GP Registrar 2015
GP Registrar 2015
GP Registrar 2015
GP Registrar
The essential
guide for general
practice registrars
Negotiating a great career
Exam preparation
Looking after yourself
Training resources
Q:Who sets
the standard
in winning
cases for its
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GP Registrar 2015
The aim of GP Registrar is to assist general GP Registrar: The essential guide for general
practice registrars navigate their way through practice registrars has been prepared by
the maze of general practice training. registrars for registrars. The guide has been
This 2015 edition covers employment as a produced using sustainable environmentally
registrar, including employment terms and friendly printing techniques and paper; an
conditions; exam preparation, including advice approach that reflects GPRA’s ethos of
on study partners and how to utilise practice supporting tomorrow’s general practitioners,
case studies; support, including wellbeing and their families, in their quest for sustainable
tips and the importance of looking after careers in general practice.
yourself; and training resources, including
information about the Australian General
Practice Training program.
General Practice Registrars Australia Ltd is the voice and peak body for the next
generation of general practitioners. We work to improve the health care of all Australians
through excellence in education and training, and by promoting general practice as the
medical specialty of choice.
GPRA would like to acknowledge
the support of our patron, Professor
Michael Kidd AM.
Professor Kidd is Executive Dean
of the Faculty of Health Sciences
at Flinders University, President
of the World Organization of
Family Doctors (WONCA) and
past president of the RACGP.
On the cover
Dr Jas Saini is loving his life as a GP registrar. A role he says,
that allows him to build rich relationships with his patients –
as life coach, advocate, personal trainer, physician, emergency Inside
The MDA National Group is made up of MDA National Limited ABN 67 055 801 771 and MDA National Insurance Pty Ltd (MDA National Insurance) ABN 56 058 271 417 AFS Licence No. 238073. Insurance products provided by the MDA National
Group are underwritten by MDA National Insurance. Before making a decision to buy or hold any products issued by MDA National Insurance, please consider your personal circumstances, and read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement and
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Policy Wording and Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement and the Endorsement to Policy Wording available at DIT152
Message from the Chair
Be a better doctor
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1 About GPRA
Best supporting role
GPT2 registrar Dr Kate Thornton Kate’s best tip for new registrars? Find out in
advance if your practice has a dummy patient on
is actively involved with GPRA as an their computer system.
RLO, a member of the Wellbeing “On my first day I really struggled with the
Committee and the GP Registrar computer system and the printer and ordering
Advisor of this guide. While she tests, which surprised me,” Kate recalls.
offers support to her patients, she “I thought as part of the computer-literate
generation I would be fine with that stuff but I
says GPRA is supporting her.
found that quite challenging and it really did make
my first day difficult.
“I think GPRA does a fantastic job of supporting
registrars,” declares Dr Kate Thornton. “I’ve now found out that they’ve got a dummy
patient, so you can practise in advance if you tee
“You could ask them a question about pay or
it up with the practice manager.”
feeling burnt out or whatever you want to ask,
and they will answer it and guide you in the right Kate is currently working in a GP clinic at Corio
direction,” she adds, describing GPRA’s telephone on the outskirts of Geelong. “Corio is traditionally
advisory service. quite a disadvantaged area so there’s a lot of
poverty, substance abuse and unemployment
“Then there are all the resources on the website.
there,” Kate explains.
We should all be using the website more often
because there is some really great information there.” Working with people at society’s margins may
be challenging but Kate finds it rewarding. “I think
If Kate sounds like a walking advertisement for
unfortunately some people in Australia don’t have
GPRA, it’s understandable. She has recently made
as many opportunities in life and have poorer
the leap from passenger’s seat to driver’s seat
health than others so that’s the sort of area I’d like
at GPRA by taking on roles on the Wellbeing
to work in.”
Committee and as the registrar advisor of this guide.
Kate says it’s gratifying when she can help people
In the registrar advisor role, Kate acts as another
make healthier lifestyle choices. “It’s really satisfying
set of eyes on the information and tips in GP
when you can support someone to make the
Registrar, reviewing it through the prism of the end
decision to quit smoking, and you can see that
user and suggesting any necessary changes. “My
they’re motivating themselves and bringing about
job is to make sure the content is well targeted at
change in their life.”
registrars like me,” she says.
