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How to Add Positive and Negative Integers

Example 3: What is +16 + +37 + –20 + –3 +–9?
One of the topics in basic mathematics that will In answering questions with multiple addends,
likely be included in the Philippine Civil Service combine all the positives and the negatives then
Exam both professional and sub professional are add.
operations on integers. Although a few Civil
Service test items may be given from this topic, it That is +16 + +37 = +53 and –20 + –3 +–9 = –32.
is important that you master it because a lot So, the final equation is +53 + –32. We pair 32
of calculation in other topics will need knowledge positives and 32 negatives leaving 21 positives.
of integers and its operations (addition, In equation form, we have
subtraction, multiplication, division). For example,
solving some word problems in mathematics and +
53 + –32 = +21 + +32 + –32 = +21 + (+32 + –32)
solving equations will need knowledge on = +21 + 0 = +
operations of integers.
Integers are whole numbers that are either positive 2. How to Subtract Positive and Negative
or negative. Examples of integers are -5, 6, 0, and
10. If we place this on the number line, negative Integers
integers are the integers that are below 0 (left of 0), This is the continuation of the series of Civil
while the positive integers are the integers above Service review in mathematics particularly on
0 (right of 0). operations of integers. In this post, we are going to
discuss the most complicated operation on
Adding Integers that Are Both Positive integers. I have taught people of all ages about this
topic and it seems that for many, this is the most
When you add integers that are both positive, it is difficult among the four operations. In this post, we
just like adding whole numbers. Below are the are going to learn how to subtract positive and
examples. negative integers or signed numbers. Note that in
subtracting integers, there are only four forms.
Example 1: +2 + +4 = +6
Example 2: +9 + +41 + +6 + = +56 If a and b are positive, the subtraction are of the
Example 3: +120 + +13 + +12 + = +145 following forms.
Although we have created a small + before the Case 1: positive minus positive (a – b)
number to indicate that it is positive, in reality, only Case 2: negative minus positive (–a – b)
negative numbers have signs. This means that +2 Case 3: positive minus negative (a – –b)
+ +4 = +6 is just written as 2 + 4 = 6. Case 4: negative minus negative (–a – –b)

Adding Integers that Are Both Negative How to Subtract Positive and Negative Integers
Adding number that are both negative is just the
What most people don’t know that a – b is the
same as adding numbers that are both positive.
same as a + –b, or subtracting a number is the
The only difference is that if you add two negative same as adding it’s negative. That means that you
numbers, the result is negative. only have to memorize the steps in addition of
integers. Given a subtraction sentence, you then
Example 1: –5 + –8 = –13 transform it into addition. Here are a few examples.
Example 2: –10 + –18 + –32 + = –60
Example 3: –220 + –11 + –16 + = –247 Case 1 Exampe 1: 5 – 8

Subtracting is the same as adding its negative,

How to Add Positive and Negative Integers so 5 – 8 = 5 + –8. Note that 5 + –8 is already
addition and 5 + –8 = –3.
Before adding, you should always remember
that +1 and –1 cancel out each other, or +1 + –1 is
Case 2 Example: –10 – 4
0. So the strategy is to pair the positive and
negative numbers and take out what’s left.
The expression –10 – 4 is the same as –10 + –4 = –
Example 1: What is +13 + –8?
Remember also that if you see two consecutive –
Solution: We pair 8 positives and 8 negatives to
signs or a minus and a negative sign, you can
cancel out. Then what’s left is of +13 is +5. In
transform it to +. That is, -(–a) = + a and -(–a) + a.
equation form, we have
In most exam, the negative signs are not usually
13 + –8 = +5 + +8 + –8 = +5 + (+8 + –8) = +5 + (0)
superscript, so you will likely -(-a).
= +5
Case 3 Example: 5 – –6
Example 2: What is +17 + –20?
Solution: We pair 17 negatives and 17 positives.
The above expression might be written in 5- -6 or
What’s left of –20 is –3. In equation form, we have
5-(-6). In any case, two negative signs, a minus
and a negative sign can be transformed into a plus
17 + –20 = +17 + (–17 + –3) = (+17 + –17) + –3 = 0
+ –3 = –3
sign so, 5 – (–6) = 5 + 6 = 11. Notice that the last From the above discussion, we summarize the
equation is also an addition sentence. multiplication of integers.

