Complete Gekko On Windows 64 Bit
Complete Gekko On Windows 64 Bit
Complete Gekko On Windows 64 Bit
1. Install nodejs
3. Choose the option to register "Git Gui here" and "Git bash here" while installing git-scm.
Installing tulind
Installing talib
This one is a little bit harder as we need to replace a line that causes build errors in windows (hairpulling
4. replace both
C:/Program Files (x86)/Reference Assemblies/Microsoft/Framework
6. open a command prompt in you scratch directory where you have talib folder. example E:\test
8. you will notice that you have a node_modules directory in your scratch folder. copy the nan folder to
you gekko\node_modules folder and gekko\exchange\node_modules folder
9. the talib folder is a shortcut DON'T copy that one instead, copy the talib folder from your scratch
directory to gekko\node_modules folder and gekko\exchange folder
Next stop is installing Gekko Strategies compiled by xFFFFF (thanks for that btw)
2. cd to Gekko-Strategies-master directory you will notice that the installer is a bash script (OMG!
3. LoL by now we already have a "Git bash here" on our right click. so just right click and open a git bash.
5. installer will ask you where your gekko folder is. since Gekko-Strategies folder is in the same directory
as your gekko folder just type ../gekko
1. cd to gekko directory and do and npm install mathjs convnetjs numbro zero-fill gauss stats-lite
2. you also need the helper.js and helper.spec.js from cloggy45. which is here
*if there are any additions or corrections please do so and help. thanks.