4 Perceived Stress and Academic Performance

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The study found that course load and lack of social support were the two main stressors impacting students' academic performance.

Financial stressors, course load, time management, and social support were some of the stressors examined in the study.

The study found that course load and social support had a significant negative impact on students' academic performance.

Perceived Stress and Academic Performance 51


Dr. Muhammad Zia-ur-Rehman∗ & Ms Rabia Sharif∗

The purpose of this study is to assess the impact of stressors on
academic performance of students of management sciences. Though
researchers have explored stress from different aspects, yet more work
is required to explore this issue in management sciences’ students of
developing countries like Pakistan. This study tries to make an in-depth
investigation into impact on academic performance due to four
stressors i.e. financial stressors, course load, time management and
social support. A quantitative approach has been adopted. The sample
consists of 155 students from three universities located in Islamabad
out of which response rate was 94 per cent. Results indicate that two
main stressors of course load and social support affect the academic
performance of students of management sciences.

Key Words: stress, academic performance, management sciences,

social support, course load


t has been portrayed in many movies that university life is very ideal and
there is a lot of fun and freedom in it. In reality the university life is a very
challenging phase. But why do some intelligent students cannot give due
attention to their studies and lag behind others in the university? Why the
retention ratio of intelligent students is declining in university? What are the
main factors due to which upcoming generation of university students seem to
be more stressful than ever before? What steps can be taken to help university
students in making themselves more successful academically? This research
paper aims at helping university students, university administrations and

Dr Muhammad Zia-ur-Rehman is Assistant Professor, Department of Leadership and
Management Sciences, Faculty of Contemporary Studies National Defence University

Ms Rabia Sharif is currently working as lecturer at the Department of Management Sciences,
Air University, Islamabad.
52 Journal of Contemporary Studies, Vol. III, No.1, Summer 2014

society in increasing understanding about some of the main stressors that

influence university students’ successes and failures. This paper examines the
impact of stress on academic performance of students of management sciences
in Pakistan, which is measured by GPA. Though different researchers have
explored stress in different dimensions, yet many of them have concluded that
still research gap exists and more work is required in different other
dimensions of stress.1
In academic institutions, stress can have positive or negative impact if
it cannot be managed properly.2 Symptoms, causes and consequences of stress
in academic institutions are different from non-academic ones, as their work-
setting is different.3 It is a right of each individual to learn and acquire the
necessary knowledge and skill. Individuals having knowledge play a great role
in development of the general economy of any nation. However, the students
are facing different challenges due to intricate academic environment4.
Similarly, students also have to face some environmental challenges that affect
their academic performance.
University students have great concern about their lower Grade-Point
Average (GPA), as people get benefit on different levels i.e. socially,
economically, and personally, from their academic success or higher GPA. It is
thus very important to determine the factors that create impact on academic
performance. Stress and academic success of students are negatively related5.
Therefore, it is important to study how stressors affect academic performance
of university students. This paper aims to explore stressors affecting students
of Business Administration and impacting their academic success.

Research questions
1. To establish how poor time management acts as a stressor for
university students?
2. To what extent financial constraints create stress among university
3. To find out what is impact of stress on university students’ academic

1 C.J. Rees, D. Redfern, “Recognizing the perceived causes of stress”, Training and development
perspective 32, no.4 (2000): pp.120-127.
2 A. Smith, “The scale of perceived occupational stress”, Occup. Med. 50, no. 2 (2002): pp.294-8.
3 A. Elfering, S. Grebner, N.K. Semmer, D. Kaier-Freiburghaus, S Lauper-Del Ponte, I. Witschi,
“Chronic job stressors and job control effects on event-related coping success and well-
being” Journal of Occupational Organizational Psychology, 78, no. 1 (2005): pp.237-52.
4 K. Danna, R.W. Griffin, “Health and wellbeing in the workplace: a review and synthesis of the
literature”, J. Manage, 25 (1999) p.357.
5 N. Shields, “Stress, active coping, and academic performance among persisting and Non-
persisting college students”, Journal of Applied Behavioral Research, 6, no.2 (2001): pp.65-81.
Perceived Stress and Academic Performance 53

Research objectives
The research objectives are based on the inquiry about the main stressors
due to which upcoming generation’s university students seem to be more
stressful than ever before. Main objectives are as follows:

• To identify various aspects causing the stress, and their symptoms.

• To identify the steps which help university students manage stress.
• To help students become more successful academically.

