Chapter 39. Personal Safety For Nurses: Background
Chapter 39. Personal Safety For Nurses: Background
Chapter 39. Personal Safety For Nurses: Background
The safety of nurses from workplace-induced injuries and illnesses is important to nurses
themselves as well as to the patients they serve. The presence of healthy and well-rested nurses is
critical to providing vigilant monitoring, empathic patient care, and vigorous advocacy. Many
workplace stressors that can produce diseases and injuries are present in nursing work
environments. These stressors include factors related to the immediate work context,
characteristics of the organization, and changes that are occurring external to the organization but
throughout the health care industry.1 Nurses experience significant physical and psychological
demands during their day, as well as a work safety climate that can be adverse. Pressures within
organizations to downsize, use nurses employed under alternative arrangements (pool and
traveling staff), and the turnaround time for patient care (early discharge, higher patient loads)
are examples of factors that are determined at an organizational level. The external context
within which nurses practice includes lean managed care contracts, increasing use of complex
technological innovations, an older nurse workforce, and increasing numbers of very sick elderly
patients (aging population). Factors at each of these levels can produce threats to nurses’ safety
while on the job.
The hazards of nursing work can impair health both acutely and in the long term. These
health outcomes include musculoskeletal injuries/disorders, other injuries, infections, changes in
mental health, and in the longer term, cardiovascular, metabolic, and neoplastic diseases. In this
chapter we will present major research findings that link common work stressors and hazards to
selected health outcomes. These stressors include aspects of the way work is organized in
nursing (e.g., shift work, long hours, and overtime) and psychological job demands, such as work
pace. In addition, aspects of direct care work that influence nurse safety will be discussed,
including the impact of physical job demands such as patient lifting and awkward postures,
protective devices to prevent needlesticks, chemical occupational exposures, and potential for
violence. Where possible, interventions that have demonstrated effectiveness to reduce the risk
of illness and injury will be presented, as well as gaps in knowledge that can spur new lines of
research inquiry.
Research Evidence
Shift Work and Long Work Hours
The relationship between work schedules and health and safety is complex and is influenced
by characteristics of the work schedule (time of shift, direction and speed of rotation, pattern of
days off, shift length, rest breaks), as well as characteristics of the job, the worker, and the work
environment.2 While the focus is on potential negative aspects, some workers experience benefits
Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses: Vol. 2
from shift work and prefer it (e.g., incentive pay, reduced volume of activities and personnel
when compared with day shift).
Researchers theorize that shift work exerts adverse effects by disturbing circadian rhythms,
sleep, and family and social life.2, 3 Disturbances in circadian rhythms may lead to reductions in
the length and quality of sleep and may increase fatigue and sleepiness, as well as
gastrointestinal, psychological, and cardiovascular symptoms. In addition, working at unusual
times may make it difficult to interact with family and maintain other social contacts.4 Similarly,
long work hours may reduce the time available for sleep, leading to sleep deprivation or
disturbed sleep and incomplete recovery from work.5–7 This may adversely affect nervous,
cardiovascular, metabolic, and immune functioning. Family and social contacts may also be
reduced, which in turn may lead to physiological responses associated with stress. Long hours
may also increase exposure times to workplace hazards such as chemicals; infectious agents; and
physical, mental, and emotional demands. Long hours also may reduce time available for
exercise or nutritious meals, and added job stress can increase smoking, alcohol consumption,
and caffeine use.
Sleep, sleepiness, performance, safety. Drake and coworkers8 indicated that 32 percent of
night workers (majority of shift hours between 9 p.m. and 8 a.m.) and 26 percent of rotating shift
workers (shifts that change periodically from days to evenings or nights) experienced long-term
insomnia and excessive sleepiness and were unable to adapt their sleep adequately on these
shifts. Sleep loss makes people sleepier while awake, which may affect the shift worker’s ability
to perform activities safely and efficiently, both on and off the job. Increased sleepiness (or
decreased alertness) in shift workers on the job has been demonstrated with subjective reports,9
objective performance testing,10 and EEG recordings showing brief, on-the-job sleep episodes.11
Sleepiness is most apparent during the night shift, and poor daytime sleep appears to be a
contributing factor.12 A meta-analysis combining injury data from several studies indicated that
injury risk increased by 18 percent during the afternoon/evening shift and 34 percent during the
night shift compared to morning/day shift.13 These results are consistent with worksite
observations of increased subjective sleepiness and decreased reaction time during night shifts,
and progressive decreases in total sleep time from early to late in the workweek.14
Social and familial disruptions. Because shift workers often work in the evening and sleep
during the day, they frequently sacrifice participation in social and family activities.
Furthermore, shift workers in continuously operating organizations such as hospitals are
regularly required to work weekends and holidays, when much social and family interaction
occurs.15, 16 Consequently, too little time with family and friends is the most frequent and most
negatively rated complaint among shift workers. The extent to which such disruptions occur
depends both on the worker’s schedule, type of family, gender, presence of children, and the
degree of flexibility in the worker’s social contacts and leisure pursuits.15–17 For families, shift
work often conflicts with school activities and the times when formal child care services are
available, making arranging for the care of children more challenging,17 affecting both the
worker and the family’s social adjustments.
Long-term effects and vulnerable groups. Although the specific contribution of shift work
to other illnesses is not clear, several diseases have been associated with these work schedules.
Gastrointestinal (GI) complaints are common in shift workers and could be due to changes in
Personal Safety for Nurses
circadian rhythms of GI function, sleep deprivation leading to stress response and changes in
immune function, or the types of foods that are available during these shifts.18, 19 Schernhammer
and colleagues20 reported an increased risk of colon cancer in nurses working 3 or more nights
per month for 15 or more years.
