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Virginia Henderson

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1. the unique func- to assist the individual, sick or well, in the performance of
tion of the nurse those activities contributing to health or its recovery for to
peaceful death);

2. Virginia Hender- First Lady of Nursing"

son • "The Nightingale of Modern Nursing"
• "The 20th Century Florence Nightingale"
• "First Truly International Nurse."

3. nov. 30, 1897 birthdate

4. march 19. 1996 died

5. nursing studies a 12-year project by henderson

4 volumes recognized as an essential reference for many

6. nature of nursing she expressed her belief about the essence of nursing and
influenced the hearts and minds of those who read it.

7. 75 at the age she directed her career to international teaching

and speaking

8. 13 universities she held honorary degrees at ___

9. one of the 51 pi- she was recognized by virginia nurses association as

oneer nurses in

10. 14 Basic Needs 1) Breathe normally

(1-9) 2) Eat and drink adequately
3) Eliminate body wastes
4) Move and maintain desirable postures
5) Sleep and resting
6) Select suitable clothes - dress and undress
7) Maintain body temperature within normal range by ad-
justing clothing and modifying environment
8) Keep the body clean and well groomed and protect the
Virginia Henderson
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9) Avoid dangers in the environment and avoid injuring

11. 14 Basic Needs 10) Communicate with others in expressing emotions,

(10 & 14) needs, fears, or opinions
14) Learning, discovering, or satisfying the curiosity that
leads to normal development and health and use the
available health facilities

12. spiritual worshipping according to one's faith

13. sociological 12) Working in such a way that there is sense of accom-
13) Playing or participating in various forms of recreation

14. 3 levels nurse as a substitute for the patient, nurse as a helper to

of Nurse-Patient the patient, nurse as a partner with the patient

15. the nurse as a the nurse serve as a substitute as to what the patient lacks,
substitute for the such as knowledge, will and strength in order to make him
patient (substitu- complete, whole and independent again

16. the nurse as a situations where the patient cannit meet his basi needs,
helper to the the nurse serves as a helper
patient (supple-

17. the nurse as a the patient and nurse formulate a care plan together
partner with the
patient the nurse empower the patient to make effective decisions
regarding his care plan

18. Nurse-Physician nurse function independently; the care plan made by

Relationship nurse&patient is implemented by promoting physician's
prescribed therapeutic plan

19. nurse works and contributes in carrying out total care,

along with other members of healthcare
Virginia Henderson
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Nurse as a mem-
ber of healthcare

20. Practice Aspect focus on decision-making following the nursing process

(assessment, planning, implementation, evaluation)

21. assessment the nurse would assess the 14 fundamental needs of the
phase patients and check which one is lacking or fully met.

the nurse use critical thinking and analyzes every data

collected to come up with a clear picture of the condition
of the patient

22. planning phase involves giving the plan of care to meet the needs and
personality of the patient.

23. implementation the nurse uses 14 basic needs in answering the factors
phase that are contributing to the illness state of the patient.

24. evaluation phase the nurse also assess if the patient attained independence
and if health is achieved

the nurse and the patient reviews the relationship and

decides whether the goals are met or not.

25. Education As- developed 3 phases of curriculum


26. 1st phase emphasis is made on helping the patient perform activities
of daily living.

27. 2nd phase importance is placed on assisting patients achieve their

needs in times of marked body disturbances or illness.

28. 3rd phase is centered on the patient and his family together with
dynamics affecting the relationship inside the unit.

29. Person - referred as patient

- concept of body and mind is inseparable
Virginia Henderson
Study online at https://quizlet.com/_bx2y7b

30. Health - quality of life and basic for a person to function fully
- prioritized health promotion than care of sick

31. Environment - responsibility of nurse to help patient manage surround-

ings to protect him from harm or mechanical injury

32. Nursing - function independently from physician, but promote treat-

ment plan prescribed


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