Case 4 Example: –8 – –6 Positive Integer x Positive Integer = Positive

The expression –8 – –6 = –8 + 6 = –2.
Observe that the four forms are already completed Positive Integer x Negative Integer = Negative
in the examles. From the strategy above, we only Integer
remember two strategies: (1) transform any
subtraction sentence to addition sentence and (2) Negative Integer x Positive Integer = Negative
replace two consecutive negatives or a minus and Integer
a negative with + sign.
Negative Integer x Negative Integer = Positive
3. How to Multiply Signed Numbers
In the two previous post in Mathematics, we have We can also say that if we multiply two numbers
discussed how to add and subtract signed with the same sign, the answer is positive. If we
numbers. In this post, we are going to learn how to multiply two numbers with different signs, the
multiply signed numbers particularly integers. answer is negative.
Signed means positive and negative.
4. Dividing Positive and Negative Integers
Positive Integer x Positive Integer
Clearly, the product is positive. We had been In the previous post on integers, we have learned
multiplying positive integers since Grade school the rules in multiplying positive integers and
and we all know that the product is positive. negative integers. In this post, we are going to
learn how to divide positive and negative integers.
Positive Integer x Negative Integer If you have observed, in the post on subtracting
When you multiply, notice that you are actually integers, we have converted the “minus sign” to a
adding repeated. When we say 2 x 3, we are “plus negative sign.” I think it is safe for us to say
actually saying twice three or 2 groups of 3 or 3 + that subtraction is some sort of “disguised
3. When we say, thrice 11, we are saying 11 + 11 addition.” Similarly, we can also convert
+ 11. With this in mind, 3 x – 5 = -5 + -5 + -5. Since a division expression to multiplication. For
we are adding integers which are negative, the example, we can turn
sum is also negative or -15. This means that 3 x -
5 = -15. If we generalize this, we can say that the to .
product of a positive integer and a negative integer
is negative. In general, the division

Negative Integer x Positive Integer to .

If you can remember, multiplication
is commutative. This means that the order of the From the discussion above, we can ask the
number you multiply does not matter, their product following question:
will always be the same. For example, 4 x 3 x 5 is
equal to 5 x 4 x 3 or 3 x 4 x 5 or any other Can we use the rules in multiplying integers when
arrangement using the three numbers. This means dividing integers?
that 3 x -5 = -5 x 3. So, a negative integer multiplied
by a positive integer is also negative. The answer is a big YES. The rules are very much
Negative Integer x Negative Integer positive integer ÷ positive integer = positive
For multiplication of two negative integers, we can integer
use patterns to know their product and generalize. positive integer ÷ negative integer = negative
-3 x 2 = -6 negative integer ÷ positive integer = negative
-3 x 1 = -3 negative integer ÷ negative integer = positive
Notice that they are very similar to the rules in
Now, what is -3 x -1? multiplying integers.

If we look at the pattern in the product, we are positive integer x positive integer = positive integer
actually adding by 3 each step so the next number positive integer x negative integer = negative
is 3. All other numbers from -1, -2, -3 and so on will integer
be positive (Why?). Therefore, the product of two negative integer x positive integer = negative
negative numbers is positive. integer
negative integer x negative integer = positive
Summary: Rules on how to Multiply Signed integer
We pair –16 and 16 to get 0. We are left with
positive 15.
Here are some examples worked examples. 5. 23 + 46 + –15 = 54
We add the two positive numbers first: 23 + 46 =
1. 18 ÷ 3 = 6 69. Next, we add 69 and –15. We get 15 from 69
and pair it with –15 resulting to 0, so we have 54
2. 36 ÷ -12 = – 3 left.
6. 45 + –12 + –16 = 17
3. -15 ÷ 2 = – 7.5 We add the negative numbers first: –12 + –16 = –
28. We add the result to 45. We get 28 from 45 and
4. -8 ÷ -4 = 2 pair it with –28 to get 0 leaving 17.
7. –12 +–15 + –62 = –89
From the discussion and the worked examples Explanation: They are negative, so we just added
above, we can therefore conclude that in dividing them. Of course negative added to negative is
positive and negative integers, we only need to always negative.
memorize the rules in multiplying integers and 8. 22 + –36 + 36 = 22
apply them in dividing integers. Explanation: –36 + 36 = 0, so we are left with 22.
9. 12 + 18 + –12 + –18 = 0
Explanation: 12 and –12 and 18 and –18 = 0.
Below are the answers and the explanations of 10. 31 + 55 + –41 + – 32 + –10 = 3
the Practice Test on Dividing Integers. Note Explanation: Adding the positive integers, we
that as mentioned in the post Dividing Positive have 31 + 55 = 86. Adding the negative integers,
and Negative Integers, the rules in dividing we have –41 + – 32 + –10 =–83. Now, 86 + –83 = 3
integers as well as real numbers are the
(1) positive number ÷ positive number = positive 5. How to Get the Least Common Multiple of
number Numbers
(2) positive number ÷ negative number = negative
number In mathematics, a multiple is a product of any
(3) negative number ÷ positive number = negative number and an integer. The numbers 16, -48 and
number 72 are multiples of 8 because 8 x 2 = 16, 8 x -3 = -
(4) negative number ÷ negative number = positive 48 and 8 x 9 = 72. Similarly, the first five
number. positive multiples of 7 are the following:

Answers and Explanation 7, 14, 21, 28, 35.