Psychological complaints are frequently reported, including depression and other mood
disturbances, personality changes, and relationship difficulties.21 A review of 17 studies suggests
that shift work increases risk for cardiovascular disease by 40 percent compared with day
workers.22 Possible mechanisms include decreased glucose tolerance, insulin resistance, elevated
cortisol levels, and increased sympathetic activity. A systematic review of reproductive outcome
studies concluded that shift work was associated with a modest increase in spontaneous abortion,
preterm birth, and reduced fertility in women.23 The effect on reproduction in men was not
analyzed due to an inadequate number of studies. A meta-analysis of 13 studies examining night
work and breast cancer reported that night work was associated with a moderately elevated risk
among women.24 The authors hypothesized that exposure to light at night reduces melatonin
levels, increasing risks for cancer.
Shift work also may exacerbate preexisting chronic diseases, making it difficult to control
symptoms and disease progression. Shift work interferes with treatment regimens that involve
regular sleep times, avoiding sleep deprivation, controlling amounts and times of meals and
exercise, or careful timing of medications that have circadian variations in effectiveness. Sood25
suggests several conditions that may be exacerbated by shift work: unstable angina or history of
myocardial infarction, hypertension, insulin-dependent diabetes, asthma, psychiatric illnesses,
substance abuse, GI diseases, sleep disorders, and epilepsy requiring medication. Costa26 adds to
this list chronic renal impairment, thyroid and suprarenal pathologies, malignant tumors, and
pregnancy. Aging is also associated with less tolerance of shift work, which may be due to age-
related changes in sleep that may make it more difficult for older people to initiate and maintain
sleep at different times of the day.27 These sleep changes may begin as early as the 30s and 40s,
so some workers who initially adapted well to shift work during their younger years may show
more symptoms as they grow older.
The number of studies examining long work hours is less extensive, but a growing number of
findings suggest possible adverse effects. A meta-analysis by Sparks and colleagues5 reports that
overtime was associated with small but significant increases in adverse physical and
psychological outcomes. A review by Spurgeon and colleagues6 concluded that the adverse
overtime effects were associated with greater than 50 hours of work per week, but little data are
available about schedules with fewer than 50 hours. An integrative review by Caruso and
colleagues28 reported that overtime was associated with poorer perceived general health,
increased injury rates, more illnesses, or increased mortality in 16 of 22 recently published
studies. Dembe and colleagues,29 examining data from the National Longitudinal Survey of
Youth, found a dose-response relationship, such that as the number of work hours increased,
injury rates increased correspondingly. Trinkoff and colleagues30, 31 found that long work hours
were related to the incidence of musculoskeletal injuries and needlesticks in nurses. Overall,
these studies indicate that caution is needed in implementing schedules with extended work
hours. Determining the number of work hours critically associated with risk for a specific job
would require examining how extended hours interact with other factors contributing to fatigue,
Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses: Vol. 2
such as work load, competing responsibilities, and opportunities for rest and recovery.
Additional information on the effect of long work hours can be found elsewhere in this book.
Coping Strategies
Efforts to promote adaptation to (or ease the difficulties of coping with) shift work and long
work hours include strategies for employers and strategies for workers. Most suggestions to date
were written for shift work, but they may also be relevant for long work hours. A sampling of
strategies suggested in the literature for shift work include designing new work schedules and
rest breaks during work, altering circadian rhythms with bright light or blue light, optimally
timing physical activity or other work demands, improving physical conditioning, using caffeine,
planning dietary regimens, stress reduction, support groups, and family counseling.32–39 Caldwell
and Caldwell36 suggest using behavioral and administrative strategies fully before considering
pharmacologic aids since these stimulants and sedatives can be addictive and questions remain
about the safety and effectiveness of long-term use. Taking naps during work is another
intervention that has been associated with improvements in alertness40, 41 and is an accepted
practice in some Asian countries. More research is needed to determine the optimum length and
timing of the nap and a practical environment at work to take a nap. Empirical evaluations and
applications of the other techniques have begun and will be useful for some workers, but more
research is needed to develop strategies that can be easily applied by workers in a wide range of
demanding work schedule situations. Another type of strategy are work hour limits such as the
recent Institute of Medicine recommendation42 (p. 13) that work hours for nurses be limited to 60
hours per 7-day period and 12 hours per day.
Few industries in the United States have undergone more sweeping changes over the past
decade than the health care industry. Changes in health care, including restructuring and
redesign, have led to increasingly heavy demands on nurses and other health care workers.
Extended schedules and increased work pace, along with increased physical and psychological
demands, have been related to musculoskeletal injuries and disorders (MSD).43 These demands
have been found in laboratory and worker studies to increase the risk of musculoskeletal
Definitions for MSD vary, though most include pain in the affected body region (e.g., back
or neck) for a specified duration or frequency,48 along with other related symptoms such
numbness and tingling.49 Measurement of MSD also varies from study to study, with many
studies relying on self-report and others requiring seeking care or obtaining testing or
clarification/diagnosis by a clinician.48 Researchers are careful to rule out nonwork-related MSD
from their studies.
Health care workers are at extremely high risk of MSD, especially for back injuries. Health
care workers are also overrepresented for upper extremity MSDs among workers’ compensation
(WC) claims.50 In 2001, U.S. registered nurses (RNs) had 108,000 work-related MSDs involving
lost work time, a rate similar to construction workers.51 In 2003, the incidence rate for nonfatal
Personal Safety for Nurses
occupational injuries, many of which were MSDs, was 7.9 per 100 full time equivalents (FTEs)
for hospital workers.52
Studies have shown that MSDs lead to sick days, disability, and turnover. In a survey of
more than 43,000 nursing personnel in five countries, 17–39 percent planned to leave their job in
the next year due to physical and psychological demands.53 In previous research, the percentage
of nurses reporting job change due to MSD ranged from 6 percent to 11 percent, depending on
the body part injured (neck, shoulder, or back).54 Staffing has also been related to MSD, with
lower staffing complements related to increased injuries. Between 1990 and 1994, the Minnesota
Nurses Association collected injury and illness data from 12 hospitals in the Minneapolis-St.
