CBR Bilingual Reynaldi Pasaribu
CBR Bilingual Reynaldi Pasaribu
CBR Bilingual Reynaldi Pasaribu
NIM : 1163311081
Praise the presence of Allah SWT who has given His Grace and His Gift to the author
so that it can finish this Critical Book Report in time. Critical book report is structured to
fulfill the task of Philosophy of Education.
The author realizes that Critcal Book Report is still far from perfect, therefore the
suggestions and criticisms of all constructive parties are always expected for perfection in
this Critical Book Report.
Do not forget also thank the author to convey to all parties who have participated in
the preparation of Critical Book Report, from beginning to end.
Reynaldi Pasaribu
1.1 Background.............................................................................................
Reference................................................................................ .............
A. The Important of CBR Rationalitation
CBR is stand for Critical Book Reportwhich is used to analyze a book including its
contents and materials. This CBR is one of six tasks that given by lecturer and must be
completed by students . CBR is kind of assigment that compare 2-3 books which one of
them as main book while the others as comaprison books. In doing this CBR students
asked to compare all matters relating to the materials in the book. Such as discovering
what was the goal of the authors in making the book and analyzing how the authors
present the material's contents, like the strengths and the weakness of the book.
Therefore, Students need a creativity in doing this CBR.
The are some benefits of doing this CBR. Fisrt it is useful to get used students with
writing. It just like writing exercise for students. this will make them easier to complete
all the tasks that students had. And then It is useful to enhance the students’ ability in
analyzing the material thoroughly and critically. It also aims to increase and strengthen
the creativity of authors in writing and reviewing.
Gail Ellis and Jean Brewster. The first book as the main book while the others as
comparison books
1. Chapter One : An Introduction to Teaching English
In this chapter explains about the major concept of teaching. This explanation is
described by a diagrm. It tells that the concept of teaching is simple which the teacher
who has the information or the skill, while the students who need learn the infomation
or the skill. More of then, this chapter also give some methods that commonlu use when
teaching english as foreign language.
And this chapter also axplains about theacing process by “ learning by doing”. Told
us that the expertise will come with some experiences.
English language. But not all teachers understand everything. Because of that it is
really important for an EFL teacher to get to know and understand how english
language works. So then, a teacher need to analyse it.
This chapter exposes some reasons why teachers need to analyse a language.
One of the logically reason that I got is we can anticipate the students’ problems may
have and can answer their question.
This is a logical progression. Understanding the meaning of something must
always come first. This usually takes place by understanding through context or a
story. Next the students need to know how to say it or how to pronounce it. Finally
they need to see it so that it is reinforced in their minds and they can write it down
and practice it away from the lesson.
presents a miling activity to practice tense constructions, and with students in a
Write the ‘eat’ sentences from two pages back onto cards or post-it notes and
put them on the backs of your students. Now get your students to stand up, mill
around, read the cards on the backs of their fellow students and note down their
names against the appropriate tense below. This is a variation of a Find
Someone Who Activity.
Absolute Beginners. The second is people who had litle ewposure to English
Language. These people are referred to as Beginners. And in commonly this
Beginners leve split into five categories; Elementary, Lower Intermediate ,
Intermediate, Upper Intermediate and Advanced.
especially TEFL teacher we must know what is the different function in every
sentences. This chapter is provided with some question and practice in
distinguish every different language function .
After I read this chapter, I got conclude that in commonly students have four
basic skills that teachers need to help improve as they learn English; Reading
Writing, Listening and Speaking. In order for your lesson to be successful there
are a number of things to think about during the preparation of your lesson.
First Stage: Creating Interest, Draw your students into the discussion by
making it personal, finding out about them and what they think
Pre-teaching Vocabulary, When constructing your lesson plan you need to
prepare your students for what they will read or listen to by pre-teaching
new vocabulary.
Third Stage: Setting a Task, Before reading a text it is good to give your
students a reason for reading it. You need to set them a task
Fifth Stage: Feedback, If you give them a task to do, make sure that they
have found the correct answers to the questions you set earlier
Sixth Stage: Follow-on Activity, A reading activity (receptive) is often
followed by a writing activity (productive) and a listening activity
(receptive) is followed by a speaking activity (productive), and vice versa.
