Assignment - Role Fof Business in Economic Development
Assignment - Role Fof Business in Economic Development
Assignment - Role Fof Business in Economic Development
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In any economy, people need jobs. In any but the most primitive
economies, people need to be able to buy goods and services.
Businesses provide for both of these needs. Most businesses provide
people with jobs. If I open a restaurant, I will need to hire cooks, wait
staff, dishwashers, and other people. My business is providing jobs for
many people. Now imagine how many people get their jobs from large
companies. A large company can provide thousands of jobs. This is
incredibly important to an economy.
These businesses also provide the things that people need to buy. If
you need a cell phone, you have to buy it from a business because you
certainly cannot make your own. Most people cannot make their own
clothes and must buy them from a business. Most people do not cut
their own hair and must pay a business for their haircuts. Without
businesses, people would not have goods and services that they could
Economies can exist without businesses, but they are not nearly as
strong. Imagine an economy where every person works only for
themselves. No one starts a business and hires other people. This
economy would be very primitive as people would only buy and sell
things they could make themselves. Alternatively, imagine an
economy where there are no businesses because the government is in
charge of the economy. The government will provide jobs and goods
and services, but it will not do so efficiently. The government might
not provide the things that people want. It might run its factories and
other operations poorly because they could not go broke if they failed
to satisfy their customers. This would be an inefficient economy.
Privatization was declared during the 6th Five Year Plan with the
objective that the private sector should play an increasingly important
role in fostering economic growth and as a source of employment. Both
the sectors are still under developed in terms of financial, human
resources, efficiency and management. Furthermore there are many
difficulties in the path of developing both public and private sector.
Thus, this assignment will discuss roles of public and private sector,
their development history, indicators for economic development,
contribution made in employment and difficulties for their
Private goods – produced by the private sector- are produced only for
profit motive and its rival in consumption. Benefits are enjoyed by only
a person who pays, with no benefit to society and therefore it’s
exclusive in nature. Private entrepreneur go for self-benefit rather than
social welfare. Competition is the one thing that occurs between each
and every private entrepreneur and this leads to efficient use of
Most of the Public Sector undertakings yielded profit. This enabled the
Government to take policy decision against rendering any budgetary
support to the working capital requirement of such units, which are to
fend for themselves on a strictly commercial basis through the
financial institutions. This will induce a measure of responsibility in
the financial management.
It has been pointed out by some of the economics like Dr. K.N. Raj that
the performance of the public enterprises has not been very
encouraging. He says that the financial structure of some of the public
sector organizations in India is such as to make these public sectors
losing concerns. In fact because of the lack of ethical values among the
labourers and workers it has not been possible to raise the standard of
the public sector up to the expectations. Nationalised industries
generally degenerate because the workers have security of service and
develop indifference towards their work. In other words public sector is
inefficient but that is not an inherent defect of public enterprises.
Private sector will never be able to rise up to the demands of the
welfare states because the moment it becomes a losing concern the
industry owners lose interest. So the future of the public sector in
India cannot be under-estimated. If we are to become Democratic
Socialist Republic we will have to give greater importance to public
sector and we will have to rely upon public sector for a number of
years to come, for the development of economy.
1. Generation of Income:
Public sector in India has been playing a definite positive role in
generating income in the economy.
2. Capital Formation:
Public sector has been playing an important role in the gross
domestic capital formation of the country. The share of public
sector in gross domestic capital formation has increased from 3.5
per cent during the First Plan to 9.2 per cent during the Eighth
Plan. During 1980s, the share of public sector in gross domestic
savings declined from 16.2 per cent in 1980-81 to 7.7 per cent in
3. Employment:
Public sector is playing an important role in generating
employment in the country.Public sector employments are of two
categories, i.e: (a) Public sector employment in government
administration, defence and other government services and (b)
Employment in public sector economic enterprises of both Centre,
State and Local bodies. The public sector manufacturing is the
next industry which generated employment to the extent of 11.1
lakh persons.
4. Infrastructure:
Without the development of infrastructural facilities, economic
development is impossible. Public sector investment on
infrastructure sector like power, transportation, communication,
basic and heavy industries, irrigation, education and technical
training etc. has paved the way for agricultural and industrial
development of the country leading to the overall development of
the economy as a whole. Private sector investments are also
depending on these infrastructural facilities developed by the
public sector of the country.