Paul area. The researchers found that when RN positions in the hospitals decreased by 9.2
percent, the number of work-related injuries or illnesses among RNs increased by 65.2 percent.
Lower staffing ratios for nurses and higher patient loads have both been shown to result in
increased exposure to hazardous conditions and insufficient recovery time.55 In a review of
evidence, the Institute of Medicine indicated that there was strong relationship between nursing
home staffing and back injuries.56 In a recent study of the relationship of health care worker
injuries to staffing in nursing homes, researchers indicated that staffing levels were significantly
related to health care worker injury rates in nursing homes across three States.57
Physical/postural risk factors and MSD. Health care work is highly physically/posturally
demanding,54, 58, 59 and tasks requiring heavy lifting, bending and twisting, and other manual
handling have been implicated in health care worker back injuries.60 In one study, nurses were
found to be at particular risk of back injury during patient transfers, which require sudden
movements in nonneutral postures.61, 62 Patient transfers also require flexion and rotation,
increasing the injury risk due to a combination of compression, rotation, and shear forces.63–65
Highly demanding physical work was associated with 9–12 times the odds of having a neck,
shoulder, or back MSD among nurses.54 Hoogendoorn and colleagues,66 using video
observations and questionnaires in a 3-year study of health care workers, found that extreme
flexion and frequent heavy lifting had a strong impact on worker low-back pain. Other analyses
found that physical/postural risk factors were related to impaired sleep, pain medication use, and
Fewer studies have examined physical/postural risk factors in relation to health care worker
neck and shoulder MSDs. Risk factors related to neck and shoulder pain include body placement
in awkward postures that need to be maintained for long periods of time. Using direct
observation, Kant and colleagues58 found that surgeons had extensive static postures, along with
operating room nurses who were required to maintain tension on instruments, leading to
substantial musculoskeletal stress of the head, neck, and back. Lifting and stooping were
significantly associated with health care worker arm and neck complaints,67 whereas shoulder
complaints were associated with pushing and pulling motions.68, 69 Heavy lifting and actions with
arms above shoulder height were associated with shoulder pain or injury in health care workers
and in other occupational groups.70–72 The evidence indicates that preventive interventions for
MSD need to address physical/postural risk factors.
Work schedules and MSD. The work schedule can affect the sleep–wake cycle, and
working extended hours, such as 12+ hour shifts, can lead to MSD due to extended exposure to
physical/postural risk factors and insufficient recovery time.73, 74 As physical/postural demands
on the job increased for nurses, the likelihood of inadequate sleep also significantly increased.59
Workers on schedules requiring frequent shift rotation and long hours may also be at higher risk
for MSD.75–78 In a survey of 1,428 RNs, more than one-third had extended work schedules, and
Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses: Vol. 2
such schedules were associated with an increased likelihood of MSD.79 A later study found that
long work hours were related to incident musculoskeletal injuries in nurses.30
In workers with employment-related myalgia, symptoms increased with each successive
workday, and remitted only by the second day off.80 These workers had shorter periods of
muscle rest, suggesting that continuous muscle tension was associated with musculoskeletal
symptoms. In a British study of doctors-in-training, the fewer hours they slept and the more
hours they worked, the more somatic symptoms, including MSD, they reported.81
Schedule components significantly related to MSD include long work hours, mandatory
overtime, working while sick or on days off, and having fewer than 10 hours between shifts.30
The new Institute of Medicine report, Keeping Patients Safe: Transforming the Work
Environment of Nurses,42 incorporated Wave 1 findings on nurse scheduling. More than one-
third of staff nurses typically worked 12 or more hours per day. Among those working 12+
hours, 37 percent rotated shifts. On-call requirements were also very common (41 percent of the
sample). Despite the long hours, few nurses took breaks; two-thirds typically took one or no
breaks during their shift.
Mitigating MSD risks. Although two decades of research have demonstrated the work-
relatedness of MSD, use of single-approach intervention methods to reduce MSD exposures
(e.g., engineering controls, administrative changes, or worker training only) has shown
inconsistent outcomes.82 This is likely due to the combination of factors related to MSD and the
need for broad organizational involvement to mitigate MSD problems.83 Despite these concerns,
important evidence-based successes have been demonstrated in reducing MSD, especially during
patient lifting and transfer.84, 85 Interventions incorporating participatory ergonomics have been
found to improve upon previous approaches by allowing for extensive worker input into the
design and adoption of preventive practices.86, 87 In a participatory ergonomics approach,
employees participate in the identification of ergonomic risk factors, brainstorm alternatives and
solutions, handle implementation of controls, and assess control effectiveness along with
symptom identification, ultimately becoming champions for ergonomics change.86 Participatory
ergonomics also has the potential for changing the culture of health care organizations, as
employees begin to use ergonomic principles to improve jobs and the workplace. Because
participatory interventions incorporate both management commitments to reducing injuries,
along with workers who are involved in developing solutions, positive and effective workplace
changes can occur.88
Interventions for MSD. Three common interventions used to prevent work-related
musculoskeletal injuries associated with patient handling are (1) classes in body mechanics, (2)
training in safe lifting techniques, and (3) back belts. Despite their wide spread use, these
strategies are based on tradition rather than scientific evidence; there is in fact strong evidence
these strategies are not effective.85, 89 Recently there has been a major paradigm shift away from
these approaches toward the following evidence-based practices: (1) patient handling
equipment/devices, (2) no-lift policies, (3) training on proper use of patient handling
equipment/devices, and (4) patient lift teams. Table 1 describes interventions and identifies
challenges that have been associated with their implementation.
Personal Safety for Nurses
Promising new interventions that are still being tested include use of unit-based peer leaders,
clinical tools (algorithms and patient assessment protocols), and after-action reviews. Table 2
describes each intervention and identifies challenges associated with implementation.
Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses: Vol. 2
Personal Safety for Nurses
Health care workers continue to be exposed to the serious and sometimes life-threatening risk
of blood-borne infections in a wide variety of occupations and health care settings. An estimated
600,000 to 800,000 needlestick injuries occur annually,133, 134 about half of which go
unreported.133, 135 It is estimated that each year more than 1,000 health care workers will contract
a serious infection, such as hepatitis B or C virus or HIV, from a needlestick injury. An estimated
50 to 247 health care workers are infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) each year from work-
related needlesticks.136 At an average hospital, workers incur approximately 30 needlestick
injuries per 100 beds per year.133 Nursing staff incur most needlesticks—54 percent of reported
needlestick and sharp object injuries involve nurses.137
After a needlestick injury, the risk of developing occupationally acquired hepatitis B virus
(HBV) infection for the nonimmune health care worker ranges from 6 percent to 30 percent,
depending on the hepatitis B antigen status of the source patient. The risk of transmission from a
positive source for hepatitis C is between 0.4 percent and 1.8 percent, and the average risk of
transmission of HIV is 0.3 percent.138 Risk of transmission increases if one is injured by a device
visibly contaminated with blood, if the device is used to puncture the vascular system, or if the
stick causes a deep injury. Health care workers, laundry workers, and housekeeping workers are
often engaged in duties that expose them to high-risk needlestick injuries.
The number of occupationally acquired HIV infections is underestimated by the national case
surveillance system. This is related to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s)
strict definition of a documented HIV seroconversion temporally associated with an occupational
HIV exposure and the fact that these are voluntary reports. CDC U.S. surveillance data over 20
years include 57 health care workers with documented occupationally acquired HIV infection.139
A total of 88 percent of these infections resulted from percutaneous injuries. Of these infections,
41 percent occurred after the procedure, 35 percent during a procedure, and 20 percent during
disposal.139 Recent State-based surveillance programs in California and Massachusetts will
provide more complete estimates of the incidents, devices involved, and circumstances
surrounding sharp exposures.140
Despite the promulgation of the original bloodborne pathogen (BBP) standard in 1991 by the
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), percutaneous injuries continue to occur
in unacceptably high numbers in health care workers. The requirement under the BBP standard
that HBV vaccine be made available free of charge to health care workers has greatly reduced
the consequences of exposure to this pathogen. Advances in the treatment of HIV infection with
prophylaxis has improved the prognosis for those health care workers infected with HIV-
contaminated blood. Tragically, there is no vaccine or treatment for HCV, so nurses and other
health care workers exposed to HCV-contaminated blood suffer from the potential of contracting
a life-threatening illness. As such, it is imperative that all health care workers, not only those
working in the acute care setting or those who traditionally handle needles on a regular basis,
receive every available protection from occupational exposure to blood and body fluids.
The passage of the Federal Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act in 2000 has begun to
afford health care workers better protection from this unnecessary and deadly hazard. Not only
does the act amend the 1991 BBP standard to require that safer needles be made available, it also
requires employers to solicit the input of front-line health care workers when making safe needle
purchasing decisions.
Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses: Vol. 2
Use of conventional needles in health care today has been compared with the use of
unguarded machinery decades ago in the industrial workplace. Safer needle devices have
integrated safety features designed into the product to prevent needlestick injuries. The term
“safer needle device” is broad and includes many different devices, from those with a protective
shield over the needle to those that are completely needle-free. Safer devices are categorized
from passive to active, with passive devices offering the greatest protection because the safety
feature is automatically triggered after use, without the need for health care workers to take any
additional steps. An example of a passive device is a spring-loaded retractable syringe or self-
blunting blood collection device. An example of an active safety mechanism is a sheathing
needle that requires the worker to manually engage the safety sheath, frequently using their
second hand and potentially resulting in more injuries.
A comparison of 1993 and 2001 percutaneous injury rates for nurses documented a 51
percent reduction in needlestick injuries, supporting the use of new technology in reducing
percutaneous injury risk.141 More recently, results from a number of intervention studies have
found the use of safer needles systems reduced injury.142–146 A study of safety needles at a
tertiary-care hospital in Manhattan found a statistically significant reduction in the mean annual
incidence of percutaneous injuries from 34.08 to14.25 per 1,000 FTE pre- versus
postintervention. The reductions were observed across occupations, activities, times of injury,
and devices.146 Other factors related to working conditions also may need to be addressed to
prevent and reduce needlesticks.31
While there has been widespread conversion to safer phlebotomy needles and intravenous
catheters, for other devices such as laboratory equipment and surgical instruments, relatively
small numbers of safer devices are in use.
There are thousands of chemicals and other toxic substances to which nurses are exposed in
practice. Hazardous chemical exposures can occur in a variety of forms—including aerosols,
gases, and skin contaminants—from medications used in practice. Exposures can occur on an
acute basis, up to chronic long-term exposures, depending upon practice sites and compounds
administered; primary exposure routes are pulmonary and dermal.147 Substances commonly used
in the health care setting can cause asthma or trigger asthma attacks, according to a recent
report.148 The report explores the scientific evidence linking 11 substances to asthma, including
cleaners and disinfectants, sterilants, latex, pesticides, volatile organic compounds (including
formaldehyde), and pharmaceuticals. An important criterion for the selection of the substances in
the report was the presence of safer alternative products or processes. The evidence is derived
from an array of peer-reviewed sources of scientific information, such as the National Academy
of Science Institute of Medicine. In this section, we will discuss some of the hazardous
substances currently in use and provide references to obtain evidence on others, as well as for
identifying safer alternatives.
Volatile organic compounds. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are chemicals that
readily evaporate at room temperature, thus allowing the chemicals to be easily inhaled.
