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Journal of Engineering Science and Technology

Vol. 6, No. 4 (2011) 469 - 480

© School of Engineering, Taylor’s University




Faculty of Engineering, International Islamic University Malaysia,

P.O. Box 10, 50278, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
*Corresponding Author: hazratalidu07@yahoo.com

Traffic signal light can be optimized using vehicle flow statistics obtained by
Smart Video Surveillance Software (SVSS). This research focuses on efficient
traffic control system by detecting and counting the vehicle numbers at various
times and locations. At present, one of the biggest problems in the main city in
any country is the traffic jam during office hour and office break hour.
Sometimes it can be seen that the traffic signal green light is still ON even
though there is no vehicle coming. Similarly, it is also observed that long
queues of vehicles are waiting even though the road is empty due to traffic
signal light selection without proper investigation on vehicle flow. This can be
handled by adjusting the vehicle passing time implementing by our developed
SVSS. A number of experiment results of vehicle flows are discussed in this
research graphically in order to test the feasibility of the developed system.
Finally, adoptive background model is proposed in SVSS in order to
successfully detect target objects such as motor bike, car, bus, etc.
Keywords: Vehicle detection, Motion detection, Traffic density estimation,
Traffic signal control.

1. Introduction
In recent years, video processing techniques have attracted researchers for vehicle
detection [1-6]. Neural networks have been widely used in traffic control system
[7-9]. Traffic incident detection model using neural networks has been developed
using traffic magnetic sensors [7]. Intelligent agent systems have been used in
order to control the traffic [8]. Hybrid computational intelligent techniques and
fuzzy neural networks have been applied in multi- agents in order to control the
traffic signals. They have reduced the average waiting time in the traffic. Traffic

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BS Background subtraction
ED Event database
FAR False acceptance rate
FRR False rejection rate
SVSS Smart video surveillance software
TSR Total success rate
TV Threshold value
VD Video database
flow prediction is achieved using time delay based neural networks [9]. In this
paper, we will use image processing technique for identification of vehicles and
traffic density by processing the traffic videos.
The pre-processing algorithm determines the contour of an object depending
on the application. Once the object is detected and located, its boundary can be
found by using edge detection and boundary following algorithms [10]. For object
detection and recognition in video surveillance, various approaches have been
proposed in the past years by many experts on this topic [11, 12].
Viitaniemi and Laaksonen [13] proposed a technique of moving object
detection in video analysis. They considered all the test image segments given by
a certain segmentation method. The segments have been ranked using the
PicSOM framework according to their similarity of target object segments in the
training images. They showed the average precision measurement for the test set
object detection. Hampapur et al. [14] proposed the different approach, called
salient motion detection, assumes that a scene will have many different types of
motion, of which some types are of interest from a surveillance perspective.

2. System architecture of SVSS

Figure 1 shows the detail software design and system architecture of Smart Video
Surveillance Software (SVSS). It highlights the relationship unit among different
hardware and software components.

Fig. 1. SVSS Software Architecture.

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Smart Video Surveillance System for Vehicle Detection and Traffic Flow Control 471

2.1. Hardware selection

The hardware components required for the SVSS is shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Hardware Components of the SVSS.

Components Description Quantity
Outdoor Box 1/3" Sony Super HAD, 380TVL /
1. 3
Camera 0lx / 3.6 mm / 22IR LEDs / 12VDC
2. Dome Camera 1/3" Sony Super HAD 1
3. DVR Card 4 Channel 3rd Party DVR Card 1
4. Cable Lay coaxial cable 50 ft
5. DVR DVR card 1
6. Main Server High Speed CPU 1

2.2. Software selection

The minimum software requirements for this project are:
• Windows XP
• Task Manager (Testing Tool Server)
• C # Programming Language

2.3. Camera positioning

The test camera view angles are shown details in Fig. 2. The test parameters are
selected based on our software optimization requirements. Selecting appropriate
camera parameter is one of most important factors for successfully implementing
the developed system.

Fig. 2. Camera View Angles are shown in Details from Different Positions.

