Reservoir Characterization A Case Study of Wells in Niger Delta, Nigeria
Reservoir Characterization A Case Study of Wells in Niger Delta, Nigeria
Reservoir Characterization A Case Study of Wells in Niger Delta, Nigeria
This research work is basically based on the use of Geophysical wire line log data of well Xl and
well X2 in X- field, Niger Delta for the evaluation of the reservoir potential of the wells. The
aims and objectivity of this research work is to use geophysical borehole log data to determine
the reservoir of the various stages in the wells, correlate the wells in the field, determine the
economically viability of the wells and to determine the different lithology encountered at
various depth in the wells.The well Xl and well X2 are located at South-East of Brass and South
West of Bonny. The reservoir potential of the well Xl is between depth 3533M and 3850M while
the depth between 580M, the topmost of well Xl and 3850M, the deepest part of well Xl. The
depth between 2750m and 3340m are purely shales. Similarly, the reservoir potential of the well
X2 is at depth between the range of 4057M and 4097M.The depth between 2205M and 2910M
are intercalation of sand and shale whiles the depth 3000M to 35lOM are purely shale because of
high Gamma ray values from the logs.From the raw data collected from the Agip energy,
reservoir characterization of the two wells was carried out by plotting depth values against
resistivity values and depth against gamma ray. The plotting helped in the correlation of the two
wells and determined the reservoir potentiality of the wells. Reservoir characterization deals with
sedimentology, structural geology and petrophysical parameters of the wells formation. It also
deals with the depositional environments and reservoir sand bodies that characterized the wells.
This research work will identify the petroleum reservoirs that are capable of holding significant
amount of petroleum in the wells, which will result from the consideration of porosity,
hydrocarbon turation and other petrophysical parameters.
In recent, the study of reservoir characterization involved the studying of wire line wel1 logs,
well cuttings, cores, Formation Micro Scanner (FMS) images, and drill stern test (DST). But, in
this research work, only the methods of geophysical wire line logs used in formation evaluation
would be considered.
The wire line logs used are Gamma ray log which measures the amount of radioactive elements
in the formation, Bulk density log which is a function of matrix density, porosity, and density of
the fluid in the pores (salt mud, fresh mud, or hydrocarbons) and also measure the type of fluids
in the formation. Bulk density correction which records how much correction has been applied to
the bulk density curve due to borehole irregularities, Resistivity which measure the amount and
type of fluid (Hydrocarbon, water) in the formation, there are two types of resistivity in the data,
which are, Induction deep resistivity (ILD), and induction medium resistivity (ILM).
Well logging playing an expanded role in the geo1ogical decision making process, the logging
tools and interpretive methods are developing in accuracy and sophistication. Petrophysical log
interpretation is one of the most useful and important tools available to a petroleum geologist
and oil producing industries.
Amongst the different types of logs, the ones used most frequently in carbon exploration are
called open hole logs. The name open hole is applied ‘use these logs are recorded in the uncased
portion of the well bore. The rock surrounding the borehole have certain properties which affect
the movement of fluids into and out of formation. Most common reservoir rocks are Sandstones,
carbonates, and conglomerates while shales are poor reservoir rocks unless they are very well
fractured because reservoir can only be effective if it is permeable typical well, only about 15%
of reservoir rocks present are of interest
Fert and King (1979), in Southern Oklahoma reported that, the Simpson sands contain high
percentage of glauconitie that drastically lower the formation restivity and consequently oil
sands appear to be water bearing zone.
Conversely, Ichara and Avbovbo (1985) used the plotting of shale conductivity against depth to
bring out zones of normal pressure, compaction trends and normally pressured zones in the Niger
Delta basin of Nigeria.
The aims and objectives of this research work are to use geophysical log data of well Xl and well
X2 in X-field to determine the followings under listed:-
To demonstrate the use of wire line geophysical well logs data and for the interpretation
of the plotted various curves.