Formaldehyde and artificial fragrances are two such sources that have a ubiquitous presence in
hospitals. A study of occupational exposure to artificial fragrances found that health care workers
had the highest rate of allergic sensitivity.149 The fragrances are typically contained in devices
that either aerosolize the chemicals into rooms or evaporate the fragrances from a solid form,
Personal Safety for Nurses
thus producing VOCs. Although the Food and Drug Administration is responsible for regulating
fragrances and other chemicals in personal care products, the majority of these compounds have
not been tested for potential toxic human health effects.150 Strong odors, fumes, and perfumes are
also potent triggers of asthma.151 Formaldehyde, a known carcinogen,152 is used in pathology and
lab settings and is contained in bedding, drapes, carpets, acoustic ceiling tiles, and fabricated
furniture. Artificial fragrances are used to address unpleasant odors. Purchasing low- and no-
VOC products, which are readily available (e.g., no-VOC paint), is a key to addressing this
problem. Also ensuring adequate indoor air circulation, which can decrease the concentration of
VOCs in the air, effectively decreases the “dose” of the chemicals being inhaled.
Sterilants. As an example, ethylene oxide (EtO) and glutaraldehyde are commonly used in
medical settings for sterilization. Nurses and other medical staff are exposed while cleaning
equipment and work surfaces. Although both of these chemicals are powerful and effective, they
are associated with serious human health risks. Glutaraldehyde is associated with respiratory
irritation including asthma, skin irritation and dermatitis, and eye irritation and conjunctivitis.153
In fact, in a review of health effects of glutaraldehyde exposure, almost all case reports of
occupational asthma were of endoscopy nurses.154
The National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences152 produces a report on
carcinogens that summarizes the latest scientific evidence on the cancer-causing properties of
many chemicals, including EtO,155 formaldehyde, and others that are present in health care. In
this report, EtO is also listed as a known human carcinogen. EtO has been associated with
increased incidence of certain types of cancer in workers with long-term exposures.156
Additionally, EtO is an eye and skin irritant and also may damage the central nervous system,
liver, and kidneys.157
Medications. Many medications and compounds in use in personal care products have
known toxic effects. These have been comprehensively reviewed with a detailed summary of the
evidence of environmental and personal hazards associated with these compounds by Daughton
and Ternes.149 Although many medications can be hazardous to workers, those most commonly
identified as hazardous to health care workers include antineoplastics and anesthesia. Anesthetic
gases have been identified as particularly problematic, as gases escape into the air and can be
inhaled by workers. Methods of induction have been studied in terms of worker exposure,158 with
findings indicating that such exposures (measured by urinary metabolites) frequently exceed
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) recommended limits.159 Hasei
and colleagues160 found that intravenous induction posed a far lower risk of exposure to health
care workers.
There are also data to support the deleterious effects of exposure to antineoplastic drugs,
especially an increased risk of spontaneous abortions among health care workers.161
Cytotoxicity, genotoxicity, terotogenicity, and carcinogenicity are associated with such
exposures.152 For the past few decades, awareness of the risk of antineoplastic agents has been
available, including guidelines for handling them published by the Occupational Safety and
Health Administration.162 Nursing functions of particular risk, according to NIOSH, include
medication administration, handling contaminated linens, exposure to human wastes, handling
drug containers, cleaning drug preparation areas, being involved with special procedures, and
disposal of containers and other wastes.163 Other research indicates that antineoplastics and
cytostatics have been found in locations beyond the confines of the designated handling areas
such as air vents, desks, countertops, and floors.164, 165
Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses: Vol. 2
Pesticides. Pesticide use, both inside and outside of hospitals and health facilities, is
another cause for concern. Because of the special vulnerabilities of children and pregnant women
to pesticide exposures, control of pesticide use in health care settings is particularly important. In
a survey conducted by Health Care Without Harm, all hospitals surveyed reported some regular
applications of pesticides inside the hospital building, outside on the grounds, or both.166 This
report, Healthy Hospitals: Controlling Pests Without Harmful Pesticides, offers guidance on
reducing pesticides and implementing safer integrated pest management techniques. Integrated
pest management is a comprehensive approach to pest management that employs nontoxic and
least-toxic products and processes to control pests. Beyond Pesticides, a 25-year-old organization
that has been working with Health Care Without Harm on pesticide issues in the United States, is
currently orchestrating several hospital-based pilot programs in Maryland.167 They are working
with hospital environmental services to implement an integrated pest management approach that
will work for hospitals. These collaborations will result in a set of best practices for a range of
facility types—small community hospitals, inner-city university health centers, and others.
Latex exposure. Latex allergy due to exposure to natural proteins in rubber latex is also a
serious problem in health care workers. Diepgen168 estimated that the annual incidence rate
among all workers is 0.5 to 1.9 cases per 1,000 full-time workers per year. Symptoms may start
with contact dermatitis located in the glove area, and symptoms can become more severe, such
as asthma or anaphylaxis. The course of latex allergy as described by Amr and Bollinger169
involves progressive impairment of nurses from continued exposure to latex, leading to an
inability to continue working as nurses. In fact, the hazard from aerosolizing of latex particles
attached to powder in latex gloves or from latex balloons bursting is of great concern, as these
exposures can lead to occupational asthma.170 The American Nurses Association has issued a
position statement to suggest actions to protect patients and nurses from latex allergy in all health
care settings. These include use of low-allergen powder-free gloves and removal of latex-
containing products from the worksite throughout the facility to reduce the exposure at that
institution.171 Hospital environments that have gone latex-free need to ensure that they are not
allowing balloons into the facility. As balloons break they can contribute latex into the air that
remains for up to 5 hours.172
An awareness of the repercussions of exposure to chemicals and toxins has prompted action
to reduce such exposures in health care settings. Promotion of the availability of safer
alternatives has gained momentum as a means to reduce exposures. There are resources available
to assist advocates and decisionmakers. The Green Guide for Health Care is an extensive toolkit
providing recommendations for design, construction, renovation, operations, and management of
sustainable (causing reduced occupational and environmental effects) and healthier buildings.173
Also, a clearinghouse of nontoxic alternatives to various medical and health care products is
available from the Sustainable Hospitals Project.174 Green Link, a recently inaugurated
newsletter, promotes healthier buildings and sustainable hospitals for patients and health care
workers.175 In addition, the American Hospital Association and the Environmental Protection
Agency have partnered, forming Hospitals for a Healthy Environment, promoting purchasing of
environmentally preferable products.176 The focus on reducing chemical exposures will be
increasingly important over the next decade, especially as the benefits for patient and worker
health continue to be recognized.
