Fong 2005
Fong 2005
Fong 2005
Clinic at Queen Victoria Hospital, East Technique eyelid position. The amount of retrac-
Grinstead, UK, between November Local anaesthetic (lignocaine 2% with tor plication was altered as required by
2003 and December 2004, with symp- adrenaline 1 : 80 000) was injected into taking a larger or smaller bite of the
toms of epiphora or findings of involu- the subconjunctival space of the lower inferior retractors. The sutures were
tional medial ectropion. eyelid just below the tarsal plate and tied so that the knots were buried and
All patients had the following fea- into the lateral canthus transcuta- left to absorb.
tures: medial lower eyelid eversion neously. The lower eyelid was retracted The lower eyelid was then shortened
with good lateral eyelid to globe appo- inferiorly by an assistant and a hori- with a lateral tarsal strip (Anderson &
sition, punctal eversion >3 mm (as zontal posterior incision was made Gordy 1979). The tarsal strip was
measured by the distance from the along the lower border of the tarsal attached to the periosteum with a
punctum to the globe), minimal medial plate through the conjunctival surface double-armed 5.0 vicryl suture. The
canthal tendon laxity (as measured by and underlying layer (that represents lateral canthus was then reformed
lateral distraction of the punctum of the fusion of the lower eyelid retractors with 6.0 vicryl. The cut orbicularis
4 mm), punctum not apposed to the and orbital septum). This incision was fibres were reattached with 6.0 vicryl
globe with simple lateral traction of the made with spring scissors and extended and the skin was then closed with 6.0
lower eyelid, lacrimal systems patent to 2 mm medial to the punctum and med- vicryl.
syringing and significant lateral hori- ial to the midpoint of the eyelid later-
zontal eyelid laxity (as assessed by the ally (Fig. 1). The orbital septum was
distraction test).
All the patients consented to
entered by sharp dissection and the Results
retractors, which lie immediately pos-
undergo transconjunctival approach terior to the orbital fat pad, were A total of 24 eyelids of 17 patients
retractor plication and lateral tarsal exposed. A cotton tip was used to underwent this procedure over a 12-
strip lower eyelid tightening under sweep away loose tissue and fat. The month period. The mean age was
local anaesthetic in day case surgery. retractors were identified by gripping 79.7 years (range 60–89 years).
Patient confidentiality was maintained them and asking the patient to look Eleven patients were men and six
and the study was carried out accord- up and then down while placing slight were women. The mean follow-up
ing to the principles adopted by the traction on the retractors so that a pull time was 18 months (range 15–24
Declaration of Helsinki. All cases was felt during the downgaze. Two 6.0 months). Two eyes had undergone
were performed by a single surgeon vicryl sutures on a quarter-circle needle previous surgery (punctoplasty with a
(RM). Postoperative assessment con- were then used to reattach the retrac- three-snip procedure). Nine patients
sisted of follow-up visits to the clinic tors to the lower edge of the tarsus (53%) presented with complaints of
at 1 week, 1 month and every (Fig. 2). No attempt was made to epiphora. One of the 24 eyes had
6 months post-surgery. Success was include the cut edge of the conjunctiva almost complete tarsal ectropion (as
defined as lack of epiphora and correc- or to close the conjunctival incision. defined by complete eversion of the
tion of the medial ectropion at The sutures were placed and initially lower eyelid with the tarsal plate
18 months post-surgery. tied with a single throw to assess the turned upside down).
At the time of surgery, the retractors
were found to be disinserted from the
inferior border of the tarsus in all 24
eyelids. All patients achieved restora-
tion of the eyelid margin to the globe
and relief of symptoms. No complica-
tions were noted. Figure 3 shows the
preoperative appearance and Fig. 4
the 3-month postoperative appearance
in the same patient.
This study aimed to assess the efficacy
of our technique for addressing involu-
tional lower eyelid ectropion using the
transconjunctival approach to plicate
the retractors (with no excision of the
posterior lamella) and the lateral tarsal
strip to address horizontal eyelid laxity.
We found this procedure to be easy to
Fig. 1. Using scissors, an incision is made in the conjunctiva just below the tarsal plate to expose perform and very effective in correcting
the inferior retractors. A lateral tarsal strip has already been performed but the tarsal strip has not involutional medial ectropion. Its main
yet been attached to the orbital periosteum. advantage lies in avoiding any excision