But Kate cautions registrars not to be disheartened
A strength of the guide is that it features tips that
if their patients lapse, or are not 100 percent pure
come not from the top down but peer-to-peer
in their new healthy habits. “It’s all about being
from other registrars.
realistic. I think part of your journey in your first
• Negotiate the terms and conditions of • the Going Places Network for junior doctors.
employment for registrars Shaping the future of
• Advocate for the interests of registrars
and provide a conduit for them to get
general practice
Students, junior doctors and GP registrars are the
advice on, and address issues with, training future of general practice. GPRA provides critical
or employment feedback to stakeholders and the government
GP Registrar––The
registrars 9
GPRA membership
Your registrar community
Being a member of GPRA provides • Online exam resources specifically developed
for registrars by registrars
many professional and personal
benefits – and it’s free! • Regular enewsletters to keep you informed
about issues that matter to registrars
• Go to
Membership to GPRA is free.
Membership benefits
• Email
• Phone 03 9629 8878
As a GPRA Member you have access to the
• and
Personalised advocacy, support
assistance with any issues or disputes that
may arise during your training
* Associate membership is available to medical students through the General Practice Students Network, junior doctors through
the Going Places Network and doctors who are not on the AGPT or RVTS training program and other stakeholders.
Visit for more information.
GP Registrar––The
registrars 11
GPRA committees
and networks
The committees experience in governance and advocacy,
and to broaden your industrial knowledge of
GPRA committees were formed by the GPRA
general practice.
Advisory Council to progress issues or ideas of
importance to Council. Committees are one GPRA currently has committees working in the
of the primary drivers behind GPRA policy following areas:
development and progression and cover a wide Assessment and standards
range of issues from rural training to wellbeing,
assessment and standards to closing the gap. This committee’s primary focus is with ACRRM
and RACGP assessments and standards. The
GPRA advocates on behalf of GP registrars via RACGP will implement new standards in 2015,
the activities of the registrar services team, which means the Committee will be heavily
Advisory Council, committees, networks and involved in surveillance and reporting on the new
the Board. Most issues are first raised within the standards from a registrar’s point of view.
Advisory Council via discussions and reports
from the committees. Closing the gap
Key policy and advocacy areas GPRA will be The Close the Gap Committee works to reduce
working on in 2015 include rural issues, support the inequality in health experienced by Aboriginal
for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander registrars, and Torres Strait Islander peoples and to promote
terms and conditions of employment, assessment this issue within the AGPT. The Committee works
and standards, and furthering the recognition closely with the Indigenous General Practice
and support for registrar medical educators and Registrar Network and the General Practice
emerging supervisors. Students Network Close the Gap Working Group.
GPRA committees promote discussion within International medical graduates (IMGs) represent
both the Advisory Council and the committees, around one-quarter of the Australian medical
and work to produce outcomes that can be workforce. The International Medical Graduate
embraced and implemented by other stakeholders. Committee represents IMG registrars and
They achieve this by meeting regularly via a web- investigates issues relevant to this group. The
based conferencing platform to collaborate, and Committee is currently developing a publication
by communicating via email groups. Secretarial and relating to IMGs.
infrastructure support is provided to each of the Registrar wellbeing
committees by GPRA.
Wellbeing is an issue often overlooked in the
The work of many of our committees to improve registrar community. The Wellbeing Committee
the Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) aims to promote the wellbeing of registrars – and
program has been integrated into the various doctors – in their workplaces. The Committee
standards and policies that govern the program. recently produced a poster for consulting rooms
Committees and networks are a great way to gain that reminds patients that they are in a workplace.
• Undertaking further professional development. GPRMEN and GPRESN run free webinars
each month on topics relevant to RMEs and
The workload generally ranges from 1–5 sessions supervisors. The topics covered represent
per week, with 3–9 sessions of clinical practice to best-practice teaching and supervision from
complete the working week. leaders in the industry.
Dr Jas Saini once ran a part-time As a medical student, Jas ran a part-time business
writing resumes and offering job-seeking tips to
business helping people get jobs. people in his community so he has a background
Now he shares his job market in human resources.
smarts with other GP registrars Jas says his number one tip for novice GP registrars
as a member of GPRA’s Terms is this: “Make sure you have a solid contract before
you start work anywhere. Most practices are very
and Conditions Committee and lenient and supportive of their registrars. But having
as a presenter of contract something written down covers both the registrar
negotiation webinars. and the practice if anything happens.”