1.) -35 ÷ 7 = -5 (by rule 3) In this post, we will particularly talk about positive
2.) 38 ÷ -19 = -2 (by rule 2) integers and positive multiples. This is in
3.) 56 ÷ 8 = 7 (by rule 1) preparation for the discussions on addition and
4.) -84 ÷ -12 = 7 (by rule 4) subtraction of fractions.
5.) -28 ÷ -1 = 28 (by rule 4)
6.) 0 ÷ -5 = 0 (0 divided by any number is 0) We can always find a common multiple given two
7.) 47 ÷ -47 = -1 (by rule 2) or more numbers. For example, if we list all the
8.) -156 ÷ 12 = -13 (by rule 3) positive multiples of 2 and 3, we have
9.) -34 ÷ -17 = 2 (by rule 4) 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20
10.) -180 ÷ 9 = -20 (by rule 3) and
3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30.

Solutions to Practice Exercises on Addition of As we can see, in the list, 6, 12 and 18 are
Integers common multiples of 2 and 3. If we continue
further, there are still other multiples, and in fact,
We have learned how to add integers and in the we will never run out of multiples.
previous post, I have given you practice Can you predict the next five multiples of 2 and 3
exercises that you can use to evaluate your without listing?
understanding of the topic. Below is the complete
solutions to the practice exercises on The most important among the multiples is
adding integers. Share to me how many did you the least common multiple. The least common
get right. multiple is the smallest among all the multiples.
Clearly, the least common multiple of 2 and 3 is 6.
Solutions to Practice Exercises on Addition of Here are some examples.
1. 28 + 12 = 40. Example 1: Find the least common multiple of 3
2. –14 + –11 = –25 and 5
3. 24 + –15 = 9 Multiples of 3: 3, 6, 9. 12, 15, 18
Solution: We pair 15 and –15 to get 0. We have 9 Multiples of 5: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25,30
left. So, the correct answer is 9. As we can see, 15 appeared as the first common
4. –
16 + 31 = 15 multiple, so 15 is the least common multiple of 3
and 5.
Example 2: Find the least common multiple of 3, LCM of 2 and 3 is 6.
4, and 6. b. Convert the fractions into fractions whose
In this example, we find the least multiple that are denominator is the LCM which is 6.
common to the three numbers.
First Addend:
Multiples of 3: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15
Multiples of 4: 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 .
Multiples of 6: 6, 12, 18, 24, 30
So, the least common multiple of 3, 4, and 6 is 12. So, the equivalent of is .
Example 3: Find the least common multiple of 3, 8
and 12. Second Addend:
Multiples of 3: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24
Multiples of 8: 8, 16, 24,
Mulitples of 12: 12, 24, 36, 48, 60
So, the least common multiple of 3, 4 and 6 is 24. So, the equivalent fraction of is .

6. How to Add Fractions c. Add the equivalent fractions

Fractions whose denominators are the same are
called similar fractions. Fractions that are not .
similar are called dissimilar fractions. Hence, the
fractions , , and are similar fractions, while the
fractions and are dissimilar fractions. In this So, .
post, we are going to learn how to add fractions.
How to Add Similar Fractions Example 2
Adding similar fractions is very easy. In adding
similar fractions, you just add the numerator and
copy the denominator. Here are a few examples.
Example 1
a. Get the LCM of 3 and 5.
Multiples of 3: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18
Multiples of 5: 5, 10, 15, 20
Example 2 Therefore, the LCM of 3 and 5 is 15.
b. Convert the given fractions into equivalent
fractions whose denominator is 15.
Example 3
First Addend:

In most cases, improper fractions or fractions

whose denominator is less than its numerator such
So, the equivalent fraction of is .
as the third example is converted to mixed form.
The mixed form of is . We will discuss how to
make such conversion in the near future.
Second Addend:
How to Add Dissimilar Fractions
Addition of dissimilar fractions is a bit more
complicated than adding similar fractions. In
adding dissimilar fractions, you must determine the So, the equivalent fraction of is .
least common multiple (LCM) of their denominator
which is known as the least common denominator. c. Add the equivalent fractions
Next, you have to convert all the addends to
equivalent fractions whose denominator is the
LCM. Having the same denominator means that
the fractions are already similar. Here are a few .
Example 1

Example 3
a. Get the least common multiple (LCM) of 2 and
Multiples of 2: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 Solution
Multiples of 3: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 a. Get the LCM of 3, 6 and 8.
Multiples of 3: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24
Multiples of 6: 6, 12, 18, 24, 30
Multiples of 8: 8, 16, 24, 32, 40
LCM of 3, 6 and 8 is 24. Solution

b. Convert the given fractions into equivalent

fractions whose denominator is 24.
We reduce the fraction to lowest term by dividing
First Addend: both the numerator and the denominator by 2. This
results to $latex which is the final answer.

