Project Management

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What is a PROJECT?

A project is a temporary endeavour undertaken to

create a unique product, service or result.
 Progressive elaboration is characteristic of

projects that accompanies the concepts of temporary

and uniqueness.
A project can create:

 A product that can be either a component of another

item or an end item in itself.

 A capability to perform a service (e.g., a business

function that supports production or distribution).

 A result or document ( e. g., a research project)

Examples of projects

 Developing a new product or service,

 Performing a change in the structure, personnel or

style of an organization,
 Developing or acquiring a new or revamped
information system,
 Constructing a building or an infrastructure,

 Implementing a new business process or procedure.

What is Project Management?

Project management is the application of knowledge,

skills, tools and techniques to perform project
activities to meet the project requirements.
Processes are:
 Initiation,
 Plan,
 Progress,
 Monitor and Control,
 Closure.
Managing a project typically includes:

 Identifying requirements,
 Addressing the various needs, concerns and
expectations of the stakeholders as the projects
planned and carried out,
 Balancing the project constraints contrary to each
other including, but not limited to:
 Scope
 Quality
 Schedule
 Budget
 Resources
 Risk
Projects and Strategic Planning

 A market demand (an oil company authorizes a project to build a

new refinery in response to chronic gasoline shortages)
 An organizational need (a training company authorizes a project to
create a new course in order to increase its revenues)
 A customer request (an electric utility authorizes a project to build a
new substation to serve a new industrial park)
 A technological advance (software firm authorizes a new project to
develop a new generation of video games after the introduction of
new game-playing equipment by electronics firms)
 A legal requirement (a paint manufacturer authorizes a project to
establish guidelines for the handling of a new toxic material)
Project Manager

 Project manager is the one who is assigned by

project organization to achieve the tasks of project.
 Requires understanding and application of
knowledge, tools and techniques perceived as best
 For effective project management,
 Knowledge (what the project manager knows about
project management)
 Performance (the capability of performing project
management knowledge)
 Personality (behavior, basic personal characteristics,
leadership etc .)
Environmental Factors Affecting the Project

 Organizational culture
 Standards proposed by state or private sector
 Infrastructure
 Available human resources
 Human resource management
 Company's business approval systems
 Market conditions
 Stakeholders' risk policy
 Political atmosphere
 Communication channels of the organization
 Commercial databases
 Project management information systems

 Project Life Cycle

 Project Management Life Cycle

Project Life Cycle
Project management life cycle

 Five categories known as Project management

process groups
 Initiating process group
 Planning process group
 Executing process group
 Monitoring and controlling process group
 Closing process group
Initiating process group

 Those processes performed to define a new project or a new

phase of an existed project by obtaining authorization to start
the project or phase.
 The initial scope is defined and initial financial resources are
 Internal and external stakeholders are identified.
 The influence and objectives of the project stakeholders are
 Feasibility analysis is performed by considering the
availability of the resources and applicability of the objectives
of the stakeholder.
Stakeholder= all the people and organizations that are
affected by the existence of the project and project’s outcomes.
Initiating process group

The Initiating Process Group consists

of the following steps:

 Collect Project Information.

 Organizational Commitment.
 Team Development.
Purpose of Initiation Process

 To commit the organization to a project or phase

 To set the overall solution direction
 To define top-level project objectives
 To secure the necessary approvals and resources
 To validate alignment with overall business
 To assign a project manager
Project Proposal Content

 Scope definition
 Project objectives and benefits
 Project deliverables
 Acceptance criteria for project
 Assumptions
 Constraints
 Role definition and key staff
 High level schedule, budget
 Acceptance
Planning process group

 Consists of those processes performed to establish

the scope of the project, refine the objectives and
define the course of action required to achieve those
 The multi-dimensional nature of project
management creates repeated feedback loops for
additional analysis.
 Due to the significant changes occurring throughout
the project, the planning processes are revisited to
make modifications on the plans developed.
 Planning process is iterative and ongoing processes.
Planning process group

The Planning Process Group

consists of the following steps:

 Scope Definition.
 Activity Definition.
 Schedule Development.
 Resource Planning.
 Cost Planning.
 Project Plan Development.
 Baseline Creation.
Executing Process Group

