Catalog Flupec o Ring PDF
Catalog Flupec o Ring PDF
Catalog Flupec o Ring PDF
Albert-Schweitzer-Ring 1
D-22045 Hamburg
P.O. Box 70 04 80
D-22004 Hamburg
Phone 040/66 98 90
Fax 040/66 98 91 01
Dichtomatik 5
O-rings 9
Materials 12
Standard elastomers 13
Special elastomers 16
Surface treatments
and antifriction 18
Material approval 18
Design guidelines 38
Layout guidelines 40
General installation
instructions 41
Back-up rings 42
Standard dimensions: 44
British Standard
metric BS 4518 46
French Standard R 48
DIN 3771 52
Dichtomatik dimensions 58
Subsidiaries 109
Dichtomatik Dichtomatik is a company that
specialises in technical seals for every
application and is renowned for
keeping stocks of every kind of
standard design, material and size. A
highly developed sales organisation
guarantees the fastest deliveries,
anywhere in the world.
Dichtomatik in The information in this catalogue and the
technical data for every single standard
the Internet Dichtomatik item is also accessible
through the Internet. Anyone can find out
anything they want to know about us, contact us, send an enquiry, look at our
warehouse and check the availability of
individual items. And send an order,
of course.
O-rings O-rings are closed circular sealing
elements. The way they work is based
on deformation of the cross section.
They are made through vulcanisation
from form tools as a complete ring.
Mode of operation
The sealing function of the installed
O-ring is achieved by compression
between two or more elements in the
sealing gland groove.
We differentiate between the static
sealing of non-moving or dynamic
sealing in moving machine elements.
You will find further details in the
chapter entitled "Installation spaces
and structural recommendations” on
page 24.
Dimensions and tolerances d1 Tol d1 Tol d1 Tol
14 ± 0.19 90 ± 0.77 325 ± 2.37
16 ± 0.2 92.5 ± 0.79 335 ± 2.43
d1 18 ± 0.21 95 ± 0.81 345 ± 2.49
20 ± 0.22 97.5 ± 0.83 355 ± 2.56
For intermediate sizes, the next The quoted tolerances can be reduced
tolerance up is chosen. even further by modifying the elastomer
and using special manufacturing
The dimensional tolerances of the procedures.
finished O-ring are achieved by using
appropriately designed form tools and
allowing for the shrinkage factor of the
elastomer. It is often possible to use
moulds and elastomers with similar
shrinkage; in these cases the tolerances
in the above chart do not apply.
Ideally, the inner diameter (Ø d1) is Shape and surface deviations
Quality assurance
measured by using conical with step Acting in close cooperation with
information barrel gauges. The individual barrel customers and adapting production
gauges are designed to suit each techniques, Dichtomatik works actively
(measuring aids, particular measuring range. A to achieve a product quality with zero
procedures) circumferential measuring tape is faults. However, this is highly labour-
sufficient for O-rings with an inner and cost-intensive.
diameter of more than 250 mm.
Non-contact optical measuring is DIN 3771 is therefore an attempt to
advised for very small O-rings find a balance between economic
(less than 1 mm inner diameter). production and acceptable types of
error. Part 4 contains descriptions of
The cross section of the O-ring (Ø d2) these types of error and differentiates
is measured with a dial gauge. The between permissible form and surface
contact force between the measuring deviations according to type features N
surfaces should be 1 N. and S given in the following tabel. The
size of the permissible error is the diffe-
rence between the two types.
Offset/mismatch v 0.08 0.1 0.13 0.15 0.15 0.08 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.13
v v v
Flash offset and narting line projection g 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.1 0.1 0.13 0.15 0.15
Backrind e 0.18 0.27 0.36 0.53 0.7 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.2 0.3
t 0.08 0.08 0.1 0.1 0.13 0.08 0.08 0.1 0.1 0.13
Excessive trimming Deviation from the circular cross section surface is smoothly blended and is
is permitted provided that the resultant within the size tolerance limits for d2.
Non-fills and indentation a 0.6 0.8 1 1.3 1.7 0.15 0.25 0.4 0.63 1
t 0.08 0.08 0.1 0.1 0.13 0.08 0.08 0.1 0.1 0.13
a 1)
11 the higher value is decisive.
Materials Dichtomatik offers O-rings in four
standard and a wide range of special
materials, most of which are
elastomers. The starting material for
elastomer is caoutchouc, which can be
obtained in the form of natural rubber
but is nowadays usually used in a
synthetic form manufactured by the
chemical industry.
Standard elastomers Dichtomatik has a wide range of
O-ring sizes in four standard materials
in stock:
FPM – fluoro rubber / VMQ – silicone rubber /
trade name e.g Viton® trade name e.g. Silopren®
(Du Pont-Dow Elastomers) (Bayer)
FPM materials are noted for their very Silicone rubbers are noted for its wide
high resistance to temperatures and thermal range and excellent resistance
chemicals. Other key benefits are its to ozone, weathering and ageing.
excellent resistance to ageing and Compared with other elastomers,
ozone, very low gas permeability silicone’s mechanical properties are on
(excellent for vacuum application) and the low side. Generally, silicone
the fact that it is self-extinguishing. materials are physiologically harmless;
they are also used by the food and
The standard FPM material for O-rings medical industries.
has excellent resistance to mineral oils
and greases, aliphatic, aromatic and The standard silicone material can be
chlorinated hydrocarbons, fuels, non- applied at temperatures from –55°C to
inflammable hydraulic pressure fluids +200°C and is resistant to water
HFD and many organic solvents and (up to 100°C), alphatic engine and
chemicals. transmission oils, animal and plant
oils and fats.
In addition to the standard FPM
materials, a number of special Silicone is generally not resistant to
compounds with different compositions fuels, aromatic mineral oils, steam
of polymer chains and varying fluoro- (short term up to 120°C possible),
contents (65% to 71%) are developed silicone oils and greases, acids and
for special applications. alkalis.
Comparison of several elastomer properties
Properties Materials
Compression set 1 1 3 1 2 1 3 2 2 3
Tear strength 2 2 3 2 4 1 2 3 2 1
Ageing resistance 4 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1
Ozone resistance 4 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1
Resistance to hot water [°C] 80** 80** 130 150 100 100** *** 100 80 50
Heat resistance
standard materials [°C] 100 200 130 150 200 150 260 175 100 100
Heat resistance
special materials [°C] 120 – – – 250 – 330 – – –
Special elastomers HNBR – hydrogenated acryloni- CR – chloroprene rubber /
trile-butadiene rubber / trade name e.g. Neoprene®
trade name e.g. Therban® (Du Pont-Dow Elastomers)
(Bayer) Chloroprenes have excellent resistance
HNBR is obtained by fully or partly to ozone, ageing and weathering and
hydrogenating NBR. It leads to also good mechanical properties. They
considerable improvement of the have average resistance to mineral
resistance to heat, ozone and ageing, oils, and are suitable for use with
and gives it very good mechanical many refrigerants.
properties. The media resistance com-
pares to that of NBR.
AU – polyester urethane
EU – polyether urethane
FFPM – perfluoro rubber / Polyurethane /
trade name Kalrez® trade name e.g Desmopan®
(Du Pont-DowElastomers) (Bayer)
The chemical and heat resistance of Polyurethanes differ from classic
perfluoro elastomers are similar to elastomers in that they have much
those of PTFE. They combine the higher mechanical properties for
positive properties of PTFE with the example a high resistance to abrasion,
elastic behaviour of FPM. Because this wear and extrusion, a high tensile
material group is considerably more strength and tear resistance. The
expensive, perfluoro elastomers are material is resistant to ageing and
only used if other materials cannot ozone, and can be used with mineral
meet the specifications and if safety oils and greases, silicone oils and
requirements justify the higher greases, non-inflammeble fluids HFA
expenditure. and HFB and water up to of 50°C, as
well as pure aliphatic hydrocarbons.