Research Gap and Significance of the Study

It is observed that the various studies have been conducted on many
dimensions but still there exists a gap to be researched on related to stress in
academic institutions6.
Stress is considered positive as well as negative related to managing
itself. There are causes, indicators and results, on which more research is
needed especially in academia. Elfering7 is of the opinion that in academic
institutions, these causes, results and symptoms can be different from
institution to institution, therefore, providing the ground for further research
in this area. As it is considered that success and stress are negatively related in
academia, it is necessary to find out in what way stressors create impact on the
students’ academic performance. Therefore, it is of utmost significance to do
further research in this filed for identifying different challenges faced by the
students in the academic environment, because this leads to overall academic

Literature Review and Theoretical Justification

University life is considered to be a blissful time, but it can be very
stressful and challenging for many students. According to Newton, students
suffer from anxiety or stress. Though lot of researchers had tried to explore
stress, yet they defined it in different ways. According to some researchers,
stress is a stimulus and a hypothetical state.8 This study defines stress from
psychosocial perspective, and has not touched physical and/or physiological
stress. According to Lazarus & Launier9 a person becomes stressful when he
finds that his/her relationship with the environment is threatening, as he/she
perceives that adaptive resources are lesser than environmental demand.

6 Rees, p.123.
7 A. Elfering, S. Grebner, N.K.Semmer, D. Kaier-Freiburghaus, S. Lauper-Del Ponte, I. Witschi,
“Chronic job stressors and job control effects on event-related coping success and well-
being”, Journal of Occupational Organizational Psychology 78, (2005): pp.237-52.
8 R. Fleming, A. Baum & J.E. Singer, , “Toward an integrative approach to the study of stress”,
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 46 (1984): pp.239-949.
9 R.S. Lazarus, & R. Launier “Stress-related transactions between person and environment. In
L.A. Pervin & M. Lewis (eds.), Perspectives on Interactional Psychology, (1978): pp.287- 327,
(N.Y.: Plenum Press).
54 Journal of Contemporary Studies, Vol. III, No.1, Summer 2014

According to Fleming and Baum no situation or event is generally

According to researchers11 stress is due to incongruity between
environmental requirements (stressors) and individual competency to
accomplish these requirements. So, when an individual faces a scenario that
he/she perceives as destructive and cannot deal with it, he/she will be under
stress. Stress can also be due to constructive or destructive experience; Cox &
Brockley12 have an observation that stress is an insight occurrence, which
results from a gap between the demand set and capability of an individual to
accomplish the mission fruitfully. Thus, due to unsteady circumstances, the
person experiences stress which eventually leads into stress reaction.
Different researchers like Ross, Niebling, & Heckert,13 support the fact
that university environment places numerous demands like increased
academic workload, pressure to attain and maintain good grades, establishing
good relationships with new faculty members and new friends, efficient time-
management, and increased independence from families, which need to be
adapted by students. If students cannot meet these demands, they might suffer
from stress that may have adverse impact on their self-esteem, result in poorer
mental health, poorer processing of information, and weekend memory.
Stanley and Manthorpe14 explored that nowadays there is more public concern
in different societies about stress as evidence have shown that university
students are exposed to poor mental health.
Previous researchers have identified high level of depression and
anxiety among university students globally.15 Facts have proved that most of
the college students are less able to complete complex academic tasks, as they
experience high levels of psychological distress.16 Thus different researchers
have explored different aspects of stress. Up-till now researchers, exploring
students’ stressors, focused on some specific sectors of the student population,
i.e. medical students17, students practicing or studying law18, hospitality

10 R. Fleming, A. Baum, & J.E. Singer, “Toward an integrative approach to the study of stress”,
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 46 (1984): pp.239-949.
11 Fleming, p.240 (ref 9).
12 T. Cox, and T. Brockley “The Experience and Effects of Stress in Teachers”, British Educational
Research Journal. 77, no 2 (1984): pp.139-145.
13 Ibid. Cox, pp.140.
14 N. Stanley, J. Manthorpe, “Responding to students’ mental health needs: impermeable
systems and diverse users”, J. Mental Health, 10, no1 (2001): 41–52.
15 A. Adewuya, B. Ola, O. Olutayo, B. Mapayi, O. Oginni, “Depression amongst Nigerian university
students — Prevalence and socio-demographic correlates” Psychiatr. Epidemiol. 41: (2006):
16 R. Barclay, “Counseling services annual report”. Ypsilanti: Eastern Michigan University (1994).
17 S. Pryjmachuk, & D. A. Richards, “Predicting stress in pre-registration nursing students”,
British Journal of Health Psychology, 12, (2007): pp.125-144.
18 L.A. Gilbert, & C.K. Holahan, “Conflicts between student professional, parental, and self-
development roles: a comparison of high and low effective Copers”, Human Relations 35:
(1982): pp.630-648.
Perceived Stress and Academic Performance 55