Jas has further tips for the practice interview and
GP registrar Dr Jas Saini sounds self-assured but, is a believer in the 80/20 rule. “There are many
like many new registrars, he faced his first general versions of the 80/20 rule, but for me it means
practice term with trepidation. that for 80 percent of the time during an interview
“I was very nervous when I started my first you should be listening and 20 percent of the
term as a GP registrar,” he recalls. “Starting your time you should be speaking. The reason for that
first general practice term is a big transition is you want to know as much about the practice
for registrars. as possible.”
“You’re going from the hospital setting to what Practices are frequently looking for permanent
is essentially a small business enterprise. All of a staff, especially in areas of workforce shortage, says
sudden you’re no longer working on salary, you’re Jas, and if the registrar is the right fit there may be
generating your income as a private practitioner. future job prospects.
So it’s a very nerve-racking time.” “Interviewers often ask interviewees what their
A couple of years on, with the finishing line of his five-year goal is, but it’s also important for you as
GP fellowship in sight, Jas has grown in confidence an interviewee to find out where the practice is
and offers advice to his less experienced registrar going in the next five years,” he continues.
colleagues as a member of GPRA’s Terms and “If your interests and skills suit the practice’s
Conditions Committee and a presenter of the plans, you should emphasise this. Suddenly
webinar Negotiating Your GP Term Employment you’re responding to their needs rather than just
Agreement. telling them all you’ve done, because it may be
The webinar covers topics such as how to handle completely irrelevant.”
employer-employee relations in the private medical Jas says it can be difficult for basic term registrars
business arena and how to negotiate a contract to ask for more than the 45 percent of billings
that’s a win-win deal for both parties. in the National Terms and Conditions for the
Employment of Registrars (NTCER) document at
first. “But 45 percent is a very good number to be
on,” he says.
International medical graduates you are based, and staying longer so that you get
to know the system better.
represent around one-quarter of
The most obvious obstacle for many IMGs
the Australian medical workforce. practising in Australia is that English is their second
Dr Yashar Aliabadi Zadeh, an IMG language. Language hurdles cause problems in
and recent RACGP Fellow, different areas, including difficulties in having
conversations with patients. If you are not familiar
provides some advice for doctors with Australian slang, I recommend that you
training towards general practice. purchase an Australian slang reference book
and read it from cover to cover. Slang can also
For most international medical graduates (IMGs) be a struggle for IMGs from an English speaking
the challenges of settling in Australia can fall into background. For example, imagine that a patient
the following categories: presents at your clinic and says: “Hi doc. I had a
• Family related stress bingle yesterday and I feel crook now.” If you’re not
•Visa and immigration regulations familiar with the slang, you wouldn’t know that the
patient had had a car accident and now feels unwell!
•Being unfamiliar with the Australian
health system
Another way to help overcome language hurdles
is by ‘staying active’. By this I mean taking notes
•Having English as a second language in English, watching Australian movies and news,
•Coping with cultural differences. reading English language books and newspapers,
and by talking to staff and listening to the
Most IMGs seeking employment in Australia will pronunciation of vocabulary and phrases.
be placed in a district of workforce shortage area.
Unfortunately this means that partners might not It is true that there is a cultural gap for most IMGs,
find a position in the same town. I recommend and it is also true that this can affect your medical
that you consider moving along with your family practice. However, while most non-Western
or loved ones. This will help you assimilate countries might have a paternalistic model of
into the Australian health system without the medical practice, in which the doctor has a high
emotional stress of not being around family and rank of authority, in Australia, this is not usually the
having the support you need. case. So give it time, I found most of my colleagues
from non-Western backgrounds were doing very
Both family stresses and visa status can cause well after a couple of years, if not earlier.
a sense of urgency to sit the fellowship exams.
However, this type of approach eliminates the And finally, know your available resources!
chance of efficiently knowing the Australian health Most regional training providers provide some
system, which is important for passing the exams. level of support for IMGs, including training, which
also gives you the opportunity to socialise with
So if you have ended up living away from family your colleagues.
and hoping that obtaining fellowship as soon as
possible will solve your problems, I suggest that The GPRA International Medical Graduate
instead, you consider moving your family to where Committee represents IMG registrars and
investigates issues relevant to this group.
22 – 1300 131 198 To find out more, visit
2 Employment as a registrar
“I recommend that
you consider moving
along with your family
or loved ones.”