Typical applications for perfluoro
elastomers include the chemical, oil
and semi-conductor industries, high- SBR – styrene-butadiene
vacuum technology, and the aerospace rubber / trade name
industry. e.g. Buna Hüls® (Hüls)
SBR is used in glycol-based brake
fluids, water, alcohols, glycols,
FVMQ – fluorosilicone rubber / silicone oils and greases. The
trade name e.g. Silastic LS® temperature application range is from
(Dow Corning) –50°C to +100°C.
Although fluorosilicone elastomers have
the same mechanical properties as
silicone, they are far more resistant
to oils and fuels. The temperature
range of applications is somewhat
more restricted than that of silicone.
TFE/P – tetrafluoroethylene- PTFE O-rings, FEP-encapsulated O-rings
propylene rubber / PTFE-encapsulated O-rings FEP – fluorinated ethylene-
trade name e.g. Aflas® (3M) PTFE – polytetrafluoroethylene propylene
TFE/P is a relatively new addition to PTFE is a fluorinated plastic material. FEP is a thermoplastic material with
the group of fluoroelastomers and is It is noted for its almost universal similar properties to PTFE. Seamless
noted for its excellent thermal (0°C resistance to chemicals, wide FEP-encapsulated O-rings have an
to +200°C) and chemical resistance. temperature range (–100°C to elastic core in FPM or VMQ. They are
It is particularly suitable for use in hot +250°C), extremely low coefficient of used at very high thermal and chemical
water, steam, acids, alkaline solutions, friction, physiological suitability and loads. The extremely high chemical
ammonia, amines, alloyed engine and almost unlimited resistance to ozone, resistance of the cover protects the
transmission oils, brake fluids (based weathering and ageing. elastic core material against the chosen
on glycol, mineral oil and silicone oil), medium. Another advantage of the
crude oil, sour gas. Solid PTFE O-rings are far less cover is its very low coefficient of
elastic than elastomer O-rings, which friction.
means they are difficult to install
ACM – acrylate rubber (the installation space usually has to This results in a combination of very
ACM is used mainly by the automotive be split), and they tend to "flow”, high chemical and thermal load-
industry as it is resistant to engine, especially at high temperatures. bearing ability and the elastic
transmission and ATF oils even at high This is why slotted PTFE O-rings and properties of standard commercial
temperatures. The temperature PTFE-encapsulated elastomer O-rings elastomers. The core material is
application range is from –20°C to are used. The position of the gap chosen to suit the temperature range
+150°C. (pure PTFE O-rings) or of the joint or and medium.
overlap (PTFE-encapsulated O-rings)
is determined here, depending on the Because of its limited flexibility, great
NR – natural rubber particular application. care is required during installation.
Natural rubber is still obtained from Warming the material in water or oil to
the latex of certain plants. Vulcanised between approx. 80°C and 100°C in-
natural rubber has good low- creases flexibility and supports the
temperature and mechanical properties installation.
and a high elasticity. NR vulcanised
materials are resistant to water, glycols, Depending on the core material, the
alcohols, glycol-based brake fluids, temperature application range is from
silicone oils and greases and diluted –55°C to +200°C.
acids and bases. The temperature
application range is from approx.
–50°C to +80°C.
Surface treatments, The typical properties of elastomer ”Labs-free” O-rings
materials include the ”good gripping” ”Labs-free” means that the O-rings are
and antifriction and ”sticky” surface. The friction that free from substances which interfere the
occurs in certain applications and lacquering process. The requirement
during the fitting of O-rings ”labs-free” includes ”silicone-free” and
(particularly with automatic supply) goes beyond that. ”Labs-free” O-rings
may be a disadvantage. Friction can are used primarily in automotive
be reduced by different antifriction industry lacquering plants. Particles
treatments as an aid to installation and that disturb the lacquering process
to increase the service life. Possibilities such as silicones, greases, wax etc.
include: cause crater-shaped pitting on wet
paint. Customer test requirements
Short-term antifriction treatment, apply. Please contact us if you have a
e.g. to aid installation, by surface demand for ”labs-free” O-rings.
treatment with:
– silicone oil
– graphite
– molybdenum disulfide (MoS2)
– talcum powder.
– halogenating (fluorinating)
– PTFE coating
– applying dry lubricants to
the surface
Summary of a number of material approvals:
UL USA fire UL 94
Underwriter Laboratories protection
Terms from the Elastomer materials are subject Tensile strength, ultimate
to strict quality controls throughout the elongation
materials data sheet manufacturing process. The The tensile test is described in
appropriate tests are carried out on DIN 53504. A standard test piece is
the caoutchouc or raw materials, and stretched to rupture. The tensile strength
on the vulcanised rubber to monitor is the maximum tensile stress in
the manufacturing process. The stretching a specimen to rupture.
characteristic properties of the
vulcanised material are listed in The ultimate elongation is the
the material data sheet. elongation at which rupture occurs
in the application of continued tensile
The results given in the data sheet were stress.
obtained on standard test specimens
following standard test procedures. Because of the different geometry of a
Comparisons with results obtained on finished O-ring compared with a test
finished products, e.g. O-rings, will specimen, the values for tensile strength
produce other results due to the and breaking elongation on a finished
different geometry, but these results will O-ring may be less. This factor is to be
not necessarily contravene the contents taken into account when assessing the
of the data sheet. The following is an suitability of small O-rings for assembly
explanation of the main terms: over large diameters.
Low temperature Changes in properties
The mechanical properties of after ageing
elastomers change as the temperature In order to assess the ageing behaviour
drops. Thus, for example, hardness and the materials’ suitability for use in
and tear resistance increase whereas specific media, the changes in their
ultimate elongation reduces. From a properties are established after storage
particular temperature onwards, the in these media.
material then becomes so hard and
brittle that under load, it will crack like DIN 53508 describes accelerated
glass. If no mechanical load is applied ageing in air. The determination of
to the frozen material (e.g. in storage), the resistance to liquids, vapours and
it will regain its original properties gases is described in DIN 53521. The
once warmed. properties that are assessed are, for
example, the absolute change in
Various tests are available for hardness and percentage change of
assessing cold flexibility. Frequently tensile strength, ultimate elongation
used values are the brittleness point and volume in relation to the values
acc. to DIN 53546 and the TR10 of the unaged test specimen.
temperature acc. to ASTM D 1329.
These figures can be interpreted to
draw conclusions regarding the Storage of Elastomer products
practical low-temperature limit. Elastomers are generally easy to store.
They retain almost exactly their original
properties for several years, providing
Compression set certain minimum storage criteria are
Depending on the compound, time, observed. Those are described in
temperature and initial deformation, standards DIN 7716 and ISO 2230.
elastomers show a certain ”flow”, a
proportion of plastic deformation, in It is important that seals are stored
addition to their elastic behaviour. stress-free, without any tension,
An item that has been installed in a compression or deformation.
housing for a certain period of time will
not return completely to its original The elastomer seals should be
shape after removal, but will retain a protected from any intensive circulation
certain amount of permanent of air. Storing the seals in the original
deformation. packaging (e.g. polyethylene bags) or
storing the seals in air-tight containers
Compression set is tested to DIN is recommended.
53517 or ASTM D 395 B, and will be
somewhere between 0% and 100%; The storing room should be cool, dry,
0% is the ideal, and 100% the worst dust-free and ventilation should be
possible result. Compression set is moderate.
calculated thus:
A constant storage temperature is
d0 - d2 recommended. It should not be lower
DVR = x 100
d0 - d1 than –10°C and not higher than
+20°C. Radiators in storage areas
d0 = the original thickness of should be covered and kept a minimum
the test specimen of 1m from the stored goods.