Personal Safety for Nurses
Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses: Vol. 2
Interventions to reduce work-related mental changes have focused on either changing the
organization of work to reduce the stressors, or changing the workers’ ability to cope with stress
by providing cognitive-behavioral interventions, relaxation techniques of various types, or
multimodal strategies.184, 206 Although several nationwide initiatives on the prevention of mental
disorders have emphasized the importance of addressing work organization factors,190, 194 only a
small number of studies have evaluated this approach, and results have not shown an overall
strong relationship.185 In nursing, Mimura and Griffiths206 conducted a systematic review of
interventions for nurses to reduce their work stress. Two of the reviewed studies used
organizational interventions (changing to individualized nursing care and primary nursing), and
only one of the two was deemed “potentially effective.” Seven studies of strategies to help nurses
manage their stress were presented; music, relaxation, exercise, humor, role-playing
assertiveness, social support education, and cognitive techniques were among the stress-reducing
strategies studied. The authors stated that no recommendations on the most effective approach
were possible due to the small number of studies. In a larger meta-analysis of both nurses and
other workers,183 a moderate effect for cognitive-behavioral interventions and multimodal
interventions was found, along with a small but significant overall effect for relaxation
techniques. Organizational interventions were not significant; however, the authors posit that
combining individual-level skills (e.g., cognitive-behavioral) with organizational changes may be
a fruitful area for future research.
From 1993 to1999, 1.7 million incidents of workplace violence occurred annually in the
United States, with 12 percent of all victims reporting physical injuries.207 Six percent of the
workplace crimes resulted in injury that required medical treatment. Yet, only about half (46
percent) of all incidents were reported to the police. The health care sector leads all other
industries, with 45 percent of all nonfatal assaults against workers resulting in lost workdays in
the United States, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).208 The BLS rate of
nonfatal assaults to workers in “nursing and personal care facilities” was 31.1 per 10,000, vs.
only 2.8 per 10,000 in the private sector as a whole.208 In two Washington State psychiatric
forensic facilities, 73 percent of staff surveyed had reported at least a minor injury related to an
assault by a patient during the previous year; only 43 percent of those reporting moderate,
severe, or disabling injuries related to such assaults had filed for WC. In these two facilities, the
survey found an assault incidence rate of 415 per 100 employees per year, compared to hospital
incident report rates of only 35 per 100.219
Environmental and organizational factors have been associated with patient and family
assaults on health care workers, including understaffing (especially during times of increased
activity such as meal times), poor workplace security, unrestricted movement by the public
around the facility, and transporting patients. The presence of security personnel reduces the rate
of assaults, while increased risk is associated with the perception that administrators consider
assaults to be part of the job, receiving assault prevention training, a high patient/personnel ratio,
working primarily with mental health patients, and working with patients who have long hospital
Emergency department personnel also face a significant risk of injuries from assaults by
patients or their families. Those carrying weapons in emergency departments create the
opportunity for severe or fatal injuries. California and Washington State have enacted standards
Personal Safety for Nurses
requiring safeguards for emergency department workers. Although mental health and emergency
departments have been the focus of attention and research on the subject, no department within a
health care setting is immune from workplace violence. Consequently, violence prevention
programs would be useful for all departments.
The first report to the Nation on workplace violence underscores the lack of systematic
national data collection on workplace assaults, the paucity of data evaluating violence prevention
strategies, and the methodological flaws in published intervention research to date.210 As
background to this report, Runyan and colleagues211 reviewed the violence prevention
intervention literature and found five studies that evaluated violence prevention training
interventions,212–216 two that examined postincident psychological debriefing programs,217, 218
and two that evaluated administrative controls to prevent violence.220-221 Findings from the
studies were mixed, with six reporting a positive impact and three reporting no or a negative
impact. All were quasi-experimental and without a formal control group. Runyan and colleagues
criticized the design of published violence prevention interventions to date because of their lack
of systematic rigor in the evaluation. She calls for greater reliance on conceptual and theoretical
models to guide research as well as stronger evaluation designs. She further suggests that studies
must evaluate “process, impact and outcome measures.”211
Since Runyan’s review paper, Arnetz and Arnetz219 reported on a randomized controlled trial
of 47 health care workplaces examining a violence prevention intervention involving
“continuous registration” of violent events for 1 year with “structured feedback” from
supervisors. This study found that the intervention hospitals reported significantly more violence
incidents than the control hospitals. The authors attributed this finding to increased awareness of
the violence and improved supervisory support at the intervention facilities.
There is no Federal standard that requires workplace violence protections. California and
Washington State both have legislation addressing workplace violence in health care settings. In
1996, OSHA published Guidelines for Preventing Workplace Violence for Health Care and
Social Service Workers.222 The 1996 Federal guidelines provide a framework for addressing the
problem of workplace violence and include the basic elements of any proactive health and safety
program: management commitment and employee involvement, worksite analysis, hazard
prevention and control, and training and education. The OSHA guidelines provide an outline for
developing a violence prevention program, but since they are “performance based,” the challenge
of developing a specific process for implementing the guidelines in a manner that will yield
results is left to the employer.