Therefore, the equivalent fraction of is Answer:

Example 3
Second Addend:

Therefore, the equivalent fraction of is First, we reduce by dividing both the numerator
and the denominator by 3. This results to . We
now multiply:
Third Addend:

Therefore, the equivalent fraction of is .

Answer: .
c. Add the equivalent fractions
Example 4

In the next post, we will have more examples

and exercises regarding addition of similar and Solution
dissimilar fractions. I will also give you some tips in In this example, we need to convert the mixed
getting the least common multiple of two or more fraction into improper fraction. To do this, we
numbers without listing. multiply the denominator of the mixed fraction to
the whole number and the product to the
7. How to Multiply Fractions denominator. That is

Among the four fundamental operations on

fractions, multiplication is the easiest. It is just
simple. Multiply the numerator and then the
denominator. Of course, if the given fractions can Now, let us multiply the two fractions.
be converted to lowest terms, the easier the
multiplication will be.
In this post, we are going to learn how to multiply
fractions. You must master this operation, as well
as other fundamental operations on fractions
because you will use them in higher mathematics Answer:
and solving word problems. Below are some
8. How to Divide Fractions
Example 1
We have already
discussed addition and multiplication of
Solution fractions and what we have left are subtraction
and division. In this post, we learn how to divide
To divide fractions, we must get the reciprocal of
the divisor. This is just the same as swapping the
numerator and the denominator. For example, the
Answer: .
reciprocal of is . After getting the reciprocal, just
Example 2 multiply the fractions.

Example 1
Solution 9. How to Subtract Fractions
First, we get the reciprocal of , the divisor. This We have already learned the three operations on
is . Then, we multiply the fractions. fractions namely addition, multiplication,
and division. In this post, we are going to learn the
last elementary operation: subtraction. If you have
mastered addition of fractions, this will not be a
problem for you because the process is just the
same. Let’s subtract fractions!

Example 2 Example 1: .
The given is a similar fraction (fraction whose
denominators are the same), so just like in
Solution addition, we just perform the operation on the
numerators. Therefore, we just have to subtract
First, we get the reciprocal of which is . the numerator and copy the denominator. That is,
Multiplying the fractions, we have

We reduce to lowest term by dividing both the

We reduce the answer to lowest terms by numerator and denominator of by . This results
dividing both the numerator and denominator by 5 to which is the final answer.
resulting to .
Answer: Example 2: .
Example 3 The two fractions are dissimilar, so we must find
their least common denominator. To do this,
we find the least common multiple of and .
The common multiples of 2 are
Solution and so on
In dividing fractions, the dividend and the divisor
must not be mixed fractions. Therefore, we need to and the common multiples of are
convert the mixed fraction to improper fraction.
To do this, we multiply by and then add . The and so on.
result becomes the numerator of the mixed
As we can see from the lists above, is the least
fraction. So, the the equivalent of is .
common multiple of and .
Multiplying the fractions, we have
We now change the denominator of both fractions
to .

We can convert the improper fraction to First, we find the equivalent fraction of . That is,
mixed form which is equal to

To find the value of , divide by and then

multiply to . The result is which the numerator
of the equivalent fraction becomes. So, the
Example 4
equivalent fraction of is . If you are confused
with this process, please read How to Add
Solution Fractions.
If the divisor is a whole number, the reciprocal will Now, we get the equivalent fraction of or we find
be 1 “over” that number. In the given, the reciprocal the value of in . We divide by and
of is . After getting the reciprocal of the divisor, then multiply it by , which gives us . So, the
we multiply the two fractions: equivalent fraction of is .

We now subtract the fractions.


Answer: .
The final answer is .
Final Answer:
Example 3:
Example 2
First, we convert to improper fraction. That is,
Convert to improper fraction.

. Denominator:

to get Numerator:

. Final Answer:

The least common multiple of and is (try Example 3

listing as in example 2).
Convert to improper fraction.
Now, to get the equivalent fraction, we
have . Now, . This
We can reduce to , so given fraction can be
means, the equivalent fraction
converted to . Now, we can now convert the
mixed fraction to improper fraction.
We also convert to which is equal to .

Now, we subtract the fractions. Final Answer:

From the pattern above, the fraction , where is

. the whole number, is the numerator and is the
denominator can be converted to the improper
Converting the answer which is an improper fraction
fraction to mixed number, we have


There is another way to make the solution of the 11. Solution to the Exercises on Reducing
third examples shorter. We will discuss this in the Fractions to Lowest Terms
next post which is subtraction of fraction involving
mixed fractions. Below are the complete solutions and answers to
the exercises on reducing fractions to lowest
terms. I will not give any tips or methods of
10. How to Convert Mixed Fractions to Improper shortcuts on doing this because teaching you
Fractions shortcuts will give you problems in case you forget
them. The best thing that you can do is to solve as
We have already learned how to convert improper many related problems as you can and develop
fractions to mixed fractions. In this post, we are shortcuts that work for you. Each person has his
going to learn how to convert mixed fractions to own preference in solving procedural problems
improper fractions. In converting mixed fractions such as these, so it is important that you discover
to improper fractions, the denominator stays as it what’s best for you.
is. You only have to calculate for the For converting improper fractions to mixed form, I
numerator. To get the numerator of the improper will discuss it in a separate post. Try to see the
fraction, multiply the denominator to the whole solutions below and see if you can use these
number and then add the numerator of the mixed solutions to develop your own method. Honestly,
fraction. the three examples below on converting improper
Let’s have three examples. fractions to mixed form should be enough to teach
Example 1 you how to do it yourself.