 Consists of those processes performed to complete

the work defined in the project management plan to
satisfy the project specifications.
 This process group involves coordinating people and
resources, as well as integrating and performing the
activities of the project in accordance with project
management plan.
Executing Process Group

The Executing Process Group

consists of the following steps:

 Information Distribution.
 Project Plan Execution.
Monitoring and controlling process group

 Consists of those processes required to track, review,

and regulate the progress and performance of the
project; identify any areas in which changes to the
plan are required; and initiate the corresponding
 The key benefit of this process group is that the
project performance is observed and measured
regularly and consistently to identify variances from
the project management plan.
Controlling Process Group

The Controlling Process Group

consists of the following steps:

 Analysis and evaluation of the

 Recommendation of necessary
 Change the project with the
realistic data.
 Re-estimation of the schedule.
 Convey of the performance of the
project to the project team.
Closing process group

 Consists of processes performed to finalize

all activities across all Process groups to
formally close the project or phase.
 Project Closing – Elements:
 Administrative Close Out – Generating, gathering,
disseminating information to formalize phase or
project completion, including evaluating the project,
compiling lessons learned for use in planning future
phases or projects
 Contract Close Out – Completion and settlement of
the contact including resolution of any open items.
Contract Close Out Activities:
• Verify product/service acceptance

• Update records based on final contract results

• Archive contract documentation of completed work results

• Notification to end-user of contract completion

• Obtain formal acceptance

Administrative Close Out Activities:
• Collect all project records

• Document performance measures resulting from performance reviews,

variance, trends and earned value analysis

• Formalize acceptance/signoff of the product by the sponsor, client, customer

• Archive project documentation

• Verifying project results in preparation for formal acceptance

• Create and Complete Punch List

• Conduct and Document the lessons learned

• Perform final appraisal review of team members

Closing Process Group

The Closing Process Group consists of the

following steps:

• Contract Closeout
• Administrative closure
• Project Closeout
Project Management Life Cycle Methods
The Project Management Knowledge Areas

 Project Integration Management

 Project Scope Management
 Project Time Management
 Project Cost Management
 Project Quality Management
 Project Human Resource Management
 Project Communication Management
 Project Risk Management
 Project Procurement Management
Project Integration Management

 The Project Integration Management includes the

processes and activities needed to identify, define,
combine, unify and coordinate the various processes and
project management activities within the Project
Management Process Groups.

 In the project management context, integration includes

characteristics of unification, consolidation, articulation,
and integrative actions that are crucial to project
completion, successfully managing stakeholder
expectations, and meeting requirements.
Project Integration Management

 Project Integration Management entails making

choices about resource allocation, making trade-offs
among competing objectives and alternatives, and
managing the interdependencies among the project
management knowledge areas.

 The project management processes are usually

presented as discrete processes with defined
interfaces while, in practice, they overlap and
Project Integration Management

 Develop project charter: Developing a document that

formally authorizes a project or a phase and
documenting initial requirements that satisfy the
stakeholder’s needs and expectations.

 Develop project management plan: Documenting

the actions necessary to define, prepare, integrate and
coordinate all subsidiary plans.

 Direct and manage project execution: Perform the

work defined in project management plan
Project Integration Management

 Monitor and control project work: track,

review and regulate the progress to meet the
performance objectives.

 Perform integrated change control: Review all

change requests and manage changes to the
organizational process assets, project documents and
project management plan.

 Close project or phase: Finalize all activities

across all project management process groups.
Project Scope Management
 Project Scope Management includes the processes
required to ensure that the project includes all the work
required and only the work required, to complete the
project successfully.

 Managing the project scope is primarily concerned with

defining and controlling what is and what is not included
in the project.

 In the project context, the term scope can refer to:

 Product scope: the features and functions that characterize a
product, service or result.
 Project scope: the work needs to be accomplish to deliver a product
service or result.
Project Scope Management

 Collect requirements: Define and document

stakeholders’ needs to meet the project objectives.

 Define scope: Develop a detailed description of the

project and product

 Create Work Breakdown Structure (WBS):

Subdivide project deliverables and project work into
smaller, more manageable components.
Work Breakdown Structure
Project Scope Management

 Verify scope: Formalize acceptance of the

completed project deliverables.