To delineate the reservoir oil sand bodies
plotted curves of depth against Gamma ray and depth against resistivity in the two wells
studied within the X-field
Different types of methods of study are applied to wireline logs interpretation is within the
available materials that have been adopted for the evaluation of reservoir sand that were
evaluated in this research work. Basically, a log is a downhole record made during or after the
drilling of a well, It measure directly or indirectly, the records of the measurable physical
properties of the geologic formations penetrated by a well and its fluid content. It provides
essential information and interpretation of the subsurface geology of the area penetrated by the
borehole, thus facilitating correlation between different areas But nowadays provide information
on the nature of the strata penetrated, the shape of the structure, physical data on the rocks, the
depths at which these rocks are encountered, the porosity and permeability of the rock units,
types of fluids contained in the rocks, their temperature, depths of the fluid interfaces etc.
There are different logs used for this research work and, are under lised as follow:- Gamma ray
log, Resistivity induction log deep (ILD), Resistivity induction g medium (ILM), Interval transit
time (At), Formation factor and Thermal Neutron porosity, Caliper logs. These are the logs,
which their raw data given and were used to plot out the log shapes in the interpretation of
various sand beds and reservoir sand bodies.
The total number of four reservoir sand bodies were identified and all of the four reservoir sand
bodies falling within the parallic Agbada formation. They are labeled as reservoir sand bodies
A,B,C, and D, according to their stratigraphic position beginning from the bottom to the top.
The alphabetic terms used are to distinguish from one sandbody to the other and which are
separated from each other by certain thickness of shale beds. However, the sandbodies are
described from the base sandbody A to the top sandbody D and their genetic mechanisms are
interpreted. In order to interprete the depositional environment of different reservoir sands
encountered in well X1 and well X2, the modified model of electrofacies classification for
deltaic environment from gamma ray logs and schematic representation of log patterns of variety
of depositional environment in which sand-shale sequence are developed
sand body C has thickness variation of 10m in well Xl and 8m in well X2. It has e shallowest
top at 3809m in well Xl and the deepest top at 4070m in well X2. Shallowest base of the sand
occurs at 3814m in well Xl and the deepest base 4074m in well X2. The shale thickness of about
7m separated sandbody C from
Overlying sandbody D in well X2 and the shale thickness of about 270m separated sand body C
from overlying sand body D in well Xl.
Geometry: Sandbody C has its thickest sand development in well Xl with sand unit thickness of
l0m. It has the sand unit thickness of 8m in well C2.
Sand body D has its shallowest top sand at 3529m in well Xl and the deepest top and at 4054m
in well X2. The shallowest base sand at 3533rn in well Xl and the base sand at 4057m in well
X2. However, the sand body D is bounded a top by thick shale unit averaging 3500m in
thickness, whose base was used as the reference datum in constructing the stratigraipic cross
Geometry: The sandbody D has the sand thickness of 8m in well Xl and 6m in well X2. It is
almost uniformly thick in well X2. Sand body D is the shallowest Reservoir sand unit
encountered in the field of study.
Well S Sand Top Sub Sea Sand Bottom Sub Average Depth Thickness
(M) Sea (M) (M) (M)
Well X1 3809 3819 3814 10
Well X2 4069 4080 4047 11
Well S Sand Top Sub Sea Sand Bottom Sub Average Depth Thickness
(M) Sea (M) (M) (M)
Well X1 3529 3237 3533 8
Well X2 4054 4060 4057 6
=0.62/(0.3282) 2.15
SW= (1.10/1.2) ½
Shy= 1-0.9574
Sx0= (0.9574)1/5
Porosity ( ) = pma-pb/pma-pf
Formation factor (FR) = 0.62/
= (17/20) 1/2
m) m
A 3850 1.1 1.2 2.14 6.803 0.957 0.314 0.328 0.314 0.991
B 3831 17.0 2-.0 2.0 6.607 0.922 0.078 0.333 0.307 0.984
C 3814 10.0 95.0 2.2 14.625 0.324 0.676 0.229 0.075 0.798
D 3533 1.1 1.1 2.3 15.347 0.791 0.209 0.225 0.177 0.954
Porosity ( ) = pma-pb/pma-pf
Formation factor (FR)= 0.62/
= (12/20)1/2
BVW= Sw x
=0.7746 x0.2711
= (0.7746)1/5
The gamma ray log signature of sandbody C indicates that, the sand body C, appear to be clean
and well sorted sand. Sandbody C, is serrated funne! shape and irregular. When this sand body C
compared with the electrofacies classification for deltaic environments from gamma ray
logs(Adapted by Schlumberger 1985), it favors the interpretation of sandbody C, as a stream
mouth bar at the top part of the reservoir sandbody and distributary channel at the base part of
the reservoir sand body C. Sand body C is separated from sand body D by a thick shale.
