Burnout and Psychological Distress Among Nurses in A Nigerian Tertiary Health Institution
Burnout and Psychological Distress Among Nurses in A Nigerian Tertiary Health Institution
Burnout and Psychological Distress Among Nurses in A Nigerian Tertiary Health Institution
Background: The role of nurses in the health care delivery system cannot be overemphasized. Nurses are needed at all
levels of healthcare and the profession requires a lot of dedication, time and energy with regards to patient management and
service delivery. This time investment and dedication to duty is likely to lead to burnout and psychological distress among
the nurses.
Objective: This study assesses the prevalence of burnout and psychological distress among nurses working in Nigerian
tertiary health institution.
Method: The Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) and the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) were used to assess 210
nurses working in this health institution for symptoms of burnout and psychological distress.
Results: High levels of burnout were identified in 42.9% of the respondents in the area of emotional exhaustion, 47.6% in
the area of depersonalization and 53.8% in the area of reduced personal accomplishment, while 44.1% scored positive in
the GHQ-12 indicating presence of psychological distress.
Conclusion: Prevalence of burnout and psychological distress is high among nurses.
Key words: Burnout, psychological distress, stress management.
African Health Sciences 2014;14(1): 237-245 http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/ahs.v14i1.37
They were 210 in all. 81.0% were females, 71.0% were indicating presence of psychological distress.
married. The age range of the respondents was 25 to 50 Prevalence of Burnout: A high level of burnout was
years. The mean age was 35.58.34 years. 57.7% were identified in 42.9% of the respondents in the area
less than 35 years of age. 86.2% had nursing certificates of emotional exhaustion (EE), 47.6% in the area
and majority of the nurses were Christians (93.8%). of depersonalization (DP) and 53.8% in the area of
Furthermore 93.8% had worked for more than 5 years. reduced personal accomplishment (RPA). This was
In terms of rank 66.2% were the ranks of senior nursing significant, 2 =7.1, df = (1), p=0.01 (Table 2)
officer and above. 44.1% scored positive in the GHQ
Variables Predicting Burnout: All the demographic nurses aged less than 35 years, females, those not
variables measured that is age, gender, marital status, married and those with nursing certificates as compared
educational level, and years of service and rank were to those with nursing degrees and those working as
found to significantly affect burnout measurements, nursing officers, (Table 3).
(p<0.01), see Table 3. Burnout occurred more in the
Table 3 Socio-demographic variables and burnout measurements
Variable Emotional Exhaus- Depersonalization Reduced Personal
tion (Yes) (Yes) N = 100 Accomplishment (Yes)
N = 90 N = 113
Frequency 2
(P F r e q u e n c y Value Fr e q u e n c y P Value
(%) Value) (%) (%)
Age (years)
35 90 (100.0) 125.19 100 (100.0) <0.01 113 (100.0) <0.01
> 35 0 (0.0) (<0.01) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0)
Male 40 (44.4) 6 5 . 8 8 40 (40.0) <0.01 40 (35.4) <0.01
Female 50 (55.6) (<0.01) 60 (60.0) 73 (64.6)
Marital Status
Single 59 (65.6) 109.40 59 (59.0) <0.01 59 (52.2) <0.01
Married 31 (34.4) (<0.01) 41 (41.0) 54 (47.8)
Educational Level
Nursing 61 (67.8) 4 4 . 8 6 71 (71.0) <0.01 84 (74.3) <0.01
certificate (<0.01) 29 (25.7)
Nursing degree 29 (32.2) 29 (29.0)
Christianity 77 (85.6) 1 8 . 4 8 87 (87.0) <0.01 100 (88.5) <0.01
Others 13 (14.4) (<0.01) 13 (13.0) 13 (11.5)
Years of Service
5 13(14.4) 162.11 13 (13.0) <0.01 13 (11.5) <0.01
>5 77(85.6) (<0.01) 87 (87.0) 100 (88.5)
Nursing 19 (21.1) 143.02 29 (29.0) <0.01 42 (37.2) <0.01
Officer (<0.01)
Senior nursing 71 (78.9) 71 (71.0) 71 (68.8)
officer and
Binary logistic regression was then done to predict psychological distress when the demographic variables
the probability of a nurse developing burnout and are known (Table 5).
Table 5 Binary Logistic Regression analysis of variables contributing to Burnout and Psychological distress