Installation housings The installation housings
(grooves) for O-rings should if possible
and design be produced with right angles. The
dimensions for the required depth and
recommendations width depend on the particular
application and cross-section. The
dimensions are recommendations for
the particular type of installation, and
refer to the nominal sizes. They should
be observed because the sealing
function depends on the precise
execution of the grooves.
Static sealing O-rings are ideal for sealing resting Rectangular groove by
machine elements. We speak of a static radial deformation
or resting seal when the machine This type of sealing is the preferred
elements that are to be sealed do not choice for sealing pins, bolts, tube
move in relation to each other. If the connections or cylindrical tubes. The
groove is executed correctly, the items O-ring section is deformed radially on
used as intended and the right material installation, i.e. in the direction of the
chosen, O-rings can seal pressures of centre of the bolt/pipe. The position of
up to 1000 bar. the groove, whether on the inside or
(Back-rings may also be required.) the outside, does not play a functional
part on solid components, but depends
on the processing and installation
possibilities. On thin walled parts
where elastic deformation could occur
such as with a cylindrical pipe, the
groove should be on the fixed outer
part (cylinder bottom) so that the
groove on the side that is not subject
to pressure does not increase as the
item opens out.
ø d5f7
ø d10H8
ø d6H9
Groove dimensions d2 Groove Groove Lead-in d2 Groove Groove Lead-in
depth width chamfer depth width chamfer
t +0.05 b+0.25 C t +0.05 b+0.25 C
ø d3h9
ø d4H8
ø d9f7
Rectangular groove by If pressure is applied from the
axial deformation inside, the outer diameter of the
This type of installation is used O-ring should be placed against
primarily for flange and cover sealing. the outer diameter of the groove, or
The O-ring cross section is deformed else be up to max. 3% bigger
axially. (the O-ring will be compressed).
Note that the O-ring should be placed If pressure is applied from the
against the non-pressure side of the outside, the inner diameter of the
groove on installation in order to O-ring should be placed against the
prevent it from moving in the groove inner diameter of the groove or else
when pressure is applied or increases. be up to max. 6% smaller
(the O-ring will be stretched).
If the O-ring moves in the groove, it
will be stretched and compressed, When the item is intended for axial
which causes material fatigue and installation, the cover screwing should
premature wear. Observing the be very strongly designed to ensure
pressure direction will prevent the that the gap between the sealed
surface of the O-ring from possibly surfaces never exceeds the permitted
rolling, and thus being destroyed. size. The pressure could otherwise
squeeze out the O-ring.
Static sealing,
pressure from inside,
rectangular groove by
axial deformation
ø d7H11
ø d8
Static sealing,
pressure from outside,
rectangular groove by
axial deformation
ø d8h11
ø d7
Trapezoidal groove
Trapezoidal grooves are difficult and
expensive to manufacture. This groove
geometry is only worthwhile if the
O-ring needs to be held in the groove
during assembly, for the application
and removal of compression moulding
tools, or for overhead installations.
Static sealing,
trapezoidal groove
° Ra≤3.2
ød = d1 + d2
Groove dimensions d2 Groove Groove r2 r1
depth width
t ±0.05 b±0.05
Conical groove
In individual cases involving screwed
flange and cover sealing design,
requirements may call for a conical
groove. However, with this particular
groove geometry it can be difficult to
ensure a defined deformation of the
O-ring. Furthermore, the restricted
space of a conical groove can be
disadvantageous if the surrounding
media then cause the O-ring to swell.
Static sealing,
conical groove
Ra b
ø d f7/D H8
Groove dimensions d2 Side length b Tolerance (+) r1
Vacuum sealing The deformation of the O-ring
Vacuum sealing is a special kind of section should be about 30%.
static O-ring sealing. In this type, the
system pressure that is to be sealed is A vacuum grease should be used
less than the atmospheric pressure (reduces leakage).
(patm= 1.01325 bar).
The surface quality (roughness
Contrary to the general installation depth) of the groove and sealed
guidelines for static O-ring sealing, the surfaces should be considerably better
following recommendations apply for than of standard static sealing, and the
vacuum sealing: percentage contact area should be
tp > 50%.
The groove should be almost
100% filled by the deformed O-ring. The chosen elastomer should
This creates greater contact surfaces be gas compatible, have low
and increases the diffusion time permeability and a low compression
through the elastomer material. set. We recommend fluoro rubber for
standard applications.
Static sealing,
vacuum sealing
ø d8h11
ø d7H11
Groove dimensions d2 Groove Groove r1 r2
depth width
t -0.05 b±0.05
Dynamic sealing O-rings are used successfully as The installation housings are the same
sealing elements in dynamic for the reciprocating movement, and
applications. However, their use is for the movement with simultaneous
limited to lower pressures and speeds, rotating (helical) movement. There are
or to use in small installation housings. differences between the housings of
hydraulic and pneumatic applications,
Because of the friction resistance because of the differences in pressure
in movement, e.g. in hydraulic or and lubrication.
pneumatic components, a smaller
O-ring deformation is chosen than
for static sealing. The item should
always be well lubricated in order
to prevent a loss of power due to
friction and premature wear of the
O-ring if it runs dry.
O-rings should only be used to seal
hydraulic pistons and rods if there is
little space for the installation, or if the
rod stroke is relatively short with a low
frequency, and the seal does not have
to be completely leak-proof. In fact, a
tiny amount of leakage is desirable as
it provides a lubricant film that reduces
friction and wear.
Dynamic sealing,
internal sealing,
rectangular groove by
radial deformation
ø d5f7
ø d10H8
ø d6H9
Groove dimensions d2 Groove Groove Lead-in d2 Groove Groove Lead-in
depth width chamfer depth width chamfer
t +0.05 b+0.25 C t +0.05 b+0.25 C
Dynamic sealing,
external sealing,
rectangular groove by
radial deformation
ø d3h9
ø d9f7
ø d4H8
In pneumatics, O-rings are used
primarily to seal reciprocating
movements. The deformation of the
O-ring should be less than in hydraulic
applications in order to keep the loss
of power due to friction down, even
with inadequate lubrication, in order
to achieve the maximum possible
Dynamic sealing,
internal sealing,
rectangular groove by
radial deformation
ø d5f7
ø d10H8
ø d6H9
Groove dimensions d2 Groove Groove Lead-in d2 Groove Groove Lead-in
depth width chamfer depth width chamfer
t +0.05 b+0.25 C t +0.05 b+0.25 C
Dynamic sealing,
external sealing,
rectangular groove by
radial deformation
ø d3h9
ø d9f7
ø d4H8
Design guidelines Once the dimensions and geometric Avoid marks, holes and
shape of the installation housing have scratches on the surface.
been determined, the following
details must be observed for a correct Roughness values are classified to
function. DIN 4768 with various parameters. In
many cases, simply stating the average
Any component edges and roughness value Ra is not sufficient for
transition points that come into contact classifying the surface quality, and so
with the O-ring should be burr-free, the average roughness depth Rz,
rounded and polished if necessary. maximum roughness depth Rmax and
the contact area percentage tp are also
The transition point between the quoted. The contact area percentage
groove flank and groove base r2, and should be more than 50% if at all
the transition between the groove flank possible.
and component surface r1, must be
slightly rounded.
d2 r1 r2
a 0° u
p to
5° 1 – 2 0.1 0.3
2 – 3 0.2 0.3
3 – 4 0.2 0.5
4 – 5 0.2 0.6
5 – 6 0.2 0.6
6 – 8 0.2 0.8
8 – 10 0.2 1
10 – 12 0.2 1
12 – 15 0.2 1.2
Surface qualities
rounded burr-free Lead-in chamfers Sealing gap
Lead-in chamfers should be used to The gap that is to be sealed should be
prevent damage to the O-ring and as small as possible, so the fits and
ensure correct installation. tolerances shown on installation tables
and drawings should be observed.
