Adding Integers that Are Both Negative How to Subtract Positive and Negative Integers
Adding number that are both negative is just the
What most people don’t know that a – b is the
same as adding numbers that are both positive.
same as a + –b, or subtracting a number is the
The only difference is that if you add two negative same as adding it’s negative. That means that you
numbers, the result is negative. only have to memorize the steps in addition of
integers. Given a subtraction sentence, you then
Example 1: –5 + –8 = –13 transform it into addition. Here are a few examples.
Example 2: –10 + –18 + –32 + = –60
Example 3: –220 + –11 + –16 + = –247 Case 1 Exampe 1: 5 – 8
If we look at the pattern in the product, we are positive integer x positive integer = positive integer
actually adding by 3 each step so the next number positive integer x negative integer = negative
is 3. All other numbers from -1, -2, -3 and so on will integer
be positive (Why?). Therefore, the product of two negative integer x positive integer = negative
negative numbers is positive. integer
negative integer x negative integer = positive
Summary: Rules on how to Multiply Signed integer
We pair –16 and 16 to get 0. We are left with
positive 15.
Here are some examples worked examples. 5. 23 + 46 + –15 = 54
We add the two positive numbers first: 23 + 46 =
1. 18 ÷ 3 = 6 69. Next, we add 69 and –15. We get 15 from 69
and pair it with –15 resulting to 0, so we have 54
2. 36 ÷ -12 = – 3 left.
6. 45 + –12 + –16 = 17
3. -15 ÷ 2 = – 7.5 We add the negative numbers first: –12 + –16 = –
28. We add the result to 45. We get 28 from 45 and
4. -8 ÷ -4 = 2 pair it with –28 to get 0 leaving 17.
7. –12 +–15 + –62 = –89
From the discussion and the worked examples Explanation: They are negative, so we just added
above, we can therefore conclude that in dividing them. Of course negative added to negative is
positive and negative integers, we only need to always negative.
memorize the rules in multiplying integers and 8. 22 + –36 + 36 = 22
apply them in dividing integers. Explanation: –36 + 36 = 0, so we are left with 22.
9. 12 + 18 + –12 + –18 = 0
Explanation: 12 and –12 and 18 and –18 = 0.
Below are the answers and the explanations of 10. 31 + 55 + –41 + – 32 + –10 = 3
the Practice Test on Dividing Integers. Note Explanation: Adding the positive integers, we
that as mentioned in the post Dividing Positive have 31 + 55 = 86. Adding the negative integers,
and Negative Integers, the rules in dividing we have –41 + – 32 + –10 =–83. Now, 86 + –83 = 3
integers as well as real numbers are the
(1) positive number ÷ positive number = positive 5. How to Get the Least Common Multiple of
number Numbers
(2) positive number ÷ negative number = negative
number In mathematics, a multiple is a product of any
(3) negative number ÷ positive number = negative number and an integer. The numbers 16, -48 and
number 72 are multiples of 8 because 8 x 2 = 16, 8 x -3 = -
(4) negative number ÷ negative number = positive 48 and 8 x 9 = 72. Similarly, the first five
number. positive multiples of 7 are the following:
Solutions to Practice Exercises on Addition of As we can see, in the list, 6, 12 and 18 are
Integers common multiples of 2 and 3. If we continue
further, there are still other multiples, and in fact,
We have learned how to add integers and in the we will never run out of multiples.
previous post, I have given you practice Can you predict the next five multiples of 2 and 3
exercises that you can use to evaluate your without listing?
understanding of the topic. Below is the complete
solutions to the practice exercises on The most important among the multiples is
adding integers. Share to me how many did you the least common multiple. The least common
get right. multiple is the smallest among all the multiples.
Clearly, the least common multiple of 2 and 3 is 6.
Solutions to Practice Exercises on Addition of Here are some examples.
1. 28 + 12 = 40. Example 1: Find the least common multiple of 3
2. –14 + –11 = –25 and 5
3. 24 + –15 = 9 Multiples of 3: 3, 6, 9. 12, 15, 18
Solution: We pair 15 and –15 to get 0. We have 9 Multiples of 5: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25,30
left. So, the correct answer is 9. As we can see, 15 appeared as the first common
4. –
16 + 31 = 15 multiple, so 15 is the least common multiple of 3
and 5.
Example 2: Find the least common multiple of 3, LCM of 2 and 3 is 6.
4, and 6. b. Convert the fractions into fractions whose
In this example, we find the least multiple that are denominator is the LCM which is 6.
common to the three numbers.
First Addend:
Multiples of 3: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15
Multiples of 4: 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 .
Multiples of 6: 6, 12, 18, 24, 30
So, the least common multiple of 3, 4, and 6 is 12. So, the equivalent of is .