Yashar with his wife Yasaman Adli and son, Kian
• Work out how the phone works and put labels In the practice
against internal numbers if not already done.
Check out the treatment room, especially
Check if there is an emergency alert button, where dressings, vaccines and needles are kept:
and how to use it and turn it off.
• Make friends with practice staff, they can make – community or domiciliary nursing services.
your life much easier. Be friendly and polite
and make an effort to learn their names.
• Talk about your teaching requirements.
Make sure you have sufficient designated
The practice manager is a key ally and can help teaching time and discuss how you would like
smooth your way into your new environment. to use this.
• Have a say in setting up your bookings. You will
During consultations
• Take
almost certainly need extra time until you find
your feet, so book accordingly (ideally two a deep breath, count to 10 and then call
patients per hour when you first start, moving your first patient in.
to three or four when you feel comfortable).
• Start with open-ended questions.
Let the practice staff know the common
procedures you may routinely need extra time • Try to get the full list of the patient’s
complaints and needs early in the consult. Then
for (eg. Pap smears, psychological intervention
you can prioritise and, if required, book a
and care plans, skin excisions).
second appointment to cover the list in full.
With your supervisor • (investigation
Try to do all the work for each consult
• Check the practice booking and billing system.
Make sure you can check your billings in the
requests, prescriptions, referrals
and notes) during the consultation to avoid
practice software to ensure they are correct. having to hang around after hours when
everyone else has gone home and when you
Ask about the practice policy on checking and are more likely to forget the details.
follow-up of results and patient recalls, including
who follows up your patients’ results after you • Have a system for keeping track of clinical
questions that arise during consults (eg.
leave the practice.
notebook on your desk, manila folder with
• Establish their preferred method of being
contacted for questions during consultations
patient consult summary printed) to ask your
supervisor or look up.
(ie. phone, knock on the door, internal
messaging system) and after hours. If you’re GPRA tip
doing after-hours cover, make sure that a senior Once you have survived your first day, enjoy your
doctor has been designated to back you up and term! Ask lots of questions, look after yourself and
that you have their contact numbers. leave work at work. Debrief with other registrars
registrars who are not covered by the Medical available to you; you do not have to accrue this
Practitioners Award 2010, or any other applicable leave before you can access it.
award. Following this process, GPRA publishes a
Both annual leave and personal leave are paid at
document for registrars that contains the agreed
the appropriate base rate.
terms and conditions. These terms and conditions
represent the basic terms and conditions of Superannuation is paid to registrars at the
employment, and registrars are free to attempt gazetted rate, which is 9.5 percent in 2015.
to negotiate improved terms and conditions. Refer to for more information about
However, we advise registrars to carefully check superannuation rates.
their employment agreement to ensure they Parental leave
contain at least the terms and conditions agreed
Parental leave is generally not available to registrars,
to with GPRA.
as it requires one year of continuous service with
Refer to page 32 for more information on creating an employer. However, up to 12 months leave
your employment agreement. from the AGPT program is available to registrars
Base pay rates are indexed according to the on application. Additional leave from the training
Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS), usually annually. program may also be available depending on your
circumstances. We recommend you apply for leave
Entitlements as soon as is realistic so that disruption to your
As an employee, you are entitled to paid annual training is kept to a minimum. Talk to your training
leave under Australian law – specifically the Fair provider for more information, or contact us.You
Work Act (2009) and the National Employment may also want to investigate paid parental leave
Standards (NES). Employers are not required to with Centrelink.
grant leave if you have not yet accumulated it. On
Other resources
termination of employment an employer must pay
an employee for any accrued annual leave. Annual More than Money: A negotiation guide for GP
leave is paid at your appropriate base rate. registrars was designed to make contract
negotiation easier for registrars. The essential
Personal leave is leave that employees can take
checklist from this guide contains a summary
when they cannot attend work because they are
of the key topics that may be covered and
sick or injured. Sick leave is a type of personal
documented in your employment contract.
leave under the NES. Under the NES, full-time
employees are entitled to 10 days paid personal The 2014 Terms and Conditions Benchmarking
leave (for sick and paid carer’s leave) per year. Report can help you quickly determine the
Part-time employees receive a pro-rata remuneration and conditions that other registrars
entitlement to personal leave based on the in your particular setting receive. Refer to page 31
number of hours they work. Paid personal leave for more information about this report.
accumulates from year to year. Note that if your Both of these publications are available at
contract is based on GPRA’s terms and conditions
of employment, personal leave is immediately
Number of respondents
80 GPT1
<$500 $1 000 $1 500 $2000 $2500 $3000 $3500 $4000 $4500 $5000 $5500 >$5500
Note: earnings were binned to the higher number. For example, $1500 includes $1001 to $1500
Use a template to create your
if you make any changes to your agreement,
employment agreement
ensure you have the changes in writing or that
Use our employment agreement template your agreement is amended.