Convert to improper fraction. Reducing Fractions to Lowest Terms

Numerator: Solution




First, reduce to lowest terms.

Second, convert the answer to mixed form.

Thirteen divided by 8 is 1 remainder 5. So 1
becomes the whole number, 5 (the remainder)
becomes the numerator of the fraction and 8
becomes the denominator. So the correct answer
is .


5. Solution



6. Solution



7. Solution



8. Solution


First, convert to lowest terms:

Second, convert to mixed form. Eight divided by 3
is 2 remainder 3. So 2 becomes the whole number, Solution
2 (the remainder) becomes the numerator and 8
First, reduce to lowest terms.
becomes the denominator. Therefore, the
answer is .
The number 5 tenths is the same as , 3
hundredths is the same as and 2
Second, divide 37 by 12. The answer is 3 thousandths is the same as . In converting
remainder 1. Now, 3 becomes the whole number, decimals to fractions, we have to see the place
1 becomes the numerator of the fraction, and 12 value of the last digit of the decimal place.
becomes the denominator. So, the correct answer
is . Example 1
Convert to fraction.
12. How to Convert Improper Fractions to Mixed Solution
Forms 0.7 is 7 tenths or .
In Introduction to Functions, we have learned
about proper and improper fractions. A fraction Therefore, the equivalent of in fraction is the
whose numerator (the number above the fraction
bar) is less than its denominator (the number same as
below the fraction bar) is called a proper fraction.
Example 2
Therefore, , and are proper fractions.
Convert to fraction.
On the other hand, a fraction whose numerator is
greater than its denominator is called an improper
fraction. Therefore the fractions , and are 0.6 is
improper fractions.
In the Civil Service Examinations, some fractions We reduce the fraction to lowest terms by dividing
need to be converted from one form to another. For both the numerator and the denominator by
example, in answering a number series test, you the greatest common factor of 6 and 10 which is 2.
might need to convert an improper fraction to
mixed form in order to compare it to other fractions
in mixed form. In this post, we learn this method:
how to convert an improper fraction to mixed form.
In converting improper fractions to mixed form you Therefore, the equivalent fraction of is .
will just have to divide the fraction, find its quotient
and its remainder. Remember that the Example 3
Convert to fraction
fraction also means 34 divided by 5.
The last digit of the decimal is in the hundredths
place, so we can read this as 12 hundredths.

Twelve hundredths is .

When we divide 34 by 5, we call 5 the divisor. The We convert this fraction to lowest terms by dividing
quotient to this division is 6 with a remainder of 4. both the numerator and denominator by the
From the method, we can observe the following: greatest common factor of 12 and 100 which is
 The quotient 6 is the whole number on the equal to 4. So,
mixed fraction.
 The divisor 5 is the denominator of the mixed
fraction. .
 The remainder 4 goes to the numerator of the
mixed fraction.
Now, for the second example, let us convert into Therefore, the equivalent of 0.12 in fraction is
mixed fraction. If we divide 28 by 3, the divisor is 3,
the quotient is 9 and the remainder is 1. Therefore, Example 4
the equivalent of the improper fraction is Convert to fraction.

. The last digit of the decimal number above is in the
thousandths place. So, we can read it as 375
13. How to Convert Decimals to Fractions Part 1 thousandths.
We have learned how to convert fractions to Now, 375 thousandths is the same
decimals and in this post, we are going to learn
how to convert decimals to fractions. Before doing
this, we need to review the meaning of place as .
value. In the decimal number 0.532, 5 is the tenths
place, 3 is the hundredths place, 2 is We convert 375 thousandths to lowest terms by
the thousandths place. dividing both its numerator and denominator by the
greatest common factor of 375 and 1000 which is The curly equal sign means approximately equal
equal to 125. That is, to since 3 is a non-terminating decimal.
Now, try to examine the expression

because this is where they derived the rule. Recall

Therefore, the equivalent fraction of is
the rule in converting fraction to percent: Divide
the fraction and then multiply the result to 100.
14. How to Convert Fraction to Percent Part 2 That is exactly it.
In the Part 1, we have learned how to convert So, when you have the fraction, just divide it
fraction to percent by relating the denominator to manually, and then multiply the result to 100. That
100 by multiplication or division. In this post, we do is,
its ‘algebraic version.’ This method is a generalized
method to the previous post especially for numbers .
that do not divide 100 or cannot be divided by 100
easily. However, to see the relationship between Do not forget though that the divisor during division
the two methods, let us do the first example in Part is the denominator (5 in 2/5). as shownbelow.
1 of this series.
Example 1: What is the equivalent of 1/5 in

