Home Assignment 4 PHY 306/604 Statistical Mechanics

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Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Bhopal

Home Assignment 4
PHY 306/604
Statistical Mechanics

Duration: .... ... Marks

1. Calculate the second virial coefficient for the following potentials.


φ(r) = ∞; r < σ
= −cr−γ r > σ

The parameter γ is usually taken to be 6.


φ(r) = ∞r < σ
(r − λσ)
= ; σ < r < λσ
σ(λ − 1)
= 0; λσ < r

φ(r) = (σ/r)n (1)

for n > 3.
2. Consider a system of N Fermions, each having mass m, spin s, at zero
temperature in a volume V . Calculate the Fermi energy.
3. Write down the Hamiltonian for the two noninteracting particles in a
infinite square well. Verify that the fermion in the ground state energy is
given 5π 2 h̄2 /(2ma2 ).

4. Find the next two excited states of the of the above wave function for each
of three cases, distinguishable, identical bosons and identical fermions.
5. Consider three particles and three distinct one particle states are ψa (x), ψb (x), ψc (x)
available. How many different three particle states can be constructed
a) If they are distinguishable, b) if they are identical bosons c) if they are
identical fermions. Particles need not to be in different states ψa (x1 )ψa (x2 ), ψa (x3 )
would be one possibility it the particles are distinguishable.

6. Show that the entropy of the ideal gas in the thermal equilibrium is given
by the formula,
S=k [< (n + 1) > ln(< n + 1 >)− < n > ln(< n >)] (2)
in case of the bosons

S=k [−(< 1 − n >) ln(< n + 1 >)− < n > ln(< n >)] (3)

and in case of fermions. Verify these results are consistent with the general
X hX i
S = −k p (n) ln p (n) (4)

Where p (n) is the probability of that there are exactly n particles in the
energy state .
7. Derive for all three statistics the relevant expression for the quantity
∂ < n >
< n 2 > − < n >2 = kT (5)
∂µ T

8. Consider a system of N non-interacting quantum oscillator at temperature

T . The energy level of a single oscillator is given by,
1 γ
E = m+ , m = 0, 1, 2, · · ·
2 V

(γ is constant. V is one dimension volume.)

1. Find average energy U and specific heat CV .
2. Determine the equation of state. 3. Find the fraction of particles in
the mth energy level.
9. Find the expression for grand canonical partition function Q for ideal Bose
gas and express V −1 log Q as a function of fugacity z and temperature T
in the thermodynamic limit.
(a) Find the average number of particles per unit area in the thermody-
namic limit as a function of z and T .
(b) Show that there is no Bose-Einstein condensation in two dimensions.
10. A quantum mechanical harmonic oscillator (ground state energy is ~ω2 ) is
in thermal equilibrium with temperature T .
(a) Calculate the average energy of the oscillator. Compare your answer
with classical result.
(b) Calculate ∆E. How do < E > and ∆E behave in low temperature
and high temperature limit?

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