(available at or your RTP’s
employment agreement template.
Need advice?
GPRA members can access personalised advice
about their employment. Email the registrar
services team at
or phone 03 9629 8878
Perhaps you are interested in paediatrics? Whatever your plan is, write it down on paper
Consider doing a Diploma in Child Health. and let this guide the decisions you make about
Do you have an interest in medical education? where you practise. Keep in mind that your goals
may change and that this is okay.
Talk to people within your RTP about
how you can become an RLO or a registrar Thinking about your next practice can be a tricky
medical educator. decision, but it doesn’t have to be. Remember, if
you have any concerns or enquiries, talk to your
RLO or RTP program manager.
Dr Letitia Clark has survived – The RTPs commonly run pre-exam workshops
and Letitia recommends that registrars take
and passed – her three fellowship advantage of whatever is on offer.
exams so she is well placed to Letitia says there is an abundance of exam
reveal a few insider’s tips for workshops available from different providers.
exam candidates. “I know GPRA offers exam preparation webinars,
which many people find valuable. And, of course,
Three down and one to go. there are other exam preparation courses and
seminars as well.”
That’s the exam scoreboard for Dr Letitia Clark,
a rural GP registrar from Warragul in Gippsland, The college websites contain some gems
Victoria, who is a survivor of exam day jitters – for independent exam study too, says Letitia.
and the joy of receiving a positive result. “One thing I found really useful was gplearning on
the RACGP website. The format of the modules
Letitia is a trainee GP anaesthetist. Her anaesthetist
is great because it’s question and answer.
role means she has four exams to complete rather
than the usual three in the RACGP fellowship “There’s another independent learning program
pathway. There’s more swotting ahead for her there called the check Program, which is very
anaesthetics exam but she has already passed the up to date. I used check for the things I didn’t
three exams for her RACGP fellowship. think Murtagh covered very well like topical or
legal issues.”
Letitia is also an RLO with Southern GP Training,
so sharing exam tips with her peers is part of Forming a small study group is another approach
her remit. that works well for many registrars, says Letitia.
Her advice to registrars preparing for exams Seeing patients can be equally effective, she adds.
is two-fold: know Murtagh, and practise lots of “I’d have my learning plan handy and whenever
exam questions. I came across something I felt a bit rusty on –
say community-acquired pneumonia – I’d note it in
“I read Murtagh’s General Practice from cover to
my learning plan and go home and look it up.”
cover and learnt the diagnostic triads. This is where
you have three symptoms together and it suggests In the clinic, Letitia says she “treated every
a certain diagnosis. I found the diagnostic triads are patient like an OSCE station for about a month
referred to a lot in the exams,” Letitia says. beforehand”.
“I also did lots of practice questions. I wrote “The oral exam is supposed to be based on a day
questions, other registrars wrote questions and in general practice. And I felt like it was. When I
we all did each other’s questions. I think that walked out of the exam I felt like I’d probably seen
practising exam questions over and over again the vast majority of the cases in the last two or
makes you understand how to answer them three weeks in the clinic.”
under exam conditions.”
“I wrote questions,
other registrars wrote
questions and we
all did each other’s
• Mini Clinical Evaluation Exercise (miniCEX) want to find yourself spending weeks on some
• Procedural Skills Logbook. your learning gaps early to make sure you don’t
make this mistake.
RACGP Fellowship exams
Tip 4: Study with others
General practice registrars training towards Consider forming a study group, either online or
fellowship of the RACGP must pass the following: in-person. Working with a small group enables
• When you see patients in the clinic: links to resources and practice case studies:
– demonstrate a systematic, clear, patient
centred and empathetic approach • For specific information about college exam
preparation and workshops refer to the
– cultivate a professional attitude, including relevant colleges:
good time management and attention to
ethical and legal issues – ACRRM:
general practice
exam book
Kath O’Connor
Rachel Oommen
Robin Park
Fabian Schwarz
Tammra Warby
Yashar Aliabadi Zadeh
Recent GP fellow Dr Cass Wys She believes exercise can help you stay fit physically
and mentally, and she regularly works out at the
is a member and past Chair of gym with a personal trainer.