Recall that in Part 1, we multiplied both the

numerator and the denominator by 20, to make the
denominator 100. That is,

15. Practice Quiz on Converting Decimals to

Now, notice how it is related to the new method. In
this method, we related 1/5 to n/100. That is, what We have already learned how to convert
is the value of in decimals to fractions. The idea as we have
discussed in the preceding link is to find the place
value of the rightmost significant digit. The
. decimals whose place values are tenths,
hundredths, thousandths and so on are multiplied
To simplify the equation, we multiply both sides of by 1/10, 1/100, 1/1000 and so on respectively.
the equation by 100, and we get After performing multiplication, the fraction must
be reduced to lowest terms.
Practice Quiz: Converting Decimals to

Simplifying and switching the position of the

expressions, we get the . This means Convert the following decimals to fractions.
that . 1. ) 0.4
Of course, Part 1 seems to be easier, but the good 2.) 0.8
thing about putting it into equation is that it applies
to all fractions. For instance, it is quite hard to 3.) 0.18
convert 7/12 using the method in part 1.
4.) 0.25
Example 2: What is the equivalent of in percent?
5.) 0.75
We set up the equation with on the left.
6.) 0.35

7.) 0.125

8.) 0.9
To eliminate the fraction, multiply both sides by
denominator. This results to 9.) 0.05

10.) 0.016

Complete Solutions and Answers

or about 58.33%.
1.) 0.4 is the same as 4 tenths or .
We reduce to lowest terms by dividing both the
numerator and denominator by 2. That is, .

. Answer:

Answer: 8.) 0.9 is the same as 9 tenths or .

2.) 0.8 is the same as 8 tenths or .
We reduce to lowest terms by dividing both the 9.) 0.05 is the same as 5
numerator and denominator by 2. That is,
hundredths or
We reduce to lowest terms by dividing both the
. numerator and denominator by 5. That is,

3.) 0.18 is the same as 18
hundredths or .
We reduce to lowest terms by dividing both the
10.) 0.016 is the same as 16
numerator and denominator by 2. That is,
thousandths or
We reduce to lowest terms by dividing both the
. numerator and denominator by 8. That is,

4.) 0.25 is the same as 25
hundredths or .
We reduce to lowest terms by dividing both the
numerator and denominator by 25. That is, 16. How to Convert Decimal Numbers to Percent
Conversions of decimals, fractions, and percent is
a very important basic skill in mathematics and
. many problems in the Civil Exams require this
skill. Being able to convert from one form to
Answer: another will help you speed up in calculations. For
example, instead of multiplying a number by 25%,
5.) 0.75 is the same as 75 you just have to get its 1/4 or simply divide it by 4.
Percent usually appears in discount and interest
hundredths or
problems while fractions and decimals appear in
We reduce to lowest terms by dividing both the
various types of problems.
numerator and denominator by 25. That is,
How to Convert Decimals to Percent
To convert decimal percent, you just have to
multiply the decimal by 100.
Example 1
Answer: What is 0.25 in percent?

6.) 0.35 is the same as 35 Solution

0.25 × 100 = 25
hundredths or
We reduce to lowest terms by dividing both the So, the answer is 25%.
numerator and denominator by 5. That is,
Example 2
What is 0.08 in percent?
0.08 × 100 = 8
Therefore, the answer is 8%.
7.) 0.125 is the same as 125
Of course, there are cases that the given is more
thousandths or than one such as the next example
We reduce to lowest terms by dividing both the
numerator and denominator by 125. That is, Example 3
What is 1.8 in percent?
1.8 × 100 = 180 18. The Solving Discount Problems Series
Therefore, the answer is 180%. Conversions of decimals, fractions, and percent is
a very important basic skill in mathematics and
Example 4 many problems in the Civil Exams require this
What is 0.009 in percent? skill. Being able to convert from one form to
another will help you speed up in calculations. For
Solution example, instead of multiplying a number by 25%,
0.009× 100 = 0.9% you just have to get its 1/4 or simply divide it by 4.
Percent usually appears in discount and interest
Notice that some percent can also have decimal problems while fractions and decimals appear in
point such as shown in Example 4. In dealing with various types of problems.
many decimals, if we multiply them with 100, we
just move two decimal places to the right. How to Convert Decimals to Percent
To convert decimal percent, you just have to
17. Practice Quiz on Converting Decimals to multiply the decimal by 100.
Percent Example 1
We have already learned how to convert What is 0.25 in percent?
decimals to percent. Recall that to do this, we
have to multiply the decimal by 100 in order to get Solution
its percentage. For example, 0.125 in decimals is 0.25 × 100 = 25
equal to 12.5%. Now, let’s do some
practice exercises. So, the answer is 25%.
Practice Quiz: Converting Decimals to Percent
Example 2
1.) 0.2 What is 0.08 in percent?