students19, psychology students20, and social work students21. Some other

researchers have developed some generalized measures of perceived stress22.
Still research gap regarding stress exists in one sector, which is
Business Administration or the field of management sciences and the students
related to this discipline especially in a developing country like Pakistan. The
business management education helps in improving leadership and
entrepreneurial qualities of individuals, which ultimately leads towards
helping in development of the economy in which they perform. In the
professional education of management sciences, students have to be exposed
to many challenges.
As university students are victim of stress, therefore, researchers have
identified numerous stressors. In previous studies few stressors that have been
identified by scholars include a lot of projects and reports, rivalry between
classmates on getting good grades, failures, inadequate pocket money or
financial resources, lack of social support from classmates or unfriendly
relationship with faculty members (resource persons), family or domestic
problems23. Stressors related to university/institution working environment
include congested classrooms/halls24, semester system, and scarce resources
to carry out academic work efficiently. Some of students perceive stress due to
increased pressure to perform well in examinations and quizzes or due to their
poor time management skills. The fact that Lack of Social Support Act (LSSA) as
a stressor is being supported by numerous other researchers as well, who
stress student’s attachment to another individual/student/mentor that provide
consultation. Adult attachment occurs when students feel themselves safe in
adult attachment association and seek consultancy from that adult, especially
when they are under stress. Individuals, who have secure adult attachment
relationship (AAR), can easily adapt themselves to environmental changes and
uncertainties. Thus they become more competent academically and socially,
and have better ego strength, so importance of social support cannot be

19 G. Jogaratnam, & P. Buchanan, “Balancing the demands of school and work: Stress and
employed hospitality students”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality
Management, 76, no 4 (2004): pp.237-245.
20 F. Mchie, M. Glachan, & D. Bray, “An evaluation of factors influencing the academic self-
concept, self-esteem and academic stress for direct and re-entry students in higher
education,” Educational Psychology, 27, no. 4, (2001): 455-472.
21 P. J. Tobin , & J. Carson, “Stress and the student social worker”, Social Work & Social Sciences
Review, 5, no. 3, (1994): pp.246-255.
22 S. Cohen, T. Kamarck, & R. Hermelstein, “A global measure of perceived stress”, Journal of
Health and Social Behavior 24, (1983): pp.385-396.
23 K. Fairbrother, J. Warn, “Workplace Dimensions, Stress and Job Satisfaction”, J. Managerial
Psychology. 18, no.1: (2003): pp.8-21.
24 H. Ongori, JE. Agolla, “Occupational Stress in Organizations and Its Effects on Organizational
Performance”, J. Manage 8, no.3: (2008) 123-135.
25 T.A. Sheppard, “Social Interaction and Academic Performance”, Education Research and
Perspectives 5, (1976): pp.3-15.
56 Journal of Contemporary Studies, Vol. III, No.1, Summer 2014

Similarly, many researchers have explored financial stressors affecting

students. Students feel themselves stressful due to lack of financial resources
as well. Some of financial stressors identified by students include unavailability
of computers, books, or congested classrooms/halls, as unavailability leads to
failure. Lack of financial resources creates depression and decreases quality of
life in individuals. Children belonging to poor family or of lower class, mostly
become victim of psychological problems, depression, lonesomeness, and
become very sensitive emotionally. Research also supports that academic
workload creates stress in some students. In one of the studies related to
students’ stress in Israel found that some of academic stressors include too
many assignments or examination fever26. Mostly female students get stressful
due to ineffective time management. Research also explored that individual's
perception of control over time is one of sources of student stress27. This view
is supported by researchers who found that individuals having perception that
they can control time or it is in their hands, are less stressful28.
In summing up over the last two decades, researchers have identified
that daily life hassles are better predictors of self-reported adjustment
difficulties than the key life events29, for instance, person get irritated due to
daily life issues such as losing things or financial apprehensions.30
Academic success is usually measured by, Grade-Point Average (GPA)
and course completion31. It is observed that stress has a negative effect on
students’ quality of life32 and also with students’ academic performance33. Some
researchers have explored the impact of stress on student’s performance with
respect to change in time period and identified that initially there exists a
positive relationship between stress and students’ performance to some
specific limit after which stress impacts performance negatively34. Cahir and
Morris explored the impact of emotional, financial and academic stressors of
graduate psychology training on students, and found that female students had