Make sure that the receptive activity is followed by a productive activity
22. Chapter Twenty-Two: One-to-One Teaching
This chapter the author presents some practical tips in teaching. Here are:
Teacher Student relationships
Encourage movement in a one-to-one classroom
Interactive patterns
Changing activities and pace
Student pace
Help the student to be organised
Create links between your one-to-one student and other
Recording and Filming
Objectives / Goals Personalisation
If your learner is struggling, give a hint, perhaps by giving the correct
form of the word or start the sentence for them. Using your fingers or a
cloze on the board will help your student see the structure clearly.
- First clause - Present simple: If + subject + infinite form of main verb Second
clause - Present Simple: Subject + infinitive form of main verb
Function or meaning:
- A general statement of fact
- A possible future situation
First Conditional
- If you finish the job quickly, I could give you a bonus.
- First clause - Present Simple: If + subject + infinitive form of main verb
Second clause - Future Simple: Subject + will (or another modal verb such as
might / should / may / could) + infinitive form of main verb
Function :
piece of advice, promise, warning, threat , Giving directions and An
instruction (Also a quote from a film - “Field of Dreams” 1989
Second Conditional
- If you stopped eating chips every day, you would lose weigh
- First clause – Past Simple: If + subject + past tense of main verb Second
clause – Present Simple with ‘Would’: subject + would + infinitive form of
main verb
Meaning :
- piece of advice, an explanation , a hypothetical future (but not impossible)
situation and an improbable future situation
Third Conditional
Example :
- If you hadn’t swerved to the left in time, you would’ve hit my car.
- First clause - Past Perfect: If + subject + past auxiliary verb ‘had’ + past
participle form of main verb
- Second clause - Present Perfect with ‘Would’: subject + would + present
auxiliary verb ‘have’ + past participle
- A statement of regret
- An imaginary or hypothetical situatio
necessity, when we teach a language structur, through context, dictionaries,
notebook and sentence.
Practicing In The Classroom
When we teach our students in class, there are many ways to present and
practice vocabulary. Here are a few suggestions:
1. Through Dialogues
2. In a story
3. Through visuals
4. Students create sentence
second book on chapter 12. Based on the second book, it mentions that There
are several things that the instructor can do to drive student motivation. First,
at the beginning of the lesson, build a context where the target language might
be used. Then when building a dialog or structure chart on the board, attempt
to elicit as much of that language as possible from the students. The more the
language actually comes from the students, the more they will be interested in
it. According to me, both statement has the same purpose to tell the reader
that teacher has to be creative while teaching .
f. Chapter 6
This chapter discusses about tenses. After I read the two comparison
books, there’s no same materials that explain this topic.
g. Chapter 7
This chapter discusses about how teacher teaches the students . based on
this chapter there are 3 major methods in teaching they are presentation,
controlled practice and free practice. While based on the second book, it
mentions that TEFL Methodology taught in most TEFL training programs is
generally either "PPP”. “PPP’’ means Presentation, Practice, and Production.
h. Chapter 8
This chapter discusses about lesson structures. I think this topic has the
similarity with the second book on chapter 3 (Lesson Planning). Based on
this book (main book) the generally component of lesson structures (plan)
are Preparation – Presentation of the Target Language – Controlled Practice –
Free Practice (Production).
While based on the second book, they are: Warm-up – Presentation –
Practice – Production – Conclusion.
i. Chapter 9
This chapter discusses about Past tense. it is provided in a great detail. This
topic has no simalirity with the comparison books’ material.
j. Chapter 10
This chapter discusses about lesson planning. I think this chapter has the
simalirity topic on the previous chapter (chapter 8)
k. Chapter 11
This chapter discusses about Students level. It explains about in English
learning there are two major levels in identifying students by their skills. Fo
the people who can’t speak English at all are referred to as “Absolute
Beginner”. While for the people who had litle exposure to English Language,
they referred to as Beginners. After I read all the books. There’s no
comparison books explain the same material.
l. Chapter 12
This chapter discusses about Future tense which is provided in a great detail.