GPRA’s Wellbeing Committee. “Normally I feel a bit wiped out after a day at
Having weathered a firestorm of work because I’m talking to people non-stop.
stress on her GP journey, she has At the gym it’s my time. I can listen to my music
and just zone out. Then when I come home I feel
learnt ways to manage the strain like a new person. I can sit with my daughter and
for a happy work-life balance. I’ve got the patience of a saint.”
Cass is actively involved in registrar wellness issues
2013 was a massive year for Dr Cass Wys.
as a member, and past Chair, of GPRA’s Wellbeing
“I was studying for exams. I was working full-time Committee. “I think stress is an intrinsic part of the
in four or five different roles. I was looking after job. And if you don’t learn how to manage it early
my then two-year-old daughter. On top of that, my you’ll be in big trouble later down the track,”
partner Matt had a fly-in, fly-out job and was away she says.
for three weeks out of four.
“A lot of doctors are type A personalities with
“By Friday I had brain fatigue and couldn’t think perfectionist tendencies. We strive to accomplish
clearly. It was an incredibly stressful year and at the highest level possible, we bite off more than
something had to give.” we can chew and we have a fear of failure.”
The couple sat down and reassessed their For GP registrars, there’s a perfect storm of
priorities. Cass opted to work four days a week multiple stressors, continues Cass. Moving from the
instead of five with an hour for lunch (“I think familiar hospital system to the unfamiliar realm of
that’s important”), an early finish and no weekend general practice is stressful in itself.
work. Her partner found a new job with no fly-in,
“It’s actually incredibly tiring,” Cass observes.
fly out travel.
“You’re now seeing patients every 15 minutes or
Now, with her exams behind her and a more so. In hospital you have the luxury of a bit more
forgiving work schedule in place, Cass is enjoying time to order tests and get results. In general
life again. practice you have to make a plan then and there.
Cass is a strong advocate for looking after yourself The clinical decision-making can be quite uncertain,
so you can look after others. She now makes especially in the first term.”
sure she schedules some ‘me time’ with a weekly The clinical aspect is only part of the picture, Cass
massage in her lunch break. says. You’re adjusting to new people, new systems,
how Medicare works, and a new way of earning
an income.
“If a GP registrar believes they are being bullied, “One reason I love general practice is the diversity
they should contact GPRA and let them know the of career paths,” she says. “I’ve just done my first
situation. They should also speak to their RLO as course in cosmetic medicine and this is going to be
they are the registrar’s advocate and should be an exciting new avenue for me. General practice
able to help sort out the issue. The RLO may want is what you make it and you can mould it to
to discuss it further with the registrar’s RTP for whatever interests you have.”
further support and advice. Written by Jan Walker
• Support
usually means reporting it to your GP supervisor
the person who is being bullied.
and/or director of training. If you can’t speak to
Suggest they ask for help: for example, go with
them for whatever reason, you can approach
your RLO, or please call GPRA for a confidential them to a place they can get help or provide
discussion on 03 9629 8878. them with information about where to go for
help (such as GPRA)
Some types of workplace bullying are criminal
offences. If you have experienced violence, assault Report the bullying to someone in authority
or stalking for example, these matters should be or someone you trust at work. If the bullying is
reported to the police as a matter of course. serious, report it to the police; if the bullying
occurs on social media, report it
What if I witness someone else
being bullied? • Make notes of what you have witnessed:
the time, place, how and by whom.
People respect those who stand up for others.
But being a supportive bystander can be tough.
Sometimes it’s not easy to work out how to safely
assist someone who you suspect is being bullied
because bullying occurs in many ways.
Staying sane
Tips to get you through
Maintaining sanity during your • Recognise your signs of stress:
training is vital. Dr Belinda Allan, – psychological – ruminating about work,
GP registrar and GPRA Wellbeing inability to unwind, waking up anxious, low
mood, general anxiety, perfectionism,
Committee Secretary shares
irritability or mood swings, pessimism, feeling
her wellbeing tips. overwhelmed or inadequate, reduced
• debrief
concentration, difficulty making decisions
Have another registrar or friend that you can
with at the end of a tough day. – physical – fatigue, headaches, muscular aches,
• pipeline
insomnia, gastrointestinal upsets, palpitations,
Always have a holiday or long weekend in the and dermatological disorders
to look forward to.
