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Math 1A: introduction to functions and calculus Oliver Knill, Spring 2012 Problem 1) TF questions (20 points) No justifications

ints) No justifications are needed.

The anti-derivative of tan(x) is − log(cos(x)) + C.

1) T F
4/5/2012: Second midterm exam R
The fundamental theorem of calculus implies that 01 f ′ (x) dx = f (1) −
2) T F f (0).
The volume of truncated pyramid withR a base square length 2 and top
Your Name: 3) T F square length 3 is given by the integral 23 x2 dx.

4) T F The derivative of arctan(x) is 1/ cos2 (x).

• Start by writing your name in the above box. R
The mean value theorem implies ab f ′ (x) dx = f ′ (c)(b − a) for some c in the
• Try to answer each question on the same page as the question is asked. If needed, use the 5) T F
interval (a, b).
back or the next empty page for work. If you need additional paper, write your name on it. R
If F (x) = 0x f (t) dt has an critical point at x = 1 then f has a root at
6) T F
• Do not detach pages from this exam packet or unstaple the packet. x = 1.
The anti-derivative of the derivative of f is equal to f + C where C is a
7) T F
• Please write neatly. Answers which are illegible for the grader can not be given credit. constant.
If we blow up a balloon so that the volume V changes with constant rate,
• Except for multiple choice problems, give computations. 8) T F then the radius r(t) changes with constant rate.
d 9 R
• No notes, books, calculators, computers, or other electronic aids are allowed. The identity dx 5 f (x) dx = f (9) − f (5) holds for all continuous functions
9) T F
• You have 90 minutes time to complete your work.
Two surfaces of revolution which have the same cross section area A(x) also
10) T F
have the same volume.
If x2 + y 2 = 2 and x(t), y(t) depend on time and x′ = 1 at x = 1 then
11) T F y ′ = −1.
R9 R9
The identity 2 7f (x) dx = 7 2 f (x) dx is true for all continuous functions
1 20 12) T F
2 10 The improper integral 1∞ 1/x dx in the sense that 1R 1/x dx converges for
13) T F
R → ∞ to a finite value.
3 10 If fc (x) has a local minimum at x = 2 for c < 1 and no local minimum
14) T F anywhere for c > 1, then c = 1 is a catastrophe.
4 10 An improper integral is an indefinite integral which does not converge.
15) T F
5 10 If f (−5) = 0 and f (5) = 10 then f ′ = 1 somewhere on (−5, 5).
16) T F
6 10 The sum 1 k
k=0 n = n1 [ n0 + n1 + · · · + n−1 ] is a Riemann sum to the integral
17) T F R1 n n
0 x dx.
7 10
18) T F The anti-derivative of sinc(x) = sin(x)/x is equal to sin(log(x)) + C.
8 10
19) T F The anti-derivative of log(x) is 1/x + C.
9 10 Rx Rx
20) T F We have 0 tf (t) dt = x 0 f (t) dt for all functions f .
Total: 100
Problem 2) Matching problem (10 points) No justifications are needed. Problem 3) Matching problem (10 points) No justifications are needed.

a) (6 points) Match the integrals with the pictures. a) (6 points) Match the volumes of solids.

Integral Enter 1-6 Integral Enter 1-6 Integral Enter 1-6 Integral Enter 1-6
R1 2
R1 3 R1 R1 2
−1R(1 − x) dx |x| − cos(3x) dx πz 4 dx πe−4z dz
1 R 1 −1 2 2 R01 R−1
|x| dx 1
−1 [sin R(πx) − cos (πx)] dx
R−1 πz dz πz dz
1 4 1 R01 R01
−1 x dx 1 − |x| dx 2
−1 0 π(4 + sin(4z)) dz 0 (1 − z) dz

1) 2) 3)
1) 2) 3)

4) 5) 6)
b) (4 points) Match the concepts: each of the 4 figures illustrates one of the formulas which are
the centers of the mind map we have drawn for this exam: 4) 5) 6)

b) (4 points) Fill in the missing word which links applications of integration.

1) 2)

The probability density function is the of the cumulative distribution function.

The total cost is the of the marginal cost.

The volume of a solid is the of the cross section area function.

3) 4) The velocity of a ball is the of the acceleration of the ball.

Formula Enter 1-4 Formula Enter 1-4

Rb d Rx Problem 4) Area computation (10 points)
A(z) dz f (t) dt = f (x)
Rb a R x dx′ 0
a g(x) − f (x) dx 0 f (t) dt = f (x) − f (0)
Find the area of the region enclosed the graphs of y = x4 − 12 and y = 8 − x2 .
Problem 5) Volume computation (10 points) Problem 8) Implicit differentiation and related rates (10 points)

a) (5 points) The implicit equation

The infinity tower in Dubai of height
330 meters has floors which can rotate. x3 + y 4 = y + 1
After much delay, it is expected to be
defines a function y = y(x) near
completed this year. Inspired by the
(x, y) = (−1, −1). Find the slope y ′(x)
name ”infinity”, we build a new but
at x = −1.
twisted science center for which the side
length of the square floor is
b) (5 points) An ice cube of side length x
1 melts and changes volume V with a rate V ′ =
l(z) = .
1+z −16. What is the rate of change of the length
x at x = 4?
Find the volume of this new Harvard
needle building which extends from 0
to ∞. We are the best!
Problem 9) Catastrophes (10 points)

Verify first for each of the following functions that x = 0 is a critical point. Then give a criterium
for stability of x = 0. The answer will depend on c.

a) (3 points) f (x) = x5 + 2x2 − cx2 .

Problem 6) Definite integrals (10 points) b) (3 points) f (x) = x4 + cx2 − x2 .

Evaluate the following definite integrals. You should get a definite real number in each case. Determine now in both examples for which parameter c the catastrophe occurs
a) (2 points) 0 e−x dx c) (2 points) in the case f (x) = x5 + 2x2 − cx2 .
b) (3 points) 0 x1/5 + x3 dx. d) (2 points) in the case f (x) = x4 + cx2 − x2 .
R1 1
c) (3 points) −1 1+x2 dx
R e−1 2
d) (2 points) 0 1+x

Problem 7) Anti derivatives (10 points)

Find the following anti-derivatives

a) (2 points) √ 3 + cos(x) dx
R 4
b) (3 points) ex/5 − 7x6 + x2 +1
R 4
c) (2 points) e4x+5
+ 3 sin(x) dx
R 1 4
d) (3 points) sin2 (x)
+ x

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