2.) 0.5 0.08 × 100 = 8

3.) 1.3 Therefore, the answer is 8%.

4.) 0.06 Of course, there are cases that the given is more
than one such as the next example
5.) 0.0082
Example 3
6.) 0.75 What is 1.8 in percent?

7.) 0.2315 Solution

1.8 × 100 = 180
8.) 0.62
Therefore, the answer is 180%.
9.) 0.02
Example 4
10.) 0.34 What is 0.009 in percent?

Answer Key Solution

0.009× 100 = 0.9%
1.) 20%
19. The Solving Discount Problems Series
2.) 50%
The Civil Service Examinations offer various types
3.) 130% of math problems which may change from one
examination to another. Two types of math
4.) 6% problems that will likely appear are discount and
interest problems. In this post, we will tackle
5.) 0.82% discount problems.

6.) 75% The tag price that you see on items are
their marked price. The sale price is the price that
7.) 23.15% you pay after the discount has been made. If an
item costs Php100 (marked price) and has a 10%
8.) 62% discount, then you have to subtract the 10% of 100
from 100. Therefore, that item will cost Php100 –
9.) 2%

10.) 34%
Php10 = Php90. Php90 is the sale price. Dividing both sides by 9, we have .

Therefore, the marked price of the sofa is

Php8000. In the next post, we will discuss about
strategies and short-cuts in solving discount
Note that in solving discount problems, you must problems.
know how to convert percent to decimals. You
need to convert percent to decimals (just divide by 20. Strategies in Solving Discount Problem
100) in order to perform the calculation.
In the previous post, we have learned how to solve
Sample Problem 1
discount problems. In this post, I am going to teach
A movie DVD which costs 600 is marked “25% off.”
you some strategies that will make solving faster.
What is the discount? What is its sale price?
We know the Civil Service Examinations, as well
Solution as other examinations, are always under time
Discount = 25% of Php600 or (Php600 × 0.25) = pressure. Being able to solve problems fast will be
Php150.00 a great advantage.
Sale price = Php600 – Php150 = Php450.00 We are going to solve the same problems, only this
time, we are going to use strategies that would be
So, the discount is Php150 and the sale price is able to make solving discount problems faster. You
Php450. are probably wondering why I didn’t teach this
strategy the first time. The answer is, you have to
Note that 0.25 is the decimal equivalent of 25%. know the basics first, so if you forgot your strategy
or shortcut, you can always go back to the long
Sample Problem 2 method.
Anna shops in an international store. A t-shirt with
a tag price $42 is marked “save 20%.” How much Sample Problem 1
will Anna have to pay for the t-shirt if she were to
buy it? A movie DVD which costs 600 is marked “25% off.”
What is the discount? What is its sale price?
Solution Discussion
Discount = 20% of $42 or ($42 × 0.20) = $8.40 In the previous post, we used decimals to solve this
Sale Price = $42.00 – $8.40 = $33.60 problem. However, percentages like 25%, 50%,
75%, 10%, 75% and the like are easy to convert to
Therefore, Anna will have to pay $33.60 if she fractions. If you are familiar with their equivalent
wants to buy the t-shirt. fractions, it is easier to solve the problem above.
Although it seldom happens in the real world, a The equivalent of 25% is 1/4 and 1/4 is half of half.
discounted price might also be given in a Civil So, half of 600 is 300 and half of 300 is 150.
Service Exam problem. In this type of problem, the Therefore, the discount is P150 and the sale price
task is to find the original price (marked price) like is P600-150 = Php450.
the problem below.
You see, you can solve the problem above
Sample Problem 3 mentally.
After getting a 10% discount, Nina bought a sofa
for only 7200. What was the original price of the Sample Problem 2
sofa? Anna shops in an international store. A t-shirt with
a tag price $42 is marked “save 20%.” How much
will Anna have to pay for the t-shirt if she were to
Solution buy it?
We can use this equation to solve the problem
above. Discussion
In the previous post, we multiplied $42 by 0.2 (or
Marked Price – Discount Price = Sale Price 20%), then subtract the result from 42. Note that if
you subtract the percentage first,
Now, if we let be the marked price of the sofa, the calculation will be easier. That is, if the
then the discount price is 10% multiplied discount is 20%, then, we only have 20 pay 80%.
by or . Therefore, we just have to multiply 0.8 by 42.
So, substituting to the equation above, we have The discount is 20% so we only need to pay 80%
of the $42. So, (42)(0.8) = 33.60. This means that
the sale price is $33.60.

