the
boundary decrease the counts and thereby increase the reaction response time. As the merged
count density increases the ever increasing response time is hidden by the external activity
such that the nuclear boundary becomes undetectable. This is reason the nuclear region is
defined as a dark and dense state unobservable from the outer boundary yet provides the
potential as a ground state of the lowest count to allow higher count interactions to get
c nānāśrayā prakrithih
only never resting intense oscillations
Therefore nothing is bound, released or transmigrates. Only the oscillatory wave forms of
interactions is merged, bound or superposed by synchronization into a coherent state, released
by de-synchronisation and transferred by transmigration due to self similar displacements and
this never decaying, dynamic interactive state continues perpetually.
Notes: An extraordinary theorem that defines the concept of a holographic state of all
manifest phenomena for that is the only method by which the observable state in which a
substratum of space could exist. It focuses on the important point that interactions in any
medium would create stresses in three modes and only these could or would transmigrate in
many forms to create the observable and unobservable phenomena that is characterized as a
hologram. Unfortunately this vital principle that sustains the universe does not form the
foundation of Physics and Cosmology.
saiva ca purushārtham
equal to also nuclear potential
The oscillatory waveforms merge or superposition itself by its own inward going potential, to
form the nuclear density by compressing the seven volumetric waveforms till it equals the
coherent nuclear potential. When it expands it releases all the seven volumes as one
waveform simultaneously.
Notes: The extraordinary principle of stress radiation through its own inner potential is
explained here. The holographic mode of radiation is defined and derived in numerical terms
as a ratio. Inward going interactive stresses compress seven volumetric wave forms when the
radial distance is halved or density rises by 8 times and it stops when the nuclear potential is
reached. On the outward expansive phase of the interaction it releases all the seven volumes
simultaneously as the process radiating outward is against diminishing pressure and hence
acceleration takes place. This mechanism of the compressive and expanding interaction is
not derived in Physics as the space in which it occurs is considered vacuous and void of
substantial qualities.
aviparyayād viśuddham
unchanged pure
Hence fundamental research indicates that non availability of self-potential is the cause of the
existence of a potential sink (ground state) and not due to any precise measure of interactive
control that a pure changeless ground state exists.
Notes: The theorem reconfirms through theoretical validation that the ground state that acts
like a sink is neither due to interactive exchange nor confinement that can be measured to
precise value but the mere act of merging due to simultaneous action creates the lowered
potential state that initiates transmigration of stresses towards it. Therefore a cardinal
principle is established that stress get absorbed into the nuclear third order state that forms
the hologram and also provides the vital mechanism to maintain the gravitational
acceleration everywhere in space or the Universe.
When the oscillatory interactions are minimised because of the reduction in activity between
the boundary and nuclear core, the interactive current becomes neutral and the activities at
the seven radial levels becomes insignificant, and the nuclear core as Purusha attains a dense
superposed background state.
Notes: The derivation in this theorem confirms the process and logic by which the nuclear
surface is firm and forms the substantial background location that is precise and permanent.
The oscillatory waveforms created by the interactive state reduces its count rate per cycle
through merging into a coherent state whereby the surface density of interactive counts
reaches a maximum while the count rate minimises to the lowest value.
Observing the neutral state of one gives the proof that the observable movement of the other
has ceased and even though both are together no interactive manifestation exists.
Notes: An extraordinary theorem that gives a logically specific explanation as to why space
seems to be in an unmanifest or undetectable state. In the balanced perpetual harmonic
oscillatory state the resonant interaction neutralizes the displacement in both directions
because it is at the same time or simultaneously. Hence even though the interactions are
going on it cannot be observed as the neutral state of the boundary gives the impression that
the core too is in the same un- manifest state.
akārana prāptau
self motivated process of
Notes: Path breaking theorem of defining the concept mass or density in a holographic
environment that is in a perpetual harmonic oscillatory state. The standard definition of mass
of volume into density in a static environment cannot be applied to dynamic space for it
already has absolute and fundamental properties that cannot be defined except by
comparison. Therefore the observed mass in the manifest or unmanifest state logically must
be different but must have the same mechanical process of acquiring it. The logic is rigorous
because the dynamic mass changes due to various factors and must be distinguished from the
mass density concept of static objects. Time interval in the expanded state disappears in the
coherent dense state and the identity of that process is compared to a flywheel where it
acquires dynamic mass by the rate of spin and which is defined as its angular momentum or
inertia stored in it that changes slowly.