Example 3: Find the least common multiple of 3, 8
and 12. Second Addend:
Multiples of 3: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24
Multiples of 8: 8, 16, 24,
Mulitples of 12: 12, 24, 36, 48, 60
So, the least common multiple of 3, 4 and 6 is 24. So, the equivalent fraction of is .
Example 3
a. Get the least common multiple (LCM) of 2 and
Multiples of 2: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 Solution
Multiples of 3: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 a. Get the LCM of 3, 6 and 8.
Multiples of 3: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24
Multiples of 6: 6, 12, 18, 24, 30
Multiples of 8: 8, 16, 24, 32, 40
LCM of 3, 6 and 8 is 24. Solution
Example 3
Second Addend:
Therefore, the equivalent fraction of is First, we reduce by dividing both the numerator
and the denominator by 3. This results to . We
now multiply:
Third Addend:
Example 1
Solution 9. How to Subtract Fractions
First, we get the reciprocal of , the divisor. This We have already learned the three operations on
is . Then, we multiply the fractions. fractions namely addition, multiplication,
and division. In this post, we are going to learn the
last elementary operation: subtraction. If you have
mastered addition of fractions, this will not be a
problem for you because the process is just the
same. Let’s subtract fractions!
Example 2 Example 1: .
The given is a similar fraction (fraction whose
denominators are the same), so just like in
Solution addition, we just perform the operation on the
numerators. Therefore, we just have to subtract
First, we get the reciprocal of which is . the numerator and copy the denominator. That is,
Multiplying the fractions, we have
We can convert the improper fraction to First, we find the equivalent fraction of . That is,
mixed form which is equal to
Answer: .
The final answer is .
Final Answer:
Example 3:
Example 2
First, we convert to improper fraction. That is,
Convert to improper fraction.
. Denominator:
to get Numerator:
. Final Answer:
There is another way to make the solution of the 11. Solution to the Exercises on Reducing
third examples shorter. We will discuss this in the Fractions to Lowest Terms
next post which is subtraction of fraction involving
mixed fractions. Below are the complete solutions and answers to
the exercises on reducing fractions to lowest
terms. I will not give any tips or methods of
10. How to Convert Mixed Fractions to Improper shortcuts on doing this because teaching you
Fractions shortcuts will give you problems in case you forget
them. The best thing that you can do is to solve as
We have already learned how to convert improper many related problems as you can and develop
fractions to mixed fractions. In this post, we are shortcuts that work for you. Each person has his
going to learn how to convert mixed fractions to own preference in solving procedural problems
improper fractions. In converting mixed fractions such as these, so it is important that you discover
to improper fractions, the denominator stays as it what’s best for you.
is. You only have to calculate for the For converting improper fractions to mixed form, I
numerator. To get the numerator of the improper will discuss it in a separate post. Try to see the
fraction, multiply the denominator to the whole solutions below and see if you can use these
number and then add the numerator of the mixed solutions to develop your own method. Honestly,
fraction. the three examples below on converting improper
Let’s have three examples. fractions to mixed form should be enough to teach
Example 1 you how to do it yourself.
First, reduce to lowest terms.
5. Solution
6. Solution
7. Solution
8. Solution
Second, convert to mixed form. Eight divided by 3
is 2 remainder 3. So 2 becomes the whole number, Solution
2 (the remainder) becomes the numerator and 8
First, reduce to lowest terms.
becomes the denominator. Therefore, the
answer is .
The number 5 tenths is the same as , 3
hundredths is the same as and 2
Second, divide 37 by 12. The answer is 3 thousandths is the same as . In converting
remainder 1. Now, 3 becomes the whole number, decimals to fractions, we have to see the place
1 becomes the numerator of the fraction, and 12 value of the last digit of the decimal place.
becomes the denominator. So, the correct answer
is . Example 1
Convert to fraction.
12. How to Convert Improper Fractions to Mixed Solution
Forms 0.7 is 7 tenths or .
In Introduction to Functions, we have learned
about proper and improper fractions. A fraction Therefore, the equivalent of in fraction is the
whose numerator (the number above the fraction
bar) is less than its denominator (the number same as
below the fraction bar) is called a proper fraction.
Example 2
Therefore, , and are proper fractions.
Convert to fraction.
On the other hand, a fraction whose numerator is
greater than its denominator is called an improper
fraction. Therefore the fractions , and are 0.6 is
improper fractions.
In the Civil Service Examinations, some fractions We reduce the fraction to lowest terms by dividing
need to be converted from one form to another. For both the numerator and the denominator by
example, in answering a number series test, you the greatest common factor of 6 and 10 which is 2.
might need to convert an improper fraction to
mixed form in order to compare it to other fractions
in mixed form. In this post, we learn this method:
how to convert an improper fraction to mixed form.