°- 2
The angles between the lead-in
chamfers and the level should be However, do not forget that working
between 15° and 20°. Chamfer loads, such as those exerted on a
lengths C are given in the groove cylindrical tube under high pressure,
dimension tables. will cause the gap to expand. If the
gap is too big, there is a strong risk of
gap extrusion. This means that the
15°- 20°
c O-ring migrates into the gap as
rounded burr-free pressure is applied, where it will soon
be destroyed.
application 70 80 90
Layout guidelines In order to achieve the best possible Groove filling
sealing effect, the chosen O-rings The rectangular cross section surface of
should have the biggest possible cross the installation groove (except vacuum)
section. should be about 25% bigger than the
circular cross section of the O-ring.
The hardness of the material destined This means the O-ring has enough
for the O-ring depends on the space for a possible increase in
pressures, gap widths (tolerances), type volume if it comes into contact with an
of sealing application (static, dynamic), aggressive medium. Also, the medium
and surface quality of the items being pressure may affect a large part of the
sealed. For standard applications we O-ring surface in order to enhance the
recommend a material hardness of contact pressure required to achieve
70 Shore A. For applications with, for the sealing effect. The groove filling
example, pulsating pressures, and level should be 70% to 85%, and is
especially those under high pressure, easy to calculate with the following
we recommend materials of up to formula:
90 Shore A.
Groove filling level = x 100 %
Deformation AOR = d22 x
The sealing effect of the O-ring
is provided by radial or axial Agroove = t x b
deformation in the installation housing.
Stretching = x100%
Compression = x100%
da = (d1 + 2 x d2)
d1 = O-ring inside diameter
d2 = O-ring cross section diameter
d3 = groove base diameter / inside
d6 = groove base diameter / outside
General installation Avoid damaging the O-ring during
installation as this will cause leakage.
instructions Observe the following:
Back-up rings Back-up rings are used to prevent
O-rings from gap extrusion. In the case
of the combination of rising pressures
and large sealing gaps there is the risk,
that the O-ring material will be pressed
into the sealing gap on the low
pressure side. If this is repeated several
times and the pressure continues rising,
the O-ring can be damaged irreversible
and finally get completely destroyed.
The selection of materials for back-up
rings is primarily based upon the
pressure and the appropriate extrusion
resistance resp. hardness. Additionally
parameters like hight of the extrusion
gap, media resistance and temperature
range have to be taken into
consideration. In practice there are
various plastics and elastomers like for
example PTFE, PA, POM, polyurethane,
polyesterelastomer as well as NBR,
FPM und EPDM available.
Installation housings
Back-up rings are normally installed in
wider designed housings on the low
pressure side. Because of the plurality
of O-ring housings which are common
in the market, the back-up ring dimen-
sions normally have to be adapted to
the existing housing geometry.
To layout back-up rings the following
parameters are required:
– housing dimensions,
including tolerances
– type of application:
static / dynamic sealing
internal / external sealing
– O-ring dimensions
pressure, medium, temperature
Dichtomatik dimensions d1 d2 d1 d2 d1 d2 d1 d2
3.3 1.7 3.8 1.5 4.5 0.8 4.9 1.95 5.5 1.5 6 1.8
3.3 2.4 3.8 1.7 4.5 1 4.9 2.62 5.5 1.6 6 1.9
3.3 2.5 3.8 1.75 4.5 1.2 4.93 1.5 5.5 1.8 6 2
3.34 0.5 3.8 1.9 4.5 1.32 4.95 1.28 5.5 2 6 2.1
3.35 1.78 3.8 2.4 4.5 1.5 5 0.8 5.5 2.3 6 2.2
3.4 1.8 3.96 1.6 4.5 2.25 5 1.5 5.56 1.59 6 2.7
3.4 1.9 4 1 4.5 2.4 5 1.6 5.59 3.05 6 2.75
3.4 2.8 4 1.2 4.5 2.5 5 1.75 5.6 1 6 2.8
3.45 2.02 4 1.3 4.5 2.65 5 1.8 5.6 1.2 6 3
3.5 0.9 4 1.5 4.5 3 5 1.9 5.6 1.7 6 3.2
3.56 1.27 4.1 1.6 4.7 1.42 5.1 1.8 5.75 1 6.07 1.63
3.6 1.3 4.2 0.5 4.7 1.5 5.15 1.8 5.75 2.15 6.07 1.78
3.6 2 4.2 1.4 4.7 1.6 5.2 0.6 5.79 1.02 6.07 1.88
3.6 2.4 4.2 1.5 4.7 1.78 5.2 1.7 5.8 1.5 6.1 1.6
3.6 2.7 4.2 1.6 4.7 1.9 5.23 2.62 5.8 1.6 6.1 1.8
3.62 1.64 4.2 1.8 4.7 2.7 5.28 1.78 5.8 1.78 6.14 1.78
3.63 2.62 4.2 1.9 4.7 3 5.3 1.27 5.8 1.9 6.15 1
3.65 1.78 4.25 2 4.75 1 5.3 1.5 5.8 2.6 6.17 1.72
3.66 1.19 4.25 2.25 4.75 1.24 5.3 1.7 5.82 1.2 6.2 1
3.66 1.9 4.3 1 4.75 1.27 5.3 1.75 5.88 2.62 6.2 1.74
3.68 1.25 4.3 1.3 4.75 1.5 5.3 1.8 5.9 0.9 6.2 1.8