• mark
– lifestyle – problems in your relationships,
Do something on a Friday night for pleasure to increased use of alcohol or drugs, lower
the end of your working week (even if tolerance of life stressors, social isolation,
you have to work weekends). decrease in performance at work, increased
• your
Always have one activity a week, booked into
diary which you do not cancel, that is just
number of sick days, loss of hobbies or
outside interests.
for enjoyment, such as yoga, sport, music, art
or a hobby. • essential!)
Have your own GP (don’t laugh – this is
– make an appointment at least once
• Make exercise a part of your working week. every 12 months (and include a mental
• before
Learn relaxation techniques and use them health check-up).
sleep, depending on your beliefs this may
include breathing techniques, mindfulness,
• trust
Be honest – have someone in your life that you
and can confide in about stress.
meditation or prayer.
• someone
Speak up early! Contact your RLO, GPRA or
• help
Learn to leave work at work, debriefing can
with this.
you trust about issues in your
practice with your supervisor or RTP that
• doing
Learn to turn off your analytical brain, consider are affecting your stress levels.
something creative or pleasurable instead
such as listening to or making music or art, or
• Ask your fellow registrars how they are going
– you’d be surprised how many of us are going
spending time in your garden. through a similar experience.
• work
Have a wind-down ritual, such as getting out of
clothes, having a shower, eating a nutritious GPRA has a dedicated self-care section on their
meal, doing exercise, having time alone or website, including support programs, advice from
spending time with loved ones. GPs and more. Visit or phone the
GPRA registrar services team on 03 9629 8878
go-to resources for clinical work A strong trend in doctors’ resources is the mobile
phone app. Sidya says that while she’s not generally
and exam preparation. an early adopter she has an app for UpToDate
that she finds extremely valuable.
Ask 10 GP registrars to list their favourite resources
and you will probably get 10 different answers. “UpToDate is an American-based website, used a
lot on hospital intranets. It gives you information
Today the digital age has revolutionised what’s on what sort of investigations to do and the usual
on offer. There is an ever-expanding plethora of treatment modality.
online resources accessible on desktop and mobile
digital devices. These range from medical learning “It’s helped me to move forward or at least manage
platforms to clinical guidelines produced by a patient I’m not sure about when I didn’t have
expert authorities. access to a supervisor during my training years.”
Then there’s the brave new world of FOAMed Paediatric cases have Sidya thumbing through
The Royal Children’s Hospital Paediatric Handbook
(free open access medical education) as well as
or browsing the information freely available on
doctors who blog, tweet and chat on Facebook
their website. It’s a great resource for practising
with their peer group to share professional insights,
paediatric stations, looking up guidelines or even
clinical conundrums and links to articles across the
generating parent information handouts, she says.
web – often with some witty repartee thrown in.
For absolute beginners to general practice, Sidya
And, of course, the traditional hard copy book
says one resource stands out. GP Companion is a
remains a reliable standby.
pocket reference guide produced by GPRA, but it’s
Dr Sidya Raghavan is a medical educator and equally handy for all GP registrars.
former RLO with Queensland Rural Medical
“GP Companion is a fantastic little book. It’s a quick
Education who has taught and advised many GP
guide to lots of simple, basic things,” she says.
registrars on their way to fellowship. And she’s
happy to share her highly personal list of favourites. The RTPs provide online learning platforms for
their registrars, a series of modules for self-directed
Sidya confesses to being a little old-fashioned when
learning. “One of the main resources I used in
it comes to her number one choice. “Definitely
my first year of training was GPRime,” Sidya says.
Murtagh,” she says with a laugh.
“We had to go through modules, we had cases to
“Murtagh’s General Practice was, and still is, a bible work out, and based on that framework we did
for us. I always have it in my room so I can access it regular sessions with our supervisor. It was very
helpful to me.”
58 Visit
our website
– 1300–
131 198
5 Training resources
“Murtagh’s General
Practice was, and still
is, a bible for us.”
child she resumed her postgraduate training at
Redland Hospital, Brisbane before moving to
Toowoomba for her general practice training.