In converting improper fractions to mixed form you Therefore, the equivalent fraction of is .
will just have to divide the fraction, find its quotient
and its remainder. Remember that the Example 3
Convert to fraction
fraction also means 34 divided by 5.
The last digit of the decimal is in the hundredths
place, so we can read this as 12 hundredths.
Twelve hundredths is .
When we divide 34 by 5, we call 5 the divisor. The We convert this fraction to lowest terms by dividing
quotient to this division is 6 with a remainder of 4. both the numerator and denominator by the
From the method, we can observe the following: greatest common factor of 12 and 100 which is
The quotient 6 is the whole number on the equal to 4. So,
mixed fraction.
The divisor 5 is the denominator of the mixed
fraction. .
The remainder 4 goes to the numerator of the
mixed fraction.
Now, for the second example, let us convert into Therefore, the equivalent of 0.12 in fraction is
mixed fraction. If we divide 28 by 3, the divisor is 3,
the quotient is 9 and the remainder is 1. Therefore, Example 4
the equivalent of the improper fraction is Convert to fraction.
. The last digit of the decimal number above is in the
thousandths place. So, we can read it as 375
13. How to Convert Decimals to Fractions Part 1 thousandths.
We have learned how to convert fractions to Now, 375 thousandths is the same
decimals and in this post, we are going to learn
how to convert decimals to fractions. Before doing
this, we need to review the meaning of place as .
value. In the decimal number 0.532, 5 is the tenths
place, 3 is the hundredths place, 2 is We convert 375 thousandths to lowest terms by
the thousandths place. dividing both its numerator and denominator by the
greatest common factor of 375 and 1000 which is The curly equal sign means approximately equal
equal to 125. That is, to since 3 is a non-terminating decimal.
Now, try to examine the expression
7.) 0.125
8.) 0.9
To eliminate the fraction, multiply both sides by
denominator. This results to 9.) 0.05
10.) 0.016
. Answer:
3.) 0.18 is the same as 18
hundredths or .
We reduce to lowest terms by dividing both the
10.) 0.016 is the same as 16
numerator and denominator by 2. That is,
thousandths or
We reduce to lowest terms by dividing both the
. numerator and denominator by 8. That is,
4.) 0.25 is the same as 25
hundredths or .
We reduce to lowest terms by dividing both the
numerator and denominator by 25. That is, 16. How to Convert Decimal Numbers to Percent
Conversions of decimals, fractions, and percent is
a very important basic skill in mathematics and
. many problems in the Civil Exams require this
skill. Being able to convert from one form to
Answer: another will help you speed up in calculations. For
example, instead of multiplying a number by 25%,
5.) 0.75 is the same as 75 you just have to get its 1/4 or simply divide it by 4.
Percent usually appears in discount and interest
hundredths or
problems while fractions and decimals appear in
We reduce to lowest terms by dividing both the
various types of problems.
numerator and denominator by 25. That is,
How to Convert Decimals to Percent
To convert decimal percent, you just have to
multiply the decimal by 100.
Example 1
Answer: What is 0.25 in percent?
4.) 0.06 Of course, there are cases that the given is more
than one such as the next example
5.) 0.0082
Example 3
6.) 0.75 What is 1.8 in percent?
6.) 75% The tag price that you see on items are
their marked price. The sale price is the price that
7.) 23.15% you pay after the discount has been made. If an
item costs Php100 (marked price) and has a 10%
8.) 62% discount, then you have to subtract the 10% of 100
from 100. Therefore, that item will cost Php100 –
9.) 2%
10.) 34%
Php10 = Php90. Php90 is the sale price. Dividing both sides by 9, we have .
Sample Problem 3
After getting a 10% discount, Nina bought a sofa
To eliminate the decimal point, multiply both sides for only 7200. What was the original price of the
by . sofa?
Discussion Recall that to convert a fraction to lowest terms, we
Again, like in Problem 1, it is faster to convert 10% find the greatest common factor (GCF) of its
to fraction. The discount is 1/10, so this means that numerator and denominator and then divide them
Nina only paid 9/10 of the original price. So, we can both by the GCF. The GCF of 60 and 100 is 20,
set up the equation . so
The discount of the sofa was 1/10, therefore, Nica
paid 9/10 of the price which is 7200. Setting up the Therefore, the equivalent of 60% in fraction is .
equation, we have
Example 2:
4.) 1/4
5.) 7/10
So, 7/20 is equal to 35%.
6.) 3/5 9.) What should be multiplied by 5 to get 100? It’s
20. So,
7.) 3/8
8.) 7/20