3.68 1.78 4.3 1.4 4.75 2.62 5.3 2 5.9 1.8 6.2 1.83
3.7 1 4.3 1.5 4.76 1.78 5.3 2.2 5.9 2.05 6.2 1.9
3.7 1.2 4.3 1.8 4.8 0.81 5.3 2.4 5.9 2.55 6.2 2
3.7 1.6 4.3 2.4 4.8 1.3 5.3 2.5 5.94 3.53 6.2 3
3.7 1.8 4.34 3.53 4.8 1.35 5.3 2.65 6 0.75 6.2 4.1
3.7 1.9 4.4 1.1 4.8 1.5 5.3 4.3 6 1 6.3 0.6
3.7 2.8 4.4 1.6 4.8 1.8 5.3 5 6 1.1 6.3 1.5
3.72 1.02 4.4 1.8 4.8 1.9 5.37 1.7 6 1.2 6.3 1.6
3.75 1.8 4.42 2.62 4.87 1.78 5.37 1.78 6 1.3 6.3 1.8
8.8 1.4 9.25 1.78 9.75 2.35 10.1 1.75 10.78 2.62 11.1 1.6
8.8 1.9 9.25 1.83 9.75 2.5 10.1 1.8 10.8 1.2 11.1 2.3
8.8 2.4 9.25 1.86 9.8 0.56 10.15 2.34 10.8 1.3 11.1 5.5
8.8 2.7 9.25 2.62 9.8 1 10.16 1.57 10.8 1.5 11.11 1.59
8.8 3.2 9.3 1.5 9.8 1.5 10.2 2.4 10.8 1.6 11.11 1.78
8.9 1.5 9.3 2 9.8 1.6 10.2 2.5 10.8 1.7 11.11 2.38
8.9 1.6 9.3 2.2 9.8 1.7 10.28 2.66 10.8 1.75 11.18 1.27
8.9 1.8 9.3 2.4 9.8 1.9 10.3 1.2 10.8 1.8 11.2 1.3
8.9 1.9 9.3 3 9.8 2.4 10.3 1.7 10.8 1.9 11.2 1.8
8.9 2.6 9.4 1 9.8 2.7 10.3 2.05 10.8 2 11.2 1.9
8.9 2.7 9.4 1.02 9.8 2.8 10.3 2.4 10.8 2.2 11.2 2.2
8.92 1.83 9.4 1.9 9.8 3 10.3 3 10.8 2.4 11.2 2.3
9 0.8 9.4 2.1 9.83 1.85 10.32 1.78 10.8 2.6 11.2 2.5
9 1 9.4 2.3 9.88 0.56 10.35 1.92 10.8 2.65 11.2 2.75
9 1.2 9.5 0.8 9.9 1.8 10.4 1 10.8 2.75 11.2 4.3
9 1.4 9.5 1 9.9 1.9 10.4 2.2 10.8 2.8 11.2 7.6
9 1.5 9.5 1.3 9.9 2.4 10.4 2.5 10.8 3 11.3 1.2
9 1.6 9.5 1.4 9.9 2.6 10.4 2.8 10.82 1.28 11.3 1.3
9 1.65 9.5 1.5 9.92 1.83 10.4 4 10.82 1.78 11.3 1.6
9 1.8 9.5 1.6 9.92 1.9 10.45 2 10.85 2.75 11.3 1.75
9 1.85 9.5 1.7 9.92 2.62 10.46 5.33 10.9 1.25 11.3 2
9 2 9.5 1.8 10 0.6 10.5 1 10.9 2.03 11.3 2.2
9 2.2 9.5 1.9 10 1 10.5 1.5 11 0.7 11.3 2.4
9 2.25 9.5 2 10 1.25 10.5 1.75 11 1 11.3 2.5
9 2.3 9.5 2.1 10 1.3 10.5 1.8 11 1.2 11.3 2.7
Dichtomatik dimensions d1 d2 d1 d2 d1 d2 d1 d2
13.6 2.3 14 3.2 14.6 2.95 15.1 2.6 15.7 2.7 16.1 2.3
13.6 2.4 14 3.5 14.6 3.2 15.1 2.7 15.7 2.9 16.1 2.62
13.6 2.5 14 3.55 14.61 2.52 15.2 1.78 15.8 1.8 16.1 3
13.6 2.7 14 3.9 14.61 3.28 15.2 1.8 15.8 2.4 16.1 3.5
13.6 2.75 14 4 14.63 3.53 15.2 2.8 15.8 4.1 16.2 1.15
19.2 3.4 19.84 2.39 20.22 3.53 21 7 21.6 2.4 22.05 1.6
19.2 4 19.9 2.6 20.22 4.04 21 8 21.65 3.65 22.08 0.8
19.25 1.78 19.99 5.33 20.24 1.78 21 8.5 21.7 1 22.1 1.6
19.3 1.5 20 1 20.29 2.62 21 10 21.7 3.5 22.1 2
19.3 1.78 20 1.2 20.3 2.4 21 12 21.75 3.9 22.1 3.5
19.3 2.2 20 1.3 20.3 3 21.1 1.85 21.8 1.5 22.16 5.35
19.3 2.4 20 1.4 20.35 1.78 21.1 1.9 21.8 2.4 22.2 1.8
19.3 3.5 20 1.5 20.4 2.5 21.1 2.5 21.8 3 22.2 2
19.3 4.5 20 1.6 20.5 1 21.2 1.4 21.8 3.5 22.2 3
19.3 4.6 20 1.7 20.5 1.5 21.2 1.78 21.82 3.15 22.2 3.1
19.4 1.3 20 1.78 20.5 1.8 21.2 1.8 21.82 3.53 22.2 3.2
19.4 2.1 20 1.8 20.5 2 21.2 1.9 21.82 3.71 22.2 3.6
19.4 2.4 20 2 20.5 2.4 21.2 2.2 21.82 4.2 22.2 4.7
19.4 2.6 20 2.2 20.5 2.5 21.2 2.4 21.89 2.62 22.22 2.62
19.4 4.65 20 2.4 20.5 2.6 21.2 2.5 21.92 2.95 22.22 3.5
Dichtomatik dimensions d1 d2 d1 d2 d1 d2 d1 d2
24.8 1.9 25.1 1.6 26 1.2 26.5 3.55 27.4 2.7 28 2.65
24.8 2.2 25.12 1.78 26 1.3 26.5 4 27.4 3 28 2.8
24.8 3.4 25.12 2 26 1.37 26.5 8 27.4 3.53 28 3
24.8 5.5 25.12 2.03 26 1.5 26.57 3 27.4 4 28 3.15
24.8 6 25.2 1.2 26 1.6 26.58 3.53 27.43 4.57 28 3.2
29 1 29.7 1 30 11 31 10
29 1.5 29.7 2.7 30 12 31 12
29 1.78 29.7 2.8 30 13 31 14
29 1.8 29.7 3 30 17.5 31 15
29 2 29.7 3.5 30.1 2.62 31 18.5
31.8 3.2 32.5 1.8 33.2 1.3 34 1.9 34.5 3.65 35.2 2.4
31.8 3.5 32.5 2 33.2 2.4 34 2 34.5 3.7 35.2 2.5
32 1 32.5 2.2 33.2 3.5 34 2.1 34.5 4 35.2 2.62
32 1.1 32.5 2.4 33.21 3.53 34 2.16 34.5 4.5 35.2 3
32 1.25 32.5 2.5 33.27 1.58 34 2.3 34.5 5 35.2 3.5
36 1 36.5 3 37.47 3 38 10
36 1.3 36.5 3.5 37.47 5.33 38 12
36 1.5 36.5 3.55 37.5 1.25 38 20
36 1.78 36.5 3.75 37.5 1.5 38.1 1.35
36 1.8 36.5 6 37.5 2 38.1 1.59
44 7 45 3 46 4 47 5.5
44 8 45 3.15 46 4.5 47 6
44 9 45 3.5 46 5 47 6.5
44 11 45 3.55 46 5.34 47 6.7
44 12 45 3.75 46 5.5 47 7
47.6 2.4 48.4 3.5 49.6 5.7 50.5 2.4 52 2.7 53 5.3
47.6 3.53 48.5 1.5 49.65 1.78 50.5 3 52 2.8 53 5.5
47.6 3.6 48.5 3.5 49.7 3.5 50.5 6.3 52 3 53 5.7
47.6 4 48.5 4 49.7 5.3 50.52 1.78 52 3.3 53 5.8
47.6 5.7 48.5 5.8 49.7 5.7 50.8 1.6 52 3.5 53 6
59.1 5.8 60 5.7 61.5 1.5 62.4 5.3 63.5 3.2 64.4 4.5
59.18 1.02 60 6 61.5 1.78 62.5 1.3 63.5 3.53 64.47 2.62
59.2 5.33 60 7 61.5 2 62.5 1.8 63.5 3.7 64.5 1.5
59.2 5.7 60 7.5 61.5 2.5 62.5 2.3 63.5 4 64.5 1.8
59.2 11.2 60 8 61.5 2.65 62.5 2.5 63.5 4.3 64.5 2
59.3 3.73 60 8.5 61.5 3.55 62.5 5 63.5 4.5 64.5 2.5
59.3 5 60 9 61.5 5.3 62.6 5.7 63.5 5.33 64.5 2.7
59.3 5.7 60 10 61.5 7 62.8 2.3 63.5 5.5 64.5 3
59.36 3 60 11 61.5 7.5 62.87 2.03 63.5 5.7 64.5 3.2
59.4 2.8 60 12 61.6 2.4 62.87 5.33 63.5 6.35 64.5 3.5