Between 2000 and 2004, Lipscomb and colleagues223 conducted an intervention effectiveness
study to describe a comprehensive process for implementing the OSHA Violence Prevention
Guidelines and evaluate its impact in the mental health setting. Program impact was evaluated by
a combination of quantitative and qualitative assessments. A comparison of pre- and
postintervention survey data indicated an improvement in staff perception of the quality of the
facility’s violence prevention program as defined by the OSHA elements in both intervention
and comparison facilities over the course of the project. Results of the comparison of the change
in staff-reported physical assaults were equivocal.
Many psychiatric settings now require that all patient care providers receive annual training
in the management of aggressive patients, but few studies have examined the effectiveness of
such training. Those investigators that have done so have generally found improvement in
nurses’ knowledge, confidence, and safety after taking an aggressive behavior management
program. However, implementation of comprehensive violence prevention programs that go
Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses: Vol. 2
beyond staff training will improve safety of the health care workplace for all workers. These
advanced programs include the use of currently available engineering and administrative controls
such as security alarm systems, adequate staffing, and training.
Research Implications
Challenges in Measuring Nursing Working Conditions and Nurse
Safety Outcomes
While there is increasing evidence linking nursing work environments to nurse health, much
more effort has focused on understanding how work influences satisfaction and performance.
Improving data and measures will allow better comparisons across studies and build evidence of
which relationships are most important. Varied approaches are used to compile data about the
nursing work environment. Measures of work characteristics have varied considerably and are
most often related to the particular discipline and study objectives. In occupational health, the
traditional assessments of exposure have expanded from obvious physical and chemical
exposures to include psychosocial demands, physical demands, and leadership quality.224 These
measures are used in individual studies or translated to a job exposure matrix where estimated
levels of exposure to an agent or stressor are assigned to an occupation or group of
occupations.225, 226 These approaches are more fully developed and utilized in Scandinavia and
Europe, although the O*NET database describes job requirements, worker attributes, and the
context of work (
A self-administered paper-and-pencil or electronic questionnaire is probably the most
common approach to gathering information from nurses. The advantages over observation or
interviews are obvious: they are generally less costly, can be administered over a broader
population, are more uniform and standardized, and confidentiality and anonymity can be more
efficiently assured. Yet, these same advantages can also be disadvantages: nurses have varying
motivations to respond, leading to response bias; questionnaires are often developed by
researchers based on particular study goals, limiting comparison across studies; and there is no
opportunity to clarify questions or solicit rich detail. The level of the data may also be unclear.
Some items may explicitly reflect the work group or organization, while others may reflect both.
Clarity is needed about how many respondents is optimum to represent a particular level of
analysis. Where multiple nurses’ perceptions are solicited, all responses may be used to form an
index or an average score.
Worker outcome data may be solicited from an individual through self-report interviews or
questionnaires. These data are subject to the same limitations noted above, although nurse
reports are more likely to yield detailed information about potential factors contributing to their
health. Measuring nurse health outcomes also is challenging. No matter how data are collected,
there can be some measurement error in assessing adverse health outcomes—and attributing
them to the work environment. Many of these issues have been discussed in the sections on
adverse health outcomes. For example, musculoskeletal injuries become chronic conditions and
may not be attributed to the work. Likewise, mental health and substance abuse may be
considered in isolation from the individual’s work experience.
Personal Safety for Nurses
Another source that is rarely used is administrative data (e.g., incident reports, OSHA logs,
WC data).227 The Occupational Safety and Health Act (1970) requires employers to maintain
records of serious workplace injuries and illnesses (29 USC section 657 c[2]). Unfortunately,
these statistics may not reflect minor injuries requiring only first aid or injuries that can be
episodic and remitting, such as back injuries, majors concerns for nurses. Data sources include
logs maintained at the organizational level (OSHA Form 300), first reports of injury (FROI)
documenting details of the injury (OSHA Form 301), and WC claims, when filed. The FROI
may be used as the baseline data for entry into a WC system, although the two reports may be
distinct. The FROIs serve as a more complete source of potentially claimable injuries to health
care workers than WC data228 as they represent all reported injuries, even those that do not lead
to lost work time or a medical claim. Relying on WC claims data without using FROI data may
introduce systematic selection biases because studies have shown that WC claims are more likely
to be filed by workers who are unionized, working for a company too small to be self-insured, or
who are more severely injured.229 FROI data have been used to study injury in a population of
home health workers230 and to find that staffing was related to injuries in nursing home staff.57
Yet FROI data are often unavailable to researchers or may contain injuries of limited severity.
Somewhat distinct from the OSHA reporting requirements, employers are required to comply
with State WC regulations. WC is concerned with compensating injured or ill workers, while the
OSHA Occupational Injury and Illness Recording and Reporting Requirements Act is designed
to develop a database that can improve understanding of injury and illness, with the intent to
prevent them. Thus, certain injuries and illnesses may be reportable under both systems, while
others will be reportable under State WC law or under the OSHA recordkeeping rule. State WC
benefit requirements also vary, with some States not requiring lost time, but requiring that the
employee sought medical care. Other States require a certain number of days of lost time before
filing a FROI. Unfortunately, ascertainment of nursing health outcomes varies across these data.
Even when analyzing WC claims or FROI data with presumably broader inclusion, some injuries
will be missed. For example, injured workers may seek care from their regular health provider
and fail to mention the work-relatedness of the injury. In a cross-sectional study of unionized
autoworkers diagnosed with work-related MSDs, only 25 percent filed WC claims.231 In a
population-based telephone survey, only 10.6 percent of workers reporting work-related MSDs
had filed a WC claim.232
The need for standardization in data collection and measuring both work environment and
worker outcomes is not new. As noted by NIOSH,233 insufficient job data to link work factors to
health outcomes is a barrier to research. An international conference on linked employer-
employee data was held in 1998 to address issues of confidentiality, levels of analysis, and the
need for coordination across Federal and State agencies.234 The work in Europe and Scandinavia
builds upon international work and could become a model across many countries. Unfortunately,
data policy changes at the Federal and local levels are often slow to occur, as modifications to
existing systems require long and arduous lobbying, legislation, and procedure and policy
development before implementation. Moreover, the WC regulations are primarily State driven,
and this is unlikely to change.