26 A. Shirom, “Students' stress', Higher Education 15, no. 6 (1986): pp.67-676.

27 S. A. Nonis, G. I. Hudson, L. B. Logan, & C. W. Ford, , “Influence of perceived control over time
on college students' stress and stress-related outcomes”. Research in Higher Education, 39,
no. 5, (1998): pp.587-605.
28 T. H. Macan, C. Shahani, R. L. Dipboye, & A. P. Phillips, “College student' time management:
Correlations with academic performance and stress”, Journal of Educational Psychology, 82,
(1990): pp.760-768.
29 A. De Longis, J.C. Coyne, G. Dakof, S. Folkman, and R.S. Lazarus, “Relationship of daily hassles,
uplifts, and major life events to health status”, Health Psychology 1, (1982): pp.119-36.
30 K.R. Blankstein, G.L. Flett, and S. Koledin, “The brief college student hassles scale:
development, validation, and relation with pessimism”, Journal of College Student
Development 32, (1991): pp.258-64.
31 N. Shields, p.67.
32 K. Danna, R.W. Griffin, “Health and wellbeing in the workplace: a review and synthesis of the
literature”, J. Manage 25 (1999): p.357.
33 R. Rust,, “Epidemiology of mental health in college”, Journal of Psychology 49 (1960): 235-
34 R.A. Brymer, “Stress and your employees”, Cornell Hotel and Restaurant”, Administration
Quarterly 23 no. 1, (1982): 61-6.
Perceived Stress and Academic Performance 57

higher stress scores than males35. From literature, it is evident that stress has
an impact on students’ performance, and variety of factors creates stress
among university students.
This paper explores stressors affecting students of management
sciences in a developing country like Pakistan. Fig 1 illustrates the model
depicting the relationship between stress and academic performance.

Figure 1

Perceived stress Academic
among students performance

Academic load

Independent variable of study is a stress among students, which is

measured through four stressors including financial constraints, social support,
time management, and academic load. Academic performance is affected by
stress as shown in literature, so academic performance is dependent variable
for this study, which is measured by GPA of students taken from exam cells of a
university. On the basis of the above theoretical justification, the following
logical conjectures were proposed:
Hypothesis 1: Students’ financial status has an impact on their level of
perceived stress.
Hypothesis 2: Students’ social status has an impact on their perceived
stress level.
Hypothesis 3: Students’ academic load affects stress level.
Hypothesis 4: Students’ time management capabilities have an impact
on their stress level.
Hypothesis 5: The stress affects academic performance of students.

35 N. Cahir, and R.D. Morris, “The psychology student stress questionnaire”, Journal of Clinical
Psychology 47 no. 3, (1991): pp.414-17.
58 Journal of Contemporary Studies, Vol. III, No.1, Summer 2014

This is a basic research and nature of study is descriptive, as it is

undertaken to understand the factors that create stress. It is correlational
study, conducted to check relationship among variables. The researchers’
interference is minimal because questionnaires were given to the students and
they filled them according to their own behaviour and choice. While conducting
the study, there were no more disturbances in their normal work-routine than
just spending some time in filling these questionnaires. The research has been
done in the non-contrived and normal settings i.e. in the natural environment
(environment of Business Administration Department). The unit of analysis is
an individual student and the study is cross-sectional or one shot.

Research Methodology
The population is comprised of the students of higher education or
university in twin cities of Islamabad and Rawalpindi. We have taken students
from the departments of Business Administration or Management Sciences of
three universities of the twin cities randomly including Bahria University,
National University of Modern Languages and Preston University, as a case
study for our sample. Sample size was 155 out of which 147 respondents gave
back their filled questionnaires. So the response rate was considered as 94 per
The questionnaires employed in this research, used the Likert’s five-
point scale (Likert, R, 1967). The study used 26-item questionnaire and these
items evaluate four main dimensions; the first is the financial stressors among
students (4 items), the second is the social support (8 items), the third is the
academic workload (11 items) and fourth is time management factor (3 items).
The instrument used items from questionnaire earlier used by Ying Ming Lin
(2009) and Burge (2009).
Thus this study uses a questionnaire with twenty-one items from
academic stress inventory questionnaire (ASIQ) developed by Ying Ming Lin &
Farn Shing Chen (2009), which fulfil the reliability and validity requirements.
For reliability testing, researchers carried out the Cronbach alpha test and the
α (alpha) value obtained was between 0.85-0.92. An alpha (α) value of the
overall academic stress questionnaires was 0.90. The reliability of the
questionnaire achieved the levels required by the estimation standards of
George and Mallery (2003). Pearson’s correlation analysis was also conducted
to obtain the significant level of related coefficients of various factor
components (Ying Ming Lin & Farn Shing Chen, 2009). Six items related to
measure time management stressors and financial stressors have been taken
from university stress scale developed by Burge (2009), which is also a reliable
and valid instrument to measure university students’ stress and its impact on
their performance.
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 19 was used to
conduct analysis of the data gathered. The 26 items in instrument were loaded
Perceived Stress and Academic Performance 59