aikāntikam ātyantikam
synchronised & coherent perpetual or eternal
The process of acquiring mass is given effect by super-positioning the interactive vortex like
waveforms that gradually diminishes the cyclic interactions such it reaches a synchronised
balanced and coherent state within the first or primary activity boundary. Since the entire
process is self-motivated through axiomatic ratios it achieves a singular unified coherent
nuclear interactive state perpetually as there is no hindrance or restrictions from any external
Notes: The acme of unification is reached in this theorem. By deriving the process of self
acquisition of dynamic mass or interactive density by its own inner self potential induced by
attaining a merged and coherent state that makes it act as single unit without any external
cause it attains the ability remain interactive without any obstruction perpetually. It provides
the perpetual, harmonic, oscillatory state to support the holographic process of manifestation
that has both mass to act simultaneously and vorticular interactions to act sequentially and
provides te logical base for the existence of both manifest and unmanifest phenomena.
Investigating the possibility of eliminating the triad of stresses shows that methods exist but
the results from such methods would not have been successful had it not been for the
existence of the absolute - eternal - dynamic – un-manifest state of existence of the
Referring to the first Sutra, the logic of the conditional statement in it is proved:
The final proof of the entire spectrum of manifestation after sequentially analysing the logical
factors is given in this Sutra. The opening Sutra itself follows the principle of looping back to
create a circular rationale by choosing a phraseology that elliptically negates itself. The triad
of stresses is a reference to the GUNA interactive states of TAMA, RAJA and SATWA. This
Sutra explains how the Satwic nature of the vortex like interaction of the un-synchronised
waveforms outside the primary boundary or Pradhana state, drift towards the nuclear centre
because it is in a relative state of rest due to the coherent and synchronised condition of the
PURUSHA location. The isolation of the nuclear core has an important significance for the
dynamic state of the nucleus is possible only if there is a perpetual harmonic oscillation.
Hence the nuclear core is in a perpetual harmonic oscillatory state that decays in infinite time
or the vibratory state continues eternally.
The Raja region closer to the Satwa interface has a larger oscillatory displacement amplitude
but at the other end near the PURUSHA interface the oscillations combine or superpose
together and act simultaneously as a coherent set of synchronised vibrations with a
diminished amplitude. As the oscillatory ensemble drift towards the centre, the super-
positioning quality increases the inertia or mass and at a particular point the superpositioning
density reaches a maximum and all detectable oscillatory movements synchronise and act
together in a coherent breathing mode or a whole spherical surface vibrates as a unit.
Therefore the innermost boundary is isolated or screened by the outer spherically oscillating
surface. The inner, static, stationery, passive, dense with maximum number of oscillations
simultaneously occupying this location at the nuclear PURUSHA core acts as potential sink
but because of the screening spherical boundary it can never become active enough to lose
its’ attracting potential or sink status. The screening spherical surface in the breathing mode is
in an interactive Raja state that carries out the change from a sequential oscillatory state to a
parallel or simultaneous super posed state. Since this conversion takes place over a rate
changing factor of 2, there are (8-1) 7 intermediate levels of change as explained in Sutra 3 ,
those describing the Guna states and Sutras 63 & 65. The most important underlying
principle is that all the descriptions pertain ONLY to vibrations taking place on or in the
undetectable components of the SUBSTRATUM. The entire theory is based on analysing the
eternally dynamic holographic state of the SUBSTRATUM
The knowledge of the nuclear potential is encoded in this work by the great Maharishi where-
in the method of intellectually ascertaining the process of manifestation of phenomenon from
its origin, through its growth and till the completion of its cycle in the existing reality , is
explained here.
Notes: This is a confirmation that Maharishi Kapilla was the author of the theorems
presented here, which are encoded and hence secret . The theory is complete for it can be
intellectually verified, from its origin, development and finally to the completion of its cyclic
action in reality.
This original and fundamental doctrine the sage gave to Asuri who in turn handed down to
Panchasikha by whom it was extensively propagated as the perfect set of principles
explaining the mode of action in reality that can be verified intellectually.
@gmail. .