Researchers are encouraged to use established instruments and items, with established
reliability and validity. If they are developing their own instruments, psychometric testing is
essential. Findings benchmarked with other similar populations are useful to determine variation
and explore sources of measurement error. When assessing work environments, the level of
Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses: Vol. 2
analysis for the measure must be explicit (e.g., work group, organization, or system). Analytical
strategies should be used to account for the multilevel nature of the data.
Administrative data for worker injuries can be very useful. Many health care organizations
are implementing programs that are likely to affect both patient and worker safety, yet it may be
difficult to efficiently evaluate the effectiveness of these programs. Ohio, for example, has used
the claims data to support issuance and evaluation of safety grants used in lifting and other
mechanical equipment purchases to reduce employee injuries.235
In this chapter, we have focused on the major injury and safety issues for working nurses.
Some of these issues have been thoroughly researched, with extensive evidence-based findings
available for epidemiology and prevention, whereas others remain to be studied and explained.
As indicated, there is great potential for preventing nurse injury, even though many risk factors
have yet to be addressed. The benefits of improvements to nurse safety are great, both for
retaining nurses and attracting new nurses into the profession. For example, work hours that are
excessive adversely affect nurses’ health and thus can in turn adversely impact patient care. As
many facilities are making important financial investments and system-level improvements to
promote patient safety, it is important to leverage these efforts to improve worker safety as well.
In the long run, these improvements will also benefit patients, as measures that are taken to
improve safety for nurses should lead to a healthier and more effective workforce.
Search Strategy
Relevant papers for this review were identified from Pubmed,® CINHAL,® as well as from
cited literature, and from NIOSH publications up through 2007. Searches were also performed
examining journals such as the American Journal of Industrial Medicine, American Journal of
Public Health, and Scandinavian Journal of Work and Environmental Health. As our chapter
encompassed multiple outcomes, search terms varied depending on the category, and included
but were not limited to, e.g., occupational health, organization of work, shiftwork, back injuries,
musculoskeletal disorders, chemical exposures, mental health, work stress, and workplace
Personal Safety for Nurses
Author Affiliations *
Alison M. Trinkoff, Sc.D., R.N., F.A.A.N., professor, Work and Health Research Center,
University of Maryland School of Nursing. E-mail:
Jeanne M. Geiger-Brown, Ph.D., R.N., assistant professor, Work and Health Research
Center, University of Maryland School of Nursing. E-mail:
Claire C. Caruso, Ph.D., R.N., research health scientist, U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National
Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Division of Applied Research and Technology. E-
Jane A. Lipscomb, Ph.D., R.N., F.A.A.N., professor and director, Work and Health Research
Center, University of Maryland School of Nursing. E-mail:
Meg Johantgen, Ph.D., R.N., associate professor, Work and Health Research Center,
University of Maryland School of Nursing. E-mail:
Audrey L. Nelson, Ph.D., R.N., F.A.A.N., director, Patient Safety Center of Inquiry, James
A. Haley VAMC, Tampa, FL. E-mail:
Barbara A. Sattler, R.N., Dr.P.H., F.A.A.N., professor, Environmental Health Education
Center, University of Maryland School of Nursing. E-mail:
Victoria L. Selby, R.N., B.S.N., research assistant, Work and Health Research Center,
University of Maryland School of Nursing. E-mail:
Disclaimer: The findings and conclusions in this chapter are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent
the views of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.
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Evidence Table. Personal Safety for Nurses
Bernard 199748 Work activities An extensive Neck, shoulder, Variety of Summarized evidence for work relatedness of
related to review of upper extremity occupations MSD. Findings include strong causal evidence
musculoskeletal over 600 (wrist, arm, for awkward and static work postures related to
problems epidemiologic hand) and back back MSD and posture related to neck MSD.
studies MSDs Tendinitis, hand, elbow/wrist MSD strongly
related to repetition, force, and posture
combined. There is evidence for a causal
relationship between highly repetitive work and
neck and neck/shoulder MSDs, and for forceful
exertion and repetition in relation to shoulder
Author, year Safety issue Design type Outcome Setting Intervention Findings reported by authors
measure population
Punnett and Work-related Review of MSDs Variety of Despite numerous studies on the relationship
Wegman 2004 238 MSDs studies with occupations between MSD and occupation, there continues
94 article to be debate. From a review of the
citations epidemiologic literature, the authors, along with
the Institute of Medicine and others
internationally, conclude there are adequate
data to support the impact of physical work
demands on MSD. Risk factors for MSD with
sufficient evidentiary support include repetitive
motion, forceful exertions, nonneutral postures,
and vibration. Nursing is noted as one of the
“high-risk sectors” for MSDs “with rates up to 3–
4 times higher than the overall frequency.”
Rogers 2005239 Work-related Literature Nurse MSD Hospital Evidence on MSD epidemiology and prevention
injuries review nurses in summarized, along with best practices for
Best North addressing many ergonomic hazards that lead
practices Carolina to nurse MSD.
Focus groups Preventive interventions proposed and
with hospital recommendations provided.
of hospital
Trinkoff 200630 Work schedule Three-wave Reported neck, 2,617 Hours/days per week were significantly related
including work longitudinal shoulder, and registered to increased MSD; working 13+ hours/day, on
hours, mandatory study back nurses days off/vacation days, mandatory overtime, on-
overtime and on- MSD cases working in call, with <10 hrs between shifts all significantly
call Nordic nursing in the related to increased MSD. This was largely due
questionnaire past year to exposure to physical demands of the work.
Needlesticks and sharps
Dement 2004240 Sharps exposure Surveillance Blood and body 24,000 health 2,730 BBF exposures between 1998 and 2002,