into SPSS for analysis to test correlation and regression as shown below in
Table 3 and 4. Table 1 shows the demographic characteristics of respondents.

Table 1
Demographic Characteristics of Respondents n=147
Demographics Frequencies n=147 Percentage
Male 104 70.7
Female 43 29.3
Age group
18-21 14 9.5
22-26 115 78.2
27-30 16 10.9
31-35 2 1.4
Over 35 0 0
1.5-2 30 20.4
2-2.5 2 21.8
2.5-3 52 35.4
3-3.5 51 34.7
3.5-4 12 8.2
Course load
>3 or 3 15 10.2
4 30 20.4
5 83 56.5
<5 19 12.2

Descriptive Statistics
The descriptive statistics results for this study showed a neutral
response of respondents to perceived stress and their academic performance.
Mean values range 3.59 as highest value and lowest value of 2.97. The results
for time management showed the highest concurrence (Mean 3.59 and
standard deviation 1.05), course load (Mean 3.28 and standard deviation .74).
Social-support with the mean of 3.15 and standard deviation .84, financial
stressors with mean of 2.98 and standard deviation of .67 and GPA with the
mean 3.299 and standard deviation of .89.
60 Journal of Contemporary Studies, Vol. III, No.1, Summer 2014

Table 2

Descriptive Statistics
N Mean Std.
Statistic Statistic Std. Statistic
GPA 147 3.29 .073 .89
Course load 147 3.27 .061 .74
Social support 147 3.15 .069 .84
Time management 147 3.59 .086 1.05
Financial stressors 147 2.97 .055 .67

Correlation Analysis
Correlation among the constructs/elements of stressors has been
checked through correlation analysis. The result indicated that most of
variables have statistically significant relationship at (p<.01). Course load has
strong positive significant relationship with social support. Time management
has strong positive significant relationship with social support. Also time
management has strong positive relationship with the course load. GPA has
negative significant relationship with the social support, course load and time

Table 3
Correlations among elements of stressors
Social Financial Course Time
support stress load management
Social support 1
-.013 1
Course load .548** -.016 1
.551** .068 .523** 1
GPA -.433** .091 -.492** -.279** 1
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Regression Analysis
The results of regression analysis based on independent variables
(Financial stressors, time management, social support and course load) are
Perceived Stress and Academic Performance 61

shown in Table 4. The overall model fit for regression equation was
determined by F-statistics. This model has shown positive, and statistically
significant results having F=14.2 and p =. 000. The regression analysis results
show that 28.9% of variance in dependent variable is due to these independent
variables (R square = .289). Course load has highest beta of -.38 and social
support the second highest beta of -.253 showing that they have negative
relationship with students’ performance.

Table 4
Regression analysis of independent variables with students’ academic
Constant Standardized Significance
Coefficients 000
Social support -.253 .007
Financial stressors .078 .280
Course load -.380 .000
Time management .054 .552
R square: 0.289
F-value: 14.204

The results of study show that university students experience stress,
which has impact on their grades. The two main factors, which lead to their
stress, are course load and social factors. Students of Management Sciences
perceive highest stress due to Business Administration course load. This
finding is consistent with previous findings of Agolla, 200836. Students showed
that they feel assignments and projects given to them are sometimes very
difficult and excessive. One reason due to which students put high weight on
academic load as stressor is that in Pakistani education system, up till college
life assignments and quizzes carry no marks in final result or grade as
according to Federal Board of Education of Pakistan Policy, and just the marks
of final exam impact the students’ grade. But when they come into university
they feel it very difficult to do a lot of assignments and prepare quizzes for each
subject. Unlike their previous studies in universities internal evaluation carries
20-30 percentages of final grades. As they are not accustomed to doing these
assignments and projects, they feel themselves under stress when they have to
do multiple activities such as to go to the field to collect data for projects so on
and so forth in order to complete set tasks. Students feel social support as
another major factor, which affects their stress level.