Private sector plays a very crucial role for the development of the
country. About 60% of GNP (Gross National Product) in India comes
from private sector. It generally works under the supervision of the
Government. In India, private sector is very vast.
It mainly consists of agriculture, trade, hotel, tourism, transport,
communication, storage, large, cottage and small scale industries,
education, medical and drug industries and etc. It also includes
several professional services like lawyer, charted accountant, doctor
and other consultancy services. Among all these agriculture is the
largest occupation comes under private sector.
1. Industrial Development:
During the pre-independence period, the private sector has played
a responsible role in Indian economy where it set up and expanded
cotton and jute textiles, sugar, paper, edible oil, tea etc. After
independence, the national government gave sufficient stress on
2. Agriculture:
In order to control such illegal activities, the Government has
introduced various control and regulatory measures in the form of
controls on price, movement of goods and on storage etc. Moreover,
the Government has been procuring food grains through its
premier organisation Food Corporation of India (FCI) and has
introduced a huge network of the public distribution system (PDS)
to participate in the trading of essential commodities for the
interest of the consumer.
In order to control such illegal activities, the Government has
introduced various control and regulatory measures in the form of
controls on price, movement of goods and on storage etc. Moreover,
the Government has been procuring food grains through its
premier organisation Food Corporation of India (FCI) and has
introduced a huge network of the public distribution system (PDS)
to participate in the trading of essential commodities for the
interest of the consumer.
4. Infrastructure:
As per the latest available statistics for the year 1998-99, the
private sector contributed about 76.7 per cent of the net domestic-
product and the remaining 23.3 per cent was contributed by the
public sector. The role of private sector is quite dominant in
agriculture and allied activities, small scale industry, retail trade
2. Unnecessary Control:
From the beginning, the private sector of the country is subjected
to unnecessary Government control. Price controls imposed by the
Government on certain goods has resulted in disincentive to
increase production. Rather competition among the rival producers
can enlarge the production base and thereby can reduce the prices
1. Maximization of Profit:
The main aim of all the private sector units to maximise profit.
They feel interested to invest only those areas where the returns
are more fast. Therefore they are willing to invest more consumer
goods industries rather than capital goods industries. Private
sector usually concentrates on low investment and high profit
industries. This sector does not give attention for infrastructural
development of the country.
3. Monopolistic Tendency
During the time of post-independence era, most of the private
sector units took the undue advantages of India’s capitalistic mixed
economy pattern and try to develop monopolistic tendency within
the country. Few private companies become so vast and powerful
that they started to control the government plans and policies also.
These tendencies also increased further after the liberalisation of
industrial licensing and introduction of free trade policy.
4. Rise in Balance of Trade (BOT) Deficit
To increase the productivity and efficiency, private companies
frequently imports technologies from the international markets.
These high-cost machineries and tools lead to huge deficit in
India’s balance of trade (BOT).
5. Internal Problems:
Most of the private sector units are suffering with varieties of
internal conflicts. These companies always try to exploit the
workers by giving low wages and less benefit. The results is the
yearlong conflicts between employees and employers. This will end
with the shutdown of the factories. Dunlop, Metal Box are the
burning examples of this problem.
6. Scarcity of Finance:
In India the rate of capital formation is relatively low in compare to
develop nations. Hence it becomes a difficult task to arrange proper
finance by the private companies. The common people are
interested to buy real estates and gold’s rather than the shares and
bonds of the private sector units which are very volatile. Moreover,
huge inflationary pressure in India also enhanced the scarcity in
the financial market.
7. Indulge Mal-Practices:
Private companies always try to earn more profits. Thus, never
hesitate to adopt malpractices in their business policies. They
usually cheated the innocent and ignorant consumers by giving
eye-wash and faulty explanation. Extracting the maximum
consumer surpluses became the sole policy of large number of
business firms.
8. Low productivity:
According to RBI report from commercial banks, up to end of
March 2003, there were 1.71 lakhs of private companies suffering
with low productivity and weakness. These low productivity are
mainly due to deficit demand, frequent power cuts, economic
recession, lack of raw materials, biased government policies
towards public sector units, inefficient management, labour
problems etc.