59.4 3.1 60 13 61.6 2.62 62.9 2.4 63.5 6.5 64.5 5.5
59.44 2.01 60 14 61.6 2.7 63 1 63.5 7 64.6 2.4
59.5 2 60 15 61.6 2.9 63 1.3 63.6 4.7 64.6 3.5
59.5 3 60 16 61.6 5.7 63 1.5 63.8 5.66 64.6 5.7
59.5 5.17 60 18 61.7 4.5 63 1.8 63.8 6.2 64.7 3
80 1 81 2 82.22 2.62 84 4
80 1.2 81 2.4 82.27 5.33 84 4.5
80 1.25 81 2.5 82.28 1.78 84 5
80 1.3 81 3 82.34 2.62 84 5.3
80 1.5 81 3.5 82.5 2.2 84 5.4
94 1.5 95 6.5 97 5 99 5
94 2 95 7 97 5.2 99 5.5
94 2.3 95 7.5 97 5.5 99 5.7
94 2.5 95 8 97 6 99 6
94 2.62 95 10 97 7 99 6.5
94 2.95 95 11 97 8 99 7
94 3 95 11.2 97 9 99 7.7
94 3.5 95 12 97 16 99 8
94 4 95 15 97.2 5.7 99 9
94 5 95 20 97.29 5.33 99.1 2.4
99.6 5.7 101 5.5 103 4 104.5 6 106 3.5 108 4.5
100 1 101 6 103 4.5 104.6 5.7 106 3.55 108 4.75
100 1.4 101 7 103 5 104.77 4.76 106 4 108 5
100 1.5 101 12 103 5.2 104.78 9.53 106 4.5 108 5.2
100 1.6 101.2 3.53 103 5.3 104.8 5.33 106 5 108 5.3
100 2 101.2 4.2 103 6 105 1.5 106 5.3 108 5.5
100 2.2 101.2 5.7 103 7 105 1.78 106 5.5 108 6
100 2.5 101.27 2.62 103 8 105 2 106 6 108 7
100 2.75 101.3 7.2 103 10 105 2.5 106 6.3 108 8
100 3 101.34 1.78 103 12 105 2.75 106 6.5 108 9
100 3.4 101.4 4.8 103 14 105 3 106 6.8 108 9.5
100 3.5 101.5 2 103.5 1.5 105 3.1 106 7 108 10
100 3.55 101.5 3 103.5 3 105 3.5 106 8 108 11
100 4 101.5 3.5 103.5 3.2 105 4 106 8.5 108 15
100 4.5 101.6 3.2 103.5 4 105 4.3 106 10 108 16
100 4.7 101.6 5.7 103.5 4.2 105 4.4 106 12 108 18
100 5 101.6 6.35 103.5 4.5 105 4.5 106.3 3.34 108.3 3.8
100 5.2 101.6 6.99 103.51 3.18 105 4.6 106.5 2.4 108.5 2
100 5.3 101.6 9.5 104 1.78 105 5 106.5 4.75 108.5 11.5
100 5.33 102 1.5 104 2.5 105 5.3 106.5 4.8 108.8 6
100 5.5 102 2 104 2.62 105 5.5 107 1.5 109 2
100 5.7 102 2.5 104 3 105 5.8 107 2 109 2.5
100 6 102 3 104 3.5 105 5.9 107 2.5 109 3
100 6.3 102 3.5 104 4 105 6 107 2.7 109 3.4
100 6.5 102 4 104 4.5 105 6.4 107 3 109 3.5
100 7 102 4.5 104 5 105 6.5 107 3.5 109 3.55
100 7.5 102 4.75 104 5.5 105 7 107 4 109 4
100 8 102 5 104 5.7 105 7.25 107 4.3 109 4.5
100 9.5 102 5.5 104 6 105 7.5 107 4.5 109 5
100 10 102 5.7 104 6.13 105 8 107 5 109 5.3
100.5 5.3 102.5 1.6 104.14 6.99 105.1 4.5 107.32 5.33 109.4 3.1
100.5 7 102.5 2.4 104.2 3 105.2 5.7 107.32 6.99 109.5 3
100.9 7.6 102.5 2.5 104.2 5.7 105.28 5.33 107.5 3.4 109.5 4.75
100.95 1.6 102.5 5.5 104.3 5.7 105.5 1.5 107.54 3.53 109.5 5
100.97 5.33 102.5 6.99 104.3 6 105.5 2.4 107.54 4 109.5 8.4
100.97 6.99 102.6 4.5 104.37 3.53 105.5 3 107.6 3.6 109.52 3.53
101 2 102.8 3.3 104.37 3.8 105.5 4 107.63 2.62 109.54 5.33
101 2.5 102.8 9.5 104.4 1.78 105.8 5.4 107.7 1.78 109.6 5.7
101 3 103 1.5 104.4 3.1 106 1 108 2 109.75 4.8
101 3.5 103 2 104.4 5.3 106 1.8 108 2.5 109.78 4.83
117.1 1.78 119.4 3.1 120.65 9.53 123 3.5 124.5 5 126 14
117.2 5.7 119.5 2 120.7 5.33 123 4 124.6 3.5 126 18
117.48 3.18 119.5 3 120.82 2.62 123 4.5 124.6 5.7 126.37 5.33
117.48 5.33 119.5 3.3 121 1.4 123 5 124.6 6.99 126.37 6.99
117.5 2.5 119.5 5.5 121 1.5 123 6 124.8 2.5 126.5 3
117.5 3.2 119.5 7 121 1.6 123 6.3 124.8 9 126.5 3.2
117.5 3.53 119.6 5.7 121 2.5 123 6.5 124.82 1.78 126.57 5.33
117.5 4 119.8 1.5 121 3 123 7 125 1.5 126.6 3.53
117.5 5 119.8 3 121 3.5 123 7.5 125 1.8 126.67 2.62
117.5 5.33 119.85 4.45 121 4 123 8 125 2 126.76 1.78
117.5 5.7 119.89 3.53 121 5 123 9 125 2.4 126.9 6.4
117.8 6.35 120 1.5 121.4 7.8 123 12 125 2.5 127 1.5
118 2 120 1.6 121.5 1.2 123 13 125 2.65 127 2
118 2.5 120 2 121.5 2 123.03 3.68 125 3 127 2.5
118 2.62 120 2.1 121.5 2.2 123.19 4.85 125 3.5 127 3
118 2.65 120 2.2 121.5 3 123.2 5.33 125 3.55 127 3.5
118 3 120 2.5 121.5 4 123.2 6.99 125 4 127 4
118 3.25 120 2.7 121.5 5.7 123.26 3.68 125 4.2 127 4.5
118 3.5 120 3 122 1 123.42 3.53 125 4.5 127 5
118 3.55 120 3.2 122 1.25 123.44 1.78 125 5 127 5.33
118 4 120 3.26 122 1.3 123.5 3 125 5.3 127 5.5
118 4.5 120 3.5 122 1.8 123.5 3.5 125 6 127 6.75
118 5 120 3.6 122 1.9 123.5 4 125 6.5 127 8
118 5.3 120 3.7 122 2 123.75 4.25 125 7 127 10
118 6 120 4 122 2.5 123.8 3.2 125 7.5 127.5 2
118 13 120 6.5 122 4.5 124 3.5 125 12.5 127.7 4
118.4 4 120 7 122 4.7 124 4 125 15 128 1.5
118.47 9.27 120 8 122 5 124 4.15 125.1 6.6 128 2
118.5 3 120 8.5 122 5.3 124 4.5 125.2 5.7 128 2.5
118.5 5 120 9.1 122 5.34 124 5 125.5 5 128 2.6
119 5.2 120.02 6.99 122 20 124.2 1.78 126 5.33 128 7.5
119 5.7 120.25 3.53 122.42 3.53 124.2 2.62 126 5.5 128 8.5
119 6 120.32 3.15 122.5 2 124.2 5.7 126 5.7 128 9
119 6.2 120.33 2.62 122.5 2.5 124.2 6.99 126 6 128 10
119 7 120.34 3.53 122.5 4 124.3 5.7 126 7 128 12
119 8 120.4 1.78 122.8 3.5 124.4 2.62 126 7.5 128.5 2.5
119 10 120.4 3.8 123 2 124.4 3.1 126 8 128.5 2.6