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2.4. SVSS Database

SVSS requires huge database storage in order to run the system smoothly. It is a
collection of data for the surveillance system. SVSS classifies databases as a type
of content, for example: bibliographic, full-text, numeric, and image. SVSS has
two main types of database which are: (a) Event Database, (b) Video Database.
As both of the databases are important for the system, we have discussed
more about these database systems and its relationship with the other
functional components.

2.5. Event database

Figure 3 elaborates the Event Database (ED) and its attributes of SVSS while
showing the inter-relationships with other functional components. ED shows that
the Event is linked directly to the attributes and logical data type while describing
the functional blocks.

Fig. 3. Description of an Event Database System of SVSS.

2.6. Video database

The Video Database (VD) is shown in Fig. 4. It highlights the video format, video
start time and end time, date, video recording location, etc. The VD is stored in
the video storage until a specified period selected by the user.
The SVSS video storage normally can store 4 month’s continuous videos for
one terabyte hard disk consist of 4 cameras. It is also user friendly and user can
delete unnecessary video data and store necessary video data according to the
user’s needs. User has an easy access to the SVSS for these purposes.

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Smart Video Surveillance System for Vehicle Detection and Traffic Flow Control 473

2.7. Video database

In this section, moving vehicle detection was carried out applying the existing
Background Subtraction (BS) technique as well as our proposed and implemented
Threshold Value (TV) adjusting technique. Thus, selected threshold values
minimize noise effects. From various experiments carried out, the optimal
threshold value is 25 as shown in Fig. 5. It can be observed that the image with
Threshold Value (TV) 128 and 255 are darker than the previous image. Finally,
image with TV 255 is completely dark due to increasing the TV up to the peak
value. In case of camera pixel noise due to illumination changes, it was removed
using opening filter. Small white pixels also have been removed in this process to
smoothen the image. Finally motion boundary or blob indicator is used to detect
the target objects.

Fig. 4. Video Database of SVSS.

2.8. Motorbike detection using blob segmentation technique

The image from edge filter is merged with the original image, producing image
with edge around motion area. Then this edge will be changed to color channel.
This is solely to emphasize the region where the motion actually occurs.
Subsequently this will produce final image with colored blobs. Figure 6 shows the
blob detected motor bike using our SVSS. The blob is marked by green color.
Similarly if another object either motor bike or any other vehicle appears at under
the camera surveillance it will be detected by another color indicating blob.
Table 2 explains blob ratios for different types of vehicles. Our selected range
for the blob ratio algorithm is 0.3<R<1.2. Blob ratio has been calculated by
counting the pixel of Height/Width of the image. We observed above that the blob
ratios for different vehicles are between 0.3 and 1.2. On the other hand, in the top
right hand corner of Table 2 is shown the blob ratio of a human being. The blob
ratio is 2.1. For this reason, human being will not be detected by SVSS. Only the
moving object which falls under the selected range will be considered as target

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object. It is also noticeable that if the ratio falls under the range of 0.9<R<1.2 then
it will be saved as motor bike. Similarly, if the ratio is between 0.3 and 0.6
then the detected object will be saved as car and if greater than 0.6 then it will be
saved as bus.

Fig. 5. Impact of Threshold Values (TV), (a) Reference Image,

(b) Gray Scale Image, (c) Image with TV=25. (d) Image with TV=128,
(e) Image with TV=250 and (f) Image with TV=255.

Fig. 6. Motor Bike Detection using Blob Segmentation using SVSS.

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Smart Video Surveillance System for Vehicle Detection and Traffic Flow Control 475

Table 2. Blob Analysis for Different Vehicles.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Vehicle detection in cloudy evening
Figure 7 shows the detected vehicle in the evening at about 6.42pm while it was
cloudy environment. Table 3 gives detail results of the experiment. The
testing videos were recorded at an angle of 10 degree while the position of the
camera was 1.25 m from the ground. The targeted distance for the experiment was
2-30 m. We found the rate of false detection or false acceptance is 5.81% which
shows the satisfactory result of the test case.

Fig. 7. Detected Multiple Vehicles at 06.41.15pm in a Cloudy Evening.

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476 A. A. Shafie et al.

Table 3. Detection and Tracking Result at an Angle of 10 Degree.