US online clinical decision-making tool used
She originally planned to become an obstetrician
internationally. Available for purchase but is
like her mother. However, she decided to channel
often provided by the practice or RTP
her interest in women’s health into general
practice instead – an option more compatible with
family life.
• The Royal Children’s Hospital
Paediatric Handbook
Sidya was recently awarded her fellowship. “I didn’t
think it would be so big for me, but when it came Comprehensive paediatric reference book from
through I went woohoo!” she says. She now works The Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne. Hard
at The Range Medical Centre in Toowoomba and copy available for purchase. Information is also
as a medical educator with QRME. freely available on their website
As an international doctor, Sidya has a personal
GP Companion
insight into the issues faced by migrant registrars
and is heavily involved in GPRA’s International
Medical Graduate Committee. The essential pocket reference for general
practice registrars, junior doctors and medical
When she gets any spare time, Sidya loves to cook
students from GPRA. Hard copy available for
Indian dishes and celebrate the customs of her
purchase at a special price for GPRA members
homeIand. “There’s a [Hindu] temple in Brisbane
• Provide support to GP registrars in their region. are struggling or feeling isolated, your RLO can
provide support via phone calls and emails. They
Advocacy and representation may also be helpful with putting you in touch with
Registrars on the AGPT program can contact their other doctors in the area or with social networks.
RLO confidentially to discuss any aspect of their
training and employment. Your RLO may refer you
to the appropriate person or group to resolve a
particular problem, assist in mediating a dispute,
or they may just hear you out when you have an
issue. RLOs will often be able to answer a question
on the spot.
RLOs also represent registrar concerns and
opinions at the RTP level and nationally via the
GPRA Advisory Council.
Pastoral care
Pastoral care is an important part of the RLO
position. It is inappropriate for an RLO to enter Dr Julia Coshan, RLO for Beyond Medical Education, at the
into a patient-doctor type relationship with any GPRA Advisory Council meeting, Brisbane, September 2014
of their registrar colleagues. However, they can
refer registrars to a GP or other appropriate
health professional. Contact your RTP to find out who your local
RLOs are, or refer to the GPRA RLO directory at
When a placement is not going well for a registrar,
or if there is a dispute with the RTP or practice,
+ +
Primary rural and Joint training GP terms
Year two remote training opportunities are GPT1 – 6 months
2 x 6 months available † GPT2 – 6 months
+ +
Primary rural and Joint training GPT3 – 6 months
Year three remote training opportunities are
Extended skills
2 x 6 months available † – 6 months
* Credit given for AGPT training already undertaken towards one fellowship, prior to undertaking a second or third fellowship
Can be achieved in dual-accredited practices or posts
Note: Although this table is presented in a linear format, both colleges have flexible training options to enable registrars to plan
their training around their own needs and interests. See the college websites for more information
available on the journey towards • ACRRM offers their registrars clinical guidelines
for mobile devices:
fellowship. Many are free, and
some may already be available at • The RACGP offers a range of free and
member-only guidelines, including preventive
your practice, hospital or through activities in general practice, putting prevention
into practice, smoking cessation and aged care:
your RTP. Recently fellowed GP,
Dr Fabian Schwarz, shares his Referrals
resource tips for the road ahead.
• AMA referrals position statement:
In the clinic • Registrar liaison officers are valuable when
referring to tertiary hospitals
Common presentations
General practice is a lot about having an approach • Familiarise yourself with the health professionals
in your area, introduce yourself and network.
to deal with the unknown, and ultimately to assess
and manage risks. Common presentations well Ask your colleagues and practice manager.
covered by GP-friendly resources include: Ask your patients too
GP desktop practice support toolkit (member
GP Companion by GPRA: access only):
(discounted price for GPRA members)
64 – 1300 131 198 GP Registrar – The essential guide for general practice registrars 89
GPRA is the peak national
body for GP registrars.
Run by registrars, for registrars.
GPRA produces a range of resources to support 2015
registrars throughout their training and GP Registrar Terms and Conditions
assessment. Contact the registrar services team The essential
guide for general
Benchmarking Report
GP Registrar
The essential guide for GP registrars.
Benchmarking report
Power up your negotiations! Inside
Negotiating a great career
Kath O’Connor
Rachel Oommen
Robin Park
Fabian Schwarz
Tammra Warby
Yashar Aliabadi Zadeh