119.2 5.2 120.5 6.8 123 2.5 124.5 2 126 9 128.5 3.5
119.2 5.7 120.5 12 123 3 124.5 3 126 10 128.5 4
119.3 5.7 120.62 2.62 123 3.3 124.5 4 126 13 128.5 12
Dichtomatik dimensions d1 d2 d1 d2 d1 d2 d1 d2
136 3.5 139 3.5 140 10 143 4 145 8.6 148 4.5
136 3.55 139 4 140 11 143 5 145 10 148 5
136 4 139 4.5 140 12 143 5.7 145 15 148 5.5
136 4.25 139 5 140 15 143 6 145.29 1.78 148 6
136 5 139 6 140 16 143 6.35 145.41 3.3 148 7
136 5.3 139 7 140.37 3.53 143 6.5 145.42 5.16 148 8
136 6 139.07 1.78 140.5 4.5 143 8 145.42 5.33 148 10
136 7 139.07 5.33 140.64 5.34 143 10 145.42 6.99 148 12
136 8 139.07 6.99 141 2.4 143 12 145.42 7.92 148.2 5.7
136 10 139.2 2.4 141 2.5 143.4 3 145.45 6.55 148.46 1.78
136.5 4.5 139.3 3.53 141 6.25 144 3.7 146 2 148.59 5.33
136.5 6 139.3 5.7 141 7 144 3.8 146 2.5 148.6 5.33
136.53 5.33 139.38 2.62 141 9.8 144 4 146 3 148.6 6.99
137 2.5 139.4 3.1 141.5 2.5 144 4.5 146 3.5 148.82 3.53
137 2.62 139.5 3 141.5 3 144 5 146 4 149 2.5
137 8 140 2.3 142 6 144.2 5.7 146.1 3.2 149.2 4.76
137.37 2.62 140 2.4 142 6.3 144.27 4.06 146.3 5.7 149.2 5.7
137.5 2.5 140 2.5 142 6.5 144.3 5.7 146.5 4 149.2 6.2
137.5 3 140 2.65 142 7 144.4 3.1 147 1.78 149.23 5.33
137.8 20 140 3 142 7.5 144.5 3 147 2.5 149.3 5.7
138 4 140 3.8 142.24 5.33 145 2.5 147 6.5 150 1.2
138 4.4 140 4 142.24 6.99 145 3 147 8 150 2
138 4.5 140 4.3 142.47 3.53 145 3.5 147 14 150 2.38
138 5 140 4.5 142.5 3 145 3.55 147 15 150 2.5
138 5.3 140 5 142.5 5 145 4 147.3 3 150 2.62
138 16 140 6.35 143 2.5 145 6 148 2.5 150 4.5
138.5 6.55 140 7 143 3 145 6.5 148 3 150 5
138.94 1.78 140 7.5 143 3.5 145 7 148 3.5 150 5.3
139 2.5 140 8 143 3.7 145 7.5 148 3.75 150 5.4
139 3 140 8.6 143 3.97 145 8 148 4 150 5.5
Dichtomatik dimensions d1 d2 d1 d2 d1 d2 d1 d2
160 3.5 162.5 2.5 164.78 2.62 167.4 3.3 170 5.5 172.5 3.5
160 3.55 162.5 3.5 165 1.5 167.5 2.62 170 5.8 173 2
160 4 162.5 4 165 2 167.5 3.5 170 6 173 2.4
160 4.2 162.6 7 165 2.4 167.5 5.7 170 6.4 173 2.5
160 4.5 162.76 2.38 165 2.5 167.5 8 170 6.5 173 3
160 4.75 163 1.5 165 3 167.51 1.78 170 7 173 3.1
160 5 163 1.78 165 3.5 167.7 5.33 170 7.5 173 3.5
160 5.25 163 2 165 3.55 167.8 2.62 170 8 173 3.6
160 5.3 163 3 165 4 168 2 170 8.5 173 4
160 5.5 163 3.5 165 4.5 168 3 170 9 173 5
160 5.8 163 4 165 5 168 3.5 170 9.5 173 5.33
160 6 163 4.5 165 5.3 168 4 170 10 173 8
160 7 163 5 165 5.5 168 4.5 170 12 173 9
160 7.2 163 6 165 6 168 5 170 12.5 173 10
160 7.5 163 6.35 165 6.2 168 6 170 13 173.37 5.7
162 4.5 164.47 5.33 167 2.5 170 2.62 172 4.2 175 3.55
162 5 164.47 6.99 167 3 170 3 172 4.5 175 4
162 6 164.5 2 167 3.5 170 3.1 172 4.8 175 4.5
162 7 164.5 3 167 4 170 3.2 172 5 175 5
162 8 164.5 3.53 167 5 170 3.5 172 5.5 175 5.2
187.7 1.7 190 6 193.5 5 196.22 6.99 200 5.3 204 2.5
187.74 3.53 190 6.3 193.5 5.33 196.22 8 200 5.5 204 3
188 1.5 190 6.5 193.7 6.99 196.44 3.53 200 5.6 204 3.5
188 2 190 7 194 2 196.44 6.35 200 6 204 4
188 3 190 7.5 194 2.2 196.53 2.62 200 6.3 204 4.5
188 3.5 190 8 194 2.5 196.9 3.2 200 6.5 204 5
188 4 190 8.5 194 3 197 3 200 7 204 6
188 5 190 9 194 3.5 197 3.5 200 8 204 7
188 6 190 10 194 4 197 4 200 8.35 204 8
188 6.5 190 12 194 5 197 5 200 8.6 204 8.4
188.1 2.5 190.1 3.53 194.2 5.7 198 4 200.5 8.4 204.5 3
188.5 9 190.18 2.62 194.3 3.1 198 5 200.7 6.99 204.5 8.4
189 2.6 190.5 3.17 194.3 5.7 198 6 201 3 204.7 3.5
189 3 191 3 194.44 2.53 198 6.5 201 3.5 205 1.5
189 3.5 191 3.5 194.5 2 198 7 201 4 205 2
190 2.5 192 8 195 10 200 1.5 202.57 5.33 206 3.5
190 2.6 192 14 195 15 200 1.6 202.57 6.99 206 4
190 2.65 192.22 6.99 195 16 200 1.78 202.79 3.53 206 5
190 2.7 193 1.5 195.5 5 200 2 202.87 2.62 206 5.3
190 3 193 2 196 3 200 2.5 203 3 206 5.7
190 3.1 193 2.62 196 3.5 200 2.62 203 3.5 206 6.99
190 3.2 193 3 196 4 200 2.8 203 4 206 7
190 3.5 193 3.5 196 4.5 200 3 203 5 206 8
190 3.55 193 4 196 5 200 3.2 203 6 206 10
190 4 193 5 196 6 200 3.5 203 6.35 206 12
220 5.7 223.3 5.7 227 4 230 6 234.3 5.7 238 3.5
220 6 223.9 8.2 227 4.5 230 7 234.32 5.33 238 3.6
220 6.5 224 3 227 5 230 7.5 234.32 6.99 238 4
220 6.8 224 3.5 227 6.5 230 8 234.5 3.3 238 5
220 7 224 3.55 227 7 230 8.72 234.5 5.33 238 5.5
220 7.5 224 3.8 227 9 230 9 234.5 8.4 238 5.7
220 8 224 4 227 10 230 10 234.54 3.53 238 6
220 8.2 224 5 227 20 230 11 234.63 2.62 238 6.3
220 8.4 224 5.3 227.97 5.33 230 15 234.82 2.62 238 7
220 8.6 224 6.3 227.97 6.99 230 18 235 2 238 8
222 2.5 225 6.5 229 4 232.2 3.6 236 3.55 239.5 3
222 2.62 225 7 229 5 232.55 3.53 236 4 239.5 7.5
222 3 225 8 229 6 233 3 236 5 239.5 8.4
222 3.2 225 10 229 9 233 3.2 236 5.3 240 2