Sample Problem 3
After getting a 10% discount, Nina bought a sofa
To eliminate the decimal point, multiply both sides for only 7200. What was the original price of the
by . sofa?
Discussion Recall that to convert a fraction to lowest terms, we
Again, like in Problem 1, it is faster to convert 10% find the greatest common factor (GCF) of its
to fraction. The discount is 1/10, so this means that numerator and denominator and then divide them
Nina only paid 9/10 of the original price. So, we can both by the GCF. The GCF of 60 and 100 is 20,
set up the equation . so

The discount of the sofa was 1/10, therefore, Nica
paid 9/10 of the price which is 7200. Setting up the Therefore, the equivalent of 60% in fraction is .
equation, we have
Example 2:

In this example, we have a decimal point at the

numerator and a whole number at the
denominator. We have to “get rid” of the decimal
point. To do this, we can multiply both the
numerator and the denominator by 10 (since 0.4 x
So, the sofa cost Php8000.00 10 = 4). Therefore, we have

How to Convert Percent to Fraction .

In Civil Service Examinations, as well as other
examinations in basic mathematics, knowing how Now, the greatest common factor of 4 and 1000 is
to convert percent, fractions, and decimals to 4, so we divide both the numerator and the
each other is very advantageous especially if you denominator by 4. The final result is .
can do it mentally. Let us try with the following
example. Therefore, the equivalent fraction of 0.4% is .
A P640 shirt is marked 25% discount. How much
will you have to pay for it?
It seems that you need a pencil for this problem, Example 3:
but you can actually do it in your head. Read it to
believe it. The greatest common factor of 125 and 100 is 25,
so we divide both the numerator and the
The equivalent of 25% in fraction is 1/4, therefore, denominator by 25. In doing this, we get .
you have to take away the fourth of the price. Now,
1/4 of 640 seems difficult but what if we try to split Therefore, the equivalent fraction of 125% is
it to 600 + 40? Now, 1/4 of 600 is 150, which
means that from the 600, you have 450 left. Now, Summary
1/4 of 40 is 10, which means that you have 30 left. There are three steps to remember in converting
So, 450 + 30 is 480 and that is the discounted percent to fractions.
price of the t-shirt.
Now, with a little bit of practice, you would be able 1. Make a fraction from the given percent with
to do this on your own and you won’t have to use the given as numerator and 100 as
a pen to perform calculations for problems such as denominator.
this. 2. Eliminate the decimal points (if there are any)
by multiplying the numerator and denominator
21. How to Convert Percent to Fraction by the same number which is a power of 10
There is one important concept to remember when (10, 100, 1000 and so on).
converting percent to fraction. That is, when you
3. Reduce the resulting fraction to lowest terms.
say percent, it means per hundred. The
word cent comes from the Latin
word centum which means “hundred”. In effect,
when you say, 60%, it means 60 per hundred, 22. Practice Quiz on Converting Fraction to
0.4% means 0.4 per hundred, 125% means 125 Percent
per hundred. When you say x per hundred, you
can also represent it by the fraction x/100. This After learning converting fraction to percent,
means that the percentages above can be let’s practice by answering the following
represented as questions. There are different methods in
converting fraction to percent. One method is
to convert the fraction to decimal first,
then multiply by the result by 100. However, in the
respectively. Now, all we have left to do is to solutions below, we will mostly use equivalent
convert these fractions to lowest terms. fractions. That is, since we want a% means a/100,
we will convert the fraction to its equivalent fraction
with denominator 100. We can do this by
Example 1: multiplying the numerator and the denominator by
the same number.
Practice Quiz: Converting Fraction to Percent .
1.) 3/4
So, 3/8 is equal to 37.5%.
2.) 5/8 8.) What should be multiplied by 20 to get 100? It’s
5. So,
3) 9/10

4.) 1/4
5.) 7/10
So, 7/20 is equal to 35%.
6.) 3/5 9.) What should be multiplied by 5 to get 100? It’s
20. So,
7.) 3/8

8.) 7/20

9.) 1/5 Therefore, 1/5 is equal to 20%.

10. What should be multiplied by 50 to get 100? It’s
10.) 7/50 2. So,

Solutions and Answers

1). We can make 3/4 as 100 by multiplying the
denominator by 25. In effect,
So, 7/50 is equal to 14%.

Therefore, 3/4 is equal to 75%.

2.) What number should we multiply to 8 to get
100? That is, 100/8 or 12.5.

Therefore, 5/8 is equal to 62.5%.

3.) This is a bit easy. What will you multiply to 10
to get 100? Of course, it’s 10. So,

Therefore, 9/10 is equal to 90%.

4.) What should you multiply by 4 to get 100? It’s

So, 1/4 is equal to 25%.

5.) To make the denominator 100, we
should multiply by 10 (similar to number 3). So,

So, 7/10 is equal to 70%.

6.) What should we multiply by 5 to get 100? It’s
20. So,

So, 3/5 is equal to 60%.

7.) As discussed in number 2, we should multiply 8
by 12.5 in order to get 100. Therefore,

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