This topic has no simalirity with the comparison books’ material.
m. Chapter 13
This chapter discusses about classroom management. I think this chapter has
the similar topic with second book on the Chapter 8.
n. Chapter 14
This chapter discusses about a EFL lesson which is very important to do
feedback with the students after this lesson and concentrate on the teaching
methodology that the EFL teacher. The second book, TEFL – Training a new
teacher has the same topic which explain that material. It is on chapter 1.
o. Chapter 15
This chapter discusses about Modal verbs. Actually there’s no the same topic
like that in the comparison books.
p. Chapter 16
This chapter discusses about language function. From this chapter we know
now every language has its own function. Because of that as a new teacher,
especially EFL teacher must be able to distinguish differences of each
language function. No one of the comparison books discuss about this topic.
q. Chapter 17
This chapter discusses about a phonology in language. Like a pervious
discussion, this topic is not discussed in the two comparison books.
r. Chapter 18
This chapter discusses about present perfect which is provided in a great
detail. This topic has no simalirity with the comparison books’ material.
s. Chapter 19
This chapter discusses Skill based on lesson. From this chapter we know
that there are four basic skill in english that student had, reading, listening,
speaking and writing. There are several number to do during the preparation
of lesson. Actually this topic has the similar topic in third book. But it
discusses on chapter 1 which is explained in general.
t. Chapter 20
This chapter discusses about using music in teaching english. Actually it’s
such an interesting way or method to teach english. According to me the
third book has the same purpose like this topic in different way. In third
book, discuss about teaching english using storytelling. Both of the book has
the unique way to teaching English.
u. Chapter 21
This chapter discusses about simple and continious tense. this topic is
discussed with specifik explanation. It explains all detail materials that
related with the topic. But I don’t found the same topic with the other books.
v. Chapter 22
This chapter discusses about practical in teaching. This chapter explains what
a teacher should do. There’s no similar topic like this in the other books.
w. Chapter 23
This chapter contains some tests and questions.
x. Chapter 24
This chapter disscuses about passive and active voice. This topic is explained
with a good way. I did’nt found any similar topic like this in the other books.
y. Chapter 25
This chapter discusses about understanding students’ error. This chapter
tells about some errors english that used by students .This topic actually has
the same topic with the second book on chapter 10. And both of that book
present some tips to resolve and correct students’ errors.
z. Chapter 26
This chapter discusses about teaching children. Actually there’s no same
topic like this in the other books
- Chapter 27
This chapter discusses about conditional forms. It is discussed with a specific-
detail explanation.
- Chapter 28
This chapter discusses about concept question. There’s no the same material
like this in the training for a new teacher book or Tell it book.
- Chapter 29
This chapter discusses about teaching vocabullary. As a teacher there are
many creative ways to teach vocabullary to the students. Commonly we can
teach it through visual, in a story, through dialogues or maybe when teacher
asked students to make sentences.
- Chapter 30
This chapter contains some excercieses or test.
3. From the book content
- Strenght
Actually there’re so many topics are presented with a good presenting. All
the content is served with the spesific thought. More of that, the book
contains with so many tasks and questions which help teacher to apply
the topic materials.
- Weakness
As what I said the book contents are good enough. But perhaps it would
better if the content of the book has some experts thought.
4. From The Language Design
- Strengths
According to me this book is such a good book. The language usage in this
book is simple and appropriate for the beginner students. This book is
easy to understand .
A. Conclusion
From the Critical Book Report that I have done above. I conclude that book I, II, III
are good books for TEFL material. They are all explain about teaching and learning
English as a foreign language. There are numerous aspects of the book that make it
interesting and interests reader to read that book. One, the author starts the book with
some his fun experiences. It makes the reader are curious about the book. And then, All
the material are discussed in a specific and simple one.
There are many interesting, interactive and often challenging exercises embedded
within or at the end of each chapter in the book. Which these are useful for the academic
reader, they can be distracting to the casual reader.
B. Suggestion
After analyzing and critiquing the book. I would like to give some suggestion.
According to me, this book is good enough for new teacher guide or handbook. But it’s
quite uneficient to bring it everywhere because this book has a big size. Then, perhaps it
would better if the author give more explanation or elaborate the material with simple
words. So then the author can be more enjoy and easier to understand the topic
materials in the book.
“TEFL Book: A Manual For the New TEFL Teacher”. TEFL.org.uk.2017 (ebook)
“TEFL Training For New Teachers:Everything You Need to Know to Start”.TEFL Ebook dot
Ellis, Gail and Jean Brewster. 2014.Teaching English As a Foreign Language for
DummiesTell it