222 3.5 225 12 229 12 233 3.5 236 6 240 2.5
222 6.53 226 2.5 229.5 8.4 234 2.5 237 3.15 240 4.5
222 7 226 3 230 1.78 234 3 237 3.5 240 4.8
222 12 226 3.5 230 2 234 3.5 237 3.53 240 5
222 12.7 226 4 230 2.5 234 4 237 4 240 5.7
222.4 5 226 5 230 3 234 5 237 4.2 240 6
256 2 260 3.5 264 8.4 268 2.5 271 5.33 276 2.15
256 2.5 260 3.53 264 18 268 3 272 2.5 276 3
256 3.5 260 4 264.1 8.4 268 3.5 272 3 276 3.5
256 4 260 4.1 264.2 5.7 268 4 272 3.5 276 4
256 5 260 4.5 264.5 2.62 268 5 272 3.53 276 5
256 7.2 260 5 264.5 8.4 268 6.8 272 4 276 5.34
256 7.3 260 5.5 264.8 6.6 268 7 272 4.3 276 6
256 7.5 260 6 265 2 268 8 272 5 276 6.4
256 8 260 6.5 265 2.5 268 8.4 272 5.3 276 7
256 10 260 6.99 265 3 268 10 272 7 276 8
258 6.3 262 5 265.5 2.5 269.24 5.33 274 3.5 278 5
258 7 262 5.25 266 3.5 269.3 5.5 274 4 278 6
258 8 262 5.5 266 4 269.3 5.7 274 5 278 8
258 9 262 6 266 5 269.5 6 274 6.5 278 10
258 10 262 7 266 5.7 269.5 8 274 8 278 12
259 3 262.34 3.53 266.07 6.99 270 4 274.5 8.4 278.89 3.53
259 3.5 262.5 5.5 266.1 10 270 5 275 2.5 279 3
259 4 263 3.5 266.3 3.53 270 5.3 275 3 279 3.5
259 5 263 4 266.5 3 270 5.5 275 3.5 279 3.53
259 6 263 5 266.7 4.76 270 6 275 4 279 4
259.24 3.53 264 2.8 267 3 270 8 275 7.5 279.1 8.4
259.26 2.62 264 3 267 3.5 270 9 275 7.6 279.2 5.7
259.3 3 264 3.5 267 4 270 10 275 8 279.3 3.17
259.3 5.7 264 4 267 4.5 270 12 275 8.4 279.3 5.7
259.5 5 264 4.5 267 5 270 13 275 10 279.4 6.35
Dichtomatik dimensions d1 d2 d1 d2 d1 d2 d1 d2
300 4.5 304.8 6.3 309.5 4.5 314 8.4 319 4 324 4
300 5 305 3 310 2 314 8.6 319 5 324 5
300 5.3 305 3.5 310 2.5 314 12 319 5.7 324 5.34
300 5.7 305 4 310 3 314.3 5.7 319 7 324 6
300 6 305 4.5 310 3.5 314.5 5.7 319 8.4 324 7
300 8.6 305 7 310 6.5 315 3.55 319.5 5.7 324.3 5.7
300 9 305 7.25 310 6.6 315 4 319.5 8.4 324.5 7.5
300 10 305 7.5 310 7 315 4.5 320 2 325 2.5
300 12 305 8 310 8 315 5 320 2.5 325 3
300 12.5 305 8.5 310 8.4 315 5.3 320 3 325 3.5
300 12.7 305 10 310 8.5 315 5.33 320 3.5 325 3.52
300 15 305 20 310 9 315 6 320 4 325 4
301 1.78 305.5 8 310 10 315 6.99 320 5 325 5
301 3.5 306 3.5 310 12 315 7 320 5.33 325 5.2
301 4 306 4 310 15 315 8 320 5.5 325 5.3
Dichtomatik dimensions d1 d2 d1 d2 d1 d2 d1 d2
344 8.4 349 5.7 354 5 359.2 5.7 365 8.5 370 14
344 9 349 7.5 354 5.33 359.3 5.7 365 10 370 15
344 16 349.1 8.4 354 7.5 359.5 8.4 365.1 8.4 370.75 14
344 20 349.2 5.33 354 8 360 3 365.5 12.5 371 3.5
345 2 349.2 5.7 354.07 5.33 360 3.5 366 2.5 371 4
398 8 404 3.5 409 3.5 415 6 422 3.5 429 5.7
398 10 404 4 409 4 415 7 422 4 429 6
398 12 404 6 409 10 415 7.5 422 5.7 430 3
399 3.5 404 6.5 410 3 415 8.4 422 6 430 3.5
399 4 404 8 410 3.5 415 15 422 6.9 430 4
400 10 406.4 3.17 413.7 5.33 420 3 425.45 9.52 433 4.5
400 12 406.4 6.35 414 3.5 420 3.5 426 3.5 433 7
400 15 406.4 6.5 414 4 420 4 426 3.53 433.36 6.99
400 16 406.4 15.8 414 5 420 5 426 4 433.5 5.5
401 3.5 407 3.5 414 5.33 420 5.33 426 5.7 434 3.5
466.72 6.35 473.6 5.7 481.46 5.33 490 8 497 5.34 506.86 6.99
467 4 474 3 481.46 6.99 490 8.4 498 4 506.86 8
467 5.7 474 3.53 481.83 5.3 490 9 498 6.99 507 3
467 7.8 474 4 482 3.53 490 10 498 8 507 4
467 8.4 474 12 482 4 490 12 498.5 7.5 507 5
469.3 5.7 476 5.5 485 8 492.13 5.33 500 7.5 509.6 6
469.5 6.4 476 7 485 15 492.25 3.53 500 8 510 3
469.9 6.35 477 4 485.3 4.8 493 4 500 8.5 510 3.5
469.97 4.77 477 6.99 486 4 493 7 500 9 510 4
470 2.5 477 8 486 6 493 12.7 500 10 510 4.5
558.5 8.5 569.27 6.99 580 10 590 8.5 603 10 615 8.4
558.8 4 569.6 8.7 580 12 590 9 604 7 615 10
559.1 6.35 570 3 580 18 590 15 605 5 615 12
559.6 12 570 3.53 581 3.53 590 15.88 605 5.7 616 6
560 3 570 4 581 16 590 16 605 8.4 616 15.6
900 5.33 932.54 6.99 970 5.33 1012 9 1060 8 1114 8.4
900 6.35 933 7 970 7 1013 6 1060 8.4 1116 12
900 7 934 8.4 970 10 1013 7 1060 10 1120 4.76
900 7.5 935 8 975 5 1014 5.34 1060 11 1120 6.35
900 8 935 10 975 5.33 1014 8 1062 5.5 1120 6.99
1172 5 1380 7
1172 5.7
1175 5
1175 15
1180 7
1180 8
1180 8.4
1185 7
1185 8
1185 12
1190 7
1192 10
1195 8
1209 6.35
1210 8
1220 5
1220 10
1225 8
1226 7
1230 7
1235 15
1240 8.4
1240 10
1246 8
1250 10
1260 5
1260 6.35
1260 10
1260 12
1265 7
1268 5
1270 6
1270 10
1280 10
1286 14
1290 7
1290 10
1295 15
1300 6
1300 10
1300 15
1305 8
1307.5 6
1320 7
1320 8
Germany Sweden
The technical details in this catalogue
are based on experience and standard
tests repeated in quality assurance
and are to be seen as general and non-
binding approximate values which may
well vary up or down. We therefore
recommend that you consult our
technical department for concrete
cases in which limits may be reached.