Intouch Service Guide
Intouch Service Guide
Intouch Service Guide
AQF maintains staff throughout much
of Asia to provide you complete
QC coverage.
Since 2014, AQF has been a part of Since 2014, AQF has been a part of the
Worms Safety alliance of quality manage-
the Worms Safety alliance of quality ment specialists. This gives you exclusive
management professionals. access to a more complete array of quality
management and testing services.
Our membership gives you access to a You benefit from a global network of
more complete array of quality control specialized partners, each offering unique
expertise in diverse industries, including:
and testing services.
• Household goods
• Toys
• Textiles and apparel
• Health, personal care and cosmetics
5 Billion • Aviation
products controlled • Product compliance and certification
77 lenges.
The most effective way of preventing
last-minute quality-related delays is to
inspect and monitor the product early
in the manufacturing process. Feature Check
never in jeopardy.
Key material and component
Workmanship of materials
and components
Production readiness
A pre-production inspection (PPI) is an importer’s first AQF’s inspectors visit your supplier’s facility to
chance to inspect production materials at a suppli- conduct a physical inspection of raw materials,
er’s facility. This inspection helps verify your supplier components and production areas. We’ll verify
is ready to start production on schedule and helps the availability and condition of materials,
you identify any quality risks before mass production review your manufacturer’s plan for production
begins. and confirm equipment availability.
Feature Check
During production (DUPRO) inspections not only check Initiated when the factory has
the initial products coming off the line in a manner con- manufactured 15 to 80 percent of
sistent with our pre-shipment inspection techniques. But the total order quantity
they also verify and document the status of raw materi-
als, components, and partially finished goods. Rigorous inspection of the initial
finished product and raw mate-
You will receive a report containing information about rials, components and partially
production flow, equipment use, production capaci- finished goods
ty and any potential issues or bottlenecks—all in an
easy-to-understand format. After reviewing the findings Gain early knowledge of potential
with you, we will help communicate any necessary quality issues
corrective or preventative actions, ensuring factory
management understand next steps to implement. Production status and capacity
“The simplicity of the
Dimensions and weights
AQF Online platform is
one of the key strengths
On-site function and safety testing
of working with AQF. It’s
easy to use and it’s not
complicated to explain
how to use the platform
to new collaborators.”
-- Fabien Scrive,
Purchasing Director
Feature Check
Feature Check
LOADING Feature Check
Initiated during loading
You may need added assurance that your goods are pro-
of goods into shipping
tected from theft, mishandling and incorrect loading. An
AQF inspector can visit your supplier’s factory, the port
or other third-party logistics area to ensure your goods
Container conditions
are properly loaded before shipping. You’ll receive de-
tailed reporting of the process with photos.
Product specifications
Quantity loaded
You may need to collect a sample of goods from your manufacturer’s facility.
You may need samples for review, lab testing or just to establish that your
supplier correctly understands your requirements.
DEFECT Feature Check
AQF’s inspectors examine the entire batch of finished goods Coordination of an appropri-
before shipment according to your customized inspection check- ate destruction method
points. They then remove any defective products from the produc-
tion batch and set them aside for rework or destruction, depend- Supervision and documenta-
ing on defect severity. tion of destruction
Feature Check
with photos of workshops,
warehouses and major equip-
Many importers consider an audit the last step in the sourcing pro-
cess. A supplier qualification audit can help you cost-effectively Factory evaluation covering
narrow your list of potential suppliers or ensure you’re working 25 scoring checkpoints of the
with the right one. facility
AQF’s supplier qualification audit evaluates and rates the facility Fully customizable evaluations
based on 25 scoring checkpoints following internal standards ISO designed to answer specific
9001 and SA8000 and covering various areas of the facility. questions about a facility
Key areas checked during a supplier qualification audit include AQF findings reviewed in
business license and relevant documentation, overview of quality detail with your team and help
management systems, manufacturing capabilities, working condi- with any supplier communica-
tions and more. tion as needed
AQF staff review the findings in detail with your team and can help
communicate any follow-up questions you may have. An audit may
also include meetings with factory management to explain ideas or
product concepts and obtain feedback.
EXTENSIVE • Design control
• Purchasing control
• Storage management
• Incoming inspection
• Production control
A supplier qualification audit is often adequate for im- • Finished goods inspection & testing
porters who just want to see a broad overview of their • Measuring and testing equipment control
supplier’s facility. It offers insight into general supplier • Resource management
information, necessary licenses, employee relations, • Social & environmental responsibility
organizational structure and basic facilities and pro-
duction equipment. Reports include a findings summary with a clear
breakdown of points possible and earned in each
But when you need a more thorough audit, you’ll ben- area and their contribution to the overall audit result.
efit from AQF’s extensive factory audit. An extensive This makes it easy to interpret results at a glance and
factory audit includes all of the same checks as a sup- quickly identify any areas of the facility that need
plier qualification audit, as well as an in-depth check improvement.
of the factory’s quality management system,
Do you feel that clear quality requirements and testing quality problems. It also gives you the freedom to switch
standards are missing from your buyer-supplier rela- suppliers quickly, if needed, without feeling beholden
tionships? to, or overly invested in any one manufacturing partner.
Quality control checklists are a valuable tool man- Checklists can also be a powerful tool for salespeople
ufacturers rely on to maintain consistent standards. to demonstrate your commitment to quality to potential
Checklists include the requirements and expectations customers.
for your merchandise related to product materials, per-
formance, safety, function, potential defects and pack- AQF can give you a competitive advantage through
aging. detailed, yet easy-to-understand, QC checklists. Our
technical team will work with you, combining our expe-
Having such documentation doesn’t just help prevent rience and existing industry standards with any of your
misunderstandings about your product that can lead to own product requirements for a tailored approach.
No. Checkpoint Checkpoint Instruction Tolerance Result
1. Knife 2* Apply a force to the item as shown in the below tables. No crack, break or
Strength For thin flexible blades, always apply a force of 25N permanent deforma-
Test ± 1N regardless of their length. A thin length flexible tion of more than 3°
blade (e.g. slicing knife) is defined as a blade, which,
when each side in turn is forced down at an angel of
45°on a plane until flat over 50% of its length, remains
undamaged and does not acquire a permanent set in
excess of 3°.
“We rely on AQF’s suggestions for
lab testing because we’re buyers,
not quality engineers. We can
refer to AQF’s testing packages to
find out exactly what we need.”
– Claire Péjean,
General Manager
of Operations
If you’ve ever tried to arrange lab testing for your products, you may have had a frustrating experience. Repeated
emails to clarify requirements and coordinate testing can waste your time and delay shipments.
With lab testing via AQF Online, you’ll enjoy a convenient user-friendly booking experience where you can ar-
range the testing you need in minutes. Choose from existing “basic” or “advanced” testing packages or from a
catalog of more than 100 tests, based on your unique needs and budget.
Our partner lab has more than 20 years of experience with more than 70,000 tests performed on over 120,000
The following are examples of the kind of product testing we regularly perform:
• ASTM F963 Testing for toys safety requirements • CPSIA Section 108: for
• EN 14878: flammability fiber for furniture phthalate content
composition for textiles • REACH regulation (EC) • DIN 54231: carcinogenic
• EN 12520: domestic seating 1907/2006 Annex XVII and allergenic disperse dyes
strength, durability and for gifts and premium goods
China: +86 755 2220 0833
Hong Kong: +852 3909 8298
Europe: +33 6 43 27 34 46
North America: +1 617 274 8677
South America: +57 311 717 5792
Office 909, 9th Floor, Jintian Building, 1199 Heping Road, Luohu, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China