Figure 8 highlights that the numbers of vehicles are decreasing with the
increment of time. Using this data traffic signal light can be control efficiently at
that place. The significant of the cloudy environment is to justify the accurate
vehicle detection rate under this condition in order to implement practically. The
special feature used in this case is the moving vehicle’s blob segmentation. The
image from edge filter is merged with the original image, producing image with
edge around motion area. Then this edge will be changed to color channel. This is
solely to emphasize the region where the motion actually occurs. Subsequently
this produces final image with colored blobs. The blob ratio has been calculated
by counting the pixel of Height/Width of the image.

Fig. 8. Vehicle Flow at 06.41.15pm in a Cloudy Evening.

3.2. Vehicle detection in early morning

Figure 9 presents the surveillance test results that have been conducted in the
early morning of the day. This experiment was done to check the reliability of
accurate detection in the morning environment. Camera was positioning at a
height of 3.5 m from the ground and at an angle of 20 degree. The light intensity
was 45 lux. The targeted distance was 6-30 m. The rate of false detection was
12.31%. The accuracy is satisfactory even though there were some false detection
due to occlusion. Figure 10 and Table 4 below demonstrate that the numbers of
vehicles are increasing with the increment of time.

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Smart Video Surveillance System for Vehicle Detection and Traffic Flow Control 477

Fig. 9. Detected Bus at 07.14.25am in the Morning.

Table 4. Detection and Tracking Result

at an Angle of 20 Degree at Various Times.

Fig. 10. Flow of Vehicles at Different Times in early Morning.

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4. Performance Analysis of SVSS for Adaptive Background

In the developed SVSS adaptive background technique is used in vehicle
detection purpose. In this technique we have moved the background frame
slightly in the direction of the current frame. We have changed the colors of
pixels in the background frame by one level per frame. In this process, the
background is changed to the current image, pixels by pixels (1 level per frame).
This process ensures that even smallest change with respect to the background in
the image is detected successfully. To evaluate the system performance, three
well-known measurements are used, False Rejection Rate (FRR), False
Acceptance Rate (FAR), and Total Success Rate (TSR). The comparison of this
method is illustrated in Table 5 which includes the performance evaluation based
on computational efficiency measured from Average CPU Usage.

Table 5. Performance Analysis of Adoptive Background Model.

The above discussion and results can be summarized as follows. The most
accurate result was found at an angle of 0 degree and 45 degree while camera
height was 0.5 m and 6 m respectively. The nearest result was at 15 degree angle
and 4 m height followed by 5 degree angle and 0.5 m height. On the other hand,
majority of the false detections occurred at 70 degree and 60 degree angles and a
height of 6 m from the ground. Besides this, there were false detections that
occurred at night and in cloudy environment due to occlusion.

5. Traffic Control by Implementing SVSS

From the above results, we can easily find which road needs the efficient traffic
system indicating the time period. Vehicle flow is also clearly viewed from the
experimental results. Based on the results for the above test areas we can reset the
traffic signal timing in order to achieve less waiting period in each junction. Thus,
the developed SVSS is capable to optimize the traffic signal light successfully in
any application environment.

6.Conclusion and Future Work

The developed Smart Video Surveillance System for the purpose of vehicle
detection and traffic flow control was successfully tested in the real environment.
Inspiring result was found in the field of security application. Effective
performance evaluation is deemed important towards achieving successful Smart
Video Surveillance Systems with higher accuracy and less false detection. From
the point of practical implementation, several experiments have been conducted in
order to verify the performance of the system and the results showed that the

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Smart Video Surveillance System for Vehicle Detection and Traffic Flow Control 479

developed system is more efficient than the existing traditional surveillance

system because it can detect the vehicle almost perfectly with a small rate of false
acceptance and thus from the achieved result, traffic flow can be easily controlled.

Traffic flow control by SVSS in machine vision is the main contribution to the
existing system. The following future works will enhance the system to solve the
sophisticated security problems extensively:
• Night vision camera or infrared camera will help in recording the videos
even at night or at dark place. Collision and damage detections are
important areas that can benefit from such advance system.
• IP camera should be used to notify any danger or suspect acts to the user in
real-time alert system.
• High camera resolution should be selected where very clear images are necessary.
• Wireless camera should use in order to reduce wiring and maintenance cost.

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Journal of Engineering Science and Technology August 2011, Vol. 6(4)

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