Assignment 1.1-DRRR

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Objective: Identify situations that constitutes hazards and determine which ones qualify and
as disasters.

Instruction: Answer the following by indicating in the space for letter a whether the situation
involves a natural phenomenon or hazard, and in the space for letter b whether it constitutes a
disaster or not.

1. Flooding occurs in an isolated island with zero population. This situation is illustrated in
the figure below.

flood in an
isolated island

a. _________________________ b. _________________________

2. A river flood occurs near a community whose population is not known to be vulnerable.
Flooding is threatening to intensify and reach the populated area.

river flood population

a. _________________________ b. _________________________
3. Flooding occurs near a community whose population is not known to be vulnerable.
Population growth pushes people farther into the flood-prone areas.

flooding population

a. _________________________ b. _________________________

4. Flooding occurs near a community whose population is known to be vulnerable. Flooding

is threatening to intensify and reach the populated area.

flood population

a. _________________________ b. _________________________

5. Flooding occurs near a community whose population is known to be vulnerable.

Population growth threatens to push people farther into the flood-prone areas.

flood population
a. _________________________ b. _________________________

6. Flooding occurs near a community whose population is known to be vulnerable.

Intensification of flooding caused water level to rise toward the populated area. Also,
population growth has pushed people into the flood-prone areas.


b. _________________________ b. _________________________

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