The gamma ray log signature of sandbody D has sharp upper and lower contacts with the shale
at both portions. The sandbody is well sorted and clean at its upper and lower portions. The
gamma ray log signature is smooth at its curve in upper portion and shape is serrated at the base
portion. When the gamma ray log signature compare with the adapted signatures by
schiumberger 1985, it shows a stream mouth bar deltaic environment.
Sandbody A has the minimum porosity value of 27.11% in Well X2 and the maximum porosity
value of 32.82% in Well Xl. Sandbody A has low resistivity, Value of 1.20 -m in Well Xl and
the high resistivity value of 20 0 -m in Well X2. The bulk volume of water of 31.42% in Well Xl
and the bulk volume of water of 20.99% in Well X2. As indicated by the resistivity log value, it
is hydrocarbonbearing in Well X2; while it is water bearing in Well X1.
In sandbody B, the porosity values varies between 28.13% in Well X2 and 33.27% in Well Xl.
As shown by resistivity logs, sand bocly B has resistivity value of 20 0-rn in Well Xl and 30 0-
m in Well X2 while the bulk volume of water in Well Xl is 30.67% and in Well X2 is 22.97%.
This indicates that, Well Xl and Well X2 are hydrocarbon bearing zones.
Sandbody C has high formation factor value of 14.625 in Wet Xl and low formation factor value
of 6.607 in Well X2. The porosity range from 22.99% in Well Xl to 33.27% in Well X2. Well
Xl and Well X2 have resistivity values of 95 0-rn and 100 0-rn respectively. The bulk vollume
of water value of 7.46% in Well Xl and bulk volume of water value of 32.93% in Well X2. With
an indication of very high resistivity values in Well Xl and Well X2 within the sand body C may
shows that sand body C is gas-bearing zone.
Sand body D has formation factor value of 15.347 in Well Xl and formation factor value of
10.697 in Well X2. The resistivity value in Well Xl is 1.6 0-rn, which was very low when
compared it with the resistivity value of 60 0-rn in Well X2. This indicates that, Sandbody D is
an hydrocarbon bearing zone in Well X2 and water bearing zone in Well Xl.
Most of the reservoir sands show similarity in geometry and the lithological interpretation shows
that, the reservoir sands are dominantly sand with thin thickness of shale separated the
sandbodies A,B,C, and except where there is high thickness of shale separated the sandbody C
from sandbody D.
Porosity depends on the degree of uniformity of grain size, the shape of the grains, the method of
deposition, the manner of packing and the effects of completion during or after deposition. In
this research work the sandstone reservoir evaluated are modifications of primary porosity,
which are due to principally to the interlocking of grains through compaction, contact solution, re
-deposition and cementation. The reservoir sands exhibit a porosity range of 22.48% to 33.27%,
which has been considered very good for hydrocarbon production in the Niger Delta region.
Vertically, from the top reservoir sand D to the last bottom reservoir sand A, there is a
gradational decrease in values of porosity as depth of burial of sand increased..
It was shown from the result obtained that well X2 contain high volume of hydrocarbon more
than well Xl. For further drilling of new wells in X-field, it is highly recommended that, the
diamond drilling bits should be used because of thickness of shales before the hydrocarbon
reservoir sands.
Similarly, area of reservoir sands with high porosity and good permeability but indicates few
hydrocarbon accumulation or non-hydrocarbon accumulation in this research work can still be
further evaluated with other sophisticated geophysical data such as cores and ditch cuttings and
seismic data.
However, correlation of reservoir sands in X-field with the closely related or nearby field to
determine the continuity of viable hydrocarbon bearing reservoir sands could also be done to
facilitate or aid significant oil exploration in the nearby oil fields.
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