36 J.E. Agolla (2008), “Occupational Stress in Organizations and Its Effects on Organizational
Performance, J. Manage. Res. 8(3): pp.123-135.
62 Journal of Contemporary Studies, Vol. III, No.1, Summer 2014

The findings are consistent to earlier findings37, there can be different

reasons for this as well e.g. in Pakistan up to college levels there is very little
concept of co-education and in university they find it difficult to communicate
with other gender. They feel shy to participate in class. Also up-to college life
there is very little emphasis on grooming the oral communication skills of
students. They are not in practice of giving presentations or participation in
discussions while in university especially in Business Administration
programmes the main emphasis and weightage is given on presentations and
group discussions. So most of students become victim of stage fright, they feel
that if they cannot speak well thinking their class fellows may laugh at them.
They cannot communicate well with other fellows and even with teachers, so
they cannot take extra counselling or guidance on topics or concepts from their
fellows and teachers. Another factor, which leads to lack of social support, can
be that some students come from different cities to complete their degrees and
thus they have new relation and they face communication gap. In some families
even parents set high expectations, which can be another source of stress. In
the study, financial stressor has not been proven to have a significant impact
on students’ performance. This finding is inconsistent with the finding of
previous study by Fairbrother K, Warn J (2003)38. There can be multiple
reasons for this. One factor can be that the study sample consists of universities
of Islamabad, and in these universities most of students who come in Business
Administration programmes are from middle or upper middle class having
affordability to pay university dues and for them finance is not a main issue.
Also time management was not found to have significant impact on

University students’ academic performance is affected by the stress
mainly by the two main sources as identified in this study, including course
load and social support. By identifying these main factors, which lead to stress
among business administration students of universities, the study could
provide better insights to the academic administrators for initiating efforts to
reduce the intensity of academic stress. The study can be furthered to other
educational institutions in order to test the research model for generalization.

Instructions: Respond to each item using the scale below, and indicate your response
number on the line by each item
Strongly Disagreee Neither Agree Strongly
Disagreee Agree Nor Agree

37 E. F. Topper, (2007), Stress in the Library, Journal of New Library, 108(11/12): pp.561-564.
38 K . Fairbrother, J. Warn (2003), “Workplace Dimensions, Stress and Job Satisfaction”, J.
Managerial Psychol. 18(1): pp.8-21.
Perceived Stress and Academic Performance 63

1 2 3 4 5
1. I feel that the assignments and projects given by some
teachers are too strict ________
2. I feel that the assignments and projects of some teachers are
excessive ________
3. I feel that I do not understand a lot about some teacher’s
teaching content ________
4. Some teachers provide too much data which causes me to be
unable to finish studying and to understand the knowledge. ________
5. I feel a lot of pressure because all subjects use foreign
language books ________
6. I feel that I am not able to adapt to teaching methods of some
teachers’ ________
7. I feel that once I got in university, I could not keep up with the
pace of the teachers’ Instruction ________
8. I do not get good enough sleep at night because I worry about
quizzes and exams. ________
9. I stay up late before all the big and small quizzes and exams.
10. I feel that the assignments and projects of some teachers are
difficult. ________
11. I often face problems as how to share work with my
classmates when some exercises or reports require group
work. ________
12. When group work is required to complete a project, I worry
that I will not be able to find a suitable group member.
13. When I give a presentation, I worry that my classmates will
laugh at my inability to perform well. ________
14. I feel that my parents feel that I am not serious with my
studies. ________
15. I worry that my academic results will not meet expectations
of my parents. ________
16. When I want to study on my own in class, I am affected by my
classmates’ chatting.
17. I feel that there is open rivalry and veiled struggles among
classmates due to academic performance. ________
18. I feel that I am unable to schedule the time between academic
and social activities effectively. ________
19. I feel it difficult for me to find a balance between my
academic and social activities. ________
20. I feel that the social activities and student association affect
my academic work. ________
21. I feel confident about my ability to support myself financially
22. I feel pressured as I can’t manage my weekly budget.
23. I can’t get money I need to pay for my university dues.
24. I feel that it is difficult for my parents to earn enough money
to pay for my university dues. ________
25. I feel difficult to give time for my family. ________
26. I feel a lot of pressure due to lack of clarity about assessment
task requirements. ________

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