Critical Journal Review: " English For Young Learners "
Critical Journal Review: " English For Young Learners "
Critical Journal Review: " English For Young Learners "
Name : KarlinaSiregarSiagian(2173121036)
Thank you so much for almighty God because His power and His blessing the author
can completed this paper. This paper is one of six assignment of KKNI from the classroom
management subject who taught by Rika S.Pd,.M.Hum. This paper named CJR (Critical
Journal Review) and the author will review two journal about classroom management to
made this paper.
The author would like to extend her gratitude to all those who have assisted and
supported in the completion of this task. And the authorunderstand that the task is certainly
far from perfection so criticism and suggestions the author need to improve this task in
future. And thank you so much for the reader for your attention to this paper.
Making CJR is important because from writing the CJR we can get many information
from different journal and combine it to be one paper. Making CJR also increase the author’s
firmness in criticizing some journals.
The purpose of CJR is to complete one from six assessment of KKNI. And it also
want to give explanation to the reader about some journal that the author combine in one
paper.CJR want to give the reader explanation about some journal, what the journal said and
combine it with another journal to check and take the information.
The benefits of CJR is we can get information about the topic that the paper used. It
means the author give the reader information that theyget from some journal and combine
them to be one paper that explain what the journal talking about. So the reader no need to be
hard to read the journal, just read what the author of CBR talking about the journal.
D. Journal Identity
Author : Sukirmiyadi
Edition :-
Vol :-
Year : 2018
As an international language, English is taught and learnt by almost all of the people
in the world. In Indonesia for example, English has been introduced since the learners are
studying at the elementary school. Even many of the Kindergarten Schools too, have already
introduced this language to their students.
However, we cannot deny that teaching foreign language is not such an easy thing due
to the fact that many of the learners are not capable of speaking English very well although
they have been learning it for more than ten years (Elementary: 6 years, Junior and Senior
High School: 6 years). In line with this problem, this study aims at providing a solution by
offering one teaching technique which seems to make th learners (especially young learners)
enjoy learning through singing songs (Kasihani, 1999).
Furthermore, Phillips(1995) said that young learners really enjoyed learning and
singing songs with highly motivating. Based on those two researches and in efforts to make it
easier in English language learning, especially to young learners, the writer translated the
very common and popular Indonesian kid songs into English.
These translated songswere then used to teach the students of Kindergarten up to
Elementary ones of the first and second grade. This meant that before a teacher started to
teach, s/he had to translate the Indonesian kid songsat first into English. Due to its popularity
and familiarity, it was expected that this teaching technique would be more effective and
efficient to apply especially to young learners.
A. Discussion
After we readthe both of journal that we use, we know that every journal have
differentadventages and disadventeges and we also see how the author give explanation. In
journal 2 author in explaining the contents of the article came from data that author took
directly by involving objects (students), whereas in journal 1 author explained the article
content from the data that author took from the opinions of experts. So that in the delivery
can also be seen differences in strengths and weaknesses of the two journals.
B. Strengths
1. Each element is still supporting. Every element still supporting because they talk
about the topic like they give explanation about the topic from general to specific.
2. The vocabulary that the author use is good because the author not use difficult
3. The numbering is good. The author make the numbering with neatly like in the title
the author use number ex: 1 and the sub topic of the number one the author use 1.1 it
means the 1.1 is part of the number one like the point of number one.
C. Weaknesses
1. The format isn’t neatly. I mean the author not use space between every point in the
paper like nothing space between point 1 and point 2. And the author also not use
space between title and sub title, it make the reader confuce to read every point in the
2. The Identoty of the journal is incomplete. We can see that from the absence of
editions, volumes, or ISSNs in journal identities.
A. Conclusion
From the journal we got that there are many kinds of different teaching and learning
methods and techniques to apply. One of them is singing a song. The songs to teach and learn
are those of Indonesian popular kid songs which are translated into English. This teaching
and learning technique seems to be quite effective and efficient, especially for young learners
or beginners of the ages from 5 to 9, or even younger. Besides entertaining, unconsciously the
learners do not feel that they are learning a new language because it is fun and joyful. This
might encourage and motivate them to learn the other language skills like speaking, reading
and writing.
From this paper we can conclude that the journal 1 is beter than the other journal that
we used too because the every element have relationship with the other element and the
author also give a good explanation in the journal.
B. Suggestion
Our suggestion to the writer is that the writer should better adjust the spacing at each
point so that the reader is easier to read, and also the writer should complete the journal's
identity so that the reader knows more about the clarity of the journal.