Part A in What Situation Is English (Or Would English Be) Useful For You? Please Check The Appropriate Column
Part A in What Situation Is English (Or Would English Be) Useful For You? Please Check The Appropriate Column
Part A in What Situation Is English (Or Would English Be) Useful For You? Please Check The Appropriate Column
Instance :
Part A
In what situation is English (or would English be) useful for you?
Please check the appropriate column
Put this sign √ in what situation would English be useful for you.
Very Not
Num Questionnaire Useful
useful useful
A1. Buying ticket plane
A2. Go to abroad
Please Explain:
Part B
From the list above please choose five that are the most important for you. Write the
number below
Part C
If you already speak English, please indicate your present level of ability in English
C1. Basic (lower): very limited vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation heavily influenced by
mother tongue.
C2. Basic (upper): wrong pronunciation, short conversation on a few predictable topics; survival
level knowledge of vocabulary, grammar, and idiom
C3. Intermediate (lower): communicate with English fluently but different topics, though still
some difficulty with vocabulary, idiom, grammar and pronunciation
C4. Intermediate (upper): can manage comfortably in familiar situations and with familiar topics,
though still some difficulty with vocabulary, idioms, grammar, and pronunciation.
C5. Advanced: able to converse fluently and naturally on most topics; little difficulty with
vocabulary, idioms, grammar, and pronunciation.
Please put this sign √ in box that indicating your present level of ability in English
C5. Advanced
C6. If you have studied English, please indicate under what circumstances.
a. I studied English in Formal education (elementary, junior high school, senior high
school and university)
b. I took English course
c. I studied with a private tutor
C7. If you attended (English course, formal education and other), please indicate the length and
frequency of them.
3 A private tutor
4 Other
C8. How useful was the formal education? (Please circle your choice.)
C9. How useful was the English course? (Please circle your choice.)
C10. How useful was the private tutoring? (Please circle your choice.)
C11. How useful was the …………………..? (Please circle your choice.)
Very useful Somewhat useful Not useful
C12. If you have used one or more textbooks, please indicate the name of each text and how are
useful or otherwise it was:
3 ______________________
4 ______________________
5 ______________________
C13. To what would you attribute your present level of ability in English?
C14. What activities or experiences were most helpful in your study of English? Please
Part D
If you have studied English before, but have since stopped studying English, please
complete part D below by checking the appropriate box
I have studied English before, but I stopped because of the following reason(s):
Very Somewhat Not
true true true
D1 I didn’t have time to study English again
b. Pronunciation problem
b. Irrelevant to my needs
c. Too easy
d. _________________________
e. _________________________
D8 Other:
Part E
Have you ever used the following activities in studying English? If you indicate yes, how
useful were they?
Part F
In class or with a tutor, I would like my teacher to:
Num Activities No Good Best
F1 Practice before explaining new grammar points
Part G
What are your feelings about English as a language?