 Control scope: Monitor the status of the project

and product scope and manage changes to the scope
Project Time Management

 The Project Time Management processes include the

 Activity definition- process of identifying the specific actions to
be performed to produce the project deliverables

 Activity sequencing-process of identifying and documenting

the relationships among the project activities

 Activity resource estimating – process of estimating the type

and quantities of material, people, equipment or supplies
required to perform each activity.
Project Time Management

 Activity duration estimation- process of approximating the number

of work periods needed to complete the individual activities with the
estimated resources.

 Schedule development – process of analyzing activity sequences,

durations, resource requirements, and schedule constraints to create
the project schedule.

 Schedule control - process of monitoring the status of the project to

update project progress and manage changes to schedule baseline.
Project Cost Management

 Project Cost Management includes the processes

involved in planning, estimating, budgeting and
controlling costs so that the project can be
completed within the approved budget.
 Cost estimating – developing an approximation of the
monetary resources needed to complete project activities.
 Cost budgeting – aggregating the estimated costs of
individual activities or work packages to establish an
authorized cost baseline.
 Cost control – monitoring the status to the project to update
budget and managing changes to the cost baseline.
Project Cost Management
Project Quality Management

 Project Quality Management processes include all the

activities of the performing organization that determine
quality policies, objectives and responsibilities so that the
project will satisfy the needs for which it was undertaken.
 Plan Quality – process of identifying quality requirements and/or
standards for the project and product, and documenting how the
project will demonstrate compliance.
 Perform Quality Assurance – process of auditing the quality
requirements and the results from quality control measurements to
ensure appropriate quality standards and operational definitions are
 Perform Quality Control – process of monitoring and recording the
results of executing the quality activities to assess performance and
recommend necessary changes.
Project Human Resource Management

 Project Human Resource Management includes the

processes that organize, manage and lead the project

 Develop Human Resource Plan – process of identifying

and documenting project roles, responsibilities, and
required skills, reporting relationships and creating a
staff management plan.

 Acquire Project Team – process of confirming human

resource availability and obtaining team necessary to
complete project assignments.
Project Human Resource Management

 Developproject team – process of improving the

competencies, team interaction, and the overall team
environment to enhance project performance.

 Manage project team – process of tracking team

member performance, providing feedback, resolving
issues and managing changes to optimize project
Project Communications Management

 Project Communications Management is the

Knowledge area that employs the processes required
to ensure timely and appropriate generation,
collection, distribution, storage, retrieval and
ultimate disposition of project information.
 Identify Stakeholders - involves the identification of all
stakeholders that can impact the project. This Project
Management Communication process involves documenting
their level of interest, power, influence, and project impact.
 Plan Communications - involves documenting the
communication needs of the stakeholders identified in the
Identify Stakeholders process.
Project Communications Management

 Distribute Information – involves making relevant

information available to project stakeholders as planned.

 Manage Stakeholder Expectations - involves using the various

communication methods, interpersonal skills and
management skills to ensure the communication needs of
stakeholders are met.

 Report Performance - involves ensuring performance, progress

and forecast information are communicated to the identified
Project Risk Management

 Project Risk Management includes the processes

concerned with conducting risk management
planning, identification, analysis, responses and
monitoring and control on a project.
 Objective: increase the probability and impact of
positive events, and decrease the probability and
impact of negative events.
 Plan risk management – process of defining how to execute the
risk management activities of a project
 Identify risks – process of determining which risks may affect
the project and documenting their characteristics.
Project Risk Management

 Perform qualitative risk analysis – process of prioritizing risks

for further analysis or action by assessing and combining their
probability of occurrence and impact.
 Perform quantitative risk analysis – process of numerically
analyzing the effect of identified risks on overall project
 Plan risk responses – process of developing options and
actions to enhance opportunities and to reduce threats to
project objectives.
 Monitor and control risks – process of implementing risk
response plans, tracking identified risks, monitoring residual
risks, identifying new risks, and evaluating risk process
effectiveness throughout the project.
Project Procurement Management

 Project Procurement Management includes the processes

to purchase or acquire the products, services or results
needed from outside the project team to perform the

 Plan procurements - documenting purchasing decisions, specifying

the approach and identifying the potential sellers
 Conduct procurements - obtaining seller responses, selecting a seller
and awarding a contract
 Administer procurements - – managing procurement relationships,
monitoring contract performance, and making changes and
corrections as needed
 Close procurements - completing each project procurement
Review Knowledge Areas

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